HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-139 - Change Order - #7 - Bayley Construction LP - FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - 12/2/24 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: 7K TK Agreement Routing Form Dir. Assist: Kent Parks • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KEN T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover BL WASHINGTON Sheet forms. Dir/Dep Dir: BL Originator: Department: Leah Bryant for Nate Harper Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: c11/22/2024 11/29/2024 p, Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q FZ]Director or Designee 3/5/2024 Budqet Account Number: Grant? Yes ZNo F20098.64110.9476 Budget?[Z]YesEl No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Bayley Construction LP Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: 2548901 Change Order 0 Project Name: FAC23-09C KEHOC Warehouse and & Office Building E Project Details:As described in the attached Exhibit A, CE-001 -Rev 6 Consolidated Plans;CP-010-Level 2 Polished Floors; CCD 4-0 028- Entrance Gate Wire Changes;CCD 027-Urinal and WC valve changes; CCD 026-Elevator Power Revisions; C RFI 151 -Wall Clarifications; RFI 057-Anchor Bolt Sizes; RFI 029-Standardize Plinth Sizes; RFI 015-RM 104 4.+ Duct/Beam/Ceiling conflicts GJ E Agreement Amount: $293,300.61 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Date: March 2024 Termination Date: 7/31/2026 Q Local Business 10YesFv(-]No* If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Locol Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification:Yes In-Process Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes FNo CAG2024-139 Comments: Change Order 7 3 0 GJ y •� i GJ fQ C N Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 12/2/24 ad,Vvo 7i__C Visit Docurrents.KentWA.govto obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 • KENT WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction LP ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: FAC2309-C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: 3/18/2024 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: As described in attached Exhibit A: • CE-001 - Rev 6 Consolidated Plans • CP-010 - Level 2 Polished Floors • CCD 028 - Entrance Gate Wire Changes • CCD 027 - Urinal and WC valve changes • CCD 026 - Elevator Power Revisions • RFI 151 - Wall Clarifications • RFI 057 - Anchor Bolt Sizes • RFI 029 - Standardize Plinth Sizes • RFI 015 - RM 104 Duct/Beam/Ceiling conflicts 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $29,900,294.10 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $704,387.74 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $30,604,681.84 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $266,153.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $27,147.61 Order Revised Contract Sum $30,897,982.44 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under NA prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change Order 0 calendar days Revised Time for Completion 7/31/2026 (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY OF KENT: By: StepheStephe�so(N5v 25,202411:15 PST) By; ie Parascon ola(Dec 2,202409:42 PST) Print Name: Stephen Grasso Print Name: Julie Parascondola Its CEO Its: Parks Director DATE: Nov 25, 2024 DATE: Dec 2, 2024 CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) k.(;t. 9 WA Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department [In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] OV Signature: Tong khau Signature: Tona Khau(Nov 25,202411:07 PST) Kent Parks(Nov 26,202413:20 PST) Email: tkhau@kentwa.gov Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov signature: Brun Lelyen daG 2PI Brian Levenhagen(Dec2,2024 00116 PST) Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - C07 Signature Pages Final Audit Report 2024-12-02 Created: 2024-11-22 By: Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAA-yvZGQJgFdau8-JoNDnIBGUviahHjlSv "FAC23-09C-KEHOC Warehouse and Office Building - C07 Si gnature Pages" History E Document created by Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-22-11:57:38 PM GMT € -4 Document emailed to nharper@kentwa.gov for signature 2024-11-22-11:59:03 PM GMT "I Email viewed by nharper@kentwa.gov 2024-11-25-3:15:55 PM GMT Document signing delegated to Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov) by nharper@kentwa.gov 2024-11-25-4:40:28 PM GMT Document emailed to Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-11-25-4:40:28 PM GMT Email viewed by Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-25-7:06:22 PM GMT Document e-signed by Tona Khau (tkhau@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-11-25-7:07:13 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to steveg@bayley.net for signature 2024-11-25-7:07:15 PM GMT "I Email viewed by steveg@bayley.net 2024-11-25-7:14:52 PM GMT !yo Signer steveg@bayley.net entered name at signing as Stephen Grasso 2024-11-25-7:15:56 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign Document e-signed by Stephen Grasso (steveg@bayley.net) Signature Date:2024-11-25-7:15:58 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) for signature 2024-11-25-7:15:59 PM GMT s Email viewed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-26-9:19:47 PM GMT Document e-signed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-11-26-9:20:13 PM GMT-Time Source:server L. ;. Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-11-26-9:20:15 PM GMT s Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-26-11:09:48 PM GMT `1 Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-02-5:36:27 PM GMT Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-12-02-5:36:49 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Julie Parascondola (jparascondola@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-12-02-5:36:52 PM GMT `1 Email viewed by Julie Parascondola (jparascondola@kentwa.gov) 2024-12-02-5:41:26 PM GMT d Document e-signed by Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-12-02-5:42:18 PM GMT-Time Source:server Agreement completed. 2024-12-02-5:42:18 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign EXHIBIT A AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #001 - Rev 6 - Consolidated Plans Origin: Date Created: 9/16/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc. Is 1.0 $2,865.00 $2,865.00 $2,865.00 1.0 $2,865.00 $2,865.00 $2,865.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material 24057-3001 Supply.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Added reinforcing per delta#6 drawing set dated 03-19-2024 03-205-000.S Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning, Is 1.0 $1,641.00 $1,641.00 $1,641.00 1.0 $1,641.00 $1,641.00 $1,641.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Inc. Install.Commitments- 24057-4008 Subcontracts Description: Added reinforcing steel installation Is 2.0 $1,260.00 $2,520.00 $2,520.00 2.0 $1,260.00 $2,520.00 $2,520.00 $0.00 Description: Add P.)Bollards-Excavate,concrete,bollard material,bollard cover 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 11/6/2024 at 09:27PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 01-330-010.PO Is 1.0 $1,127.00 $1,127.00 $1,127.00 1.0 $1,127.00 $1,127.00 $1,127.00 $0.00 Plans and Specs.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Plot Plans 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,447.00 $1,447.00 $1,447.00 1.0 $1,447.00 $1,447.00 $1,447.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $11,090.00 $0.00 $11,090.00 $11,090.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,090.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 11/6/2024 at 09:27PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name:KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 001 Project No.24507 Doc#: Rev 6 Work Description:Consolidated Plans Rev 6 Date: 3/26/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Plot Plans 1 LS $ 1,127.42 $ 1,127 $ $ - $ 1,127 Precision Reber-Added reinforcing per delta#6 drawing set DATED 03-19-2024,NEW DETAILS PER ADDED DRAWING S4.1-REINFORCING AT EDGE 3458 Ibs $ $ - $ 0.83 $ 2,865 $ 2,865 OF DECK AND OPENINGS,12"THICK CONCRETE FUEL TANK PAD PROFILE REVISED DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT.5 HOURS RE-DETAILING TIME Grizzly Bar-Added reinforcing installation 1.729 Tons $ $ $ 949.00 $ 1,641 $ 1,641 Add Bollards-Excavate,concrete,bollard material,bollard cover($250/EA Bollard Supply+ Shipping;$100/EA Bollard Cover Supply+Shipping; 2 EA 8 65.00 $ 520 500.00 $ 1,000 $ 500.00 $ 1,000 $ 2,520 $150/EA Concrete Material;4 Hrs/EA Bracing, Stripping,Installation of Bollard Cover;$500/EA Excavation Layout 4 HR $ - $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 16 $ 79,000 $ 1,100 $ 2,127 $ 110 $ 6,306 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 9,643 Excludes WSST. General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1.447 GRAND TOTAL $ 11,090 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response F7We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by 13ayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 11/6/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date recision Rebaro 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD1 Change Order Date: 4/17/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $0.00 Total Before this Change Order: $143,414.00 Amount of this Change Order: $2,865.00 Revised Contract Amount: $146,279.00 Change description: DELTA #6 DRAWING REVISIONS. ADDED REINFORCING PER DELTA #6 DRAWING SET DATED 03-19-2024 NEW DETAILS PER ADDED DRAWING S4.1 - REINFORCING AT EDGE OF DECK AND OPENINGS 12" THICK CONCRETE FUEL TANK PAD PROFILE REVISED DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT. 5 HOURS RE-DETAILING TIME Change pricing: F3,458 Lbs. $2,865.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. CURB EDGE OF ASPHALT ACCESS DRIVE W A G N E R 4'-0", TYP. UNO 8'-0" - FIELD VERIFY ARCHITECT S 7'-o" MIN. - � PLANNER S 1 0 TYP.-) 6 10 FIELD VERIFY 5-5 4 0 , TYP. ol lo 1916 PIKE PLACE SEATTLE WA 98101 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 O� O w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m Z W NOTE: FUEL TANK DELIVERED AS A _ o w � SINGLE INTACT COMPONENT C 0004003 PRIMARY ti m Q REGISTERED EMERGENCY VENT o �, J ARCHITECT 0 SECONDARY 0° �,(i1� EMERGENCY VENT z E T E WA NER J LLJ STATE OF WASHINGT N m Z � ~ W � Consultants: �_ U U p Q 1 o FUEL FILL 'co z w zn Lu OLLARDS, TYP. w w Q O 0 > 34 TOTAL - SEE w O ;3/0A1.6 00 w Q � Oo d ° ° ° 4 ' CL 2'-4" T-8" 6'-0" MIN. 36 Actual Count 0 co 0 FUEL TANK ELEVATION 6 ww 6 SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" �_ A1.1 a Q a � O U O W Z i� o W STANDBY GENERATOR Q w a i 4 a 4 o :if 4000 GAL <1 L� a J FUEL TANK Vw U L 142 °o '_ CV o FUEL FILL 00 U U BOLLARDS TYP. ELECTRICAL 80 0 U' - SEE' 1MI.6 EQUIPMENT, SEE 0 ELEC. -VERIFY 1 j 6" CURB FOR DIMENSIONS 00 } zKENT a = ABOVE GRADE BASED ON EQUIP. 0 f3rLU o W A SH I N LIJ U)PIPE LINES SUBMISSION co fz ao O w 2 U U) o Q 00CC) w > LL FUEL FILL l`l , KEHOC — Z Warehouse & Office w , Building PROVIDE CURB TO ALLOW w Q FUEL PIPE DOWN PIPE ACCESS TO SKID � 00 � FACET OF TANK, 0 � 12607 SE 248TH ST GEN SET AND FUEL TANK SECTION ABOVE GRADE TO 5 SCALE: 1/4° -0° GEN SET, TYP. ON KENT WA 6" CURB. ti 98030 9'-8" -ADJUST PER - CONSOLIDATED FINAL ELEC. EQUIP. M 8'-10" 12'-5" - FIELD VERIFY SET EDGE OF HOUSEKEEPING PAD - 3'-3" VERIFY FINAL DIMENSIONS OF HOUSEKEEPING T JOB NO. 20223 SLAB DIMENSIONS WITH DIMENSIONS OF GEN rL rL Date Revisions SET- HOUSEKEEPING SLAB SHOULD BE 6" MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED LARGER THAN GEN SET IN ALL DIMENSIONS 0 / w ENLARGED GEN SET AND FUEL TANK PLAN W /\ _ LJ N SCALE: 1/4"= V-0" ry c z Q 0 z W U Sheet Contents O Cn z GENERATOR AND rK FUEL TANK / N N O N H z W Y / H U W O All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and ae original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, d used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z W � N Sheet No. O U N / \ u7 = N r7 W W� z�<Cn OA1 0 10 W � W W W U W �a-� I L�Oa_x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #029 - RFI-029 - Standardize Plinth Sizes Origin: RFI#29:Standardize Plinth Sizes Date Created: 11/18/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Unforeseen Condition Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 03-200-100.S Precision Rebar&Accessories,Inc. Is 1.0 $1,825.00 $1,825.00 $1,825.00 1.0 $1,825.00 $1,825.00 $1,825.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel Material 24057-3001 Supply.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Plinth Size Revisions 03-205-000.S Grizzly Bar and Post Tensioning,Inc. Is 1.0 $1,036.00 $1,036.00 $1,036.00 1.0 $1,036.00 $1,036.00 $1,036.00 $0.00 Reinforcing Steel 24057-4008 Install.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Additional Rebar Install(2,183 Lbs @$949/Ton) 03-100-OOO.PO cy 6.0 $170.00 $1,020.00 $1,020.00 6.0 $170.00 $1,020.00 $1,020.00 $0.00 Concrete Formwork.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Additional Concrete Material(6 CY) 01-450-120.S hours 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 8.0 $200.00 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 16.0 $95.00 $1,520.00 $1,520.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 11/18/2024 at 03:06PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,187.00 $1,187.00 $1,187.00 1.0 $1,187.00 $1,187.00 $1,187.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $9,098.00 $0.00 $9,098.00 $9,098.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,098.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 11/18/2024 at 03:06PM PST Change Proposal Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 029 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-029 Work Description:RFI-029-Standardize Plinth Sizes Date: 4/19/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Precision Rebar-Plinth Size Revisions(2,183 Lbs) 1 LS $ $ $ 1,825.00 $ 1,825 $ 1,825 Grizzly-Additional Rebar Install(2,183 Lbs @ $949/Ton) 1.09 Tons $ $ $ 949.00 $ 1,036 $ 1,036 Additional Concrete Material 6 CY $ 170.00 $ 1,020 $ $ - $ 1,020 Layout 8 HR $ $ - $ 200.00 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Foreman 16 95.00 $ 1,520 $ $ $ - $ 1,520 Cleanup 16 50.00 $ 800 $ $ $ $ 800 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 32 $ $ 2,320 $ 1,020 $ 110 $ 4,461 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 7,911 Excludes WSST.Plinths associated with CCD-005 General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,187 GRAND TOTAL $ 9,098 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by F-1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 11/18/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #29: Standardize Plinth Sizes Status Closed on 04/19/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Apr 11,2024 Due Date Apr 25,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact Yes(Unknown) Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S2.1a,S2.1b,S3.1,Corona Shop Drawings Reference Linked Drawings Received From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) Sub Job Copies To Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Brumley (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Taylor Cobaugh (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Will Moore(City of Kent),Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners), Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Kevin Sodano (Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday,Apr 11, 2024 at 11:43 AM PDT Per detail 12/S3.1,the footing plinths shall be 6"wider on each side than than the base plates.There are many different sizes of base plates,and the contractors are requesting that the design team come up with a few standard sizes for plinths so that each one is not different. Please note that Corona Steel has notified Bayley that they will not provide final base plate dimensions until April 23,2024. Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday,Apr 16, 2024 at 01:59 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-29-Standardize_Plinth_Sizes-2024-04-11.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 1 Printed On:Nov 18,2024 02:46 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #29: Standardize Plinth Sizes Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Apr 11,2024 Due Date Apr 25,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact Yes(Unknown) Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S2.1a,S2.1b,S3.1,Corona Shop Drawings Reference Linked Drawings Received From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) Copies To Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Brumley (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Taylor Cobaugh (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule,Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass),Will Moore(City of Kent), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Sam Scarmardo (Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl (Masco Corporation),Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC) Activity/ Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday,Apr 11, 2024 at 11:43 AM PDT Per detail 12/S3.1,the footing plinths shall be 6"wider on each side than than the base plates.There are many different sizes of base plates,and the contractors are requesting that the design team come up with a few standard sizes for plinths so that each one is not different. Please note that Corona Steel has notified Bayley that they will not provide final base plate dimensions until April 23,2024. Awaiting an Official Response Detail 12/S3.1 requires a "minimum" of 6"from base plate edge or 24"total width in each direction, whichever is larger. At GC's option, they may elect to provide larger than minimum plinth sizes for their convenience to reduce the number of conditions. Based on our review of the currently available base plate drawings, it appears that two basic sizes would cover all conditions with a single column at a given location. We identify these two sizes to be based on all plate sizes 8"x15" or smaller, and plates 15"x20". GC to verify per final drawings provided by PEMB Manuf. Over-sized square plinths, in lieu of rectangular plinths orientated as required per PEMB shop drawings, may be utilized at the GC's option for their convenience. EAF/Frank Co. 04-16-2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 1 Printed On:Apr 11,2024 01:39 PM PDT recision Rebar® 1802 NE 991h Street Accessories Vancouver, WA 98665 Inc. 360-574-1022 Page 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Change Order#: MOD3 Change Order Date: 5/6/2024 Job Number: 245615 To: Project: Bayley Construction KEHOC Warehouse & Office Building 8005 SE 28th ST KENT, WA 98030 Mercer Island, WA 98040 Original Contract Amount: $143,414.00 Total Previous Change Orders: $0.00 Total Before this Change Order: $143,414.00 Amount of this Change Order: $1,825.00 Revised Contract Amount: $145,239.00 Change description: PLINTH SIZE REVISION PER PLINTH SIZE & LEGEND DRAWINGS PROVIDED, ALL PLINTHS ARE REVISED. 4 HOURS RE-DETAILING Change pricing: 2,183 Lbs. $1,825.00 Please return a signed copy: Bayley Construction Signed: Dated: Title: Acceptance of this change order shall constitute a modification to our bid document and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions in our bid document. Values above may not reflect unapproved or pending change orders. aw N > ANCHOR ROD TABLE Plinth Dimensions&Quantities M. ` y SIZE QTY MATERIAL *Tap of Plinths Orginally 6" BFF per S3.1, changed to 5" BFF per PEMB Final Drawings, affecting all plinths ZW F*11 W(In.) L(In.) D(In.) Volume(CY) Quantity(EA) Total Volume Ro 3/4 172 F1554-GR.36 *Top of Footing originally spec'd as 12" BFF 26 24 7 0.09 54 5.06 1" 96 F1554-GR.36 40 32 7 0.19 23 4.42 Q *Plinths specified to be 6" larger than baseplates per 53.1 a 1 114" 398 F1554-GR.105 38 44 7 0.25 2 0.50 n *24x24x6 minimum plinth sizes UNO per S3.1 46 28 7 0.19 2 0.39 az 75 28 7 0.32 1 0.32 � . 58 28 7 0.24 5 1.22 d 16 16 7 0.04 2 0.08 36 12 7 0.06 4 0.26 52 38 7 0.30 1 0.30 0 Total Quantity&Volume 94 12.53 co w W (In.) L(In.) D(In.) Volume (CY) Quantity(EA) Total Volume NY CD wo Bid Day Assumptions 24 24 6 0.07 94 6.96 uuj) o � m �U o 00 Difference (CY) 5.56 *Excludes CCD-005 Plinths U)C_ `� Z 3� CL O - U 36T-11 Q - n 222'-0 145'-11 m �p z c6 g N Z 'q 2inw(n¢CO m 'W< M 0 0 NwC� 2-�� 24'-111/2 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 29'-01/2 24'-111/2 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-111/2 Z Z °�YMU�LLW! � a m o rn 16.1 15 CT) GE) 12 11 10 CD CD7.1 a:) O5 ® 0 2.6 O2 0.9 ���� Q w N N N N N N 11'-0 13'-0 cal a n 00 N N N N N N A N O N O O BP15-B P15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP18-A -BP17-A 5" q B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. P22-A 5" B.F.F. 1 a 5' B.F.F. Z q 5" O B.F.F w}} c� N N O C o m m 0 I � o Comm to W Cn N z> »» p a aCCD-005 5" B.F.F. ada ¢ a¢¢¢OFFICE EAST o LU z LU 1_a P49-A BP49-A N V NLU a co 5" B.F.F. BP05-A BP15- > o o�„� BP48-A BP15-A - BP22-A r BP16 BP01-A P21-A BP21-A `BP21-A P - J M of o�m 5' B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. 1'� 5" B.F.F. Z o o W W Z 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F 5' B. 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. BRACED BAY BRACED BAY BRACED BAY w A.9 ------------ ----- -- -------------- - -------- ------- LU ------------------- --------------------- ------------------- ----- --------- -- A.9 Q a acxioLL o COMMON WALL LINE U �'�'o N O O LU W Z W W W W W Q W W ;tFt J d SQ�J(/J J wo»¢>a I oLL LL LL N N M 0Q m N } N N N 0 m 0 O m Ui M M M M o N N N N N N N N U 35-A - 6.3 - - - N N m �BPB.F.F. BP27-E BP27-F BP27-F V-1 1/2 ++ - B.5 I m 5' B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. P16-D �/ 11 1/2 BP26-C L F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP2 FC BP54-A BP28-A BP25-B BP25-B V-1 1/2 B.7 BP27-D N B.8 B.8 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. B.9 5" B.F.�� B.9� 1�-4 © - - - - - - - - - - - --- - mRA E BAY B C D AY o Q q 5- I N W BP26-B r 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. U-I N � BP43-B ao -005 0? � � � J rn In rh N N N N N C5 z 6 N N N B1PBP35-A o1.6 F O 5" B.F.F. �/ w T� C.9 UQ 8.9 16-5 1/2 C.9 11 1/2 % m O o 11 1/2 BP23-A BP25-B BP06-A P25-B M F 2 C.95 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. \ BP23-A 5" B.F.F. ° g.F.F.I m O 5"B.F.F. U BP34-B BP34-B O _ BRACED BAY 5" B.F.F. -BP34-B BP53-A O 5" B.F.F. ------------- 1'4 BP34-C r 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP18-B 11 1/2 BP24-A ' �A D 1 5" B.F.F. D 1 `5 B.F.F.SHOP 5" B.F.F. BP50-A 5" B. .F. OFFICE MAIN O D.2 0 0 5 B.F.F. U�' 4 BP34-A N 111/2 O m L2 O 5" B.F.F.- BP35-A 00 5" B.F.F. } } I ¢ I al m N N CCD-005 N QLU W m U , Cl) Cl) W , o ml 9I BP - I N N Q m CCD-005 5" B.F.F. V-4 -BP25-A m 5" B.F.F� BRACED BAY O ------------- ------------- O N a 3P16-C A D A �BP BFF. 1'-1 1/2 5' B.F.F. BP54-A BP28-A BP29-A 5"B. BP25-B E.3 11 1/2 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 1'-1 1/2 E.5 E.5 E.6 BP35-A BP4 BP27-B 42-A 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. E 7 l W N N m � BP27-A o 0Q CCD-005 UJ N Qm U N N N 5" B.F.F. 1'-4 Of < N N N CD CD N N O O O N N - NO - -------------�/ .. --------------a--- ------------------- ------ --------,�� - ----------------- ----.�------- - N F.05 F.05 COMMON WALL LINE 16'-1 1/2 N BP 01-C BP 41- BP21-B BP41- �BP21-B BP01-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F. . 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. N V-21/2 21'-111/4 101/4 101/4 22'-31/2 101/4 101/4 22'-31/4 101/2 4 BP36-A o PORTAL BRACED PORTAL BRACED B P38-A m ¢ 42'A.F.F PORTAL BRACED _ 5" B.F.F. N F.2 N O - --- N O O N notO O N O F.J U OFFICE WEST o 12'-2 1/2 T-52 6 BRACED BAY 11 1/2 Q U In nj F g N BP33-A� BP58-A BP16-FNit O 5" B.F. PBP31-A ,? m 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. r-a 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP51� 5" B.F.F. BP 5' B °' BP40-A 16.1 5" B.F.F. � O G.1 0 --------------- O -- ----------------------- ---------------- -- CANOPY G.1 BRACED BAY 1'-a o o o a0 FOYER H H 4 4 BP56-B 81/2 81/2�5TD 8 g 1'-5 42"A.F. B 4 1 18'-1 1 18'-1 1 13'-2 13'-7 2'-6 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 ® 7.1 6 5 4 3 2.2 O 0.9 0.6 24'-111/2 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 29'-01/2 1 24'-111/2 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-111/2 1 16'-1 1/2 1 1 T T 222'-0 T T T 1 146-11 1 16'-1 1/2 1 1 384'-0 1/2 1 T 0.5 ANCHOR ROD PLAN NOTE: FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ASSUMED TO BE 100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. G TJ. RN F W S� ANCHOR ROD PLAN GENERAL NOTES AN1:THE SPECIFIED ANCHOR ROD DIAMETER ASSUMES AN2: METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AN5:THE ANCHOR ROD LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY THE AN6:THE ANCHOR ROD PLAN INDICATES WHERE AN7:"SINGLE"CEE COLUMNS SHALL BE ORIENTED WITH THE ,P 1 58 � F1554 GRADE 36 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ANCHOR PROJECT FOUNDATION DESIGN. THE FOUNDATION DESIGN IS THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER SATISFY PERTINENT THE ANCHOR RODS ARE TO BE PLACED AS WELL AS "TOES"TOWARD THE LOW EAVE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Off, GCpURAL EN11 ROD MATERIAL OF EQUAL DIAMETER MEETING OR RESPONSIBILITY OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER,FAMILIAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE MATERIALS THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. IT IS AN8:ALL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT OF STEEL. IF A CONCRETE �'s ��. ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE UEXCEEDING THE STRENGTH QTI�LIZED AT THE IREMENTS ET FORTH WITH ANCHOR LOCAL ITE RODS CONDITIONS. NUTS FLAT WASHERS FOR ANCHOR RODS IT IS HE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OUNDATION LIED BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. ESSENTIAL FOLLOWED. FAT THESE T ESE SETTINGS R ROD PATTERNS DIFF ER FROM THE ADDED O OBTAIOTCH IS REQUIRED THE OUT TO OUT OF CONCRETE THEN THE REQUIRED ON SHOULD BE DIMENSIONS. SI�VAL DISCRETION OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. EXPANSION BOLTS,AND CONCRETE/MASONRY EMBEDMENT PLATES ARE ENGINEER TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SUFFICIENT ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLANS,THE METAL AN9: FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=100'-0"AND BOTTOM ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT LENGTH SHALL BE NOT BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. EDGE DISTANCE IS PROVIDED FOR ALL ANCHOR BUILDING MANUFACTURER MUST BE CONTACTED OF BASE PLATES=100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 0 DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. AN4: DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.SEE DETAILS FOR COLUMN ORIENTATION. RODS IN THE DETAILS OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE CONCRETE IS PLACED. BP01-A[5"B.F.F.] BP01-13[5"B.F.F.] BP01-C[5"B.F.F.] BP01-D[5"B.F.F.] BP05-A[5"B.F.F.] BP05-B[5"B.F.F.] BP06-A[5"B.F.F.] a 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"READ.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 114 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE-1"AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 318 PLATE-1"AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION m 1'-4 _ U� N COMMON WALL m aka N COMMON WALL 7,1 1'-8 1'-8 0.9 ; N -- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------- lI 1- A.9 A.9 2 1/2 5 12 1/2l2 1/21 5 1 12 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 l/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 z ® O -4 co co �' STEEL LINE t 8 z A.9 12 2 2 ca 10 Z U O I I oD 1 1/2 1 1/2 z p I I Q 3 N O N fu�OWto I O N I r J Lo N N y 1t L d Q W Z ['1 2!cV W T T T y M F � I " J T N 0 � — — �— — M " N w O w N N Lo V � \ N \ (V o o n Cl U W o Lo W Lo oo - 2 2 12 °0 c c wp ao cc) �8� F.2 STEEL LINE 12 to r-U 0 c d 21/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 22 1/2��5�2 9/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 co c N Z 3 Lu w co ---------------------------- ❑ N N Q 7.1 �1-8� 0.9 F------------------- ------------ F.05 COMMON WALL 1'4 a c �o 1'-8j _ F.05 - o—Y a 0 m �1'-44 COMMON WALL BP07-A[5"B.F.F.] BP15-A[5"B.F.F.] �BP15-B[5"B.F.F.] BP15-C[5"B.F.F.] BP15-D[5"B.F.F.] BP16-A[5"B.F.F.] BP16-B[5"B.F.F.] 2 y W U) CD 3/8 PLATE- 1"AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION m o w m m Q)Z m 0 z c zU Z M � cw23Ofw N o Z �Y�U�LLTLL a m o to tst 7.1 1'-o A.9 �Maa�aa STEEL LINE W o 0 0 0 0 0 STEEL LINE } } STEEL LINE a STEEL LINE ' o 0 0 0 0 I1=Imo—I} t t co zww I K K K co W}>- I GO I a0 I o M 7-0 Comm tD - M to Eo_ T z>� ��» n yyLo —in tntn�Z6 " TI M >o � 7 N N '� >d d a d a yy y " Qcl,Q Q¢Q Lu TT II T V I Z "' c? c, o Lu c', M J M Ln to a- co N co w �J O wLL x x _O to W�z z=p~ aD oom Q Q O I LULL °o QW oomow Wwww¢ww 2 2 2 2 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 w w lz STEEL LINE l 8 1 8 G.121/2 STEEL LINE I G.1 2'3WowwZ 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 STEEL LINE *k o tV M V n 5 1 2'-3 I 1 13 i 2 BP16-C[5"B.F.F.] BP16-D[5"B.F.F.] BP16-E[5"B.F.F.] BP16-F[5"B.F.F.] BP16-G[5"B.F.F.] BP17-A[5"B.F.F.] BP18-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1'-1 1/2 2'-3 1'-3 1/2 1'-3 1/2 V-4 I I 5 5 51/2 8 1 2'-3 N 2 1/2 5 5 5 9 1/2 0.9 STEEL LINE " 9 1/2 2 2 5 2 1/ 1/2 5 2 1/2 -A•9 STEEL LINE TAD21/2 21/2 -A.9 I LL7 " N w N N I J N co 1'-4 1n J N W " J MLn t 1T >J M J w M T T M w z " " N " W J N c? w 1T z N (V w F M M Z ° 1 w C " ♦ I � N w " W N z l Lo tD oo OU rn 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 S STEEL LINE 7 1 T� 8 0.9 s 51/2 5 5 0•9 G.1 STEEL LINE �1'-4� �8�5 1/2�5�5� 1'-1 1/2 " 1'-3-3 1/2� �1'-1 1/2j-1 1/22 I BP18-B[5"B.F.F.] BP19-A[5"B.F.F.] BP20-A[5"B.F.F.] BP21-A[5"B.F.F.] BP21-B[5"B.F.F.] BP22-A[5"B.F.F.] BP22-B[5"B.F.F.] 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE 0 9 A.9 r—o 1'-1 1/2 w y, 8 y, � STEEL LINE 5 5 5 0.9 I 2 6 I 11 21/2 21/2 ., ,, __ _COMMiN WALL_-_ A.09 1 2 1 2 1 I co Ln 1112 co I n I N 8 1/4 3 t 3 112 t 8 Lo N c?W Lo N MI _ z W 0 Lo N to M c?D.3 C.8 ----------- ------ N cq J co N w y y LU �1'-2 3/4�-2 3/44 T T 9 I —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— — n Lo I I 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 F2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 91/2 1 �5�5�5�5�5� STEEL LINE ----------------- -- F.05 �2'-3� 8 COMMON WALL "_ �1 3 1/2� 11 N BP23-A[5"B.F.F.] BP24-A[5"B.F.F.] BP25-A[5"B.F.F.] BP25-B[5"B.F.F.] BP25-C[5"B.F.F.] BP26-A[5"B.F.F.] BP26-B[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 7.1 I 2'-3 7 1 9 8.9 I v � 1 1/2 1 1/2 I I 0 8.9 1'-e " V-4 J 1 1/21 1 11 1/2 N 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 9 1/2 J Z ��� Cc - --- --- --------- N Ln O N N t0 0 to N " o —co M - _1— ,�' , N Ln N II) N N N OII ----- th -- --- M T N =C -------M -- --- M 7_ M v -'M - ---------------------- N N N -- ------- M O -------- M -- ---lc� -C.5 Eo " I (o O N I 1 1/2 1 1/2 I I T 8 O 1� BP50-A 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 8 I M 1 o O �1'-8�-66 �T CAD TJ. R 13 11 G�F �SoTy 15 1 58 � G cT�RAL ssIONAL 0� BP26-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-A[5"B.F.F.] BP27-B[5"B.F.F.] BP27-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-D[5"B.F.F.] BP27-E 15"B.F.F.] BP27-F[5"B.F.F.] Q W s " a 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"READ. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"READ.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 114 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION m y M m a o Z' F*11 15 z o t 8 dam 2 2 2 2 } 2�2 } 22 22 Iz u O }�� t z + z t Q i NN In N N + + + + W N -- N - - -O N , In + ! + N - -- - E.7 - N - --I-- - E.5 -�-- B.9 -- - - --�-- B.9 - - - - " - - - CUD I I + ! + N + ! + I �Lo � M U 11/2 11/2 + + N + + N N + + rn O co 2 HSS6X6 N �;Q Y a HSS6X6 O HSS6X6 CUDHSS6X6 HSS6X6 10 v m o 13 HSS6X6 9 w Y y j JE ~ m�U o �a bloCD c zw aNY C 0R U BP28-A[5"B.F.F.] BP29-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP30-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP31-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-B[5"B.F.F.] BP33-A[5"B.F.F.] v 2 y w CD � 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION m o w a m O m O_z c z U z M � C w �3O w 13 N m Z O O} O O wM 12 0 �YDU��=li a m o rn M 7 a a a Q 1'-z 1/z 11 10 w N N N N N N O O O O O O 91/2 5 5 5 91/2 21/2 5 3 4 5 5 ¢`00000 ' 101/4 ' 101/4 16.1 NNN_NNN_ 91/2 5 5 5 21/2 � 04 OM4) I � j 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 01/4 1 NONOO �� $ Q(���1n IA W 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/4 1'-9 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/4 1 1/ Z v> 6 1/4 4 5 5 1'-9 1/2 N I " 00 Comm =m Como N + + + + N + + ! + + " N O " + + + ♦ + + + + + + N O)� N N w M i + Q d 2 d d d F--272�Z2 ©=E - _-_-_-_-_-_ _-_---_-_-_- M ©O-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_ M _ N + + + + + O + + + # ♦ J d uj Q Q Q¢Q +T + + - w M N w + + _ o N + + + + + + + + N N 2'-11 1/2 N + + + " (n fn a w In N j j + + + N M 8 j 2'-111/2 1 N N w}m�m�m 2'-111/2 j N ��K�mwLL j j STEEL LINE j 2'-11 1/2 j 1'4 Lu o z z w o 0 2.