HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-166 - Change Order - #9 - Boyce Construciton, Inc. - FAC23-31 City of Kent Renovations - 12/24/24 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: TK Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: PH For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Di r/Dep:p/_ K EN T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover BL (Optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Leah Bryant for Nate Harper Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: > 12/12/2024 12/19/2024 0 CL Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q 91Mayor or Designee 2/20/2024 Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes Now] F20099.64190.9473 Budget?W]Yes ONO Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Boyce Construction, Inc Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C 2548106 Change Order 40 FAC23-31 City Project Name: y of Kent Renovations 3. Project Details: The following changes are necessary in the change order: CE 24-Concrete Repairs& 0 Revisions ; CE 25-Corridor Soffit Revisions; CE 26- Locker Room Revisions; CE 27-Wood C Paint; CE 28-Lobby& Reception Revisions; CE 29-Corridor ACT Elevation Revision, as -W outlined in Exhibit A attached. C W 40 Agreement Amount: 59,988.04 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid W *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: March 2024 Termination Date: 5/20/2025 Q Local Business70yes W]No*If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: W]Yes In-ProcessEl Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) W]Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes kil No CAG2024-166 Comments: Change Order 9 a� 0 C C in 0 /3 0 NW li Date Received:City Attorney: 12/23/24Date Routed:Mayor's Office 12/24/24 City Clerk's Office 12/24/24 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 .400 • KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. #9 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Boyce Construction Inc ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: FAC23- 31 City of Kent Commons Renovations ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: 4/3/2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: The following changes are necessary in the change order: CE 24 - Concrete Repairs & Revisions ; CE 25 - Corridor Soffit Revisions; CE 26 - Locker Room Revisions; CE 27 - Wood Paint; CE 28 -Lobby & Reception Revisions; CE 29-Corridor ACT Elevation Revision 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $1,502,831.99 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $136,175.95 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $1,639,007.94 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $54,435.61 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $5,552.43 Order Revised Contract Sum $1,698,995.98 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 12/31/2024 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 5/13/2025 prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change Order 7 calendar days Revised Time for Completion 5/20/2025 (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: - 1Z-t-4&,,JA - By:Robert Bowel[(Dec 14,2024 08:34 PST) By.: Print Name:Robert Bowel[ Print Name: Dana Ralph Its Robert Bowell Its: Mayor DATE:Dec 14,2024 DATE: 12/24/2024 CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department [In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 BOYCE Friday,November 8,2024 CONSTRUCTION= Job# 6300 628 South Brandon Street Seattle,WA 98108 Change Estimate(CE)Worksheet Project Name: Kent Commons Renovation CE# 24 Nate Harper RFP# 24 City of Kent Scope of Work: Concrete Repairs&Revisions Misceallaneous concrete repairs including underground conduit demo/patch and restroom wall demo and pour back for recessed paper towel/waste receptacles. Boyce Construction Scope Hours Rate Cost Project Manager 0 $98.00 $0.00 Project Engineer 0 $75.00 $0.00 Supervision 4 $95.00 $380.00 Labor 24 $85.17 $2,044.08 Materials-801b concrete bags&mortar patch $300.00 Sub-Total $2,724.08 Sub-Contractor Costs(Lump Sum) Sub-Total $0.00 Rentals,Dumpsters,Lifts $0.00 Sub-total $0.00 Sub-Total $2,724.08 Overhead $136.20 Fee $114.41 Insurance,B&O Taxes $59.49 Sub-Total $3,034.19 WSST(10.2%) $309.49 Total adjustment to contract $3,343.68 Excludes: Permits,Permit Fees,Overtime&Weekend Work Duration: 1 week Approved: 7/ �e Date: 12.10.2024 BOYCE Friday,November 8,2024 CONSTRUCTION= Job# 6300 628 South Brandon Street Seattle,WA 98108 Change Estimate(CE)Worksheet