HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-139 - Change Order - #8 - Bayley Construction - FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - 1/6/25 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: a TK Agreement Routing Form Dir. Assist: PH • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Dir/De p Dir: sr�� WASHINGTON Sheet forms. Originator: Department: Leah Bryant for Nate Harper Parks, Recreation & Community Services _ Date Sent: Date Required: 12/16/2024 12/20/2024 > 0 i Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: fl. QDirector or Designee 3/5/2024 Budget Account Number: Grant?❑Yes w]No F20098.64110.9476 Budget?®Yes❑No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Bayley Construction LP Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: c 2548901 Change Order W Project Name: FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and & Office Building Complete all work excluded by Corona Steel Inc.in its agreement with the City dated September 19th,2023,as amended,and Project Details: 0 as incorporated into the Agreement and assigned to Contractor. Without limiting the foregoing,Contractor shall complete the work included within the Agreement without regard to the sections titled"SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS/CLARIFICATIONS"and C "GENERAL EXCLUSIONS"of Corona Steel Inc.'s Bid Quote/Confirmation dated August 23,2021 i+ Agreement Amount: �[13,061 .48 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid E *Memo to Mayor must be attached toTermination Date: 7/31/2026 ,. Start Date: March 2024 Q Local Business?❑Yesw]No* /fineetsrequirements per KCC3.10.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-LocolExceptions"form onCityspoce. Business License Verification:Yes❑In-Process❑Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes®No CAG2024-139 Comments: v� Change Order 8 c 3 � ai 1A •> L Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 1/6/25 adcON22373 , zo . Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction LP (`Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: FAC2309-C KEHOC Warehouse and Office ("Agreement") ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: 3/18/2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Complete all work excluded by Corona Steel Inc. in its agreement with the City dated September 19th, 2023, as amended, and as incorporated into the Agreement and assigned to Contractor. Without limiting the foregoing, Contractor shall complete the work included within the Agreement without regard to the sections titled "SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS / CLARIFICATIONS" and "GENERAL EXCLUSIONS" of Corona Steel Inc.'s Bid Quote/Confirmation dated August 23, 2023. 2. The total contract amount and time for performance provisions are hereby modified as follows. This adjustment constitutes a negotiated sum wherein the City agrees to pay an amount equal to seventy five percent of the work at issue in consideration of Contractor's acceptance of the terms of this Change Order: Original Contract Sum, $29,900,294.10 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $997,688.34 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $30,897,982.44 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $39,075.75 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $3,985.73 Order Revised Contract Sum $30,941,043.92 V CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under NA prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (t) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. In accordance with Sections 7 and 8 of the Agreement's General Conditions, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the Agreement, Contractor agrees to abandon any protest and waive any claim it may have regarding the work described in this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes its final settlement and waiver of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to material costs, contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, lost profits, or any cumulative impacts of this and all other changes. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. The City waives no rights, claims, or defenses through this Change Order, and does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with its continuing obligation to provide a complete project as detailed in the relevant plans and specifications contained within the Agreement. Additionally, Contractor agrees it will perform all work included within the Agreement, regardless of whether any such work was listed by Corona Steel Inc. in the sections titled "SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS / CLARIFICATIONS" and "GENERAL EXCLUSIONS" in its August 13, 2023, Bid Quote to the City. Contractor agrees to complete this work without any additional costs to the City arising from the inclusion of these items other than the amount stated in this Change Order, and waives any and all claims of any kind or nature arising for or connected to the inclusion of these items in the Agreement. Contractor agrees to perform all work without any additional costs, or contract time adjustments, to the City arising from or connected with work done, materials provided, or other items included in the September 19th, 2023 agreement between the City and Corona prior to its assignment to Contractor. This shall include any and all costs and delays associated with work performed by Corona under its agreement with the City insofar as those costs are not directly associated with any delay directly attributable to Corona's delivery of final building forces, reactions, and locations thereof stamped by a Washington State licensed Structural Engineer and the City's finalization of its foundation design. The City does not waive any rights, claims, and defenses with regard to any claim or change order request associated with the delivery of the final design documents. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: Stenheh Gs'crsso By:Stephen drasso(Dec 19,2024 14:07 PST) By; ie Parascon o1a(Jan 2,2025 10:14 PST) Print Name:Stephen Grasso Print Name: Julie Parascondola Its CEO Its: Director-Parks DATE: Dec 19,2024 DATE: Jan 2,2025 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) 641h Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 F- U r CD n- o 00 O coo O V C p op o o o N O W � > C I O69509 O 0 O. co y O oo p '�. oo o O O M U v o m N N co Y In u1 E o c c c Y � d O r z 0 N E V O O O O CY LL a o a _N O U C? p Z On N 00 N O C U N V O Cl) 0 Z Q O O m �� - •C p to 7 M L O O p O HW O /� O C /W O p p O LV fC y a, CDo o 00 0 _ m w @ G C 69 O C L U fA U U O a m E d W a p o a�i O co o o 1 R M O M N O ° H3 _ M fH •� y O O O O O W O D p N 00 O O O) fA o J p) id c d c o x d O L W >N 3 > 00 U a ` J aL+ L - � U O y a W Go N a ui s t C N M N M w U W Vl C07 O _ y LoLo N i OLL W M Op N m m W n N U ry N O U d U — W d "O cn C r66 N N O 0 m ` . M O LLB U i. in ~ o o r Z (n U Z X W J > wN a F 5 m a c W m g Z w M J _ O U LL E E i a -O r W QV C d r N fN.7 R1 K °E U QuUi O ° c duNl OT Co ac a x N ~ C IT OW O N O Ndp' Cm�N OZ �V Mo MN C ( O U ` Z � b y On Ll mlw d) o _ o U M o 0 N T C7 Q o o U cNT f o M U o I ( 3 w d ! m rn o O N Oi d o I o oCN f U 0 N O iJ � m io N d n fA M r E i o 0 I E w ' a 1 9 I ' °' i i z° a` I i E U I O C7LL o K 0 0 i O N O l0 v r I fA M f � N 1 0 I w I G j N V I O O wi{ oo i O M v r I � � 1 O cn ca i a- I ; a 41 m m � ' � I y o I ; o I O I co i r o I EG c I v I i Y o O � I � I I I I N i f i I � I I O U � i j C I I I d U O U O N 2 dd LL N to ui Q Q N C j U a o o 0 o p p Cj ' m ¢ a m a R a E I O O N 0 N N C i ro m ❑ OU ❑ ❑ lOU ❑ U C9 m c0 CJ NO N O 00 O ci ^ O) 1p N m p O U V} tR V}N VT VT N SA N N th V}Ll VT N VT VT i/l U1 � ID U U U U U U Q C W N O C C G C C C Q N U p m 7 iD N C 0) O p m a O p U ul V} N VT 1/?to 1R VT VT VT LT th N i/}N t/f V?to VT _ N �T p U 9 U)� V O O C -CoN C U U c 0? p (7 a s c ti E 2 y N N T o E .n yr v+�n.n✓� .n+n.n v*v1+n.n�n.n .n+n vt f' W ° 3 p m (ll cV O mL W'E o � N 0 ° o i U a a m ° o � rn a a m N c N L O N IO U a V} V}Vl Vf VY t/f t/}i/1 V}VT Vf N V}VT VT VT V1 VT L.. � Ln O t0 O r ~ p L C a O O V1 w o d a U oomo o - i�l N N C 3 O N N N HI G_ d � N O C O O O X J [jj U O O O ��I U Lu O) U 06 c (0 07 O C N O O N UJ O � X � � W N i W LL = Y N N O C O E Z p w U 1 d N C w cn a y 3 ° w 0 O N O E w m � LL U X C � W O pjJ a N N U > p0 N N � � � E X � W m (n N Q C a � 0 ] y _ y tl C o' m m E .