HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-463 - Amendment - #4 - KPFF Inc. DBA KPFF Consulting Engineers - Green River Trail Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation - 11/25/24 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: a it Agreement Routing Form Dir Asst: Kent • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: BL BL KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: KateLynn Jennings for Bryan Higgins Parks, Recreation&Community Services _ Date Sent: Date Required: > 11/7/2024 11/21/2024 0 Q Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: QMayor or Designee N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NOW] P21070 Budget?W]Yes E]No Type: N/A Vendor Name: ilmCategory: KPFF Inc. DBA KPFF Consulting Engineers Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C 34233 Amendment 0 Project Name: Green River Trail - Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation -Amendm 3- Project Details: Consultant will provide 100% design, permitting support, construction ready bid 0- documents, and bid support. C C Basis for Selection of Contractor: Agreement Amount• $160,154 Other E *Memo to Mayor must be ftnrhod Start Date: 12/14/2022 Termination Date: 12/31/2025 Q Local Business? Yes Who*If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"VendorPurchose-Locol Exceptions"form onCityspace. Business License Verification: W1 Yes In-ProcessDExempt(KCC 5.01.045) W1 Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes W1 No CAG2022-463 Comments: H i 3 f0 a1 C C a1 3 3 0 a, a, cc Date Received:City Attorney:11/1 8/24 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 11/25/24 City Clerk's Office 11/26/24 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 • KENT WASHINGTON AMENDMENT NO. 4 NAME OF CONSULTANT OR VENDOR: KPFF, Inc. CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: Green River Trail — Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation/CAG2022-463 ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATE: 12/14/2022 This Amendment is made between the City and the above-referenced Consultant or Vendor and amends the original Agreement and all prior Amendments. All other provisions of the original Agreement or prior Amendments not inconsistent with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, Consultant or Vendor's work is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, the Consultant or Vendor shall: As described in the attached exhibit A, incorporated herein, consultant will provide 100% design, permitting support, construction ready bid documents, and bid support. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II 'Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $57,270 including applicable WSST Net Change by Previous Amendments $0 including applicable WSST Current Contract Amount $57,270 including all previous amendments Current Amendment Sum $160,154 Applicable WSST Tax on this $0 Amendment Revised Contract Sum $217,424 AMENDMENT - 1 OF 2 Original Time for Completion 06/30/2023 (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under 12/31/2024 prior Amendments (insert date) Add'I Days Required (f) for this 365 Amendment Revised Time for Completion 12/31/2025 (insert date) The Consultant or Vendor accepts all requirements of this Amendment by signing below, by its signature waives any protest or claim it may have regarding this Amendment, and acknowledges and accepts that this Amendment constitutes full payment and final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Amendment, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Amendment, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Consultant or Vendor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original Agreement. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment, prior to the effective date of this Amendment, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Amendments (if any), and this Amendment shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Amendment, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONSULTANT/VENDOR: CITY OF KENT: By:wiuVial M.ArmourGGlaw /"v14,2 �414:4 PST) By — Print Name William M. Armour Print Name: Dana Ralph Its Associate Its Mayor DATE:11-14-2024 DATE: 11/25/2024 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) L;u kq4 in 0tj� Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department [In this field,you may enter the electronic filepath where the contract has been saved] AMENDMENT - 2 OF 2 Exhibit A I<Pff October 17, 2024 Mr. Bryan Higgins Park Capital Project Manager City of Kent Parks, Recreation, and Community Service 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, Washington 98302 Subject: City of Kent Green River Trail — Meeker Street Parking Area Green River Trail Improvement Project Design and Permitting Fee Proposal Dear Mr. Higgins: We are pleased to provide you and City of Kent Parks this proposal for Civil Engineering Services for design and permitting of improvements to address ongoing riverbank erosion