Project Name: Kent Commons Renovation CE# 25 Nate Harper RFP# 25 City of Kent Scope of Work: Corridor Soffit Revisions Replace GWB soffit with ACT per RFI#43 Boyce Construction Scope Hours Rate Cost Project Manager 0 $98.00 $0.00 Project Engineer 0 $75.00 $0.00 Supervision 0 $95.00 $0.00 Labor 0 $85.17 $0.00 Materials $0.00 Sub-Total $0.00 Sub-Contractor Costs(Lump Sum) ACT $2,026.00 GWB -$1,616.00 Sub-Total $410.00 Rentals,Dumpsters,Lifts $0.00 Sub-total $0.00 Sub-Total $410.00 Overhead $20.50 Fee $17.22 Insurance,B&O Taxes $8.95 Sub-Total $456.67 WSST(10.2%) $46.58 Total adjustment to contract $503.26 Excludes: Permits,Permit Fees,Overtime&Weekend Work Duration: N/A Approved:��ile`f"-, Date: — — —— CHANGE PROPOSAL Project Name: Kent Commons a COP No. CO3 Project No. 24-021 Source Documenlc: RFI 43 Date: 9/29/2024 Contractor: Harmony Construction LLC Contractor Ref.No. Description: Hardlid area to go ACT. 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ 923.34 b. foreman $ - c. lead foreman $ - DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ 923.34 Supervision: d. direct supervision(NTE 15%of 1a) $ 138.50 e. safety(NTE 2%of lines 1 a,b,&c) $ 18.47 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 1,080.00 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. material costs $ 509.20 b. freight costs(itemize) $ - 2.MATERIAL COSTS $ 509.00 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment(per spec approved source) $ b. rental equipment(per invoices attached) $ - 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ 4. SMALL TOOLS a. small tools(NTE 5%of 1a&b) $ 46.17 4.SMALL TOOLS $ 46.17 5. GENERAL CONDITIONS a. general conditions(NTE 3%of 1 a&b) $ 27.70 5.GENERAL CONDITIONS $ 27.70 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 5 $ 1,662.87 1 6. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. NTE 20%portion of 1,2,3,&4 up to$50,000 $ 332.57 b. NTE 20%portion of 1,2,3,&4 in excess of$60,000 $ - 6.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ 333.00 7. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. $ b. $ C. $ d. $ 7.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 8. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. NTE 8%of Line 6 up to$50,000 for each sub $ b. NTE 6%of Line 6 in excess of$50,000 for each sub $ 8.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ - 9. INSURANCE a. payroll driven liability insurance 0.97%of 1 $ 10.48 b. volume driven liability insurance 0.97%of 1-8 $ 19.36 9.INSURANCE $ 30.00 10. BOND a. bond %of 1-9 $ 10.BOND $ - Farm Revised 6nrz004 TOTAL COST $ 2,026.00 COP Cost Breakdown Project Name: Kent Commons EH COP No. tbd Project No. Date: Contractor: Harmony Construction LLC Contractor Ref.No. Source Documents: RFI43 Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Date Description Quantity Type Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost ACT Dune materail 152 SF $ - $2.35 $ 357.20 $ - $ 357.20 ACT Dune labor 5 $83.94 $ 419.70 $ - $ - $ 419.70 Grid materal 152 SF $ - $1.00 $ 152.00 $ - $ 152.00 Grid labor 6 $83.94 $ 503.64 $ - $ - $ 503.64 Foreman Labor hours $82.46 $ - Journeyman Labor hours $74.96 $ - Apprentice Labor hours $ - Labor Subtotal $ 923.34 Foreman $ - - Lead Foreman $ - LEE, $ - Total Cost of Work Farm Revised 1/112012 $ 923.34 1 $ 5o9.2o $ - $ 1,432.54 ADDITIONAL WORKPROPOSAL DATE: 09/30/24 NUMBER: 1006 kA DNC TO: BOYCE CONSTRUCTION* MDI JOB: 27341 628 S BRANDON STREET MEHRER DRYWALL, INC. SEATTLE, WA 98108 2657 20th Avenue West Seattle,WA 98199 Tel: (206)282-4288 ATTENTION: BRYCE Fax: (206)285-2092 PROJECT: KENT COMMONS RENO 525 4TH AVE N KENT, WA 98032 SCOPE OF WORK: DEDUCT AT SOFFIT WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND INSTALL MATERIAL FOR THE ADDITIONAL WORK AS FOLLOWS: Deduct for ceiling outside conditioning room. See attached breakdown. SUBMITTED: TOTAL AWP#• 1006 -1,616.00 . ................. 1. We will proceed with this work upon your direction. 2. This amount will be billed upon completion. 3. Change Orders need to be issued if your company requires them for your billing. 