HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Bicycle Advisory Board - 10/28/2024 (2) 1 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting October 28, 2024
2 Minutes Held In-Person
4 DRAFT - Approved
6 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (10) Julie Dunn, Maria Castro (online), Erik Jacobs, Prem
7 Subedi (5:59 pm), Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin, Allison Hopstad (online), Connie Stolpp, Baron
8 You, Wendy Graves
10 BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: (1) Thom Bader (excused),
12 CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: (3) Erik Preston, Lucie Wu, Rob Brown.
14 Guests: Ryan Packer
16 1. Call-to-Order - Graves
17 The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding.
19 2. Roll Call - Preston
20 Nine of 11 members present. Three staff present.
22 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves
23 No changes to the agenda.
25 4. September 2024 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves
26 Erik J makes motion to approve minutes. Connie seconds. Vote 9-0 in favor. Approved.
28 5. 2025 Board Meeting Schedule - Preston
29 Board needs to adopt the 2025 meeting schedule. Regular meetings are the last
30 Monday of each month unless there is a conflicting holiday. If there is a conflict, the
31 meeting is typically cancelled and the Monday before is chosen. The proposed 2025
32 meeting schedule is:
33 • Jan 27, 2025
34 0 Feb 24, 2025
35 0 Mar 31, 2025
36 0 Apr 28, 2025
37 0 May 19, 2025, Special meeting. Cancel May 26, 2025
38 • Jun 30, 2025
39 • Jul 28, 2025
40 . Aug 25, 2025
41 0 Sep 29, 2025
42 0 Oct 27, 2025
43 0 Nov 24, 2025
44 0
Dec 29, 2025
45 Chair Graves called for a vote. Motion by Tim, second Julie. Vote 9-0. Adopted
47 6. Commute Trip Reduction Program & Plan - Wu
48 Lucie presents the CTR Program (PPT as attachment).
49 0 Website is: engage.kentwa.gov/CTR
50 0 Erik J: Do you collect drive alone rates?
51 0 Lucie: Yes, through the employee survey. Do not have past data. This year is a
52 new baseline year. Future years will be compared to this year.
53 • Julie: Seems this would only be accurate if everyone took survey.
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54 0 Lucie: Yes, but there is no enforcement for the requirement to participate.
55 0 Erik J: If City published a shame list, may get better participation.
56 0 Lucie: City will reach out to companies with low participation and offer to help
57 them.
58 0 Wendy: Do all 21 companies have an ETC?
59 0 Lucie: No, not all have responded to our attempts to contact them.
60 • Connie: How many City employees responded?
61 0 Lucie: About 150 out of about 700.
62 0 Wendy: When do the surveys close?
63 0 Lucie: Most are closed now. It's up to the individual company.
64 0 Prem: Highline College?
65 0 Lucie: Highline is outside of Kent. We will check Green River College at Kent
66 Station to see if they meet the requirements. The program only applies to
67 employees, not students.
68 0 Rob: This only applies to employees because companies only provide incentive
69 and benefits to employees.
70 0 Erik J: What benefits do companies provide?
71 0 Lucie: Any benefits in a company are up to the individual company.
72 . Gordon: Companies can provide different kinds of incentives and benefits?
73 0 Lucie: Yes. The City provided raffle items to encourage people to start biking.
74 0 Wendy: Is it possible to highlight business that has high participation rates?
75 0 Lucie: We will look into it.
77 7. Adding Youth Members - Hopstad
78 Allison would like to open the discussion about having a youth member. Tacoma's board
79 has a youth member. Kent City Code 2.50 does allow youth members. Parks Board,
80 Diversity, Equity, and Belonging Board, and Human Services Board have provisions for a
81 youth member. A youth member is a person 24 years old or younger. This would need
82 to change the KBAB bylaws and the City Code (2.62 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board).
83 Language would say something along the lines of"should have a youth member." The
84 Mayor would be able to appoint a non-youth member if a youth member was not
85 available.
87 0 Prem: Supports a youth member.
88 0 Wendy: Concerned about the current composition of the Board. However,
89 understands why we tend to have a certain demographic. It can be challenging
90 to recruit a youth member.
91 0 Prem: Covington does similar thing were they have a youth council, and most are
92 high school students.
93 0 Erik: Must live or work in Kent to be appointed to a Board. KCC 2.50.060(A)(3)
94 • Allison: Want to get more youth involved. Help with outreach and provide a
95 different perspective.
96 0 Erik J: Too bad PeachJar is so expensive.
97 • Julie: All high school students have to do community service.
98 0 Lucie: Community service in high school is several hours.
99 • Tim: We should consider a shorter term.
100 • Someone: It's in the code for one to three year term.
101 0 Erik J: May be able to get students that want the experience for college entry.
102 0 Wendy: Want this to be an additional position, not a replacement.
103 0 Baron: Important to have youth ownership in the Board and Bike Rodeo. There
104 is a generational difference. Want them to have ownership.
105 0 Erik J: Can we get something in the City's newsletter?
106 0 Erik P: We can ask if it can be included.