-3 T 2'-10 1 F.2 ! wwommow STEEL LINE �� F.c www¢ww STEEL LINE J a U)c/)J(/J J r.c STEEL LINE F.2 ly m Lu W LL wu Z STEEL LINE O N M V BP34-A[5"B.F.F.] BP34-B[5"B.F.F.] BP34-C[5"B.F.F.] BP35-A[5"B.F.F.] BP36-A[42"A.F.F.] BP36-B[42"A.F.F.] BP38-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 7.1 s�1� 7.1 1 1 I 1 I 1.-4 N 0.5 + + 1'-5 2'-6 s TI 2 2 HSS6X6 oz 2t } t � -N -- - 1'-0 1/2 1/4 HSS6X6 STEEL LINE z Z N N " F.9 CLIP-20 J O 1'-2 3/4 N 7 V w V 2! + I + + I + B.5 w ♦ * 28 F O L 5 1/2 CCz - - - - ­--00 � j 1'-5 5 1/2 N U � + + " O J - - - + + ♦ ♦ � STEEL LINE o D.1 o D.2 + + N j 51/2 j 1'-5 j 51/2 j Z + + I D.1 N HSS6X6 E.5 `n T v o - --- - ----- ao F.3 * U 1q ! 8 31/2 3 1 2 8 j CLIP-20 w ♦ ♦ �' + + 15'5 1/2 " O Z 11 1/2 STEEL LINE N HSS6X6 w N HSS6X6 F �8 j 31/2 j 3 j } HSS6X6 HSS6X6 16.1 111/2T 1'-5�2'-6� 114 I , I II ------------------- - D.1 I 6.5 BP40-A[5"B.F.F.] BP41-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-B[5"B.F.F.] BP43-A[5"B.F.F.] BP43-B[5"B.F.F.] BP44-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 114 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 13 21/2 21/2 1'8 1-8 15 1'-8 1-8 1 8 1 2 1/2 t 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 T T 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 1-8 2 1/2 5 12 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 5 2 1/212 1/2 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 I ' In I IN I I -_ _-_-_-_--U) _ N -_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_ N -� _ 04 + + ! + + M M co N (V O N N -O'- ------- I --------- -- B.9 N 9 I 1tT +tT +tT +tT N , ------ --------- U7 IL) N ic, " _ 5 21/221/2 500 - ' 21/2 21/2 2 1/2 21/2 -- ----------- - - --COMMON WALL F.05 �V-8 I G.1 STEEL LINE 8 0 O3 $ 9 © © 11 BP48-A[5"B.F.F.] BP49-A[5"B.F.F.] BP50-A[5"B.F.F.] BP51-A[5"B.F.F.] BP52-A[5"B.F.F.] BP53-A[5"B.F.F.] BP54-A[5"B.F.F.] 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE Oi �, 1 2'-3 1 13 1'-4 i ro 1'-2 1/2 21/2 21/2 71/2 1 10 1/2 T 21/2 5 i 5 9112 STEEL LINE 2.10 A.9 91/2 t 5 2 1/2 21/21 5 1 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 I 1'-9 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/2 v N � ! � 2 5 5 2Lo N N + + I + + N N I V I Z M + " + + + M N + + ! + + w M M o + + + - - - -�- - --0 N D.1 w N Lo cn L' 12 HSS6X6 / " �2 0.4 �41/2�5�5�21/2�2112�5�5 41/241/2 11/2 11/2 N �2'-111/2� I ' 8 10 N ? 2'-3333 I I O I �, � �� �F.2 8 STEEL LINE 16.1 �91/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 STEEL LINE �'F 2 CST J ROTS' F S� 1 51 G ssiONAL 0� BP56-A[5"B.F.F.] BP56-B[42"A.F.F.] BP56-C[5"B.F.F.] BP56-D[42"A.F.F.] Q w a 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 314 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION BP57-A 4" B.F.F.] AB-4" [5"B.F.F.] 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION z mMM1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION m s z N F*11 cpca 2'-8 w $ 0 O z zu d w 2'-8 4 1/2 1 1/2 4 1/2 2T T T r� V z 1 0 2 51/2 8 1/2 8 1/2 51/2 2 F- 1 1/2 a4 I 2 51/2 1'-5 51/2 2 ,'� @% 10 d N � i 2 31/2 1 3 11/2 1 CLIP-20 co co 1/4 1 11/2 3 31/2 2 HSS6X6 1/4 N N N N —_-M I-_— —_—_ N " �♦ ON W 7 O M HSS6X6 STEEL LINE m 1 1 v M) U 1 O N T T O co co W M HSS6X6 t H _ v, CLIP-20 M Q Y N 8 9 � � i O 0 + N HSS6X6 :HSS6X6 V. o co tm c Q 4 STEEL LINE 1/4 N Y U w w HSS6X6 2.2 STEEL LINE 1/4 uu d c 4 4 STEEL LINE m r-U O c�d O W OCD f6 Z W 2 O aNY O 0�m Q w= �� 2 i�w(n¢CA m C zc62co m c~i w< D M wCw2—O� N o Z °�YDU��=LL I a m o rn W N N N N N N O O O O O O N N N N N N Q Ql LLy(p GO�LL) N O N O O p c1. amain in co z W r r Y— =O o000 0 0000 UZ6 ���Z6 ZN >>>> z>�-2»> Rm mama p¢Ia¢¢¢ z m U �z m a- w (n F m N J J Wymoo�� J LL'LL'O m'LL 2 W O Ox=w m o W U)U C.)O w H z z m O U Q Q 0 LL w w w o m m o w W W w Q W w J m U)�J(/J J W »¢> G TJ. RN 1 58e G cTljRAL EN���1 rsI�VAL � 0� AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #035 - RFI-015 - Conference Room 104 Duct/Beam/Ceiling Conflicts Origin: RFI#15:Conference Room 104 Duct/Beam/Ceiling Conflicts Date Created: 10/9/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 22-100-000.S Pipe Construction,Inc. Is 1.0 $10,534.00 $10,534.00 $10,534.00 1.0 $10,534.00 $10,534.00 $10,534.00 $0.00 Plumbing.Commitments- 24057-4002 Subcontracts Description: Per RFI-015,changes to the ductwork were required to avoid the PEMB clashes. 01-450-120.S hours 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 2.0 $200.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 10/9/2024 at 08:26PM PDT Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.130 Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,744.00 $1,744.00 $1,744.00 1.0 $1,744.00 $1,744.00 $1,744.00 $0.001 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $13,368.00 $0.00 $13,368.00 $13,368.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13,368.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 10/9/2024 at 08:26PM PDT Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 035 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-015 Work Description: RFI-015-Conference Room 104 Duct/Beam/Ceiling Conflicts Date: 4/19/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Pipe-Per RFI-015,changes to the ductwork were required to avoid the PEMB clashes. 1 LS $ $ $ 10,534.00 $ 10,534 $ 10,534 Layout 2 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 400 $ 400 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 1$ J I$ 580 $ $ 110 $ 10,934 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 11,624 General Conditions Incl. Excludes WSST. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,744 GRAND TOTAL $ 13,368 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 10/9/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date RCW 39.04.360 Requires change orders to be issued within 30 days of their MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS completion. Failure to issue will result in interest accruing at 1% per month. .c e Change Order Summary Sheet • Project Name: KEHOC Pipe COP No. PC24-360.009 Project No. 24-360 Source Documents: RFI-015 Date: 7/15/2024 Contractor: Bayley Construction Contractor Ref. No. Description: Per RFI-015,changes to the ductwork were required to avoid the PEMB clashes. 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ b. foreman $ c. lead foreman $ DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ Supervision: d. direct supervison(NTE 15%of 1a) $ e. safety(NTE 2%of lines 1a,b,&c) $ 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ - 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. material costs $ b. freight costs(itemize) $ 2.MATERIAL COSTS $ - 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment(per spec approved source) $ b. rental equipment(per invoices attached) $ 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS $ - 4. Consumables a. Consumables(NTE 5%of 2a) $ - 4.CONSUMABLES $ - SUBTOTAL 1 thru 4 $ - 5. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. NTE 15%portion of 1,2,3,&4 $ - 5.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ - 6. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. Delta Mechanical $ 9,169.29 b. Tanz Mechanical Insulation $ 571.00 C. $ d. $ 6.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 9,740.00 7. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. NTE 5%of Line 6 for each sub $ 487.01 7.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 487.00 8. INSURANCE a. liability insurance 3.00 %of 1-7 $ 306.81 8.INSURANCE $ 307.00 9. BOND a. bond 0.00 %of 1-8 $ - 9.B Form Revised 1/28/2019 This change adds 0 calender day extension TOTAL C=J[$Z:::1 ii 0 E , /`-k July 2,2024 Pipe Mechanical P.O. Box 905 Ravensdale, WA 98051 Reference: Kent East Hill Operations Center Subject: COR 1 RFI No. 15 Attention: Derrek Gunn We have reviewed the above noted requested change. We find our cost add for this change to be: $9,169.29 Change in work includes but is not limited to, revisions to planned ductwork installation per contract documents. Per the RFI ductwork to be converted from round to rectangularto fit in the space and coordinate with other MEP.This work is to be coordinated with the other trades as outlined in the project documents. A breakdown of these costs is included for your use. Delta to proceed with approval of proposal. These change orders do not include any amount for changes in the sequence of work, delays, disruption, rescheduling, extended overhead, acceleration, or impact costs, and Delta Technology is expressly reserving our right to make claim for any and all of these and related items of cost prior to final settlement of the contract. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, DELTA TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Michael Thomas Project Manager 1223 VALENTINE AVE. S.E.-PACIFIC,WA 98047-2106 (253) 863-8415 EMAIL: MIKET@HVACDELTA.COM CHANGE ORDER PRICING RFI 15 KEHOC 7.2.24 a. LABOR COST Labor Hours (see Contractor's breakdown): Labor Journeyman 25.11 $ 112.75 2,830.88 Labor Working Foreman 16.74 $ 120.54 2,017.65 Labor Coordination/Engineering 12.00 $ 121.72 1,460.64 Direct Labor Cost 6,309.17 Supervision 15.00% - Total Labor Cost $ 6,309.17 b. SMALL TOOLS $0.00 b. MATERIAL COSTS (see Contractor's Breakdown) $841.19 c. EQUIPMENT COSTS(see Contractor's Breakdown) $0.00 e. SUBCONTRACTORS Sub 1- Sub 2 - Subcontractors Total $0.00 g. FEE On Contractor's Own Work $7,150.36 FEE 15.00% 2,018.93 On Subcontractor's Work FEE 5.00% FEE Total $2,018.93 h. INSURANCE/BOND Liability Insurance 0.00% $9,169.29 Bond 0.00% $9,169.29 Insurance/Bond Total $0.00 TOTAL CHANGE ORDER $9,169.29 Summary RFI 15 7.2.24 MATERIAL LABOR # Description LHR Units CITY Cost/Unit Sub-total Cost/unit Sub-total Fabricated Galvanized 0-2001b (RSMeans) 0.102 lbs. 1.78 - - 200-5001b (RSMeans) 0.098 lbs. 427 1.78 760.06 41.846 500-10001b (RSMeans) 0.094 lbs. 1.78 - - 1000-20001b (RSMeans) 0.091 lbs. 1.78 - - 2000-50001b (RSMeans) 0.087 lbs. 1.78 - - STAINLESS STEEL(RSMeans) 0.137 lbs. - - 41.846 Add for Pressure Class: - 0% Medium Pressure 15% _ High Pressure 40% - _ Add for Welded _ _ Welded add 85% 85% Add for Fittings Percentage: - 0% - 30%fittings add 11% _ 40%fittings add 34% _ _ 50%fittings add 56% _ _ 60%fittings add 79% _ _ 70%fittings add 101% _ _ 80%fittings add 124% _ - 90%fittings add 147% - _ 100%fittings add 169% _ _ Misc. (Fasteners, Sealer, etc.) 1 81.13 81.13 - Duct Liner 1" Fiberglass 0.046 ST 0.63 - - Duct Liner 2" Fiberglass 0.053 S.F 0 1.22 Add Labor EA _ Engineering/Coordination 12 EA 1 12.000 Delivery .39 per#, 190.00 min EA 1 190.00 - SUBTOTALS: Material and Labor $ 841.19 HR 41.846 Engineering/Coordination HR 12.000 Page Of E L-lF TECHNOLOGY CORP- Scrib Sheet LP# HP# LINER JOB ANGLE DATE FLEX TYPE C1LGr1� 1p.l, I�u1�D TO Rr: `�:Qt a.R SPIN-INS FT. SIZE LR Cool r.er FT. SIZE LR l V 52 f•1 � l2 It) `l`. l o u 1 � �z 1A Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations2607 BAYLEY 005 S.E.28th St E 248th ST Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P:(206)621.8884 RFI #15: Conference Room 104 Duct/Beam/Ceiling Conflicts Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Apr 5,2024 Due Date Apr 19,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A2.4B Reference Linked Drawings Received From Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction,Inc.) Copies To Brian Butler(Corona Steel),Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Ken Brumley (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Lash Bryant(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Stacy Compton(VECA ELECTRIC 8 TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Zac Garule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC);Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass),Will Moore (City of Kent),Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction,Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES,LLC) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Friday,Apr S,2024 at 0752 AM PDT The Conference Room 104 has a 9'-O"ceiling shown on drawing 1A2.413,yet the bottom of the steel I-beam Is 10'-0'per the model from American Buildings/Corona Steel.This puts the 14"diameter duct down at 8'-9"bottom when passing under the beam.There are also recessed lights which will impact the ducUceiling.This is a recurrent issue in all of the 9'-O"ceiling height rooms.Please advise. Please see attached model for more reference. Attachments RFI 015 Backup.pdf e Awaiting an Official Response Modify ductwork and Flatten duct size as shown on sheet M2.1 B attached Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 1 Printed On:Apr 8,2024 08:28 AM PDT o� • y a ,4 'i mw IAL 11 I 77 7- '�v`�a r E 3 • ��g' -o SQ i I e I I 1 I I 1 I Az "n• m p Na el I 1 e F z e - I I I 1 I I I I I aF I 1 a• I I I i tl i I( I L i i I t 1 1 I I � 1 e IIS I I 1 I I gm II@ I i i i I L x 22 } 1 I I 1 1 I ggg I[ ixi s .$ 1{ � I III a I �QV i i i i i f I ¢I I I 1 1 §a z I I I I I �C {� � Q• � i i i 1 I 1 , I _�_°y�j I_ I I 1✓✓ •R x- I I I I 1 I 1 I x e A o �x 1 11 I 3 1py I I I ILI jz2 �& API EL ffY — Y ® O 00 0000000 O 00 000000 CCppC � g g R gR q p R IIa s as a eRse t !jj bmm f �eA � u E8" P m<9Af D_D Ye =5 x �n � 9` 9� 4ah' -o. mnm ;a A TANZ MECHANICAL INSULATION, LLC MECHANICAL INSULATION BID TANZ MECHANICAL INSULATION, LLC P.O. BOX 755 Mead WA, 99021 SEAN'S CELL: (509) 979-4174 FAX: (509) 323-9179* OFFICE: (509) 323-9179* REG. # TANZMIL012BR NAME: PIPE CONSTRUCTION ATTENTION: Derrek Date : 7/15/2024 PROJECT : KEHOC Warehouse & Office CHANGE ORDER RFI # 15 RFI # 15 HVAC: Duct Change from Round to Rectangle TOTAL : $ 571.00 EXCLUSIONS: Paint , Pipe I.D , Inserts and Shields. Lined Duct, Exsposed Duct , Refrigerant piping. WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH MATERIAL AND LABOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED AND TO COMPLETE THE JOB ACCORDING TO PRACTICE STANDARDS. PROPOSAL WILL BE HONORED FOR 30 DAYS FROM BID DATE. TANZ MECHANICAL INSULATION,LLC IS LICENSED,BONDED,AND INSURED IN WASHINGTON,IDAHO& MONTANA ***PLEASE DIRECT ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS BID TO SEAN TANSY. 509-979-4174**** AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #073 - RFI-057 - PEMB Anchor Bolt Size Confirmation Origin: RFI#57:PEMB Anchor Bolt Size Confirmation Date Created: 11/20/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Allowance Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest Price QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Cost Over/ Budget Under Mod. 06-110-185.PO Is 1.0 ($31,747.52) ($31,747.52) ($31,747.52) ($31,747.52) 1.0 ($31,747.52) ($31,747.52) ($31,747.52) $0.00 Anchor bolt.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Bid Day Anchor Bolt Assumed Cost(Credit) 06-110-185.PO Is 1.0 $39,134.42 $39,134.42 $39,134.42 $39,134.42 1.0 $39,134.42 $39,134.42 $39,134.42 $0.00 Anchor bolt.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Actual Anchor Bolt Costs 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Comm itme nts-Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 8.0 $95.00 $760.00 $760.00 $760.00 8.0 $95.00 $760.00 $760.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 8.0 $50.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 8.0 $50.00 $400.00 $400.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 11/20/2024 at 04:54PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest Price QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Cost Over/ Budget Under Mod. Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $1,419.00 $1,419.00 $1,419.00 $1,419.00 1.0 $1,419.00 $1,419.00 $1,419.00 $0.00 Fee (Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $10,875.90 $10,875.90 $10,875.90 $10,875.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,875.90 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 11/20/2024 at 04:54PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 073 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-057 Work Description: RFI-057-PEMB Anchor Bolt Size Confirmation Date: 5/28/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Bid Day Anchor Bolt Assumed Cost(Credit) 1 LS $ -31,747.52 $ (31,748) $ $ $ (31,748) Actual Anchor Bolt Costs 1 LS $ 39,134.42 $ 39,134 $ $ $ 39,134 Layout 4 HR $ $ - $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 8 95.00 $ 760 $ $ $ - $ 760 Cleanup 8 50.00 $ 400 $ $ $ $ 400 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ $ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 16 $ J $ 1,160 $ 7,387 $ 110 $ 800 Clarification.Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 9,457 Excludes WSST. General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 1,419 GRAND TOTAL is 10,876 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 11/20/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date Quantity Unit Unit Cost Extended Cost Bid Day Anchor Bolt Assumptions 1.25"x46" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 348 EA $ 76.57 $ 26,647.76 0.75"x 22" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 216 EA $ 23.61 $ 5,099.76 564 $ 31,747.52 Final Anchor Bolt Sizes and Quantities 1.25"x 46" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 244 EA $ 76.57 $ 18,684.06 1.25"x48" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 72 EA $ 70.15 $ 5,050.80 1.25"x 54"(includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 24 EA $ 90.37 $ 2,168.97 1.25"x 60" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 44 EA $ 107.74 $ 4,740.75 1.25"x 70"(includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 16 EA $ 99.80 $ 1,596.80 1.00"x 22" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 96 EA $ 34.42 $ 3,304.32 0.75"x 22" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 152 EA $ 23.61 $ 3,588.72 0.75"x 60" (includes threaded rod, hex nut,and washer) 16 EA $ 24.83 $ 397.20 648 is 39,134.42 Cost Difference I $ 7,386.90 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #57: PEMB Anchor Bolt Size Confirmation Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated May 8,2024 Due Date May 22,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact Yes(Unknown) Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number S3.1,Addendum 2,Bolt Template Drawings Reference Linked Drawings Received From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Jon Bosshart(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta Mechanical),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP) ,Gene Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Will Moore(City of Kent), Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor(VECA ELECTRIC &TECHNOLOGIES,LLC),Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas (Delta Mechanical),Michael Thomas(Pipe Construction, Inc.) Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: May 14,2024 09:09 AM PDT RFI#57-PEMB Anchor Bolt Size Confirmation Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 01:37 PM PDT Please see the attached backup of sheet S3.1 and a snippet from addendum#2. Per the foundation details shown on sheet S3.1,anchor bolts for the PEMB columns shall be 1.25"in diameter and 36"long.Per the addendum snippet shown,the "gravity only columns"shall receive 3/4"diameter anchor bolts that are 22"long,and"brace frames"shall receive 1.25" diameter anchor bolts that are 46"long.Additionally,on the second and third page of the attached backup,you can see that the bolt template drawings show anchor bolts that range in diameter between 0.75", 1",and 1.25"(lengths not provided). Please provide clarification as to what diameter and lengths of anchor bolts shall be used for each location. Attachments RFI 057 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response Per the details referenced, provide 36" embed into footings at 1-1/4" diameter bolts, and 12" at all others. No changes required. EAF/Frank Co. 05-14-2024 Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: May 14,2024 09:09 AM PDT SNIPPET FROM ADDENDUM #2 SECOND POUR FIRST POUR , 5 _ Which m eta is are T being provided by the PEMB installer (Corona mil) 1/8" x 11/2„ PRE-MOLDED < W A G N E R„ ARCHITECT S CONT. MASTIC JOINT STRIP. SEE PLAN FOR SLAB BURKE KEYKOLD JOINT. (joint may be saw cut at THICKNESS AND STOP REINF. 1" CLEAR P L A N N E R S F � F� _ � .+i Itis �� I�� �� ���� ��� ��� contractor's option) REINFORCING (typ.) OF JOINT EACH SIDEAnse I ectio n 05 50 0 0 — eta I Fa b I i cat i o ns I provided' 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE by the PEMB installer. The PEMB installer iprovidingthe buildingframe cross brat-in . 2 0 6 . 4 4 8TTLEA. 98 2 8 wagnerarchitects com oo purl 'ins. wall girts, bar Joists , metal an deck , I oofi siding, gutteFS , and d exterior , I Consultants: flashing. Anchor bolts wil I not be provided by the PEMB -in taller. . .p • r\r\r\r\r\r\r\ \r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r\r. r\r\r\r\ � � r 36 . What is the diameter and qantir,_ ty of t anchor bolts ? '0 :RNATE PLASTIC VAPOR BARRIER Answer . Anchor bolt details are called out on sheetdetails 8 10 & 12 . There are t c• SSE BARS PROVIDE CONTROL OR CONSTRUCTION AND COMPACTED GRANULARi � iJOINTS IN SLABS ON GRADE TO BREAK FILL PER PLAN types of anchor bolts, onefor grav'Ity onI column diameter , ": long), UP SLAB INTO RECTANGULAR AREAS ����_�p�q r I M type � (314"' OF 400 SQUARE FEET OR LESS. AREAS BE APPROX. AND HAVE NO a n d a n Ot he r fo r bra c e f r a r e (1 - ,114' d i a m et e rI• to n _ The tota I a nti � � at uartf of AOCUTEQUA ANGLEES. SJJOINTELOCATIO S TO BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. Construction Joint 3/4" dmeIei r2ng2' ' lo r-� �IOr oOltS is �1 Forthet r i0 r canoe t t NE �`n �` the bu-11ding, the total anticipated ua nt i of 3/4" diameter by :' long anchor bolts is 28 . FRANK-c0* structural engineering 9 9 The total antics gated quantity of 1 - 114" diameter by 46 " long a ncho r bolts Is 348 . The f inal 4742 42nd ave sw, #297 seattle, wa 98116 quantity may vary , but these quant-iti es should be used for bidding purposes . 206.579.8160 min. ADD (1)#5 METAL BLDG. COLUMN DIAGONAL ". PER METAL BLDG. MFR. . :. . . . . . . . N WALL : . ' . . .. . . .. I . • - .... STEEL COLUMN PER a b'.. METAL BLDG. MFR. 6" min. (all sides) PIPE' SLEEVES. SEE PLAN FOR SLAB edge of base pl. to N. :N AS REQD: THICKNESS AND BASE PLATE & A.B.'s PER face of plinth . . a /\\/\\/\\/ \\/\\/ \\/\\/ (3) #4 CONT. REINFORCING (typ.) METAL BLDG. MFR. (set on 1" Q. shim & grout for full brg.) APRON SLAB PER PLAN KENT \ / / / / / / / / W 54' r NORMAL FOOTING ��\\�//\// . : ., . . .y T K d,: ,...d: . •,... a a. REINFORCING \\ d < . ' \ �\ \ \ \ \ \ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ADD BARS TO MATCH \/ /\\/\\i, \\/�\/�` \/i\\/\\/\ \\/�/\�/�/\\/�/\\/ \%�i NORMAL REINFORCING \\/\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ . •, . . // / /j //� ;\\j\ \\j\\j � \ \ % / % /\% /\% /\j - \\j\y ' _ _ . _ SLAB ON GRADE `/\\/\\/ ,, ,, ,, \\j\\j\\j\\j\\j Warehouse & Office // //�Y // \ \ \ \ \ ��\/ \j' \/ ALL SIDES AT SIM. y\\/\\j \ \ \ \ \ LINE OF EXCAVATION \ \\ \\, \ \ \ / / / / / / /.�� t t t t t / / / Building \ \ \ \ \ \ /\/\/ /\/ / / " ` \ \\ \\ ANCHOR BOLT EMBED w \/\\/ \/\/\/\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/� r\/\/\/\/\/\/ / /\/\ \/ STD. NUT & WASHER 36 at j//// ////// \/ /\r\i\r\ / �\i\i \i\i♦ 12607 S E 248TH ST � PLASTIC VAPOR BARRIER 1/4� (gr. 55), 12 all else]. AND COMPACTED GRANULAR " KENT, WA NORMAL FOOTING 2-o min. EXCAVATION NOT FILL PER PLAN \j\\j\\/\\j\y j\\j\\j\\j\\j\\j\y\y\\j\y\y \\j\\j\\j\\j\\� REINFORCING ALLOWED BELOW �\/\���\���\ /\�/\/\�/�\�/�\�/�\�/�\�/�\�/�\�/�\�/ /�\K./�\?/�\�\I FOR CALLOUTS IN 98030 THIS LINE COMMON REFER 12/S3.1 24" each dir. min. 5 n.t.s. 6 n.t.s. � CONSOLIDATED Typical Stepped Footing Pipe and Trench Locations i SET JOB NO. 20223 Date Revisions � I MARCH 19,2024.-NOTICE.TO.PROCEED i PRE-CAST CONC. PANEL ftg. & bolt group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftg. & bolt group REFER 12/S3.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i FACE OF 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WALL BEYOND #5 x _ GR. 40 METAL BLDG. COLUMN .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COLUMN BY OTHERS i " (where occurs) @ 4'-0"oc PER METAL BLDG. MFR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 6 min. (all sides) " CONSTRUCTION/CONTROL 6 min. all sides ISOLATION JOINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BASE PLATE & A.B. s PER I edge of base pl. to BASE PLATE & A.B. s PER ( ) JOINTS PER 3/S3.1 " i I SEE PLAN FOR SLAB » edge of base I. to PER 9 S3.1 . METAL BLDG. MFR. (set on 1 face of plinth METAL BLDG. MFR. (set on 1 g p / #5 CONT. AT I THICKNESS AND face of plinth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� �/2" MASTIC JOINT shim & grout for full brg.) i OPENINGS I REINFORCING (typ.) shim & grout for full brg.) SLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AROUND COLUMN (typ.) i SLAB ON GRADE INSULATION PER ARCH. 48 ON GRADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --- ISOLATION JOINT i BEYOND (typ.) (4) #5 x BEYOND �1 PER 9/S3.1 o i INSULATION j APRON SLAB PER PLAN PER ARCH. j c a Sheet Contents r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d i\\\i i . . . .77­77 . � , �I �� x �;//\i/\r ,i ri / `r� �i�ri i ri /i\/i\/i\/i\/i\/i\/i\/i\/i\/ice. I I I I �� . . . : :Fouridat:on. . 77= l \\/\\/\ /\!\/\/\/\/\\/\\/\\/\\� r\\ram\i�\r\\r\\i�\i�\r\\/\\/\\/ . . . . . • ;/\i\ \i\i\i\i i /i /i /i � . . . . . . . Detai Is \/\/Owl/ \/\/ \/\� PLACE 3 SETS OF 2" \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ ` \\ \ /\\ \\ ` TIES AT ANCHOR BOLTS /\\//\\ /\� ///�,,//,,/�,,/�,,/�,, . . . . . . ANCHOR BOLT EMBED \\ \\� ` \ \ \ \ \ \ clr. \/ TIE BEAM REINF. COLUMN PER PLAN \//\// /\//\ \// //\ / ♦ //�/ /\ \\ /\\//\\� PER PLAN w/ STD. NUT & WASHER \/�\/ \\/�\/� \\� \\, \\ \\ #3 x j//\/ \//\// (HSS where occurs) „ at 2 5 CONT. [36 /40 (gr. 55), \ \ \ )# FOOTING SIZE appearingunpublished JOINT AT COLUMN 12" all else]. \�\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \��\\ » » » \ \ & REINF. PER All material a ethe hereon canatimay the eplcat and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, /\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\ /\/\/\/\/ 6 6 6 ///��/,�/,�/,�/,�/, �/,�/,�/r/ r/,�/ / / / / / // //,� used, or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. MAY BE ROUND AT \ ANCHOR BOLT EMBED w/" -/�\//\\% PLAN V CONTRACTORS OPTION STD. NUT & WASHER [36 \\ \\ \\ \\,\\ \\, \\ \\ ,�\\�\\� \\�\ \\�\\�\\��\/ ' sheet No. Plan View FOR CALLOUTS IN FOOTING SIZE ' r. 55 , 12" all else]. • . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . . . . • COMMON REFER 12/S3.1 A ) ] #6 VERT. @ 12"oc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24" each dir. min. & REINF. PER PERIMETER OF PLINTH n.t.s. ..Lo n.t.s. PLAN. 24" each dir. min. . . . . . : : : 9 Typical Slab Isolation Joint Interior Column Footing ENO BRACE) 11 I . . . . . S'3. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP26-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-A[5"B.F.F.] BP27-B[5"B.F.F.] BP27-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-D[5"B.F.F.] BP27-E[5"B.F.F.] BP27-F[5"B.F.F.] Q w a 112 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 314 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION m y IN U N m. ¢ O Z N N (n F*11 N V 15 z }- I A A. $ Mo m � 2 2 2 2 � Q z N N N }--�—} N Ln 11 N N ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W " ♦ ♦ N — — O E.7 N - -- E5 N --�— O B.9 `-� - ---- O B.9 u> N Ln B.s Ln I � 11/2 11/2 ♦ ♦ " ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ co Q ® 14 14 10 N tm m o 13 9 L y � �U o �a blow co c zzw o-Y Q U JKm ¢ - Z o O BP28-A[5"B.F.F.] BP29-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP30-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP31-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-B[5"B.F.F.] BP33-A[5"B.F.F.] ,=a~ 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 114 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION w m w z w z M � Cwo3Ow N o Z 0:De DQ=LL a Co o rn LLJ�NN 9 1/2 5 5 5 9 1/2 O a o 0 1 9 1/2 5 5 5 2 1/2 1 101/4 T 1 1/21 1 11 1/2 W 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 1'-2 1l4 ��� w 5 4 6 1/4 5 4 t 6 1/4 2'-6 7/8 Y— v 2'-6 7/8 2 0 0 NC, N N N N V " " N ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ " Z> > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ N N N M 0 d d N ♦ ♦ W © �/ _—_—-—_—_ _ -—_ _—-—_—_— M ©O—-—-—-—-—-—-— —-—-—- O M ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ O O ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ J O ♦ ♦ a ¢ N ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ N O N ♦ ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ N N ♦ ♦ F ♦ ♦ N 0 d N N ♦ ♦ N M UI F d In to N N N > 00 N 1 2'-6 7/8 1 1 10 1/2 13 3/41 5 1 6 1/4 4 5 N N 1 r-6 7/8 1 N T -0000 1 2'-3 1 �1 101/4 1'-4 W U)z z 1 2'-10 1 C r•c J STEEL LINE ro Q 2¢¢ �1 Wwww T F 2 STEEL LINE c w w o m STEEL LINE 13 , STEEL LINE wEL» LU 12 11 10 STEEL LINE F 2 o O N BP34-A[5"B.F.F.] BP34-B[5"B.F.F.] BP34-C[5"B.F.F.] BP35-A[5"B.F.F.] BP36-A[42"A.F.F.] BP36-B[42"A.F.F.] BP38-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJWION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 7.1 �8� 71 , 2 1 2 , 0.5 I �� 1,-4 I N I , I 0.5 I 1 N 2'-6 -1 2 2 2 2 N STEEL LINE 1 1 z a t } t C.95 —- - - F.9 8 0 1'-0 1/2 w 2 O ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ " O N (O ♦ ♦ J Q 1'-2 3/4 2 ♦ ♦ B.5 z °° w U n " O J ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ w STEEL LINE N w OD.3 w D.1 -—-—-N - -- -- D.1 N --- -�--- -- E.5 �' ♦ ♦ N N o N — --- ----------- ao F.3 w 8 3 1/2 3 z ♦ ♦ N ♦ ♦ 1 15'-5 1/2 J J w I ♦ i ♦ N 111/2 � 1 � w ♦ ♦ w I I N 2 2 co co w 8 1 3 1/2 1 3 1 2 2 1 11 1/2 1 I 16.1 1 2.-6 1 0 STEEL LINE D.1 I 6.5 BP40-A[5"B.F.F.] BP41-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-B[5"B.F.F.] BP43-A[5"B.F.F.] BP43-B[5"B.F.F.] BP44-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 114 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 114 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 114 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 13 21/2 21/2 1'-8 1'-8 15 1'-8 1 1-g 8 1 5 2 Vy 1/2 5 T T 5 2l/2121/2 5 1 8 ? 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 5 210 2 1/2 5 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 ♦ � ♦ I i I � I I � � O j M N (A) _ _—_—_—_ _—_—_—_—_O No c.5 ------- -------- o - N " " V M co co CD I N N -L- " D.5 N N 5 21/2 2 1/2 5 00 - Lo 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 - -- ----------- - - --COMMON WALL N F.05 �1'-8�-8� I G.1 STEEL LINE 1 4) 4) 0 O3 8 11 BP48-A[5"B.F.F.] BP49-A[5"B.F.F.] BP50-A[5"B.F.F.] BP51-A[5"B.F.F.] BP52-A[5"B.F.F.] BP53-A[5"B.F.F.] BP54-A[5"B.F.F.] 