4. This proposal, if accepted,shall constitute an addition to our contract. Sincerely, MEHRER DRYWALL,INC. Approved by: �- BOYCE CONSTRUCTION Eric Mehrer, Estimator WA: MEHRED"324RT Authorized Representative (Email approval is acceptable in lieu of signature) Date: ` Page 1 of 1 Bid Summary Kent Commons AWP-1006 DEDUCT AT SOFFIT Bid No. 62 Selected Sections:09110 Metal Studs, 09250 Drywall, 09251 Taping Selected Typical Areas: Selected Areas: (unassigned) Unit Cost Man No. Condition Height Quantity Mat. Lab. Total Total Cost Days 1 6'FLAT 6'0" -23.25 LF 9.66 56.07 65.74 /LF -1,528.41 -1.60 2 ADDED CORNER BEAD AT SOFFIT 22.75 LF 0.62 7.85 8.48 /LF 192.85 0.23 Material&Labor Subtotal: -1,335.56 -1.37 Grand Subtotal: -1,335.56 -1.37 10.00% Overhead -133.56 10.00% Profit -146.91 Grand without additional markups Total: -1,616.03 Additional Markups Total: 0.00 Grand Total: -1,616.03 10/02/2024 8:57 am Page 1 BOYCE Thursday,November 14,2024 CONSTRUCTION= Job# 6300 628 South Brandon Street Seattle,WA 98108 Change Estimate(CE)Worksheet Project Name: Kent Commons Renovation CE# 26 Nate Harper RFP# 26 City of Kent Scope of Work: Locker Room Revisions Demo existing mirrors at locker rooms for new door install. Pour(2)roughly 2'x2'concrete pads at corner of locker room 101. Concrete&CMU wall repairs at removed wall mounted items. Boyce Construction Scope Hours Rate Cost Project Manager 0 $98.00 $0.00 Project Engineer 0 $75.00 $0.00 Supervision 2 $95.00 $190.00 Labor 16 $85.17 $1,362.72 Materials-Concrete bags,mortar repair $65.00 Sub-Total $1,617.72 Sub-Contractor Costs(Lump Sum) Sub-Total $0.00 Rentals,Dumpsters,Lifts $0.00 Sub-total $0.00 Sub-Total $1,617.72 Overhead $80.89 Fee $67.94 Insurance,B&O Taxes $35.33 Sub-Total $1,801.88 WSST(10.2%) $183.79 Total adjustment to contract $1,985.67 Excludes: Permits,Permit Fees,Overtime&Weekend Work Duration: N/A Approved: ���/�G+�P' Date: 12.10,2024 BOYCE Thursday,November 14,2024 CONSTRUCTION Job# 6300 628 South Brandon Street Seattle,WA 98108 Change Estimate(CE)Worksheet Project Name: Kent Commons Renovation CE# 27 Nate Harper RFP# 27 City of Kent Scope of Work: Wood Paint Paint all wood doors,trim,columns and beams per attached highlighted paint scope Boyce Construction Scope Hours Rate Cost Project Manager 2 $98.00 $196.00 Project Engineer 0 $75.00 $0.00 Supervision 1 $95.00 $95.00 Labor 3 $85.17 $255.51 Materials-MDF Trim $85.00 Sub-Total $631.51 Sub-Contractor Costs(Lump Sum) Paint $10,258.00 Sub-Total $10,258.00 Rentals,Dumpsters,Lifts $0.00 Sub-total $0.00 Sub-Total $10,889.51 Overhead $544.48 Fee $457.36 Insurance,B&O Taxes $237.83 Sub-Total $12,129.17 WSST(10.2%) $1,237.18 Total adjustment to contract $13,366.35 Excludes: Permits,Permit Fees,Overtime&Weekend Work Duration: TBD Approved:� �� '� Date: 12.10.2024 ADDITIONAL WORKPROPOSAL DATE: 11/12/24 NUMBER: 1009 kA DNC TO: BOYCE CONSTRUCTION* MDI JOB: 27341 628 S BRANDON STREET MEHRER DRYWALL, INC. SEATTLE, WA 98108 2657 20th Avenue West Seattle,WA 98199 Tel: (206)282-4288 ATTENTION: BRYCE Fax: (206)285-2092 PROJECT: KENT COMMONS RENO 525 4TH AVE N STATUS: P KENT, WA 98032 SCOPE OF WORK: Paint Wood Throughout Project Area WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND INSTALL MATERIAL FOR THE ADDITIONAL WORK AS FOLLOWS: This is to paint previously stained wood throughout project area per attached meeting notes(see highlighted items). 104 hours @$91/hour=$9,464 Materials+ 15% = $794 SUBMITTED: 11/12/24 TOTAL AWP#: 1009 .................10,258.00 1. We will proceed with this work upon your direction. 2. This amount will be billed upon completion. 3. Change Orders need to be issued if your company requires them for your billing. 4. This proposal, if accepted,shall constitute an addition to our contract. Sincerely, MEHRER DRYWALL,INC. Approved by: BOYCE CONSTRUCTION Paul Georgeson, Project Engineer- Paint WA: MEHRED*324RT Authorized Representative (Email approval is acceptable in lieu of signature) Date: «tf ri C c�uenc� situ=e 1963 Page 1 of 1 Kent Commons—Paint Confirmation Notes 11/7/24 • Paint colors and sheens per approved submittal dated 7/1/24 Door& Frame color is Sherwin Williams 0575 Graystoke • All wood and metal doors and frames to be painted within project area • Gym &Green River room doors to be painted both sides • Exterior side of door 123C to match exterior door paint color—(Rodda Historical 118 Pitch Pine) • Wood windows, doors and trim to match door color • Wood trim in restroom/locker rooms 101, 102 and 106 to be painted wall color P1 • Steel handrails to match door color There are (3) doors and frames that will not match the rest of the doors: • Corridor closet storage across from room 109—Painted P3 wall color • Corridor closet storage at Restroom 117—Painted P2 wall color • 2nd floor electrical room door and frame at top of stairs—Painted P3 wall color • Lobby columns and beams to be painted BENJAMIN MOORE AF-155 WEIMARANER o Fill column holes with wood putty prior to paint (4) Lobby windows at ceiling height to match lobby columns