HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Bicycle Advisory Board - 11/25/2024 (2) 1 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting November 25, 2024
2 Minutes Held In-Person
4 APPROVED December 30, 2024
6 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (10) Julie Dunn, Maria Castro (online), Erik Jacobs, Prem
7 Subedi (online), Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin, Allison Hopstad (online), Connie Stolpp, Baron
8 You, Wendy Graves
12 CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: (2) Erik Preston, Rob Brown.
14 Guests: None
16 1. Call-to-Order - Graves
17 The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Chair Graves presiding.
19 2. Roll Call - Preston
20 10 of 11 members present. Two staff present.
22 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves
23 No changes to the agenda.
25 4. October 2024 Meetinq - Minutes Approval - Graves
26 Line 100 - change Gordon to Someone.
27 Lines 195-198 - are correct.
28 Connie makes motion to approve minutes as amended. Gordon seconds. Vote 10-0 in
29 favor. Approved.
31 5. September 2024 Meetinq Minutes Revision - Preston
32 Erik J makes motion to approve the revised September minutes. Julie seconds. Vote 10-
33 0 in favor. Approved.
35 6. TIB Grant Update- Staff
36 Erik P provides the Board with an overview of what the Transportation Improvement
37 Board. [Attach slides].
38 0 Erik P: City was just notified of two projects we were chosen for 2024 grants.
39 Sidewalk on 83rd Ave S, west side, north of S 224th St. and 132nd Ave SE sidewalk
40 between SE 276th St and SE 278th St, west side where there is an existing "goat
41 trail".
42 0 Wendy: Does the City get a grant from TIB every year? Erik P: Most years. We have
43 been pretty successful with TIB the last few years.
44 0 Erik P: TIB also partnered on five RRFB (flashing beacon) pedestrian crossings. TIB
45 is paying for materials, City provides labor and sidewalk.
46 0 Erik P: Locations:
47 0 Military Rd S /S 148th St intersection
48 0 116th Ave SE/SE 223rd St midblock
49 0 1161h Ave SE/SE 2341h St intersection
50 0 132nd Ave SE/2341h St intersection (installed and operational)
51 0 132nd Ave SE/SE 278th St at the south end of the sidewalk we were just
52 notified.
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53 0 Erik J: What about Lake Meridian crossing of Kent-Kangley? Erik P: That location
54 was not part of this grant.
55 0 Connie: Is there enough data to show the RRFBs are "safer." Erik P: Yes, especially
56 nationally.
57 0 Erik J: The one on James, east of 4th. Seems to be working well.
58 • Connie: There are some trees on the south side of James. Erik P: trees were
59 trimmed so you can see person standing at the crosswalk. Most of the trees would
60 need to be removed to see back to the ramp from the parking lot.
62 7. Target Zero Action Plan - Update - Irwin
63 Tim provides an update on the Target Zero Action Plan (TZAP) meeting. Review what
64 was done in the prior meetings. City has done a lot of outreach for the TZAP plan.
65 Asked people to vote on which of three the "packages" of treatments they liked. The
66 voting was pretty even between them. There are some common elements to all the
67 packages. There were also some non-engineering solutions discussed. Originally this
68 meeting was supposed to discuss a draft plan but the project isn't that far along. There
69 will be another meeting in the future.
71 Some committee members provided specific issues to their communities. City did a
72 good job getting a good cross section of the community. There are different
73 perspectives that are not common to everyone. One of the reoccurring themes was
74 education. People come to Kent from places that do not have sidewalks or traffic lanes.
75 They learned different driving practices. Education and safety materials in many
76 languages would reach more people. Another meeting to go over the draft plan proposal
77 should be in January or February.
79 The proposed solutions in the three packages were things that KBAB has talked about
80 before.
82 Wendy: What was discussed with respect to speed control? Tim: Enforcement.
83 Speed patrols on busier streets. Implement "high visibility" enforcement.
85 Speed cameras were discussed. City is allowed 15 general speed enforcement cameras.
86 Currently do not have any. These are different from school zone speed cameras.
88 • Allison: Is high visibility enforcement for general speeding or racing? Tim: It is for
89 general speeding, to maximize the visibility of the enforcement.
90 • Allison: Doesn't most of the money from the cameras go to Police? Maria: Camera
91 money goes back to the Police for things like body cameras. Rob: City code says
92 automated enforcement camera funds go the Public Safety fund - which is for PD.
93 • Allison does not like the money going to PD.
94 0 Erik P: Funds from new cameras are split. 50% stays with the City and 50% goes to
95 the state. Rob: 1/2 of the net funds (after subtracting operating costs) from new
96 camera programs would go to the state. The City has existing programs for red light
97 and school zones. General speed enforcement would be new so 1/2 of that money
98 would go to the state.