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE O A.9 I 1 2'-31 23 t 1'-4 1'-2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 7 1/2 2 1/2 t 5 t 5 t 5 t 9 1/2 STEEL LINE t t 13 101/2 21/2 21/2 91/2 t 5 2 1/212 1/21 5 1 21/2 O ro t 5 t 4 t 6 1/2 v 2 5 5 2Coy) Lo � I N Lo M N N __Lo_ _ _ _ _—_—_—_—_ ---0© W M +tT +tT +tT +tT +tT 1tT ♦ ♦ N w M N " J I I O ♦ ♦ _O_ _ _�_ Ll W N ♦ I ♦ _ N " M lCJ N N I �- - --------------, --------- � i N I �Ii5�5 21/221/2 5 5 I Lo 1 1/2 �2'-10� � �2'-6 7/8� 1 1/2 , N �t l $ 1 Lo F.2 T T 10 2'-3333 STEEL LINE 16.1 O �9 1/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 r.c STEEL LINE BP56-A[42"A.F.F.] BP56-B[42"A.F.F.] BP56-C[42"A.F.F.] BP57-A[5"B.F.F.] BP58-A[5"B.F.F.] m w s U 318 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION 1/2 PLATE-1 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION z m ®any o m� z N F*11 N Q3 z ca STEEL LINE g�� $ 8 0 O 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1/21 1 11 1/2 z] # I + � I ♦ ♦ � N I d I ♦I♦ �^t ) a O N N O Z —_-M — _—_ _— —_—_—_ M J O N N J w w o U w I I � � o 2 2 ow 1 0 1 q fnQ Y co �� S 4 °° w c STEEL LINE T '� N Y U LU LU STEEL LINE STEEL LINE m (� 0 1 CL WoW co k m Qw o Y Q U J K m ¢ - Z o O O w= �F- 2V Lu ¢— w p z cca2�wOf m �Wzrc7 UJI Z N � a)w0�i�w m Z O } O � ��w=L- � a m o rn N N N C,C�O '^ V W}} Y— UCl 0 Z��� �a a pa ¢ LU Z 0 L z w g a fn F a W J 0 W}00 m EX W—w w W zO O O Wwww J a W m W ix» �oW= O�N Anchor Bolt Unit Costs per Assembly 1.25" 1.25" 1.25" 1.25" 1.25" 1" 3/4" 46" 48" 54" 60" 70" 22" 60" Rod(1 EA) $ 67.79 $ 61.86 $ 80.36 $ 97.40 $ 96.46 $ 32.58 $ 22.93 Hex Nut(4 EA) $ 7.17 $ 6.92 $ 7.78 $ 8.30 $ 2.02 $ 1.02 $ 0.95 Washers(2 EA) $ 1.62 $ 1.37 $ 2.23 $ 2.05 $ 1.32 $ 0.82 $ 0.94 Total Cost(EA) $ 76.57 $ 70.15 $ 90.37 $ 107.74 $ 99.80 $ 34.42 $ 24.83 348 216 564 244 72 24 44 16 96 152 16 648 *NOTE UNIT COSTS INCLUDE SHIPPING BP01-A 10 1.25" 46" BP01-B 10 1.25" 46"-48" BP01-C 10 1.25" 46" BP01-D 10 1.25" 46"-48" BP05-A 4 1" 22" BP05-B 4 1" 22" BP07-A 4 1", 22" BP07-A 4 1" 22" BP07-A 4 1" 22" BP15-A 4 1" 22" BP15-A 4 1" 22" BP15-B 4 1" 22" BP15-B 4 1" 22" BP15-B 4 1" 22" BP15-B 4 1" 22" BP15-C 4 1" 22" BP15-D 4 1" 22" BP16-A 8 1.25" 46" BPIMjjjjR, �1.25" 70" BP16-C 8 1.25" 46" BP16-D 8 1.25" 46" BP16-E 8 1.25" 46"-48" B P 16-F 8 1.25" 46"-48" BP16-F 8 1.25" 46" BP16-G 8 1.25" 46"-48" BP19-A 14 1.25" 46" BP20-A 4 1" 22" BP21-A 4 1" 22" BP21-A 4 1" 22" BP21-A 4 1" 22" BP21-A 4 1" 22" BP21-A 4 1" 22" BP21-B 4 1" 22" BP21-B 4 1" 22" BP21-B 4 1" 22" BP22-A 8 1.25" 46" �i 70" BP22-B 8 1.25" 46"-48" BP23-A 10 1.25" 46" BP23-A 10 1.25" 46" BP24-A 8 1.25" 46" BP28-A 8 1.25" 54" BP29-A 8 1.25" 54" BP30-A 6 1.25" 46" BP31-A 6 1.25" 46" BP32-A 6 1.25" 46" BP32-A 6 1.25" 46" BP32-B 6 1.25" 46" BP36-A 4 3/4" 60" BP36-B 4 3/4" 60" BP40-A 10 1.25" 46"-48" BP41-A 10 1.25" 46"-48" BP41-A BP42-A 10 1.25" 46" BP42-A 10 1.25" 46" BP42-B 10 1.25" 46" BP43-A 10 1.25" 46" BP43-B 10 1.25" 46" B P44-A 10 1.25" 46" BP49-A 12 1.25" 46" BP49-A 12 1.25" 46" BP50-A 10 1.25" 46" BP51-A 8 1.25" 46" BP52-A 6 1.25" 46" BP53-A 4 1.25" 46" BP54-A 8 1.25" 54" BP54-A 8 1.25" 60" BP56-B 4 3/4" 60" BP56-D 4 3/4" 60" BP58-A 4 1" 22" BP58-A 4 1" 22" a w > ANCHOR ROD TABLE m. � y SIZE QTY MATERIAL Z 3/4" 172 F 1554-G R.36 1" 96 F 1554-G R.36 Q 1 114" 398 F1554-GR.105 n O zU d3 z ( '' a � d o U o O rn = w cn Q Y z a0 tmc a "T m p 04 U w 0 uuwN O m - y (go W Z- Q 0 Y aO Uo¢ 36T-11 Q - n 222'-0 145'-11 m �p z c6 g N z 'q 2inw(n¢cA m� cu a w zm O NIC cZ�w Z wELU - 24'- z °24'-111/2 YL�UL W� ! o rn 16.1 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 ® 7.1 © ( ® 0 2.6 O2 0.9 �����Q w N N N N N N N N N N N N 11'-0 13'-0 t, Q N O_N_O__O_ BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP15-B BP18-A p? 00000 BP17-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP22-A 5 B.F.F. O 5" B.F.F. r a 1'� 4 4 5" B.F.F. BRACED BAY w}} -A.9 ---------- ------- ----- -- ---- -- --------- N N =O 0 0 0 0 o 0000 U 0 0 0 M 0 BP16-B > »»Z k 5" B.F.F. a d 2 LL d pa¢¢¢� ¢ o OFFICE EAST o z 1_4 BP49-A N N O Lu d r BP49-A 5" B.F.F. in a N 5" B.F.F. BP21-A BP01-B w}m o BP48-A BP15-A - BP22-A BP16-A BP05-A BP15-A BP19-A � A BP01-A �BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A BP21-A 5" B.F.F. ,� 5' B.F.F. V-4 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. z 0 0 w W Z 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5 B.F.F. 0 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. o oz= LL o A.9 ---------- ------- BRACED BAY ------ 9 A� BRACED BAY BRACED BAY ----- --- -------------- ------- --MMON ----------- --------------------- -------- ------- ---- -------- -- k a a o LL w O Nq o COMMON WALL LINE q q q O w>5 o Q�oozo� ? w w w w a w w J d �_J(/J J wo»¢>a I N L Lu LL LL N } N N N 0 m 0 CD N N N N Q m m m N N U BP35-A N N N N U _ B 3 _ _ N N m N 5" B.F.F. m BP27-E BP27-F BP27-F :: B.5 11 1/2 BP26-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 1'-1 1/2 BP16-D BP27-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. B.8 B.8 BPB F F. BP28-A BP29-A BP25-B �BPB FB V-11/2 B.7 BP27-D N 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. B.9 5" B.F.F.V B.9 1'� } © - - - - - --- --- - - - --- Q BP43-A BRACED BAY BRACED BAY m 5" B.F.F. � BP25-C N w BP26-B n 5" B.F.F. O 5" B.F.F. w N N N Z m 00 co co ao BP43-B ao LO � to toN 5" B.F.F. N N N N N O O J O O BP35-A C.5 N 6.5 N BO N BP18-B p 1' 5" B.F.F. L) -6 Z o O 15'-51/2 5"B.F.F. C.9 U Q 8.9 C.9 11 1/2 BP06-A m o 5" B.F. 11 1/2 BP23-A BP25-B BP25-B � � � 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. BP23-A 5" B.F.F. 5"B.F.F. 00 OU BP34-B BP34-B BP34-B BP53-A BP34-B o 5" B.F.F. O BRACED BAY :.: `O 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. r a BP34-C 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. _1___11/2 � � BP24-A ------------- � 5" B.F.F. BP18-B 0, 0.) D.2 SHOP 5" B.F.F. BP50-A 5" B.F.F. D 1 1 OFFICE MAIN D 1 D.2 5" B.F.F. 0 0 5" B.F.F. O>I q BP34-A N 111/2 O m 12 5" B.F.F. BP35-A m 5" B.F.F. Q III } m Q co 9 19 m l N cp N N D.5 N N N LU m U co M w M O p Q U N N w m BP42-B Q m 5" B.F.F. BP25-A m "5 B.F.F. O -BRACED-BAY -----BRACED BAY CT)`° --- ---- ---- BRACED BAY BP16-E BP57-A 5" B.F.F. N BP16-C BP54-A 5"B.F.F. BP25-B E.3 V-1 1/2 5" B.F.F. BP28-A BP29-A 5" B.F.F. r-1 v2 111/2 ao 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. E.5 E.5 E.6 BP35-A BP42-A BP27-B BP42-A `° °° r 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. � E.7 o N N � o BP27-A Q m U N 5" B.F.F. 1'-4 Of Q N N N CD CD N N O O O NN N N F.05 - - ---------------- **' -------------------- ---------------------k--------------------� *** ------------------- -------------------- n O - - - N � COMMON WALL LINE � 1s'-1 1/z BP01-C BP41 A BP21-B BP21 B BP41-A BP21-B BP01-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. N V-21/2 21'-111/4 101/4 101/4 22'-31/2 101/4 101/4 22'-31/4 101/2 4 BP36-A q PORTALBRACED PORTALBRACED BP38-A I co Q 42"A.F.F PORTAL BRACED 5" B.F.F. p m N F.2 N - ------------- O - - - - N - - t;9 - CET)o - - - N - - O O - - - N - - O (F U OFFICE WEST 0 1'S2 6 0 12'2 1/2 BRACED BAY P 1 30-APBP32-A PBP32-B PBP32-A 11 1/2 Q BP16-G N BP33-A BP58-A BP16-F 5" B.F.F. BP05-B 5"B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. I m � BP16-F 5" B.F.F. In njF.9 BP07-A BP07-A BP07-A PBP52-A BP20-A 5' B.F.F. r-a 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5 B.F.F. b a0 m " 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5' B.F.F. O °' BP40-A 5" B.F.F. 16.1 BP51-A 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. --------------- --------------- -------------------------- ---------------- - CANOPY O - G.1 1 BP15-C BP58-A 4 * BRACED BAY �r-a BP40-A BP15-D 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. 5" B.F.F. q o q a0 FOYER 4 BP56-A 4 BP56-B 8 1/21 j J81/2 $ 9 r-5 BP56-C 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F BP56-D BP36-B 5" B.F.F. 42"A.F.F 42"A.F.F 18'-1 18'-1 13'-2 13'-7 2'-6 15 14 13 12 11 10 O9 ® 7.1 © O ® 0 2.2 O2 0.9 0.6 24'-111/2 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 24'-0 29'-01/2 1 24'-111/2 1 24'-0 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-0 1 24'-111/2 1 16'-11/2 1 1 T T T 222'-0 T T T 1 T 146-11 1 16'-11/2 1 1 384'-0 1/2 1 T 0.5 ANCHOR ROD PLAN NOTE: FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ASSUMED TO BE 100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. G TJ. RN ANCHOR ROD PLAN GENERAL NOTES AN1:THE SPECIFIED ANCHOR ROD DIAMETER ASSUMES AN2: METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR AN5:THE ANCHOR ROD LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY THE AN6:THE ANCHOR ROD PLAN INDICATES WHERE AN7:"SINGLE"CEE COLUMNS SHALL BE ORIENTED WITH THE ,P 1 58e F1554 GRADE 36 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ANCHOR PROJECT FOUNDATION DESIGN. THE FOUNDATION DESIGN IS THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER SATISFY PERTINENT THE ANCHOR RODS ARE TO BE PLACED AS WELL AS "TOES"TOWARD THE LOW EAVE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Off, GCp1, EN��� ROD MATERIAL OF EQUAL DIAMETER MEETING OR RESPONSIBILITY OF A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER,FAMILIAR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE MATERIALS THE FOOTPRINT OF THE METAL BUILDING. IT IS AN8:ALL DIMENSIONS ARE OUT TO OUT OF STEEL. IF A CONCRETE �'s ��. ON THESE DRAWINGS MAY BE UEXCEEDING THE STRENGTH QTI/LIZED AT THE IREMENTS ET FORTH WITH ANCHOR LOCAL ITE RODS CONDITIONS. NUTS FLAT WASHERS FOR ANCHOR RODS IT IS HE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OUNDATION LIED BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. ESSENTIAL FOLLOWED. FAT THESE T ESE SETTINGS R ROD PATTERNS DIFF ER FROM THE ADDED O OBTAIOTCH IS REQUIRED THE OUT TO OUT OF CONCRETE THEN THE REQUIRED ON SHOULD BE DIMENSIONS. SI�VAL DISCRETION OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. EXPANSION BOLTS,AND CONCRETE/MASONRY EMBEDMENT PLATES ARE ENGINEER TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT SUFFICIENT ARCHITECTURAL FOUNDATION PLANS,THE METAL AN9: FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION=100'-0"AND BOTTOM ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT LENGTH SHALL BE NOT BY THE METAL BUILDING MANUFACTURER. EDGE DISTANCE IS PROVIDED FOR ALL ANCHOR BUILDING MANUFACTURER MUST BE CONTACTED OF BASE PLATES=100'-0"UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. O DETERMINED BY THE FOUNDATION DESIGN ENGINEER. AN4: DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE.SEE DETAILS FOR COLUMN ORIENTATION. RODS IN THE DETAILS OF THE FOUNDATION DESIGN. IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE CONCRETE IS PLACED. BP01-A[5"B.F.F.] BP01-13[5"B.F.F.] BP01-C[5"B.F.F.] BP01-D[5"B.F.F.] BP05-A[5"B.F.F.] BP05-B[5"B.F.F.] BP06-A[5"B.F.F.] a 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"READ.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 114 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE-1"AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 318 PLATE-1"AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION m 1'-4 _ U� N COMMON WALL m aka N COMMON WALL 7,1 1'-8 1'-8 0.9 ; N -- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------------- lI 1- A.9 A.9 2 1/2 5 12 1/2l2 1/21 5 1 12 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 l/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 z ® O -4 co co �' STEEL LINE t 8 z A.9 12 2 2 ca 10 Z U O I I oD 1 1/2 1 1/2 z p I I Q 3 N O N fu�OWto I O N I r J Lo N N y 1t L d Q W Z ['1 2!cV W T T T y M F � I " J T N 0 � — — �— — M " N w O w N N Lo V � \ N \ (V o o n Cl U W o Lo W Lo oo - 2 2 12 °0 c c wp ao cc) �8� F.2 STEEL LINE 12 to r-U 0 c d 21/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 22 1/2��5�2 9/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 co c N Z 3 Lu w co ---------------------------- ❑ N N Q 7.1 �1-8� 0.9 F------------------- ------------ F.05 COMMON WALL 1'4 a c �o 1'-8j _ F.05 - o—Y a 0 m �1'-44 COMMON WALL BP07-A[5"B.F.F.] BP15-A[5"B.F.F.] �BP15-B[5"B.F.F.] BP15-C[5"B.F.F.] BP15-D[5"B.F.F.] BP16-A[5"B.F.F.] BP16-B[5"B.F.F.] 2 y W U) CD 3/8 PLATE- 1"AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION m o w m m Q)Z m 0 z c zU Z M � cw23Ofw N o Z �Y�U�LLTLL a m o to tst 7.1 1'-o A.9 �Maa�aa STEEL LINE W o 0 0 0 0 0 STEEL LINE } } STEEL LINE a STEEL LINE ' o 0 0 0 0 I1=Imo—I} t t co zww I K K K co W}>- I GO I a0 I o M 7-0 Comm tD - M to Eo_ T z>� ��» n yyLo —in tntn�Z6 " TI M >o � 7 N N '� >d d a d a yy y " Qcl,Q Q¢Q Lu TT II T V I Z "' c? c, o Lu c', M J M Ln to a- co N co w �J O wLL x x _O to W�z z=p~ aD oom Q Q O I LULL °o QW oomow Wwww¢ww 2 2 2 2 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 w w lz STEEL LINE l 8 1 8 G.121/2 STEEL LINE I G.1 2'3WowwZ 9 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 STEEL LINE *k o tV M V n 5 1 2'-3 I 1 13 i 2 BP16-C[5"B.F.F.] BP16-D[5"B.F.F.] BP16-E[5"B.F.F.] BP16-F[5"B.F.F.] BP16-G[5"B.F.F.] BP17-A[5"B.F.F.] BP18-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1'-1 1/2 2'-3 1'-3 1/2 1'-3 1/2 V-4 I I 5 5 51/2 8 1 2'-3 N 2 1/2 5 5 5 9 1/2 0.9 STEEL LINE " 9 1/2 2 2 5 2 1/ 1/2 5 2 1/2 -A•9 STEEL LINE TAD21/2 21/2 -A.9 I LL7 " N w N N I J N co 1'-4 1n J N W " J MLn t 1T >J M J w M T T M w z " " N " W J N c? w 1T z N (V w F M M Z ° 1 w C " ♦ I � N w " W N z l Lo tD oo OU rn 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 S STEEL LINE 7 1 T� 8 0.9 s 51/2 5 5 0•9 G.1 STEEL LINE �1'-4� �8�5 1/2�5�5� 1'-1 1/2 " 1'-3-3 1/2� �1'-1 1/2j-1 1/22 I BP18-B[5"B.F.F.] BP19-A[5"B.F.F.] BP20-A[5"B.F.F.] BP21-A[5"B.F.F.] BP21-B[5"B.F.F.] BP22-A[5"B.F.F.] BP22-B[5"B.F.F.] 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE 0 9 A.9 r—o 1'-1 1/2 w y, 8 y, � STEEL LINE 5 5 5 0.9 I 2 6 I 11 21/2 21/2 ., ,, __ _COMMiN WALL_-_ A.09 1 2 1 2 1 I co Ln 1112 co I n I N 8 1/4 3 t 3 112 t 8 Lo N c?W Lo N MI _ z W 0 Lo N to M c?D.3 C.8 ----------- ------ N cq J co N w y y LU �1'-2 3/4�-2 3/44 T T 9 I —-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-— — n Lo I I 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 F2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 91/2 1 �5�5�5�5�5� STEEL LINE ----------------- -- F.05 �2'-3� 8 COMMON WALL "_ �1 3 1/2� 11 N BP23-A[5"B.F.F.] BP24-A[5"B.F.F.] BP25-A[5"B.F.F.] BP25-B[5"B.F.F.] BP25-C[5"B.F.F.] BP26-A[5"B.F.F.] BP26-B[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 7.1 I 2'-3 7 1 9 8.9 I v � 1 1/2 1 1/2 I I 0 8.9 1'-e " V-4 J 1 1/21 1 11 1/2 N 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 9 1/2 J Z ��� Cc - --- --- --------- N Ln O N N t0 0 to N " o —co M - _1— ,�' , N Ln N II) N N N OII ----- th -- --- M T N =C -------M -- --- M 7_ M v -'M - ---------------------- N N N -- ------- M O -------- M -- ---lc� -C.5 Eo " I (o O N I 1 1/2 1 1/2 I I T 8 O 1� BP50-A 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 8 I M 1 o O �1'-8�-66 �T CAD TJ. R 13 11 G�F �SoTy 15 1 58 � G cT�RAL ssIONAL 0� BP26-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-A[5"B.F.F.] BP27-B[5"B.F.F.] BP27-C[5"B.F.F.] BP27-D[5"B.F.F.] BP27-E 15"B.F.F.] BP27-F[5"B.F.F.] Q W s " a 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"READ. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"READ.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 114 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION m y M m a o Z' F*11 15 z o t 8 dam 2 2 2 2 } 2�2 } 22 22 Iz u O }�� t z + z t Q i NN In N N + + + + W N -- N - - -O N , In + ! + N - -- - E.7 - N - --I-- - E.5 -�-- B.9 -- - - --�-- B.9 - - - - " - - - CUD I I + ! + N + ! + I �Lo � M U 11/2 11/2 + + N + + N N + + rn O co 2 HSS6X6 N �;Q Y a HSS6X6 O HSS6X6 CUDHSS6X6 HSS6X6 10 v m o 13 HSS6X6 9 w Y y j JE ~ m�U o �a bloCD c zw aNY C 0R U BP28-A[5"B.F.F.] BP29-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP30-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP31-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-A[5"B.F.F.] PBP32-B[5"B.F.F.] BP33-A[5"B.F.F.] v 2 y w CD � 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION m o w a m O m O_z c z U z M � C w �3O w 13 N m Z O O} O O wM 12 0 �YDU��=li a m o rn M 7 a a a Q 1'-z 1/z 11 10 w N N N N N N O O O O O O 91/2 5 5 5 91/2 21/2 5 3 4 5 5 ¢`00000 ' 101/4 ' 101/4 16.1 NNN_NNN_ 91/2 5 5 5 21/2 � 04 OM4) I � j 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 01/4 1 NONOO �� $ Q(���1n IA W 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/4 1'-9 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/4 1 1/ Z v> 6 1/4 4 5 5 1'-9 1/2 N I " 00 Comm =m Como N + + + + N + + ! + + " N O " + + + ♦ + + + + + + N O)� N N w M i + Q d 2 d d d F--272�Z2 ©=E - _-_-_-_-_-_ _-_---_-_-_- M ©O-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_ M _ N + + + + + O + + + # ♦ J d uj Q Q Q¢Q +T + + - w M N w + + _ o N + + + + + + + + N N 2'-11 1/2 N + + + " (n fn a w In N j j + + + N M 8 j 2'-111/2 1 N N w}m�m�m 2'-111/2 j N ��K�mwLL j j STEEL LINE j 2'-11 1/2 j 1'4 Lu o z z w o 0 2.-3 T 2'-10 1 F.2 ! wwommow STEEL LINE �� F.c www¢ww STEEL LINE J a U)c/)J(/J J r.c STEEL LINE F.2 ly m Lu W LL wu Z STEEL LINE O N M V BP34-A[5"B.F.F.] BP34-B[5"B.F.F.] BP34-C[5"B.F.F.] BP35-A[5"B.F.F.] BP36-A[42"A.F.F.] BP36-B[42"A.F.F.] BP38-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 7.1 s�1� 7.1 1 1 I 1 I 1.-4 N 0.5 + + 1'-5 2'-6 s TI 2 2 HSS6X6 oz 2t } t � -N -- - 1'-0 1/2 1/4 HSS6X6 STEEL LINE z Z N N " F.9 CLIP-20 J O 1'-2 3/4 N 7 V w V 2! + I + + I + B.5 w ♦ * 28 F O L 5 1/2 CCz - - - - ­--00 � j 1'-5 5 1/2 N U � + + " O J - - - + + ♦ ♦ � STEEL LINE o D.1 o D.2 + + N j 51/2 j 1'-5 j 51/2 j Z + + I D.1 N HSS6X6 E.5 `n T v o - --- - ----- ao F.3 * U 1q ! 8 31/2 3 1 2 8 j CLIP-20 w ♦ ♦ �' + + 15'5 1/2 " O Z 11 1/2 STEEL LINE N HSS6X6 w N HSS6X6 F �8 j 31/2 j 3 j } HSS6X6 HSS6X6 16.1 111/2T 1'-5�2'-6� 114 I , I II ------------------- - D.1 I 6.5 BP40-A[5"B.F.F.] BP41-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-A[5"B.F.F.] BP42-B[5"B.F.F.] BP43-A[5"B.F.F.] BP43-B[5"B.F.F.] BP44-A[5"B.F.F.] 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 114 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE- 1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 13 21/2 21/2 1'8 1-8 15 1'-8 1-8 1 8 1 2 1/2 t 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 T T 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 1-8 2 1/2 5 12 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2 2 1/2 5 5 2 1/212 1/2 5 2 1/2 5 2 1/2'2 1/2 5 2 1/2 I ' In I IN I I -_ _-_-_-_--U) _ N -_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_ N -� _ 04 + + ! + + M M co N (V O N N -O'- ------- I --------- -- B.9 N 9 I 1tT +tT +tT +tT N , ------ --------- U7 IL) N ic, " _ 5 21/221/2 500 - ' 21/2 21/2 2 1/2 21/2 -- ----------- - - --COMMON WALL F.05 �V-8 I G.1 STEEL LINE 8 0 O3 $ 9 © © 11 BP48-A[5"B.F.F.] BP49-A[5"B.F.F.] BP50-A[5"B.F.F.] BP51-A[5"B.F.F.] BP52-A[5"B.F.F.] BP53-A[5"B.F.F.] BP54-A[5"B.F.F.] 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 1/4 PLATE-1 1/4 AB-4"REQD. PROJECTION STEEL LINE Oi �, 1 2'-3 1 13 1'-4 i ro 1'-2 1/2 21/2 21/2 71/2 1 10 1/2 T 21/2 5 i 5 9112 STEEL LINE 2.10 A.9 91/2 t 5 2 1/2 21/21 5 1 2 1/2 2 1/2 2 1/2 I 1'-9 1/2 5 5 4 6 1/2 v N � ! � 2 5 5 2Lo N N + + I + + N N I V I Z M + " + + + M N + + ! + + w M M o + + + - - - -�- - --0 N D.1 w N Lo cn L' 12 HSS6X6 / " �2 0.4 �41/2�5�5�21/2�2112�5�5 41/241/2 11/2 11/2 N �2'-111/2� I ' 8 10 N ? 2'-3333 I I O I �, � �� �F.2 8 STEEL LINE 16.1 �91/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/21/2�5�2 1/2�2 1/2�5��2 1/2 STEEL LINE �'F 2 CST J ROTS' F S� 1 51 G ssiONAL 0� BP56-A[5"B.F.F.] BP56-B[42"A.F.F.] BP56-C[5"B.F.F.] BP56-D[42"A.F.F.] Q w a 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 314 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"READ.PROJECTION BP57-A 4" B.F.F.] AB-4" [5"B.F.F.] 3/8 PLATE- 3/4 AB-3"REQD.PROJECTION z mMM1 1/4 PLATE- 3/4"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION 1 PLATE-1"AB-4"REQD.PROJECTION m s z N F*11 cpca 2'-8 w $ 0 O z zu d w 2'-8 4 1/2 1 1/2 4 1/2 2T T T r� V z 1 0 2 51/2 8 1/2 8 1/2 51/2 2 F- 1 1/2 a4 I 2 51/2 1'-5 51/2 2 ,'� @% 10 d N � i 2 31/2 1 3 11/2 1 CLIP-20 co co 1/4 1 11/2 3 31/2 2 HSS6X6 1/4 N N N N —_-M I-_— —_—_ N " �♦ ON W 7 O M HSS6X6 STEEL LINE m 1 1 v M) U 1 O N T T O co co W M HSS6X6 t H _ v, CLIP-20 M Q Y N 8 9 � � i O 0 + N HSS6X6 :HSS6X6 V. o co tm c Q 4 STEEL LINE 1/4 N Y U w w HSS6X6 2.2 STEEL LINE 1/4 uu d c 4 4 STEEL LINE m r-U O c�d O W OCD f6 Z W 2 O aNY O 0�m Q w= �� 2 i�w(n¢CA m C zc62co m c~i w< D M wCw2—O� N o Z °�YDU��=LL I a m o rn W N N N N N N O O O O O O N N N N N N Q Ql LLy(p GO�LL) N O N O O p c1. amain in co z W r r Y— =O o000 0 0000 UZ6 ���Z6 ZN >>>> z>�-2»> Rm mama p¢Ia¢¢¢ z m U �z m a- w (n F m N J J Wymoo�� J LL'LL'O m'LL 2 W O Ox=w m o W U)U C.)O w H z z m O U Q Q 0 LL w w w o m m o w W W w Q W w J m U)�J(/J J W »¢> G TJ. RN 1 58e G cTljRAL EN���1 rsI�VAL � 0� AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #110 - CP-010 - Level 4 Polished Floors Origin: Date Created: 9/23/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: Out of Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Cost Over/ Budget Price Under Mod. 09-600-000.S Double Eagle Interiors Is 1.0 $108,085.00 $108,085.00 $108,085.00 1.0 $108,085.00 $108,085.00 $108,085.00 $0.00 Flooring.Commitment 24057-4021 s-Subcontracts Description: Provide Polished Concrete to Level 4 Finish 03-100-0201 hours 8.0 $95.00 $760.00 $760.00 8.0 $95.00 $760.00 $760.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 16.0 $50.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-560-205.PO Is 1.0 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 1.0 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 $2,350.00 $0.00 Weather Protection.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Protect Adjacent Surfaces 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $220.00 $220.00 $220.00 1.0 $220.00 $220.00 $220.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 11/14/2024 at 06:28AM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Cost Over/ Budget Price Under Mod. Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $16,833.00 $16,833.00 $16,833.00 1.0 $16,833.00 $16,833.00 $16,833.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractors Fee Grand Totals $129,048.00 $0.00 $129,048.00 $129,048.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $129,048.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 11/14/2024 at 06:28AM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 110 Project No.24507 Doc#: CP-010 Work Description:CP-010-Level 4 Polished Floors Date: 6/12/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Double Eagle Interiors-Provide Polished Concrete to Level 2 Finish 1 LS $ - $ $ 108,085.00 $ 108,085 $ 108,085 Foreman 8 95.00 $ 760 $ $ 200.00 $ - $ 760 Cleanup 16 50.00 $ 800 $ $ $ $ 800 Protect Adjacent Surfaces 1 LS 32 50.00 $ 1,600 750.00 $ 750 $ $ $ 2,350 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ - 220.00 $ 220 $ $ 220 $ $ $ $ $ 56 $ 170,000 $ 3,160 1$ 750 $ 220 1$ 108,085 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 112,215 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 16,833 GRAND TOTAL $ 129,048 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by 7X 1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 11/14/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: x OWNER-CITY OF KENT CHANGE ARCHITECT-WAGNER ARCHITECTS PROPOSAL (CP) CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building PROPOSAL NO: CP-010 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE. 6/1 012 0 2 4 FROM: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 PROPOSED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 Provide d*polished concrete floors at areas indicated by hatch on attached drawings. Level 2 Attachments: 1A2.1B, 1A2.3B PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1. The proposed basis of adjustment to the Contract Sum or Guaranteed Maximum Price is: )( Lump Sum (increase)(decrease)of $ 129,048 Unit Price of $ per as follows: 2.The Contract time if proposed to(be adjusted) (remain unchanged). The proposed adjustment, if any, is(an increase of days)(a decrease of days.) Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor's Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY agreement with the proposed adjustments in Contract Sum shall proceed with the change(s)described above. and Contract Time set forth in this Change Proposal (CP) ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Se A Kent,WA 803 Mercer Island,WA 98040 BY � BY DATE ��� ATE 11.14.2024 DATE 11/14/24 II 1 1 GENERAL NOTE: ' 1A3.7 I 1A3.2 1 1A3.8 WALLS ARE DIMENSIONED TO W A G N E R EDGE OF FRAMING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE A R C H I T E C T S EDGE OF ROOF ABOVE P L A N N E R S DOORS ARE 5" TYPICAL — — — — — — — — — — — — (INCLUDING JAMB) FROM FACE — 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE OF WALL UNLESS NOTED S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 I I OTHERWISE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 wag n era rchitects c o m NOTE: SEE SHEETS 1A4.0 & 1A4.1 FOR CONCRETE TILT-UP 0004003 REGISTERED PANELS XX O O 0 1 I ARCHITECT <W1 - - - - I W D.S. W2 W3 W4 D.S. W5 W6 D.S. W7 W8 W9 D.S. 10 11 D.S. STATE OF WASHINGT N aOo Oo po OO Do OO Do — _ — — — — — — — — Consultants: — — — H.B. H.B. � 1D 1 A3.31 I S7 `''., I •'•'. `• I I I I I I I I WALL @ CL OPEN OFF.ICE' ... OF GRID EDGE OF SLAB WALL.. C ABOVE F GRID `-....0 G BOLT-DOWN COLUMN BN T WN'..COt' MN'•. PROTECTION, TYP. II PROTECTION, TYP:`'., co II 1AT II B PW STREET 138 Z II T 1�� 7 1A WAREHOUSE 70 STAIRS S6 III .• _ I a¢DO N , --------- --, l II M 3D I � TI7TIT � 1A3.5 II N M 1 A3.13 II � i IIIIIIIIIII UP I �1 LILLLII 1 I II •• - I II R 9. / . `JANIT �''. '• ------------ 0 1 O FENCE SEE 1A9.7 - 1as. .� U M II C ® - _ . S5 5 1/2„ T-6 Al .149'.. D WALL @ CL WALL @ CL06 ® I '� T aQ IIIIG _ tfiA3A �' OF GRID, TYP. OF GRID, TYP. H g A 5 r„N G T 0 N FET — — — — - -- KEHOC - 153 �T - -f — � � I I X I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 III Warehouse & Office 1 o -IELEC. UP I 148 1A3.4 J =� 1 — — — I o SECONDARY 1 1 Building L _ ___= __ / 10 EVIDENCE I 1 STOR. EDGE OF SLAB J 1 A9.3 146 I � ABOVE 12607 SE 248TH ST 0 F II DRIVE-THRU I I I I I KENT WA 1A3.0 L J BAY k WALL @ CL WALL @ CL I 98030 OF GRID, II II I 1 ' I ON 1A F RID, 1A m \ LIFT 1A9.6 I iTYP. TYP. 6'-1" �m�lA3.33 c� &A3.32 FENCE, SEE 1A9.7 Q16 1AM o Q o o M co QQ 1A3.34 aD 1 w CONSOLIDATED 16 LU w SET II ® 145 144 143 I z PW STORM PW SEWER PW WATER I FOR N0. 20223 ® � DRAINAGE Date Revisions a X 147 I MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED N 0 WALL @ CL EVIDENCE OF GRID S3 x STORAGE w I I I I I I I I I 0 04 I x 12'-0" 0 Li IX CY ry WALK-IN U I O "O COOLER sheet Contents 0 10, 1 A3.30 00 L `"' i S2 1B I FLOOR PLAN, H. . 1 1. - J H.B. - - - - _ — ,� H.B. - - - - - - - H.B. - - - - - - - GROUND LEVEL 'A' °° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D`� D.S. D.S. D.S. D.S. N E28 E27 E26 E25 E24 E23 E22 E21 E20 E19 E18 E17 E16 0 I w II I I I I I I I I I All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and R original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. Z EDGE OF ROOF ABOVE 3 w ry N Sheet No. � o N A B _ ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN SOUTH GROUND LEVEL w� 1A2 w z Q o o N SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" 01A zQ 0w fy J a-_j EOdX NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 2 13.7 13,6 1A3. 13.6 I WAG N E R - - - 120 15 16 H.B.B 1 18 19 20 1 1� 7 [ 21 2 23 - RISER ROOM P L A N N E R S J A D.S. D.S �L D.S.. 1916 PIKE PLACE S9_ H.B. H.B. � � - -jI 10'-11/2" SEATTLE WA 98101 II _ � GENERAL NOTE: 206 . 448 . 2528 WALL @ CL OF GRID �_� _ n WALLS ARE DIMENSIONED TO EDGE OF FRAMING w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s . c o m a UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE FLUSH METAL SILL. SEE - Q 154 �Q - ELECTRICAL/ �' DOORS ARE 5" TYPICAL INCLUDING JAMB FROM 0004003 SILL DETAIL 13/1A1.0 MECH. R00 � N1 � ) REGISTERED S8 139 140 I.T. F = - g'-4" -E } i FACE OF WALL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ARCHITECT No polishing below PW SIGNS& PW DRAINAGE 7 1 13 14 walk off mats, typical SOLID WASTE VEG. 7�_0„ - SEE SHEET 1A8.12 FOR WALL TYPES ® - - 1.17' ETEWANER STATE OF WASHINGT N D.S. - J L - J OFFICE. - - - - - - - - - - - - Consultants: 2B 1B „ 1 A3.36 1 A3.36 = + N r; o c� r; 0 1 Sri'• Q¢D� NOTE: SEE SHEETS III TRACK MOUNTED 7 1/2" 1 1 122 `... 1A4.0 & 1A4.1 FOR III RETRACTABLE 1 MDF `... 11$... `' . CONCRETE TILT-UP 138 INDUSTRIAL WALL N2 PANELS WAREHOUSE CURTAIN W/2 WALK - - ROOM 1 I- PARKS 1 fi6' 1 XX F_ -1 THROUGH STRIP - - - � flPEN'OFFiCE OFFICE''.. DOORS - '-5`1'/2"4`=2 1(2':. V-01/2" 1 SHOWER � r M I r IF7 LJ 7'-2" 4'-0" 4'-4" - - - 0IF 61 6 7 134 � . _I - - .. _ 16 4A 131'.. ':J OFFICE.. 1 4 Al1NDRY'... \.. 1 �' . A\/ 35 1 A3.13ROOMM 3D S \ D M ��N ¢ 1A :1. L C:K W NSW0B.7 ` 3 LL OF GRID`1 A3--13 ,. 414 OFFICE M - 26 �, \. '123 - - 1 DRYING`-'.gp '' 6 �- N o „ 8 ,_',r.• `1.30`` . 1A . 1A3.11 1 - OFFICE:. 13.5 T ROOM.. 87 . 93 ..Q j M 3 0 -0 2 3 Q 1/2 0 3�. 1. WORKOUT L - 4 N a D 31 SHOW . _ 31 -6 „ I4 coe. .l 1. ,t'' • -% _ , 1T �. 5 3. �.1/ 8- 1/2 7 0 3 1 - 2 2 -8 124 5 -7 7 8 7 .. K - - - `� - - - 1D `... WALL` CL'OF``.. Ni X =� -` OR \ OPEN. ti Q U SF ALt. CL 3.Tfl.. �`'.. .@ . M GRID TYR:.. H R - - OFFICE .... WALL @ CL O - F ARID`' .. KEHOC OF GRID 1 4 Warehouse & Office 5 53 8 12 �, Up 77 ;... 2D WALL`@ CL.. , ® Building 7 :1/2 \� 4.26 1 6 MEN S W� 1A3.10 0 - I 110 I ''.. 2 \ OF GRID*--. �... �.. _ B N I V. 105 I 1D.. 'HENS'.. _ 5�_8„ 3�_2„ 4,_5„ N Q 1 r Q 1A3.3 4 1 1 a�� M I I �.g COCKER CORR.',. ROOM '.. 87 91 2 ;N D O O O �� I .. 12607 SE 248TH SIT 0 23 92 .. 96. 2 1,. c� I ' \. `•. 1 fit. 128 ® i - - `�.. 0 KENT, WA % PARKS N 5 1A :a2 SH WER z 4 a = 98030 4 _ _ 109 I 127 .. .. 3D• � I 1A3.9 •• I - - Q = 3 1 10 3 M , 1 a &TEAM�ROOM... SHOWER. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q aD 7 7% - - - - - - 3 M JAN. - - CONSOLIDATED wI _ - - - _ 102' .. ' co SET 4'-111/2" 6,_7„ 3,_1„ Q \¢ - - w 143 '-10 2„ O '� 7,._a„ ,_0 „ 4,_ E . = I PW WATER ® ® JOB NO. 20223 L -16..1 21- ' Date Revisions CD Li ® 107 FIRS <� ':. MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED ID 00 1A3. 1 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 ELEC. - Q'.. II 142 103 x N6 W N I 111I � WATER/ 1 STREET VEG. WATER I . J Cn TEST LAB Z "' .. z 2A 1A �.. A Q I M 1 A3.37 z 141 M 1 A3.37 o NQo B � Sao 16 cD 2D a �0 J a�DO J \. STOR. I PARKS w - - - - - - - - - c � M CV Z CASEWORK, sheet contents C I WALL @ CL SEE 8/1A4.3 Q 4'-1Q 1%2' 104: FLOOR PLAN 0 A z WALL @ CL OF - \ OF GRID, I I I � � TYP. GRID, TYP. C.ONFEREN E GROUND LEVEL rBr III I I I I 1 5 �' '••.... 1 ' . N7 D.S. '- ROOM.. N 16 E15 E13 FUTURE ADA -- 4D D.S. o I „ rn 1 A3`9 E14 RESTROOM, SEE Q 4B w 2B/1A3.19 1D . S1 H. H.B. U - - - W o � LOBB I All moterial appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and D. D.S. original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, HB used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. E12 Ell E10 E9 E8 F E7 E6 E2 E1bi I Z � - - - - - - _ Sheet No. 04 1A3.1 So 00 00 0E ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH GROUND LEVEL D.S. 0D.S. 3 1A201 B zF o SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" E5 1 3.6 E4 1A6,3 r W W W U W_ja_jl �oa_x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 I 0 0 0 �7 I (;; D (: ( ) 1 .7 1 W A G N E R I ARCHITECTS -_ PLANNERS I I I - _ . . . . . . 1916 PIKE ,.........."....�..._..-..................--��...�..�...-...�..o......-l....,'.........,..............-....I..)...­-..........�....................-....,.............................._........`..%......................................,........._�..............'....."....1...........'..*...''.....�...........'....'.1...........*....�..*....*1........*,....-....-V....',..............,.-....-''....,....-..,.....-........\.......*................*-....................._..-.....,.....-­%.....,............................................................�...._. ..*"�."....�.......'............�........*........%.. ..................`.........,.,......,.............*...*.V--`..................`.......*.....-...................-..--................"...-......\............-....._..................,....*...�..........�.%....,........*.1.........-.........� -................�.....�.....,_&....*..,.....-..........................,...... ............................*._."......................"�...,.V%.........."...................V.......-....I..........-=-E.....\...........�.......-...*...`..........,'..-...... .......-......Q.%.........-.........�-....!.........%.........�..�....= ........*.......-.`....._..........-..."..*.....................-.*.....*..�-.........................*........"'.....,.....%............-.........,...............'-...%....,...".....�I....,.....'........\.......................`...`..................*...............`.....-...,........... ..'...-.......*....*...........-......-....`...".-=,...................*............-1..........,.....\'........-......I�'.................�..�, ..............'.-....*.................*.'..*......"....,..-..........�........".....1r.............1 V....'...........-........'...........-....-....................%. .......-........ ...............".i......-......... 4c,...................-....*..............� ..,'...,.......... 1'..`.........._.0 1.-'*.........�'.*.....,............*.`.......81 1._.\....,.......1.....%-......1 1........1.....,_.../-I%`......T....I..........I_.............I U........I..t..,I......-....*.t- I............,..,I..............*.)I'..............III_.............I...I'........-".'.......`",.......\..�,...*-....I....,.........-.-......*. -........ �.'.......N�........-I- _..........\l..'..'._.......-._.\........",..\...IP...*..-.,�"*. %1 .,................ii .,�1.............I.1................."............'..%.....`...`............"...........I.,..\........N N...........,;-,.\....-.................�.`...................C..........�........., .�.....,..........._ ..,..............e.......%........*.......N-I...-.,...........,....%..........\...,,..%.......%...-...%.,,............ ........... .........�...\............I.........--'c-..............'%............N_.,...........o..._.,...."......._I.....I......................"....;.........,..._......1....*.......1.N...............-..-%..,.........'....*.....`..I,-.%...'.-........ ...-W-......%.....-I.L.\...........,...I.L....*`..........%..........................-.................................-.........-x I..."...................,..-.............I,.....,..........I......,.......,................................%.....,......'...I 1-......*....7.........N.%.......,........'.....%..*................,.........-....�...,.�...,................'......*=......................,..