HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-292 - Change Order - #1 - SCI Infrastructure - S 218th St - 98th Ave S (94th Pl S - S 216th St) Stage #1 - 11/25/24 Agreement Routing Form
• For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management
This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms.
WASHINGTON (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)
Originator: Department:
C. Frame PW Engineering
Date Sent: Date Required:
> 12/4/2024 N/A
aAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval:
Q El Director or Designee ❑Mayor 6/11/2024
Budget Account Number: Grant? 0 Yes ❑ No
Budget? El Yes ❑ No Type: Federal
Vendor Name: Category:
SCI Infrastructure Contract
Vendor Number: Sub-Category:
= 33999 Change Order#1
Project Name: S 218th St - 98th Ave S (94th PI S-S 216th St) Stage #1
0 As described in the memorandum dated July 23,2024(Regarding:PSE Materials Procurement and Work Suspension),vaults and conduits for PSE
4- Project Detal5:outlined in Schedule IX will need to be procured and purchased by the General Contractor and the DBE Electrical Subcontractor.These items cannot
be provided by PSE as specified in the bid documents..Schedule IX will be ammended to add bid items for the contractor supplied
vaults,conduit&fittings,and ancillary materials(materail handling included).
E Agreement Amount: $472,530.76 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid
i Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 200 Working Days
Local Business? ❑Yes ❑No*
*Ifineets requirements per KCC 3.70.700,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspoce.
Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number:
❑Yes ID No CAG2024-292
Date Received by City Attorney: Comments:
3 cc
a, 0
Ch Date Routed to the Mayor's Office:
Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 12/4/24
arrwz2373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements
NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SCI Infrastructure, LLC. ("Contractor")
CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: S 218th St-98th Ave S 94th PI S-S 216th St
This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the
contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable
consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows:
1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add
additional work or revise existing work as follows:
In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior
Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and
equipment necessary to:
As described in the memorandum dated July 23, 2024 (Regarding: PSE
Materials Procurement and Work Suspension), vaults and conduits for
PSE outlined in Schedule IX will need to be procured and purchased by
the General Contractor and the DBE Electrical Subcontractor. These
items cannot be provided by PSE as specified in the bid documents.
Schedule IX will be ammended to add bid items for the contractor
supplied vaults, conduit & fittings, and ancillary materials (materail
handling included). Schedule IX will be ammended by adding bid items
for extended overhead and mobilizations arising from up to 10 weeks of
project suspension to allow PSE to perform the installation of new
facilities and wreck-out of existing overhead facilities
2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of
Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows:
Original Contract Sum, $6,059,881.82
(including applicable alternates and
Net Change by Previous Change Orders $0.00
(inch applicable WSST)
Current Contract Amount $6,059,881.82
(incl. Previous Change Orders)
Current Change Order $428,793.79
Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $43,736.97
Revised Contract Sum $6,532,412.58
Original Time for Completion 200 working days
(insert date)
Revised Time for Completion under 00 working days
prior Change Orders
(insert date)
Days Required (f) under Minor Change 00 working days
Days Required (f) for this Change Order 00 working days
Revised Time for Completion 200 working days
(insert date)
In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard
Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this
Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor
agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and
accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature
arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including,
without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office
overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the
Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original
contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date.
All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any),
and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and
affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order
shall be deemed to have applied.
The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are
authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract.
{ 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project
to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above.
IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will
become effective on the last date written below.
Digitally signed by Chad Bieren
- Chad Bieren❑a1e:2024,11-25
B By: 15:67;3+>os'na
' nature) (slgnature)
P �.3 -�dt.e� Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E.
I Its Public Works Director
(title) (title)
DATE:, 11-21 —yA DATE:
(applicable if Mayors signature required)
Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department
C(in this field,you may enter the electmalc M"th where the oontract has been saved]
10,284.36 5 51,421.80 This sheet was added by
1,211.78 4 4,847.12 Kent PW Accounting to
23,094.63 4 92,378.52 show as backup for the
573.91 6 3,443.46 $.02 difference shown on
6,914.51 1 6,914.51 the Change Order
2,732.75 2 5,465.50 Worksheet.