and beams BOYCE Wednesday, November 27,2024 CONSTRUCTION-` Job# 6300 628 South Brandon Street Seattle,WA 98108 Change Estimate(CE)Worksheet Project Name: Kent Commons Renovation CE# 28 Nate Harper RFP# 28 City of Kent Scope of Work: Lobby&Reception Revisions Framing revisions near bottom of ramp including new door per Burgess photo markup attached. New 16"round duct at reception&diffuser in reception ACT per updated M1.0 attached. New lobby can lights,demo of existing lobby can lights and reception 2x4 troffers per Burgess/Kent markups on E2.0 attached. "This CE does not include any casework revisions" Boyce Construction Scope Hours Rate Cost Project Manager 16 $98.00 $1,568.00 Project Engineer 0 $75.00 $0.00 Supervision 8 $95.00 $760.00 Labor 16 $85.17 $1,362.72 Materials Insulation $150.00 HM Door&Frame $1,100.00 Sub-Total $4,940.72 Sub-Contractor Costs(Lump Sum) Lighting $13,093.74 Mechanical $5,064.00 Framing(No cost-trade for recpetion pony wall) $0.00 T&G Wood $648.00 Sub-Total $18,805.74 Rentals,Dumpsters,Lifts Dumpster Fees $225.00 Sub-total $225.00 Sub-Total $23,971.46 Overhead $1,198.57 Fee $1,006.80 Insurance,B&O Taxes $523.54 Sub-Total $26,700.37 WSST(10.2%) $2,723.44 Total adjustment to contract $29,423.81 Excludes: Permits,Permit Fees,Overtime&Weekend Work Duration: TBD Approved: Date: 12.10.2024 © 0 0 ....... monsoons - . � 1^■��i�����+��c��Illlllilllilllilll,�,.: ,.. I -� r� �....i1.....INllllllllllllilil�o V L� ', ':.: 1111111111i1111, • lillllllilllili• ■■■■MA■■■■�■!11'111\P� 181 ...- 'III\■�`-- :: Nli. IW� t _ e d i .gyp. • s < � } J� Al� yyrr ] 3 4 5 fi 6 A o LL e a e e e T1l�9MM1WG2 .E o RELOGTEo e,RLL ���0.5h1 VEENI (E73&BTVJ62 HI LJL IE)RL-2 H IXH-t I r- 6WffM ,�,6 G' BURGESS DESIGN TYP.OF2 _ 3�IN a x u O IE7 RL-2 I (EI Rc IE7 Rc� noo sm n..six.aoo s..xi.wa iaasay.�na ITT 3Ex16 t n C= t2x13 ..-.-... � E 96CG C 12e6 ilAR-2 'u JL�' 66 CFM 220 CFM ..•��� TYP.OF2I� TYP.2 150(FM (414„0 fYTI _i'M _ (E)EF (F)I W 0 _ Q --13 1&6 SR E3 r nowt88 .. C O r (EI s., 445CFM !E)t2veTWY32 ,1xB G� 1TYP. ��.. 3C0 CFM ._ T.— ' t EW--0 lET tae ' ( ,o7J KENT COMMONS RENOVATIONS SPRAL oucT CITY OF KENT,WA 606 CFM (g 12-120 'CFM 5254TH AVEN CFM TYP. KENT,WASIM fMemm (E)iB46 TWft-2 30 ®L )2K"0 6fi6 CFM 1�22� t (E)12,0 i6'0 mom TYP.OF4 1 i1M1y.2 •— —CFN, — Tw.OFB (E)t4xt4 UP M ' Pll naw duMbbe l6'nund. TYP.CF2 (E1HGt — CityeI-11n.4 (E)3�6TWG2 3&9 E)24.14 '0 CF Boyce ll///24 6W tFM (EI 19ft4" slde � SAP CFM �� (ET i6"0 (E)ECi 12 IE71e^0 TRE5 WEST ENGINEERS.INC. F (ET 1-2TWG2 .� --- � . 1m2T�ssWAn� a. BW CFM (E)21"0 --- _ (E)fixfi� � a ww.v�w.. (E)to°0 UP IE7 t6^0 UP 0 o= �` IA21UP� p (E)3mQ2 U 11 oil IN-1 .6�H H e� I LEVEL 1-MECHANICAL PLAN A ,s=ra PLAN NOTES O THERMOSTAT-CON—TOE WINKTUNITCONTROLLER. O(E)CRYERVBI DROOFCAPTOREMAININ SERVICE Oa 4'g IX10TCN.TOCRYER—ECTIONEOIC opM.n..esemw..wi LEVEL 1- a MECHANICAL PLAN f M1 .0 Illlllllo, � ■■■■■■■soon■■■■■■ 11�1W111 11MEN SEMI MAI NIIIIIIIII 1�11 m-*I r � m 111��� �'' `:. 1111111111►111.� .. ® f ■■■■IAfA■■■kill �„-II1,C".I/I�1'�� • Qio 1 f'i�11' ,����, ■ i � f ,l° FAR I,aYal� o© o0 0© .�i�•1„ �`11■1 � to�®��►Il���i Il J 00 00 00 00 01111■1■11■0■ 1■11111111111�"10 � o/AI lA15AIfi ifinI llfol7feell�a`-oYmol a-o �I _ O N • 4 1 Quote 6201 Associated Blvd #103 Quote # 405238 Tel: (425)258-2966 Quote Date Sep 30, 2024 JDS M1 Everett,WA 98203 '1LOH4f rlAr C04KRQWRWtAJV GtrOUP,NC Expiration Date : Oct 30, 2024 Customer: Ship To: Boyce Construction Boyce Construction 628 S. Brandon Street KENT COMMONS Seattle, WA 98108 525 4TH AVE N Kent, WA 98032 Tel: 206-264-8085 Fax: 206-264-8088 Account Code 10035 Terms 1%10thNet11th Purchase Order# Customer Job# 6300 Shipped Via Customer Pickup Salesperson Jerry Southwick Order Name JDS DELIVERY (VERIFY SHIP TO) HM FRAME: 16GA CRS 534/478 WELDED W/ LOOSE MP ANCHORS HANDING TBD HDWR TBD (CYLINDRIUCAL PREP) 2868 HM DOOR AVAILABILTY MIGHT BE 6 WEEKS Unit Extended (sty Product Description Price Price 1 2868 SGL 534 M 16 CR KD RH (E1; SILENCERSJ; U453; RACR; SUA) 297.40 297.40 1-RH WELDED HM FRAME W/LOOSE MP ANCHORS PREP:345 X ASA X RACR 1 2868 1-3/4 HM 607S 18 CR F STY (CL; G2B; U453) 676.33 676.33 1-UNIVERSAL HANDED FLUSH HM DOOR PREP:345 X G213 W/CLOSER RI 1 8"x 32" L-FRA100 LItP Kit_ (-,rav 5,3.50 83.50 1 7"x 31"x 1/4" Clear NOT FOR LOBBY REVISION 3.41 33.41 1 MD-Narrow Vision G 1.76 41.76 LABOR TO INSTALL LITE KIT INTO CUSTOMER SUPPLIED HM DOOR Description Price DELIVER PRODUCT TO JOBSITE 125.00 Pre-Tax Total 1,257.40 10678 - WA-WASHINGTON STATE 0.00 TAX 13588 -WA-Kent City/King County 0.00 1715 Quote Total 1,257.40 Printed Sep 30,2024 9:59 AM Page 1 of 1 SYSTEM SOLUTIONS OF VVASHINGTO O s� O E. Q F WAS H i NG7FON L'fNNsNOO6,DNA E E1.