� E a T ° U w F W J li U 0 Recap Report ECP #003 KEHOC Project Exterior Wall Infill framing for RFl #138 Elec. fixture support Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $5,638 D/W Frame Materials $5,119 D/W Misc Materials $519 Labor $15,426 20.09 D/W Framing Labor $15,042 19.59 D/W Misc Labor $384 0.50 Working Foreman 15.000% $2,314 Safety/Small Tools 2.000% $309 Safety 5.000% $771 Total Labor $18,819 Equipment $2,000 D/W Equipment $2,000 SubTotal $26,457 Profit 15.000% $3,969 Contract Amount $30,426 state Tax Selling Price $30,730 Clarifications; 1. Includes support framing for 1 Solar Array and 1 PSE Meter and 1 ea. Fire Horn/Strobe at West Elevation North end. Also Includes framing for 32 ea. typical Light Fixture Infill conditions 35 each Card Reader or misc Receptacles and 2 each security Camera Mount receptacles at South elevation. .+ mull + are part of. he DGf1 B walls. . Excludes cutting back, notching or adjusting dray Z or � rui��ns 'that a � part ,,, t,,.. , �� 3. Pricing for new Metal Stud framing is based on sketches provided including providing 33 mil material - despite sketch showing using 43 mil 8" studs at Light Fixtures. The Z Clips are to be 43 mil & 8" Jamb stud L Clips are priced as being 54 mil. 1 1/4/2024 12:07:47 PM _ Page 1 of 1 Mr. Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax. 425,284.1899 o on M O O (o NO � rr �0) 04 Ap O O O co MO M a) 00 O 1-00 M ' It z (O 0)z Nc 7 a co O Cl) �r- LU co N r- n CQLQ O -- oO cO c F- Efl EF3 64 ER w � ~ � 00 Ef3 (A N L6 LL m O (A W 00 W O N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N t N O O O O O O O 0 0 O 0 0 69(A O O O O O ° 64 69 64 69 EA 69 69 69 69 64 69 64 64 ER 64 N p U O N U � CN O E n EL O. 3 (a I w w O O 613 (O nM V W MO ti� N N�Lo M((O Cl? O O w (Ci t y O CO I� N h N M M CO co U-j V I- N M co U �- E ° GOON O II-MO O 0 co 0� N<FMO (D N U 6 M 6M9�w, d N CO M d3(H LO 69 Ef3 � O -C y ER EA H3 d3 fR fR ER ER �? cc tf? C J C O C � E :0 _ U3 LO U) _ CD CDCD O (n N O N �(0 0 (O M N to V T7 M(O 17 N C `5 M CO O) W CO a0 •7 CO O CO CO c0 CO co I- O O O M j o M(O(flN N O O U (O U (n LO CQ 04 V3 (D W O) V 64 �_ 64 64 O fR V3 cu 2 m U m N N ® O) U 8 (n Q Q Z U W W W W W w w w w W W W T G z O O O O O O o 0 O O »>- f M N Cl) N N m co c C m m d N O. W m � � J N m m m L 00 0 W o ro rn m N o(oLL c oLL c E o �� r w �w m cc -�°�° m m m �Q •7-r-� LL —� w w NQco U) � o I1, E -0 E CO 0 O O p '�O O p '00 O o � m (a6 .O. N O - - m - Q, m CL N r- O 'p N c mQ m mmQ `� � Q00 w d (V t1 In a)a)cn o c U) a o (�d o o x x �c (` °o m (° �� o c� m d•o f0 U a.2 �� U d tL U U op m w - w LL m x x � x x XE x X� LL x "ILo li ii iL iL LL iL U c i ii ii ii w `m= .a m Q c L I L C t >d m m )IL m O1 m° ° °) CL o f C ,U •�1 J J i =, N J J J J J J O W � J U) J U) ,G QUa 1 o.a N CLNf�Q N a Q a O. m >,m co O >.N O Ci `- (h {T N O_. N M C ~ (Op O� t a) F-c/) (j m Z O a Q ion Q Q io m� Q Q ca Q Q m o m iL ¢ :° � �° M U —� -- — — — > mm > > mmm > > m m > N 7mm>mm W N ?)U N N ?>2 U N N U w >U> w LL w -- w w _a w _a— N O 0 w �U) 0 ao C C U M W C� CO W C�C coJ 0 O U r 00 CO � c2 OD OO CO 1] w a�i LL �( S( w LL z 5c LL EL #c x lL LL S2 5(S( w o z a ° Y 0 w ww of wWw � � ww Of � w ww W w w -' ECP #003 Drawing Report KEHOC Working Copy Section:RFI 138 Ext.Wall Light Fix infill Framing Page:RFI 138 N Elev 1AU-Light Fix Framing WAGNER -- ARCHITECTS VLANN E R ._..-.__•— -_— . m l�T /3 NORTH ELEVATION .. _ { — — Warefwuse&Mn - i r"--- /�.. Q 7SE 248TH ST 1 /,X - _ --__-:�a,,.!L- KENT.14A mom CONSO_IDAT ED SECTION GL D'NEST FACING t (' °� SET SECTIONNS3 T SECTI 1 AU Section: RFI 138 Ext.Wall Light Fix infill Framing Page: RFI 138 N Elev IA3.3 -Light Fix Framing Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA L Ext. 8"Infill Wall at Typ Light Fix.Pen( 4.0 Ext.6" Stud Card Reader Pentration Sup 1.0 11/4/2024 Page 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave.Suite 100 Snohomish, WA.98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC Working Copy Section:RF1 138 Ext.Wall Light Fix