8,835.91 1 8,835.91
8,993.58 1 8,993.58
58,638.20 1 58,638.20
97,615.08 1 97,615.08
20,000.00 1 20,000.00
45,427.60 1 45,427.60
24,812.51 1 24,812.51
File No.200.2
,.,..,.� Construction Engineering Division - Public Works
Project: S 218th St/ 98th Ave S from 94th PI S to S Project No: 17-3010
Project Engineer: Abdulnaser Almaroof Fed-Aid No: 9917(045)
Capital Projects _Sean Flint, KBA Inc. Contractor: SCI Infrastructure LLC
Date: 11/15/2024
I. Proposed Change
As described in the memorandum dated July 23, 2024 (Regarding: PSE Materials Procurement and Work
Suspension), vaults and conduits for PSE outlined in Schedule IX will need to be procured and purchased by
the General Contractor and the DBE Electrical Subcontractor. These items cannot be provided by PSE as
specified in the bid documents. Schedule IX will be ammended to add bid items for the contractor supplied
vaults, conduit &fittings, and ancillary materials (materail handling included). Schedule IX will be
ammended by adding bid items for extended overhead and mobilizations arising from up to 10 weeks of
project suspension to allow PSE to perform the installation of new facilities and wreck-out of existing
II. Reason and Background for Change
Due to Federal funding in this contract, the City's contractor is required to procure all materials being
installed under the contract and meet BABA requirements. Additionally, work being performed by PSE will
need to be performed during 10 weeks of project suspension for installation end energization of conductors
for PSE's undergound system and again for PSE to convert property owners systems and to removal of
existing PSE facilities.
III. Method of Payment
NEW PAY ITEMS ❑Not applicable
Sch. Item Description I Total Est. Unit Unit Price
No 1Qty Total Estimated Cost of Item
IX Type 575 3-Phase]-box(For BI 9030) 5 EA $10,284.36 $ 51,421.80
IX Minipad Transformer(for BI 9031) 4 EA $1,211.78 $ 4,847.12
IX 5106 Pull Vault for BI 9032 4 EA $23,094.63 $ 92,378,52
IX Single Phase Secondary HH (for BI 9033) 6 EA $573.91 $ 3,443.46
IX 507 TUT Vault (for BI 9034) 1 EA $6 914.51 $ 6,914.51
IX Secondary HH (for BI 9035) 2 EA $2,732.75 $ 5,465.50
Provide 2,000 LF 2" Sch. 80 PVC incl.
IX fittings (for BI 9040) 1 LS $8,835.91 $ 8,835.91
IX Provide 800 LF 3" Sch. 80 PVC incl. 1 LS $8,993.58 $ 8,993.58
fittings (for BI 9041)
Provide 4,600 LF 4" Sch. 80 PVC incl.
IX fittings (for BI 9042) 1 LS $58,638.20 $ 58,638.20
Provide 4,100 LF 6" Sch. 80 PVC ind.
IX fittings (for BI 9043) 1 LS $97,615.08 $ 97,615.08
Ancillary Materials for vault and conduit
IX installation (glue, mule tape, grout, 1 FA $20,000.00 $ 20,000.00
stakes, brackets, etc.)
IX Extended Overhead 1 1 LS $45,427.60 $ 45,427.60
IX Mobilization 1 1 LS $24,812.51 $ 24,812.51
New Pay Items Total: $ 428,793.8-1 79
DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 3 Not applicable
Sch No. Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item
$ -
Page 1
Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $
Soh No. Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item
0 $0.00 $
Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $
*Total of the Cost of Item Columns
Original Contract: 200 Due This Change Order: 0 Previous Total: 0
Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days:
No additional working days will results due to this change.
/ *This Change Order+ Previous Total
Capital Projects Manager. Date: 11/21/2024
for Sean Flint (KBA, Inc)
Construction Engineering � �� "d J Date: 11/21/24
for Jason Barry
Construction Manager: " � Date: 11/21/24
Eric Connor
Page 2
Carla Maloney, P.E.
Design Engineering Manager
400 West Gowe
Kent, WA 98032
Fax: 253-856-6500
PHONE: 253-856-5500
Date: July 23, 2024
To: Eric Connor, Construction Engineering Manager
Jason Barry, Capital Projects Supervisor
CC: Carla Maloney P.E., Design Engineering Manager
From: Abdulnaser Almaroof, Engineer III AA
Mark Madfai P.E, Design Engineering Supervisor AIR
Regarding: PSE Materials Procurement and work suspension
(S 218th Street/98th Avenue S from 94th Place S to S 216th Street Project)
Due to the federal funding in this contract, the City's contractor is required to procure all
materials being installed under the contract and meet BABA requirements. Please coordinate
with SCI and issue a change order for the following items related to PSE materials and work
1- SCI will purchase all materials listed in the attached PSE design plans (vaults, conduits,
and conduit fittings).
2- Suspend SCI's work on the project entirely for 6 weeks to allow PSE to install all
underground cables and energize the underground system.