-EG'TiilGAt. CC�NTFtACTO1�. OFFICE, 4225.249 Fix. 4 25.24 0 SYSTEM SO LUTIO NSW COP Subcontractor Breakdown Summary PROJECT NAME: Kent Commons SSW COP No. 13 Architects Tracking number: Project No: Date: 9126124 Company Name: System Solutions of Washington Inc. Rev: Revised: DESCRIPTION:Add,three troffers, move 4 pendents and extend wire,Add 7 can lights and wire,demo exiting lights Relocate 1 switch. EXCLUSIONS: Standard contract exclusions,CUT,PATCH,PAINT HRS RATE 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS a.Electrician 0.0 125.00 $ - b. Lead electrician 46.0 135.00 $ 6,210.00 c.Electrician OT 0.0 187.5 $ d. Lead Electrician OT 0.0 202.5 $ - e. PM 1.0 135.00 $ 135.00 f.site survey 1.0 135.00 $ 135.00 DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ 6,480.00 Direct costs g.truck 0 8.37 $ - h.travel(if applicable,itemize and provide backup) $ 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS: $ 6,480.00 2. MATERIALS COSTS a.material costs $ 1,187.60 b.Airfreight c.Quoted materials $ 3,000.00 light fixtures d.Quoted materials $ 2.MATERIAL COSTS: $ 4,187.60 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment small tool $ - b. rental equipment Lift $ 550.00 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS: $ 550.00 4. INSURANCE a. Insurance $ - 4.INSURANCE: $ - S. PERMIT $ - 5.PERMIT: $ - 6. FEE LABOR 15% 6.FEE $ 972.00 FEE MATERIALS 15% $ 628.14 FEE EQUIPMENT 15% $ 82.60 FEE INSURANCE&PERMIT $ - Sub Total wlfee $ 12,900.24 7. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. $ - 7. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS: $ 8. FEE on Subcontractor 15% 8.FEE on Subcontractor $ 9. Subtotal Sub 9.Sub contractor wlfee $ - 10.Sub TOTAL 10.Sub TOTAL $ 12,900.24 11. B&O a. 1.6% 11. B&O $ 193.50 12.TOTAL 12.TOTAL $ 13,093.74 13.Time impact because of change of scope as noted above Please add days to contract 1.0 DAYS Description Quantity Date Trade Price Unit Disc% Net Cost DBLabor Labor Unit Total Material Total Hours 1 Troffers 3 2/26/2016 0 E 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 2 Can lights 7 2/26/2016 0 E 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 3 1/2"CONDUIT-EMT 15 10/11/2023 251.88 C 35 163.72 6.7 6.7 C 24.56 1 4 1/2"CONN SS STL-EMT 2 6/8/2022 228.21 C 20 182.57 12 12 C 3.65 0.24 5 1/2"COUPLING SSSTL-EMT 1 6/8/2022 293.26 C 20 234.61 6 6 C 2.35 0.06 6 1/2"CHASE NIPPLE-MALL 7 6/8/2022 300.37 C 30 210.26 0 0 C 14.72 0 7 1/2"LOCKNUT-STEEL 7 6/8/2022 68.01 C 20 54.41 15 15 C 3.81 1.05 8 1/2"1-H STRAP-EMT-STEEL 3 6/8/2022 55.91 C 20 44.73 6 6 C 1.34 0.18 9 1/2"CONDUIT SUPPORT FOR ROD OR FLNG 42 11/21/2022 78.48 C 30 70.63 7.5 7.5 C 29.66 3.15 10 1/2"FLEX-STEEL 18 6/27/2023 197.94 C 20 158.35 6 6 C 28.5 1.08 11 1/2"CONN FLEX DC SQUEEZE STRAIGHT 6 30/5/2022 211.67 C 20 169.34 18 18 C 10.16 1.08 12#14 THHN BLACK 70 12/19/2023 1,103.28 M 30 772.3 7.5 7.5 M 54.06 0.53 13#12 THHN BLACK 102 12/19/2023 1,630.32 M 30 1,141.22 9 9 M 116.4 0.92 14#14 THHN GREEN 35 12/19/2023 1,103.28 M 30 772.3 7.5 7.5 M 27.03 0.26 15#12 THHN GREEN 41 12/19/2023 1,630.32 M 30 1,141.22 9 9 M 46.79 0.37 16#12/4CSOLID CABLE MC-STL ARMOR 275 10/4/2023 3,024.00 M 30 2,116.80 46.88 46.88 M 582.12 12.89 17 3/8"CONN SADDLEGRIP DC FOR FLEX/AC-90/MC 4 30/5/2022 148.68 C 20 118.94 15 15 C 4.76 0.6 18 WIRE CONN RED 39 2/2/2022 27.29 C 20 21.83 10 10 C 8.51 3.9 19 4x 11/2"SQ BOX COMB KO 3 5/18/2022 2,694.84 C 50 1,347.42 40 40 C 40.42 1.2 20 4"SQ 1G PLSTR RING 5/8"RISE 1 5/18/2022 1,720.06 C 50 860.03 25 25 C 8.6 0.25 21 4"SQBLANK COVER 2 5/18/2022 1,002.15 C 50 501.08 30 30 C 10.02 0.2 22 GROUND SCREW W/INSUL#12 LEAD 1 5/18/2022 923.78 C 20 739.02 10 10 C 7.39 0.1 23#30x 1 P/H SELF-TAP SCREW 5 12/15/2021 25.44 C 20 20.35 4.92 4.92 C 1.02 0.25 24 C-PURLIN CLIP 44 11/21/2022 109.59 C 10 98.63 0 0 C 43.4 0 25 SUPPORT HANGER FOR 1/4"ROD OR FLNG 2 11/21/2022 89.29 C 30 80.36 0 0 C 1.61 0 26 DROP WIRE TOT-BAR SECURING CLIP 44 11/21/2022 230.73 C 10 207.66 0 0 C 91.37 0 27 CEILING CLIPW/27mm STD NAIL-STL/CONC 20 2/26/2016 0 C 0 0 12 12 C 0 2.4 28#3 BOOSTER 0.27 CALIBER-SHORT 10x MAG 20 2/26/2016 0C 0 0 0 0C 0 0 29#12 CEILING WIRE 191 2/26/2016 0 C 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 30 1GTGL SWITCH PLATE-PLASTIC IVY 1 3/9/2022 88.45 C 20 70.76 15 15 C 0.71 0.15 31 20A 120-277V S/P SW-TOGGLE IVY(SG) 1 4/20/2022 3,080.00 C 20 2,464.00 37.5 37.5 C 24.64 0.38 32#12 WIRE POWER TERM 50 2/26/2016 0 E 0 0 0.23 0.23 E 0 11.5 33 demo 