beneath the Meeker Street Bridge's west abutment. This proposal describes the anticipated services to be provided to Kent Parks by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF). This proposal is based on the project scope as discussed during our telephone conversation on August 12 and the recommendations included in our report titled "Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Report" (Report) dated June 2024. Project Background The City of Kent is experiencing erosion of the west riverbank of the Green River (River) under the Meeker Street Bridge (Bridge) near its abutment. This erosion is most visible along the eastern edge of the City's portion of the Green River Trail (Trail), an asphalt path approximately 6 feet wide at this location. The erosion has begun to undermine the asphalt trail and associated handrail, and has exposed utility conduit. While the area immediately adjacent to the trail is impacted, the riverbank from the Trail to the water surface has also eroded from what appears to be a combination of surface water runoff and also foot traffic by persons who may be using the eroded area to access the river. As noted in our Evaluation Report, the City of Kent Parks Department, in conjunction with Public Works, have been monitoring undermining of the Green River Trail's asphalt surfacing for some time now. It has been determined that stormwater runoff from the Meeker Street roadway and adjacent parking area for Trail users is flowing off the asphalt and gravel surfaces into a surface swale along the parking area's west and south sides. This swale directs stormwater towards the trail to a low point below the western Bridge abutment and then down the riverbank. In addition, the parking area associated with the Trail has historically experienced ponding of Mr. Bryan Higgins October 17, 2024 Page 2 stormwater at the western entrance as has the adjacent section of Frager Road. As described in the Report, improvements to better manage stormwater runoff to address ongoing riverbank erosion and ponding are proposed. These improvements include the following: • Addition of piped storm drainage along the Frager Road frontage • Addition of piped storm drainage along the Trail from Frager Road to an existing outfall pipe on the south side of the Bridge discharging to the River • Installation of asphalt wedge curb along the north side of Meeker Street, just west of the Bridge, to direct stormwater away from the eroded area and into the new storm drainage system • Regrading and resurfacing of the parking lot to better convey stormwater runoff to a new bioretention swale for water quality and to provide required detention for the project within the parking lot area. • Repair of the eroded riverbank • Reconstruction of the existing trail and handrail following riverbank repair from Frager Road on the north side of Meeker Street to Frager Road on the south side Meeker Street For purposes of preparing this proposal we understand that Frager Road along the parking lot frontage has been closed to public vehicle traffic just east of the lots east entrance, but will remain in use as a Kent Parks trail. No work is proposed to Frager Road beyond the installation of storm drainage improvements. We have assumed that no frontage improvements will be required on Frager Road or Meeker Street. Scope of Services Based on our understanding KPFF proposes the following scope of services for the Green River Trail Improvement Project. We have included GeoEngineers as a subconsultant to provide Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Permitting Services for the project. GeoEngineers proposal outlining their scope of work is included as a attachment to this proposal. Task 1 - Project Management and Coordination KPFF proposes the following services related to project management and coordination: 1. Coordination and consultation: We will provide coordination, documentation and correspondence with City Parks staff to support project progress and communications. 2. Invoicing on a monthly basis Task 2 — 100% Design KPFF, along with our subconsultant GeoEngineers will further the design of the Green River Trail Improvement Project based on the drawings and recommendations outlined in the Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Report. Mr. Bryan Higgins October 17, 2024 Page 3 100% Design Services will include the following: • Participation in up to two (2) progress meetings and conference calls. We have assumed that meetings will be held virtually. • Prior to the start of 100% Design, KPFF will prepare for and participate in a pre- application meeting with City of Kent Permitting to present the project and to scope permitting requirements for a Site Development Permit. • Prior to the start of preparation of environmental permitting documents KPFF will participate pre-application meetings with the City of Kent and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife along with GeoEngineers and Kent Parks to present the project and to scope permitting