3- Suspend SCI work on the project entirely for 2 weeks to allow PSE to complete all
removal work of the existing aerial wiring, poles, apparatuses, and complete the
4- Delete notes #1 & #2 from the design plan sheet # 23.
5- Revise section 8-32 in the special provisions according to the changes attached to this
- Revision to KSP Section 8-32
- PSE design plans (2 sheets)
City of Kent Public Works Department
Chad Bieren, P.E., Public Works Director
8-32.2 Materials
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
The backfill material for trench and vault excavations shall conform to the
requirements of Gravel Borrow except, the maximum size stone shall not exceed
4 inches.
8-32.3 Construction Requirements
8-32.3(1) Vault Excavation
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
See Section 2-09 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications, except as herein
modified and/or supplemented.
Where indicated on the plans or where directed by the Engineer, excavation and
foundation preparation required for the installation of electrical vaults and
electrical handholes by the serving utility, shall be performed by the Contractor.
The foundation shall consist of a six (6) inch thick layer of crushed surfacing top
course (5/8 minus) compacted to 95 percent maximum density measured in
accordance with Section 2-03.3(14)D of the WSDOT Standard Specifications by
use of compaction equipment specified in Section 2-09 of the WSDOT Standard
The excavation shall be backfilled in conformance with the requirements of
Section 2-09 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications.
8-32.3(2) Trench Excavation and Backfill for Electrical
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
The excavation required for the installation of electrical conduit and cable to be
installed by the serving utility shall be performed by the Contractor. The
trenches shall not be excavated wider than necessary for the proper installation
of the electrical appliances.
The excavation shall be backfilled in conformance with other applicable
requirements as outlined elsewhere in these Kent Special Provisions and WSDOT
Standard Specifications. Typical trench details are shown on the plans.
The Contractor shall use the native trench excavation for backfill when in the
opinion of the Engineer, it is suitable for that purpose and shall dispose of all
excess material as directed by the Engineer.
It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate its work with the serving
utility prior to and during construction and shall protect the owner against any
and all damages arising therefrom.
8-32.3(4) Backfill for Electrical Trench
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
Wherever a trench is excavated in a paved roadway, sidewalk or other areas
where minor settlement would be detrimental and where the native excavated
material is not suitable for compaction as backfill, the trench shall be backfilled
with the specified granular backfill, as the Engineer may direct. The backfill
material shall be placed in successive layers, not exceeding twelve (12) inches
in loose thickness, each layer shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of
maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D-1557.
8-32.3(5) Trench Restoration
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
For undergrounding outside of the street construction limits, pavement patching
shall be accomplished in accordance with applicable portion of these WSDOT
Standard Specifications and General Special Provisions.
The Contractor shall also restore to a condition equal to the original condition,
improvements such as pavement markings, trees, signs, sidewalks, curbs and
other underground utilities, etc., which were damaged or removed during
construction in accordance with the section for general restoration of the
General Special Provisions.
8-32.3(6) Removal of Overhead Electrical Distribution System
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
The Contractor should be aware that once the underground electrical distribution
system is energized, the adjacent property owners have ninety (90) days from
date of their notification to convert to the underground system. Removal of the
overhead electrical distribution system cannot take place until all respective
service conversions have been completed. No compensation will be granted to
the Contractor for delays attributed to the conversion.
8-32.3(7) Conduit Installation
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
Contractor is responsible for- supplying and installing PSE carsduitstlre
;AStallat'8A 8fPSE fUFRished een Conduits shall be installed by the
Contractor in accordance with NEC and these specifications.
All conduits shall be proofed by being blown clean with compressed air and
pulled with a mandrel correctly sized for each conduit.
SE-wi" The contractor shall supply all conduit materials including all bends,
radius conduits, brackets and collars for stacking the conduit.
8-32.3(8) Coordination With PSE During Construction
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
eendumts and vaults).
PSE-Y,�i#The contractor shall provide all materials (conduits and Vaults) to the site.
The contractor shall prepare a place to store these materials for the installation
and will be responsible for moving them during construction.
The EORtFaCtOF may i�� Sri n� ,1,_�_I_t,_.auca ltwlj
uu� j
The contractor shall coordinate with the PSE inspector during the installation and
proofing of PSE's system. The contractor shall provide one week advance notice
to PSE inspector to proof the conduits.
The contractor shall coordinate with PSE when they work on energizing the
underground system and remove the aerial system.
PSE may need few weeks to install the underground cables, remove poles, and
energize the underground system. The contractor shall coordinate his work with
PSE during this time.
