HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Human Services Commission - 09/19/2024 Human Services Commission Agenda Commissioners: Gwen Allen-Carston - Chair, Erika Henry - Co-Chair, Connie Stolpp, Rickie Robinson, Brian Chandler, Dee Klem, KENOTSarah Veele, Emy Haruo, Zandria Michaud WASH IN G T O N September 19, 2024 3:00 p.m. Centennial Building, North and South, 400 West Gowe Street Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 285 703 673 208 Passcode: AHdLuv Download Teams I Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 872-239-8456„989005408# Phone Conference ID: 242 741 702# Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order No Chair 1 2. Roll Call No Chair 1 3. Approval of April, May, June, July 2024, Yes Chair 5 Minutes 4. Application Process Debrief No 30 5. Commission Planning No 20 6. Agenda Development No 20 7. Updates No All 10 S. Adjournment No Chair 1 The public may submit written public comments that relate to a commission agenda item by emailing: cityclerk@kentwa.gov by 1:00 p.m. on the day of this commission meeting.After 1:00 p.m., written public comments may only be submitted in person by presenting them to the commission secretary at the public meeting. Written public comments that do not relate to a commission agenda item are not permitted. Written public comments are not read into the record. Unless otherwise noted, the Human Services Commission meets at 3:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at Centennial Building, Rooms North and South at 400 West Gowe Street, Kent, WA. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service, call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Human Services Commission Kent, Washington Meeting Minutes Pending Approval Date: April 18, 2024 Time: 3:00 p.m. Place: Centennial North and South Attending: Chair Gwen Allen-Carston, Co-Chair Erika Henry, Connie Stolpp, Karina Oscoy-Cazares, Dee Klem, Sarah Veele, Rickie Robinson, Emy Haruo, Council Member Zandria Michaud Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle, CDBG Planner Brittany Gaines, Planner Christine Horn Absent: Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Brian Chandler 1. Call to Order: Commission Chair Allen-Carston called the meeting to order at 3:08 PM. 2. Roll Call: Meeting has quorum. Commission Chair, Allen-Carston welcomed reviewers who introduced themselves. 3. Preparing for Grant Review Process Consultant, Ruel Olanday, led a conversation on equity. 4. Updates Staff talked to commissioners and reviewers about the next steps in the application review process. 5. Adjournment• Commission Chair Allen-Carston concluded the meeting at 4:57 p.m. Human Services Commission Kent, Washington Meeting Minutes Pending Approval Date: May 16, 2024 *Special Meeting* Time: 12:00 p.m. Place: Centennial North and South Attending: Chair Gwen Allen-Carston, Co-Chair Erika Henry, Connie Stolpp, Brian Chandler, Dee Klem, Emy Haruo, Sarah Veele, Karina Oscoy-Cazares, Rickie Robinson, Council Member Zandria Michaud Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle, CDBG Planner Brittany Gaines, Planner Christine Horn Absent: 1. Call to Order: Commission Chair Allen-Carston called the meeting to order at 12:08 PM. 2. Roll Call: Meeting has quorum. 3. Grounding — Priorities & Equity Prompts Staff revisited the equity prompts and conversation facilitated in the previous meeting. 4. Next Steps Staff talked to commissioners and reviews about the next steps in the application review process. 5. Adjournment: Commission Chair Allen-Carston concluded the meeting at 4:39 p.m. Human Services Commission Kent, Washington Meeting Minutes Pending Approval Date: June 20, 2024 *Special Meeting* Time: 9:00 a.m. Place: City Hall Chambers Attending: Co-Chair Erika Henry, Karina Oscoy-Cazares, Connie Stolpp, Emy Haruo, Sarah Veele, Council Member Zandria Michaud Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle, CDBG Planner Brittany Gaines, Planner Christine Horn Absent: Brian Chandler, Dee Klem, Gwen Allen-Carston, Rickie Robinson 1. Call to Order: Commission Chair Allen-Carston called the meeting to order at 9:25 AM. 2. Roll Call: Meeting has quorum. 3. Grounding — Priorities & Equity Prompts Staff revisited the equity prompts and conversation facilitated in the previous meeting. 4. Group Discussion Commissioners and reviewers engaged in group discussions. S. Next Steps Staff talked to commissioners and reviews about the next steps in the application review process. 6. Adjournment: Co-Chair Erika Henry concluded the meeting at 4:32 p.m. Human Services Commission Kent, Washington Meeting Minutes Pending Approval Date: July 18, 2024 Time: 3:00 p.m. Place: Centennial North and South Attending: Chair Gwen Allen-Carston, Co-Chair Erika Henry, Connie Stolpp, Dee Klem, Sarah Veele, Rickie Robinson, Emy Haruo Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle, CDBG Planner Brittany Gaines, Planner Christine Horn Absent: Human Services Manager Merina Hanson, Brian Chandler, Karina Oscoy- Cazares, Council Member Zandria Michaud 1. Call to Order: Commission Chair Allen-Carston called the meeting to order at 4:08 PM. 2. Roll Call: Meeting has quorum. 3. 2025-2026 Human Service: Commissioner and staff discussed Final Funding Recommendations and the proposed contingency plan addressing any changes to availability of funding. Commissioner Carston MOVED to approve the 2025-2026 Human Services Funding Recommendation. Commissioner Robinson SECOND. Motion passed 6-0. Commissioner Carston MOVED to approve the 2025-2026 Human Services Contingency Plan. Commissioner Henry SECOND. Motion passed 6-0. 4. 2024 Strategic Plan Senior Planner Lori Guilfoyle, provided a summary and information on the 2024 Strategic Plan. S. Next Steps No meeting in August. Next meeting, September 19, 2024. 6. Adjournment• Commission Chair Allen-Carston concluded the meeting at 4:16 p.m.