infill Framing Page:RE 138 S Elev 1A3.0-Light Fix Framing WAGNER ARCHITECTS PLANNERS M al D A V� KENT KFNOC ;Vmd..S 0W. ftidbq 12607 SE 248TH ST 9 KENTAVA Meow i. CONSOLIDATED SET WEST ELEVATION x ELEVATIONS 1A3.0 Section:RF1 138 Ext.Wall Light Fix infill Framing Page:RFI 138 S Elev 1A3.0-Light Fix Framing Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA 3.0 Ext.8"Infill Wall at Typ Light Fix.Pen( Ext. 8" Infill Wall at Security Cam Penei 2.0 3.0 Ext.6" Stud Card Reader Pentration Sup Page 2 11/4/2024 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Mr.Mark LeavittInc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite Bayley Construction,LP Project:24067 Rent East Hill Uperatlons Center BAYLEY8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P:(206)621-8884 RFl #138: Exterior Building Electrical Penetrations Status Closed on 08/19/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Aug 14,2024 Due Date Aug 28,2024 Location Cost Impact No Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A3.1,1A3.2, 1A3.0, 1A3.3, 1A6.2 Reference VECA RFI#47 Linked Drawings 1A6.2,1A3.0,1A3.2, 1A3.1, 1A3.3 Received From Eric Trofimchik(VELA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES,LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(United Test&Balance Inc),Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations),Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations), Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Dave Brock(City of Kent), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO),Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems,Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers),Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction),Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales,Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems,Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction,Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction,LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Dec 4,2024 09:15 PM PST RFI#138-Exterior Building Electrical Penetrations Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (Sub to Ramsett)),Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Aug 14,2024 at 01:20 PM PDT There are approximately(75)electrical penetrations through the exterior walls of the building. 1.Confirm details 1,2,4,and 5,on sheet 1A6.2,are to be used for all penetrations. 2.Confirm acceptable to install roof receptacles on the monitor wall. 3.There are two card readers shown on sheet 1A3.1 that are on the hinge side of the door.Confirm these should be located on the strike side of the door. 4.Confirm the elevation and location of security cameras C-03,C-05,C-06,C-08,and C-09. 5.Confirm the location of the middle EB-1 light fixture on the south side of the building. Attachments RFI 138 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Monday,Aug 19, 2024 at 07:32 AM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission.Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP:Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission. Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 �'� Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Friday,Aug 16, 2024 at 03:21 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#138-exterior_building_electrical_penetrations-202408142031_TWE Revl.pdf Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Dec 4,2024 09:15 PM PST Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center BAYLEY8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P:(206)621-8884 RFI #138: Exterior Building Electrical Penetrations Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Aug 14,2024 Due Date Aug 28,2024 Location Cost Impact No Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A3.1, 1A3.2, 1A3.0, 1A3.3, 1A6.2 Reference VECA RFI#47 Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES,LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems,Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers),Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,Inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction),Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction,Inc.), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales,Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems,Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction,Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction,LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical),Michael Thomas(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Eric Trofimchik(VECA Bayley Construction,LP. Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Aug 14,2024 01:31 PM PDT RFI#138-Exterior Building Electrical Penetrations Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Aug 14,2024 at 01:20 PM PDT There are approximately(75)electrical penetrations through the exterior walls of the building. 1.Confirm details 1,2,4,and 5,on sheet 1A6.2,are to be used for all penetrations. 2.Confirm acceptable to install roof receptacles on the monitor wall. 3.There are two card readers shown on sheet 1A3.1 that are on the hinge side of the door.Confirm these should be located on the strike side of the door. 4.Confirm the elevation and location of security cameras C-03,C-05,C-06,C-08,and C-09. 5.Confirm the location of the middle EB-1 light fixture on the south side of the building. Attachments RFI 138 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response James Chong -Tres West Engineers -2024-08-16 1. Confirmed. 2. Roof receptacles on monitor wall is acceptable as long as there is a GFCI receptacle within 25' of mechanical equipment. 3. Card readers to be on strike side of door. 4. Coordinate final security camera elevations and locations with video surveillance vendor. Preliminary locations are as follows. C-03: Mount at 8' on inside corner West exterior wall above card reader. C-05: Mount at 8' adjacent to C-06 below center window at Grid Line D. C-06: Mount at 8' adjacent to C-05 below center window at Grid Line D. C-08: Mount at 8' on inside corner East Exterior wall above card reader. C-09: Mount on East Exterior corner wall. Mount wall mount arm kit to allow camera viewing below metal siding. 5. Middle EB1 light fixture to be centered above window at Grid Line D. Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Aug 14,2024 01:31 PM PDT W w6N''a o Zyi ag W Y= =da � o �w a YT 91/ j M wz cn >K� 3 ZO 5s� aF; is l'MA33S-3NIIHO1VW 10 -- r �y Fy ; I I I I 1 �I i ^a s � i � I i d e s E 81, E Y� 3sitiia3Fiioa310r1 �m M ss3�rin dAL.o-al �o z o is gg J ON0 4 8000 mm y 1VLdA1'.8 — E z0 = wo E ak' N oo bra s. Ch z _ Em ^ onn HOOD H O - Ltl du'.o-s I� o-s O - O CO E b ' -o~ ?�_ o~ ;iY.O'.tl J® .... w ..... W P E qo_ m o o m $ o m£y N p m N z N a VCW/Z 33S 3NIl HOM moms a - �� ck::LLJ cy') §5 , z w a-3NII HDIM / —— w w §§ [2 :ke,§ tion dx Ayt,tt ; . 6 \ ) S A f !tJ - / ± P � � ) # - ; \ §; { ± } ~ §! c \ k § ( q }! 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Pen( 14.0 Ext.6" Stud Card Reader Pentration Sup 20.0 11/4/2024 Page 3 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA.98296 Phone:425.284.1890 425,284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC Working Copy Section: RF1 138 Ext.Wall Light Fix infill Framing Page: RFI 138 W Elev I A3.2-Light Fix/Card Reader Framing WAGNER ARCHITECTS PLANNERS r j E',771 L r �J 2 6 KEHOC 'NareY fits qmkq N/EST ELEVATION-NORTH HALF 11601 SE 2 8TH ST KENT.VVA 38030 CONSOLIDATCO SET 41 —- -——— og ENMG ELEVATIONS 1A3.2 Section: RFl 138 Ext.Wall Light Fix infill Framing Page: RFl 138 W Elev I A3.2-Light Fix/Card Reader Framing Legend Pitch Description SF LF EA M Ext. 8"Infill Wall at Typ Light Fix.Pen( 11.0 Ext.6"Stud Card Reader Pentration Sup 11.0 Ext. 8"Infill Wall at PSE/Solar Panel Pe 2.0 Ext. Infill Wall at Fire-Alarm Hom/Strol 1.0 Page 4 11/4/2024 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave. Suite 100 Snohomish, WA. 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 F- 0 F- (n co 0 Im 0 1 (n cc) m N 0 LLI d) m .0 U) c > 0 1 C) 0 M to N CD 0 O 0 CN 0 a) uj 0 0 0 U) z 0 e 4i N E E 0 0 C: .0 0 a0 0 c (D Z CL c: 0 0 U) n 1 co C\� 69 0 C9 09, C: 0 0 0 D p 0 0 q 0 C 690) 0 1 0 0 O (D C) 0 0 coo 64 (a CL r- 0 M N 0 to 0 L. 0 U CD 0 o coo 0 0 p > 00 r- CN 69 C9 U3 0 0 0 LLI ( LO 0 06 N co M Ga 64 m 0 > a 06 CD .2 03 cu 00 0 co 0 0 co U) -0 1 - 10 5 CVE wO . LO L) U) 0 U �6 =3 00 cr 0 L (D (a '2 N 0 04 (1) 0 man TF 0 mw 0 z C) C) w z LLI a_ > o 0 G LLI Z -0 C� E 0 2)w 2 4) LU > w 0 L) w 0 11 o w 0 0 0 E E mu U) x U) w 'D lo a- - m 0 C� 6 Q) 0 0 C: 0 0 C) C) 0 E 0 lu 0 0 6 9 6)0 C, -0 8 C L) CL M 0 E 0 E r T x g 0 . 