8-32.5 Payment
(February 1, 2023, Kent Special Provisions - New Section)
Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1, for the following bid
items when they are included in the Proposal:
"Utility Trench Excavation (2 Ft. Wide, 3 Ft. Cover)"
The unit contract price per lineal foot for the above items constitutes complete
compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment
necessary to excavate and backfill for trenches as shown on the plans and
described in the specifications. The bid item price includes but is not limited to:
trench excavation, unsuitable material excavation, hauling, dewatering, backfill
and compaction (when native material is to be used), cleanup and all other work
described in Section 8-32 of the Kent Special Provisions. (Crushed Surfacing Top
Course, Sand for Conduit Bedding and Gravel Borrow as required shall be paid
for under separate bid items.)
"PSE - Vault Excavation and Installation (]G)."
"PSE - Vault Excavation and Installation (VO)-
"PSE - Vault Excavation and Installation PV VO3 "
"PSE - Vault Excavation and Installation HH "
"PSE - Vault Excavation and Installation V02 "
"PSE - Vault Excavation and Installation (H03,H04)"
The unit contract price per each for the above items shall constitute complete
compensation for all labor, materials, tools, supplies and equipment necessary
to excavate, and install the PSE fuFnished vaults as shown on the plans and as
described in the specifications. The bid price includes, but is not limited to:
backfill and compaction (when native material is to be used), dewatering, adjust
the vault to finished grade, store and protect the structures before the
installation, and all other work described in Section 8-32 of the Kent Special
` Provisions. This bid iteng shall else inelude the coordonatien with PSE to delivef
vaults to the sAe. Any adjustments to the finished grade by adding risers shall
be considered incidental to the bid item price. Reference PSE design plans for
vault size and details.
"PSE Installation and Proofing of 2 Inch Diameter PSE Conduit"
"PSE T Installation and Proofing of 3 Inch Diameter PSE Conduit"
"PSE - Installation and Proofing of 4 Inch Diameter PSE Conduit"
"PSE Installation and Proofing of 6 Inch Diameter PSE Conduit"
The unit contract bid price per linear foot for the above items shall constitute full
compensation for all materials, supplies, labor, equipment and tools required to
install the PSE fuFnished conduit as shown on the plans. Also included in this
bid item are all costs associated with proofing the conduit and all other
installation requirements outlined in Section 8-32 of the Kent Special Provisions.
site,This bid item shall alse inelude the ceerdination with PSE te deliveF eenduits te
and store and pFetecting the conduits before the installa
The unit contract price per each for"Replace Existing J-Box Lid 303 "
constitutes complete compensation for all labor, materials, hardware, and
equipment required to remove existing vault lid, furnish and install a new anti-
skid lid at the location shown on the plans. This bid item includes but is not
limited to: excavating, backfilling, compacting, surfacing and restoration.
Adjusting the grade by adding or removing risers, rings, or sections as required
will be included in this bid item. Any adjustments made prior to the final finished
elevation shall be considered incidental. The existing lid dimensions are
approximately (5'x5'); the contractor shall field verify the exact dimensions.
The unit contract bid price per ton for "Sand for Conduit_Bedding" shall
constitute complete compensation for all materials, equipment, tools and
supplies necessary to furnish and install the sand for bedding the conduit as
shown on the plans and as specified herein.