requirements. • Preparation for and participation in a single review meeting with Kent Parks to review the 100% Design documents either prior to or following Kent Parks review. • Conduct up to two (2) site visits to confirm existing conditions and/or meet with agency permitting staff to discuss the project. • Coordination with City of Kent survey staff to confirm scope of survey work and to update current project survey backgrounds with final project field survey. • Utilizing drawings and exhibits prepared for the Report, further project design to a 100% level of completeness. See attached fee worksheet for anticipated drawings. • Prepare a Site Furnishings/Landscape Plan sheet and Site Furnishings/Landscape Details sheet based on input from Kent Parks. For purposes of this proposal we have provided an allowance for landscape architectural services to assist Kent Parks and KPFF in the design of furnishings and landscape improvements; KPFF will provide limited design and drafting of these sheets for inclusion in project bid documents. • Prepare a Draft Drainage Report/Technical information Report for project stormwater design to be submitted to the City as part of site permit review and approval. TIR will include a Draft Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (CSWPPP) as part of this effort. Provide Environmental Permitting Support including preparation of computations and exhibits to support environmental permitting applications. • Prepare Draft Technical Specifications for the proposed work. We have assumed that Kent Parks will prepare all front end specification sections as well as technical specifications for site furnishings and landscape improvements. • Update current Estimate of Probable Construction Cost from the Report to a 100% Design level of completeness. • Provide Quality Assurance/Quality Control Review of the 100% Design documents. Task 3 — Construction Document Design and Permitting Support KPFF, along with our subconsultant GeoEngineers will further the design of the Green River Trail Improvement Project as outlined in Task 2 — 100% Design to a Construction Document/Permit level of completeness. For purposes of this proposal, we have assumed that documents completed during this task will be sufficient for bidding purposes. We have assumed that Kent Parks will be responsible for submission of permit documents to the City of Kent and that KPFF will assist in preparation of permitting documents including permit applications, and will provide permit comment responses as needed. We have also assumed that Kent Parks will be responsible for all permit-related fees. Mr. Bryan Higgins October 17, 2024 Page 4 Task 4— Bid Document and Bidding Support KPFF will support Kent Parks during the Bidding Phase of the project. We anticipate that KPFF will provide the following services to support Kent Parks in the bidding process: • General coordination with Kent Parks and the Design Team in preparation of Bid Documents. • Prepare for and attend the Pre-bid meeting with Kent Parks and prospective contractors. We have assumed that this meeting will occur at the project site. • Provide responses to bidder questions and requests for information during the bid process. Assumptions The following assumptions were used in preparation of this scope and fee proposal: 1. This proposal is for Civil and Geotechnical Engineering and Environmental Permitting Services only. No structural, electrical, lighting, or landscape services are proposed as part of this work. 2. Environmental Permitting efforts will be as described in the attached fee proposal by GeoEngineers dated October 2, 2024 a KPFF will obtain landscape architectural services to assist Kent Parks and KPFF in the design of site furnishings and landscape improvements. KPFF will prepare plan and detail sheets for these improvements for inclusion in project permitting and bid documents. 4. The project will not require participation by KPFF or GeoEngineers in public outreach efforts. 5. The City of Kent will be the SEPA Lead Agency for the project. 6. No flood plain modeling or other flood plain related effort will be required as part of this project. 7. No frontage improvements will be required along Frager Road or Meeker Street. 8. Installation of asphalt wedge curbing along the north side of Meeker Street and west of the Bridge will be performed by City of Kent Public Works. 