HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Bicycle Advisory Board - 04/29/2024 (2) Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting April 29, 2024 Minutes Held In-Person DRAFT - Approved BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (10) Julie Dunn, Erik Jacobs, Gordon Dona, Connie Stolpp, Wendy Graves, Tim Irwin, Maria Castro (remote), Prem Subedi, Baron You, Tom Bader. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: (1) Allison Hopstad. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, and Lucie Wu. Guests: None. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston 10 of 11 members present. Three staff present. 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves Move item #7 ahead of #4. 4. March 2024 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik J. motion to approve minutes, Julie second. Vote 8-0 in favor. Minute approved. S. Officer Elections - Preston Erik P. describes needs and processes then asks for nominations for Chair. • Connie nominates Wendy for Chair, Julie seconds, no other nominations. • Wendy says she would accept position if approved. • Wendy is elected Chair 9-0. • Erik P. asks for nominations for Vice-Chair. • Connie nominates Maria, Erik J. nominates Connie. • Maria would accept and Connie would not accept. • Maria elected as Vice-Chair 9-0. 6. Bike Everywhere Month Proclamation - Graves Mayor will make proclamation at May 71" Council meeting. • Wendy would like more of KBAB to show up to Council meeting to receive proclamation. May 7t" at 7 pm. • Connie: Where in the agenda? - Near the beginning. • Erik P.: There should be a motion to ask the Mayor to proclaim May as Bike Everywhere Month at May 7t" Council meeting. • Tim moves, Connie seconds, approved 10-0, motion passes. 7. Introduce New Members - Preston • Baron You described how he works for Renton School District, was born in WA, likes BMX riding and would like to see more of that culture and bring it to kids. He lives in the northern east hill neighborhood of Kent. • Tom Bader described how he is from Kent, moved to Cashmere, WA for awhile and is glad to be back in Kent. Says bikes are easier to ride than horses. He would like to see more bike infrastructure, like Holland. Now lives in the Valley. Page 1 of 3 • Lucie Wu introduced herself as the new transportation planner in the City, working with David. She grew up in Kent, attended Kentridge HS and UW and recently moved back to WA from CA. She will attend from time-to-time. • KBAB members and support staff introduce themselves. S. Bike Rodeo Planning - Graves Erik P. passed out flyers for members to look at. • Wendy: This will be the 3rd Annual Bike Rodeo. Wendy describes what, when, and where of the rodeo like; skills course, PD will be there, helmet giveaways, other giveaways, REI will be there for do bike safety checks. There will be a bike giveaway. REI may bring loner bikes. There are flyers people can take to put up. In the City email and Mayor's newsletter. Will be advertising on Peach Jar for KSD elementary schools, will have yard sings soon, on Kent Commons reader board. • Connie: Mayor will be out of town for event. • Gordon: when will the yard signs be available? Erik P: early this week. • Wendy: There will be 50 signs. Members can email Wendy. Trying to split up City to distribute. Gordon lives near a new development. • Wendy: VanDoren's Landing Park and at elementary schools. • Wendy: Sent an email asking all Board members to attend. • Wendy: Connie got KBAB into YMCA Healthy Kids. • Maria: KBAB should attend YMCA Healthy Kids every year. • Committee arrives at 7 am for Rodeo. Volunteers arrive at 8 am. • Subcommittee meets Wednesday in parking lot. • Connie will send Rob the YMCA person's contact. Rob will call about the parking lot. • Maria talked about the YMCA's bicycle blender to make smoothies. • Connie: Who will volunteer? Everyone except for Tim (Update: Tim will attend). 9. Festival & Events Sub-Committee - Graves • Wendy: YMCA Healthy Kids will become an annual event for KBAB. The kids have to get stamps from every table. The Bike Rodeo was heavily promoted. • Wendy: KBAB would like to attend more events. KBAB now has a budget to attend more events and get more giveaways. • Tom: Will it be bells and horns? Wendy: Bells, not horns, slap bracelets, sunglasses, stickers. • Erik J: Made transparent GIFs from the logo files. • Wendy: We have a Ride-of-the-Month poster. Need to revise and print a new one. • Asked Rob about layout of the event. - Subcommittee will work on layout. 10.Bicvcle Infrastructure Sub-Committee - Jacobs • Erik J: Gaps, racks, and routes. here will be a new roundabout at Lincoln and Meeker. Erik P presented to the subcommittee to et feedback from subcommittee. I I 8 4" y I _ yye • �w i.e., =I — — I w ' . Page 2 of 3 • Tom: No place for bikes where Canyon and Smith merge. Bike lane starts east Titus St. Erik J: 2024-2029 TIP has a bike route from Titus/Reiten to downtown. No designed yet. IrREV-, w" • Erik J: There is a TMP project for bike route up Canyon Drive. • Tom: Bike lane line on Canyon is wearing out. No bike lane sign. • Wendy: KBAB wants bike lanes up Canyon. • Erik J: David Paine came last year to see what one project KBAB wanted. They said Canyon/94th. Didn't get added to TIP. • Erik P: Metro Rapid Ride I-Line will connect Titus to the current bike lane. • Erik J: Smith/Canyon is a state highway. Needs state approval. • Rob: describes TMP, TIP, planning process. There are TMP and TIP projects for bike connectivity from 2nd Ave in downtown to the Titus/Reiten intersection. • Prem: What is the 4th Ave road diet project? Erik P describes the project. • Tim: What is LTS? Erik P: Level of Traffic Stress and what the levels are; 4 is for aggressive riders, more separation or lower speeds as number get lower (4 to 1). 11.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs • Erik J: ROTMs with poster. Ride With GPS rides. Send Erik J any rides anyone has. • Tom: Do we have anything to show where to charge electric bikes? Erik J: We do not have that information. Connie: Need 110v. Tom: harder to find a place to charge. Erik J: Laws are changing to require UL Listed chargers. Most are not. 12.Communications — Preston • Target Zero Action Plan Advisory Group meeting in this room Wednesday at 5:30pm. • Wendy: Have new members been added to the email list? Rob: I need emails. • Julie: We used to have a contact list if people agree to have their phone number shared. Rob will send out an email. 13.Notice of Upcominci Meetincis - Preston • Erik P: May 201h is next. Special meeting. No changes to the agenda at the meeting. • Wendy: Email will come out two weeks before the meeting. Opportunity to discuss topics at the meeting. • Tim: Report on TZAP Advisory Group for next meeting. Wendy: You jumped ahead. 14.Items for the Next Meetina - Graves Prem: Week Without Driving, Erik P: Bike Rodeo Review, Tim: TZAP Report 15.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:02 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3