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Vaults and Handholes-Purchase from Oldcastle Infrastructure by General Contractor,Unload by General Contractor
Oldcastle Infrastructure Confirmation No.SC127835 dated 11/11/2024
Item Description Price
JO J-boxes(BI 9030) 5 @$8,427.00 each $8,427.00
Material Markup 21% $1,769.67
Total with Material Markup $10,196.67
Unloading Operator: .25 Hr @$102.95/Hr $25.74
Unloading Pipelayer: .25 Hr @$84.89/Hr $21.23
Markup on Labor 31% $14.56
Unloading Equipment: .25 Hr @$86.48/Hr $21.62
Markup on Equipment 21% $4.54
Total Cost including all markups: $10,284.36
Minipad transformers 4 @$929.00 each $929.00
(BI 9031) Material Markup 21% $195.09
Total with Material Markup $1,124.09
Unloading Operator: .25 Hr @$102.95/Hr $25.74
Unloading Pipelayer: .25 Hr @$84.89/Hr $21.23
Markup on Labor 31% $14.56
Unloading Equipment: .25 Hr @$86.48/Hr $21.62
Markup on Equipment 21% $4.54
Total Cost including all markups: $1,211.78
5106 Pull vault 4 @$19,014.00 each $19,014.00
(BI 9032) Material Markup 21% $3,992.94
Total with Material Markup $23,006.94
Unloading Operator: .25 Hr @$102.95/Hr $25.74
Unloading Pipelayer:.25 Hr @$84.89/Hr $21.23
Markup on Labor 31% $14.56
Unloading Equipment: .25 Hr @$86.48/Hr $21.62
Markup on Equipment 21% $4.54
Total Cost including all markups: $23,094.63
Secondary Handhole 6 @$426.00 each $426.00
(BI 9033) Material Markup 21% $89.46
Total with Material Markup $515.46
Unloading Operator: 1/6 Hr @$102.95/Hr $17.16
Unloading Pipelay: 1/6 Hr @ 84.89/Hr $14.15
Markup on Labor 31% $9.71
Unloading Equipment: 1/6 Hr @$86.48/Hr $14.41
Markup on Equipment 21% $3.03
Total Cost including all markups: $573.91
507 TUT Vault 1 @$5,642.00 each $5,642.00
(BI 9034) Material Markup 21% $1,184.82
Total with Material Markup $6,826.82
Unloading Operator: .25 Hr @$102.95/Hr $25.74
Unloading Pipelayer: .25 Hr @$84.89/Hr $21.23
Markup on Labor 31% $14.56
Unloading Equipment: .25 Hr @$86.48/Hr $21.62
Markup on Equipment 21% $4.54
Total Cost including all markups: $6,914.51
Secondary Handhole 2 @$2,186.00 $2,186.00
(BI 9035) Material Markup 21% $459.06
Total with Material Markup $2,645.06
Unloading Operator: .25 Hr @$102.95/Hr $25.74
Unloading Pipelayer:.25 Hr @$84.89/Hr $21.23
Markup on Labor 31% $14.56
Unloading Equipment: .25 Hr @$86.48/Hr $21.62
Markup on Equipment 21% $4.54
Total Cost including all markups: $2,732.75
Conduit-Purchase from Graybar by Subcontractor,Unload by General Contractor
Graybar Quote#0247216481 dated 10/2/2024
2"Conduit 2,000 LF conduit $5,001.40
(BI 9040) (20)90-deg bends $250.60
(30)45-deg bends $300.23
(10)22.5-deg bends $152.28
(12)couplers $578.40
Material Total $6,282.91
Material Markup 21% $1,319.41
Total with Material Markup $7,602.32
Subcontractor Markup 7% $532.16
Total including subcontractor markup $8,134.48
Unloading Operator: 2 Hr @$102.95/Hr $205.90
Unloading Pipelayer:2 Hr @$84.89/Hr $169.78
Markup on Labor 31% $116.46
Unloading Equipment:2 Hr @$86.48/Hr $172.96
Markup on Equipment 21% $36.32
Total Cost including all markups: $8,835.91
3"Conduit 800 LF 3"conduit $3,579.68
(BI 9041) (24)90-deg bends $1,023.92
(30)45-deg bends $1,042.03
(10)22.5-deg bends $170.52
(75)90-deg sweeps $859.43
Material Total $6,675.58
Material Markup 21% $1,401.87
Total with Material Markup $8,077.45
Subcontractor Markup 7% $565.42
Total including subcontractor markup $8,642.87
Unloading Operator: 1 Hr @$102.95/Hr $102.95
Unloading Pipelayer: 1 Hr @$84.89/Hr $84.89
Markup on Labor 31% $58.23
Unloading Equipment: 1 Hr @$86.48/Hr $86.48
Markup on Equipment 21% $18.16
Total Cost including all markups: $8,993.58
4"Conduit 4,600 LF 4"conduit $31,527.02
(BI 9042) (120)45-deg bends $5,348.32
(22)22.5-deg bends $1,127.85
(22) 11.25-deg bends $980.52
(300)couplings $5,223.72
Material Total $44,207.43
Material Markup 21% $9,283.56
Total with Material Markup $53,490.99
Subcontractor Markup 7% $3,744.37
Total including subcontractor markup $57,235.36
Unloading Operator:4 Hr @$102.95/Hr $411.80
Unloading Pipelayer:4 Hr @$84.89/Hr $339.56
Markup on Labor 31% $232.92
Unloading Equipment:4 Hr @$86.48/Hr $345.92
Markup on Equipment 21% $72.64
Total Cost including all markups: $58,638.20
6"Conduit 4,100 LF 6"conduit $54,819.87
(BI 9043) (50)45-deg bends $7,294.05
(16)22.5-deg bends $2,385.45
(20)11.25-deg bends $2,981.81
(180)couplings $6,831.20
Material Total $74,312.38
Material Markup 21% $15,605.60
Total with Material Markup $89,917.98
Subcontractor Markup 7% $6,294.26
Total including subcontractor markup $96,212.24
Unloading Operator:4 Hr @$102.95/Hr $411.80
Unloading Pipelayer:4 Hr @$84.89/Hr $339.56
Markup on Labor 31% $232.92
Unloading Equipment:4 Hr @$86.48/Hr $345.92
Markup on Equipment 21% $72.64
Total Cost including all markups: $97,615.08
Mobilization 4 days in and 4 days out.