*..*..........._....,N.,.1...,.........,....1�.......,..'....-.......-.'.....�..*................,.,............�.............%................,....................'...��%....4.........�...'M......�-..........-.......N........IK.........-�*.........................-.�....I1......\........I........*......................................".................�\,....I..........,,�..................%.............. ..I...............��,........%..�,.....-.........*.,...-I....*..*............Q.....'.. ............�.I........,....]z�.......-..........,...................-.".I......I....... ................\�...............`.,..........._..................I...*.........�...I...........*....I 1...*...........I._ .%........`Z....I ..,.I...........I............1...... 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CA 11 1T 1'1 1 1C11I111D11 111 1! 11E \ \. 2N..WAL1.\L A � WA .L .--.WALL *C L il.9. ..j217% GENERAL NOTE: 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8Q @ jD .@ . .OFFtCE . ..O�F-ICE.. -0F GRID` ..OF 3P10'- F GRID'--... OR-GRID WALLS ARE DIMENSIONED TO EDGE OF FRAMING w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s c o m1A3.28 .. O .."OrFICE ... ...OFKEI . % " q ' UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 1 26 " c!- ` M IA .29,. 1� '-.. 3 , o 29 --[.< W � M tA3.21 -. 00 �m < <- TB . ,." " . . " ... T '...- W� 11 DOORS ARE 503C ASEWORK7... CASEWORK �� 4 I TYPICAL INCLUDING JAMB FROM. 0 - ....11i-91 REDSTERED SEE&.1A4'- 2t.8/1A4.3 A_ 0 10E.... � D CL-0F FACE OF WALL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ARCHTECT L %. o GRID`-. m �6 \ 5 = WI � SEE SHEET 1A8.12 FOR WALL TYPES -. -> ... iA3.28--- .I . .. T WANER = . P. -.QRAi NAGE.. PW STORM - . I I . 3 b STATE OF WASH NGTNCORR - PE .- .. � � ; 0 XC&*VEG -,... . DRAINAGE OPFICE . Consultants: - ­ �I - ..; _ -- - -1 ` "1 =/ '218"../ i " ..... ' IA3. q ` -GONP-. GONr'... � -. ALL` CL.. -M )Af0 j OF GRID"... ... \. 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C � -N --- - � �1 M C ".. � - _ 1U NCH I 1 A3.14 1/911 .- ROOMN N IA3.27--... -..UNISEX �J,�35 U) Z 03-.. .1.. � .. n \ I o ' !2� SMALL PARTS <� . WC 7I 6 . \ 202 _ -M C - -' " 1A3.25 W.ALL C * 7-01/2 1YiE - • . •@� VM SiGNAGE -'!%A .M .7OF AD OCCUPANC' .6 -VERIFY '\ =W - 0 N 51-111 51-I... ,-8If -0 9-2'1/2 ?`%% .. ... N " = I �. � ECISE L OCATION WITH \ - -0 . \ \ OWNE . %. 11 % - - - I V -7 1- -1 1 A9. nz \ KEHOC/ _ 1A 41 - - - . - - - I - - RI W L -X Warehouse & Office2 - - -y 1 �� L _.G -I - BuildinCASEW.OR g. ,* OF%qRtQ D .%. F. RID-.. TYP.-SEE',. \ EDGE O F MONITOR . .T R - xA SEVQR -.L c AOVTY ,,,. BEP 1' 4A. = 8EE 811A4.3 3\ / • - C-.� C 1267SE248THST = ...HY ANT8--.. .. � \ .. = I...... -...WALL --QL -....ALL-QCt. l ..&METER . ...< ..] OF,�Ri-D$. = _ KENT WA I = F GRID .. 7�0 % SEWORK, -"...... *DO ". , �43 �TYT. .SEE . �-�.KIT- EN TTE- . .. _ 98030 .. . ROOM Xl1 - ...SEWER/TV.. IA3.23...811-Ak l. 9 ." 1 A122 . = Im I- S im'< M .1 T1 STO ,. C B t ... N � r M. ALL'@L...... C CONSOLIDATED U � OF GRID =�... M U 1 I r SETL I . '-WAL�%_ L '*..-. ��T - uI .`- it.,. ' . - -P.GRID Oz .. 1A .1 -24/20 9 E . . I I II 1 51, 1A3:24- 4 . -5 1/ ) 8 - JOB NO. 2022. 11 2'4 11 13 = \ I k 7= \0 CORR-.1' Date Revisions 2 .CASEWORK. . 5< MARCH 192024 NOTICE TOPROEE11DI SEE 811•A4. ....n 26.2024 REVIONc - , .I 6 3 5.. %1... . - . ALL-- ,CL .*.kL L& �,C �0 %.. CORK''.. STOR_ � �� L 6.78 F`GRI )%%.� j W ..''O F 6RD ---. , �K V 0 STREETS 25� I1 . C �-. AS EWORK .. ..gN .0 S.EW .CAOKI 2, I IA3.15' •I CO V,SEE 8/1A4.3 ..%\ ... % 261.1 '. I 14 %1 �. SEE-8/1A4..3 CONFERENCE -0Mn .. � \< OFFICE FFI EI " 0 .. \ . - - 1 00 - 4 - -1 I R. ' i- Q0 I 00% . I C 4I-.. N PWAT pW8 SIGNS D N & C N .'- . , IfFIC -O SOL-1DWATE--..F E S 1 1 `_.5I I Sheet ContentsI ... 0 0"..WALL-..@CL 0 CORK. FL OR PLAN 1 - F*'- RID.. -*' BOO A < T&_.. 'QU E " ..'--. . . SECOND LEVEL WELLNESS FFtQE OFFICE.. OFFICEOFFIC -.. OFFICE,-... OFFICE`" II -OFFICE ....911 .....9 19?1 ! " f C 30 81- . 11 - ".. 11 - .. \ 1 0�5 112 000 \ . _ I ALL%@t. W.ALL@LC � \z WALL @CL--., WAd l@QL . ... WALL@PL W .. Y GRID'''.. OP GRID. OF GRID OF-GRID... GRID ..I C - W All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, Q used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. z I z dy Sheet No. D D i �co ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH SECOND LEVEL 1II I Uj fy Li :2 0 t�E(10 10 SCALE: 1/8"= V-0" 6 __j 0-0__j fy L <!��fn 0 z U_ of 0Uj W bj I E 0 a-x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 Double Eagle Interiors, Inc. Phone# 253.804.8800 Estimate 2880 West Valley Hwy N Fax# 253.804.8801 Suite 102 Representative Date Estimate# Auburn, WA 98001 DG 7/l/2024 29621 Contractor Reg. No. DOUBLE I972JZ Customer Name/Address Terms Bayley Construction,LLC 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 Project name or Plat Lot KEHOC Kent Description Qty Total Provide Polished Concrete to Level 2 Finish 18,240 100,137.20 Labor to polish stairs treads to match 42 7,447.80 Staging of equipment(assumes 1 time) 1 500.00 Bid Assumptions: Pricing assumes high performance patch work as needed and premium penetrating sealer 400 Pricing assumes level 2 sheet @ 2RO grit up to 4 Cuts. Power will be supplied by Bayley Construction Standard duration is 30 days start to finish. Dumpster will provided by Bayley for Material refuse Prevailing wage is accounted for We can provide GenSet for power if needed,the cost will be provided at time of request. Hourly rate for additional work in this scope is$91.00 per man hour APPROVAL OF CONTRACT: This Proposal will not become binding on Seller until it is approved by Seller's credit Subtotal $108,085.00 department. Unless payment in full is made at the time of Buyer's acceptance of the Proposal,Buyer authorizes Seller to obtain a credit report on Buyer. Owner\Contractor (Buyer) Double Eagle Interiors,Inc. Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 Signature By Print Name Its: Total $108,085.00 Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 148 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-026 Work Description:CCD-026-RFI-123-Elevator Power Requirements Date: 9/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-costs associated with the changes to the Elevator requirements per the submittal package and tied to RFI#123 response.Changes include the following:1)Replace existing 70A breaker with new 90A breaker,2)Upsize of conduit and conductors to accommodate lar er elevator motor. 1 LS $ $ $ 3,449.89 $ 3,450 $ 3,450 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 $ $ $ $ 3,450 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 3,450 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 518 GRAND TOTAL $ 3,968 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by 7X 1 Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 10/25/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #148 - CCD-026 - RFI-123 - Elevator Power Revisions Origin: RFI#123: Elevator Power Requirements Date Created: 10/9/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $3,449.89 $3,449.89 $3,449.89 $3,449.89 1.0 $3,449.89 $3,449.89 $3,449.89 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: RFI-123-Elevator Power Revisions 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $518.00 $518.00 $518.00 $518.00 1.0 $518.00 $518.00 $518.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $3,967.89 $3,967.89 $3,967.89 $3,967.89 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,967.89 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 1 Printed on: 10/25/2024 at 07:48AM PDT CONSTRUCTION From: X OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-026 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 10/22/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Provide electrical changes for Admin Elevator per RFI#123&#123.1 Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00-Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street Se Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 B BY BY DATE DATE __ � _ - 10.22.2024 DATE 10/22/24 CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 17 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 9/10/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with the changes to the Elevator requirements per the submittal package and tied to RFI #123 response. Changes include the following: 1) Replace existing 70A breaker with new 90A breaker, 2) Upsize of conduit and conductors to accommodate larger elevator motor. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. 1" CONDUIT- EMT -80 156.44 C -125.15 5.60 C -4.48 1 1/4"CONDUIT-EMT 80 254.13 C 203.30 6.60 C 5.28 1" CONN SS STL-EMT 4 61.00 C 2.44 15.00 C 0.60 1 1/4"CONN SS STL-EMT 4 118.00 C 4.72 17.50 C 0.70 1" COUPLING SS STL-EMT -8 69.00 C -5.52 0.00 C -0.00 1 1/4"COUPLING SS STL-EMT 8 137.00 C 10.96 0.00 C 0.00 1 1/4" BUSHING-PLASTIC 4 70.63 C 2.83 4.88 C 0.20 1" 1-H STRAP- EMT-STEEL -8 54.68 C -4.37 7.38 C -0.59 1 1/4" 1-H STRAP-EMT-STEEL 8 71.43 C 5.71 8.75 C 0.70 #4 THHN BLACK -596 1,177.59 M -701.84 12.75 M -7.60 #2 THHN BLACK 804 1,852.90 M 1,489.73 15.50 M 12.46 1/4-20x 1 3/4 WEDGE ANCHOR- 1 1/8" MIN DEPTH 8 0.00 C 0.00 10.00 C 0.80 #8 TO#10x 7/8 PLAS ANCHOR(3/16) -8 4.59 C -0.37 7.50 C -0.60 #10x 1 P/H SELF-TAP SCREW -8 11.68 C -0.93 3.75 C -0.30 Totals 212 881.50 7.17 Summary General Materials 881.50 CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 17 Client Address: Date: 9/10/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Summary(Cont'd) NEW 90A BREAKER 1,090.00 Material Total 1,971.50 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (7.17 Hrs @$121.87) 873.81 FOREMAN @ 15% (1.08 Hrs @$131.12) 141.61 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 298.69 Markup (@ 5.000%) 164.28 Subtotal Final Amount $3,449.89 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 17 Final Amount: $3,449.89 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #123: Elevator Power Requirements Status Closed on 08/29/24 To Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) Planners) 8005 SE 28th St. Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) Mercer Island,Washington 98040 (Response Required) Date Initiated Aug 5,2024 Due Date Aug 19,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number E3.313, E7.0, E7.2, E9.0 Reference VECA RFI#42 Linked Drawings E3.3B,E9.0,E7.0 Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(AII- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Jessie Teague(VECA ELECTRIC& TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta(Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 05:48 PM PDT RFI#123-Elevator Power Requirements Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center TECHNOLOGIES, LLC), Ken Wais(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Mike Yeung(Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Monday,Aug 5, 2024 at 10:37AM PDT 1.Sheets E7.2 and E9.0 depict the elevator as 20HP.Submittal 14 24 00-1 R1 depicts the elevator as 30HP.Confirm the HP discrepancy does not affect the elevator main power feeder. 2.Submittal 14 24 00-1 R1 calls for a fourth wire of same size as three phase wires for the elevator equipment grounding conductor.Confirm the size of the EGC. 3.Sheet E7.2 depicts the available fault current at the elevator controller as 10,559A.Submittal 14 24 00-1 R1 depicts the elevator controller SCCR as 10,OOOA with an asterisk.The asterisk lists the SCCR at 25ka if class J fuses are used for protection.Confirm class J fuses are required. 4.Submittal 14 24 00-1 R1 calls for conduit and wiring from hoistway to elevator monitoring panels by others. Provide conduit size,wire count,and location of the elevator monitoring panels. 5.Submittal 14 24 00-1 R1 calls for an additional 120V 20A single phase fused disconnect for the primary equipment box. Confirm LP16N/42 is acceptable for this load. 6.Confirm the location of the main power disconnect for the elevator. Attachments RFI#123 backup.pdf Official Response Response from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday,Aug 29, 2024 at 09:41 AM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Thursday,Aug 29, 2024 at 08:40 AM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#123-1-elevator_power_requirements-202408281700_TW E.pdf Official Response Response from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday,Aug 27, 2024 at 10:22 AM PDT Per request from VECA, please provide the new desired braker size for the elevator motor. Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Monday,Aug 26, 2024 at 06:49 PM PDT See attached document Attachments KEHOC-rfi#123-elevator_power_requirements-202408051757_TW E.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 05:48 PM PDT POWER UNIT INFORMATION HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR CONTRACT DATA WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT WEIGHT W/OIL(LBS) T-0 1/2" 2'-6" T-71/2" 2,060 TYPE: endure 50 H A ELEVATOR DESIGNATION: 1 HYDRAULIC FLUID REQUIRED IN SYSTEM=113 GALLONS SPEED: 75 FPM UP/100 FPM DOWN CAPACITY: 5,000 LBS HEAT PRODUCED BY ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT IN HOISTWAY=14098 BTU/HR CAR ENCLOSURE: TKAP DOOR HAND: RIGHT FRONT 1'-6^ s'-o^ a^ OIL LINE NOTE 2" PLATFORM WIDTH 2" 2"OIL LINE FROM TANK TO2"SHUTOFF VALVE.2'SCH 40 BLK PIPE, PLATFORM THICKNESS: 4 7/8" FINISHED FLOOR: BY OTHERS 5.8" ASTM A-53,TYPE E OR S,GRADE B OR EQUIVALENT TO JACK. CAR WEIGHT: 4,302.00 LBS MIN.CLEAR INSIDE tr"toRru•�, 11�.ru•R TELEPHONE: BY ELEVATOR COMPANY PIT LADDER: BY ELEVATOR COMPANY Yr.R"�"�EXOLEe 6E5n POWER UNIT: EM-95,30 HP POWER SUPPLY: 480 V 3 Phase 60 Cycles STARTING: SOLID STATE STARTING OPERATION: TAC32 GLOJ: 9,302 LBS GLOPU: 9,579 LBS CAR OVER TRAVEL: BOTTOM: 10" TOP: 3" + I—.R•.o..uho 6'-7 1/2" BE �'°°R" • JACK MODEL: 3s2 TWINPOST PLUNGER WEIGHT: 277.00 LBS SAFETY AM PLUNGER LENGTH: 14'-2 3/4" CYLINDER LENGTH: 14'.0" PLUNGER WALL THK:0.255" CYLINDER WALL THK: 1/4" PLUNGER O.D: 3.875" CYLINDER O.D: 5 9/16" NET AREA: 23.560 SQ.IN. BETWEEN PIT FLOOR& CAR BOLSTER ON 2'-2 3/8" w § BOTTOM CAR RUNBY:6" COMPRESSED BUFFER: a 'a w EST.WORKING PRESS:447 PSI CAR BUFFER STROKE:21/2" � I ow g . _ _ (CITY)SPRING(S)#: (2)780061 TOTALSPRING(S)CAPACITY: 30,446 LBS w e $ e 4" t �i R JACK REACTION(EA.):10,038.00 LBS CAR BUFFER REACTION:22,456.00 LBS U� O m0 .0 rc LL z m m 3 S=3.27 FORMED S=5.67 FORMED S=1.38 FORMED — — — — — a CAR -- FRAME I=9.82 CROSSHEAD I=23.39 BOLSTER I=2.17 STILE w s I A=1.85 7GAx6"x21/2" A=2.40 7GA x 8 1/4"x 2 3/4" R=1.01 10GA �mp o .o RAIL FORCES F1 F2 IBC SEISMIC RAIL FORCES: �F1 4 0 O> i i ® 0 o —F2 688 LBS 904 LBS F1=SEE PAGE 5 F2=SEE PAGE 5 Oa 0 `ap �0 a 0 Z ¢¢J m W OMEGA RAIL z z CAR STATION FEATURES: Traditional Fixtures,T2 Buttons,Alarm Button,Telephone,Position zo LL J ^ = FRONT Indicator w 3" v PUSH BUTTON MARKINGS: 1,2 4A- CLR.OPENING 11" ^ CAR RIDING LANTERN: None @ FLOORS NOTE A.OIL PIPE LINES AND FITTINGS SHALL BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED TO RELIEVE STRAIN. 1 2 NOTE B:ALL REACTIONS INCLUDE ALLOWANCE FOR IMPACT. NOTE C:TK ELEVATOR TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CHANGE TO ELEVATOR 6'-6"ROUGH HOISTWAY OR MACHINE ROOM DESIGN. OPENING @ TYP.FUR. NOTE D:ELEVATOR DESIGN&FABRICATION BASED ON ESTIMATED CAB WEIGHT SHOWN. LAYOUT APPROVAL WILL BE CONSTRUED AS FINAL CAR WEIGHT,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED. 8'-2"ROUGH OPENING FOR BY OTHERS CONTROLLER ENTRANCE @ FLOOR 2 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET BEFORE INSTALLATION IS COMPLETED AND ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ELEVATOR CONTMCf HOISTWAY PLAN ELECTRICAL DATA •GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST FORWARD POWER REQUIREMENTS TO THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. NOTE:A FOURTH WIRE OF SAME SIZE AS I I-E 1HASE WIRES IS REQUIRED FOR GROUNDING PURPOSES TO MINIMIZE ELECTRICAL NOISE INTERFERENCE.THE GROUNDING WIRE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUND. •A MEANS TO AUTOMATICALLY DISCONNECT THE MAIN LINE PER POWER SUPPLY TO THE ELEVATOR PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF WATER (�j) IN THE ELEVATOR HOISTWAY WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR THIS MEANS SHALL NOT BE SELF RESETTING. 7 •DEDICATED 120 VOLT,15 AMP SERVICE,ALONG WITH TELEPHONE CIRCUIT WHEN REQUIRED TO TERMINALS OF EACH REQUIRED CONTROLLER(AS LOCATED ON ENTRANCE PAGE)FOR THE FOLLOWING:ADA PHONE PROVIDED 8-2" -CAR LIGHT AND ALARM CIRCUIT WITH GFCI PROTECTION PER NEC/CEC. HOISTWAY WIDTH -GROUP CONTROL WHEN REQUIRED. r > 4'1" T-8" ACCESS TO THESE COMPONENTS WILL BE FROM INSIDE THE HOISTWAY.THIS WILL REQUIRE TK ELEVATOR TO BE ON SITE. s 4 NOTE:IF STANDBY POWER IS SUPPLIED TO ELEVATOR,CAR LIGHT AND ALARM CIRCUITAND GROUP CONTROL SERVICE MUST BE H- w ~ 1'-0 3/4" 6'-10 7/16" 2 3/4" STANDBY POWER BACKED. s `i BACK TO BACK RAILS •LIGHTING(MINIMUM 200LUX/19FT.CANDLES)AND SWITCH,CONVENIENCE OUTLETS WITH GFCI PROTECTION PER NEC/CEC.LIGHTING IS w z 6'_3" REQUIRED AT THE PIT LEVEL AND THE CONTROLLER LANDING. s z •A LIGHT SWITCH LOCATED R-0"ABOVE BOTTOM LANDING NEXT TO THE TOP RUNG OF THE LADDER. 0 w DISTANCE BETWEEN RAILS z a •ALIGHT SWITCH LOCATED R-0"ABOVE THE CONTROLLER LANDING FLOOR. z O •CONDUIT AND WIRING FROM HOISTWAYTO ELEVATOR MONITORING PANELS BY OTHERS. w •PROVIDE A POWER TRANSFER WARNING CONTACT THAT CLOSES 20 SECONDS PRIOR TO TRANSFER IN EITHER DIRECTION AND IT OPENS O WHEN TRANSFER IS COMPLETE. w K •TOTAL FULL LOAD UP SPEED AMPS IS BASED ON 100%OF ELEVATOR CAPACITY,THE VALUE NEEDED FOR EMERGENCY POWER SIZING. o •THE HYDRAULIC MOTORS ARE RATED FOR INTERMITTENT DUTY(SEC.620-13 AND 430,11).BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS CAN BE SIZED NA F 4'0 ATINGA g _ •zo HEAT SENSOR REQUIRED AT CONTROLLER FLOOR TO ACTIVATE SHUNT.HEAT SENSOR IS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN 2'-0"OF THE a SPRINKLER HEAD. POWE�UNIT < _ •PRIMARY FIRE SERVICE LOCATED AT FLOOR:1 x — x •ALTERNATE FIRE SERVICE LOCATION AT FLOOR:2 r F- •BREAKERS AND DISCONNECT PROVIDED BY TK ELEVATOR E-F vi o " w 90 AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER PROVIDED IN CONTROLLER BY TK ELEVATOR.T — IR— IN a rn �'¢ ELEVATOR POWER HORSE STARTING UPSEEDLMOTOR RATED CURRENT RAT N.S R7 9/16" v Z DESIGNATOR SUPPLY POWER A.C.AMPS A.C.AMPS AD A.C.AMPS (AT 600V OR LESS) S ¢ r" 1 480 30 123 59 40.9 10,000 AMPS o x 14 kA AND 600V OR LESS IF PROTECTED BY CLASS J FUSES(BY OTHERS • 5 kA AND 480V OR LESS IF PROTECTED BY CLASS J FUSES(BY OTHERS) •45 kA AND 240V OR LESS IF PROTECTED BY CLASS J FUSES(BY OTHERS) ELEVATION VIEW 2'-0" GENERAL DATA SUMP PIT SIZE TO BE •ApLUMB HOISTWAY BUILT ACCORDING TO CODEANDSIZESSHOWN. DETERMINED BY •ADEQUATE SUPPORT FOR JACK,GUIDE RAIL BRACKETS,AND BUFFERS(FOR REACTIONS SHOWN) 4 SUMP PIT GENERALCONTRACT0R •HOISTWAY BARRICADES AND ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING TO INSTALL HOISTWAY ENTRANCES,SILLS,HALL FIXTURES,OIL, - BY G.C. AND ELECTRIC LINES. •PIT LADDER PER CAR(ACCORDING TO CODE)NOTE:MUST BE CLEAR OF ALL ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT. •LEAVE OFF WALL PER ROUGH OPENING DIMENSIONS WHERE ENTRANCE IS INCLUDED.SEE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR FRONT air LnooER FRAME-TO-WALL INTERFACE DETAILS TO ENSURE CONFORMANCE WITH LABELED ENTRANCE INTERFACE CONSTRUCTION. AT CONTROLLER FLOOR,LEAVE OUT ENTIRE WALL.SEE ENTRANCE DRAWING FOR DETAILS.CONI FLOOR:2 6'-8" •POCKETS IN CORRIDOR WALL FOR HALL FIXTURES.NOTE:MUST BE LOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR BETWEEN CENTERLINE OF JACKS •SMOKE SENSORS(AS REQUIRED) •ELEVATOR MEETS ASME A77.1 2019 CODE. PIT PLAN •A PROPERLY VENTED HOISTWAYAND MAINTAINED BETWEEN 32-F(0-C)AND 104-F(40-C)WITH NON-CONDENSING HUMIDITY POSITION OF SUMP PIT OR DRAIN CANNOT BE RELOCATED OF P PIT95%PER LOCAL BUILDING CODE. RETRACTABLE PIT PROP SYSTEM TO BE PROVIDED •SUMP PIT OR DRAIN IR REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE BY ED GENERAL IN CONTRACTOR. •SAFETY BEAM REQUIRED PER OSHA 1926 502 PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS,AS DIRECTED BY TK ELEVATOR FIELD OFFICE DESIGN LOAD=5,000 LBS (STATIC,NOT IMPACT) THIS DRAWING AND ALL INFORMATION THEREON IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF FOR: KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER DRAWN REV JOB NUMBER DATE SHEET ELEVATOR AND MUST NOT BE MADE PUBLIC COPIED.THIS DRAWING IS ADDRESS: 12607 SE 248TH ST T K Elevator SF B EHB963 7/10/2024 4 OF 7 IS LOANED SUBJECT TO RETURN ON DEMAND ANDD IS NOT TO BE USED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY,IN ANY MANNER DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTEREST OF TK ELEVATOR. CITY: KENT,WA 98030 ­ IF A CUT STARTER RAIL IS CALLED FOR IN THE STACK, CONFIRM THE NUMBER OF SPLICES PRIOR TO CUTTING 11'-11 112" 16'-0" RAIL RAIL 12'-2"CLEAR OVERHEAD 12'-0"NET TRAVEL 4-0- PIT DEPTH REAR OF HOISTWAY RAIL SECTION DIMENSIONS BASE ELEVATION =522'-9"(522.75') � I + t ADDITIONAL 120V,20 AMP,SINGLE PHASE FUSED DISCONNECT REQUIRED FOR P.E.B. " (BY OTHERS) �m �y w PRIMARY EQUIPMENT y BOX PRIMARY EQUIPMENT BOX(P.E.B.) FOR 2-WAY COMMUNICATION 22"W.X 2 1/2"D.X 281116"H. FM 0 BRACKET LOCATION a'-a"ROUGH DIMENSIONS OP NING HEIGHT FRONT OF HOISTWAY 6'-5" 5'-1" 1'J" 6'-0" 4'-9" 1'-3" 2'-9" RAIL STACK SECTION VIEW FOR ELEVATOR: 1 CAR RAIL LINE LENGTH QUANTITY(4)-PER CAR FLOOR TO FLOOR TRAVEL CAR RAIL LINE BRACKETS AND INSERT LOCATIONS-PER CAR LENGTH QUANTITY FLOOR TO FLOOR TRAVEL LOCATION DESCRIPTION 16'-0" 2 1-2 12'-0" 11'-6" ABOVE TOP FLOOR 11'-11 1/2" 2 NET TRAVEL 12'-0" 1'-3" BELOW 1-2 4'-9" ABOVE 1 RAILS AND BRACKETS-TOTAL QUANTITY 5'-1" ABOVE 2 RAILS (4)16 FT SPLICES: 2 BRACKETS LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND CITY: 5 5 ? IK RAIL TO WALL: V-0 3/4" 2 3/4" 7 LU IBC SEISMIC PARAMETERS 0 DESIGN CATEGORY IMPORTANCE FACTOR Sds BASE ELEVATION AVE.BUILDING HEIGHT o D 1.5 1.04 522'-9" 36'-0 0 \ IBC SEISMIC RESULTS&RAIL FORCES FLOOR ELEVATION F1 RAIL F2 RAIL MAX.UNSUPPORTED RAIL BRKT SPACING PIT 521'-6"(FIRST BRACKET) 2032 1016 W-5" SUM BY G.CC.. FLOOR 1 522'-9" 2032 1016 W-5" BY FLOOR 2 534'-9" 2032 1016 W-5" 6'-6"ROUGH OPENING WIDTH @ TYP.FUR. 8'-2" HOISTWAY WIDTH AT ALL FLOOR LOCATIONS 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 18" 16 INSERT INSTALLED BY G.C. 16 INSERT INSTALLED BY G.C. "PLEASE REFERENCE ASME A17.1(2.2.2)FOR SUMP PIT REQUIREMENTS- MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALLS MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL& REFER TO SECTION SHEET FOR CONTROLLER ENTRANCE ROUGH OPENING WIDTH TYPICAL SURFACE TYP GROUT ALL AROUND. GROUT SOLID ALL AROUND. "WHERE DISTANCE BETWEEN FLOORS EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM BRACKET SPAN,BRACKET SUPPORT MUST BE MOUNTING DETAILS TYP Li TYP PROVIDED MIDWAY.BRACKET SUPPORT WILL NEED TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS TO ALLOW FOR RAIL 30'DRYWALL INSERT,BOLT TO WOOD 30X6'STEEL PLATE WELDED TO TUBE 30X6'STEELPLATE WELDED TO TUBE 30X6'STEELPLATE WELDEDTO ATTACHMENT.INSIDE SUPPORT SHALL NOT BE RECESSED BEHIND WALL SYSTEM AND SHALL NOT BE PROUD BEAM SUPPORT(INSERT)PROVIDED STEEL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED STEEL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED STEEL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY TKE,INSTALLED BY G C. BY GC.MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL. BY GC.MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL, BY GC.MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL. BY MORE THAN 1/4'AT ANY POINT.COORDINATE WITH TK ELEVATOR SUPPORT/OPERATIONS MANAGER' MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL, THIS DRAWING AND ALL INFORMATION THEREON IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF FOR: KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER DRAWN REV JOB NUMBER DATE SHEET ELEVATOR AND MUST NOT BE MADE PUBLIC OR COPIED.THIS DRAWING IS T K Elevator SF B EHB963 7/10/2024 5 OF 7 IS LOANED SUBJECT TO RETURN ON DEMAND AND IS NOT TO BE USED DIRECTLY OR ADDRESS: 12607 SE 248TH ST INDIRECTLY, IN ANY MANNER DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTEREST OF TK ELEVATOR. CITY: KENT,WA 98030 GENERAL NOTES 4 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER WAG N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I T E C I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / REQUIRED, "S" NEAR ARECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S _ _ _ _ _ __ � INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. P24N-25S A,S LP24N-25 S P24N-2 S A,SO S LP24N-39 �SLP22N-15 2 S 221 S / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E LP24N-39 LP24N-39 L - L - S1 S LP22N-33 LP22N-3 17 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 LP22N-27 LP22 - LP22N-27 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE N OFFICE OFFICE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 OFFI�_ )FFICE CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED S LP24N-33 S LP22N-13 S S DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g n e r a r c h t e c t s . c o m LP24N-19 S s LP24N-35 LP22N-15 LP22N-17 LP22N-19 LP22N-37 LP24N-21 1 1 1 1 223 S S S 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE LP22N-19 LP22N-33 LP22N-37 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE s OFFICE S LP22N-17 S S LP22N-33 L 24N-19 S LP24N-3 SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. �F � _ LP24N 21 P24N-33 OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY s4N-19 2, LP24N-27 4 B2 N-41 e LP22N-13 226 215 S ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT S LP22N-33 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. r,W DR k.,_ LP24N-21 P24N-33 P ORM LP24N-35 CORR PLOTTER LP22N-33 OPEN ��o��GiST3 LP4 7 U N-27 D -41 — - LP22N-15 s — — - — — — 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �ssr LP26W1 — OFFICE ONAL / Sx A,9r SOLP24N-9 S P24N-31 216 118 I Lj / EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. / LP24N-7 LP24N-7 LP24N-7 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-13 LP22N- s LP26N-3 S N-17 LP24N-7 4O LP24N-27 P24N-31 O LP24N-41 g 2 S LP22N-21 LP22 21 LP �5 LP24N-9 F S F - NTER F Consuftft 1 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-11 F cn 3 212 -17 7 LP24N-27 P24N-31 P24N-41 S u) LP22N-21 LP22N-21 4 TV _ LP � LP22N-21 �u) LP2 2N-25 E8.0 ELEC. LP24N-5 LP24N-2 TV LP24N-3 4 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP24N-9 s COPY/MAIL TV LP22N-25 LP22N-2 S S S 2 P24N-25 LP2 -3 LP22N-11 LP 2N-1 213 _ LP24N-5 LP24N-15 1 S S LP24 - 5 L 4N-24 S LN-3 S dv,TAj 225 �S LP22N-21 S LP22N-2 CORR eA A �- J F CORR , s A,s A, LP24�5 O LP26N-1 228 LP26N-3 LP23N-4 LP2 -6 MI vW LP24N-5 ICE TYPO 2) LP23N-6 VN STREW. MACHINE I— sV (TYP OF 2) --� TV MAINT. �N-1� CORR — — — LP26N_5 — — — — — — - LP 3N-26 — — 'D -7 T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. LP24N-3 ffpN- 6 - _ -9 LP26N-3 S (TYP OF 2) 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 LP23N-4 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 1 S LP24N-1 P26N-9 L 22N 7 � 2 1_ _ / Phone: 253.472.3300 4 www.treswest.com 24 14 _LP24N-3 LP24N-15F L-P24N- LP24N18 �2 - LP22N-1 — 22N-P .Tv s s ELEC. � / LP24N-15 4 S 1 LP22N-1 LP22N-1 — OILETS) � LP24N-13 LP24 - L 24N-1� LP24N-14 P24N-8 4 LP24N-12 P22N-39 2O1A LP24N-3 TV 231 LP24N-2 LP22N-5 LP22N-5 P22N- LP24N-13 SLP24N-13 8 F 233 s >CADA P24N-8 24N-12 S F 207 F 207A 9 LP22N 9 s -0 STORAGE LP22N-39 O it - 210 4 203 LP23N-4 LP23N 6 r`(1RR P2 N4N 16 TV LP24 -14 SOURCE, LP24N-2 n OMEN` SUPPLY& LP22N-,�CONF.I STOR. 9 LP22N-39 CORR s 4TRAIOM LP22N- LP22-1 LP22N-39 gO C 2p1 LP26N-1 S _ P24N-6 PUMPSTATIONS LP24N-2 L 22�TV - I LP24N-1 236 E LP24N-1 LP22N-5 ROOM LP22N-5 9 O 9 LP2 -4 - _ _ LUNCH WAREHOUSE ELI J / LP24N-4 LP22N-1 LP2 N-40 P22N-41 ROOM %22 S LP23N-4SMALL PARTS LP24N-6 SF —@FNISLY22N1 LP22N-40 LP22N-39 LP2 2N -41 E8.1 �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LP22N-5 4 LP22N�� U KITCHEN / ��,r 2 S LP24N-4 AS LP24N-4S TV WASHINGTON - 1 I K E N T \ LP24N-6 S S S LP24N-4 El \ � _ -7. - - \\ s gLP25N-12 cn 205 LP26N-3 - U LP25N 3 LP25N-3 LP25N-1 — S LP25N-12 LP5N-12 L'P25N-1 S 22N-9 LP22S-3 LP26N-3 CORR ELEVATOR ® I / s / / LP25N-14 P22N2 _—LP22N- — — — — — — — — — — — — LP16N-38 F_ — — — — — �P A� \�• IA, 9 KEHOC _LP22N-7 — — — — — - Warehouse are110use Ck D �Ce — — — — — — — — — — — - — - - — — — — — — - LP25 S- E8.0 239 — � S 6N-36 � S LP2 Si. I ! — _j P25N-12 LP25N-1 F F ��� LP25N-9 TV DF ttF1 LP22N-7 Building 23 LP25N-11 rl 1 1 � LP22N-7 4O 4O ELEVATOR \ — - / Li S TV CAB LP23N-2 HYDR [ ] P25N-10 243 LP25N-14 1150 LP22N-3 DPI -1 1�6, 8 S Scn4�/ LP22N-7 LP22 P2 S LP25N-9 &MET P25N-11 LP25N-9 L — JL — JL — J F_ =R/TN) LP25N-1 DOC C 12607 SE 248TH ST O241 L 4O LP22N-3 F F I P25N-10 LP25N-18 III ROOM -S KITCHENETTE F LP22N-9 LP22N-7 LP22N-7 LP25N-9 1 8 ED LP25N-1 s 4 4 214 98030 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-7 LP25N-7 L 8 1 I F I LP25N-18 p9 ���� P25N-10 I STAR LP23N-8S I I- TV LP22N-S LP22N-3 PLAN NOTES E8.1 Or) _ LP26N 3 — — E / 1O PROVIDE WIREMOLD AL5200 SERIES DIVIDED CONSOLIDATED I LP25N-23S P25N-16 P25N-18 8 ® LP26N-11 LP23N-2 ALUMINUM RACEWAY OR EQUIVALENT. PROVIDE LP25N-19 LP25N-23 LP2 -3� ® S - Tf LP23N-26 SET 5N-18 P26N-1 LP26N-11 S (TYP OF 2) , CENTER RACEWAY DIVIDER WITH 2-3/4" CHANNEL 1 TV S TV — � 7 FOR DATA AND 2-1/4" CHANNEL FOR POWER. LP25N-23 LP25N-21 245 ICE q LP23N-2 LP23N-8 PROVIDE COVER, END CAPS, AL5214 WALL BOX MACHINE F LP NIN TV (TYP OF 2) (TYP OF 2) CONNECTOR AND ALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED LP25N-23 O PAN-1 CORR E8.1 LP26N-3 FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. JOB NO. 20223 S Dahe Revisions PRINTER o O NOT USED. MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 25 -37 L 25N 38 - L. S S S S S LP23N-29 S P25N-19 i� LP 5N-29 LP25N-2J g P25N-8 LP25N- LP23N- 246 LP23N- P23N-27 LP23N-27 255 257 S S LP25N-3 LP25N- LP23 - LP23N-23 LP23N-25 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ELEVATOR LP25N-13 S S 23N-1 CORR STOR. LP23N-23 LP23N-25 CONTRACTOR IN MACHINE ROOM LESS 1 � � LP23N- 1I LP23N-27 24O I 1 I 942_1 TV 1 244 TV L 23N-3 O LP23N-31 S S S ELEVATOR. P25N-17 LP2 L 5N-35 LP25N- ROOM S Int LP2 -27 LP23N-23 STRE •ER "'"' NS& 247 � F LP25N-13 F _ s F S 3 4O PROVIDE 6" POKE-THRU WITH ONE DUPLEX ° P25N-25 LP25N-33 P25N-39 STE LP25N-4 - CORR LP23N-29 TV EP23N-2 259 261 P25N-17 LP25N-23 O O LP25N-8 � RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX 4 LP25N-13 4 LP25N-35 4 ,ON Q�-31 RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. �LP23N-1 LP23N- LP26N-3 LPJ LP230CE IS 1 P25N-25 LP25N- 3 LP25N-4 I LP23N-29 6LP23N-27 S S / P25N-17 — — - 2539 — — — — — P93 - — / O NOT USED. LP25N-15 13 S LP25N-35 LP2 5N-8 1 S S O ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL BY ELEVATOR LP25N-27 F S F LP23N-7 LP23N-7 LP25N-21 LP25N-35 LP25N- 3 LP25N-2 249 LP26N-1 CONTRACTOR. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS PRIOR P25N-41 LP2 5N-8 TO ROUGH-IN. Sheet Cow LP25N-15 S P25N-27 O LP25N-3114 O 248 LP26N-1 CORR S S P25N-21 A LP25N-21 S S S S S O NOT USED. LP25N-15 LP25N-21 P25N-41 LP25N-2 QUIET& 0 251 s 2 254 S P1 LP2 N�gb ENLARGED SECOND 1 L - 11 LP23 -15 P2 - 8 g WELLNESS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE REFRIGERATOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION LEVEL B POWER P25N-27 LP25N-3 LP23N-7 P25N-41 LP25N-2 S S S S S S A%_ S WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N-15 LP23N-17 S S O PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE LP25N-31 LP25N-6 � I LP23N-19 LP23N-21 SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS s LP25N-29 LP25N-29 S S LP25N 6 LP25N 6 S LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N 15 LP23N-17 LP23N-19 LP23N-21 WITH MANUFACTURER. P25N-29 So A, s LP25N-29 LP25N-6 S A, S LP25N-6 S S S S S S S S N"M�pealg AaWn oon VA%mpM"and 2 or�d�aloaT dd M tl%lMn�a nab If t1mbIt Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL B POWER A B 1 E 3.3 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' z GENERAL NOTES SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 1. PROVIDE VERTICAL CABLE SUPPORT AS W A G N E R REQUIRED BY CODE. A R C H I I E C I S 2. BREAKERS TO BE SET PER COORDINATION P L A N N E R S STUDY. 