9. No subsurface explorations will be conducted. Erosion repair options will be developed based on literature review and site visits/observations only. 10. City of Kent will provide site survey as required for design work. We anticipate that the following supplemental field survey will be required as part of this phase of the project: • Horizontal and Vertical Datum references, and established on the datums that City of Kent requires for design purposes. • Addition of parcel lines from record documents • As-built survey of the storm drain structure (catch basin) located in the depression on the south side of Meeker Street to outfall. We understand that the outfall pipeis a 24" CMP pipe that discharges to the west bank of the Green River. • Additional horizontal and vertical location of the bridge abutment on the west end of the Meeker Bridge to better delineate abutment extents at interface with ground surfaces. Mr. Bryan Higgins October 17, 2024 Page 5 • Verification of overhead clearance from existing surface to the lowest part of the bridge and associated utilities. It appears that the lowest obstructions are the utilities hung on the bridge. • Additional survey of surface features at the intersection of the trail with Frager Road south of Meeker Street including pavement spot shots, at and above grade surface features, etc.. • The project work will be occurring in the shoreline setback of the Green River. GeoEngineers will delineate the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) along the west bank of the river. Based on the location of delineation flagging KPFF and GeoEngineers will need the horizontal and vertical ground surface location of surveyed in as well as locating the water surface elevation at the time of survey. • In addition to locating the location of the OHWM we request that survey obtain horizontal and vertical locations for five (5) sections down the bank; two north of the bridge, two south of the bridge, and one under the bridge from top of bank to water surface. 11. Construction Support Services will be provided under a separate Scope and Fee Proposal. Project Schedule A preliminary schedule for the project is attached. The project schedule will be updated based on contracting time and impacts due to holiday schedules. Construction is anticipated to occur in the late Summer/Fall 2025. Deliverables KPFF will provide the following deliverables: 1. Evaluation and Feasibility Report in PDF format. Fee Proposal Our fee estimate for the described Scope of Work is summarized below. Task 1 — Project Management and Coordination $ 16,400 Task 2— 100% Design $ 33,275 Task 3—Construction Documents/Permitting $ 21,975 Task 4— Bid Documents and Bidding $ 3,950 Reimbursable Expenses $ 400 Subconsultant -GeoEngineers $ 62,920 Subconsultant - Landscape Architect (Allowance) $ 15,000 Subconsultant Markup (8%) $ 6,234 Total $ 160,154 Mr. Bryan Higgins October 17, 2024 Page 6 We propose to perform the services described in this letter on a time-and-materials basis, with a not to exceed budget of $160,154. Services will be invoiced at the hourly rates shown on the attached fee schedule. A breakdown of anticipated tasks and effort for KPFF Services is attached. We have also attached GeoEngineers Scope and Fee proposal for reference. We propose to commence with the work upon execution of a mutually agreeable contract with the City of Kent based on the project schedule noted above. Additional Services Tasks not specifically identified by this scope of work will be billed as additional services. Prior to the commencement of additional services, KPFF will consult with City of Kent Parks to agree upon the scope and associated fees for additional services. We are excited about working with you on this project and we are ready to begin this work immediately, please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, William M.Armour, PE, LEED AP Associate Cc: Steve Kingsley, KPFF Lalena Hill, KPFF Attachments Green River Trail Erosion Evaluation Design and Permitting Services City of Kent Parks,Recreation,and Community Services Estimate of Fees October 17,2024 KPFF Principal Project Prof. Design CAD Admin Total Professional Services Manager Engineer Engineer Tech. Hours KPFF Fee $280 $255 $200 $175 1 $150 $110 A Task 1-Project Management and Coordination General Administation and Invoicing 20 10 $6,200 General Coordiation with Design Team 40 $10,200 $16,400 B Task 2-100%Design Progress Meetings and Conference Calls(2) 2 2 $860 Permitting Meeting with City-Site Development Permit(1) 2 $510 Permitting Meeting with City-SEPA,SSDP,FP,CRZA(1) 2 $510 Permitting Meeting with WDFW-HPA(1) 2 $510 Review Meetings with City(1) 2 2 $860 Site Visits(2) 2 4 $1,210 Survey Coordination with City of Kent 1 1 $430 Update Survey Backgrounds 2 $350 100%Drawing Preparation Cover Sheet(1) 1 2 $605 Notes and Abbreviation Sheet(1) 1 4 $955 Existing Contitions Plan(1) 1 2 $605 TESC and Demolition Plan(1) 1 4 $955 TESC and Miscellaneous Details(1) 1 2 1 $605 Site Plan(Horizontal Control and Paving Plan)(1) 2 4 $1,210 Grading and Drainage Plan(1) 2 8 1 $1,910 Site Furnishings and Landscape Plan(1) 1 8 $1,655 Site Furnishings and Landscape Details(1) 1 8 $1,655 Detail Plans(2) 21 8 $1,910 Drainage Profiles(2) 1 4 $955 Details(3) 1 41 1 $955 Erosion Repair Plans and Sections(8) 2 8 $1,910 Prepare Draft Technical Information Report(TIR)/Storm Drainage 4 24 $5,220 Report Environmental Permitting Support 4 8 $2,420 Prepare 100%(Draf)t Technical Specifications(8 Sections Estimated) 8 $2,040 Prepare 100%Estimate of Probable Constuction Cost 2 8 $1,910 QA/QC 2 $560 - $33,275 B Task 3-CD's/Permitting Progress Meetings and Conference Calls(2) 2 2 $860 