10 2 Q 0 2 2 D 11 0 0 a U) 0 4 CD () 0 (D a Co U) C) U m 0 cn Io cn 0 1 L O I p p N N l Q p I O 0 ) O n �0 U I O N oo A N J 1 Ov. 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Budget Code Descriution O,y u0m Unit Cost Amount $749.40 03-600-000-Grouting .. - , 1 LA $0.0000 $749.40 orn„dno�Purdnse order and nu Oth... Purchase Order and All Other Costs $927.00 03-600-000-Grouting Purchase Order and All Other Costs 1 EA $0.0000 $927.00 and All ran Signature: Tom Idtau SigilaluM P,&dga tYzrea& Tona Khau(Dec 19,202410:59 PST) Phung Huyn (Dec 19, 02411:13 PST) Email: tkhau@kentwa.gov Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov. Signature: a te — Signature: CGtnk[iie $-Ooks Brian Levenhagen(Jan 2,2025 9:49 PST) Christine Brooks(Jan 6,2025 08:30 PST) Email: bj[evenhagen@kentwa.gov Email: cityclerk@kentwa.gov FFAC23-09C-KEHOC Wareahouse and Office Building - C08 Final Audit Report 2025-01-06 Created: 2024-12-19 By: Leah Bryant(lbryant@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAT2v5xfg5OC96qY1 F7yHhwjocCKvytst6 "FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building C08" H istory t-) Document created by Leah Bryant (lbryant@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-19-4:13:57 PM GMT C I Document emailed to tkhau@kentwa.gov for signature 2024-12-19-4:17:53 PM GMT Email viewed by tkhau@kentwa-gov 2024-12-19-4:29:15 PM GMT Signer tkhau@kentwa-gov entered name at signing as Tona Khau 2024-12-19-6:59:10 PM GMT tll;b Document e-signed by Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-12-19-6:59:12 PM GMT-Time Source:server U-4, Document emailed to Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa-gov)for signature 2024-12-19-6:59:17 PM GMT Email viewed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-19-7:12:19 PM GMT —10 Signer Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) entered name at signing as Phung Huynh 2024-12-19-7:13:06 PM GMT Document e-signed by Phung Huynh (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-12-19-7:13:08 PM GMT-Time Source:server E,-'o Document emailed to steveg@bayley.net for signature 2024-12-19-7:13:13 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign Email viewed by steveg@bayley.net E 2024-12-19-9:43:35 PM GMT Signer steveg@bayley.net entered name at signing as Stephen Grasso 2024-12-19-10:07:49 PM GMT %I 6',u Document e-signed by Stephen Grasso (steveg@bayley.net) Signature Date:2024-12-19-10:07:51 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) for signature 2024-12-19-10:07:56 PM GMT Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2025-01-02-5:49:14 PM GMT da Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-02-5:49:45 PM GMT-Time Source:server P-4 Document emailed to Julie Parascondola (jparascondola@kentwa.gov)for signature 2025-01-02-5:49:51 PM GMT Email viewed by Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) 2025-01-02-6:13:40 PM GMT Document e-signed by Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-02-6:14:05 PM GMT-Time Source:server C'14 Document emailed to Kim Komoto(kkomoto@kentwa.gov) for signature 2025-01-02-6:14:10 PM GMT Email viewed by Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) 2025-01-04-6:44:11 PM GMT Document e-signed by Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-04-6:44:33 PM GMT-Time Source:server C4 Document emailed to cityclerk@kentwa.gov for signature 2025-0-i-04-6:44:38 PM GMT Email viewed by cityclerk@kentwa.gov 2025-01-06-4:29:49 PM GMT Signer cityclerk@kentwa.gov entered name at signing as Christine Brooks 2025-01-06-4:30:37 PM GMT l Document e-signed by Christine Brooks (cityclerk@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2025-01-06-4:30:39 PM GMT-Time Source:server Adobe Acrobat Sign n Agreement completed. 2025-01-06-4:30:39 PM GMT t III k' I' I f i 3 �1 Adobe Acrobat Sign m