1916 PIKE PLACE 3. FEEDERS MAY BE UPSIZED TO ACCOMODATE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 VOLTAGE DROP. PROVIDE LUGS TO ACCEPT 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 LARGER CONDUCTOR SIZES. wagnerarchitects . com 4. PROVIDE METERS PER 2021 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE. END-USE METERING REQUIRED ��' J. CAD FOR HVAC LOADS, WATER HEATING LOADS, of w LIGHTING LOADS, PLUG LOADS, AND PROCESS LOADS. o � 53813 �O 5. PROVIDE SPD ON ALL EMERGENCY PANELS. ONIs AL 48,738A NEMA 3R 480V NEMA 3R 6. WIRING FOR SHAFT PRESSURIZATION SYSTEMS HL11N LCP1 5,297A 208Y/120V 3,083A LLJ L:-j AND ELEVATORS SHALL BE KEPT ENTIRELY 480/ 45KVA TO MDF TO MAIN INDEPENDENT OF ALL WIRING AND EQUIPMENT HPS1 LPS1 �g ROOM ELECTRICAL Z77V 480/ NEMA 3R 208Y/ ROOM AND SHALL NOT ENTER THE SAME RACEWAYS, Consultants: 125A 277V 45.H 451 120V CABLES, BOXES, AND CABINETS WITH OTHER MCB 100A 150A GENERAL WIRING. MCB T-LPS1 _ MCB CD CD #6 CU PLAN NOTES _ NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R 19,584A Q 208Y/120V 11,839A 5,828A 6,650A 4,897A 4,769A 3,615A 11,688A O PROVIDE BUSSMANN ELEVATOR DISCONNECT HM11S LP11S LP12S LP13S LP14S LP15S LP16S LP17S �s�� 300KVA #16 POWER MODULE SHUNT TRIP SWITCH WITH 480/ ® 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ DUAL-ELEMENT, TIME-DELAY TYPE FUSES. ENGINEERS 277V A300.H A3001 120V A150.4 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V CONNECT ELEVATOR SHUNT TRIP TO FIRE ALARM 600A 1000A 150A 150A 150A 150A 150A 225A SYSTEM. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. MCB T-LP11S MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 #2/0 CU 2 ELEVATOR CONTROLLER SHALL BE RATED FOR TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 A150.4 AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT. THE CERTIFICATION Phone: 253.472.3300 A150.4 OF THE CONTROLLER'S SHORT-CIRCUIT www.treswest.com A150.4 CURRENT RATING (SCCR) TO MEET THE �G:1:50.4 z AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT SHALL BE A225.4 EVALUATED BY A THIRD PARTY ENGINEER. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE 1#8G CONTROLLER'S INTERNAL OVERCURRENT K-13 PROTECTIVE DEVICE TYPES WITH ELEVATOR 1-1/2"C, 3#1, (2)2-1/2"C, 480V 1#8G 2#3/O, 1#3/OG 208Y/12oV CONTRACTOR AND ENGAGE A THIRD PARTY 100A(MIB) A 50KVA 2-1/2"C, ENGINEER FOR TESTING AND CERTIFYING. ^ OUTPUT UPS UPS 3-250KCM, LU11N LU12N m EATON EATON 2#4/0, 1#2G 208Y/ 208Y/ O3 PROVIDE REVERSE-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR 93PM LI-ION 120V 100N 120V Q 1o0A(BIB) INPUT PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. PHOTOVOLTAIC CD ^ 40KW BATT 150A SPD 100A SYSTEM TO BE CONNECTED TO THE BREAKER T-LU1 49,343A 480V CAB 1N MCB MCB K E 14 T FURTHEST FROM THE MAIN BREAKER. PROVIDE lei i UPS MBP 48,911A 48,648A UPS XFMR _#2 CU 1,922A 1,892A PERMANENT WARNING LABEL ADJACENT TO WAS H I N GTO" MAINT. BYPASS BACK-FED BREAKER FROM INVERTER SUPPLY 65kAIC STATING "WARNING: POWER SOURCE OUTPUT 480V NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R CONNECTION - DO NOT RELOCATE THIS 1-1/2"C, 35,868A 2300KV0V 13,328A 6,654A 7,155A 5,317A 6,012A 13,166A 10,985A 13,022A OVERCURRENT DEVICE." KEHOC 1#8G HM11N 300KVA #15 LP11N LP12N LP13N LP14N LP15N LP16N LP17N LM11N 480/ 0 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208/ 4O OWNER METER PER 2021 WASHINGTON STATE Warehouse & Office 277V A300.H A300.L 120V A150.4 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V ENERGY CODE. 600A 1000A 150A 150A 150A 150A 150A 150A 225A Building MCB T-LP11N MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB O5 EXISTING SERVICE GREEN BUILDING #210 CU A150.4 PANELBOARD. REMOVE NEUTRAL-GROUND BOND Q A150.4 FROM EXISTING PANEL. 12607 SE 248TH ST A150.4 O6 PROVIDE ARC FLASH ENERGY REDUCTION PER KENT, WA A150.4 NEC 240.87. 98030 A150.4 2,984A MCB A225.4 150A 120/ 5 CONSOLIDATED 240V GB1 SET ELEVATOR NEMA 3R 18,324A 20HP MINI 2"C OMCB ELEV A POWER JOB N0. 20223 3#1/OCU, ZONE Date Revisions 1#6G CU CTRL 120V 208Y/ MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 480V GEN 1 � 480v 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 120/240V o 208Y/120V 8 07,09.2024 GEAR REVISION 25KVA 30KVA NEMA 3R 10 100AS/ T-GEN1 OF 50AF SEE CONTINUATION T-GB1 11,662A #6 CU ON SHEET E7.1 — 0 #6 CU HH O Q 0� U) 0 J W W C) 1-1/2"C, o 0 o ui `� C) LU3#1 CU, N 0 0 v N C) 0 1#4G CU Q Q Q Q ¢ ONE-LINE DIAGRAM LL LL n n mca/) 4"C (TYP) 4 50,189A o 0 LO 0') (0 0 0 0 0 N c2 1?�; Q 1?�;Q Q M9� Q t?�;Q Q Q t?t t?�;Q Q Q 1?�;Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q )Q Q N mahstd bob omdkin the 0 o Q Q Q Q `1 Q .ork aT in°adime ma mar mtloded O )O O ,O O p�O O XO O )CD O XD N �O O )O O �O O �O O XO O �N N )O O p�O O �O O /� O O O Q CD CO Q CO M 7 N N N N 4 r- ~ r- r- CO Co 4 r- r- 4 CO Co 4 `t r- r- r- ~ I 4 4 O IMd.Or d0I0Md�101�UIs M�MII OplMlt 0� wwd NO. MDP1, 1600A, 480Y/277V, 30, 4W, 65kAIC 7. LEVEL 1 W A G N E R ARCHITECTS PLANNERS CIRCUIT LEGEND PANEL NAMING LEGEND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE L P 1 1 SEATTLE WA 98101 3�, 4W(4 WIRES TOTAL)COPPER 3�, 4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL) COPPER 3�,4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM �# - PANEL NUMBER (1, 2, 3...) 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CKT ID CKT CKT ID CKT CKT ID CKT wagnerarchitects . com RACEWAY/WIRE RACEWAY/WIRE RACEWAY/WIRE 1 /2/S - LEVEL IDENTIFIER (1, 2, SITE) O AMPS O AMPS O AMPS EV/ U / P/M /L - SYSTEM IDENTIFIER 50.4 I 1"C,4#6, #1OG I 50 - - - (EV/ UPS/ POWER/ MECH /LTG) - - - 60.4 1-1/4"C, 4#4,#1OG 60 - - - - I 1-1/4"C,4#4, #8G I 70 _ L/ H - VOLTAGE IDENTIFIER (L = 208/120, H =480/277) J. - - 70.4 - - - 100.4 2"C,4#1, #8G 100 A100.4 2 C, 4#1/0, #6G 100 g - - - 110.4 2"C,4#1, #6G 110 - - - PHOTOVOLTAIC ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS J, - - - 125.4 2"C,4#1, #6G 125 A125.4 2"C, 4#2/0, #4G 125 °i 1P� 53813 �O - - - 150.4 2"C, 4#1/0, #6G 150 A150.4 2"C, 4#3/0, #4G 150 ° GISTE�' SI � - - - 175.4 2"C, 4#2/0, #6G 175 A175.4 2-1/2"C,4#4/0, #4G 175 1. PV MODULES SHALL BE CONNECTED IN SERIES TO POWER ONAL - - - 200.4 2-1/2"C,4#3/0, #6G 200 A200.4 2-1/2"C, 4-250KCM, #4G 200 OPTIMIZERS. - - - 225.4 2-1/2"C,4#4/0, #4G 225 A225.4 2-1/2"C, 4-300KCM, #2G 225 2. POWER OPTIMIZERS SHALL BE CONNECTED IN SERIES. 3. PV MODULE TO POWER OPTIMIZER RATIO SHALL BE 2:1 OR 1:1 - 350.4 3-1/2' 4-500KCM, #3G 350 A350.4 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 4#4/0, #1/0 G] 350 BASED ON EVEN OR ODD QUANTITY OF MODULES PER STRING. Consultants: - - - 400.4 2-SETS [2-1/2"C,4#3/0, #3G] 400 A400.4 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 4-250KCM, #1/0 G] 400 4. INVERTER SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH ISOLATION MONITOR - - - 500.4 2-SETS [3"C, 4-250KCM, #2G] 500 A500.4 2-SETS [3"C,4-350KCM,#1/0 G] 500 INTERRUPTER FOR GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. - - - 600.4 2-SETS [3"C, 4-350KCM, #1G] 600 A600.4 2-SETS [3-1/2"C, 4-500KCM, #2/0 G] 600 5. RACEWAYS FOR PV STRINGS (WHERE APPLICABLE) SHALL NOT BE - - - 800.4 3-SETS [3"C, 4-300KCM, #1/0 G] 800 A800.4 3-SETS [3"C, 4-400KCM, #3/0 G] 800 SHARED WITH OTHER STRINGS. 6. PV MODULES SHALL BE CONNECTED TO INVERTER AS DESCRIBED t - - - 1000.4 3-SETS [4"C, 4-500KCM, #2/0 G] 1000 A1000.4 4-SETS [3"C,4-400KCM,#4/0 G] 1000 BELOW. - - - 1200.4 4-SETS [3"C,4-350KCM,#3/0 G] 1200 A1200.4 4-SETS [4"C,4-500KCM,#250KCM G] 12001600S 4-SETS [4"C, 4-600KCM] 1600 1600.4 4-SETS [4"C,4-600KCM,#4/0 G] 1600 VMMNE�W 2500S 6-SETS [4"C,4-600KCM] 2500 2500.4 6-SETS [4"C, 4-600KCM, 350KCM G] 2500 40K INVERTER: 3�,4W+G (6 WIRES TOTAL)COPPER(200% NEUTRAL) 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL) COPPER 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM CKTID CKT CKTID CKT CKTID CKT STRING#1: 29 MODULES/ 15 POWER OPTIMIZERS T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS STRING#2: 28 MODULES/ 14 POWER OPTIMIZERS 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 50N 1-1/4"C, 3#6, 1#3N, #10G 50 - _ _ STRING#3: 28 MODULES/ 14 POWER OPTIMIZERS TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 60N 1-1/4"C, 3#4, 1#1N #10G 60 60.3 1-1/4"C, 3#4, #10G 60 - - - Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com 10ON 1-1/2"C, 3#2, 1#2/ON,#8G 100 100.3 1-1/2"C, 3#1, #8G 100 A100.3 1-1/2"C, 3#1/0,#6G 100 125.3 1-1/2"C, 3#1, #6G 125 A125.3 2"C, 3#2/0, #4G 125 PV Electrical Calculations 175.3 2"C, 3#2/0, #6G 175 A175.3 2"C, 3#4/0, #4G 175 200.3 2"C, 3#3/0, #6G 200 A200.3 2-1/2"C, 3-250KCM, #4G 200 225.3 2"C, 3#4/0, #4G 225 A225.3 2-1/2"C, 3-300KCM, #2G 225 Site Conditions 350.3 3-1/2"C, 3-500KCM, #3G 350 A350.3 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3#4/0, #1/0 G] 350 ASHRAE Site: Seattle 400.3 2-SETS [2"C, 3#3/0, #3G] 400 A400.3 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3-250KCM, #1/0 G] 400 Temperature (OF): Temperature (oC): 500.3 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3-250KCM,#2G] 500 A500.3 2-SETS [3"C, 3-350KCM,#1/0 G] 500 Lowest Record Ambient: 14 -10.00 600.3 2-SETS [3"C, 3-350KCM, #1G] 600 A600.3 2-SETS [3"C, 3-500KCM,#2/0 G] 600 Average Record Ambient: 84 28.89 800.3 3-SETS [3"C, 3-300KCM, #1/0 G] 800 A800.3 3-SETS [3"C, 3-400KCM, #3/0 G] 800 Highest 2% Record Ambient: 91 32.78 1000.3 3-SETS [3"C, 3-500KCM, #2/0 G] 1000 A1000.3 4-SETS [3"C, 3-400KCM,#4/0 G] 1000 1200.3 4-SETS [3"C, 3-350KCM,#3/0 G] 1200 A1200.3 4-SETS [4"C, 3-500KCM,#250KCM G] 1200 Quantity of Max Amps Out Minimum OCPD 4040 Inverter Output Voltage Max Amps Out Watts Inverters Inverter OCPD Combined Combined _ KEN T 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM XFMR PRIMARY 3�,4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM XFMR SECONDARY Solaredge SE40KUS 480 V 48.25 A 40000 W 1 60 A W A 5 H 1 N G T O M CKTID FEED CKTID FEED RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS N/A 48 A 60 A A75.H 2"C, 3#2/0, #4G 135 A75.L 3"C, 4-300KCM, #1/0 G 230 N/A A150.H 2-1/2"C, 3-300KCM,#2G 230 A1501 2-SETS [3"C,4-350KCM,#3/0 G] 500 Open circuit KEHOC A225.H 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3#4/0, #1/0 G] 360 A2251 3-SETS [3"C,4-400KCM,#4/0 G] 810 Module Power Max power current Max power Open circuit Short circuit Temp. Coeff VOC voltage (Von) Warehouse & Office A300.H 2-SETS [3"C, 3-300KCM, #1/0 G] 460 A300.4L 4-SETS [3"C,4-400KCM,#4/0 G] 1080 Module (Pmax) (Imp) voltage (Vmp) voltage (Von): current(I5C) (%/K) adjusted: Building Q.Peak Duo L-G10.2 480 W 10.71 A 44.8 V 53.6 V 11.26 A -0.270% 58.7 V 8 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL) COPPER XFMR PRIMARY 3�,4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL)COPPER XFMR SECONDARY CKTID FEED CKTID FEED 12607 SE 248TH ST 0 RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS 45.H 1-1/4"C, 3#4, #8G 70 45.L 2"C, 4#1/0, #6G 150 Max String Length KENT WA Min String Length � Max System Max Input Max Short circuit (Optimizers/ (Optimizers/ 98030 Optimizer Voltage Max Power(Pet,) Voltage (VDJ current(I5C) Modules) Modulesnotel,5) SolarEdge P1101 1000 V 1100 W 125.0 V 14.1 A 14/27 21/42 CONSOLIDATED METER LOAD TYPE SCHEDULE SET END-USE METERING LOGIC Water Minimum Cond. Minimum Cond. JOB NO. 20223 Meter Name HVAC Heating Lighting EVSE Plug Process PV UPS Owner HVAC= (OM7 -OM16)+ (OM9-OM15) + (OM10-OM17) Ampacity Before Ampacity After Wire Ampacity Date Revisions OM01 X X X X X X X Water Heating= Conductor Description: Circuit Currents Derating Deratingnote 4 Wire Type Wire Material Wire Guage @ 750C MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED OM02 X Lighting note 1 g g= (OM6 +OM11) PV Source (Module to Optimizer ): 14.1 A 17.6 A 24.3 A PV Wire 1000V CU 10 35 A 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 OM03 X X X X X X EVSE= (OM2) PV Output (Optimizer to Inverter note2,3): 14.1 A 17.6 A 24.3 A PV Wire 1000V CU 10 35 A p 8 07,09.2024-GEAR REVISION OM04 X Plug= (OM16+ OM15 + OM17) PV Output (Inverter to AC Panel): 48.3 A 60.3 A 50.3 A THHN,THWN-2 CU 4 85 A OM05 X Process = (OM12+ OM13) OM06 X PV= (OM14) OM07 X X UPS = (OM8) note 1: Current based on pair of wires between two Modules and one Optimizer connected in series. OM08 X note 2: Current based on largest PV string OM09 X X note 3: Each string will be connected directly to inverter. OM10 X X Note 1: Contains branch circuit meters. Coordinate end-use note 4:Minimum conductor ampacity derating based off#of current carrying conductors and ambient temperature with 90°C wire 0M11 X circuit load types prior to programming. note 5: Max string length only allowed when inverter is connected to 2 strings or more. OM12 X Sheet Contents OM13 X OM14 x Interconnection Calculation ONE-LINE DIAGRAM OM15 x BUILDING METERING LOGIC power source output circuit current: 48 A DETAILS OM16 OM17 X 125% of power source output current: 60 A Main Switchboard Main Breaker: 1600 A OM18 X Site = (0M1) Bus Rating: 1600 A OM19 X Maintenance = (OM3) 120% of Bus Rating 1920 A Shed — (OM4) Fuel Island = (OM5) 125% power source output current+ Main Breaker 1660 A Water Tower= (OM18) Complies with NEC 705.12(B)(3)(2) N Total 5 2 4 2 8 4 1 1 6 Green BuildingOM19 mmsa�pq�g hob omdvm r WPAMW d = ( ) od�nd yak aT iM aaieot ad not b.aora uNd,or d�aloMd sltliout tla rdMn aonaiR of Shoat No. E7 .0 PANEL LOCATION: ELEC/I.T. RM 121 480/277 VOLT 2500 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 65,000 A PANEL LOCATION: ELEC/I.T. RM 121 480/277 VOLT 1600 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 65,000 A MSB1 SERVING: 3 PHASE 2500 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: MDP1 SERVING: 3 PHASE 1600 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: W A G N E R FED FROM: UTILITY 4 WIRE MOUNTING: FLOOR FED FROM: MSB1 4 WIRE MOUNTING: FLOOR A R C H I T E C T S CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT PLANNER S 1 SPD (NOTE 1) D 0.000 /3 A 100/2 28.800 D WATER TOWER WT1 2 1 SPARE S - 200/3 A 400/3 242.248 P PANEL HM21N 2 3 - - - - B - - - (NOTE 2) 4 3 - - - - B - - - - 4 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E 5 - - - - C - - S SPACE 6 5 - - - - C - - - - 6 SEATTLE WA 98101 7 PANEL HEV11 P 642.206 1000/3 A 400/3 - S SPARE 8 7 SPARE S - 200/3 A 125/3 17.219 P PANEL HL21 N 8 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com 9 - - - - B - - - - 10 9 - - - - B - - - - 10 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 13 PANEL MDP1 P 1091.911 1600/3 A - - S SPACE 14 13 PANEL HL11N P 20.078 125/3 A 70/3 22.447 M ELEVATOR 14 �s J. 15 - - - - B - - S SPACE 16 15 - - - - B - - - '20HP) 16 17 - - - - C - - S SPACE 18 17 - - - - C - - - - 18 19 PANEL HM11S P 281.749 60013 A 40013 - S SPARE 20 , PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 647.16 KVA PHASE B= 689.80 KVA PHASE C= 525.96 KVA 'OT rP� 53813 �9 21 - - - - B - - - - 22 0 G1STE� LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS 23 - - - 7 - C - - - - 24 �rsIONAL �1 PANEL MS131 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.80 KVA 34.64 AMP 25 LU11 N VIA UPS P 21.700 100/3 A 400/3 S SPARE 26 PANEL HEV11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 625.57 16.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 642.21 KVA 772.45 AMP 27 - - - - B - - - 28 PANEL MDP1 41.87 1 197.03 363.55 8.49 0.00 1 133.12 304.68 0.00 43.17 27.44 1 1,091.91 KVA 1,313.36 AMP 29 - - - - C - - - 30 Consultants: 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 31 PANEL HM11N P 445.497 600/3 A 90/3 12.172 P PANEL GEN1 32 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 33 - - - - B - - - (NOTE 2) 34 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 35 - - - - C - - - 36 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 37 SPARE S - 40013 A - S SPACE 38 eA A 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 39 - - - - B - S SPACE 40 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 41 - - - - C - - S SPACE 42 1=ww CONN. LOAD 41.87 197.03 363.55 1 8.49 0.00 758.69 350.12 0.00 1 43.17 27.44 1,762.92 KVA 2,120.46 AMP 43 GREEN BUILDING G131 D 28.800 70/2 A /3 0.000 D SPD (NOTE 1) 44 mmm CALC. LOAD 1 52.34 1 103.52 363.55 8.49 0.00 948.36 350.12 0.00 43.17 1 6.86 1 1,876.40 KVA 2,256.96 AMP 45 (NOTE 2) - - - B - - - - 46 TRES WEST ENG I N E E R S, I N C. 47 SPACE S - - C - - - 48 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 REQUIRED SERVICE-ENTRANCE RATED 49 SPACE S - - A 150/3 S SPARE 50 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 OPTIONS: Phone: 253.472.3300 51 SPACE S - - B - _ _ 52 www.treswest.com NOTES: PANEL SHOWN FOR LOAD CALCULATION PURPOSES ONLY. SEE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ALL FEEDER BREAKERS. 53 SPACE S - - C - - - - 54 1) COORDINATE SPD BREAKER SIZE WITH MANUFACTURER. PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 415.92 KVA PHASE B= 359.39 KVA PHASE C= 316.61 KVA 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LOCKABLE PER NEC 450.14. BREAKER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION. PROVISIONS FOR LOCKING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT THE LOCK INSTALLED. THE LOCATION OF DISCONNECTING MEANS LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE TRANSFORMER. PANEL MDP1 0.00 0.00 22.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.80 0.00 0.00 22.45 61.25 KVA 61.64 AMP PANEL HL11 N 20.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.08 KVA 24.15 AMP PANEL HM11S 0.00 13.32 90.14 0.00 0.00 1 79.87 98.42 0.00 0.00 1 12.47 281.75 KVA 338.89 AMP PANEL LU11 N 0.00 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.70 KVA 26.10 AMP PANEL HM11 N 0.11 41.84 207.10 0.00 0.00 53.25 123.40 0.00 19.79 27.44 445.50 KVA 535.85 AMP PANEL GEN1 0.38 1 0.90 0.00 8.49 0.00 0.00 1 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 12.17 KVA 14.64 AMP �- PANEL HM21 N 4.08 138.27 43.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.66 0.00 23.37 2.73 242.25 KVA 291.38 AMP `�.-_ f r/E14 T PANEL H L21 N 17.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.22 KVA 20.71 AMP vt A 5 H I N G T Ir PANEL LOCATION: 4801277 VOLT 1200 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 50,000 A 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP HEV11 SERVING: 3 PHASE 1000 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP FED FROM: MSB1 4 WIRE MOUNTING: SURFACE 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP KEHOC 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP Warehouse & Office 1 PANEL LEV11 P 89.856 225/3 A 100/3 66.511 EV CHARGEPOINT CPE250#1 2 3 (NOTE 2) _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ 4 CONN. LOAD 41.87 197.03 363.55 8.49 0.00 133.12 304.68 0.00 43.17 27.44 1,091.91 KVA 1,313.36 AMP Building CALC. LOAD 52.34 103.52 363.55 8.49 0.00 166.40 1 304.68 0.00 43.17 6.86 1,049.00 KVA 1,261.75 AMP 5 - - - - C - - 6 7 PANEL LEV12 P 59.904 225/3 A 100/3 66.511 EV SPARE FUTURE CPE250#2 (NOTE 1) 8 12607 SE 248TH ST 9 (NOTE 2) - - - B - - - 10 REQUIRED OPTIONS: KENT, WA 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 13 PANEL LEV13 P 66.560 225/3 A 100/3 S SPARE 14 NOTES: PANEL SHOWN FOR LOAD CALCULATION PURPOSES ONLY. SEE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ALL FEEDER BREAKERS. 98030 15 (NOTE 2) - - - B - - 16 1) COORDINATE SPD BREAKER SIZE WITH MANUFACTURER. 17 - - - C - - 18 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LOCKABLE PER NEC 450.14. BREAKER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION. 19 SPARE S - 225/3 A - S SPACE 20 PROVISIONS FOR LOCKING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT THE LOCK INSTALLED. THE LOCATION OF DISCONNECTING MEANS CONSOLIDATED 21 - - - - B - S SPACE 22 SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE TRANSFORMER. 23 - - - - C - S SPACE 24 SET 25 SPARE S - 225/3 A - S SPACE 26 27 - - - - B - S SPACE 28 29 - - - - C - S SPACE 30 JOB N0. 20223 Date Ra feiom 31 SPARE S - 225/3 A - S SPACE 32 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 33 - - - - B - - S SPACE 34 35 - - - - C - S SPACE 36 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 37 SPARE EV CAPACITY(NOTE 1) EV 292.864 /3 A - S SPACE 38 39 (44 208V, 1-PHASE 40A CIRCUIT - - - B - S SPACE 40 41 CHARGERS) - - C - S SPACE 42 PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 216.84 KVA PHASE B= 216.01 KVA PHASE C= 209.35 KVA LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS PANEL HEV11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 425.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 425.89 KVA 512.26 AMP PANEL LEV11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.22 16.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.86 KVA 108.08 AMP PANEL LEV12 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.90 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 59.90 KVA 72.05 AMP Shed Cow PANEL LEV13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.56 KVA 80.06 AMP PANEL SCHEDULES 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP CONN. LOAD 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 625.57 16.64 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 642.21 KVA 772.45 AMP CALC. LOAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 781.96 1 16.64 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 798.60 KVA 960.56 AMP REQUIRED NEMA-3R ENCLOSURE OPTIONS: NOTES: 1) LOAD INCLUDED FOR SPARE CAPACITY PURPOSES ONLY. 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LOCKABLE PER NEC 450.14. BREAKER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION. N mv bff&aaaehttomodimad ft PROVISIONS FOR LOCKING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT THE LOCK INSTALLED. THE LOCATION OF DISCONNECTING MEANS a yK W d� Mb't SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE TRANSFORMER. PANEL SCHEDULE INDEX Sheet No. PANEL NAME PANEL NAME MSB1 MDP1 E9.0 HEV11 - T ® 8 cne p:3'gl NMI H @w GG gym! C) 14, a�g�a e � g [ww£'-1 Z9'BZ b. (ww 8'8991 ZL'LZ (ww 8'1E19Z'4 b88L-W9'blA 3WStl HLLM 39Ntl080'J�tl NI a3139d831N139 15NOISN3W10 301SNI Iww 9 M)00'LZ E o % o E E O O [ww 0 l 1L188'LZ E E z i E E E E E E E i tO tO °0 E E 3019N1 Iww Z'Bf 4186'S ['1w 9'OZL1 LE'BZ [ww f'ZSLI Z9'BZ 301SNI Iww 9'9641 LL'9 O O E E d EZ89909�3� EBlLSO GOINEG-Alt-Date: Job Name: SE771127X3K5-0010-6/18/2024 City of Kent-Kent East Hill Operations Center(KEHOC)Warehou: Item Number: Catalog Number: Designation: 072 � ES3T11R11RI'MB Elevator Disconnect General Information: Elevator Control Switches Elevator Control Switch: 100A,3-Pole,600VAC (ES3T1 R1 RF3NB) Industrial Control Transformer 100VA,48OV:120V Pilot Light"ON":Red Three Pole Fire Alarm Voltage Monitoring Relay NEMA 1 Enclosure Additional auxiliary contacts-1 NO/1 NC(Total:2 NO/2 NC) Isolated Full Capacity Neutral Lug 95-1811 -Technical Data Sheet The information on this document is PREPARED BY DATE created by Eaton Corporation.It is Janene D Larson 6/18/2024 Eaton disclosed in confidence and it is only to be used for the purpose in which it is APPROVED BY DATE JOB NAME supplied. DESIGNATION Elevator Disconnect VERSION TYPE DRAWING TYPE Elevator Control Switches CustomerAppr. NEG-ALT Number REVISION DWG SIZE G.O. ITEM SHEET SE771127X3K5-0010 0 A 072 1 of1 POWER UNIT INFORMATION HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR CONTRACT DATA WIDTH DEPTH HEIGHT WEIGHT W/OIL(LBS) T-0 1/2" 2'-6" T-71/2" 2,060 TYPE: endure 50 H A ELEVATOR DESIGNATION: 1 HYDRAULIC FLUID REQUIRED IN SYSTEM=113 GALLONS SPEED: 75 FPM UP/100 FPM DOWN CAPACITY: 5,000 LBS HEAT PRODUCED BY ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT IN HOISTWAY=14098 BTU/HR CAR ENCLOSURE: TKAP DOOR HAND: RIGHT FRONT 1'-6^ s'-o^ a^ OIL LINE NOTE 2" PLATFORM WIDTH 2" 2"OIL LINE FROM TANK TO2"SHUTOFF VALVE.2'SCH 40 BLK PIPE, PLATFORM THICKNESS: 4 7/8" FINISHED FLOOR: BY OTHERS 5.8" ASTM A-53,TYPE E OR S,GRADE B OR EQUIVALENT TO JACK. CAR WEIGHT: 4,302.00 LBS MIN.CLEAR INSIDE tr"toRru•�, 11�.ru•R TELEPHONE: BY ELEVATOR COMPANY PIT LADDER: BY ELEVATOR COMPANY Yr—­EMOLEe••« POWER UNIT: EM-95,30 HP POWER SUPPLY: 480 V 3 Phase 60 Cycles STARTING: SOLID STATE STARTING OPERATION: TAC32 GLOJ: 9,302 LBS GLOPU: 9,579 LBS CAR Lt E OVER TRAVEL: BOTTOM: 10" TOP: 3" + I—.�.o..uho 6'-7 1/2" �'°°R" µ JACK MODEL: 3s2 TWINPOST PLUNGER WEIGHT: 277.00 LBS SAFETY BEAM PLUNGER LENGTH: 14'-2 3/4" CYLINDER LENGTH: 14'.0" PLUNGER WALL THK:0.255" CYLINDER WALL THK: 1/4" PLUNGER O.D: 3.875" CYLINDER O.D: 5 9/16" NET AREA: 23.560 SQ.IN. BETWEEN PIT FLOOR& CAR BOLSTER ON 2'-2 3/8" w § BOTTOM CAR RUNBY:6" COMPRESSED BUFFER: a 'a w EST.WORKING PRESS:447 PSI CAR BUFFER STROKE:21/2" � I ow g . _ _ (CITY)SPRING(S)#: (2)780061 TOTALSPRING(S)CAPACITY: 30,446 LBS w e $ e 4" t �o�i JACK REACTION(EA.):10,038.00 LBS CAR BUFFER REACTION:22,456.00 LBS R� U� O mU -O rc LL z m m 3 S=3.27 FORMED S=5.67 FORMED S=1.38 FORMED -- FRAME 1=9.82 CROSSHEAD 1=23.39 BOLSTER 1=2.17 STILE w s A=1.85 7GAx6"x21/2" A=2.40 7GA x 8 1/4"x 2 3/4" R=1.01 10GA �mp o N w RAIL FORCES I'llF2 IBC SEISMIC RAIL FORCES: �F1 4 0 O> i i ® U �F2 688 LBS 904 LBS F1=SEE PAGE 5 F2=SEE PAGE 5 00 (7 `ap c? a 0 Z ¢¢J m W OMEGA RAIL z z CAR STATION FEATURES: Traditional Fixtures,T2 Buttons,Alarm Button,Telephone,Position zo N LL J ^ = FRONT Indicator In z U '0 3" v PUSH BUTTON MARKINGS: 1,2 4'-6"CLR.OPENING 11" ^ CAR RIDING LANTERN: None @ FLOORS NOTE A.OIL PIPE LINES AND FITTINGS SHALL BE PROPERLY SUPPORTED TO RELIEVE STRAIN. 1,2 NOTE B:ALL REACTIONS INCLUDE ALLOWANCE FOR IMPACT. NOTE C:TK ELEVATOR TO BE NOTIFIED OF ANY CHANGE TO ELEVATOR 6'-6"ROUGH HOISTWAY OR MACHINE ROOM DESIGN. OPENING @ TYP.FUR. NOTE D:ELEVATOR DESIGN&FABRICATION BASED ON ESTIMATED CAB WEIGHT SHOWN. LAYOUT APPROVAL WILL BE CONSTRUED AS FINAL CAR WEIGHT,UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTIFIED. 8'-2"ROUGH OPENING FOR BY OTHERS CONTROLLER ENTRANCE @ FLOOR 2 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS MUST BE MET BEFORE INSTALLATION IS COMPLETED AND ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ELEVATOR CONTMCf HOISTWAY PLAN ELECTRICAL DATA •GENERAL CONTRACTOR MUST FORWARD POWER REQUIREMENTS TO THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. NOTE:A FOURTH WIRE OF SAME SIZE AS I I-E 1HASE WIRES IS REQUIRED FOR GROUNDING PURPOSES TO MINIMIZE ELECTRICAL NOISE INTERFERENCE.THE GROUNDING WIRE MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUND. •A MEANS TO AUTOMATICALLY DISCONNECT THE MAIN LINE PER POWER SUPPLY TO THE ELEVATOR PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF WATER (�j) IN THE ELEVATOR HOISTWAY WILL BE FURNISHED BY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR THIS MEANS SHALL NOT BE SELF RESETTING. 7 •DEDICATED 120 VOLT,15 AMP SERVICE,ALONG WITH TELEPHONE CIRCUIT WHEN REQUIRED TO TERMINALS OF EACH REQUIRED CONTROLLER(AS LOCATED ON ENTRANCE PAGE)FOR THE FOLLOWING:ADA PHONE PROVIDED 8-2" -CAR LIGHT AND ALARM CIRCUIT WITH GFCI PROTECTION PER NEC/CEC. HOISTWAY WIDTH -GROUP CONTROL WHEN REQUIRED. r > 4'1" T-8" ACCESS TO THESE COMPONENTS WILL BE FROM INSIDE THE HOISTWAY.THIS WILL REQUIRE TK ELEVATOR TO BE ON SITE. s .1 NOTE:IF STANDBY POWER IS SUPPLIED TO ELEVATOR,CAR LIGHT AND ALARM CIRCUITAND GROUP CONTROL SERVICE MUST BE H- w ~ 1'-0 3/4" 6'-10 7/16" 2 3/4" STANDBY POWER BACKED. s `i BACK TO BACK RAILS •LIGHTING(MINIMUM 200LUX/19FT.CANDLES)AND SWITCH,CONVENIENCE OUTLETS WITH GFCI PROTECTION PER NEC/CEC.LIGHTING IS w z 6'_3" REQUIRED AT THE PIT LEVEL AND THE CONTROLLER LANDING. s z •A LIGHT SWITCH LOCATED R-0"ABOVE BOTTOM LANDING NEXT TO THE TOP RUNG OF THE LADDER. 0w DISTANCE BETWEEN RAILS z a •ALIGHT SWITCH LOCATED R-0"ABOVE THE CONTROLLER LANDING FLOOR. z O •CONDUIT AND WIRING FROM HOISTWAYTO ELEVATOR MONITORING PANELS BY OTHERS. w •PROVIDE A POWER TRANSFER WARNING CONTACT THAT CLOSES 20 SECONDS PRIOR TO TRANSFER IN EITHER DIRECTION AND IT OPENS O WHEN TRANSFER IS COMPLETE. K •TOTAL FULL LOAD UP SPEED AMPS IS BASED ON 100%OF ELEVATOR CAPACITY,THE VALUE NEEDED FOR EMERGENCY POWER SIZING. o •THE HYDRAULIC MOTORS ARE RATED FOR INTERMITTENT DUTY(SEC.620-13 AND 430-33).BRANCH CIRCUIT CONDUCTORS CAN BE SIZED o g - FOR AN AMPACITY 90%OF THE MOTORS NAMEPLATE RATING AS DETERMINED BY(SEC.430-22(El) •HEAT SENSOR REQUIRED AT CONTROLLER FLOOR TO ACTIVATE SHUNT.HEAT SENSOR IS TO BE LOCATED WITHIN 2'-0"OF THE a SPRINKLER HEAD. POWE�UNIT _ •PRIMARY FIRE SERVICE LOCATED AT FLOOR:1 x — x •ALTERNATE FIRE SERVICE LOCATION AT FLOOR:2 r F- •BREAKERS AND DISCONNECT PROVIDED BY TK ELEVATOR REFER TO iv w w " w 90 AMP CIRCUIT BREAKER PROVIDED IN CONTROLLER BY TK ELEVATOR. POWER UNIT — IR— INFORMATION a rn �'¢ ELEVATOR POWER HORSE STARTING UPS EEDLMOTOR RATED CURRENT RAT IT TABLE FOR HLO 7 9/16" v Z DESIGNATOR SUPPLY POWER A.C.AMPS A.C.AMPS A.C.AMPS (AT 600V OR LESS) DIMENSIONS ¢ r" 1 480 30 123 59 40.9 10,000 AMPS O x :*I kA AND 600V OR LESS IF PROTECTED BY CLASS J FUSES(BY OTHERS) •*25 kA AND 480V OR LESS IF PROTECTED BY CLASS J FUSES(BY OTHERS) i 45 kA AND 240V OR LESS IF PROTECTED BY CLASS J FUSES(BY OTHERS) ELEVATION VIEW 2'-0" GENERAL DATA SUMPPIT SIZE TO BE •ApLUMB HOISTWAY BUILT ACCORDING TO CODE AND SIZES SHOWN. DETERMINEDBY ADEQUATE SUPPORT FOR JACK,GUIDE RAIL BRACKETS,AND BUFFERS(FOR REACTIONS SHOWN) 4 SUMP PIT GENERALCONTRACTOR HOISTWAY BARRICADES AND ALL CUTTING AND PATCHING TO INSTALL HOISTWAY ENTRANCES,SILLS,HALL FIXTURES,OIL, - BY G.C. AND ELECTRIC LINES. •PIT LADDER PER CAR(ACCORDING TO CODE)NOTE:MUST BE CLEAR OF ALL ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT. •LEAVE OFF WALL PER ROUGH OPENING DIMENSIONS WHERE ENTRANCE IS INCLUDED.SEE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES FOR FRONT air LnooER FRAME-TO-WALL INTERFACE DETAILS TO ENSURE CONFORMANCE WITH LABELED ENTRANCE INTERFACE CONSTRUCTION. AT CONTROLLER FLOOR,LEAVE OUT ENTIRE WALL.SEE ENTRANCE DRAWING FOR DETAILS.CONTROLLER@ FLOOR:2 6'-8" •POCKETS IN CORRIDOR WALL FOR HALL FIXTURES.NOTE:MUST BE LOCATED AS DIRECTED BY ELEVATOR CONTRACTOR BETWEEN CENTERLINE OF JACKS •SMOKE SENSORS(AS REQUIRED) •ELEVATOR MEETS ASME A77.1 2019 CODE. PIT PLAN •A PROPERLY VENTED HOISTWAYAND MAINTAINED BETWEEN 32-F(0-C)AND 104-F(40-C)WITH NON-CONDENSING HUMIDITY POSITION OF SUMP PIT OR DRAIN CANNOT BE RELOCATED OF P PIT95%PER LOCAL BUILDING CODE. RETRACTABLE PIT PROP SYSTEM TO BE PROVIDED •SUMP PIT OR DRAIN IR REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODE BY ED GENERAL IN CONTRACTOR. •SAFETY BEAM REQUIRED PER OSHA 1926 502 PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS,AS DIRECTED BY TK ELEVATOR FIELD OFFICE DESIGN LOAD=5,000 LBS (STATIC,NOT IMPACT) THIS DRAWING AND ALL INFORMATION THEREON IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF FOR: KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER DRAWN REV JOB NUMBER DATE SHEET ELEVATOR AND MUST NOT BE MADE PUBLIC COPIED.THIS DRAWING IS ADDRESS: 12607 SE 248TH ST T K Elevator SF B EHB963 7/10/2024 4 OF 7 IS LOANED SUBJECT TO RETURN ON DEMAND ANDD IS NOT TO BE USED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY,IN ANY MANNER DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTEREST OF TK ELEVATOR. CITY: KENT,WA 98030 ­ o, IF A CUT STARTER RAIL IS CALLED FOR IN THE STACK, CONFIRM THE NUMBER OF SPLICES PRIOR TO CUTTING 11'-11 112" 16'-0" RAIL RAIL 12'-2"CLEAR OVERHEAD 12'-0"NET TRAVEL 4-0- PIT DEPTH REAR OF HOISTWAY RAIL SECTION DIMENSIONS BASE ELEVATION =522'-9"(522.75') � I I ADDITIONAL 120V,20 AMP,SINGLE PHASE FUSED DISCONNECT REQUIRED FOR P.E.B. " (BYOTHERS) �m �y w PRIMARY EQUIPMENT y BOX PRIMARY EQUIPMENT BOX(P.E.B.) FOR 2-WAY COMMUNICATION 22"W.X 2 1/2"D.X 281116"H. 0 BRACKET LOCATION a'-a"ROUGH DIMENSIONS OP NING HEIGHT FRONT OF HOISTWAY 6'-5" 5'-1" 1'J" 6'-0" 4-1- 1'-3" 2'-9" RAIL STACK SECTION VIEW FOR ELEVATOR: 1 CAR RAIL LINE LENGTH QUANTITY(4)-PER CAR FLOOR TO FLOOR TRAVEL CAR RAIL LINE BRACKETS AND INSERT LOCATIONS-PER CAR LENGTH QUANTITY FLOOR TO FLOOR TRAVEL LOCATION DESCRIPTION 16'-0" 2 1-2 12'-0" 11'-6" ABOVE TOP FLOOR 11'-11 1/2" 2 NET TRAVEL 12'-0" 1'-3" BELOW 1-2 4'-9" ABOVE 1 RAILS AND BRACKETS-TOTAL QUANTITY 5'-1" ABOVE 2 RAILS (4)16 FT SPLICES: 2 BRACKETS LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND CITY: 5 5 ? IK RAIL TO WALL: V-0 3/4" 2 3/4" 7 LU IBC SEISMIC PARAMETERS 0 DESIGN CATEGORY IMPORTANCE FACTOR Sds BASE ELEVATION AVE.BUILDING HEIGHT o D 1.5 1.04 522'-9" 36'-0 0 \ IBC SEISMIC RESULTS&RAIL FORCES FLOOR ELEVATION F1 RAIL F2 RAIL MAX.UNSUPPORTED RAIL BRKT SPACING PIT 521'-6"(FIRST BRACKET) 2032 1016 W-5" SUM BY G.CC.. FLOOR 1 522'-9" 2032 1016 W-5" BY FLOOR 2 534'-9" 2032 1016 W-5" 6'-6"ROUGH OPENING WIDTH @ TYP.FUR. 8'-2" HOISTWAY WIDTH AT ALL FLOOR LOCATIONS 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 22"BRACKET O.A. 18" 16 INSERT INSTALLED BY G.C. 16 INSERT INSTALLED BY G.C. "PLEASE REFERENCE ASME A17.1(2.2.2)FOR SUMP PIT REQUIREMENTS- MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALLS MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL& REFER TO SECTION SHEET FOR CONTROLLER ENTRANCE ROUGH OPENING WIDTH TYPICAL SURFACE TYP GROUT ALL AROUND. GROUT SOLID ALL AROUND. "WHERE DISTANCE BETWEEN FLOORS EXCEEDS THE MAXIMUM BRACKET SPAN,BRACKET SUPPORT MUST BE MOUNTING DETAILS TYP Li TYP PROVIDED MIDWAY.BRACKET SUPPORT WILL NEED TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS TO ALLOW FOR RAIL 30'DRYWALL INSERT,BOLT TO WOOD 30X6'STEEL PLATE WELDED TO TUBE 30X6'STEELPLATE WELDED TO TUBE 30X6'STEELPLATE WELDEDTO ATTACHMENT.INSIDE SUPPORT SHALL NOT BE RECESSED BEHIND WALL SYSTEM AND SHALL NOT BE PROUD BEAM SUPPORT(INSERT)PROVIDED STEEL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED STEEL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED STEEL PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY TKE,INSTALLED BY G C. BY GC.MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL. BY GC.MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL, BY GC.MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL. BY MORE THAN 1/4'AT