Permitting Meeting with City-Site Development Permit(1) 2 $510 Permitting Meeting with City-SEPA,SSDP,FP,CRZA(1) 2 $510 Permitting Meeting with WDFW-HPA(1) 2 $510 Review Meetings with City(1) 2 $510 Site Visits(1) 2 $350 CD Drawing Preparation Cover Sheet(1) 11 1 $430 Notes and Abbreviation Sheet(1) 1 1 $430 Existing Contitions Plan(1) 1 1 $430 TESC and Demolition Plan(1) 1 2 $605 TESC and Miscellaneous Details(1) 1 1 $430 Site Plan(Horizontal Control and Paving Plan)(1) 1 2 $605 Grading and Drainage Plan(1) 1 2 $605 Site Furnishings and Landscape Plan(1) 1 4 $955 Site Furnishings and Landscape Details(1) 1 4 $955 Detail Plans(2) 1 2 $605 Drainage Profiles(2) 1 2 $605 Details(3) 1 1 $430 Erosion Repair Plans and Sections(8) 2 4 $1,210 Prepare Final Technical Information Report(TIR)/Storm Drainage 2 24 $4,710 Report Environmental Permitting Support 2 4 $1,210 City Permitting Support 2 2 $860 Respond to Permit Comments 2 2 $860 Prepare CD Level Technical Specifications(8 Sections Estimated) 4 $1,020 Prepare Engineer's Estimate of Probable Constuction Cost 2 4 $1,210 QA/QC 2 $560 $21,975 Green River Trail Erosion Evaluation Design and Permitting Services City of Kent Parks,Recreation,and Community Services Estimate of Fees October 17,2024 C Task 4-Bid Documents and Bidding General Coordiation with Design Team 4 4 $1,720 Bid Package Coordination with City 2 $510 Attend Pre-bid Meeting and Site Walk 2 $510 Respond to Bidder Questions/RFIs 2 4 $1,210 $3,950 Subtotal-KPFF Services $75,600 Expenses-KPFF Mileage and reproduction $400 Subtotal Expenses $400 Subconsultant Serivices GeoEngineers $62,920 Landscape Architect(Allowance) $15,000 Subconsultant Markup(8%) $6,234 Subtotal-Subconsultant Services $84,154 Grand Total-Services and Expenses $160,154 lqjff KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS Special Projects Reporting Center— Seattle & Tacoma Offices FEE SCHEDULE for PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Rates are effective January 1, 2024 and are subject to change January 1, 2025. Personnel Charges 2024 Hourly Rates Principal $280 Senior Project Manager $270 Project Manager $255 Senior Technical Specialist $255 Senior Engineer $230 Construction Project Manager $220 Professional Engineer $200 Design Engineer $175 Designer $145 Sr. CAD Technician $170 CAD Technician $150 Dive Technician $115 Project Coordinator $145 Administration $110 Reimbursable Expenses Non-salary costs such as charges for express mail, delivery, photography, reproduction, automobile mileage, parking and client-directed out-of-town travel shall be reimbursed at cost without mark-up. Subconsultants The billings of subconsultants will be marked up 8% GEoENGINEER� 1101 Fawcett Avenue,Suite 200 Tacoma,Washington 98402 253.383.4940 October 2, 2024 KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc. 2407 North 31st Street, Suite 100 Tacoma, Washington 98407 Attention: Bill Armour, PE Subject: Proposal Environmental Permitting and Geotechnical Design Support Final Design Phase Green River Trail - Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Project Kent, Washington File No. 0410-223-02 Thank you for requesting this proposal to continue to support KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc. (KPFF) and the City of Kent (City) with environmental permitting and geotechnical engineering support for the final design phase of the Green River Trail - Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Project (project). Environmental permitting requirements and geotechnical recommendations were previously provided by GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) in a Geotechnical Design and Permitting Assessment technical memorandum' submitted to KPFF on May 29, 2024. We understand KPFF and the City plan to move forward with final design and permitting for the repairs to the Green River Trail, as described and illustrated in the Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Report prepared by KPFF.2 Scope of Services To support KPFF, GeoEngineers has identified the following scope of service based on our understanding of the current project needs. 1 GeoEngineers,Inc.2024.Draft Geotechnical Design and Permitting Assessment for Green River Trail - Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Project,Kent,Washington.Submitted to KPFF on May 29,2024.GeoEngineers File No.0410-223-00. 2 KPFF Consulting Engineers.2024.Erosion and Drainage Evaluation Report,Green River Trail -Meeker Street Parking Area Erosion and Drainage Evaluation,Kent,Washington.Prepared for City of Kent on June 2024.KPFF Project No.2200110. KPFF Consulting Engineers,Inc. I October 2,2024 Page 2 TASK 1. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING SUPPORT Subtask 1-1. Environmental Documentation and Studies This subtask includes the gathering of baseline environmental information at the site for the development of studies and impact assessments required for permit submittals. In Complete a site visit to document wetlands and other potential Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas (FWHCAs) at the project site and immediately adjacent areas, including field delineation of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM) of the Green River. In Prepare a Critical Areas Report(CAR)for the project documenting wetlands, OHWM and FWHCAs at or adjacent to the site. In Prepare a Floodplain Habitat Assessment(FHA)documenting project compliance with the Endangered Species Act(ESA)for activities within the regulated floodplain. In Prepare a Shoreline Narrative to accompany the Shoreline permit application. In Develop a Mitigation and Restoration Plan documenting mitigation sequencing, restoration of temporary impact areas, mitigation for unavoidable impacts to regulated habitats and post- construction monitoring in accordance with regulatory requirements. ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS In KPFF will provide survey of delineated wetland and OHWM boundaries within the project area. Survey is not included in GeoEngineers scope. In Design materials, design quantity takeoffs and anticipated construction sequence will be provided by KPFF for use in evaluating project impacts. In A zero-rise analysis for development within the regulated floodplain is not included in GeoEngineers' scope. DELIVERABLES In Critical Areas Report(Draft and Final) In Floodplain Habitat Assessment(Draft and Final) In Shoreline Narrative (Draft and Final) In Mitigation and Restoration Plan (Draft and Final) Subtask 1-2. Permit Coordination and Applications This subtask includes the development of permit applications and application materials, including those listed below. In Prepare the following environmental permit applications: ❑ State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) Checklist ❑ Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) ❑ Critical Areas Review Application File No.0410-223-02 CiEOENGINEER� KPFF Consulting Engineers,Inc. I October 2,2024 Page 3 ❑ Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application ❑ Shoreline Conditional Use Permit Application ❑ Flood Zone Permit Application In Coordinate with the following regulatory agencies: ❑ Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to, including submission of the HPA permit application through WDFW's online application portal, obtain regulatory feedback and identify potential permit restrictions. ❑ The City to identify shoreline, critical area and flood zone permitting requirements and processes. ❑ United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to identify jurisdiction over proposed bank repair activities, including whether or not a USACE permit will be required. In Assist the City with agency coordination and permit negotiations. In Attendance at up to four project meetings with the City (Preliminary Project Progress and Objectives, 60 percent review and up to two coordination meetings between the City, consultant and regulatory agencies). Meetings are assumed to be virtual. ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS In The City will be the lead applicant for SEPA and local permits. GeoEngineers will provide technical documentation, as identified in the scope above,to support the City's internal permit review process. In Permit applications will be based on the 60 percent design submittal. In KPFF will provide all dimensional information, quantity takeoffs and design details necessary to document project impacts for the purposes of environmental permit application development. In Application fees, if any, will be paid by the City. In The project will not receive federal funding and will not require a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review. In A USACE Clean Water Act (CWA) permit will not be required. A Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (DARPA)form will not be required. In Site Development Permit is not included in GeoEngineers scope. In Cultural Resources Survey is not included in GeoEngineers scope. In A shoreline hearing will not be required; if required,shoreline hearing support can be provided through contract amendment. DELIVERABLES In SEPA Checklist(Draft and Final) Is HPA Application, submitted through online application portal In City Permit Applications ❑ Critical Areas Review Application ❑ Shoreline Permit Application (Substantial Development and Conditional Use) ❑ Flood Zone Permit Application File No.0410-223-02 GEOENGINEER� KPFF Consulting Engineers,Inc. I October 2,2024 Page 4 TASK 2. GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN SUPPORT Geotechnical support for this phase of the project will include: ■ Review project plans and specifications prepared by KPFF and provide comments as appropriate. ■ Provide recommendations for contractor designed modular block retaining walls for inclusion with project specifications. DELIVERABLES ■ Revise,as appropriate, and finalize our draft Geotechnical Design letter dated May 29, 2024. Schedule and Fee Estimate We are in a position to begin work with 2 weeks after receiving your authorization to proceed. The fee estimate