1 9/26/2024 0 E 0 0 0 2 E 0 2 1187.6 45.74 o MECHANI C AL 8UKOING SYSTEMS.ENSURfNG PROGRESS Date: 11/19/2024 Company: Boyce Construction Attention: Bryce Bowell Project: Kent Commons Renovation Subject: CP- 010 Dear Bryce Bowell This cost proposal is submitted for the additional costs associated with: M1.0 Level 1- Mechanical Plan Revision Please accept our proposal in the amount of $ 5,064.00 for the additional costs associated with this change. This proposal is based on the requirements described in M1.0 Level 1 - Mechanical Plan Revision for changes in the work and a detailed breakdown is attached for your review. A schedule extension of 2 days is also requested. Attached to this is a scope of work, summary of hours and costs, detailed labor and costs breakout and supplier quotes. We reserve the right to re-evaluate the cost of this change proposal should conditions and requirements develop that change the intended materials, equipment and/or labor, or, if any adjustment to the contract schedule becomes necessary. We also reserve the right to assess the cumulative impact of this change. We exclude all work that is not associated with our base contract obligations. This change proposal value is valid for 15 days. Beyond 15 days Holmberg reserves the right to re-evaluate the price of the change order and adjust the value based on market pricing changes and/or site conditions change. If you have any questions regarding this proposal please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Holmberg Mechanical �6a7ief Yimmcny Daniel Timmons Project Manager MECHAIEI C AL RNILIJING SYPIIM1.ENSURING D"RAL Date: 11/19/2024 Company: Boyce Construction Attention: Bryce Bowell Project: Kent Commons Renovation Subject: CP- 010 Scope of Work of the Change Proposal Description: Re-routing of ductwork for front desk area. Inclusions: Installation if new duct. Testing, adjusting, and balancing of system. Inspections. Installation deduct for original HVAC rough-in. Exclusions: Off-hours work and overtime. Engineering. Cutting, patching, and painting. Holmberg Mechanical CP#: 010 12001 SE 9th Place Date Submitted: 11/19/2024 Bellevue,WA 98005 Subject: M1.0 Level 1-Mechanical Plan Revision Mat,Equip,Tool, Direct Costs Labor Hours Labor Costs Rental Costs Cost Materials (See Detail Sheet) 8.0 $ 1,125.99 $ 2,061.57 $ 3,187.56 Equipment(See Detail Sheet) 0.0 $ - $ - $ - Tools&Rentals(See Detail Sheet) 0 $ - $ 45.04 $ 45.04 Direct Subtotals 8.0 $ 1,125.99 $ 2,106.61 $ 3,232.60 Direct Costs Labor Rate Percentage Cost Parking(Total Hours/8) 1.0 $ $ Warrant Direct Labor only) $ 1,126 2.00% $ 22.52 Direct Costs Subtotal $ 22.52 Admin Labor Labor Hours UM Rate Cost Project Executive 0 Hours $ 175.00 $ - Project Manager 4 Hours $ 125.00 $ 500.00 Project Engineer 2 Hours $ 85.00 $ 170.00 Engineering Manager 0 Hours $ 180.00 $ - Professional Engineer 0 Hours $ 155.00 $ Estimating 0 Hours $ 118.00 $ - Safety 1 Hours $ 95.00 $ 95.00 Purchasing 1 Hours $ 85.00 $ 85.00 Accounting 1 Hours $ 65.00 $ 65.00 Admin Labor Subtotal 9 $ 915.00 Total(Labor,Material,Admin): $ 4,170 Subcontractor Name Cost Excavation $ - Core Drilling $ Insulation $ Controls $ - Balancing TAB T&S Mechanical $ 150 Subcontractor Subtotal $ 150 Total(Labor,Material,Admin,Subcontractors): $ 4,320 Markups Percentage Cost Liability Insurance 1.30% $ 56.16 Subcontractor Markup 5.00% $ 7.50 Overhead 10.00% $ 417.01 Profit 5.00% $ 229.36 B&O 0.68% $ 34.34 Use Tax 0.00% $ - Markups Subtotal $ 744.37 TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 5,064.00 JOB NAME: Kent Commons Renovation Service: Materials CP#: 010 MATERIAL ONSITE LABOR LABOR SHOP LABOR SHOP LABOR MATERIAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY EACH MATERIAL HOURS CLASS LABOR RATE HOURS BURDEN LABOR COST Duct fabrication(quote attached). 1.0 $ 1,461.57 $ 1,461.57 $ 30% $ Duct support,manual damper,insulation,and flexible duct materials. 1.0 $ 450.00 $ 450.00 $ 30% $ Supply diffuser. 