ANY POINT.COORDINATE WITH TK ELEVATOR SUPPORT/OPERATIONS MANAGER' MOUNT FLUSH WITH WALL, THIS DRAWING AND ALL INFORMATION THEREON IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF FOR: KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER DRAWN REV JOB NUMBER DATE SHEET ELEVATOR AND MUST NOT BE MADE PUBLIC OR COPIED.THIS DRAWING IS T K Elevator SF B EHB963 7/10/2024 5 OF 7 IS LOANED SUBJECT TO RETURN ON DEMAND AND IS NOT TO BE USED DIRECTLY OR ADDRESS: 12607 SE 248TH ST INDIRECTLY, IN ANY MANNER DETRIMENTAL TO THE INTEREST OF TK ELEVATOR. CITY: KENT,WA 98030 GENERAL NOTES 4 1. PROVIDE CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES PER WAG N E R WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE C405.10. A R C H I T E C I S PROVIDE PLUG LOAD CONTROLLERS AS — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / REQUIRED, "S" NEAR ARECEPTACLE P L A N N E R S _ _ _ _ _ __ � INDICATES A CONTROLLED RECEPTACLE. P24N-25S A,S LP24N-25 S P24N-2 S A,SO S LP24N-39 �SLP22N-15 2 S 221 S / DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE SPLIT-WIRED 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E LP24N-39 LP24N-39 L - L - S1 S LP22N-33 LP22N-3 17 WITH THE TOP HALF CONTROLLED. DOUBLE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 LP22N-27 LP22 - LP22N-27 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES SHALL BE ONE N OFFICE OFFICE 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 OFFI�_ )FFICE CONTROLLED AND ONE UNCONTROLLED S LP24N-33 S LP22N-13 S S DUPLEX RECEPTACLE IN A COMMON BACKBOX. w a g n e r a r c h t e c t s . c o m LP24N-19 S s LP24N-35 LP22N-15 LP22N-17 LP22N-19 LP22N-37 LP24N-21 1 1 1 1 223 S S S 2. CONTROLLED RECEPTACLES IN STAND-ALONE LP22N-19 LP22N-33 LP22N-37 ROOMS TO BE CONTROLLED VIA LOW-VOLTAGE s OFFICE S LP22N-17 S S LP22N-33 L 24N-19 S LP24N-3 SWITCH AND OCCUPANCY SENSOR. �F � _ LP24N 21 P24N-33 OCCUPANCY SENSOR SHALL AUTOMATICALLY s4N-19 2, LP24N-27 4 B2 N-41 e LP22N-13 226 215 S ENERGIZE RECEPTACLES EVEN WHERE LIGHT S LP22N-33 FIXTURES ARE MANUAL ON. r,W DR k.,_ LP24N-21 P24N-33 P ORM LP24N-35 CORR PLOTTER LP22N-33 OPEN ��o��GiST3 LP4 7 U N-27 D -41 — - LP22N-15 s — — - — — — 3. PROVIDE LOCKABLE IN-USE COVER FOR ALL �ssr LP26W1 — OFFICE ONAL / Sx A,9r SOLP24N-9 S P24N-31 216 118 I Lj / EXTERIOR WEATHERPROOF RECEPTACLES. / LP24N-7 LP24N-7 LP24N-7 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-13 LP22N- s LP26N-3 S N-17 LP24N-7 4O LP24N-27 P24N-31 O LP24N-41 g 2 S LP22N-21 LP22 21 LP �5 LP24N-9 F S F - NTER F Consuftft 1 S LP24N-23 LP24N- 7 LP22N-11 F cn 3 212 -17 7 LP24N-27 P24N-31 P24N-41 S u) LP22N-21 LP22N-21 4 TV _ LP � LP22N-21 �u) LP2 2N-25 E8.0 ELEC. LP24N-5 LP24N-2 TV LP24N-3 4 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP22N-31 LP24N-9 s COPY/MAIL TV LP22N-25 LP22N-2 S S S 2 P24N-25 LP2 -3 LP22N-11 LP 2N-1 213 _ LP24N-5 LP24N-15 1 S S LP24 - 5 L 4N-24 S LN-3 S dv,TAj 225 �S LP22N-21 S LP22N-2 CORR eA A �- J F CORR , s A,s A, LP24�5 O LP26N-1 228 LP26N-3 LP23N-4 LP2 -6 MI vW LP24N-5 ICE TYPO 2) LP23N-6 VN STREW. MACHINE I— sV (TYP OF 2) --� TV MAINT. �N-1� CORR — — — LP26N_5 — — — — — — - LP 3N-26 — — 'D -7 T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. LP24N-3 ffpN- 6 - _ -9 LP26N-3 S (TYP OF 2) 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 LP23N-4 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 1 S LP24N-1 P26N-9 L 22N 7 � 2 1_ _ / Phone: 253.472.3300 4 www.treswest.com 24 14 _LP24N-3 LP24N-15F L-P24N- LP24N18 �2 - LP22N-1 — 22N-P .Tv s s ELEC. � / LP24N-15 4 S 1 LP22N-1 LP22N-1 — OILETS) � LP24N-13 LP24 - L 24N-1� LP24N-14 P24N-8 4 LP24N-12 P22N-39 2O1A LP24N-3 TV 231 LP24N-2 LP22N-5 LP22N-5 P22N- LP24N-13 SLP24N-13 8 F 233 s >CADA P24N-8 24N-12 S F 207 F 207A 9 LP22N 9 s -0 STORAGE LP22N-39 O it - 210 4 203 LP23N-4 LP23N 6 r`(1RR P2 N4N 16 TV LP24 -14 SOURCE, LP24N-2 n OMEN` SUPPLY& LP22N-,�CONF.I STOR. 9 LP22N-39 CORR s 4TRAIOM LP22N- LP22-1 LP22N-39 gO C 2p1 LP26N-1 S _ P24N-6 PUMPSTATIONS LP24N-2 L 22�TV - I LP24N-1 236 E LP24N-1 LP22N-5 ROOM LP22N-5 9 O 9 LP2 -4 - _ _ LUNCH WAREHOUSE ELI J / LP24N-4 LP22N-1 LP2 N-40 P22N-41 ROOM %22 S LP23N-4SMALL PARTS LP24N-6 SF —@FNISLY22N1 LP22N-40 LP22N-39 LP2 2N -41 E8.1 �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LP22N-5 4 LP22N�� U KITCHEN / ��,r 2 S LP24N-4 AS LP24N-4S TV WASHINGTON - 1 I K E N T \ LP24N-6 S S S LP24N-4 El \ � _ -7. - - \\ s gLP25N-12 cn 205 LP26N-3 - U LP25N 3 LP25N-3 LP25N-1 — S LP25N-12 LP5N-12 L'P25N-1 S 22N-9 LP22S-3 LP26N-3 CORR ELEVATOR ® I / s / / LP25N-14 P22N2 _—LP22N- — — — — — — — — — — — — LP16N-38 F_ — — — — — �P A� \�• IA, 9 KEHOC _LP22N-7 — — — — — - Warehouse are110use Ck D �Ce — — — — — — — — — — — - — - - — — — — — — - LP25 S- E8.0 239 — � S 6N-36 � S LP2 Si. I ! — _j P25N-12 LP25N-1 F F ��� LP25N-9 TV DF ttF1 LP22N-7 Building 23 LP25N-11 rl 1 1 � LP22N-7 4O 4O ELEVATOR \ — - / Li S TV CAB LP23N-2 HYDR [ ] P25N-10 243 LP25N-14 1150 LP22N-3 DPI -1 1�6, 8 S Scn4�/ LP22N-7 LP22 P2 S LP25N-9 &MET P25N-11 LP25N-9 L — JL — JL — J F_ =R/TN) LP25N-1 DOC C 12607 SE 248TH ST O241 L 4O LP22N-3 F F I P25N-10 LP25N-18 III ROOM -S KITCHENETTE F LP22N-9 LP22N-7 LP22N-7 LP25N-9 1 8 ED LP25N-1 s 4 4 214 98030 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-5 LP25N-7 LP25N-7 L 8 1 I F I LP25N-18 p9 ���� P25N-10 I STAR LP23N-8S I I- TV LP22N-S LP22N-3 PLAN NOTES E8.1 Or) _ LP26N 3 — — E / 1O PROVIDE WIREMOLD AL5200 SERIES DIVIDED CONSOLIDATED I LP25N-23S P25N-16 P25N-18 8 ® LP26N-11 LP23N-2 ALUMINUM RACEWAY OR EQUIVALENT. PROVIDE LP25N-19 LP25N-23 LP2 -3� ® S - Tf LP23N-26 SET 5N-18 P26N-1 LP26N-11 S (TYP OF 2) , CENTER RACEWAY DIVIDER WITH 2-3/4" CHANNEL 1 TV S TV — � 7 FOR DATA AND 2-1/4" CHANNEL FOR POWER. LP25N-23 LP25N-21 245 ICE q LP23N-2 LP23N-8 PROVIDE COVER, END CAPS, AL5214 WALL BOX MACHINE F LP NIN TV (TYP OF 2) (TYP OF 2) CONNECTOR AND ALL FITTINGS AS REQUIRED LP25N-23 O PAN-1 CORR E8.1 LP26N-3 FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATION. JOB NO. 20223 S Dahe Revisions PRINTER o O NOT USED. MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 25 -37 L 25N 38 - L. S S S S S LP23N-29 S P25N-19 i� LP 5N-29 LP25N-2J g P25N-8 LP25N- LP23N- 246 LP23N- P23N-27 LP23N-27 255 257 S S LP25N-3 LP25N- LP23 - LP23N-23 LP23N-25 COORDINATE LOCATION WITH ELEVATOR LP25N-13 S S 23N-1 CORR STOR. LP23N-23 LP23N-25 CONTRACTOR IN MACHINE ROOM LESS 1 � � LP23N- 1I LP23N-27 24O I 1 I 942_1 TV 1 244 TV L 23N-3 O LP23N-31 S S S ELEVATOR. P25N-17 LP2 L 5N-35 LP25N- ROOM S Int LP2 -27 LP23N-23 STRE •ER "'"' NS& 247 � F LP25N-13 F _ s F S 3 4O PROVIDE 6" POKE-THRU WITH ONE DUPLEX ° P25N-25 LP25N-33 P25N-39 STE LP25N-4 - CORR LP23N-29 TV EP23N-2 259 261 P25N-17 LP25N-23 O O LP25N-8 � RECEPTACLE, ONE CONTROLLED DUPLEX 4 LP25N-13 4 LP25N-35 4 ,ON Q�-31 RECEPTACLE, AND DATA PORTS. �LP23N-1 LP23N- LP26N-3 LPJ LP230CE IS 1 P25N-25 LP25N- 3 LP25N-4 I LP23N-29 6LP23N-27 S S / P25N-17 — — - 2539 — — — — — P93 - — / O NOT USED. LP25N-15 13 S LP25N-35 LP2 5N-8 1 S S O ELEVATOR CONTROL PANEL BY ELEVATOR LP25N-27 F S F LP23N-7 LP23N-7 LP25N-21 LP25N-35 LP25N- 3 LP25N-2 249 LP26N-1 CONTRACTOR. VERIFY REQUIREMENTS PRIOR P25N-41 LP2 5N-8 TO ROUGH-IN. Sheet Cow LP25N-15 S P25N-27 O LP25N-3114 O 248 LP26N-1 CORR S S P25N-21 A LP25N-21 S S S S S O NOT USED. LP25N-15 LP25N-21 P25N-41 LP25N-2 QUIET& 0 251 s 2 254 S P1 LP2 N�gb ENLARGED SECOND 1 L - 11 LP23 -15 P2 - 8 g WELLNESS OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE REFRIGERATOR. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION LEVEL B POWER P25N-27 LP25N-3 LP23N-7 P25N-41 LP25N-2 S S S S S S A%_ S WITH OWNER PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N-15 LP23N-17 S S O PROVIDE POWER TO PLUMBING FIXTURE LP25N-31 LP25N-6 � I LP23N-19 LP23N-21 SENSOR. COORDINATE EXACT REQUIREMENTS s LP25N-29 LP25N-29 S S LP25N 6 LP25N 6 S LP23N-7 LP23N-9 LP23N-11 LP23N-13 LP23N 15 LP23N-17 LP23N-19 LP23N-21 WITH MANUFACTURER. P25N-29 So A, s LP25N-29 LP25N-6 S A, S LP25N-6 S S S S S S S S N"M�pealg AaWn oon VA%mpM"and 2 or�d�aloaT dd M tl%lMn�a nab If t1mbIt Sheet No. ENLARGED SECOND LEVEL B POWER A B 1 E 3.3 B SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' z GENERAL NOTES SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 SEE CONTINUATION ON SHEET E7.3 1. PROVIDE VERTICAL CABLE SUPPORT AS W A G N E R REQUIRED BY CODE. A R C H I I E C I S 2. BREAKERS TO BE SET PER COORDINATION P L A N N E R S STUDY. 1916 PIKE PLACE 3. FEEDERS MAY BE UPSIZED TO ACCOMODATE S E AT T L E WA 9 81 01 VOLTAGE DROP. PROVIDE LUGS TO ACCEPT 2 0 6 • 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 LARGER CONDUCTOR SIZES. wagnerarchitects . com 4. PROVIDE METERS PER 2021 WASHINGTON ENERGY CODE. END-USE METERING REQUIRED ��' J. CAD FOR HVAC LOADS, WATER HEATING LOADS, of w LIGHTING LOADS, PLUG LOADS, AND PROCESS LOADS. o � 53813 �O 5. PROVIDE SPD ON ALL EMERGENCY PANELS. ONIs AL 48,738A NEMA 3R 480V NEMA 3R 6. WIRING FOR SHAFT PRESSURIZATION SYSTEMS HL11N LCP1 5,297A 208Y/120V 3,083A LLJ L:-j AND ELEVATORS SHALL BE KEPT ENTIRELY 480/ 45KVA TO MDF TO MAIN INDEPENDENT OF ALL WIRING AND EQUIPMENT HPS1 LPS1 �g ROOM ELECTRICAL Z77V 480/ NEMA 3R 208Y/ ROOM AND SHALL NOT ENTER THE SAME RACEWAYS, Consultants: 125A 277V 45.H 451 120V CABLES, BOXES, AND CABINETS WITH OTHER MCB 100A 150A GENERAL WIRING. MCB T-LPS1 _ MCB CD CD #6 CU PLAN NOTES _ NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R 19,584A Q 208Y/120V 11,839A 5,828A 6,650A 4,897A 4,769A 3,615A 11,688A O PROVIDE BUSSMANN ELEVATOR DISCONNECT HM11S LP11S LP12S LP13S LP14S LP15S LP16S LP17S �s�� 300KVA #16 POWER MODULE SHUNT TRIP SWITCH WITH 480/ ® 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ DUAL-ELEMENT, TIME-DELAY TYPE FUSES. ENGINEERS 277V A300.H A3001 120V A150.4 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V CONNECT ELEVATOR SHUNT TRIP TO FIRE ALARM 600A 1000A 150A 150A 150A 150A 150A 225A SYSTEM. TRES WEST ENGINEERS, INC. MCB T-LP11S MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 #2/0 CU 2 ELEVATOR CONTROLLER SHALL BE RATED FOR TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 A150.4 AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT. THE CERTIFICATION Phone: 253.472.3300 A150.4 OF THE CONTROLLER'S SHORT-CIRCUIT www.treswest.com A150.4 CURRENT RATING (SCCR) TO MEET THE �G:1:50.4 z AVAILABLE FAULT CURRENT SHALL BE A225.4 EVALUATED BY A THIRD PARTY ENGINEER. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE 1#8G CONTROLLER'S INTERNAL OVERCURRENT K-13 PROTECTIVE DEVICE TYPES WITH ELEVATOR 1-1/2"C, 3#1, (2)2-1/2"C, 480V 1#8G 2#3/O, 1#3/OG 208Y/12oV CONTRACTOR AND ENGAGE A THIRD PARTY 100A(MIB) A 50KVA 2-1/2"C, ENGINEER FOR TESTING AND CERTIFYING. ^ OUTPUT UPS UPS 3-250KCM, LU11N LU12N m EATON EATON 2#4/0, 1#2G 208Y/ 208Y/ O3 PROVIDE REVERSE-FED CIRCUIT BREAKER FOR 93PM LI-ION 120V 100N 120V Q 1o0A(BIB) INPUT PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM. PHOTOVOLTAIC CD ^ 40KW BATT 150A SPD 100A SYSTEM TO BE CONNECTED TO THE BREAKER T-LU1 49,343A 480V CAB 1N MCB MCB K E 14 T FURTHEST FROM THE MAIN BREAKER. PROVIDE lei i UPS MBP 48,911A 48,648A UPS XFMR _#2 CU 1,922A 1,892A PERMANENT WARNING LABEL ADJACENT TO WAS H I N GTO" MAINT. BYPASS BACK-FED BREAKER FROM INVERTER SUPPLY 65kAIC STATING "WARNING: POWER SOURCE OUTPUT 480V NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R NEMA 3R CONNECTION - DO NOT RELOCATE THIS 1-1/2"C, 35,868A 2300KV0V 13,328A 6,654A 7,155A 5,317A 6,012A 13,166A 10,985A 13,022A OVERCURRENT DEVICE." KEHOC 1#8G HM11N 300KVA #15 LP11N LP12N LP13N LP14N LP15N LP16N LP17N LM11N 480/ 0 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208Y/ 208/ 4O OWNER METER PER 2021 WASHINGTON STATE Warehouse & Office 277V A300.H A300.L 120V A150.4 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V 120V ENERGY CODE. 600A 1000A 150A 150A 150A 150A 150A 150A 225A Building MCB T-LP11N MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB O5 EXISTING SERVICE GREEN BUILDING #210 CU A150.4 PANELBOARD. REMOVE NEUTRAL-GROUND BOND Q A150.4 FROM EXISTING PANEL. 12607 SE 248TH ST A150.4 O6 PROVIDE ARC FLASH ENERGY REDUCTION PER KENT, WA A150.4 NEC 240.87. 98030 A150.4 2,984A MCB A225.4 150A 120/ 5 CONSOLIDATED 240V GB1 SET ELEVATOR NEMA 3R 18,324A 20HP MINI 2"C OMCB ELEV A POWER JOB N0. 20223 3#1/OCU, ZONE Date Revisions 1#6G CU CTRL 120V 208Y/ MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 480V GEN 1 � 480v 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 120/240V o 208Y/120V 8 07,09.2024 GEAR REVISION 25KVA 30KVA NEMA 3R 10 100AS/ T-GEN1 OF 50AF SEE CONTINUATION T-GB1 11,662A #6 CU ON SHEET E7.1 — 0 #6 CU HH O Q 0� U) 0 J W W C) 1-1/2"C, o 0 o ui `� C) LU3#1 CU, N 0 0 v N C) 0 1#4G CU Q Q Q Q ¢ ONE-LINE DIAGRAM LL LL n n mca/) 4"C (TYP) 4 50,189A o 0 LO 0') (0 0 0 0 0 N c2 1?�; Q 1?�;Q Q M9� Q t?�;Q Q Q t?t t?�;Q Q Q 1?�;Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q )Q Q N mahstd bob omdkin the 0 o Q Q Q Q `1 Q .ork aT in°adime ma mar mtloded O )O O ,O O p�O O XO O )CD O XD N �O O )O O �O O �O O XO O �N N )O O p�O O �O O /� O O O Q CD CO Q CO M 7 N N N N 4 r- ~ r- r- CO Co 4 r- r- 4 CO Co 4 `t r- r- r- ~ I 4 4 O IMd.Or d0I0Md�101�UIs M�MII OplMlt 0� wwd NO. MDP1, 1600A, 480Y/277V, 30, 4W, 65kAIC 7. LEVEL 1 W A G N E R ARCHITECTS PLANNERS CIRCUIT LEGEND PANEL NAMING LEGEND 1 9 1 6 PIKE PLACE L P 1 1 SEATTLE WA 98101 3�, 4W(4 WIRES TOTAL)COPPER 3�, 4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL) COPPER 3�,4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM �# - PANEL NUMBER (1, 2, 3...) 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 CKT ID CKT CKT ID CKT CKT ID CKT wagnerarchitects . com RACEWAY/WIRE RACEWAY/WIRE RACEWAY/WIRE 1 /2/S - LEVEL IDENTIFIER (1, 2, SITE) O AMPS O AMPS O AMPS EV/ U / P/M /L - SYSTEM IDENTIFIER 50.4 I 1"C,4#6, #1OG I 50 - - - (EV/ UPS/ POWER/ MECH /LTG) - - - 60.4 1-1/4"C, 4#4,#1OG 60 - - - - I 1-1/4"C,4#4, #8G I 70 _ L/ H - VOLTAGE IDENTIFIER (L = 208/120, H =480/277) J. - - 70.4 - - - 100.4 2"C,4#1, #8G 100 A100.4 2 C, 4#1/0, #6G 100 g - - - 110.4 2"C,4#1, #6G 110 - - - PHOTOVOLTAIC ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS J, - - - 125.4 2"C,4#1, #6G 125 A125.4 2"C, 4#2/0, #4G 125 °i 1P� 53813 �O - - - 150.4 2"C, 4#1/0, #6G 150 A150.4 2"C, 4#3/0, #4G 150 ° GISTE�' SI � - - - 175.4 2"C, 4#2/0, #6G 175 A175.4 2-1/2"C,4#4/0, #4G 175 1. PV MODULES SHALL BE CONNECTED IN SERIES TO POWER ONAL - - - 200.4 2-1/2"C,4#3/0, #6G 200 A200.4 2-1/2"C, 4-250KCM, #4G 200 OPTIMIZERS. - - - 225.4 2-1/2"C,4#4/0, #4G 225 A225.4 2-1/2"C, 4-300KCM, #2G 225 2. POWER OPTIMIZERS SHALL BE CONNECTED IN SERIES. 3. PV MODULE TO POWER OPTIMIZER RATIO SHALL BE 2:1 OR 1:1 - 350.4 3-1/2' 4-500KCM, #3G 350 A350.4 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 4#4/0, #1/0 G] 350 BASED ON EVEN OR ODD QUANTITY OF MODULES PER STRING. Consultants: - - - 400.4 2-SETS [2-1/2"C,4#3/0, #3G] 400 A400.4 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 4-250KCM, #1/0 G] 400 4. INVERTER SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH ISOLATION MONITOR - - - 500.4 2-SETS [3"C, 4-250KCM, #2G] 500 A500.4 2-SETS [3"C,4-350KCM,#1/0 G] 500 INTERRUPTER FOR GROUND FAULT PROTECTION. - - - 600.4 2-SETS [3"C, 4-350KCM, #1G] 600 A600.4 2-SETS [3-1/2"C, 4-500KCM, #2/0 G] 600 5. RACEWAYS FOR PV STRINGS (WHERE APPLICABLE) SHALL NOT BE - - - 800.4 3-SETS [3"C, 4-300KCM, #1/0 G] 800 A800.4 3-SETS [3"C, 4-400KCM, #3/0 G] 800 SHARED WITH OTHER STRINGS. 6. PV MODULES SHALL BE CONNECTED TO INVERTER AS DESCRIBED t - - - 1000.4 3-SETS [4"C, 4-500KCM, #2/0 G] 1000 A1000.4 4-SETS [3"C,4-400KCM,#4/0 G] 1000 BELOW. - - - 1200.4 4-SETS [3"C,4-350KCM,#3/0 G] 1200 A1200.4 4-SETS [4"C,4-500KCM,#250KCM G] 12001600S 4-SETS [4"C, 4-600KCM] 1600 1600.4 4-SETS [4"C,4-600KCM,#4/0 G] 1600 VMMNE�W 2500S 6-SETS [4"C,4-600KCM] 2500 2500.4 6-SETS [4"C, 4-600KCM, 350KCM G] 2500 40K INVERTER: 3�,4W+G (6 WIRES TOTAL)COPPER(200% NEUTRAL) 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL) COPPER 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM CKTID CKT CKTID CKT CKTID CKT STRING#1: 29 MODULES/ 15 POWER OPTIMIZERS T R E S WEST ENGINEERS, INC. O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS STRING#2: 28 MODULES/ 14 POWER OPTIMIZERS 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 50N 1-1/4"C, 3#6, 1#3N, #10G 50 - _ _ STRING#3: 28 MODULES/ 14 POWER OPTIMIZERS TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 60N 1-1/4"C, 3#4, 1#1N #10G 60 60.3 1-1/4"C, 3#4, #10G 60 - - - Phone: 253.472.3300 www.treswest.com 10ON 1-1/2"C, 3#2, 1#2/ON,#8G 100 100.3 1-1/2"C, 3#1, #8G 100 A100.3 1-1/2"C, 3#1/0,#6G 100 125.3 1-1/2"C, 3#1, #6G 125 A125.3 2"C, 3#2/0, #4G 125 PV Electrical Calculations 175.3 2"C, 3#2/0, #6G 175 A175.3 2"C, 3#4/0, #4G 175 200.3 2"C, 3#3/0, #6G 200 A200.3 2-1/2"C, 3-250KCM, #4G 200 225.3 2"C, 3#4/0, #4G 225 A225.3 2-1/2"C, 3-300KCM, #2G 225 Site Conditions 350.3 3-1/2"C, 3-500KCM, #3G 350 A350.3 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3#4/0, #1/0 G] 350 ASHRAE Site: Seattle 400.3 2-SETS [2"C, 3#3/0, #3G] 400 A400.3 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3-250KCM, #1/0 G] 400 Temperature (OF): Temperature (oC): 500.3 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3-250KCM,#2G] 500 A500.3 2-SETS [3"C, 3-350KCM,#1/0 G] 500 Lowest Record Ambient: 14 -10.00 600.3 2-SETS [3"C, 3-350KCM, #1G] 600 A600.3 2-SETS [3"C, 3-500KCM,#2/0 G] 600 Average Record Ambient: 84 28.89 800.3 3-SETS [3"C, 3-300KCM, #1/0 G] 800 A800.3 3-SETS [3"C, 3-400KCM, #3/0 G] 800 Highest 2% Record Ambient: 91 32.78 1000.3 3-SETS [3"C, 3-500KCM, #2/0 G] 1000 A1000.3 4-SETS [3"C, 3-400KCM,#4/0 G] 1000 1200.3 4-SETS [3"C, 3-350KCM,#3/0 G] 1200 A1200.3 4-SETS [4"C, 3-500KCM,#250KCM G] 1200 Quantity of Max Amps Out Minimum OCPD 4040 Inverter Output Voltage Max Amps Out Watts Inverters Inverter OCPD Combined Combined _ KEN T 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM XFMR PRIMARY 3�,4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL)ALUMINUM XFMR SECONDARY Solaredge SE40KUS 480 V 48.25 A 40000 W 1 60 A W A 5 H 1 N G T O M CKTID FEED CKTID FEED RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS N/A 48 A 60 A A75.H 2"C, 3#2/0, #4G 135 A75.L 3"C, 4-300KCM, #1/0 G 230 N/A A150.H 2-1/2"C, 3-300KCM,#2G 230 A1501 2-SETS [3"C,4-350KCM,#3/0 G] 500 Open circuit KEHOC A225.H 2-SETS [2-1/2"C, 3#4/0, #1/0 G] 360 A2251 3-SETS [3"C,4-400KCM,#4/0 G] 810 Module Power Max power current Max power Open circuit Short circuit Temp. Coeff VOC voltage (Von) Warehouse & Office A300.H 2-SETS [3"C, 3-300KCM, #1/0 G] 460 A300.4L 4-SETS [3"C,4-400KCM,#4/0 G] 1080 Module (Pmax) (Imp) voltage (Vmp) voltage (Von): current(I5C) (%/K) adjusted: Building Q.Peak Duo L-G10.2 480 W 10.71 A 44.8 V 53.6 V 11.26 A -0.270% 58.7 V 8 3�, 3W+G (4 WIRES TOTAL) COPPER XFMR PRIMARY 3�,4W+G (5 WIRES TOTAL)COPPER XFMR SECONDARY CKTID FEED CKTID FEED 12607 SE 248TH ST 0 RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS O RACEWAY/WIRE AMPS 45.H 1-1/4"C, 3#4, #8G 70 45.L 2"C, 4#1/0, #6G 150 Max String Length KENT WA Min String Length � Max System Max Input Max Short circuit (Optimizers/ (Optimizers/ 98030 Optimizer Voltage Max Power(Pet,) Voltage (VDJ current(I5C) Modules) Modulesnotel,5) SolarEdge P1101 1000 V 1100 W 125.0 V 14.1 A 14/27 21/42 CONSOLIDATED METER LOAD TYPE SCHEDULE SET END-USE METERING LOGIC Water Minimum Cond. Minimum Cond. JOB NO. 20223 Meter Name HVAC Heating Lighting EVSE Plug Process PV UPS Owner HVAC= (OM7 -OM16)+ (OM9-OM15) + (OM10-OM17) Ampacity Before Ampacity After Wire Ampacity Date Revisions OM01 X X X X X X X Water Heating= Conductor Description: Circuit Currents Derating Deratingnote 4 Wire Type Wire Material Wire Guage @ 750C MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED OM02 X Lighting note 1 g g= (OM6 +OM11) PV Source (Module to Optimizer ): 14.1 A 17.6 A 24.3 A PV Wire 1000V CU 10 35 A 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 OM03 X X X X X X EVSE= (OM2) PV Output (Optimizer to Inverter note2,3): 14.1 A 17.6 A 24.3 A PV Wire 1000V CU 10 35 A p 8 07,09.2024-GEAR REVISION OM04 X Plug= (OM16+ OM15 + OM17) PV Output (Inverter to AC Panel): 48.3 A 60.3 A 50.3 A THHN,THWN-2 CU 4 85 A OM05 X Process = (OM12+ OM13) OM06 X PV= (OM14) OM07 X X UPS = (OM8) note 1: Current based on pair of wires between two Modules and one Optimizer connected in series. OM08 X note 2: Current based on largest PV string OM09 X X note 3: Each string will be connected directly to inverter. OM10 X X Note 1: Contains branch circuit meters. Coordinate end-use note 4:Minimum conductor ampacity derating based off#of current carrying conductors and ambient temperature with 90°C wire 0M11 X circuit load types prior to programming. note 5: Max string length only allowed when inverter is connected to 2 strings or more. OM12 X Sheet Contents OM13 X OM14 x Interconnection Calculation ONE-LINE DIAGRAM OM15 x BUILDING METERING LOGIC power source output circuit current: 48 A DETAILS OM16 OM17 X 125% of power source output current: 60 A Main Switchboard Main Breaker: 1600 A OM18 X Site = (0M1) Bus Rating: 1600 A OM19 X Maintenance = (OM3) 120% of Bus Rating 1920 A Shed — (OM4) Fuel Island = (OM5) 125% power source output current+ Main Breaker 1660 A Water Tower= (OM18) Complies with NEC 705.12(B)(3)(2) N Total 5 2 4 2 8 4 1 1 6 Green BuildingOM19 mmsa�pq�g hob omdvm r WPAMW d = ( ) od�nd yak aT iM aaieot ad not b.aora uNd,or d�aloMd sltliout tla rdMn aonaiR of Shoat No. E7 .0 PANEL LOCATION: ELEC/I.T. RM 121 480/277 VOLT 2500 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 65,000 A PANEL LOCATION: ELEC/I.T. RM 121 480/277 VOLT 1600 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 65,000 A MSB1 SERVING: 3 PHASE 2500 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: MDP1 SERVING: 3 PHASE 1600 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: W A G N E R FED FROM: UTILITY 4 WIRE MOUNTING: FLOOR FED FROM: MSB1 4 WIRE MOUNTING: FLOOR A R C H I T E C T S CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT PLANNER S 1 SPD (NOTE 1) D 0.000 /3 A 100/2 28.800 D WATER TOWER WT1 2 1 SPARE S - 200/3 A 400/3 242.248 P PANEL HM21N 2 3 - - - - B - - - (NOTE 2) 4 3 - - - - B - - - - 4 1 9 1 6 P I K E P L A C E 5 - - - - C - - S SPACE 6 5 - - - - C - - - - 6 SEATTLE WA 98101 7 PANEL HEV11 P 642.206 1000/3 A 400/3 - S SPARE 8 7 SPARE S - 200/3 A 125/3 17.219 P PANEL HL21 N 8 2 0 6 4 4 8 2 5 2 8 wagnerarchitects . com 9 - - - - B - - - - 10 9 - - - - B - - - - 10 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 13 PANEL MDP1 P 1091.911 1600/3 A - - S SPACE 14 13 PANEL HL11N P 20.078 125/3 A 70/3 22.447 M ELEVATOR 14 �s J. 15 - - - - B - - S SPACE 16 15 - - - - B - - - '20HP) 16 17 - - - - C - - S SPACE 18 17 - - - - C - - - - 18 19 PANEL HM11S P 281.749 60013 A 40013 - S SPARE 20 , PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 647.16 KVA PHASE B= 689.80 KVA PHASE C= 525.96 KVA 'OT rP� 53813 �9 21 - - - - B - - - - 22 0 G1STE� LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS 23 - - - 7 - C - - - - 24 �rsIONAL �1 PANEL MS131 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.80 KVA 34.64 AMP 25 LU11 N VIA UPS P 21.700 100/3 A 400/3 S SPARE 26 PANEL HEV11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 625.57 16.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 642.21 KVA 772.45 AMP 27 - - - - B - - - 28 PANEL MDP1 41.87 1 197.03 363.55 8.49 0.00 1 133.12 304.68 0.00 43.17 27.44 1 1,091.91 KVA 1,313.36 AMP 29 - - - - C - - - 30 Consultants: 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 31 PANEL HM11N P 445.497 600/3 A 90/3 12.172 P PANEL GEN1 32 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 33 - - - - B - - - (NOTE 2) 34 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 35 - - - - C - - - 36 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 37 SPARE S - 40013 A - S SPACE 38 eA A 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 39 - - - - B - S SPACE 40 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP 41 - - - - C - - S SPACE 42 1=ww CONN. LOAD 41.87 197.03 363.55 1 8.49 0.00 758.69 350.12 0.00 1 43.17 27.44 1,762.92 KVA 2,120.46 AMP 43 GREEN BUILDING G131 D 28.800 70/2 A /3 0.000 D SPD (NOTE 1) 44 mmm CALC. LOAD 1 52.34 1 103.52 363.55 8.49 0.00 948.36 350.12 0.00 43.17 1 6.86 1 1,876.40 KVA 2,256.96 AMP 45 (NOTE 2) - - - B - - - - 46 TRES WEST ENG I N E E R S, I N C. 47 SPACE S - - C - - - 48 2702 SOUTH 42ND STREET, SUITE 301 REQUIRED SERVICE-ENTRANCE RATED 49 SPACE S - - A 150/3 S SPARE 50 TACOMA, WA 98409-7315 OPTIONS: Phone: 253.472.3300 51 SPACE S - - B - _ _ 52 www.treswest.com NOTES: PANEL SHOWN FOR LOAD CALCULATION PURPOSES ONLY. SEE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ALL FEEDER BREAKERS. 53 SPACE S - - C - - - - 54 1) COORDINATE SPD BREAKER SIZE WITH MANUFACTURER. PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 415.92 KVA PHASE B= 359.39 KVA PHASE C= 316.61 KVA 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LOCKABLE PER NEC 450.14. BREAKER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION. PROVISIONS FOR LOCKING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT THE LOCK INSTALLED. THE LOCATION OF DISCONNECTING MEANS LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE TRANSFORMER. PANEL MDP1 0.00 0.00 22.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.80 0.00 0.00 22.45 61.25 KVA 61.64 AMP PANEL HL11 N 20.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.08 KVA 24.15 AMP PANEL HM11S 0.00 13.32 90.14 0.00 0.00 1 79.87 98.42 0.00 0.00 1 12.47 281.75 KVA 338.89 AMP PANEL LU11 N 0.00 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.70 KVA 26.10 AMP PANEL HM11 N 0.11 41.84 207.10 0.00 0.00 53.25 123.40 0.00 19.79 27.44 445.50 KVA 535.85 AMP PANEL GEN1 0.38 1 0.90 0.00 8.49 0.00 0.00 1 2.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 12.17 KVA 14.64 AMP �- PANEL HM21 N 4.08 138.27 43.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.66 0.00 23.37 2.73 242.25 KVA 291.38 AMP `�.-_ f r/E14 T PANEL H L21 N 17.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.22 KVA 20.71 AMP vt A 5 H I N G T Ir PANEL LOCATION: 4801277 VOLT 1200 AMP BUS RATING SCCR: 50,000 A 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP HEV11 SERVING: 3 PHASE 1000 AMP MAIN BREAKER AFC: 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP FED FROM: MSB1 4 WIRE MOUNTING: SURFACE 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP KEHOC 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP CKT LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE KVA A/P PHASE A/P KVA TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION CKT 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP Warehouse & Office 1 PANEL LEV11 P 89.856 225/3 A 100/3 66.511 EV CHARGEPOINT CPE250#1 2 3 (NOTE 2) _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ 4 CONN. LOAD 41.87 197.03 363.55 8.49 0.00 133.12 304.68 0.00 43.17 27.44 1,091.91 KVA 1,313.36 AMP Building CALC. LOAD 52.34 103.52 363.55 8.49 0.00 166.40 1 304.68 0.00 43.17 6.86 1,049.00 KVA 1,261.75 AMP 5 - - - - C - - 6 7 PANEL LEV12 P 59.904 225/3 A 100/3 66.511 EV SPARE FUTURE CPE250#2 (NOTE 1) 8 12607 SE 248TH ST 9 (NOTE 2) - - - B - - - 10 REQUIRED OPTIONS: KENT, WA 11 - - - - C - - - - 12 13 PANEL LEV13 P 66.560 225/3 A 100/3 S SPARE 14 NOTES: PANEL SHOWN FOR LOAD CALCULATION PURPOSES ONLY. SEE ONE-LINE DIAGRAM FOR ALL FEEDER BREAKERS. 98030 15 (NOTE 2) - - - B - - 16 1) COORDINATE SPD BREAKER SIZE WITH MANUFACTURER. 17 - - - C - - 18 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LOCKABLE PER NEC 450.14. BREAKER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION. 19 SPARE S - 225/3 A - S SPACE 20 PROVISIONS FOR LOCKING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT THE LOCK INSTALLED. THE LOCATION OF DISCONNECTING MEANS CONSOLIDATED 21 - - - - B - S SPACE 22 SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE TRANSFORMER. 23 - - - - C - S SPACE 24 SET 25 SPARE S - 225/3 A - S SPACE 26 27 - - - - B - S SPACE 28 29 - - - - C - S SPACE 30 JOB N0. 20223 Date Ra feiom 31 SPARE S - 225/3 A - S SPACE 32 MARCH 19,2024-NOTICE TO PROCEED 33 - - - - B - - S SPACE 34 35 - - - - C - S SPACE 36 06.05.2024-REVISION 6 37 SPARE EV CAPACITY(NOTE 1) EV 292.864 /3 A - S SPACE 38 39 (44 208V, 1-PHASE 40A CIRCUIT - - - B - S SPACE 40 41 CHARGERS) - - C - S SPACE 42 PHASE LOAD PHASE A= 216.84 KVA PHASE B= 216.01 KVA PHASE C= 209.35 KVA LOAD TYPE L R M H WH EV D A K LM TOTAL LOADS PANEL HEV11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 425.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 425.89 KVA 512.26 AMP PANEL LEV11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.22 16.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.86 KVA 108.08 AMP PANEL LEV12 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.90 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 59.90 KVA 72.05 AMP Shed Cow PANEL LEV13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 66.56 KVA 80.06 AMP PANEL SCHEDULES 0.00 KVA 0.00 AMP CONN. LOAD 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 1 0.00 625.57 16.64 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 642.21 KVA 772.45 AMP CALC. LOAD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 781.96 1 16.64 1 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 798.60 KVA 960.56 AMP REQUIRED NEMA-3R ENCLOSURE OPTIONS: NOTES: 1) LOAD INCLUDED FOR SPARE CAPACITY PURPOSES ONLY. 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SHALL BE LOCKABLE PER NEC 450.14. BREAKER SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION. N mv bff&aaaehttomodimad ft PROVISIONS FOR LOCKING SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE WITH OR WITHOUT THE LOCK INSTALLED. THE LOCATION OF DISCONNECTING MEANS a yK W d� Mb't SHALL BE IDENTIFIED ON THE TRANSFORMER. PANEL SCHEDULE INDEX Sheet No. PANEL NAME PANEL NAME MSB1 MDP1 E9.0 HEV11 - T ® 8 cne p:3'gl NMI H @w GG gym! C) 14, a�g�a e � g [ww£'-1 Z9'BZ b. (ww 8'8991 ZL'LZ (ww 8'1E19Z'4 b88L-W9'blA 3WStl HLLM 39Ntl080'J�tl NI a3139d831N139 15NOISN3W10 301SNI Iww 9 M)00'LZ E o % o E E O O [ww 0 l 1L188'LZ E E z i E E E E E E E i tO tO °0 E E 3019N1 Iww Z'Bf 4186'S ['1w 9'OZL1 LE'BZ [ww f'ZSLI Z9'BZ 301SNI Iww 9'9641 LL'9 O O E E d EZ89909�3� EBlLSO GOINEG-Alt-Date: Job Name: SE771127X3K5-0010-6/18/2024 City of Kent-Kent East Hill Operations Center(KEHOC)Warehou: Item Number: Catalog Number: Designation: 072 � ES3T11R11RI'MB Elevator Disconnect General Information: Elevator Control Switches Elevator Control Switch: 100A,3-Pole,600VAC (ES3T1 R1 RF3NB) Industrial Control Transformer 100VA,48OV:120V Pilot Light"ON":Red Three Pole Fire Alarm Voltage Monitoring Relay NEMA 1 Enclosure Additional auxiliary contacts-1 NO/1 NC(Total:2 NO/2 NC) Isolated Full Capacity Neutral Lug 95-1811 -Technical Data Sheet The information on this document is PREPARED BY DATE created by Eaton Corporation.It is Janene D Larson 6/18/2024 Eaton disclosed in confidence and it is only to be used for the purpose in which it is APPROVED BY DATE JOB NAME supplied. DESIGNATION Elevator Disconnect VERSION TYPE DRAWING TYPE Elevator Control Switches CustomerAppr. NEG-ALT Number REVISION DWG SIZE G.O. ITEM SHEET SE771127X3K5-0010 0 A 072 1 of1 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #156 - CCD-027 - RFI-132 - Urinal & Water Closet Flush Valve Change Origin: RFI#132: Urinal&Water Closet Flush Valve Change Date Created: 10/9/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 22-100-000.S Pipe Construction,Inc. Is 1.0 $46,528.00 $46,528.00 $46,528.00 $46,528.00 1.0 $46,528.00 $46,528.00 $46,528.00 $0.00 Plumbing.Commitments- 24057-4002 Subcontracts Description: Flush Valve and Faucet Changes 01-450-120.S hours 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 4.0 $200.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 10/25/2024 at 07:53AM PDT Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 01-740-125.130 Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster Grand Totals $48,018.00 $48,018.00 $48,018.00 $48,018.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $48,018.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 10/25/2024 at 07:53AM PDT Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 156 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-027 Work Description:CCD-027-RFI-132-Urinal&Water Closet Flush Valve Change Date: 9/4/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Pipe-Flush Valve and Faucet Changes 1 LS $ $ $ 46,528.00 $ 46,528 $ 46,528 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ I$ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ff $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 580 $ $ 110 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 48,018 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 7,203 GRAND TOTAL Is 55,221 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 10/25/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: X OWNER CHANGE ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-027 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent, WA 98030 DATE: 10/22/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island,WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s)in this Contract: 1 Change Urinal&Water Closet flush valves per RFI#132 Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor, this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s) described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive(CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Place#221 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street 3- .4 9 Kent, WA 98032 Mercer Island, WA 98040 BY G�!