for the services described in this proposal is presented below: TABLE 1. FEE ESTIMATE ESTIMATEDDESCRIPTION FEE Task 1. Environmental Permitting Support Subtask 1-1. Environmental Documentation and Studies $37,330 Subtask 1-2. Permit Coordination and Applications $20,590 Subtotal for Task 1 $57,920 Task 2.Geotechnical Design Support Geotechnical Design Support and Reporting $5,000 Subtotal for Task 2 $5,000 Total Estimated Fee $62,920 The estimated fee for our services will be determined using the rates contained in our standard schedule of charges,which also is attached as part of this proposal.We will endeavorto keep you apprised of project status and conditions that may significantly affect our scope and estimate. There are no intended third-party beneficiaries arising from the services described in this proposal and no party other than the party executing this proposal shall have the right to legally rely on the product of our services without prior written permission of GeoEngineers. File No.0410-223-02 CiEOENGINEER� KPFF Consulting Engineers,Inc. I October 2,2024 Page 5 This proposal is valid for a period of 60 days commencing from the first date listed above and subject to renegotiation by GeoEngineers, Inc., after the expiration date. Sincerely, GeoEngineers, Inc. Courtney M. Stoker, PWS David B. Conlin, MA, PWS Staff Biologist Associate Biologist CMS:DBC:tlm Attachments: Schedule of Charges—GeoEngineers Standard 2024 Proprietary Notice:The contents of this document are proprietary to GeoEngineers,Inc.and are intended solely for use by our client to evaluate GeoEngineers' capabilities and understanding of project requirements as they relate to performing the services proposed for a specific project.Copies of this document or its contents may not be disclosed to any other parties without the written consent of GeoEngineers. Disclaimer:Anyelectronic form,facsimile or hard copyof the original document(email,text,table,and/orfigure),if provided,and anyattachments are only a copy of the original document.The original document is stored by GeoEngineers,Inc.and will serve as the official document of record. Copyright©2024 by GeoEngineers,Inc.All rights reserved. File No.0410-223-02 GEOENGINEERL Page 1 of 2 Schedule of Charges - 2024 COMPENSATION Our compensation will be determined on the basis of time and expenses in accordance with the following schedule unless a lump sum amount is so indicated in the proposal or services agreement.Current rates are: PROFESSIONAL STAFF Staff 1 Scientist $ 146/hour Staff 1 Engineer $ 154/hour Staff 2 Scientist $ 167/hour Staff 2 Engineer $ 175/hour Staff 3 Scientist $ 191/hour Staff 3 Engineer $ 198/hour Project Scientist 1 $ 220/hour Project Engineer 1 $ 228/hour Project Scientist 2 $ 228/hour Project Engineer 2 $ 234/hour Senior Engineer/Scientist 1 $ 255/hour Senior Engineer/Scientist 2 $ 279/hour Associate $ 292/hour Principal $ 320/hour Senior Principal $ 340/hour TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF Administrator 1 $ 103/hour Administrator 2 $ 119/hour Administrator 3 $ 136/hour CAD Technician $ 132/hour CAD Designer $ 155/hour Senior CAD Designer $ 180/hour GIS Analyst $ 165/hour Senior GIS Analyst $ 180/hour GIS Coordinator $ 200/hour *Technician $ 114/hour *Senior Technician $ 136/hour *Lead Technician $ 146/hour Geotechnical Construction Specialist $ 191/hour Environmental Database Manager $ 226/hour Health and Safety Specialist $ 146/hour Health and Safety Manager $ 200/hour *Hours in excess of 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week will be charged at one and one-half times the hourly rates listed above. Contracted professional and technical services will be charged at the applicable hourly rates listed above. Staff time spent providing expert services in disputes, mediation,arbitration and litigation will be billed at one and one-half times the above rates.Time spent in either local or inter-city travel,when travel is in the interest of this contract,will be charged in accordance with the foregoing schedule.A surcharge may be applied to night and weekend work.See proposal for details. Rates for data storage and web-based access will be provided on a project-specific basis. Associated Project Costs (APC) Associated Project Costs(APC)equal to six percent(6%)of professional fees will be assessed.This fee allows GeoEngineers to invest in the necessary infrastructure to ensure we provide our clients with the latest technological and data security standards. The investments include maintaining and advancing technical tools and platforms across all aspects of our business,and strengthening our defenses against cyber threats to ensure data remains secure.These costs are not included in our hourly rates or direct expenses. Schedule_GeoEngineers Standard-2024 G EO E NG I N E E R S� Page 2 of 2 EQUIPMENT Air Quality Equipment,per Day $ 210.00 Air Sparging Field Test,per Day $ 110.00 Air/Vapor Monitoring Equipment(PID,5-Gas Meter),per Day $ 110.00 Asbestos Sample Kit,Each $ 30.00 Blastmate,per Day $ 