HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2019-465 - Other - Workday, Inc. - Cloud Connect for Learning - 12/23/24 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Ikhra Mohamed IT Date Sent: Date Required: > 12/19/2024 12/30/2024 Q Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website 06/02/2020 Budget Account Number• Grant? Yes No�✓ 52001770.64260.1800 Budget?❑✓ Yes Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Workday, Inc. Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: 2155420 Other 0 W Project Name: Cloud Connect for Learning CProject Details: Addition of Cloud Connect for Learning software to our Workday platform. $0 C contract through 11/14/2027, under Mayor's signature authority per Council 40 approval on 06/02/2020. C Agreement Amount: $Q Basis for Selection of Contractor: Direct Negotiation E *Memo to Mayor must be attached .1111 Start Date: 12/18/2024 Termination Date: 11/14/2027 lm —ow a Local Business? Yes PINo*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process F1 Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) F71Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes ✓❑No CAG2019-465 Comments: <<Signature on attached order form pg. 4/8>> 0 c Dana Ralph, Mayor 3 0 Date: <<Date on attached order form pg. 4/8>> a .a Nk Date Received:City Attorney: 12/20/24 Date Routed:Mayor's Officl 12/23/24 City Clerk's Office 12/24/24 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 workday 00477386.0-Confidential ORDER FORM #00477386.0 Customer Name City of Kent Workday Entity Name Workday Inc. 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road Pleasanton, CA 94588 MSA Effective Date November 14, 2019 Order Form Effective Date The later of the dates of theparties' signatures below Order Term December 18, 2024 through November 14, 2027 Currency USD Underlying Order Forms 463279, and if applicable,any related renewal Order Forms then in effect. Total Subscription Fee 0 Subscription Rights Table SKU Service Pricing Metric Annual Subscription Rights CCLRN I Cloud Connect for Learning FSE* I Full Enterprise *For Pricing Metric details see the Full-Service Equivalent ("FSE") Count Table below. Full-Service Equivalent("FSE") Count Table FSE Population Baseline FSE Count for Baseline FSE Count for Baseline FSE Count for Category Subscription Period 1 Subscription Period 2 Subscription Period 3 Full Enterprise 750 712 712 Growth and Expansion. Customer will report to subscriptions(@workday.com as specified in the Underlying Order Form(s) for the metrics as provided below. Due to the Add-On Services shown in the Subscription Rights Table, the Expansion Rate(s) in the Underlying Order Form(s) are incrementally increased as provided below: a. FSE Metric Reporting. Reporting for Active FSE Worker Records is based on the additional FSE Workers which are defined as any Active FSE Worker records exceeding the Baseline FSE Count. FSE Expansion Table SKU Annual FSE Expansion Rate All Service SKU(s)with the FSE Pricing Metric in the 16.64 Subscription Rights Table unless stated otherwise within this table Customer Contact Information Billing, In Care of Customer Support Responsible for payment processing and will Main point of contact for Workday Support and receive invoicing and billing-related will receive initial login credentials communications Contact Name City of Kent— IT City of Kent— IT Street Address 220 Fourth Avenue South 220 Fourth Avenue South City, State, Zip Code Kent, WA 98032 Kent, WA 98032 Country United States United States Phone/Fax# 253 856-4600 253 856-4600 Email (required) ITA@kentwa.gov ITA@kentwa.gov Internal Reference or PO (optional) Tax Exempt? Yes/ No If yes, US Exemption Tax Certificate or FST/VAT Number The Total Subscription Fee is based on the maximum indicated in the Subscription Rights table, and any use in excess of the maximums indicated will be subject to the terms in the Underlying Order Form(s), if applicable. Customer understands that the Base Subscription Fee for the Renewal Term of this Order Form is 11,818. These fees are incremental to the Base Subscription Fees in the associated Underlying Order Form(s). ©2024 Workday v24.10 Page 1 of 4 Order Form to MSA with City of Kent workday 00477386.0-Confidential This Order Form is only valid and binding when executed by both parties and is subject to the additional terms in the above-referenced MSA, the Underlying Order Form(s), or related renewal Order Form in effect, and any Addendums and Exhibits attached hereto. In the event of a conflict, the provisions of this Order Form take precedence over the MSA and its exhibits and attachments. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meaning as the Underlying Order Forms and MSA. An active HCM/FIN subscription is required for use of the Service applications listed herein. All purchase order forms, tax exemption certificates and FST/VAT/business registration, supplier setup requests, and invoice inquiries shall be submitted to Accounts.Receivable(c�workday.com. ©2024 Workday v24.10 Page 2 of 4 Order Form to MSA with City of Kent workday 00477386.0-Confidential THE VALIDITY OF THIS ORDER FORM IS CONDITIONED ON WORKDAY RECEIVING FROM CUSTOMER A SIGNED COPY OF THIS ORDER FORM BY NO LATER THAN 5 PM PDT ON DECEMBER 18, 2024 ("Deadline"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Order Form shall be valid if Workday, in its sole discretion, accepts an Order Form received after the Deadline.Workday will notify the Customer in the event Workday does not accept the Order Form. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Order Form is entered into as of the Order Effective Date. City of Kent Workday, Inc. _' Ma�i�ra Cl�ih�r Marina Chinn(Dec 18,20241029 PST) Signature Signature Marina Chinn Dana Ralph Name Name Mayor VP,Sales and Marketing Finance Title Title 12/23/2024 Dec 18,2024 Date Signed Date Signed ©2024 Workday v24.10 Page 3 of 4 Order Form to MSA with City of Kent workday 00477386.0-Confidential WORKDAY SERVICE SKU DESCRIPTIONS ADDENDUM Customer may only use the Service SKUs subscribed to as indicated in the body of this Order Form. Service Description Cloud Connect for Learning* Cloud Connect for Learning extends Workday Learning by providing integrations to third party content providers. This includes the ability to search third party learning course information, access learning courses, and, if and when available, track and retain records. This SKU requires an active subscription to Workday Learning. *This SKU requires customers to maintain an active subscription to Innovation Services and opt-in to the corresponding Innovation Service(s) if and when available. ©2024 Workday v24.10 Page 4 of 4 Order Form to MSA with City of Kent 8.0 400 KENT DATE: June 2, 2020 TO: Kent City Council SUBJECT: HCMA/Human Capital Management & Automation — Project Budget, Contracts, and Change Orders - Authorize MOTION: Establish a new budget for the HCMA project at $4.39 million; authorize the Mayor to sign all contracts, change orders, and other documents necessary to advance the HCMA project that cumulatively do not exceed the project budget, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to City Administration and the City Attorney; ratify past actions consistent with this motion; provide that future change orders beyond the project budget, but within the overall City budget, be authorized according to their amended contract values and in accordance with the Kent City Code; and authorize the Mayor to sign contract renewals under the terms of the project contracts within established budgets. SUMMARY: The Human Capital Management and Automation (HCMA) project's primary objective is to systemically resolve the City's human capital management and automation "pay" related business process issues. Focus is placed on fixing and improving Human Resources, Finance, Information Technology, and citywide timekeeping workflows. Supporting this work will include the deployment of a new business system technology platform - Workday, being implemented by Collaborative Solutions, LLC, originally projected not to exceed $2.15 million. The key business driver associated with HCMA is to minimize, and where possible eliminate, sources of systemic process errors by implementing the necessary measures to continually improve end-to-end personnel, employee benefits, scheduling, timekeeping and payroll accuracy. This includes responsive time entry, in-place and post-payroll processing. There are two reasons for the increase in the project budget from the $2.15 million Council established in October 2019 to the $4.39 million sought today: 1) actual contract costs that came in higher than originally estimated, and 2) the reallocation of planned (i.e. not unexpected) costs from other parts of the City budget to the HCMA project budget. The Council is familiar with public works projects, where an engineer or architect estimates the cost, staff bids the project, and the low bid can come in under or over the estimate. In addition, public works projects almost always have change orders that increase costs during the construction phase and therefore the project budget Packet Pg. 28 8.0 usually includes a contingency. Technology projects are similar in that staff estimates the cost, but actual contract costs can come in under or over the estimate, resulting in projects that require change orders. The original estimate for the Workday and Collaborative Solutions contracts was $1.63 million and the actual contract costs came in at $2.79 million. A significant reason for the contracts coming in over the original estimate is the vendors insisted they include not only the cost of the capital project but future annual subscription costs as well (3 full years). Therefore, staff needs to move expenses that were expected to appear in future operating budgets into the HCMA capital project to align with contract amounts. The original estimate for change orders was $200,000 and change orders from inception to date have totaled close to $300,000. The larger of the two change orders moved the "go live" date from October to December 2020, in part due to COVID-19-related scheduling challenges. Other costs beyond ongoing subscriptions that staff did not expect to appear in the project budget last fall include 1) a separate but closely related IT capital project called Telestaff, and 2) costs associated with the IT project manager assigned to the HCMA project. Telestaff at $106,400 integrates with Workday and makes the system work more effectively for work groups with highly complex schedules and pay calculations such as the City's Police Department. The Mayor signed the contract to originally acquire the Telestaff software, but Council approval is needed to authorize the contract provisions that allow future renewals of the software at the contracted for subscription cost. The IT project manager was originally included in the IT operating budget. The position's move into the HCMA capital project budget is part of a larger reallocation that Council approved in the last budget process that moved a portion of all IT project managers from the operating budget to the appropriate capital project budgets consistent with best practices in budgeting. The original project budget also included funds to hire temporary limited term and/or temporary staff to backfill current staff assigned to the project. The estimate for this expense was $320,000 and the actual cost is forecasted at $629,240. This includes partial coverage for the unexpected departure of the City's Accounting and Reporting Manager from the project/Finance department. EXHIBITS: 1. Copies of the applicable change orders for Workday, Collaborative Solutions, and Telestaff are included. The main contracts are voluminous and available upon request. 2. US Communities Purchasing Cooperative Agreement BUDGET IMPACT: The new budget for the HCMA project is being reestablished at $4.39 million. Components of the budget include the Workday product at $982,763, Packet Pg. 29 8.0 Collaborative Solutions' implementation services at $2,106,949 (including all change orders to date), Telestaff at $106,400, staff backfill at $629,240, project management at $160,000, and a contingency of $400,000. Funding will come from a combination of IT Capital Fund Balance, IT Operating accounts along with several other Capital resource funds. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Collaborative Solutions C01-City of Kent (DOCX) 2. Collaborative Solutions_CO2-City of Kent Revised (002) (DOCX) 3. Kronos_47948 CO - CITY OF KENT, TSG, Telestaff (PDF) 4. USC MICPA 11-8-2018 (PDF) 05/26/20 Committee of the Whole RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 6/2/2020 7:00 PM Packet Pg. 30