/� �/ BY � DATE 10/22/24 DATE `0� BATE 10.22.2024 RCW 39.04.360 Requires change orders to be issued within 30 days of their MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS completion. Failure to issue will result in interest accruing at 1% per month. • Change Order Summary Sheet • Project Name: KEHOC Pipe COP No. PC24-360.013 Project No. 24-360 Source Documents: RFI 132 Date: 8/20/2024 Contractor: Bayley Construction Contractor Ref.No. Description: Flush valve and faucet changes per RFI 132 1. CRAFT LABOR COSTS Itemize all costs on attached COP Cost Breakdown form. Direct Labor Costs: a. crew(apprentices,journeymen,&laborers) $ 7,350.50 b. foreman $ - c. lead foreman $ - DIRECT LABOR SUBTOTAL $ 7,350.50 Supervision: d. direct supervison(NTE 15%of 1a) $ 1,102.58 e. safety(NTE 2%of lines la,b,&c) $ 147.01 1.CRAFT LABOR COSTS $ 8,600.00 2. MATERIAL COSTS a. material costs $ 30,312.72 b. freight costs(itemize) $ 2. MATERIAL COSTS $ 30,313.00 3. EQUIPMENT COSTS a. owned equipment(per spec approved source) $ b. rental equipment(per invoices attached) $ 3.EQUIPMENT COSTS $ - 4. Consumables a. Consumables(NTE 5%of 2a) $ 367.53 4.CONSUMABLES $ 368.00 SUBTOTAL 1 thru 4 $ 39,281. 0] 5. OVERHEAD&PROFIT a. NTE 15%portion of 1,2,3,&4 $ 5,892.15 5.OVERHEAD&PROFIT $ 5,892.00 6. SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. $ b. $ C. $ d. $ 6.SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ 7. OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS a. NTE 5%of Line 6 for each sub $ 7.OVERHEAD&PROFIT ON SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS $ - & INSURANCE a. liability insurance 3.00 %of 1-7 $ 1,355.19 8.INSURANCE $ 1,355.00 9. BOND a. bond 0.00 IN,of 1-8 $ - 9. B Form Revised 1/28/2019 This change adds 0 calender day extension TOTAL C T $ 46,528.00 COP Cost Breakdown lPi • - Construction Unit Labor Material Equipment Total Description Quantity Type Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Unit$ Cost Cost P-1/P-1A Flush Valve 20 $ - $550.48 $ 11,009.60 $ - $ 11,009.60 P-2/P-2A Flush valve 13 $ - $544.80 $ 7,082.40 $ - $ 7,082.40 P-3/P-3A Faucet 7 $ - $640.59 $ 4,484.13 $ - $ 4,484.13 P-3B/P-3C Faucet 10 $ - $640.59 $ 6,405.90 $ - $ 6,405.90 P-10 Faucet 3 $ - $771.33 $ 2,313.99 $ - $ 2,313.99 P-14/P-14A Faucet 8 $ - $1,007.34 $ 8,058.72 $ - $ 8,058.72 Credit P-1/P-1A Flush Valve -20 $ - $133.99 $ (2,679.80) $ - $ (2,679.80) P-2/P-2A Flush Valve -13 $ - $133.99 $ (1,741.87) $ - $ (1,741.87) P-3/P-3A Faucet -7 $ - $132.90 $ (930.30) $ - $ (930.30) P-3B/P-3C Faucet -10 $ - $120.36 $ (1,203.60) $ - $ (1,203.60) P-10 Faucet -3 $ - $218.71 $ (656.13) $ - $ (656.13) P-14/P-14A -8 $ - $228.79 $ (1,830.32) $ - $ (1,830.32) OT Premium $ - 120.50*1.5=180.75 $ - 180.75-120.5=60.25 0 hr 60.25 $ - $ - Labor Subtotal Is - Superintendent hr 139.82 $ - Lead Foreman hr 128.34 $ - Journeyman Plumber 61 hr 120.50 $ 7,350.50 $ - $ $ 7,350.50 BIM Modeling hr 116.16 $ - - Total Cost of Work Form Revised 2/27/2020 1$ 7,350.50 $ 30,312.72 $ - $ 37,663.22 .013,RFI 132 Flush Valve and Faucet changes.xlsx Page of Issued 8/20/2024 AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #132: Urinal & Water Closet Flush Valve Change Status Closed on 08/16/24 To Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) Planners) 8005 SE 28th Street Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) Mercer Island,Washington 98040 (Response Required) Date Initiated Aug 7,2024 Due Date Aug 21,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P0.2 Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 08:36 PM PDT RFI#132-Urinal&Water Closet Flush Valve Change Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Aug 7, 2024 at 04:05 PM PDT Per notification to the contractor from the architect,the electrical design allowed for motion detected flush valves for the urinals and water closets,but the plumbing design specified manual flush valves. If the owner and design team would like motion detected flush valves,please specify a new product in lieu of the fixtures shown on the plumbing fixture schedule,sheet P0.2. Official Response Response from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Friday,Aug 16, 2024 at 12:38 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Thursday,Aug 15, 2024 at 08:52 AM PDT See attached response Attachments KEHOC-132-Urinal_amp_Water_Closet_Flush_Valve_Change-2024-08-07.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 08:36 PM PDT AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #132: Urinal & Water Closet Flush Valve Change Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Aug 7,2024 Due Date Aug 21,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number P0.2 Reference Linked Drawings Received From Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.), Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Brandon Crain(Pavement Markings),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost (Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg (Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving& Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.) ,Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC),Brian Henderson(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Chris Hansen (SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Nathan Harper (City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO),Jason Howard(SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC), Ryan Jackson (Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) ,Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All- Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical), Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Aug 7,2024 04:08 PM PDT RFI#132-Urinal&Water Closet Flush Valve Change Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday,Aug 7, 2024 at 04:05 PM PDT Per notification to the contractor from the architect,the electrical design allowed for motion detected flush valves for the urinals and water closets,but the plumbing design specified manual flush valves. If the owner and design team would like motion detected flush valves,please specify a new product in lieu of the fixtures shown on the plumbing fixture schedule,sheet P0.2. Awaiting an Official Response Provide the following hard wired electric hands free fixtures P-1/1A: Sloan 111 ESS-1.28-TMO, flush valve P-2/2A: Sloan Royal 186 ESS-0.125-TMO, flush valve P-3/3A/3B/3C: Sloan ETF-880-4-BOX-BDT-CP-0.5GPM-MLM-FCT faucet P-10: Sloan ETF-500-BOX-BDM-CP-2.2GPM-LAM-S-FCT faucets P-14/A: (except in kitchen 202): Sloan ETF-700-8-BOX-ADM-CP-1.5GPM-SHR-S-FCT Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Aug 7,2024 04:08 PM PDT SLOAN@ SENSOR FLUSHOMETER SLOAN. SLOAN 111 ESS-1.28-TMO CODE NUMBER 3770037 DESCRIPTION 1.28 gpf, Polished Chrome Finish, Fixture Connection Top Spud,Single , Flush,True Mechanical Override, Hardwired,Sensor-Operated, 24V, u ,— Sloan® Exposed Sensor Hardwired Water Closet Flushometer. DETAILS • Flush Volume: 1.28 gpf(4.8 Lpf) • Finish: Polished Chrome(CP) • Power Type: Hardwired • Valve: Diaphragm • Valve Body Material: Semi-red Brass • Fixture Type:Water Closet COMPLIANCES & CERTIFICATIONS • Fixture Connection:Top Spud GREEN • Rough-In Dimension: 11 1/2" (292mm) ��, BREEAM' N. c c � . • Spud Coupling: 1 1/z" (38mm) """° • Supply Pipe: 1" (25mm) • Override:True Mechanical (TMO) ® pSL B'S • Voltage: 24V (ADA Compliant, BAA Compliant, BABAA Compliant, BREEAM FEATURES Water Credit, cUPC Green Certified,cUPC Certified, UL • Flush volumes start as low as 1.28 gpf/4.8 Lpf Certified, UPC Certified,Green Globes Water Credit, LEED V4 • Courtesy FlushTM Non-Hold-Open True Mechanical Override Water Efficiency Credit,WaterSense Listed, Satisfies LEED • Water conservation is aided by the ADA-compliant, non-hold-open Credits) handle,which prevents toilet from exceeding intended flush volume RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION • Integrity of the product is maintained with the vandal-resistant stop Valve Body,Cover,Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in cap conformance with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red • Durability is facilitated with high copper, low zinc brass castings for Brass.Valve shall be in compliance with the applicable dezincification resistance sections of ASSE 1037 and ANSI/ASME 112.19.2. • Adjustable tailpiece to accommodate different height requirements ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS • Dual-Filtered Fixed Bypass Diaphragm • Valve body,Cover,Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in • Arming Delay: 16 seconds compliance with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass • Control Circuit: Solid State/24 VAC Input/24 VAC Output • Valve shall be in compliance to the applicable sections of ASSE • Flush Delay: 3s 1037. • Self-Adaptive Window: ±10 • Sensor Range: 22"-42" (559-1,067mm) VIDEOS • Solenoid Operator: 24 VAC ESS Flushometer • Transformers(specify separately): a 0345154 0 0345999 VALVE OPERATING PRESSURE (FLOWING) 15-80 PSI (103-552 kPa). Specific fixtures may require greater minimum flowing pressure-consult manufacturer requirements. DOWNLOADS • Sloan/Regal Concealed and Exposed Sensor Installation Instructions • Control Stop Repair and Maintenance Guide • Flush Connections Flanges Repair and Maintenance Guide • Tail Piece Repair and Maintenance Guide Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329•sloan.com Code 3770037 • Downloaded 08/14/24• Revised 06/21/24•View Latest Version Page 1 of 2 SLOAN@ SENSOR FLUSHOMETER SLOAN. SLOAN 111 ESS-1.28-TMO • Optima ESS Repair and Maintenance Guide • Optima ESS TMO Concealed Repair and Maintenance Guide • Additional Downloads NOTES All information contained within this document subject to change without notice. Looking for other variations of the SLOAN 111 ESS product? View the general spec sheet with all options. WaterSense compliant when used with a WaterSense compliant fixture WARRANTY View Warranty Information ROUGH-IN 2114" M I N. 2314" 43/4" (57 mm) (70 mm) (121 mm) I SENSOR 1" I.P.S. I PLATE SUPPLY I (DN 25 mm) 11I2" (38 mm) C/L OF 19 t OVER-RIDE (483 mm) SUPPLY CIL of 11112" ELECTRICAL C/L OF ELEC. (292 mm) BOX BOX& FIXTURE TOP OF FIXTURE t Position of Sensor Box can be raised or lowered 1"(25 mm) if in conflict with Handicap Grab Bars. Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329 •sloan.com Code 3770037 • Downloaded 08/14/24• Revised 06/21/24 •View Latest Version Page 2 of 2 ROYAL® SENSOR FLUSHOMETER SLOAN. ROYAL 186 ESS-0.125-TMO CODE NUMBER 3452643 DESCRIPTION I T 0.125 gpf, Dual-Filtered Bypass, Polished Chrome Finish, Fixture Connection Top Spud, Single Flush,3/4" Control Stop,True Mechanical � � Override, Hardwired,Sensor-Operated, 24V, Royal® Exposed Sensor Hardwired Urinal Flushometer. DETAILS • Flush Volume: 0.125 gpf(0.5 Lpf) • Finish: Polished Chrome(CP) • Power Type: Hardwired • Valve: Diaphragm • Bypass: Dual-Filtered Bypass COMPLIANCES & CERTIFICATIONS • Valve Body Material: Semi-red Brass GREEN UE • Fixture Type: Urinal * "P / eaen Bl EEAM c Pc® c� � • Fixture Connection:Top Spud v • Rough-In Dimension: 11 1/2" (292mm) O • Spud Coupling: /4" (19mm) 5�OeES • Supply Pipe: 3/4" (19mm) • Override:True Mechanical (TMO) (ADA Compliant, BAA Compliant, BABAA Compliant, BREEAM • Control Stop: 3/4" Water Credit, cUPC Green Certified,cUPC Certified, UL • Voltage: 24V Certified,Green Globes Water Credit, LEED V4 Water Efficiency Credit,WaterSense Listed, Satisfies LEED Credits) FEATURES RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION • PERMEX@ Synthetic Rubber Diaphragm with Dual Filtered Fixed Valve Body,Cover,Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in Bypass conformance with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red • Handle Packing, Main Seat, Stop Seat and Vacuum Breaker Molded Brass.Valve shall be in compliance with the applicable from PERMEX® Rubber Compound for Chloramine resistance sections of ASSE 1037 and ANSI/ASME 112.19.2. • User friendly three(3)second Flush Delay • Sweat solder adapter with cover tube and cast wall flange with set ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS screw • Arming Delay: 8 seconds • OPTIMA® EL-1500 Self-Adaptive Infrared Sensor with Indicator Light • Control Circuit: 24 VAC Input/24 VAC Output/Solid State • "Walk By" Delay of Eight(8) Seconds Prevents Unintentional • Flush Delay: is Flushes • Self-Adaptive Window: ±8 • Non-Hold-Open True Mechanical Override • Sensor Range: 15"-30" (381-762mm) • Non-Hold-Open Integral Solenoid Operator, Fixed Metering Bypass • Solenoid Operator: 24 VAC and No External Volume Adjustment to Ensure Water Conservation • Transformers(specify separately): • Courtesy FlushTM Non-Hold-Open True Mechanical Override o 0345154 • High Back Pressure Vacuum Breaker Flush Connection with One- o 0345999 Piece Bottom Hex Coupling Nut,Spud Coupling and Flange for 3/4" Top Spud VALVE OPERATING PRESSURE (FLOWING) • 3/4" I.P.S. Screwdriver Bak-ChekO Angle Stop with Vandal Resistant 15-80 PSI (103-552 kPa). Specific fixtures may require greater Stop Cap minimum flowing pressure-consult manufacturer requirements. VIDEOS DOWNLOADS OESS Flushometer • Royal ESS TMO Installation Instructions O PVD Special Finishes • Royal ESS Concealed and Exposed Installation Instructions • Control Stop Repair and Maintenance Guide • Flush Connections Flanges Repair and Maintenance Guide • Tail Piece Repair and Maintenance Guide • Optima ESS Repair and Maintenance Guide Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329•sloan.com Code 3452643 • Downloaded 08/14/24• Revised 06/21/24•View Latest Version Page 1 of 2 ROYAL® SENSOR FLUSHOMETER SLOAN. ROYAL 186 ESS-0.125-TMO • Flushometer Pressure gauges • Additional Downloads NOTES All information contained within this document subject to change without notice. Looking for other variations of the ROYAL 186 ESS product? View the general spec sheet with all options. WaterSense compliant when used with a WaterSense compliant fixture WARRANTY View Warranty Information ROUGH-IN -1/4" CLOF 4-814" (57 mm) ELEC. (121 mm SUPPLY 2-814" (20 mm DN) (70 mm) 1 -112" (88 mm) I". F"IT'M.0. CLOF UPPLY mm) � OF FIXTURE F__ TOP OF (22 mm FI)CTURE + 1-11 ° (88 mm) Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329•sloan.com Code 3452643 • Downloaded 08/14/24• Revised 06/21/24•View Latest Version Page 2 of 2 OPTIMA@ SENSOR FAUCET SLOAN. ETF-500-BOX-BDM-CP-2.2GPM-LAM-S-FCT CODE NUMBER 3365346BT DESCRIPTION Bluetooth, Box Transformer Power Supply, Below Deck Manual Mixing Valve, Polished Chrome Finish,2.2 gpm, Laminar Spray, Infrared Sensor,Optima@ Hardwired-Powered Wall-Mounted Gooseneck Body. DETAILS • Flow Rate: 2.2 gpm(8.3 Lpm) (2.2GPM) • Spray Type: Laminar(LAM) • Spout Type: Surgical Bend(S) • Sensor Type: Infrared - • Mounting Type: Single Hole • Mounting Size: Single Hole 1", Panel Mount: 5/8" 83/16" 11/8" • Power Supply: Box Transformer(BOX) (208 mm) (29 mm) • Temperature Mixer: Below Deck Manual Mixing Valve(BDM) • Finish: Polished Chrome(CP) • Factory Default Timeout: 30 seconds 123/81, • Factory Default Gallons per Cycle: 1.1 (314 mm) FEATURES 17/81, ADA Compliant,Water Usage and Battery Strength Reporting, (48 mm) Wireless Settings Adjustment,Commercial Grade Faucet, Integrated Water Shut-off, Hygienic Line Flush,On-demand or Metered 5° Activation, Self-adapting Sensor,Cast Brass Spout,Quick Connect —4— Fittings 11/81, 63/4" (29 mm) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (171 mm) • Battery Life: 3 years 8,000 cycles/month -- o Optional power harvesting significantly extends service life J 21�2� • Sensor Range:4"-5" (102-127mm) 1" (25 mm)Minimum (64 mm) • Timeout Adjustment Settings: 30s Diameter Hole Required i POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS • 6VDC Plug Adapter(included with PLG models),0362006 COMPLIANCES & CERTIFICATIONS ow..no ow.eno • 6VDC Ganged Adapter Kit(up to 6 units)(sold separately), //� "Pc N 0362035* V ASME c o o c • 24VAC Box Transformer(included with BOX models),0345370PK *when converting units to hardwired with battery back-ups VIDEOS OSloan Connect App® ' Sloan Optima Below Deck Faucet (ADA Compliant,ASME A112.18.1 Compliant,cUPC Certified, UL Certified, UPC Certified, UPC Low Lead Compliant, cUPC Low Lead Compliant, EPD, HPD, IAPMO,WaterSense Listed, NSF-61, DOWNLOADS Proposition 65,TAS,WELL Building Standard) • Optima Smart Faucet Below Deck Installation Instructions • Trim Plate Guide RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION • Faucet Spray Heads Repair and Maintenance Guide Faucet shall include cast brass body,quick-connect fittings, twist-off/shut-off solenoid assembly, removable battery • Maintenance S and EBF 550/550 S Below Deck Repair and cartridge,flexible power supply and allow adjustment of Maintenance Guide settings wirelessly via Apple or Android smartphones. • Additional Downloads Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329•sloan.com Code 3365346BT• Downloaded 08/14/24 • Revised 02/05/24•View Latest Version Page 1 of 2 OPTIMA@ SENSOR FAUCET SLOAN. ETF-500-BOX-BDM-CP-2.2GPM-LAM-S-FCT NOTES All information contained within this document subject to change without notice. Looking for other variations of the ETF-500 product?View the general spec sheet with all options. Find a matching soap dispenser for this faucet. Find a compatible sink for this faucet. WARRANTY View Warranty Information ROUGH-IN i-Flexible Faucet tFleible Faucet Faucet �IrFleXloe Suppl Supply Sup* Hose Hose Hose Hose Quick Connect Quick Connect Quick Connect Clip Clip Clip Manifold I Manifold Man'rfold Assembly Assembly Quick Connect Assembly 1 y dip Quick Connect Clip Quick Connect clip Single Inlet Double Inlet—� Single Inlet--� Flter Assembly , � R(NotSupplil Filter Assembly (Not Supplied)ply Tube Filter Assembly .-Stops Swlvel Fitting ® swivel Fitting—� R 3/4"SuDD Tub L� (Notsupplied) N e L (Nat Supplied) Mechaniral� R3l4"Supply Tube Thermostatic. R3(4"SuppN Tube ® ® (Not Supplied Mixing Valve ® (Not Supplied) ® Mixing Valve , �r stops ® Stops //(//� a-Stops (Not Supplied) p� ,��, Mot Supplied} U 3/4"Supply Tube Mot Supplied) R3/4"Suplied)ply (Not Supplied) / (Not Supplied) ® F o Stops Stops /�-&i (Not Supplied) P� (Not supplied) �`' Double Inlet Filter Fitting Single Inlet Filter Fitting Kit with Below Deck Manual Mixing Valve(BDM) Single Inlet Filter Fitting Kit with Below Deck Thermostatic Mixing Valve(BDT) Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329 •sloan.com Code 3365346BT• Downloaded 08/14/24 • Revised 02/05/24 •View Latest Version Page 2 of 2 OPTIMA@ SENSOR FAUCET SLOAN. ETF-700-8-BOX-ADM-CP-I.5GPM-SHR-S-FCT CODE NUMBER 3365209BT DESCRIPTION Bluetooth,8"Trim Plate, Box Transformer Power Supply,Above Deck Mixer, Polished Chrome Finish, 1.5 gpm,Shower Head Spray, Infrared Sensor,Optima@ Hardwired-Powered Deck-Mounted Gooseneck Body. DETAILS • Flow Rate: 1.5 gpm (5.7 Lpm) (1.5GPM) • Spray Type: Shower Head (SHR) • Spout Type: Surgical Bend (S) ®I • Sensor Type: Infrared • Mounting Type: 8"Centerset Variation not shown: 4"Trim Plate • Mounting Size: Single Hole 1-1/4"to 1-1/2" • Trim Plate: 8" (203mm)(8) • Power Supply: Box Transformer(BOX) 87/16" • Temperature Mixer:Above Deck Mixer(ADM) (215 mm) • Finish: Polished Chrome(CP) • Factory Default Timeout: 30 seconds • Factory Default Gallons per Cycle: 0.75 FEATURES 121/4" ADA Compliant,Water Usage and Battery Strength Reporting, (311 mm) Wireless Settings Adjustment,Commercial Grade Faucet, Integrated O Water Shut-off, Hygienic Line Flush,On-demand or Metered Activation, Self-adapting Sensor,Cast Brass Spout,Quick Connect Fittings ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 50 • Battery Life: 3 years 8,000 cycles/month o Optional power harvesting significantly extends service life 67/s" • Sensor Range: 8"-10" (203-254mm) (175 mm) • Timeout Adjustment Settings: 30s POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS • 6VDC Plug Adapter(included with PLG models),0362006 COMPLIANCES & CERTIFICATIONS • 6VDC Ganged Adapter Kit(up to 6 units)(sold separately), �p 0362035* Pc T �Pc �Po "Po• 24VAC Box Transformer(included with BOX models),0345370PK .I ASME c ® ® o c *when converting units to hardwired with battery back-up VIDEOS Sloan Connect App@ O Sloan Optima Below Deck Faucet (ADA Compliant,ASME A112.18.1 Compliant,CEC Compliant, cUPC Certified, UL Certified, UPC Certified, UPC Low Lead DOWNLOADS Compliant, cUPC Low Lead Compliant, EPD, HPD, IAPMO, • Optima Smart Faucet Below Deck Installation Instructions WaterSense Listed, NSF-61, Proposition 65,TAS,WELL Building • Trim Plate Guide Standard) • Faucet Spray Heads Repair and Maintenance Guide RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATION • ETF-700/700-S and EBF-750/750-S Below Deck Repair and Faucet shall include cast brass body,quick-connect fittings, Maintenance Guide twist-off/shut-off solenoid assembly, removable battery • Additional Downloads cartridge,flexible power supply and allow adjustment of Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329•sloan.com Code 3365209BT• Downloaded 08/14/24 • Revised 02/05/24•View Latest Version Page 1 of 2 OPTIMA@ SENSOR FAUCET SLOAN. ETF-700-8-BOX-ADM-CP-I.5GPM-SHR-S-FCT settings wirelessly via Apple or Android smartphones. NOTES All information contained within this document subject to change without notice. Looking for other variations of the ETF-700 product?View the general spec sheet with all options. Find a matching soap dispenser for this faucet. Find a compatible sink for this faucet. WARRANTY View Warranty Information ROUGH-IN i-Flexible Faucet tFlerible Faucet Faucet t Supply Supply SupplySupply Hose Hose Hose Quick Connect - Quick Connect Quick C4--p� -Cllp _ Clip / CllpManifoltl� Manifolds ManifolAssembly Assembly Quick Connect AssemGip Quick Connect Clip Quick Connect Clip Single Inlet Double Inlet--♦ ®� R3/4"Supply Tube Single Inlet Filter Assembly Filter Assembly (Not Supplied) Filter Assembly Stops Swivel Fitting ® Swivel Fitting—� �3M"Suppy Tube (Not Supplied) (Not Supplied♦ Mechanical ®®� R3/4"Supply Tube Thermosttatic—�- F3/4"Suppy Tube ® (Not Supplieci Mixing Valve (Not Supplied) ® Mixing Valve . [q_Q _4-stop ® SV�ps /////� r Stops � ^/ Mot supplied Suppy Tube Supply Tube) (Not Supplied) U �,-� (Not Supplied) R3/4" �LJ (Not Supplied) ® (Not Supplied( ® stops tops (Not Supplied) (Not Supplied) L' Double Inlet Filter Fitting Single Inlet Filter Fitting Kit with Below Deck Manual Mixing Valve(BDM) Single Inlet Filter Fitting Kit with Below Deck Thermostatic Mixing Valve fBDT) Sloan 10500 Seymour Ave, Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone:800.982.5839 • Fax:800.447.8329•sloan.com Code 3365209BT• Downloaded 08/14/24 • Revised 02/05/24•View Latest Version Page 2 of 2 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #178 - RFI-151 - Wall Clarifications Origin: RFI#151:Wall Clarifications Date Created: 11/13/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Change Order Request Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 09-210-160.S Expert Drywall Inc Is 1.0 $23,748.00 $23,748.00 $23,748.00 1.0 $23,748.00 $23,748.00 $23,748.00 $0.00 Gypsum Board 24057-4054 Assemblies.Commitment s-Subcontracts Description: RFI-151 Additional Framing 01-450-120.S Is 1.0 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 1.0 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 $0.00 Surveyor.Commitments- Subcontracts Description: Layout 03-100-0201 hours 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 4.0 $95.00 $380.00 $380.00 $0.00 Concrete Foreman.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Foreman 01-740-0991 hours 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 4.0 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 Weekly cleanup.Labor and Labor Tax Description: Cleanup 01-740-125.PO Is 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 1.0 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 2 Printed on: 11/13/2024 at 03:13PM PST Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. Du mpsters.Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Dumpster 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $3,786.00 $3,786.00 $3,786.00 1.0 $3,786.00 $3,786.00 $3,786.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $29,024.00 $0.00 $29,024.00 $29,024.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $29,024.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 2 of 2 Printed on: 11/13/2024 at 03:13PM PST Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 178 Project No.24507 Doc#: RFI-151 Work Description:RFI-151-Wall Clarifications Date: 10/9/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Expert Drywall-RFI-151 Additional Framing 1 Is $ $ $ 23,748.00 $ 23,748 $ 23,748 Layout 4 HR $ $ $ 200.00 $ 800 $ 800 Foreman 4 95.00 $ 380 $ $ $ - $ 380 Cleanup 4 50.00 $ 200 $ $ $ $ 200 Dumpster 1 LS $ - $ 110.00 $ 110 $ I$ 110 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ul $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8 $ 25,000 $ 580 $ $ 110 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 25,238 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 3,786 GRAND TOTAL Is 29,024 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 11/13/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date EX P E RT ECP #001 DRYWALL, INC KEHOC KENT WAREHOUSE RFI #151 Impact Pricing October 2, 2024 Attn: Mr. Bryce Nelson Subj: Pricing for RFI #151 related Impacts Mr. Nelson, Please find our below cost change proposal for the added drywall work scope per the above noted RFI. See our attached sketch to better illustrate the impact costs RFI #151 Cost Impact: TOTAL ADD $23,748.00 See attached condition Summary sheets for further detailed cost breakdown. Please call us should you have any questions. Sincerely, MARK LEAVITT Sr. Estimator/Project Manager mark1(c�expertdrywa11.com 206-793-0194 cell/425-284-1890 main 425-284-1899 fax WWW.EXPERTDRYWALL.COM 19926-A Broadway Ave,Suite 100,Snohomish,WA 98296 425-284-1899 fax 425-284-1890 main EXPERD*3490E NWCCA and NWCB Member Recap Report KEHOC WAREHOUSE - KENT RFI #151 ECP #001 Expert Drywall Description Net Cost Markup Gross Price Mandays Material $1,469 D/W Frame Materials $702 D/W GWB Materials $492 D/W Insulation Material (Acoustical Sealant) $274 Labor $14,773 19.24 D/W Framing Labor $9,922 12.92 D/W Hanging Labor $2,687 3.50 D/W Finish Labor $593 0.77 D/W Misc Labor $803 1.05 D/W Insulation Labor (Acoustical Sealant) $768 1.00 Direct Foreman 15% of Direct Labor 15.000% $2,216 Safety 2% of Direct Labor 2.000% $295 Small Tools 5% of Direct Labor 5.000% $739 Total Labor $18,023 Equipment $954 D/W Equipment Scissor Lift for 3 weeks $954 SubTotal $20,446 OH & Profit 15.000% $3,067 Contract Amount $23,513 Liability Insurance 1.000% $235 Selling Price $23,748 Clarifications; 1. Excludes any Over-time premium Costs and or any WA.State Sales Tax, and or Engineering Fees. 10/2/2024 12:20:22 PM Page 1 of 3 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave., Suite 100 Snohomish, WA 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Net Condition Summary Report KEHOC RFI #151 ECP #001 Description Quantity CU Mat'I$ Labor$ Super$ PSE$ Equip$ Total$ RFI 151 Level 2 Office Drywall work scope Cost to Laser level top track (at 9'tall walls)to set Joists level 365.5 LF $0.00 $4,010.06 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,010.06 Grid 4 W/t A9 to A7 Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 21.5 LF $94.55 $894.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $988.95 Grid 2 W/t A9 to A7 Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 36.5 LF $160.59 $1,518.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,678.99 Rm 214 N.& E W/t A3 to A3 Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 22.5 LF $99.00 $936.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,035.00 Rm 214 S W/t A5b to A5b Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 12.5 LF $120.13 $690.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $810.79 Grid 4 xtra +1 lay gwb at A7 wall above Platform Lid to Monitor 2.5 LF $21.25 $106.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $128.03 Grid 4 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 wall above Platform Lid to N 2.5 LF $1.94 $94.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $96.53 Grid 4 xtra +1 lay gwb at A7 wall above Platform Lid to sloped roof 19.5 LF $108.40 $520.06 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $628.46 Grid 4 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 wall above Platform Lid to s 19.5 LF $17.33 $381.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $398.57 Grid 2 xtra 1 lay gwb at new W/t A7 above 9' Lid to Roof 26.0 LF $144.53 $646.15 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $790.68 Grid 2 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 wall above Platform Lid to s 26.0 LF $20.17 $461.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $481.23 Grid 2 xtra 1 lay gwb at new W/t A7 above 9' Lid to Monitor Roof 11.5 LF $107.71 $510.90 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $618.60 Grid 2 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 wall above Platform Lid to N 11.5 LF $8.92 $438.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $446.93 Rm 214 N,S, E &W W/t A3 &A5b Labor Hang/F-tape GWB impact ab 44.5 LF $34.53 $829.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $863.60 Wall at Door 209 + 1 layer gwb for w/t A7 Floor to Roof 14' 12.0 LF $101.52 $298.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.11 Wall at Door 204 + 1 layer gwb for w/t A7 Floor to Monitor Roof 26' 8.0 LF $120.59 $437.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $558.46 S Stair Walls W/t Al Added Wall Tracks for wall above platform Lid 14.5 LF $136.01 $867.47 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,003.48 S Stair Walls W/t A2 Added Wall Tracks for wall above platform Lid 16.5 LF $132.23 $686.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $818.63 S Stair Walls W/t A9 Added Wall Tracks for wall above platform Lid 9.5 LF $39.17 $445.34 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $484.51 Scissor Lift needed for RFI work scope 3 weeks $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $954.00 $954.00 RFI 151 Level 2 Office Drywall work scope $1,468.56 $14,773.04 0.00 0.00 $954.00 $17,195.61 Job Totals $1,468.56 $14,773.04 0.00 0.00 $954.00 $17,195.61 10/2/2024 12:07:07 PM Page 1 of 1 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall, Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave., Suite 100 Snohomish, WA 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC ECP #001 Section: RFI 151 L2 Wall Revisions surrounding Platforms Page:RFI 151 Level 2 Office Drywall work scope J) 16) r, WAGNER ARCHITECTS PLANNERS '".'ec v�Acc �%ATTI81o. ,0.1 �117 Ir I�N~%T.I I I N ......l..W..A..'9.N_ Lai L201 En] 17 L ) (,],)7, Lnj o 771 18'-51/4" g 7D L261 ------- — -- T sr KEHOC 7B4gBuddn 1260KEE,W8 AT H ST 0 Qz P W T 98030 —-—-—- [31D SET wo 7 E I ACN�RYNI 7 FLOOR PLAN, E ISECOND LEIEUE' 2 ENLARGED FLOOR PLAN NORTH,SECOND LEVEL 1A2.3B 4% Legend Description LF Cost to Laser level top track(at 9'tall walls)to set Joists level 365.5 Grid 4 W/t A9 to A7 Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 21.5 Grid 2 W/t A9 to A7 Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 36.5 Rm 214 N.