Scope 3 p9 4
I Labor: Rate/MH No. Hours / Day Days Subtotal:
Foreman 108.18 1 8.00 2.00 1,730.88
Operator 102.95 2 8.00 2.00 3,294.40
Grade Engineer(0) 102.95 1 8.00 - -
Laborer 75.83 1 8.00 1.00 606.64
Grade Checker(L) 80.01 1 8.00 -
Pipelayer 84.89 1 8.00 1.00 679.12
Flagger 64.83 1 8.00 - -
Teamster Lowboy Driver 97.04 1 1 8.00 8.00 6,210.56
Subtotal Labor: S 12,521.60
1 B Equipment: Rate/Hr No. Hours / Day Days Subtotal:
D 61 Komatsu Dozer 1 8.00
Hamm Roller 1 8.00 -
Dump Truck 1 8.00 -
50 Mini Excavator 1 8.00
140 H Blade 1 8.00
240 Excavator 1 8.00 - -
Lowboy Truck 85.06 1 8.00 8.00 5,443.84
60 ton Lowboy 23.53 1 8.00 8.00 1,505.92
Subtotal Equipment: f 6,949.76
I Subcontractors Quantity UM Cost/Unit Subtotal:
i LS -
i LS - -
1 LS - - -
Subtotal Subcontractor
1 D Materials Quantity UM Cost/Unit Subtotal:
$ - - -
$ - - -
$ - - -
Subtotal Materials
'Subtotal Items 1 A-.1 D S 19,471.36
Mark-Up on Labor at 31%: S 3,881.70
Mark-Up on Equipment at 21%: S 1,459.45
Mark-Up on Subcontractors at 12%: $ -
Mark-Up on Materials at 21%: S -
Total Cost 1 A-- 1 D 1 24 812.57
Extended project overhead
Scope 2 p9 3
lA Labor: Rate/MH No. Hours / Day Days Subtotal:
Foreman 108.18 1 8.00 �12.50 10,818.00
Operator 102.95 1 8.00 - -
Grade Engineer(0) 102.95 1 8.00 - -
Laborer 75.83 1 8.00 - -
Grade Checker(L) 80.01 1 8.00 - -
Pipelayer 84.89 1 8.00 - -
Flagger 64.83 1 8.00 -- -
Teamster 95.82 1 8.00 1 - -
Subtotal Labor: f 10,878.00
1 B Equipment: Rate/Hr No. Hours/ Day Days Subtotal:
D 61 Komatsu Dozer 1 8.00 - -
Generator 45KW 24.44 1 8.00 -
Dump Truck 1 8.00 - -
Foreman Pick up 335-215 26.90 1 8.00 12.50 2,690.00
140 H Blade 1 8.00
240 Excavator 1 8.00 - -
950 Loader 1 8.00 -
138 Excavator 1 8.00
Subtotal Equipment: f 2,690.00
1C Subcontractors Quantity UM Cost/Unit Subtotal:
1 LS - - -
1 LS - -
1 LS - -
Subtotal Subcontractor
1 D Materials Quantity UM Cost/Unit Subtotal:
Project Trailers 2.5 MO $ 1,086.57 - 2,716.43
Portale Restrooms 20)165=330 2.5 MO $ 330.00 - 825.00
Security Fencing 2100 If @ 1.5=3150/mor 2.5 MO $ 3.150.00 - 7,875.00
Storage Containers/Office 2.5 MO $ 505.00 - 1,262.50
Traffic Devices LS Unit price/ 200 day 50 DAY $ 187.50 - 9,375.00
Garbage Dumpster 2.5 MO 1 $ 435.00 - 1,087.50
Subtotal Materials: 23,141.43
Subtotal Items 11A-10, $ 36,649.43
Mark-Up on Labor at 31%: $ 3,353.58
Mark-Up on Equipment at 21%: $ 564.90
Mark-Up on Subcontractors at 12%: $ -
Mark-Up on Materials at 21%: $ 4,859.70
[Total Cost 1 A- 10 $ 45,4.27.64
Q k-,,3
ru oldcastle Infrastc,k0e"
. Confirmation
Ca firmation No: SC127835
2808 A ST SE Telephone : 253-839-3500 oldeastleinfrastructure.com
AUBURN,WA 98002 7501 Fax .......: 253-735-4201
Sold To ..:SCI Infrastructure LLC Ship To .:LID 363:S.218TH ST.-98TH AVE-Kent
SCI Infrastructure LLC 21628 98TH AVE S