1.0 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 - $ 30% $ Coordination and fabrication. - $ - $ - 4.0 B $ 140.75 30% $ 562.99 Installation. $ $ 16.0 B $ 140.75 30% $ 2,251.98 Deduct for original installation. $ $ (12.0) B $ 140.75 30% $ (1,688.98) $ $ $ 30% $ - $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ Freight Shipping $ $ $ 30% $ Storage $ $ $ 30% $ Foreman-Plumbing $ 148.86 $ Foreman-Pipe Fitting $ 148.86 $ Foreman-Sheet Metal $ 140.75 $ Detailer-Plumbing $ 148.86 $ Detailer-Pipe Fitting $ 148.86 $ Detailer-Sheet Metal $ 140.75 $ Delivery Driver/Warehouse - $ 105.10 $ $2,061.57 8.0 $1,125.99 OENSC O QUOTE 21378080 R Martin Lombardi Contact: Josh Donahue 0 4502 20th St E Quote Date: 11/08/24 M Fife, WA 98424 Quote Expires: 12/08/24 253-620-8240 Job Name: Kent Commons Fax: 253-922-0769 Carrier: Will Call mlombardi@ccL�ensco.com Sales Rep: Uary Kruger F 15446 s 15446 o Holmberg Company I Holmberg Company R 12001 Se 9th PI Ste 300 P 12001 Se 9th PI Ste 300 Bellevue, WA 98005-3656 o Bellevue, WA 98005-3656 US US P:425-822-2233 P:425-822-2233 F:425-827-5735 F:425-827-5735 Line Product Number Description Qty UOM Unit Price Ext. Price 1 (ns) CDS 139209 Kent Commons Custom Fab per cut sheet 1 EA 1,155.3136 1,155.31 2 CSP 16 10 26GA Spiral Pipe 16"x10' 26Ga 20 FT 8.5983 171.97 3 CSP 16 GC 15 7/8" Spiral Cap 24 Ga 2 EA 67.1425 134.29 Total: $1,461.57 Delivery Instructions: MUST HAVE PO#AND CONTACT (ns)Indicates non-stock special order for Gensco.Please sign and return the attached special order agreement The prices herein are based upon receipt of customer purchase order for the total quantities listed prior to the quote expiration date above.Due to current market volatility, quoted prices for commodity items are only valid for the same business day.Orders placed after the quote expires will be subject to the price in effect at the Page 1 of 2 Freight is an estimate only.Actual freight charge may vary.Quoted lead times are subject to change without notice. P21 Print Date/Time: 11/8/2024 1:59:53PM Acknowledgements_user.rpt JOB NAME: Kent Commons Renovation Service: Tools and Rentals CP#: 010 TOOLS& SHOP LABOR SHOP LABOR TOOLS&RENTALS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY TOOLS EA RENTALS LABOR HOURS LABOR CLASS LABOR RATE HOURS BURDEN LABOR COST Scissor Lift $ $ $ - 30% $ Manlift-JLG $ $ $ 30% $ Warehouse Forklift $ $ $ 30% $ All-terrain Forklift $ $ $ 30% $ Welding Machine $ $ $ 30% $ Generator $ $ $ 30% $ Smoke Machine $ $ $ 30% $ Trimble $ $ $ 30% $ Duct Jack $ $ $ 30% $ Jobsite Trailer $ $ $ 30% $ Connex $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ - - $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ $ $ $ 30% $ Freight/Shipping $ $ $ 30% $ Small Tools(4%of Direct Labor Cost) 4% $ 43.04 $45.04 $0.00 ADDITIONAL WORKPROPOSAL DATE: 09/30/24 NUMBER: 1007 kA DNC TO: BOYCE CONSTRUCTION* MDI JOB: 27341 628 S BRANDON STREET MEHRER DRYWALL, INC. SEATTLE, WA 98108 2657 20th Avenue West Seattle,WA 98199 Tel: (206)282-4288 ATTENTION: BRYCE Fax: (206)285-2092 PROJECT: KENT COMMONS RENO 525 4TH AVE N KENT, WA 98032 SCOPE OF WORK: REWORK FRAMING AT LOBBY WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH AND INSTALL MATERIAL FOR THE ADDITIONAL WORK AS FOLLOWS: Rework framing at doors and create new openings at Lobby. See attached breakdown. SUBMITTED: TOTAL AWPN: 1007 2,029.00 . ................. 1. We will proceed with this work upon your direction. 2. This amount will be billed upon completion. 3. Change Orders need to be issued if your company requires them for your billing. 4. This proposal, if accepted,shall constitute an addition to our contract. Sincerely, MEHRER DRYWALL,INC. Approved by: 0.0�— 0/ BOYCE CONSTRUCTION Eric Mehrer, Estimator WA: MEHRED*324RT Authorized Representative (Email approval is acceptable in lieu of signature) Date: lKic Page 1 of 1 Bid Summary Kent Commons AWP-1007 REWORK FRAMING AT LOBBY Bid No.62 Selected Sections: 09110 Metal Studs, 09251 Taping Selected Typical Areas: Selected Areas: (unassigned) Unit Cost Man No. Condition Height Quantity Mat. Lab. Total Total Cost Days 1 REWORK FRAMING AT OPENING 20'0" 8.09 LF 12.43 87.39 99.81 /LF 807.06 0.83 2 FRAMING AT RELOCATED DOOR 12'0" 6.42 LF 8.16 58.89 67.05 /LF 430.23 0.44 3 CORNER BEAD 10,0" 50.00 LF 0.62 8.17 8.80 /LF 439.92 0.50 Material&Labor Subtotal: 1,677.21 1.77 Grand Subtotal: 1,677.21 1.77 10.00% Overhead 167.72 10.00% Profit 184.49 Grand without additional markups Total: 2,029.42 Additional Markups Total: 0.00 Grand Total: 2,029.42 10/02/2024 9:07 am Page 1 CHANGE PROPOSAL Project Name: Kent Commons COP No. C06 Project No. 24-021 Source Documents: Front desk updates Date: 11/25/2024 Contractor: Harmony Construction LLC Contractor Ref.No. Description: 10 Added lights in the lobby wood ceiling,additional labor required. 