99 Prem: Are we looking at a long time effect of red light cameras?. LA removed some
100 their red light camera because the ticket are given by private company, and they
101 trend give for minor violation to make profit. Rob: A police officer has to approve
102 the tickets in Washington. [Note: this changed in 2023 but Kent still uses officers to
103 approve tickets]
104 Wendy: Were roundabout discussed? Tim: yes, but they can be expensive $31M -
105 $5M per intersection and bigger ones are more expensive.
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106 • Tim: The leading cause of serious crashes in King County is impairment.
107 • Connie: Is there any input or discussion about road diets and slowing people down?
108 Tim: Not specifically but that type of improvement is included in some of the
109 packages. Erik P: No discussion in TZAP because the road diets are newer projects
110 in Kent. Connie: What about Meeker? Erik P: Yes, but not discussed because
111 Meeker is a corridor standars.
113 For TZAP, the City focused on ways to reduce serious injury and fatal crashes. Everyone
114 wants sidewalks. Most incidents are in locations where there are sidewalks because they
115 are arterial streets.
116 Tim: Sidewalk have pedestrians.
118 S. Youth Board Member Committee Report - Hopstad
119 Erik shared two options to changing code for a youth member. [Attach slides] Mayor is
120 supportive of a youth member. It would be one of the existing 11 board members.
122 0 Wendy: Was length of term discuss in the committee? Allison: It was discussed but
123 there wasn't a conclusion.
124 0 Wendy: What does the Parks and Recreation Commission do? Erik P: Code says
125 one-year to three-year term. Allison: It would make sense to use the same
126 language as the Parks and Recreation Commission.
127 • Gordon: As a group, the committee said probably shorter would be better. Wendy:
128 Shorter term would give more opportunities for youth. Rob: City prefers code
129 language to be consistent and copying language from the Parks section would be
130 easier to approve.
131 • Allison: Does Parks say "will" or"should"? Erik P: should. Does the Board like this?
132 Yes.
133 0 Wendy: Do we vote? Erik P: Subcommittee bring this to Board. Board then votes.
134 Rob: From the subcommittee to Board. Board votes to approve the change.
135 0 Allison: Do we need to move faster? Rob: No, there is only one Committee of the
136 Whole in December. The Board can vote at the end of December and staff can start
137 the Code change process. We will not lose any time.
139 9. Speed Limits Committee Report — Hopstad
140 Committee has not met yet. Erik provided updates on some of the thing staff have been
141 working on. The Board communicates to the Mayor and Council through staff like the rest
142 of the Boards and Commissions.
144 Allison: Committee will meet with Erik to talk about what we want to present.
146 1O.Festival & Events Sub-Committee Report— Graves
147 Julie submitted the application for KBAB to participate in the Winter Fest parade.
148 The person she talked to at the City reminded Julie that the parade is very slow.
150 • Erik J: Could ride in circles or oval.
151 • Jule: Assume the parade will start after 4 pm. She has a bunch of glow
152 sticks.
154 Committee still working on the bike rodeo. Julie hasn't connected with Jan at
155 REI yet.
157 11.Bicvcle Infrastructure Sub-Committee Report — Jacobs
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158 No updates on Gaps and Racks.
160 Erik P: May have something to share in December.
162 12.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs
163 Chair Graves and Erik P had a conversation about pausing this topic.
165 • Julie: Last time we talked about making the poster from the bike map. There was a
166 73" bike map in the Comprehensive Plan online (Fall 2023 review). Erik P: There is
167 a map in the Transportation Master Plan, Figure 13 [page 25].
168 0 Wendy: Make a map. something like Cascade Bikes and Leafline do.
170 13.Communications — Preston
171 0 Wendy: 116th between 208th and 2401h, is there any discussion about adding turn
172 lanes? Erik P: there is a TMP project to add center turn lanes, in the appendix.
173 0 Connie: Is the design of 4th Ave N north of James St the plan for other bike lanes?
174 Erik P: Not really, it will probably be something between Meeker and 4th Ave N.
175 Some may be marked bike lanes, some raised bike lanes behind the curb.
176 0 Erik J: Is the project on 116th in the TMP? Erik P: It's not in the funded project list.
177 It's in the Appendix as a project of opportunity. The bike LTS is in the TMP so any
178 projects along this section will be built to the LTS standard.
180 14.Notice of upcoming meetings - Preston
181 December 30th, January 27th, February 24. All are regularly scheduled meetings.
183 15.Items for the next meeting — Graves
184 • Youth Member recommendation from subcommittee.
185 • Speed limit committee report.
186 • Apply for a Sparks grant that is due in January. Need to have form turned in in
187 January.
189 16.Adiournment — Graves
190 Chair Graves adjourned the meeting at 6:52 pm.
192 Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board
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