HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-549 - Original - Culligan - Bottled Water Service - 4/4/23 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: LS/SP Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: IMC KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. Originator: Department: Lyn nette Smith IT Date Sent: Date Required: > 04/04/2023 04/04/2023 0 QDirector or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website ❑✓ N/A Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes�✓ No 52001710.63160.1800 Budget?R]YesEl No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Culligan Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = Pcard Original 0 Project Name: Bottled water service E Project Details: Procurement of bottled water service for IT City Hall and IT = Annex. c Agreement Amount: $170/Mo Basis for Selection of Contractor: Direct Negotiation *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: 04/03/2023 Termination Date: Until providing vendor notice a Local Business?E]Yes ]No* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,pleose completeVendor Purchose-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspoce. Business License Verification:Yes El In-Process El Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ElesZ No CAG2024-549 Comments: c <<<Mike Carrington, IT Director, signature on following pages»» r 0 3 0 Pg. 3/9 - Customer Order a a Pg. 4/9 - Waiver of Liability Pg. 5/9 - AutoPay authorization +� �a c Vf Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office:12/10/24 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 Welcome to the Culligan Family IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Please make note of the following tips and guidelines: Delivery Information: • We offer different delivery frequencies to accommodate the 3-bottle minimum to be on our delivery service. Based on your estimated usage, your delivery is scheduled every_4_weeks. The frequency may be adjusted if your usage changes. • Enclosed is a delivery calendar for your reference. Please be sure and leave out your empties on those days so the driver can exchange them. He will replace empty bottles with full ones. If you desire more or less, please leave a note. • FYI—since delivery cycles are based on weeks, there are some months that will contain an additional delivery. Please review your calendar so you are aware of these months and remember that your bill will be higher than normal. • If you are on our water club plan, you will receive up to 3, 4 or 5 bottles (depending on your program). The bottle on top of your machine is considered one of the bottles of your plan. When the driver arrives for delivery, he will replace the bottles left out. Example: If you are on a 3 bottle plan,you must leave out all three bottles in order for them to be replaced. Normally on this plan, a customer would have one bottle on the machine and two left for exchange. • Should you need to skip a delivery or need extra water, please give us a call and our customer service team will be happy to assist you with your needs. Billing Information: • We have two Auto Pay Dates - credit/debit cards are withdrawn on the 51h and checking accounts are withdrawn on the 201h of each month. • When you are on Auto Pay, your bill will show 0 due at the bottom. This reflects that the payment will be automatically withdrawn by a credit/debit card or an ACH checking account on the dates noted above. • Auto Pay is required on all new accounts. • If you are not on Auto Pay and call into our office with a credit card payment, there will be a $5.00 processing fee. To avoid this fee,please use our online service. Go to www.CulliganSpokane.com and look for the prompt `Pay Your Bill' under the Current Customer tab. Please do not hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions or concerns at 1-800-696-8051. Thank you for choosing Culligan as your new water provider! CUS1 t/� "1 *! Zr eUe J LLtvEhEE "r J Fes' � # IV✓°873 6/3728 L99217 [OWAVE ORDER DATE _�_ SPOKAfJE, WA 99217 _ 509455-8050 ACCOUNT# CWHGANSPOKANE.COAq —�~- -— MARKETING SOURCE NAME �` �,�1�AME AS SERVICE ADDRESS `� -� NAME •j ADDRESS ^ ADDRESS t CITY 5TATE VO _Z�_� CfTY STATE ZIP COUNTY COUNTY CONTACT NAME CROSS STREETS tOCATLON 6 (� BILli G TERMS ❑BWONTHI ❑QUARTERtY HDME# � � tY�rORK p � ® ®SEMIAtvNUA[tY ��..}}nn Bllt ANNUALLY ❑AUTOMATIC MONTHLY BtLLIhiG EMAIL J. 1. 'A s 0% YER PAYMENT METHOD ❑CASH ❑DEBIT ❑CREDIT CARD ❑FINANCING DRIVERS LICENSE if BANK BRANCH SANK ACCOUNT p ❑SAVINGS ❑CHECKING ❑ PRIVATE HOME ❑ APARTMENT COMMERCW OCCUPANTS CREDIT CARD# P"r t y1 EXPIRATION DATE ❑ MUNICIPAL SUPPLY ❑ PRIVATE WEIL PSI RANGE Ia ° �L ❑ ❑ Or° FLOW RATF gpm ESTWWTE WATER USAGEpey ALKALINITY _TDS NITRATES TURBIDITY -.= iRON SULPHUR PH 1f�f�tALTxXr Tyy,-t•° l:Ji' r HARDNESS op9 ` w z tiY a OTHERJ. 7` +�--- 7{ t timitolions:%ooriations in your Wolof a ly from the nbove •- t• '' y} '7 A TE3TA1S fCE onofysu may oNe[t the performnnu of dais equipmen!- CUSTpMER KNOWS THAT Adjustments ondlor additional equipment mny be reqfired- hese T will pravided of our prevoAieB roles. HOSEBIB IS SOFT. -"x a.,r, rt rr r� r s -, �a r•.s f- N -:g• }'n F- . OTY. MODEL DESCRIPTION Pt At(]- •• fir:: z. ' '_ ; r n 1►.Sf MDNttflY + r '-- �t+k..= REMA!t " Qr PRICt 7>ff silT '. e. A to S >.ly TERM OF RENTAL AGREEMENT 15 TOTAL INITIAL RENTAL CHARGE MONTHS SALT DELIVERY ❑YES ❑NO SALT fibs.@$ per PURCHASE OTHER DATE ❑AM ❑PM PURCHASE OTHER CALL ❑DAY OF ❑DAY BEFORE PHONE# RENTAL OTHER RETEST SCHEDULE DATE RENTAL OTHER ADDITIONAL CO NT DELIVERY FEE BOTTLE DEPOSIT/CREDIT SECURITY DEPOSIT `f1Li' La-it, OTHER �- lt�u, the her, may cancel this transaction at any time TAX % Par to midnight of the third business day after the date of this trans 'on. See th attached notice of TOTAL cancellation for r n e tion of is right. LESS RECEIVED WITH ORDER 0 CASH ❑CHECK 0 CREDIT CARD CVSlarrrer's signature BALANCE DUE Print nom Mike Carrinq on Date04/04/2023 This order subject to terms and condiiions stated on reverse side. Represent tiv r Culligan dealerships are independently operated �R�'C°d� CUSTOMER Deolership approval