2821 S 154TH ST KENT,WA 98031 2010
SEATAC,WA 98188 2034
Ship date: 11/12/2024
Reference : Contact:Bonnie Graham Phone:425-432-1325
Order No Date {Customer No Customer PO Terms Cash discount Delivery terms
S211410 111/11/2024 000968 2407 Net 30 Days FOB Job Site
Group: BID#9030
Qty Unit item Descri tp ion Mark _ Unit price Amount
5.00 Ea 0080010 576 LA Base w/Irons&Grd 8,427.00 42,135,00
5.00 Ea 0080250 57-4472 Top-PSE
5.00 Kit 9996170 57 Adj.Top w/TC Door-PSE
Group: BID#9031
Qty Unit Item Description Mark Unit price Amount
4.00 Ea 0010045 3642 PTV w/Grd&Strut-PSE 929.00 3,716.00
Group: Bid#9032
Qty Unit Item Description .Mark Unit rp ice Amount
4.00 Ea 0110605 38Y-5106 LA Base 19,014.00 76,056.00
4.00 Ea 0110680 38Y-5106 LA Top w/3'-6"x 9'-6"BO
4.00 Kit 9996172 5106 Adj.Top w/TC Door-PSE
Group: BID#9033
City Unit Item Description Mark Unit price Amount
6.00 EA E17301086 1730-18 Gray Cover-'Electric' 426.00 2,556.00
0 MsHI Fish Cover 011
Group: BID#9034
City Unit Item Description Mark Unit price Amount
1.00 Ea 0060080 507 LA Base w/Irons&Grd-PSE- 5,642.00 5,642.00
1.00 Ea 0060300 55R-6"w/Insert
1.00 Ea 0060170 55-33F Adj.Cover Slab-PSE
1.00 Ea 2000561 FCP Cover Assy,332-TC-
Group: BID#9035
Qty Unit Item Description _ Mark _ Unit price Amount
2.00 Ea 0020410 233-2436F Handhole-PSE 2,186.00 4,372.00
2.00 Ea 200O201 FCP Cover Assy,2436-TC-
Tax Code Taxable amount Tax Rate
-WA-Kent i34,477-.BQ- '40GG 4- 7v
Gad-..�ti-� �►x..��..
TACOMA WA 98409-8211
Fax: 253872
To: G&G INC/STOCK Date: 10/09/2024
18044 SE 224TH ST Proj Name: PVC QUOTE REQUEST
KENT WA 98042-7215 GB Quote M 0247216481
Attn: Bonnie Graham Release Nbr:
Phone: 425-432-1325 Purchase Order Nbr:
Fax: 425-432-8155 Additional Ref#
Email: kevin.lentz@graybar.com Valid From: 10/09/2024
Valid To: 10/1612024
Contact: Kevin Lentz
Email: Kevin.Lentz@graybar.com
We Appreciate Your Request and Take Pleasure in Responding As Follows
Item Ilerrr7ype Quantity Supplier Catalog Nbr D tserI Lion Price Unit Ext.Priw
100 2,000 EA PVC COND PVC-80.2 2 SCH80 COND $250.07 100 $5,001.40
GB Part M 86215740 UPC M 98006006306
200 20 EA PVC COND ELL-80-90-2 SCH80 21N 90DEG $1,253.01 100 $250.60
GB Part#:88215729 UPC M 98006006326
300 30 EA PVC COND ELL-80-45-2 SCH80 21N 45DEG $1,000.76 100 $300.23
GB Part#:88215718 UPC#:78007907379
400 10 EA PVC COND ELL-80-22-1/2.2 SCH80 AN $1,522.77 100 $152.28
GB Part#:25370433 UPC#:
500 120 EA RACEWAYS DSDB40-2 SCH40 COUPLER $4.82 1 $578.40
GB Part M 26016048 UPC M
600 800 EA PVC COND PVC-80-3 3 SCH80 COND $447.46 100 $3,579.68
GB Part#:88215742 UPC M 98006006308
This equipment and associated Installation charges may be financed fora low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services(subject to credit approval). For more information call 1-800-241-7408
to speak with a leasing specialist.
To learn more about Graybar,visit our website at www.graybar.com 24-Hour Emergency Phone#:1.800-GRAYBAR
subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth In this document Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.S.shipping point prepaid and bill.
Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the time of order placement.All material received by and held In our warehouse must be shipped or billed to the
customer within 60 days from such receipt,or storage and handling fees In effect at such time may apply.
Page 1 of 4
To: G&G INC/STOCK Date: 10/09/2024
18044 SE 224TH ST Proj Name: PVC QUOTE REQUEST
KENT WA 98042-7215 GB Quote M 0247216481
Attn: Bonnie Graham
We Appreciate Your Request and Take Pleasure in Responding As Follows
700 24 EA PVC COND ELL-80.90-3 SCH80 31N 90DEG $4,266.33 100 $1,023.92
GB Part#:88215731 UPC 9:98006006328
800 30 EA PVC COND ELL-80-45-3 SCH80 31N 45DEG $3,473.43 100 $1,042.03
GB Part*88215720 UPC M 78007906348
900 10 EA PVC COND ELL-80-22.1/2-3 SCH80 31N $1,705.21 100 $170.52
GB Part#:99420002 UPC M
1000 75 EA RACEWAYS DSDB40.3 SCH40 ELBOW 31N $1,145.91 100 $859.43
GB Part#:26544609 UPC#:
1100 4,600 EA PVC COND PVC-80-4 4 SCH80 COND $685.37 100 $31,527.02
GB Part#:88215743 UPC M 98006006310
1200 120 EA PVC COND ELL-80-45.4 SCH80 41N 45DEG $4,456.93 100 $5,348.32
GB Part#:88215721 UPC M 78007906360
1300 22 EA PVC COND ELL-80-22-1/2-4 SCH80 41N $5,126.60 100 $1,127.85
GB Part#:99420003 UPC#:
1400 22 EA PVC COND ELL-80-11-1/4-4 $4,456.93 100 $980.52
1500 300 EA RACEWAYS DSDB40-4 41N SWEDGE $1,741.24 100 $5,223.72
GB Part#:26473499 UPC#:
This equipment and associated installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Grayber Financial Services(subject to credit approval). For more Information call 1-800-241-7406
to speak with a leasing specialist.
To learn more about Graybar,visit our website at www.graybar.com 24-Hour Emergency Phone#:1.800-GRAYBAR
Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth In this document.Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B.shipping point prepaid and bill.
Unless noted the estimated ship date will be determined at the lime of order placement.All material received by and held In our warehouse must be shipped or billed to the
customer within 60 days from such recelpt,or storage and handling fees In effect at such time may apply.
Page 2 of 4
To: G&G INC/STOCK Date: 10/09/2024
18044 SE 224TH ST Proj Name: PVC QUOTE REQUEST
KENT WA 98042-7215 GE Quote M 0247216481
Attn: Bonnie Graham
We Appreciate Your Request and Take Pleasure in Responding As Follows
1600 4,100 EA PVC COND PVC-80.6 6 SCH80 COND $1,337.07 100 $54,819.87
GB Part#:97125912 UPC M 98006006314
1700 50 EA PVC COND ELL-80-45-6 SCH80 61N 45DEG $14,588.09 100 $7,294.05
GB Part#:88215723 UPC#:78007906373
1800 16 EA PVC COND ELL-80-22-1/2-6 $14,909.04 100 $2,385.45
1900 20 EA RACEWAYS ELL-80-11-1/4-6 $14,909.04 100 $2,981.81
2000 180 EA RACEWAYS DSDB40-6 $3,795.11 100 $6,831.20
2100 144 EA PVC COND CEMENT-MED VC9962MA/G40436 $817.22 100 $1,176.80
BODY-CLR-LV- S/55985/078799
GB Part#:22063107 UPC M
2200 12 EA NEPTCO INC WP250OP/3000FTPOLY MULETAPE $184.49 1 $2,213.88
GB Part#:96068686 UPC M 00113315863
Total in USD(Tax not included): $134,868.98
This equipment and associated Installation charges may be financed for a low monthly payment through Graybar Financial Services(subject to credit approval). For more Information call 1-800-241-7408
to speak with a leasing specialist.
To learn more about Graybar,visit our website at www.graybar.com 24-Hour Emergency Phone#:1-800-GRAYBAR
Subject to the standard terms and conditions set forth In(his document.Unless otherwise noted,freight terms are F.O.B.shipping point prepaid and bill.
Unless noted the estimated ship dale will be determined at the time of order placement.All material received by and held In our warehouse must be shipped or billed to the
customer within 60 days from such receipt,or storage and handling fees In effect at such time may apply.
Page 3 of 4