HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-049 - Original - WSDOT Highways and Local Programs - Green River Bridge Repainting - 2/1/24 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Sup/Mgr: �---` ----- -_._,
Agreement Routing Form DirAsst:
• For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management v
KE N T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional)
w A a H I N a r o N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)
Originator: Department:
Stephen Lincoln Public Works
Date Sent: Date Required:
02/02/2024 02/06/2024
Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval:
fl a Mayor or Designee 08/17/2021
Budget Account Number: Grant? Yeso No[
�Yes[INo Type Federal
Vendor Name: Category:
WSDOT Highways and Local Programs Grant: Non-Real Property
Vendor Number: Sub Category:
Z Project Name: Green River Bridge Repaintinq
oProject Details: The cleaning and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the
c Green River
Agreement Amount: 3,238,300
Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other
.Memo to Mayor mustbeattached
i Start Date: 03/01/2024 Termination Date: 12/31/2027
Q Local Business?❑Yes[No*lfineets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptlons"formonQtYspace.
erification: [Yes[In-Process❑Exempt(KCC 5.01.045)
Business License�
Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number:
` m Highways and Local Programs, the Local Agency
� .Per directions from
Agreement and Prospectus are to be signed in blue ink.
c c
I 3 c°c ��C1_L
•; EEB @�;
Date Recei iGifttorriy < �T Date Routed:Mayor's Office Z City Clerk's Office
ad«wzz3�s_. zo Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513
W A S H I N 6 T O N
DATE: August 17, 2021
TO: Kent City Council
SUBJECT: Meeker Street Bridge Painting - Accept Grant Funds -
MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to accept federal funds in the
amount of $3,000,000 for the Green River Bridge Paint project and
authorize amending the budget.
SUMMARY: The City successfully competed for grant funds for design and
construction through the WSDOT Local Bridge Program. This project will repair
rusted areas, then prime and paint the Meeker Street bridge. The project
improvements will allow the city to refurbish and restore the existing steel bridge to
maximize its lifespan, ensure the vital regional connection for the West Hill, and
continue the revitalization efforts well underway on the Meeker Street corridor. The
project requires a 13.5% local match during the preliminary engineering/design
phase. Projects that WSDOT authorizes for construction by December 2024, are
eligible for 100% federal funding for eligible construction costs.
BUDGET IMPACT: The grant will add $3,000,000 to the project budget. The local
match for preliminary engineering/design phase is approximately $53,233.
Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical
and technological infrastructure.
Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and
inviting parks and recreation.
Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management,
economic growth, and partnerships.
08/10/21 Committee of the Whole RECOMMENDED TO
Next: 8/17/2021 7:00 PM
Washington State S.T.i.P.
2022 to 2025
(Project Funds to Nearest Dollar)
MPO/RTPO: PSRC Y Inside N Outside May 19,2022
County: King
Agency: Kent
Project Total Est. STIP
Func Project Imp Length Environmental RW Begin End Cost of Amend.
Cis Number PIN STIP ID Type Type Required Termini Termini Project No.
04 KEN-54 14 0.050 CE No State Route 516 Russell Road 3,238,320 22-01
Green River Bridge Repainting
The project consists of the sandblasting and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River in Kent.
Federal Funds
Phase Start Date Federal Fund Code State Fund Code State Funds Local Funds Total
PE 2022 STP(BR) 156,000 0 238,320 394,320
CN 2024 STP(BR) 2,844,000 0 0 2,844,000
Project Totals 3,000,000 0 238,320 3,238,320
Expenditure Schedule
Phase tat 2nd 3rd 4th 5th&6th
ALL 394,320 0 2,844,000 0 0
Totals 394,320 0 2,844,000 0 0
Page 1
Local Programs Authorization Package Checklist
Agency: City of Kent
Project Title: Green River Bridge Paint
Fed Aid/State Project#: BHM-1068(004)
By Phase(check all that apply) Q
Funding Request PL* PE** RW CN Non-Funding Request
New Phase Authorization El El El EEJ
Phase Modification
*PL-Planning. Used for stand-alone planning and study projects.
**PE-Preliminary Engineering. This is the full design phase of a construction project. Once PE is authorized, Agency Check CheRegion ck
the construction phase must be completed,or all federal expenditures must be repaid. g
Miscellaneous Items ❑ F-1 ❑
In addition to this checklist,all Region submittals must utilize the standard Region IDC,memo,or cover letter. X
If authorizing a subsequent phase on an existing project,has at least one bill for the prior phase been fully processed by
Local Programs(Posted date is present in SPORT)? If not,supplement can't be processed.
Has the scope changed(description of work,limits,staging,RW needs,etc.)since previous submittal? N Y/N Y/N
Project Prospectus(DOT Form 140-101)-LAG Chapter 21 ❑ ❑ ❑
Are all three pages of the current form included?
Does information(title,termini,description,RW needs,cost,etc.)agree with STIP/LAA/NEPA-CE7
Is the project description written such that the project scope is clear to an average person? y
Are pages 1 and 3 signed?
If the LPE or another agency is acting as CA,enter CA agency name below and include copy of CA agreement(LOU,MOU,etc).
CA Agency:
Are the Latitude and Longitudes(decimal format preferred)included and correct? y
Are Congressional and Legislative Districts included and correct? y
Project Zip Code includes the+4?
Are estimated costs included for all phases of the project?
Are the Functional Classification and Urban/Rural designation correct?
Are the Right of Way,Utilities,and Railroad sections filled out? Y
Typical Sections&Vicinity Map- LAG Chapter 21 ❑ ❑ ❑
When necessary,are the Vicinity Map(s)and Roadway Section(s)included?
Can someone unfamiliar with the project's location easily tell where it's located using the vicinity map? y
Are the project limits clearly marked on the map? Y
Does the section include all elements,with dimensions,of the roadway prism? y
Are section changes,if applicable,throughout the project limits noted/displayed?
STIP/Funding Documentation - LAG Chapter 12 ❑ ❑ ❑
Is the currently approved STIP page included? y
Does STIP information(termini,description,etc.)match the LAA and Prospectus?
Is the phase being authorized(or a later phase)programmed in the STIP? y
Is funding from all requested programs shown in the STIP? y
Are the requested funds supported by the STIP? y
If funded through a HQ managed program(ex.Bridge,HSIP),is the award letter included when these funds are first obligated'! Y
If funded through a HQ managed program,does the submitted scope match the project summary scope? y
Local Agency Agreement(DOT Forms 140-039&140-041)-LAG Chapter 22
Is at least one LAA or LAA supplement,with an original signature,included? Y
Current form used?(check revision date at bottom left) Y
All pages of Agreement included?
Are the Agency information,Project#,LAA#,Supplement#,and date of original agreement execution correct? Y
Does project information(title,termini,length,description,etc.)agree with STIP/Prospectus/NEPA-CE? Y
1 of 2
Authorization Package Checklist
WSDOT/Local Programs
Local Programs Authorization Package Checklist
Region HQ
Agency Check Check
Local Agency Agreement(DOT Forms 140-039&140.041)-LAG Chapter 22(CONT-1 ❑ F-1 Q
Is the reason for supplement accurate and up to date?
Is the Project Agreement End Date(month,day,and year)included? Does it follow LAG guidance? Y
When not authorizing a new phase,is the end date the same as shown on the previous agreement? Y
If not,is adequate justification(see LAG 22.3)included to support changing the end date?
Is the Advertisement Date(month,day,and year)included?Is it within 6 weeks of estimated CN authorization? Y
If the ICR box is checked'Yes',is the agency's current approved/self-certifed rate documentation provided? It must clearly showN/A
a single rate to be used,the imeframe it covers,and the actual signature of approval/self-certification.
If corrections made,are they initialed?If made by WSDOT is permission from Agency provided? N/A
Are all federal aid participation ratios being used listed? Y
If de-obligating funds on any line,does it reduce obligation below expenditures? N/A
Are amounts calculated correctly and shown in the correct columns? Y
Documented Cost Estimate-LAG 22.4 and Appendix 22.56 ❑ ❑ ❑
Is a Documented Cost Estimate included for each phase requesting/changing funds?
Are total dollars on the LAA supported by the phase estimates? Y
Does the estimate sufficiently demonstrate how the costs were determined? Y
Right of Way- LAG Chapter 25 � � ❑
If authorizing RW,is a true cost estimate summary sheet included? N/A
Does the true cost estimate summary sheet support RW amounts shown on the LAA?
If authorizing RW and Relocation is required,is the signature page of the approved Relocation Plan included? N/A
If authorizing CN,is the Local Programs approved RW Certification included? N/A
If RW acquired under the Government Acquisitions Provision,is approval documentation included? N/A
Environmental Documentation/Approval(NEPA)- LAG Chapter 24 ❑ ❑ ❑
Is an approved NEPA package(at least signature page)included?
Does the description of work match the Prospectus/LAA/STIP?
Is the footprint of the project within the limits of the NEPA approval? Y
Do the NEPA-CE Part 3 RW responses agree with the STIP and Prospectus? y
Is the approval date within the last 3 years?
If approval is older than 3 years,has the approval been re-evaluated by the environmental engineer? Y
DBE Goals (LAG Chapter 26)-Tied Bid (LAG Chapter 44)- Local Forces(LAG Chapter 61) F-1 F� ❑
If authorizing construction,is the DBE goal letter/e-mail included,or are the goals in SPORT? TBD
If construction includes a tied bid project,is the approved PIF included or noted in SPORT? TBD
If construction by Local Forces,is the approved PIF included or noted in SPORT? N/A
PROJECT NOTES(Provide additional information or explanation as necessary)
Authorization Package Checklist
WSDOT/Local Programs 2 of 2
AdW Washington State Local Agency Federal Aid
Department of Transportation Project Prospectus
--Prefix Route Route ( ) Date 1/29/2024
Federal Aid BHM 1068 004 DUNS Number 020253613
Project Number --
Local Agency ! WSDOT 1 Federal Employer 91-6001254
Project Number 21-3024.1 ` Use Only J Tax ID Number
Agency CAAgency Federal Program Title
City of Kent U Yes ❑No Z✓ 20.205 [:]Other
Project Title Start Latitude N 47.3784 Start Longitude W-122.2691
Green River Bridge Repainting End Latitude N 47.3787 End Lon itude W-122.2682
Project Termini From-To Nearest City Name Project Zip Code(+4)
State Route 516 Russell Road Kent 98032-5838
Begin Mile Post End Mile Post Length of Project Award Type
N/A N/A 0.05 �✓ Local❑Local Forces❑State❑Railroad
Route ID Begin Mile Point End Mile Point City Number County Number County Name
0615 17 King
WSDOT Region Legislative District(s)
LCongressional District(s) Urban Area Number
Northwest Region 33 80389
- Phase Start
Total Local Agency Federal Funds
Phase Estimated Cost Funding Date
(Nearest Hundred Dollar Nearest Hundred Dollar) Nearest Hundred Dollar Month Year
P.E. $443541 49214 $394,300 June,2022
Const. $4,228,092 $1,622,392 $2,605,700 January 2024
Total $4,671,633 $1,671633 $3,000,000
Description of Existing Facility (Existing Design and Present Condition)
Roadway Width Number of Lanes
26 feet 2 The Meeker street bridge is a steel bridge with a cement concrete deck, originally constructed in 1958.
Description of Proposed Work
Description of Proposed Work(Attach additional sheet(s)if necessary)
The project consists of the sandblasting and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River in
Local Agency Contact Person Title Phone
Stephen Lincoln Engineer 3 253 8565552_
- State Zi Code
Mailing Address City
400 West Gowe Street Kent WA 98032
Project Prospectus — Approving Authority
�C b✓t�l�KS �r:C T Date
Title PV gL. a ) y
Page 1
DOT Form Revised 0112022 Previous Editions Obsolete
——-- -------.
Project Title Date
Cit of Kent , Green River Bridge Repainting 1/29/2024
Type of Proposed Work —
Project Type(Check all that Apply) Roadway Width Num er o anes
26 2
❑ New Construction ❑Path /Trail ❑ 3-R
❑ Reconstruction ❑ Pedestrian / Facilities ❑2-R
❑ Railroad ❑ Parking ❑Other I
- - ---
Geometric Design Data - - --
--- —
Description Through Route i--
❑ Principal Arterial ❑ Principal Arterial
❑ Minor Arterial
i✓ Minor Arterial
Federal i✓� Urban ® ❑ Urban ❑Collector
Functional ❑ Rural ❑ Rural
❑ Major Collector ❑ Major Collector
Classification NHS
❑ NHS ❑ Minor Collector ❑ ❑ Minor Collector
❑ Local Access ❑ Local Access
Terrain ✓, Flat [:].Roll Mountain _- ®-Flat El ❑ Mountain
---- 'N/A
Posted Speed — 35 -- --
- - N/A
Design Speed 45 ----I
— __—
Existing ADT - 24800 --- —- N/A-
Design Year ADT 24800 --
Design Year - - 2021 - N A _-- --- -- -_ -- -
----- �N/A --
Design Hourly Volume (DHV) ,2976
Performance of Work -- -I
Preliminary Engineering Will Be Performed By Others Agency
Consultant, Agency - 70 % 30- -- %°
Construction Will Be Performed By Contract gency
Contractor 100 % 0 --
Environmental Classification
❑Class I - Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) L✓ Class II - Categorically Excluded (CE)
❑Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 ✓ Projects Requiring Documentation
Interagency Agreement (Documented CE)
❑ Class III - Environmental Assessment(EA)
❑Project Involves NEPA/SEPA Section 404 j
Interagency Agreements - --Environmental Considerations
i I I
__— - Page 2
DOT Form 140-101 Previous Editions Obsolete
Revised 01/2022
1 Project Title
i iver Bridge Repainting
i City of Kent Green R
Right of Way
F] Right of Way Needed
No Right of Way Neede -I
*All construction requir d by the I No Relocation Relocation ReqUired
contract can be accomplished
within the existing right of way. I
Utilities Railroad
Z No railroad work required
'L�V_] No utility work required i I
completed prior to the start of I
All utility work will be completed prior to the start !F�All railroad work will be
of the construction contract the construction contract
rdination E]All the railroad work will be completed in coordination I
All utility work will be completed in coo
with the construction contract —------
with the construction contract
I ed in the Project
Description of Utility Relocation or Adjustments and Existing Major Structures nvolv
Not Applicable to this Project
he proposed roject?E]yes [,ej No
is any airport located within 3.2 kilometers (2 miles) of t
Not Applicable to this Project
the administration agency or agencies, or it'Date
| This reviewed the legislative ' rehaDG� o� community development.
� doo�nm*. and hs not inoon�etantxx�hthe agency's conlp
� City of Kent
! 7/7/�O24 By
ODate \
� '
---- Page
DOT Form 14*1n1 Previous Editions Obsolete
Meeker Street Bridge Vicinity Map
*r I
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— r
Golf Course
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•l`. �"..�`\ 15,
':k `rr
The nformal—in ciAed on this map has been coal by Krig County staff fran a variety of sources and is subject to Change
without notice.IGng County makes no representations or w�aeanties,express orimplled,as to accuracy,completeness,ttneiness, N
or rights to the use of such information.This document s not intended for use as a survey product.King County shall not be lade
for any general,special,i,direct,incidental,or.nsequential damages iriciudrg,but not united to,last raveoues or as pmfiLs N
resulting from the use or msuse oft he irdonnatbn contained an this map.My sale of this map or in formation ant his map is
prohbited except by wriden pwrrissio n of King County. King County
Date:12116/2021 Notes:
Jurisdiction: Kent
Project Number: KEN-54 County: King Title: Green River Bridge Repainting
rPhase Programmed Year Oblig.Date Funding Source Federal Funds State Funds Local Funds Phase Total
N - -- - 2024 2/V24 BR $2,844,000 $0 0 ,
WSDOT PIN: Totals: $2,844,000 $0 $0 $2,844,000
Federal Aid/FTA Grant Number(s): 1068(005)
Functional Class: Urban Minor Arterial Improvement Type: Bridge Rehabilitation
Location: Meeker Street From: State Route 516 To: Russell Road
Total Cost: $3,476,620 Regionally Significant:No Environmental Status: CE
Year of Expenditure for Total Cost: 2024 Expected Year of Completion: 2024
MTP Status: Exempt MTP Reference(s): N/A
The project consists of the sandblasting and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge over the Green River in Kent.
-- ---- -
-- — n- 132 Appendix A:Project Descriptions
Am� Washington State Local Agency Agreement Supplement
�I/ Department of Transportation
9encY -- upp ement!Number
Kent 1 Federal Ai Project umber "0 ....nt umt3er CFC]A No. 0.20a Highway Planning
BHM-1068(004) LA 10339 _ and Construction
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as modified by this supplement.
The Local Agency certifies that it is not excluded from receiving Federal funds by a Federal suspension or debarment
(2 CFR Part 180).Additional changes to the agreement are as follows:
Project Description
Name Green River Bridge Repainting Length 0,05 Miles
Termini State Route 516, Russell Road
Description of Work ✓ No Change
Reason for Supplement
Move funds from agency to consultant in PE phase. Authorize CN phase.
Are you claiming indirect cost rate? -]Yes V No Project Agreement End Date 12/31/2027
Advertisement Date 3/21/2024
- -- --- I - - Estimate of Fundin _
(1) (3) (4) (5)
Type of Work Previous (2) Estimated Total Estimated Agency Estimated Federal
_Agreem_ent/Sgpl. Pro'ect Funds Funds Funds
100 0�n h h r Consultants 0.00
(Federal Aid 0.00
Participation - 0.00
Ratio for PE s
P s Es i +d 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0.00
Right o Way 0.00
% 0.00
1=ederal Aid 0
Participation 0
(Ratio for RW I rune
al o
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
�Construction� I[ C n t 0.00
100 �� Consultants 0.00
Federal Aid 0.00
Participation the 0.00
Ratio for CN n
"&$QNLW 0.00
q.Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
r, I P t Cost s imate a+' 0.00 0,00 _ 0.00 0,00 0.00
The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a
condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions.
Agency Official Washington State Department of Transportation
By gx z— BY Step hanle Digitally signed by
Director, Local Program Stephanie Tax
Title POW-re- POP" CxIZFG'fOP g Date:2024.03.01
Agency Date 2///5N Date Executed Tax 12:17:58-07'00'
Page 1
DOT Form 140-041
Revised 04/2022
Agency Supplement Number
FederalAld Project 46riber AgrFr QmentNaiilber CFDA No. 26,205 •Highway Planning
BHM-1068(004) LA 10339 and Construction
VI. Payment and Partial Reimbursement
The total cost of the project, including all review and engineering costs and other expenses of the State, is to be paid
by the Agency and by the Federal Government. Federal funding shall be in accordance with the Federal Transportation
Act, as amended, 2 CFR Part 200.The State shall not be ultimately responsible for any of the costs of the project.The
Agency shall be ultimately responsible for all costs associated with the project which are not reimbursed by the Federal
Government. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as a promise by the State as to the amount or nature of federal
participation in this project.
The Agency shall bill the state for federal aid project costs Incurred in conformity with applicable federal and state laws.
The agency shall minimize the time elapsed between receipt of federal aid funds and subsequent payment of incurred
costs. Expenditures by the Local Agency for maintenance, general administration, supervision, and other overhead
shall not be eligible for federal participation unless a current indirect cost plan has been prepared in accordance with
the regulations outlined in 2 CFR fart 200-Uniform Admin. Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for
Federal Awards, and retained for audit.
The State will pay for State incurred costs on the project. Following payment, the State shall bill the Federal Government
for reimbursement of those costs eligible for federal participation to the extent that such costs are attributable and properly
allocable to this project.The State shall bill the Agency for that portion of State costs which were not reimbursed by the
Federal Government(see Section IX).
VII.Audit of Federal Consultant Contracts
The Agency, if services of a consultant are required, shall be responsible for audit of the consultant's records to determine
eligible federal aid costs on the project. The report of said audit shall be in the Agency's files and made available to the
State and the Federal Government.
t' An audit shall be conducted by the WSDOT Internal Audit Office in accordance with generally accepted governmental
auditing standards as issued by the United States General Accounting Office by the Comptroller General of the United
states;WSDOT Manual M 27-50,Consultant Authorization,Selection,and Agreement Administration; memoranda of
understanding between WSDOT and FHWA;and 2 CFR Part 200.501 -Audit Requirements.
If upon audit it is found that overpayment or participation of federal money in ineligible items of cost has occurred, the
Agency shall reimburse the State for the amount of such overpayment or excess participation.
IX. Payment of Billing
The Agency agrees that if payment or arrangement for payment of any of the State's billing relative to the project(e.g.,
State force work, project cancellation, overpayment,cost ineligible for federal participation,etc..)is not made to the State
within 45 days after the Agency has been billed, the State shall effect reimbursement of the total sum due from the regular
monthly fuel tax allotments to the Agency from the Motor Vehicle Fund. No additional Federal project funding will be
approved until full payment is received unless otherwise directed by the Director, Local Programs.
Project Agreement End Bate-This date is based on your projects period of Performance(2 CFR Part 200.309).
Any costs incurred after the Project Agreement End Elate are NOT eligible for federal reimbursement.All eligible costs
incurred prior to the Project Agreement End Date must be submitted for reimbursement within 90 days after the Project
Agreement End Elate or they become ineligible for federal reimbursement.
Vill. Single Audit Act
The Agency, as a subrecipient of federal funds,shall adhere to the federal regulations outlined in 2 CFR Part 2.00.601 as
well as all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations.A subrecipient who expends$750,000 or more in federal
awards from all sources during a given fiscal year shall have a single or program-specific audit performed for that year in
accordance with the provisions of 2 CFR Part 200.501. Upon conclusion of the audit,the Agency shall be responsible for
ensuring that a copy of the report is transmitted promptly to the State.
Local Agencies receiving Federal funding from the USDOT or its operating administrations(i.e., Federal Highway
Administration, Federal Transit Administration, FederalAviation Administratinn)are required to submit a written policy
statement, signed by the Agency Executive and addressed to the State, documenting that all programs, activities and
services will be conducted in compliance with Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA).
Page 2
DOT Form 140-041
Revised 04/2022
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KEN-54Green River Bridge Repainting L
Updated 1/29/24
PE —
Agency Federal Total
Consultant $ 336,855.00!See TranTech Engineering Contract $ 49,214.00 $ 252,641.00 $ 301,SSS.00!Remainder of consultant costs
are included in KEN 55 Bridge Deck Repair
Agency $ 128,259.00 $ 128,259.00:
---- ------... — —
State $ 13,400.00 $ 13,400.00 —
CN -- - —
Contract See Attached Engineers Estimate $1,542,662.00 $2,434,000.00 $ 3,976— .0
City Staff
Postion Hrly Rate #Hours Total -
Capital Project Manager $ 113.00 324 $ 36,612.00 --
Const.EngSupervisor $ 150.00 58:.$ 8,700.00 _
Engineering Manager $ 140.00 291',$ 40,740.00
Engineer 3 $ 110.00. 146 $ 16,060.00 _ — -
Administrator $ 100.00 291'$29,100.00
Subtotal City Staff O $ 44,712.00 $ 86,500.00 $ 131,212.00
I I '
Position Hrly Rate #Hours Total -
- — —
Bridge Engineer $ _232.00 i 324�'$ 75,168.00 —� -
Project Engineer -� 150.00 _- 227I$ 34,050.00 -
Administrator +$ 100.00 10 $ 1,000.00
Subtotal Consultant $110,218.00 $ 35,018.00 $ 75,200.00 $ 110,218.00
State $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00
TOTAL $1,671,606,00 $3,000,000.00 $ 4,671,606.00
IEnginee -Ing LLC
PROJECT: Green River Bridge Repainting
PROJECT M: SHM-1068(004)
AGENCY: City of Kent
Schedule A-General
MOBILIZATION -_- L.S. 1.00 $47,466.00 $47,488.00
Al _
A ACRE 0.20 $35,000.00 $7,087.50
A3 WORK ACCESS L.S. 1.00 - $283,500.00 $283,500.00
_--.---... 100,00
- L.S. 1.00 $8,100.00 $$
A5 FLAGGERS - - --- ..
-- - L.S. 1.00 $12,150.00 $12,150.00
-- EST. 1.00 $20,250.00 $20,250.00
--- --------- S.F. 275.00 $50.00 $13,750.00
HR 6,723.
A9-- 00 $6.00 $40.338.00 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN --- -
- L.S. 1.00 $16,200.00 $16.200.00
OTHER TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEV -- -- 1.5-- 1.00 $2,430.00 $2,430.00
Al2 STRUCTURE SURVEYING L.S. 1.00 __ $8,100.00 $8,100.00
-- _ _
---- ---- - CALC. 1.00 $20,250.00 $20,250.00
A14 SPCC PLAN - __ L.S. 1.00 _ _ ___$4,050.00 $4,050.00
---- -- _ --
EACH 5.00 $250.001 $1,250.00
A17 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN - L.S. 1.00 _ --_$4,050.00 $4,050.00
---- EST. 1.00 $4,050.00 $4,050.00
EST. 1.00 $8,100.00 $8,100.00
SCHEDULE A TOTAL _- - $621,661.60
Schedule B-Steel Painting and Related Repairs
81 _MOBILIZATION _ L.S.-_ 1.00 $314,100.00 $314,100.00
84 HRDOUS MATERIAL EXCAVATION INCL.HAUL C.Y. 50.00 $100.00 $5,000.00
85 REPAIR OF EXISTING STEEL MEMBERS L.S. 1.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00
L.S. 1.00 $2,479,000.00 $2,479,000.00
87 CLEANING,SEALING AND CAULKING PACK RUST - L.F. 100.00 $$40.00 192,000.00
---- S.F. 4,800.00 $40.00 $192,000.00
89 CONTAINMENT OF ABRASIVES L.S. 1.00 $175,000.00 $$75,000.00
EST. ~ 1.00 $76,000.00 $75,000.00
B11 ENGINEER DIRECTED REPAIR F.A. 1.00 $80,000.00 $50,000.00
SCHEDULE B TOTAL - $3,466,100.00
-- - � - ,976961.60
-------- TOTAL
$3 ,
i Washington stet® NEPA Categorical Exclusion
Department of Transportation Documentation Form
Federal Aid Project Number: NEPA Start Date: Intent of Submittal:
BE1M-1068(004)&BHM-1068(005) May 3,2023 ❑Preliminary®Final[]Re-Evaluate
Agency:City of Kent Project Title:
Green River Bridge Deck Repair and Bridge Repainting
Beginning terminus: State Route 516 Townships): 22 N
Ending terminus: Russell Road Range(s): 04 E
Miles: 0.05 Section(s): 23
Part 1-Project Description(Attach Vicinity Map)
Green River Bridge Deck Repair,the project consists of providing surface repairs to the Meeker Street Bridge deck.
Green River Bridge Repainting,the project consists of the sandblasting and repainting of the Meeker Street Bridge
over the Green River in Kent.
Part 2—Categorical Exclusion&STIP
• Identify one CE from 23 CFR 771,117(CE Guidebook-Appendix A)that fits the entire project (28)Bridge Rehabilitation
• Per 23 CFR Part 452(I)identify the subsequent project phase identified on the STIP?❑ROW®Construction
•Attach a copy of the STIP page to the CE documentation form.
--- Digitally signed by
NEPA Approval Signatures Melanie Vance
�2/ IZ 10:00:09-08'00'
1013 i'hl3 --
Local Agency Approving Authority Date Local Programs Environmental Engineer Date
Digitally signed by Mehrdad Moini,PE 11/16/23
Date:2023.11.01 14:18:04-07'00' CE per PA
Regional Local Programs Engineer Date Federal Highway Administration Date
Completed by(Print Official's Name): Telephone(include area code): Email address:
Page 1
DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
Part 3-Permits,Approvals&Right of Way(ROW)
Yes No Permit or Approval Yes No Permit or Approval
❑ 0 Water Quality Certification—Section 401
❑ ®Corps of Engineers ❑ Sec. 10 ❑ Sec.404 Issued by
❑ Nationwide Type ❑ ® Tribal Permit(s)(if any)_
❑ Individual Permit No. ® ❑ Other Permits(List) bridge washing permit
❑ ® Coastal Zone Management Certification ❑ ® is permanent ROW acquisition needed? if yes,
❑ ® Critical Areas Ordinance(CAO)Permit
amount needed: (acres/sq.ft.).
❑ ® Forest Practices Act Permit ❑ ®Is any temporary ROW needed?
® ❑ Hydraulic Project Approval ❑ ® Is relocation required?
❑ ® Local Building or Site Development Permits ❑ ® Has ROW(property and/or property interests)
❑ ® Local Clearing and Grading Permit been acquired for this project prior to the NEPA start date?
® ❑ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System If yes,documentation demonstrating compliance with 23
(NPDES)Baseline General for Construction CFR 710,501 may be required.
❑ Z Shoreline Permit ® ❑ Is a detour required? if yes,please attach detour
❑ ® State Waste Discharge Permit information.
❑ ® Water Rights Permit
U.S.Coast Guard Permitting
a. Does the project propose any new or modify an existing bridges or culverts crossing a waterway? ®Yes ❑ No
b. If Yes,attach a copy of the jurisdictional determination email or letter from the U.S.Coast Guard.—Finail record is
Other Federal Agencies- Does the project involve any federal properties,approvals or funding from other/additional
federal agencies? ❑ Yes ® No If Yes,please describe.
Part 4-Environmental Considerations
Will the project involve work in or affect any of the following?identify proposed mitigation.
Attach additional pages or supplemental information if necessary.
1. Air Quality-Identify any anticipated air quality issues.
Is the project exempt from Air Quality conformity requirements? ® Yes ❑ No
a. If Yes,identify exemption—please refer to Appendix G in the CE Guidebook for a list of exemptions.
Pavement resurfacing and/or rehabilitation;Transportation enhancement activities
b. Is the project located in an Air Quality Non-Attainment Area or Maintenance Area for carbon monoxide,
ozone or PM 10 or PM 2.57 ❑ Yes ® No
2. Critical and Sensitive Areas
a. is this project within a sole source aquifer ❑ Yes ® No
If located within a sole source aquifer,is the project exempt from EPA approval?
If Yes,please list exemption: -_--
If No,date of EPA approval: —
b. Will this project impact Species/Habitat other than ESA listed species? ❑ Yes ® No Explain your answer.
The project area is limited to the existing bridge infrastructure.Appropriate best management practices will be
provided for the protection of water quality.
c. Is this project within one mile of a Bald Eagle nesting territory,winter concentration area or communal roast?
Page 2.
DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
❑ Yes No If Yes,the local agency must go to the US Fish&Website(httos•//www fws aov/story/do-i-need-
eaale-take-permit)and review the information under When is a permit recommended?. Please explain why a permit
Is or Is not needed:
Please attach a copy of the permit if needed.
d. Are wetlands present within the project area? ❑ Yes ® No if Yes,estimate the impact in acres:
Please attach a copy of the proposed mitigation plan.
3. Cultural Resources/Historic Structures—Identify any historic,archaeological or cultural resources present within the
project's Area of Potential Effects.
Does the project fit into any of the exempt types of projects listed in Appendix J of the CE Guidebook?
® Yes ❑ No If Yes,note exemptions below. OK per TD 6/21/23
A-8,Stripping and painting of bridges;A-10,bridge deck pavers and striping projects.
If No: Date of DAHP concurrence:
Date of Tribal consultation(s)(if applicable):
Adverse effects on cultural/historic resources? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If Yes,date of approved Section 106 MOA:
4. Floodplains and Floodways
a. Is the project located in a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ® No
b. If Yes,is the project located within a 100-year floodway? ❑ Yes ® No
C. Will the project impact a 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes ® No If Yes,describe impacts.
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DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
s. Hazardous and Problem Waste—Identify potential sources and type(s).
a. Does the project require excavation below the existing ground surface? ❑ Yes ® No
b. Will groundwater be encountered? ❑ Yes ® No
C. Will any properties be acquired as part of this project? ❑ Yes ® No
d. Is this site located in an undeveloped area(i.e.no buildings,parking,storage areas or agriculture? ❑ Yes
e. Is the project located within a one-mile radius of a known Superfund Site? ❑ Yes ® No
f. Is this project located within a%-mile radius of a site or sites listed on any of the following Department of
Ecology databases? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes,check the appropriate boxes below.
® Voluntary Cleanup Program(VCP),State Cleanup Site(SCS),or Independent Cleanup Program(ICP)
❑ Underground Storage Tank(UST)
® Leaking underground Storage Tank(LUST)
® Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List(CSCSL)
g. Has site reconnaissance(windshield survey)been performed? ❑ Yes ® No(Please identify any
properties not identified in the Ecology or ERS database search as an attachment--name,address and property
h. Based on the information above and project specific activities, is there a potential for the project to generate,
acquire or encounter contaminated soils,groundwater or surface water? ® Yes ❑ No
Please explain:
The project does not involve disturbance of soils,or use of groundwater or surface waters. A good-faith survey was
completed for lead-containing paint that targeted those materials expected to be impacted during project implementation.
Lead was detected above the laboratory reporting limit in all I l of the paint types sampled.Ten of these paint types were
found to contain lead concentrations high enough(greater than 0.5 mg/kg)to classify them as lead-based paints.'toxicity
Characteristic Leaching Procedure('rCL,P)analysis was then completed for two samples;both of these composited TCLP
samples were determined to contain leachable lead at concentrations greater than 5 mg/L,and as such would be considered
both a hazardous waste under Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and a State dangerous waste under Chapter l 73-
303 WAC. Disposal requirements of debris created from bridge painting preparation will need to be determined in
accordance with the receiving requirements of the landfill used during the repainting project.
If you responded Yes to any of these questions above(5A—5F or 5H),contact your Region LPE for assistance as a"Right
Sized" HazMat Analysis Report/Memorandum most likely will be required.
CPart 4-Environmental Considerations(continued)
Page 4
DOT Form 140-IOOEF
Revised 10/2022
6. Noise
a. Does the project involve constructing a new roadway? ❑ Yes ® No
b. Is there a change in the vertical or horizontal alignment of the existing roadway? Yes ® No
c. Does the project increase the number of through traffic lanes on an existing roadway? ❑ Yes ® No
d. Is there a change in the topography? ❑ Yes ® No
e. Are there auxiliary lanes extending 1-Y,miles or longer being constructed as part of this project?
❑ Yes ® No
f. if you answered Yes to any of the preceding questions, identify and describe any potential noise receptors within
the project area and subsequent impacts to those noise receptors. Please attach a copy of the noise analysis if
if impacts are identified,describe proposed mitigation measures.
ildlife refuges, historic properties,wild&scenic rivers,
7. 4(f)/6(f)Resources:parks, recreation areas,w
scenic byways
a. Please identify any 4(f)properties within the project limits and the areas of impacts.
Green River Trail and Frager Road`frail;both trails have segments that will be closed during project construction.
Refer to Temporary Occupancy Approval forms.Concurrence signed by FHWA 10/20/23
b. Please identify any properties within the project limits that used funds from the Land&Water Conservation
Fund Act.
Not applicable
c. Please list any Wild and Scenic Rivers and Scenic Byways within the project limits,
Not applicable
8. Agricultural Lands—
a. Are there agricultural lands within 300 feet of the project limits?❑ Yes ® No If Yes,describe impacts:
b. Are impacted lands considered to be unique and prime farmland? ❑ Yes ® No
If Yes,date of project review by Natural Resource Conservation Service(NRCS): _-
Page 5
DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
9. Rivers,Streams(continuous or intermittent)or Tidal Waters
a. Identify all waterbodies within 300 feet of the project limits or that will otherwise be impacted.
Green River
b. identify stream crossing structures by type.
Meeker Street Bridge(existing)
Part 4-Environmental Considerations(continued)
10. Tribal Lands—Identify whether the project will occur within any Tribal lands,including reservation,trust and fee
lands.Please do not list usual and accustomed area.
Not applicable
11. Water Quality/Stormwater
a. Will this project's proposed stormwater treatment facility be consistent with the guidelines provided by either
WSDOT's HRM,DOE's stormwater management manual for eastern/western Washington or a local agency equivalent
manual?®Yes ❑ No
Explain proposed water quality/quantity treatment for the new and any existing pollution generating impervious
surface associated with the proposed project.
b. Amount of existing pollution generating impervious surface within the project limits: anmrox 6 400 sd ft
C. Net new pollution generating impervious surface to be created as a result of this project: 0 -.
d. Amount of proposed post-project untreated pollution generating impervious surface: anprox 6,400 sn ft-
12. Previous Environmental Commitments
Describe previous environmental commitments that may affect or be affected by the project—if any.
13. Environmental Justice-Does the project meet any of the exemptions noted in Appendix L of the CE
Documentation Guidebook?
If Yes,please note the exemption and appropriate justification in the space below.
If No,attach Appendix M and supporting documentation as required per the decision matrix.This will include at least
two demographic information sources and possibly a description of anticipated project impacts.
Please refer to the CE Guidebook for more information.
Refer to attached Social and Community Impacts Decision Matrix and supporting demographic information.
Part 5-Biological Assessments and EFH Evaluations
1. Do any listed species potentially occur in the project's action area and/or is any designated critical habitat present
within the project's action area? ® Yes ❑ No Attach species listings.
2.Will any construction work occur 3.Does the project involve blasting,pile
Affected ESA Listed Species within 0.25 mile of any of the driving,concrete sawing,rock-drilling
following? or rock-scaling activity within one mile
of any of the following?
Page 6
DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
Oregon Spotted Frog proposed critical ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
habitat or suitable habitat?
Yellow-billed Cuckoo suitable habitat? ❑ Yes X No Yes ® No
Spotted Owl management areas, ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
designated critical habitat or suitable
habitat? —------
Marbled Murrelet nest or occupied stand, ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
designated critical habitat or suitable
Western Snowy Plover designated critical Yes ® Na Yes No
habitat? -
is the project within 0.25 mile of marine ❑ Yes No ❑ Yes ® No
waters?if Yes explain potential effects on
Killer Whales and on Marbled Murrelet
foraging areas.
Killer Whale designated critical habitat? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
Grizzly Bear suitable habitat? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
Gray Wolf suitable habitat? ❑ Yes X No ❑ Yes ® No
Canada Lynx habitat? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
Columbia White-tailed Deer suitable ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
Woodland Caribou habitat? Yes ® No Yes No
Streaked Horned Lark designated critical ❑ Yes No Yes Na
habitat or suitable habitat?
Taylor's Checkerspot designated critical Yes No Yes ® No
habitat or suitable habitat?
Mazama Pocket Gopher designated Yes ® No Yes Na
critical habitat or suitable habitat?
Eulachon designated critical habitat or ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No
suitable habitat?
Rockfish proposed critical habitat or El Yes ® No El es ® No
suitable habitat?
A mature coniferous or mixed forest Yes ® No Yes No
4. Will the project involve any in-water work? Yes No
5. Will any construction work occur within 300 feet of any perennial or intermittent ® Yes ❑ No
waterbody that either supports or drains to waterbody supporting listed fish?
6. Will any construction work occur within 300 feet of any wetland,pond or lake that ❑ Yes ® No
is connected to any permanent or intermittent waterbody?
7. Does the action have the potential to directly or indirectly impact designated critical ❑ Yes ® No
habitat for salmonids(including adjacent riparian zones)?
li. Will the project discharge treated or untreated stormwater runoff or utilize water ❑ Yes ® No
from a waterbody that supports or drains into a listed-fish supporting waterbody?
9. Will construction occur outside the existing pavement?if Yes go to 9a. ® Yes ❑ No
9a.Will construction activities occurring outside the existing pavement involve clearing, ❑ Yes ® No
grading,filling or modification of vegetation or tree-cutting?
10. Are there any Federally listed Threatened or Endangered plant species located within ❑ Yes ® No
the project limits?if Yes,please attach a list of these plant species within the action area.
{ 11. Does a mature coniferous or mixed forest stand occur within 200'of the project site? ElYes ® No
Page 7
DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
Analysis for No Effects Determination—If there are any Yes answers to questions in Part 5,additional analysis is
required. Attach additional sheets if needed.
The project is painting and(leek repair of an existing bridge over the Green River. Best management practices will be utilized
for the protection of water quality during construction and no net new pollution generating impervious surfaces are proposed.
There will be minor vegetation removal at the north end of the bridge for painting. The vegetation to be removed is
invasive/non-native I limalayan blackberry separated from the Green River by the Green River Trail. This type of vegetation
and location provides limited,if any,functions to critical habitat for bull trout,steelhead trout,or Chinook salt-non(i.e.does not
provide shade or large woody debris input)designated for the Green River in the project vicinity. The project vicinity does not
provide suitable habitat for listed terrestrial species. Refer to attached map,photos,and species lists.
Analysis for RRMP ESA 4(d)determination for NMFS—A local agency must be certified by the Regional Road
Maintenance Forum to utilize 4(d).
Maintenance Category(check all that apply)
❑ 1. Roadway Surface ❑6 Stream Crossings ❑ 11. Emergency Slide/Washout Repair
❑ 2. Enclosed Drainage Systems ❑ 7.Gravel Shoulders ❑ 12.Concrete
❑ 3.Cleaning Enclosed Drainage Systems ❑ 8.Street Surface Cleaning ❑ 13.Sewer Systems
❑ 4.Open Drainage Systems ®9. Bridge Maintenance ❑ 1.4.Water Systems
❑ 5.Watercourses and Streams ❑ 10.Snow and Ice Control ❑ 15.Vegetation
Describe how the project fits in the RRMP 4(d)Program:
The proposed project is painting and(leek repair of an existing bridge, which arc included as Bridge Maintenance activities in
the Roadside Regional Maintenance Program(RRMP). The project will implement best management practices outlined in the
RRMP for"filter/perimeter protection"and"reducing potential for contaminants falling into water".
Effect Determinations for ESA and EFH
If each of the questions in the preceding section resulted in a"No"response or if any of the questions were checked "Yes,"
but adequate justification can be provided to support a"no effect"determination,then check"No Effect"below. If this
checklist cannot be used for Section 7 compliance(i.e.,adequate justification cannot be provided or a"may effect"
determination is anticipated),a separate biological assessment document is required.
OK per HP NMFS USFWS EFH Determination
® No Effect SJ25/23 5/25/23 ® No Adverse Effect
❑ NLTAA-Date of Concurrence ❑ Adverse Effect—Date of NM FS
❑ LTAA—Date BO Issued _ — _ concurrence —
❑ RRMP 4(d) ❑ Not Applicable `—
Part 6-FHWA Comments
Page 8
DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
Page 9
f DOT Form 140-100EF
Revised 10/2022
AIM Washington State
Department of Transportation Public Interest Finding
(Please limit answers to the spaces provided,attached additional sheets as needed)
Project Information —
State/Local Project Number Project Name
21-3024.1 and 21-3024.2 Green River Bridge Repainting and Green River Bridge Deck Repair
Federal Aid Project Number NEPA Category NEP 1Clearance Date
BHM 1068 (004+005) ✓ CE EA EIS 11/16/23
Region or Agency
City of Kent
Amount Full Oversight
$4,484,300.00 Yes ✓ No
Public Interest Finding (PIF) Information
Select Type of PIF: Regulatory Reference
Tied Bids 23 CFR 635.111
A federal project and a non-federal project or two federal projects(otherwise separate contacts)may be tied
together for bidding purposes where it appears that by doing so more favorable bids may be received.To
avoid discrimination against contractors desiring to bid upon a lesser amount of work than that included in
the tied combinations,provisions should be made to permit bidding separately on individual projects
whenever they are of such character as to be suitable for bidding independently. To bid the projects under a
single contract,approval is required by Highways and Local Programs prior to being advertised.The
following requirement can be found in the Local Agency Guidelines Chapter 44.