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ 425.00 b. foreman $ - c. lead foreman $ - DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ 425.00 Supervision: d. direct supervision(NTE 15%of 1a) $ 63.75 e. safety(NTE 2%of lines 1 a,b,&c) $ 8.50 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 497.00 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. material costs $ - b. freight costs(itemize) $ 2.MATERIAL COSTS $ 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment(per spec approved source) $ b. rental equipment(per invoices attached) $ - 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ - 4. SMALL TOOLS a. small tools(NTE 5%of 1a,b&c) $ 21.25 4.SMALL TOOLS $ 21.25 5. GENERAL CONDITIONS a. general conditions(NTE 3%of la,b&c) $ 12.75 5.GENERAL CONDITIONS $ 12.75 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 5 $ 531.00 6. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. NTE%of 1,2,3,&4,based on profit margin up to$50,000 $ 106.20 Profilt Margin 20% b. NTE%portion of 1,2,3,&4 in excess of$50,000 $ - Profit Margin 20% 6.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ 106.00 7. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. $ b. $ C. $ d. $ 7.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 8. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. NTE 8%of Line 6 up to$50,000 for each sub $ b. NTE 6%of Line 6 in excess of$60,000 for each sub $ 8.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 9. INSURANCE a. payroll driven liability insurance 0.97%of 1 $ 4.82 b. volume driven liability insurance 0.97%of 1-8 $ 6.18 9.INSURANCE $ 11.00 10. BOND a. bond %of 1-9 $ - 10.BOND $ - Farm Revised6nrz004 TOTAL COST $ 648.00 COP Cost Breakdown Project Name: Kent Commons EH COP No. tbd Project No. Date: Contractor: Harmony Construction LLC Contractor Ref.No. Source Documents: Front desk updates Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Date Description Quantity Type Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ Foreman Labor hours $95.00 $ - $ - $ - $ Journeyman Labor 5 hours $85.00 $ 425.00 $ - $ - $ 425.00 Apprentice Labor hours $75.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Labor Subtotal $ 425.00 Foreman $ - $ - $ - $ Lead Foreman $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ Total Cost of Work Form Revised 1/1112.12 $ 425.00 $ - $ BOYCE Tuesday,November 26,2024 CONSTRUCTION= Job# 6300 628 South Brandon Street Seattle,WA 98108 Change Estimate(CE)Worksheet Project Name: Kent Commons Renovation CE# 29 Nate Harper RFP# 29 City of Kent Scope of Work: Corridor ACT Elevation Revision Additional labor costs to install ACT at requested 97'in lieu of 87'as shown on the plans. Additional labor is due to using a scaffold instead of stilts. Boyce Construction Scope Hours Rate Cost Project Manager 0 $98.00 $0.00 Project Engineer 0 $75.00 $0.00 Supervision 0 $95.00 $0.00 Labor 0 $85.17 $0.00 Materials $0.00 Sub-Total $0.00 Sub-Contractor Costs(Lump Sum) ACT Labor $1,440.00 Sub-Total $1,440.00 Rentals,Dumpsters,Lifts $0.00 Sub-total $0.00 Sub-Total $1,440.00 Overhead $72.00 Fee $60.48 Insurance,B&O Taxes $31.45 Sub-Total $1,603.93 WSST(10.2%) $163.60 Total adjustment to contract $1,767.53 Excludes: Permits,Permit Fees,Overtime&Weekend Work Duration: N/A � Approved: 7/� Date: 12.10.2024 Signature: Lodd_ Signature: —Kh—fn,,Ii 2MA IA-M PCTI Email: tkhau@kentwa.gov Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov Signature: Signature: Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov Email: cityclerk@kentwa.gov Signature: Thera ����� Signature: � — ^hunsHvynh Aec 16, 2410,40 PST) an Levenha en(Dec 17,202 09:44 PST) Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov CAG2024-166 - Change Order - #9-Boyce Cons truction-FAC23-31 Kent Commons Renovations (2) Final Audit Report 2024-12-17 Created: 2024-12-16 By: Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAC8m8HnOpbPcmQtKO61jiWgfwzGMDoV31 "CAG2024-166 - Change Order - #9-Boyce Construction-FAC23 -31 Kent Commons Renovations (2)" History Document created by Leah Bryant (Ibryant@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-16-6:37:00 PM GMT Document emailed to Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-12-16-6:38:11 PM GMT Email viewed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-16-6:39:42 PM GMT Signer Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) entered name at signing as Phung Huynh 2024-12-16-6:40:18 PM GMT Document e-signed by Phung Huynh (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-12-16-6:40:20 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-12-16-6:40:24 PM GMT Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-17-5:44:06 PM GMT Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-12-17-5:44:52 PM GMT-Time Source:server Agreement completed. 2024-12-17-5:44:52 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign