HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - City Council Workshop - 10/08/2024 (2) Approved City Council Workshop • Workshop Special Meeting KENT Minutes WAS M IN G 7 0 N October 8, 2024 Date: October 8, 2024 Time: 5:15 p.m. Place: Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Council President Kaur called the meeting to order. Attendee Name _ Title Status Arrived Satwinder Kaur Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present John Boyd Councilmember Excused Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present II. PRESENTATIONS 1 2025-2026 Biennial Budget Paula Painter 45 MIN. Finance Director, Paula Painter provided responses to the budget-related questions submitted by the councilmembers. How do parking penalties increase this significantly? Painter reviewed the monthly average parking enforcement revenues from 2019 - 2024 and advised the position for the Parking Enforcement Officer was filled, therefore increasing revenues. Is there a set amount of B&O that goes to Parks Capital? Painter provided details on the allocations to capital programs including the annual increase of 2%. Will the proposed increase impact park allocations? Painter advised, it will not. What's the city council budget increase? Painter detailed the standard 2% increases and the change to the administrative support allocation. Can the Flood Plain Engineer be fully funded by the drainage fund? Public Works Director, Chad Bieren provided details on the flood plain City Council Workshop Workshop Special October 8, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... regulations regarding the expenditure of funds and that a portion of the job duties need to be allocated to permit fees. What is the New Connections Parking Lot? Painter advised New Connections has a long-term lease, managed through the facilities division, so this building is adjacent lot that are the responsibility of the Parks Department. Due to recent a legal mandate change on stormwater NPDES requirements, this property was identified as a location within the inventory in Parks that needs servicing. Where exactly is the General Fund Balance of $1.3M and $3.2M going? Are there major expenditure changes? Painter provided extensive details on the allocations in the baseline budget and directed the Council to pages 40-42 of the proposed budget book for a detailed breakdown. Where can I find information on the Human Services Per Capita revenue? Page 119 outlines the Human Services Fund for HB 1406 and 1590. What is the per capita rate? The Human Services per capita rate is part of the Health and Human Services in the General Fund. Painter reviewed how the total allowed spending is calculated. Is the Spotlight Series not self-sustaining. Painter advised it is not. Costs have risen sharply, the City provides discount tickets for seniors and young adults, and Parks is also required to pay for performing rights organizations licensing fees for all music uses. What happened to the Veterans Drive project from the last budget? Bieren advised the City is still working on the project. Are we continuing the street litter cleanup program? Painter advised the City is still continuing the programs: Litter Strike program and ARPA funded program through 2026. Are we still providing funding for the Lake Meridian Fourth of July fireworks display? Painter advised the City is continuing to provide funding for the Fourth of July fireworks display. Does the King County Prosecutor's announcement that they will not accept AI-Assisted reports have any impact on the program Council ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Special October 8, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... just approved for BWC transcription services? Chief Padilla walked the Council through the current project associated with the Axon program and advised the department is working with the City Attorney to address King County's concerns. Chief Padilla is in communications with the King County Prosecutor to address their concerns. Chief Padilla advised that if the technology is never used for prosecution, it can still provide efficiencies for officers relating to reports for non-critical incidents. Purchasing the AI feature allowed the City to get discounted prices on other features. Chief Padilla advised it's important to be an early adopter of the program in order to maximize resources. How much additional revenue would the City receive if the B&O retailing gross receipts cap was $25M and $100M? Painter walked the Council through scenarios A - E and compared the Maximum Cap, Other Cap, Tax Calculation and estimated 2025 Additional Revenue. Painter estimated the number of businesses that would be impacted if Scenario E was adopted. Councilmembers discussed the options and either supported option D or E and asked for further information and discussion. Can we use B&O revenues to fund police officer positions? If so, Councilmember Michaud would like to propose the City use B&O funds to