HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Human Services Commission - 01/18/2024 (2) Human Services Commission Kent, Washington
Meeting Minutes
Final Approved
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Place: Centennial North and South
Attending: Chair Gwen Allen-Carston, Co-Chair Nicholas Yu, Connie Stolpp, Brian
Chandler, Erika Henry, Dee Klem, Emy Haruo, Sarah Veele, Rickie
Robinson, Council Member Zandria Michaud
Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle,
CDBG Planner Brittany Gaines, Human Services Specialist Brittany
Absent: Karina Oscoy-Cazares
1. Call to Order:
Commission Chair Allen-Carston called the meeting to order at 3:09 PM.
2. Roll Call:
Meeting has quorum.
3. Approve Minutes dated November 16, 2023:
Commissioner Veele MOVED; Commissioner Henry SECONDED. Approved.
4. Nomination of Chair and Co-Chair:
Commissioner Robinson MOVED to nominate Commissioner Allen-Carston for a
second term as Human Services Commission Chair, Commissioner Stolpp
SECONDED. Motion approved.
Commissioner Klem MOVED to nominate Commissioner Henry as Human
Services Commission Co—chair, Commissioner Haruo SECONDED, Motion
5. Annual Action Plan — Recommendation
Brittany Gaines presented on the CDBG Annual Action Plan and proposed use of
CDBG funds for 2024. Commissioner Robinson MOVED to recommend the 2024
CDBG Annual Action Plan for council approval. Commissioner Henry SECONDED.
Motion approved.
6. Eileen and Callie's Place — Presentation
Dr. Natalie Ellington, founder and executive director of Eileen and Callie's place
presented a high-level overview of the organization's background, mission,
current work, and future vision. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions were
7. Application Process — Outreach
Merina Hanson presented on outreach ideas for the upcoming 2025-2026 Human
Services application process. Presentation included an overview of previously used
methods and new ideas to reach and engage with prospective applicants.
Commission provided feedback and offered additional suggestions.
S. Human Services Strategic Plan/CDBG Consolidated 5 Year Plan — Update
Lori Guilfoyle reported on preparations to update the Human Services Strategic
Plan for 2025 and provided an overview of target areas to strengthen using 3 key
activities: evaluation, landscape analysis and community engagement to help
guide the plan.
Brittany Gaines reported on preparations to update the CDBG Consolidated 5-year
Plan for 2025. Staff will be working with Cloudburst Consulting Group to develop a
needs assessment and perform a market analysis that will help guide strategic
planning and the Annual Action Plan.
9. Announcements
Staff encouraged commission members to begin identifying and contacting those
in their networks who may be interested in participating as a reviewer in the
upcoming application process. Participants can expect to read and review funding
applications, attend review sessions, and provide input on funding decisions.
Interested reviewers can contact Lori Guilfoyle for more information.
Merina Hanson provided a debrief on the recent Severe Weather Shelter activation
at Holy Spirit Parish and provided an overview of the regional severe weather
Staff provided information to commission about the upcoming Dental and Medical
Clinic at Seattle Center February 15-18tn
10. Adjournment:
Commission Chair Allen-Carston concluded the meeting at 4:33 p.m.
Brittany Levens
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