&E W/t A3 to A3 Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 22.5 Rm 214 S W/t A5b to A5b Added Wall Tracks for wall above Lid 12.5 Grid 4 xtra+I lay gwb at A7 wall above Platform Lid to Monitor roof 2.5 Grid 4 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 above Platform Lid to Monitor Roof 2.5 Grid 4 xtra+1 lay gwb at A7 wall above Lid to sloped Roof 19.5 Grid 4 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 above Lid to sloped Roof 19.5 Grid 2 xtra I lay gwb at new W/t A7 above Lid to sloped Roof 26.0 10/2/2024 Page I Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave., Suite 100 Snohomish, WA 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 Drawing Report KEHOC ECP #001 Section:RFI 151 L2 Wall Revisions surrounding Platforms Page:RFI 151 Level 2 Office Drywall work scope Legend Description LF ■ ■ ■ ■ Grid 2 Base layer gwb Labor Impact at A7 above Platform Lid to sloped Roof 26.0 Grid 2 xtra 1 lay gwb at new W/t A7 above Platform Lid to Monitor Roof 11.5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Grid 2 Base layer gwb Labor Impact atA7 above Lid to Monitor Roof 11.5 ■ ■ ■ ■ Rm 214 N,S,E&W W/t A3 &A5b Impact Labor to Hang GWB above lid 44.5 Wall at Door 209+ 1 layer gwb for w/t A7 Floor to sloped Roof 12.0 Wall at Door 204+ 1 layer gwb for w/t A7 Floor to Monitor Roof 26' 8.0 S Stair Walls W/t A10 Added Wall Tracks for wall above platform lid 14.5 S Stair Walls W/t A2 Added Wall Tracks for wall above platform lid 16.5 S Stair Walls W/t A9 Added Wall Tracks for wall above platform lid 9.5 10/2/2024 Page 2 Mr.Mark Leavitt-Expert Drywall,Inc. 19926-A Broadway Ave., Suite 100 Snohomish, WA 98296 Phone:425.284.1890 Fax:425.284.1899 EXPERT DRYWALL ECP#001 ATTACHMENT SLOTTED TOP TRACK SLOTTED TOP TRACK 24'-31/2" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-0" 24'-31/2" PER RFI#151 WALL ABOVE PLATFORM IS TO BE A TYPE A7 3 ' WALL WHERE OCCURS AT walls shown to be f—d full height walls shown to be ffa-ad full height walls shown to be f a—d full height LEVEL 2 RESTROOM& by-passing Joists by-passing joists I , KITCHEN N.PERIMETER , , -by-passing Joists - � o 12'-0" i 1 , 2ND FL. 1 0,-00,-0,. GROUNDFL.Y 1 s �1 SECTION(a)GL D,WEST FACING z �A3.3 ADDED ACOUSTICAL SEALANT AT 1A3.6 A9. sc Le.vis•=to"®21— 1A3s ' SOUND INSULATED WALLS , dditional top and bottom rck are required if framed pr RFI#151 response. ' METAL DECK AND PLYWOOD BY OTHERS ' ' , I , DECK AND PLYWOOD BY OTHERS , I , --------------------------------------------- , I I 1200 S162-68 joists 12" o.c. 1200 S162-68 joists 12" o.c. Confirm no strapping and or blocking and orjoist stiffeners are needed at the 12"o.c.Joists ------------------------------------------- 9,0 ——————————————————————————————————————------ ' DRYWALL CEILING PER PLANS , , DRYWALL CEILING PER PLANS As per RFI#151 and as to maintain I ' PER RFI#151 THE WALLS NOW NEED TO BE FRAMED FIRST WITH THE TOP ' flat&level ceiling/platform joists- the top track of the supporting walls ' , OF WALLS BEING FRAMED-IN LEVEL(TOP TRACK LASERED IN)SO THE JOISTthe need to be framed in tang walls PLATFORM CAN BE TO BUILT ON-TOP OF THE WALL TRAMING.THISwill , perfectly REQUIRES A 2ND WALL TO BE FRAMED ON-TOP OF THE JOISTS WHERE FULL level. , HEIGHT WALLS OCCUR PER FLOOR PLAN. ' THIS SCENARIO REQUIRES ADDITIONAL TOP&BOTTOM TRACK TO BE USED ; ; Per Arch.&Struc.drawings-Which indicate the perimeter walls ' ' FOR THE UPPER WALL AND THEN IMPACTS THE HANGING OF THE DRYWALL , including the 10'tall and full height Walls that surround the Joists span from AS WE NOW HAVE TO PASS BOARD UP TO A 2ND CREW WORKING ON-TOP Framed Platform lids being constructed per this sketch-which onside face of wall to OF THE JOIST PLATFORM. , , is much work efficient and cost affective-as the walls would be inside face of wall to be framed first-w/full height walls getting the drywall topped down to finish drywall ceiling elevation on Platform side-and then the platform lids would be framed-attaching the joists to 120OS162-68 Confirm standard Powder 1 the wall framing thru the drywall sheathing. ®12"oc actuated fasteners(shot This method also provides a continuous strong back above the � pens)are acceptable for door openings which negates the requirement for structural -—— —— —— —————— these load bearing walls- ' door headers to be framed ' confirm spacing. \ , , i Per RFI#151 From Sht.S1.7 i i Joists span over Wall Type A9 Shown in sketch 29. DRIVE PINS AND OTHER PONDER-ACTUATED FASTENERS SHALL BE LOW VELOCITY TYPE(SERIES Wall Type A9 Shown in sketch tops of walls X-DNI, 0.145'DIAMETER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)AS MANUFACTURED BY THE HILTI CORP. OR i AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT IN STRENGTH AND EMBEDMENT. INSTALL IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH ICC-ES REPORT NO. ER-1633. MINIMUM EMBEDMENT IN CONCRETE SHALL BE 1'UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MAINTAIN AT LEAST 3'TO NEAREST CONCRETE EDGE ' ' This plan from S2.2C shows walls being framed first to deck above or to top of joists elevation-with 12"joists WAL L/J O I ST FRAMING REQUIRED PER R F 1 #151 being framed into/attaching to the side of wall framing- ESTIMATED / ANTICIPATED WALL/JOIST FRAMING BUT-per RFI 151 Joists now sit on-top of walls and NM. c®pt frtii requires the low walls to be lasered in level and the top S2:2C:: out walls-where required-to be framed after joists are framed and covered with decking and plywood. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #151 : Wall Clarifications Status Closed on 09/25/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 5,2024 Due Date Sep 19,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A8.1 B Reference Expert Drywall RFI#04 Linked Drawings 1A8.1B Received From Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall (All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical) ,Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On: Nov 11,2024 09:04 PM PST RFI#151 -Wall Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 at 09:55 AM PDT Per RFI 140,All walls supporting the 12"platform joists were to be framed with 600S200-43 studs at 16"O.C.with sheathing both sides.Some of these walls are not shown to be framed with 6"studs and some of these walls cannot receive sheathing on both sides of the studs. Please advise on what is to happen at these locations. Attachments RFI 151 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024 at 12:13 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 at 04:19 PM PDT See attached document Attachments RESP kent_east_hill_operations_center-rfi#151-wall_clarifications-202409052254.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On: Nov 11,2024 09:04 PM PST BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #151 : Wall Clarifications Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Angel Nunez(Bayley Construction, LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th St. Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Sep 5,2024 Due Date Sep 19,2024 Location Cost Impact TBD Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number 1A8.1 B Reference Expert Drywall RFI#04 Linked Drawings Received From Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc) Sub Job Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet), Bedsaida Osuna(Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks(Bayley Construction,LP), Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall (All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical) ,Christian Nicholson(Corona Steel), Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP),Angel Nunez (Bayley Construction, LP),Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC), Tyler Severson(Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Sep 5,2024 03:54 PM PDT RFI#151 -Wall Clarifications Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity/ Question Question from Angel Nunez Bayley Construction,LP on Thursday, Sep 5, 2024 at 09:55 AM PDT Per RFI 140,All walls supporting the 12"platform joists were to be framed with 600S200-43 studs at 16"O.C.with sheathing both sides.Some of these walls are not shown to be framed with 6"studs and some of these walls cannot receive sheathing on both sides of the studs. Please advise on what is to happen at these locations. Attachments RFI 151 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Sep 5,2024 03:54 PM PDT EXPERT DRYWALL. INC . RFI#04 REBUTTAL TO RFI #140 _ 9424 I 71 72 3 7 75 76 � 7 78 79 8 81 82 r - - - - - - � 1 - - - - - - I - - - - - - i - - 4 4II - - - i � 4 - - - - - - - - - - - ML I I I I I 1 A7 A7 A7 I A7 A7 217 LEGEND END Provide standard platform 7o I I 1 1�❑ � �� 0 I G OI A7 1 � � � � I 1 83 3 framing with joists bearing I OFFICE O SCALE:NTS 232 230 1 223 1 222 I 1 221 I 1 219 1 1 on top of wall top track with 120OT150-68 rim track. I I PW DRAINAGE I PW STORM OFFICE 1 FFICE OFFI E o OFFICE I I N - 4 - - Wall Type 7 -full height to underside of structure - No questions Wall type per arch. &VEG I DRAINAGE I I N 1 - I I - N'I I _ - 1 L - - - EAF/Frank Co. II I I I p - - - 2 _ o - o - 4- - - i I Wall Construction in question: define how wall framing is to interlace with ceiling joists & Metal A9 2 2 D.249 A7 Deck/Plywd walk way On-top of joists 41 I A7 A 2 C RR 2 A9 215 O Wall Construction Type in question WALL TYPE A7 WAGNER 67 68 1 - - - - - 2 Al 0 O O � � 2 N 1 r4 I 1 - 4 - - N - 213 I I OPEN OFFICE r 6" Wall Construction terminates at 10'-0 1/2" AFF - GWB 2/s '- 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - + - - o I , I A9 2 1 1 1 2 11 A9 1 A9 I CORR _ I 3-1/2"Wall Construction terminates at 10'-0 1/2"AFF - GWB 1/s 1 1 1 I N I I nl tD244 4 � I ti 1 ,2 . N 1 216 1 a18 1 2 1 A9 I 3-1/2" Wall Construction terminates at 10'-0 1/2"AFF - GWB 2/s F41 I A7 I I 1 o A3 I CONF. It C,ONF. A3 1 85 ........... 3-1/2"Wall Construction terminates underside of Ceiling9'-0 1/2"AFF - GWB 2/s I I I 1 - 224 1 225 I 1 212 1 A7 1 6" Wall Construction terminates underside of Ceiling 9'-0 1/2" AFF - GWB 2/s COPY/MAIL 1 I I CORR A9 A7 qg 2 LEC. 1 g Iv N 1 L 4 - - - - - ••••••••- 3-1/2" Wall Construction terminates underside of Ceiling 9'-0 1/2"AFF - GWB 1/s _ II I - 4 4 - � 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 _ T- 9 o - 4 - 42 2 - _�- 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - - - 2 - 2 - 2 - - 2 J - 2 - 2 - 2_ A15 ••• Confirm this should be a " .1"wall -and it will terminate at bottom of ceiling joist D 217 22 D 20 86 framing (9'-0 1/2"AFF)? AOR CONFIRMS,A15.1 TERMINATING AT BOTTOM-WAGNER. A9 A9 A3.1 A3.1STREET A3 Please confirm wall type here is to be a2 2 CORR Al5.1 -WAGNER A15.1 -WAGNER W/TA9?2 1 A10 MAINT. - 2 - 2 2 - 2 - �, - - � - A3.1 WALL TYPE A7-WAGNER � A15 Confirm this should be a " .1" next to this wall - and it will terminate at top of ceiling cy , - 4 4 - j - 4 - 4 - - 4 tC-4 joist framing AOR CONFIRMS,A15.1 TERMINATING AT BOTTOM -WAGNER. 1Al � � o - - 2 - 2 - D.21 1 4 MING EXTENDS TO - - 227 A3.1 ' No Wall Type called out- please provide NT BOTTOM OF MEZZANINE 4 - 4 `' - 211 I 1 1 Al DECK, DRYWALL TO THE TOP. 1 > 13 FRAMING EXTENDS TO UNDERSIDE - � ,jAN, , A15 t � A9 AX.1 S I M-NOT EXACTLY 10', I I OF PEMB STRUCTURE. DRYWALL 1 12 A9 I SEE SHEET 1A2.3C WAGNER.I A7 A9 ••.•� v v �_ ELEC. 201A BUT NOT TO EXTEND TO 1 > PEMB STRUCTURE (TYP). EXTENDS AT BOTH SIDES WAGNER. \� 1 231 229 > < PER RFI #140 ALL WALLS SUPPORTING THE 12 PLATFORM JOISTS WERE TO BE Please confirm if the Framing& < STO FRAMED WITH 60OS200-43 STUDS AT 16" O.C. WITH SHEATHING BOTH SIDES. SCADA Please confirm if the Framing& Drywall at this wall is intended to D 2 < 1 1 1 terminate at the floor- < PleaseconfirmiftheFramin & SOME OF THESE WALLS ARE NOT SHOWN TO BE FRAMED WITH 6 STUDS AND A9 WAGNER Drywall at this wall/ intended to 1 207A g O - - - - 4 - - - 9 A7 terminate at10'-01/2"above the floor_ so as to align with top of adjacent walls < � A3.1 .242 Drywall at this wall is intended to 87 SOME OF THESE WALLS CAN NOT RECEIVE SHEATHING BOTH SIDES OF THE I so as to align with to of adjacent walls and with top of platform joist for added terminate at 10'-0 1/2"above the floor- r 3 - 3 3 3 2 1 L_ 1 g p platform/ceiling joistsupport(shouldbe STOR. A3.1 so as toali nwithadacentwalls and I STUDS....PLEASE CONFIRM WHAT IS TO HAPPEN AT THESE LOCATIONS 2 9.1 A9.1 and with top of platform joist for added < 9 1 W M platform/ceiling joist support?Or if this a type A9.1)?Or if this wall is intended platform joist alignment and A4 A3.1 SIM- 1 r SI M wall is intended to be extended to to be extended to structure above? 1.1 platform/ceiling joist support?Or if this THIS WALL IS TYPE A9 BELOW THE KITCH & I A9 structure above? If being extended to structure-confirm - - wall is intended to be extended to \ 236 WAGNER If being extended to structure-confirm if drywall is needed on both sides to 208 �2�0 > structure above? I STORAGE CEILING AND TRANSITIONS TO w drywall structure or if drywall can be omitted on g WALL TYPE A7 ABOVE, EXTENDING TO -if d all is needed on both sides to rYw If being extended to structure-confirm structure or if drywall can be omitted on the north side of wall above the top of if drywall is needed on both sides to � II I � UNISE WOMENS �'"' I UNDERSIDE OF PEMB STRUCTURE. s: WAREHOUSE the side of wall above the Hard Lid joist elevation? W structure or if drywall can be omitted on OD.218 Ceiling Platform elevation? THIS WALL IS TYPE A9 BELOW LID,ANDWC > - DRYWALL EXTENDS TO PEMB STRUCTURE ,' ,>. SMALL PARTS A9 the South side of this wall above the I 15. A7 ABOVE, EXTENDING TO UNDERSIDE 15.1 1 1 Hard Lid Ceiling/above platform joists? AT BOTH SIDES-WAGNER. - F PEMB STRUCTURE. DRYWALL > > 1 �' D.258 A9 ' Al O EXTENDS TO PEMB STRUCTURE AT ] I - 3 - 3 I DIN BOTH SIDES, BUT SHALL BE OMITTED IN - 20l E 1■ T - - = 1 ICI I N CORR 235 A2 THE WET WALL CAVITY-WAGNER. 205 202 LUNCH I $$ '�'r A:: - 1.V G T 0 N 11 IV what wall type is to be built thru A3,l -- 19 ' STAIR this doorway A9 CORR A3.1 B3 2 KITCHEN ROOM / I AX.1 SIM-NOT EXACTLY 10', 1 ` FRAMING &DRYWALL EXTEND WALL TYPE A7-WAGNER D.20 I KEHOC IBUT NOT TO EXTEND TO I I TO UNDERSIDE OF STRUCTURE 1 _p1 PEMB STRUCTURE TYP AT BOTH SIDES-WAGNER. -framing with 'oi s bearin o Provide 120OS162-68 @ 1 ( ) A. g g N li ., Warehouse & Office Q I 1 239 A9 on top of wall top track with o A3.1 24 oc ceiling joists, and qq 1200T150-68 rim track. - Ag studs per RFI#140. � Q 1 238 1� 12 A9 D. 20 'IDF 207 Wall type per arch. Elevation per arch. Building I 41 HYDRANTS A7 CONF.1 FA]7 _ EAF/Frank Co. B2b EAF/Frank Co. 1 o _ , w 1 & METERS I I - - - 243 `� TRAINING 206 L_ 0 I I I 1 12607 SE 248TH ST FRAMING EXTENDS TO BOTTOM I I ROOMCf) 13'-6"above 2nd floor Elevator-shows I OF MEZZANINE DECK, DRYWALL I - SEWERITV DOC metal decking on-top of ceiling framing KENT WA A3 I but no ceiling joists are called out. 1 LL1 TO THE TOP. SEE SHEET 1A2.3C- 241 I I ROOM z 1 44 WAGNER. A7 A5b Please verify ceiling Joists and spacing 89 98030 D.221 and Gauge of walls that support this < 2nd floor RCP Ian calls for Drywall ceiling at KITCHENETTE � � p ry`^' g lid,see detail1/1A9.5. 1 _ _ I this room to be at 9'-0 AFF.Structural drawing- 203 I RCP plan also calls out this Drywall UI I 1 S2.2.c shows framing of ceiling to be 12"68 Mil 131.2 _DIN ceiling ceiling to be at 13'-8"AFF- H I 2 1 N Joists at 12"o.c. \ < 110 I A7 Per RFI#140 Metal Decking is to be applied / CORR please confirm discrepancy with ceiling on-top of these joists with Plywd.Walking elevations I - surface. BID SET i N c 214 _ - DRYWALL EXTENDS TO UNDERSIDE OF I Please confirm interface of walls to joists at this r 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 T 4 - 4 - I A3 N' 2 - 2 -'2 - 2 - `� room. \�STOR D ELEVATOR LID DECK - SEE UL DESIGN N Please provide missing wall type at the north ti 1.30.2024 I ' N �� J 0 I� wallofthisroom? N I WALL TYPE #P561 ON SHEET 1A8.12 & FIRE DETAILS I I _ _ - 245 WAGNER -7-. A7 ON SHEET 1A9.8 - WAGNER. ' Ag A3 A3 A3 JOB No. 20223 1 A3 A9 CORR Ag A9 A3 A9 CD. A A7 I D.222 /CO' 1 90 Date Revisions 1 - M - 2 - - 2 - - - - 2 iI- - - - - L-- m - N - 4 - - - N - 4 - - M 4 - 4 - 4 �4� - 4 - 4 4 � 4 N 4 - a 4 - 4 - 1 1.16.2024-REVISION 1 240 o 0 1 1 A3 I o� 1 I A7 1 I I A3 4 - 4 - 1 4 - 4 4 - 4 I2 1 1 STREETS I I 1 246 2 1 N 2 1 1 A9 I A7 1 Al 0] &VEG 242 244 WORK A9 1 53 I 255 1 1 1 02 1.16.2024-REVISION 2 1 R_11:77ROOM 247 1 263 N 257 1 59 261 N I I PW WATER 1 1 PW SIGNS& C NF. 1 CORR 91 1.30.2024 BID SET 1 11 OFFICE 1 SOLID WASTE � - CORR 1 CONFERENCE 15 I TOR. I 0 FICE 1 I OFFICE 1 0 3 I 14 1 I A9 11 2 D.22 A9 A9 i A9 1 ck� 1 1 I 0C"14z I N1N 4 - 4 - 4 - N w 1 1 1 i 1 4 - - 4 - In r2 - 1 2 4 4 - 4 - 4 - � 4 - o I - - 2 -2 0 I 1 - - - - - - = 2 2 z A9 1 1 A7 A7 1 A9 1 2 A 2 A9 249 A9 2 1 92 sheet contents 1 I I D.241 2 A9 2 C RR A9 2 M F - 2 - 2 - 2 N _ 0 � ' 1 V I 11 - 1 248 1 - M - - - 2 2 - M - M - 2 - 2 - 2 2 M Q - 4 - r4 - 4 - o DOOR & FINISH 1 _ N N - - 4 - 4 - N N ■ 4 - 4 4 4 cv 1 - - - - - - - - 11 QUIET& I 1 I 11 I I I 1 11 I PLAN, SECOND WELLNESS I I I I I I LEVEL 'B' N 163 42 4 I 11 I 250 �51 1 1 252 54 1 1 2 6 8 1 260 1 B cl� CD 4 I I OFFICE OFFICE OFFIC 0 FICE OF CE 11 0 ICE 1 OFFICE 93 v " I 1 11 II 11 II I � I I I W I I A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 I = - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - 4 _ - - 4 r - 41 14 - 4 - - 4 4 - 4 -4 - 41 14 - 4 - - 41 � 4 - 4 - w = O o All material appearing herein constitutes the unpublished and 1 39 38 7 3 35 34\ �29) O original work of the architect and may not be duplicated, 33 32 31 30 28 used,or disclosed without the written consent of the architect. F_ Z w r N Sheet No. � o ENLARGED FINISH PLAN NORTH SECOND LEVEL w rr Ld 10 SCALE: 1/8"= l'-0" Z0o� 1A801B W UJ�0w n' J a-� E O rL X NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 AYLEY Bayley Construction,LP Project:24057-Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 CHANGE EVENT #187 - CCD-028 - RFI-169 - Entrance Gate Wire Origin: RFI#169: Entrance Gate Wire Date Created: 10/9/2024 Created By: Nils Brian Nilsson Status: Submitted, Not Proceeding Scope: In Scope Type: Owner Change Change Reason: Client Request Description: Attachments: CHANGE EVENT LINE ITEMS Revenue Cost Budget Code Vendor/Contract UOM QTY Unit Cost ROM Prime PCO Latest QTY Unit Cost ROM RFQ Commit. Non-Commit. Latest Over/ Budget Price Cost Under Mod. 26-100-000.S VECA ELECTRIC& Is 1.0 $3,878.09 $3,878.09 $3,878.09 1.0 $3,878.09 $3,878.09 $3,878.09 $0.00 Electrical.Commitments- TECHNOLOGIES,LLC Subcontracts 24057-4004 Description: Costs associated with changes made to the wire size used for the North and West gates per RFI#169.CO includes the North gate wire upsized from#10 to#6 and the West gate upsized from#10 to#8. 00-000-000.PO Is 1.0 $582.00 $582.00 $582.00 1.0 $582.00 $582.00 $582.00 $0.00 Fee(Profit).Purchase Order and All Other Costs Description: Contractor's Fee Grand Totals $4,460.09 $0.00 $4,460.09 $4,460.09 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,460.09 $0.00 $0.00 Bayley Construction, LP Page 1 of 1 Printed on: 10/25/2024 at 07:59AM PDT Change Proposal _ Project Name: KEHOC Warehouse&Office Building CE# 187 Project No.24507 Doc#: CCD-028 Work Description:CCD-028-RFI-169-Entrance Gate Wire Date: 10/9/2024 Labor Material Equipment Subcontractor TOTAL Description Quantity Unit Prod. Hours ROM $/hour Cost $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs $/Unit Costs Veca-Costs associated with changes made to the wire size used for the North and West gates per RFI 1 LS $ $ $ 3,878.09 $ 3,878 $ 3,878 #169.CO includes the North gate wire upsized from #10 to#6 and the West gate upsized from#10 to#8. $ $ $ $ $ 0 $ $ $ $ 3,878 Clarification,Assumptions&Exclusions: SUBTOTAL COST OF WORK $ 3,878 Excludes WSST General Conditions Incl. Design/Estimating Contingency Incl. Course of Construction Contingency Incl. Insurances Incl. B&O Taxes Incl. Builders Risk Insurance Incl. Contractors Fee 15.00% $ 582 GRAND TOTAL Is 4,460 Time Request: We have proceeded on this change proposal on Owner's verbal direction/RFI response We will proceed with this change proposal when a copy,signed by an authorized representative,is received by FX I Bayley Construction. To prevent delays and further impacts please approve by: 10/25/2024 Owner's Representative Date Bayley Construction Date CONSTRUCTION From: OWNER CHANGE X ARCHITECT DIRECTIVE CONTRACTOR FOR KENT EAST HILL FIELD OPERATIONS CENTER OTHER PROJECT: KEHOC Warehouse& Office Building DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-028 (name, address) 12607 SE 248th Street Kent,WA 98030 DATE: 10/22/2024 TO CONTRACTOR: Bayley Construction PROJECT NUMBER: FAC 23-09C (name, address) 8005 SE 28th Street Mercer Island, WA 98040 CONTRACT DATE: NTP 3/19/2024 DIRECTED CHANGES TO SCOPE OF WORK You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: 1 Upsize conductors for North and West gates per RFI#169 Attachments: ADJUSTMENTS TO CONTRACT SUM AND CONTRACT TIME 1 Bayley Construction agrees to calculate proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time consistant with Section 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 of the Contract Documents. 2 Bayley Construction agrees to provide an estimate of proposed adjustments to the Contract Sum and Contract Time within 2 weeks of recipt of this CCD. 3 Bayley Construction agrees to provide monthly updates on completion and potential impact to the Contract Sum and Contract Time. Provide additional documentation on an attached sheet to support time and cost per 00 72 00- Part 7&01 26 00- 1.06 When signed by the Owner and Architect and received by the Signature by the Contractor indicates the Contractor,this document becomes effective IMMEDIATELY Contractor's agreement with the proposed shall proceed with the change(s)described above. adjustments in Contract Sum and Contract Time set forth in this Construction Change Directive (CCD). Wagner Architects City of Kent Bayley Construction ARCHITECT OWNER CONTRACTOR 1916 Pike Pla 1 400 West Gowe 8005 SE 28th Street r 8 Kent,WA 98032 Mercer Island,WA 98040 BY��� BY DATE tO� /La DATE 10 22_2024 DATE 10/22/24 CHANGE NOTICE CCN# 23 VECA Electric And Technologies LLC Date: 10/7/2024 5614 7th Ave S Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC Seattle,WA 98108 Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC Telephone: 206-919-0850 Page Number: 1 E-mail:jtaylor@veca.com Client Address: Bayley Construction Contact: Brian Nilsson 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 USA Contact: Brian Nilsson Work Description CO reflects costs associated with changes made to the wire size used for the North and West gates per RFI #169. CO includes the North gate wire upsized from #10 to#6 and the West gate upsized from #10 to#8. We reserve the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. Itemized Breakdown Description Qty Net Price U Total Mat. Labor U Total Hrs. #10 THHN SOLID BLACK -4,540 246.30 M -1,118.20 7.75 M -35.19 #8 THHN BLACK 1,640 483.70 M 793.27 8.75 M 14.35 #6 THHN BLACK 2,900 789.10 M 2,288.39 11.13 M 32.28 Totals 0 1,963.46 11.44 Summary General Materials 1,963.46 Material Total 1,963.46 CRAFTSMAN LABOR (11.44 Hrs @$121.87) 1,394.19 Overhead (@ 10.000%) 335.77 Markup (@ 5.000%) 184.67 Subtotal 3 7 9 Final Amount $3,878.09 CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CHANGE NOTICE DEN# 23 Client Address: Date: 10/7/2024 VECA Electric And TechnoloniPs LLC Project Name: JT-628887- KEHOC 'Ba le Construction Project Number: JT-628887- KEHOC 5614 7th Ave S Y y Page Number: 2 Seattle,WA 98108 8005 SE 28th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040 Name: Date: Signature: I hereby certify that this quotation is complete and accurate based on the information provided. CLIENT ACCEPTANCE CCN # 23 Final Amount: $3,878.09 Name: Date: Signature: Change Order#: I hereby accept this quotation and authorize the contractor to complete the above described work. AYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center B8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #169: Entrance Gate Wire Status Closed on 10/02/24 To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 1,2024 Due Date Oct 15,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number E1.0 Reference VECA RFI#56 Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 10:30 PM PDT RFI#169-Entrance Gate Wire Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024 at 09:26 AM PDT Plan note 3 of sheet E1.0 specifies(3)#10 and(1)#10G for the entrance gate operators. Submittal review comments for submittal#32 31 13-4.0 specifies(3)#6 and(1)#6G for the North gate,and(3)#8 and(1) #8G for the West gate of over 370'.The West gate conduit is over 400'long.Please confirm the larger wire specified in the submittal comments are required,instead of the wire size specified on sheet E1.0. Please see attached sheet E1.0 and the submittal comments in question. Attachments RFI 169 Backup.pdf Official Response Response from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024 at 03:19 PM PDT Please review the attached RFI. Bayley Construction requires a response to this correspondence no later than three(3) working days from the date of this transmission. Failure to reply by this date will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as related to this document. If the attached document has costs or schedule implications,you are required to provide,but not limited to,the following: COP: Reference the document number and a description of the added scope of work Detailed cost breakdown with quantities,labor,and materials. Effect on current project schedule including anticipated duration. Bond,insurance,and OH&P per contract terms. You must submit a complete COP within seven(7)working days from the date of original transmission.Failure to do so will negate your rights to request for additional money and/or time as it relates to this change. If you have any question,please contact Brian Nilsson at(206)549-8342 or Bryce Nelson at(509)969-2824 Official Response Response from Sam Scarmardo Wagner Architects and Planners on Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024 at 10:49 AM PDT See attached document Attachments KE H OC-rfi#169-entrance_g ate_wi re-202410011628_TW E.pdf Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 9,2024 10:30 PM PDT BAYLEY Bayley Construction, LP Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center 8005 S.E.28th St 12607 SE 248th ST Mercer Island ,Washington 98040 Kent,Washington 98030 P: (206)621-8884 RFI #169: Entrance Gate Wire Status Open To Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners) From Bryce Nelson(Bayley Construction,LP) (Response Required) 8005 SE 28th Street Abigail Purnapuspita(Wagner Architects and Mercer Island,Washington 98040 Planners) Date Initiated Oct 1,2024 Due Date Oct 15,2024 Location Cost Impact Yes(Unknown) Schedule Impact No Spec Section Cost Code Drawing Number E1.0 Reference VECA RFI#56 Linked Drawings Received From Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC& Sub Job TECHNOLOGIES, LLC) Copies To Jorge Acosta(Pipe Construction, Inc.), Brian Butler (Corona Steel),Guy Baryo(Overhead Innovations), Brandon Bell(Overhead Innovations),Jon Bosshart (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Dave Brock(City of Kent),Ken Brumley(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jason Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Kaila Burgess(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.),Adam Campbell(City of Kent),Taylor Cobaugh(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Terri Combs(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Bedsaida Osuna (Nelson Adams NACO), Brandon Cook(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Jason Craig(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brandon Crain (Pavement Markings),Elizabeth Curtis(Washington Architectural Hardware),Konan Davies(Frontier Door&Cabinet),Savanna Delgado(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Jodi Drost(Precision Rebar&Accessories, Inc.),Jermaine Edwards(Epic Building Detailers), Leah Sandberg(Washington Architectural Hardware),Thomas Evans(Insulpro Projects),Andrew Falaniko(Green City,inc.),Jake Gehring(Puget Paving&Construction), Derrek Gunn(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Zac Gurule(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Brian Henderson(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)),Chris Hansen(SCI INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC), Nathan Harper(City of Kent),Cory Hehr(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Weston Heywood(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.), Ryan Jackson(Sound Glass Sales, Inc.), Noah Kennard(Smith Fire Systems, Inc.),Justus Konwent (Pipe Construction, Inc.), Dave Krah(SECURE A SITE), Matt Laukala(Caliber Concrete Construction, Inc.),Mark Leavitt(Expert Drywall Inc),Jon Marks (Bayley Construction, LP),Elaine Mayhall(Mayhall's Painting),Gene Mayhall(All-Wayz Painting),Mike Nelson(Delta Mechanical),Christian Nicholson (Corona Steel),Nils Brian Nilsson(Bayley Construction,LP), Magali Santos(Nelson Adams NACO),Sam Scarmardo(Wagner Architects and Planners),Stephen Schoenfelder(TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION),Tyson Schiessl(Masco Corporation), Mark Scoccolo(SCI Bayley Construction,LP Page 1 of 2 Printed On:Oct 1,2024 09:28 AM PDT RFI#169-Entrance Gate Wire Project:24057 Kent East Hill Operations Center INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC),Tyler Severson (Vibetech Specialties),Arlan Smith(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kevin Sodano(Pipe Construction, Inc.),Justin Taylor (VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Kelli Thomas(Delta Mechanical), Michael Thomas(Delta (Sub to Ramsett)), Eric Trofimchik(VECA ELECTRIC&TECHNOLOGIES,LLC), Ken Wais (SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC),Mike Yeung (Fastsigns of Kirkland) Activity Question Question from Bryce Nelson Bayley Construction,LP on Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024 at 09:26 AM PDT Plan note 3 of sheet E1.0 specifies(3)#10 and(1)#10G for the entrance gate operators. Submittal review comments for submittal#32 31 13-4.0 specifies(3)#6 and(1)#6G for the North gate,and(3)#8 and(1) #8G for the West gate of over 370'.The West gate conduit is over 400'long.Please confirm the larger wire specified in the submittal comments are required,instead of the wire size specified on sheet E1.0. Please see attached sheet E1.0 and the submittal comments in question. Attachments RFI 169 Backup.pdf Awaiting an Official Response James Chong -Tres West Engineers-2024-10-02 Provide minimum#6 copper conductors for North Gate and #8 copper conductors for West Gate. Contractor to further upsize conductors according to Table 5. SlideDriver II Wire Size Chart in submittal 32 31 13-4.0 as required based on final conduit run lengths. Provide full size ground to match phase conductor size for both gate circuits. Bayley Construction,LP Page 2 of 2 Printed On:Oct 1,2024 09:28 AM PDT SUBMITTAL REVIEW 32 31 13-4.0 — Wiring Diagram and Chart Tres West Engineers, Inc. Project: KEHOC 2702 South 42"d St.Suite 301 Project Number: 230311 Tacoma,WA 98409 WA — Reviewer(s): JJC Phone: (253)472-3300 Date: 9/17/2024 Fax:(253)363-9402 Spec Tag Number or Section paragraph Item Code NOTES Number General NN - All contractor related notes below shall be verified prior to releasing equipment. - This submittal review is only in response to items listed below. This review does not include items as part of another package or items not submitted. 3231 13 Site Details NN - Provide (3) 1/2"C for inside free exit loop, inside obstruction loop, and outside obstruction loop at each gate. Locate loops per manufacturer. - Upsize wiring per Table 5 Wire Size Chart as required based on cable distance limitations. Provide 3#6, 1#6G copper conductors for North Gate. Provide 3#8, 1#8G copper conductors for West Gate. #10 conductors for West Gate shall be permitted if raceway routing limits conductors length to less than 370'. This review is only for general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents. Corrections or comments made on the submittals during this review do not relieve the CONTRACTOR from compliance with the requirements of the plans and specifications. An opinion of equivalence of a specific item shall not be interpreted as an opinion of equivalence of an assembly of which the item is a component. Submittal review comments have been made within this format and not on the submittal sheets according to the following: SUBMITTAL RESPONSE CODES: NE—NO EXCEPTIONS NOTED NN—NO EXCEPTIONS, REFER TO NOTES, NO RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED RA-REJECTED AS NOTED, RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED RN—REJECTED, REFER TO NOTES, NO RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED CA—CONTRACTOR COMMENT ACKNOWLEDGED, RESUBMITTAL FOR ITEMS NOTED REQUIRED Page 1 of 1 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION VE7CA lir RFI NUMBER 56 ELECTRIC & TECHNOLOGIES PROJECT NAME KEHOC JOB NUMBER 620426 RFI DATE 10/1/2024 RESPONSE NEEDED DATE 10/15/2024 TO FROM NAME Bryce Nelson NAME Justin Taylor COMPANY Bayley Construction COMPANY VECA TITLE PM TITLE PX PHONE 509.969.2824 PHONE 206.919.0850 FAX - FAX - EMAIL bryce.nelson@bayley.net EMAIL jtaylor@veca.com SPEC SECTION DRAWING SHEET E1.0 REVISION or DETAIL 3231 13-4.0 RFI CATEGORY Electrical TRADE IMPACTED Electrical SUBJECT IEntrance Gate Wire REQUEST FOR INFORMATION The entrance gates have plan note 3 on sheet E1.0. Plan note 3 specifies (3)#10 and (1)#10G for the gate operators. Submittal review comments for 32 31 13-4.0 specifies (3)#6 and (1)#6G for the north gate, and (3)#8 and (1)#8G for the west gate of over 370'. The west gate conduit is over 400' long. Confirm the larger wire specified in the submittal comments are required, in lieu of the wire size specified on sheet E1.0. PROPOSED SOLUTION IMPACTS NO SCHEDULE YES COST z 0 m m 0