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107 • Julie: How many high school students read the newsletter?
108 • Allison: There are probably relevant clubs, even youth political action groups that
109 might be interested.
110 • Gordon: Is there any opportunity for the recruitment to go along with the Bike
111 Rodeo advertisement?
112 0 Rob: Appointments are in March for April 1st beginning of term. Rodeo is in May
113 0 Erik P: Would need to change bylaws and City Code.
114 0 Prem: Can we put like an online ad or something? Or a poster around high
115 schools?
116 • Allison: We need to engage PTA. They have the power to advertise.
117 0 Connie: Is there a PTA in high school?
118 0 Baron: No but there are booster clubs in high schools and middle schools.
119 0 Wendy: Lots of good conversation. Need to do work and outside of the regular
120 meetings. Volunteers? (Allison, Prem, Baron)
121 . Allison: Would Board be helping with language or would it be Erik?
122 0 Erik P: Will come up with some draft language.
123 0 Rob: Will have to go through layers of review before it is proposed to the Council.
124 0 Wendy: New subcommittee (Allison, Prem, Baron). Erik P will draft language for
125 proposed code revision. Can talk about it at next meeting.
127 S. Festival & Events Sub-Committee Report — Graves
128 Committee met last week. Next event is Winterfest. December 7th. Committee will
129 send Rob a list of needed items. Erik is printing new posters and having them
130 laminated.
132 We did hear back from YMCA. May 17, 2025. Reached out to Mark Hendrickson at
133 Parks. He starts planning on January 01, 2025. Rob will fill out application for Parks.
135 Erik J will send the flyer to Erik P. Staff will print 50 flyers. Flyers has QR code for
136 rides.
137 0 Maria: We discussed the idea of getting new signs for the course. Our signs are
138 about the best we can get without going to real signs. We really need to upgrade
139 bases.
140 0 Wendy: KBAB's budget is only $2,000 per year. Want better signs since these
141 fall over even when in cones.
142 0 Maria: Signs are fine, it's the stands. There are some options for $25-$30 each.
143 . Connie: Does the City have some signs?
144 0 Erik P: May be able to borrow tripods from Operations for the rodeo.
145 0 Rob: City tripods are probably too big since they are for full-size signs.
146 0 Erik J: There are other kinds of stands. Something like a folding indoor caution
147 sign.
148 0 Rob: What about cheap Christmas tree stands?
149 0 Julie: Idea for Winterfest. The parade last year was pretty small. As KBAB, what
150 if we ride the parade with lights on bikes? To promoting being seen. We can
151 wear KBAB vests too. City wants to expand the parade. There is an application.
152 Event date is December 7, 2024. Parade starts around 4 pm, dusk. Route starts
153 at Town Square Park. Ends up in north side of Kent Station.
154 0 Erik P: Think about how you want your message to get out.
155 0 Maria: We will ask Sara if we can get some KPD bikes to join the parade.
156 • Julie: We need to have application by November 27th. Next meeting is November
157 25tn
158 • Interest: Julie, Wendy, Maria, Allison, maybe some children.
159 0 Maria: Lights on our own?
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160 0 Wendy: On our own for lights
161 0 Wendy: Connie, invite the Mayor to ride with KBAB.
163 9. Bicycle Infrastructure Sub-Committee Report — Jacobs
164 The old City bike infrastructure map is out of date? Is there a new one?
165 0 Erik P: Nothing newer.
166 0 Rob: We will find out who made the original.
167 0 Wendy: Want to update it so the City can show what's available.
168 0 Erik P: We have a map in the Transportation Master Plan. City does not own the
169 original map, but we can update it manually.
171 10.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs
172 Nothing new under this topic. Rides are in Ride With GPS. Posters are going to the
173 printer.
175 11.Communications — Preston
176 Thom was in the hospital for 10 days. Had a head injury.
178 Target Zero Action Plan meeting is tomorrow, starts at 5:30 all welcome.
180 City will have a booth at the Haunted Boo-levard at Kent Station. Also booth at the Luna
181 Market this Saturday.
182 . Tim: Thanks for the path on 132"d (240tn to 228tn)
183 0 Erik: Curb is being installed to make the path complete
184 • Allison: What time is the TZAP meeting tomorrow? 5:30 pm. Only in person.
185 0 Prem: Reflection on the Week Without Driving, did we do that?
187 12.Notice of upcoming meetings - Preston
188 November 25, December 30t", and January 27t". All are regularly scheduled meetings.
190 13.Items for the next meeting - Graves
191 Tim with a Target Zero Action Plan meeting recap. Allison will have an update on the
192 Youth member committee.
193 0 Wendy: there was a committee created for speed limits in Kent.
194 0 Allison: Allison, Julie, Prem, Tim, and Maria
195 0 Need to amend Sep 2024 minutes to remove Connie, Maria, and add Julie.
196 o Staff follow-Up: the September minutes name; Allison, Prem, and Connie
197 to the committee. Edit will remove Connie and add Tim and Julie in line
198 111.
200 14.Adiournment — Graves
201 Wendy adjourned the meeting at 7:09 pm.
203 Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board
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