HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Human Services Commission - 03/21/2024 (2) Human Services Commission Kent, Washington Meeting Minutes Final Approved Date: March 21, 2024 Time: 3:00 p.m. Place: Centennial North and South Attending: Chair Gwen Allen-Carston, Co-Chair Nicholas Yu, Connie Stolpp, Brian Chandler, Dee Klem, Emy Haruo, Sarah Veele, Rickie Robinson, Council Member Zandria Michaud Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle, CDBG Planner Brittany Gaines, Planner Christine Horn, Human Services Specialist Brittany Levens Absent: Karina Oscoy-Cazares, Erika Henry 1. Call to Order• Commission Chair Allen-Carston called the meeting to order at 3:08 PM. 2. Roll Call: Meeting has quorum. 3. Approve Minutes dated February 15, 2024: Commissioner Klem MOVED; Commissioner Robinson SECONDED. Approved. 4. Preparing for Grant Review Consultant Ruel Olanday facilitated a conversation. S. Landscape Analysis/Map Lori Guilfoyle introduced Terry Jungman, Parks Planning & Development Manager, and Cassidy Sawyer, GIS Analyst, to present an overview of a mapping project they have been working with her on to provide a human services focused landscape analysis of Kent. Staff are also collaborating with a consultant and other divisions to build out a mapping tool for equitable decision making based on areas highlighting disparities or gaps. 6. Opportunity Fund — Afghan Advantage Funding Request Lori Guilfoyle and Commissioner Robinson reported back to the Commission on a recent site visit with Afghan Advantage. They met with staff who shared stories of working with women with families providing in-home ESL, literacy, and systems navigation. Afghan Advantage is requesting funds to support continuing ESL classes, community outreach, and to provide stipends for educators. 7. Equitable Grantmaking — Guiding Principles Merina Hanson led Commissioners through an exercise to get Commissioners thinking forward to what their values are in considering funding through the upcoming decision-making process. Commissioners provided input on the things they care most about when considering budget, funding levels, size of organization, accessibility, program design, and impact. Commissioners participated in a brainstorming activity to assist staff in forming guidance that can be used throughout the funding process. Staff will incorporate the feedback into future discussions leading up to the review process. S. Updates Commissioner Allen-Carston shared information regarding a black led legislative day in Olympia happening 2/19/2024 and updated staff on the upcoming Juneteenth event that will take place at Morrill Meadows on 6/22/2024. 9. Adjournment• Commission Chair Allen-Carston concluded the meeting at 4:39 p.m. Page 12