Justification or Supportinnformation__—_ -
Goal g i Statement
j The City of Kent's goal is to tie the construction contract for the Green River Bridge Repainting and Green
River Bridge Deck Repair into single bid and contract.
Specifically,these projects are:
The Green River Bridge Paint Project,Federal Aid Number BHM-1068(004)
Federal and Local Funding,Engineer's Estimate: $3,976,662.00
The Green River Bridge Deck Repair,Federal Aid Number BHM-1068(005)
Federal Funding,Engineer's Estimate: $937,059.00
Description of Work
The Green River Bridge Repainting consists of the minor structural repair,paint removal and repainting of
the Green River Bridge at Meeker Street, this work will include all related traffic control,minor vegetation
clearing, structure containment,structure access,and waste material handling.
The Green River Bridge Deck Repair consists of the minor structural repair to the bridge deck,expansion
joint repairs, surface preparation,polymer concrete overlay,and approach resurfacing on the Green River
Bridge at Meeker Street,this work will include all related traffic control, structure containment,structure
access,and waste material handling.
DOT Form 140-050
Revised 06/2020
Cost Effectiveness Determination
The lying of these two contracts into a single bid will eliminate significant amounts of duplicate work between the two contracts including traffic control,structure containment,
and structure access. The estimated construction cost for the project,performed by a single contractor,is$4,913,720. 'file estimated total cost for this work performed under
two contracts is access.
Tile e timated($4,090 con for the painting and$1,400,590 for the deck repair).These alternative estimates are attached for reference(Attachment 0.
he bids will allow for a significant reduction in construction administration costs. tt is estimated that tying the bids will result in t 33%reduction in staff
Additionally,tying t
time,reducing construction administration costs from$447,300 to$29R,200,A work sheet showing the hours breakdown a is atthtchcd for reference(Attachment 2).
Lastly the current estimated cost for the City to bid a single project is approximately$29,200 dollars between staff and benefits and adverting costs(see attachment 3).
Bidding both bodies of work its single project will cost 50%less than bidding the bodies of work separately. For convenience,all cost differences are summarized in attachment
Schedule Issues
The period of time these projects will be allowed to fully close Meeker Street consists of an 8 week period between June and August 2024,with
several weeks at the start and completion of work where work-zone will allow more flexible traffic control. Analysis of the proposed project schedule
indicates that a single contractor can perform the two main bodies of work in 53 working days,2 contractors each responsible for one of the two attain
bodies of work would require 74 working days. The additional 21 working days largely being consumed by a changeover period as the painting
contractor demobilizes and the deck repair contractor mobilizes. Considering the narrow constraints on the work window,it would not be advisable
to risk the delays inherent in coordinating the activities of possibly two different contractors. The alternative schedules are attached to this forth for
reference(Attachment 5).
Buy America Compliance
This tied project will continue to meet current BABA requirements as if bid separately. The special
provisions for the tied project contain the most current version(June 2023) of the Build America/Buy
America GSP's.
The tying of these two contracts to a single bid proposes no changes to the environmental considerations of
these to bodies of work.
NEPA/SEPA Logical Termini and Independent Utility
All elements contained withing these two bodies of work occur within the same NEPA/SEPA Logical
Termini. The project when complete will function on its own with no additional work required within or
adjacent to the Project Boundary.
----... _ _.----------
It is recommended that the contracts for the Green River Bridge Repainting[BHM-1068(004)I and the Green River Bridge
Deck Repair[BHM-1068(005)] be combined into single bid to allow for efficient utilization of grant funds through the
elimination of duplicate work and into streamline the project construction schedule by removing the possibility of multiple
contractor scheduling conflicts. Additionally the safety risks of the traveling public during construction will be improved,
the fewer number of working days and duration of traffic control the less risk to the traveling public.
Approvals Date
Name Signature
,�'_j�SE_.CN_ _--- Date
Name Digitally signed by Mehrdad Moini,PE Signature
— ----- Date
-__ - Signature
Name Digitally signed by Michele L Britton
Michele L. Britton,Asst.State Local Programs Enginee Date:20 4.01.0914.08:35-08'00'
-- _ __----------- Date
DOT Form 140-050
Revised 0612020
Washington State Transportation Building
•, De artment of Trans rtation 310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P � P.D.Box 47300
Olympia,WA 98504-7300
March 7, 2024
Mr. Chad Bieren,PE
Public Works Director
City of Kent
220 Fourth Avenue South
Kent,WA 98032-5838
City of Kent
Green River Bridge Paint
Dear Mr. Bieren:
We have received FHWA fund authorization, effective March 5,2024, for this project as follows:
Construction $4,228,092 $2,605,700
The following are required to ensure compliance with federal and state requirements:
• Advertisement of the project within six weeks of construction authorization.
• Submit the Award Data to the Region Local Programs Engineer prior to construction start.
• Show continuous project progress through monthly billings,until the project is complete.
Failure to show continuous progress may result in the project becoming inactive per 23 CFR
630.106(a) (5)and subject to de-obligation of all federal funds and agreement closure.
Enclosed for your information and file is a fully executed copy of Supplement Number I to Local
Agency Agreement LA10339 between WSDOT and your agency. All costs exceeding those shown
on this agreement are the sole responsibility of your agency. Any costs incurred after the Project
Agreement End Date shown on the supplement are not eligible for federal reimbursement. In
addition, all eligible costs incurred prior to the End Date must be billed within sixty(60) days of
the End Date or they are ineligible for federal reimbursement.
In addition,this supplement modifies your PE funds to a total of$443,541 ($394,300 federal share).
You may proceed with the administration of this project in accordance with your WSDOT approved
Certification Acceptance agreement.
Stephanie Tax
Manager,Program Management
Local Programs
ST Jg:ml
cc: Mehrdad Moini,Northwest Region Local Programs Engineer,MS NB82-121