120.00 D&M Sampler,per Day $ 150.00 DO(Dissolved Oxygen)Kit,Each $ 25.00 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer,per Day $ 45.00 E-Tape(Electric Tape),per Day $ 35.00 Electric Density Gauge,per Day $ 110.00 Electric Density Gauge,per Week $ 430.00 Electric Density Gauge,per Month $ 1,400.00 Environmental Exploration Equipment,per Day $ 225.00 Field Data Acquisition Equipment(Field Tablet),per Day $ 55.00 Field Tablet,per Week $ 200.00 Field Tablet,per Month $ 750.00 Field Tablet with Cellular,per Day $ 75.00 Field Tablet with Cellular,per Week $ 300.00 Field Tablet with Cellular,per Month $ 1,000.00 Field Gear/Reconnaissance,per Day $ 55.00 Gas Detection Meters,per Day $ 105.00 Generator,per Day $ 110.00 Groundwater Pressure Transducer w/Datalogger,per Day $ 55.00 Groundwater Pressure Transducer w/Datalogger,per Week $ 220.00 Hand Auger,per Day $ 100.00 Inclinometer Probe,per Day,1 Day minimum $ 210.00 Interface Probe,per Day $ 65.00 Iron Test Kit,Each $ 25.00 Laser Level,per Day $ 60.00 Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Equipment,per Day $ 235.00 Multiparameter Water Quality Meter,per Day $ 85.00 Nuclear Density Gage,per Hour,1/2 Day minimum $ 15.00 Peristaltic Pump,per Day $ 50.00 pH Probe,/Meter per Day $ 20.00 PID,FID or OVA,per Day $ 130.00 Rock/Slope Fall Protection/Rigging Equipment,per Day $ 700.00 Saximeter,per Day $ 60.00 Scuba Diving Gear,per Day/per Diver $ 700.00 Shallow Soil Exploration Equipment,per Day $ 60.00 Soil Field Screening Equipment,per Day $ 20.00 Soil Sample Kit,Each $ 20.00 Steam Flow Meter,per Day $ 20.00 Strain Gauge Readout Equipment,per Day $ 50.00 Surface Water Flow Meter,per Day,1/2 day minimum $ 50.00 Surface Water Quality Monitoring Equipment,per Day $ 50.00 Turbidity Meter,per Day $ 50.00 Vehicle usage,per Mile,or$30/half-day,whichever is greater $ 0.65 Specialized and miscellaneous field equipment not listed above will be quoted on a project-specific basis. OTHER SERVICES, SUPPLIES AND SPECIAL TAXES Charges for services, equipment, supplies and facilities not furnished in accordance with the above schedule, and any unusual items of expense not customarily incurred in our normal operations, are charged at cost plus 15 percent. This includes shipping charges, subsistence, transportation, printing and reproduction, miscellaneous supplies and rentals, surveying services, drilling equipment, construction equipment, watercraft, aircraft, and special insurance which may be required.Taxes required by local jurisdictions for projects in specific geographic areas will be charged to projects at direct cost. Per diem may be charged in lieu of subsistence and lodging. Routinely used field supplies stocked in-house by GeoEngineers,at current rates, list available upon request. In-house testing for geotechnical soil characteristics at current rates,list available upon request. All rates are subject to change upon notification. Schedule_GeoEngineers Standard-2024 G EO E NG I N E E R S� Signature: g7-7* =Q Signature: Kent Parks(Nov 7,202416:31 PST) Email: bhiggins@kentwa.gov Email: parkscontracts@kentwa.gov Signature: 8rca4pt�L&&tfzI"efz Brian Levenhagen(Nov 14,20 14:57 PST) Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov PPD-KPFF-GRT-Erosion and Drainage Evaluation-AMENDMENT 4 Final Audit Report 2024-11-14 Created: 2024-11-07 By: KateLynn Jennings(kjennings@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAK2B 4RZZcNuDKZofkP85a4D9VYnvJURt "PPD-KPFF-GRT-Erosion and Drainage Evaluation-AMENDME NT 4" History E Document created by KateLynn Jennings (kjennings@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-07-11:45:07 PM GMT Document emailed to Bryan Higgins (bhiggins@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-11-07-11:47:29 PM GMT Email viewed by Bryan Higgins (bhiggins@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-08-0:12:31 AM GMT Document e-signed by Bryan Higgins (bhiggins@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-11-08-0:14:01 AM GMT-Time Source:server - Document emailed to Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-11-08-0:14:03 AM GMT �� Email viewed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-08-0:30:08 AM GMT Document e-signed by Kent Parks (parkscontracts@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-11-08-0:31:13 AM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to bill.armour@kpff.com for signature 2024-11-08-0:31:15 AM GMT Email viewed by bill.armour@kpff.com 2024-11-14-10:28:22 PM GMT a Signer bill.armour@kpff.com entered name at signing as William M. Armour 2024-11-14-10:41:44 PM GMT Q Adobe Acrobat Sign Document e-signed by William M. Armour(bill.armour@kpff.com) Signature Date:2024-11-14-10:41:46 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-11-14-10:41:48 PM GMT s Email viewed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) 2024-11-14-10:56:38 PM GMT Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-11-14-10:57:08 PM GMT-Time Source:server ® Agreement completed. 2024-11-14-10:57:08 PM GMT Adobe Acrobat Sign