hire one or two additional officers, especially if we raise the revenue caps for businesses. Painter provided cost estimates for an additional officer. Council expressed concerns and/or support of funding additional officer(s). Council requested additional information on the City's future plans for adding more officers. I am also glad to see the budget includes two new sergeants and 1 patrol officer. This does provide some help to the departments, but we all know more officers are needed. In the coming year, will it be a legislative priority to ask the state for additional funding for police? Painter advised that as with the last legislative session, the City is continuing its advocacy efforts to change state law to allow the City to increase the sales tax by 0.3% or otherwise create a mechanism to allow the City to received $12 million annually. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Special October 8, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Painter reviewed the meeting timeline, including the October 15th last planned workshop on budget. The budget will go before the Committee of the Whole on November 5th and be adopted at the December 10th City Council meeting. 2 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update: Kristen 30 MIN. Climate Element Holdsworth Long Range Planning Manager, Kristen Holdsworth presented the 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Climate Element. Climate Element (New in 2044 Plan) HB1181 requires jurisdictions to have climate elements by 2029. Two sub-elements include: Resilience The ongoig process of anticipating, preparing for, and adapting to changes in climate and minimizing negative impacts to our natural systems, infrastructure, and communities. Resilience is built by a mix of preparedness, response, and recovery policies. GHG Emissions Reduction The actions taken to reduce or eliminate the GHG emissions to reduce the rate and extend of climate change impacts. Types of climate change planning: • Greenhouse gas inventory • Climate vulnerability assessment • Hazard Mitigation Plan • Climate Adaptation Plan • Climate Action Plan • Comprehensive Plans Climate impacts in Kent: • Rising temperatures • Changes in precipitation and severe weather • Wildfires and smoke exposure • High tides, storm surges, sea level rise, and flooding Resilience addresses community assets: • Agriculture and food systems • Building and energy • Cultural resource & practices ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Special October 8, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... • Economic development • Emergency management • Health & well-being • Ecosystems • Transportation • Waste Management • Water Resources • Zoning & Development Climate Goals in the Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan include: • Track and study climate hazards • Reduce the threat of climate risks • Build preparedness and equip residents • Increase Kent's capacity through agency collaboration and strategic partnerships Setting up for 2029 The big recommended moves include: Greenhouse gas inventory What are Kent's emissions? What are the sources? Climate vulnerability assessment What are the climate hazards that will impact Kent? What is vulnerable? Who is vulnerable? Climate resiliency data and communications What are the targets? How is the City moving forward? What has been accomplished? The draft Comprehensive Plan will be released on October 11th. Upcoming meetings were reviewed. Meeting ended at 6:23 p.m. Ki4�ley A. Kovwtc City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 5 MAYOR'S PROPOSED 202S=26 BNIENIAL BUDGET ` 14 a A• ,�►Aa: SPECIAL COUNCIL W ORKSHOP Kent OCTOBER H . 2024 . ANSWERS TO ' �I COUNCIL QUESTIONS EEL lr AGENDA • Council Questions • Timeline BudgetBook QUESTION Pages i &30 HOW DO PARKING PENALTIES INCREASE THIS SIGNIFICANTLY? Monthly Ave rage Par3 king jqiijgijg gij�jj SIM 2 ---- enues 19 2020 2021 202212024 '► : 370 '► • : 1 '► • 1 $ 4270 : 1 1 1 1 MAYOR'S PR1PiSED6 25-26 �IENI�IIAL BVDCET SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP 10-08-2024 KENTINA.G4V ��-r Budget Book Page 26 QUESTION # 2 IS THERE A SET AMOUNT OF B &O THAT GOES TOPARKSCAPITAL? WILLTHEPROPOSED INCREASE IMPACT PARK ALLOCATIONS ? Annual Allocations from the Capital Resources Fund 2023 2024 2025 2026 IT 1,650 ,000 1,683,000 1,716,660 117501990 Parks 217501000 2,805,000 2,861,100 2,918 ,320 Public Works 8 ,250 ,000 8415,000 8 ,5839300 8 ,754 ,970 fi 1111 12590 3011 134 24 281 Budget Book QUESTION # 3 Pages 33 & 103 W HAT ' S THE CITY COUNCIL BUDGET INCREASE ? THIS INCREASE IS NOT SHOWN ON PAGE 107 . 1 1D iffe Salaries & Benefits 3871500 3831940 (3 ,560 ) Supplies 31410 31520 110 Services 19A40 19 ,830 390 Internal Allocations IT 121140 50 ,230 381090 Multimedia 101100 20 ,280 101180 Other 15 ,890 17 ,080 090 Page ook QUESTION # 4 Budget e 3 5 CAN THE FLOOD PLAIN ENGINEER BE FULLY FUNDED BY THE DRAINAGE FUND ? WHYNOT ? Budget Book Page 37 QUESTION # 5 WHAT IS THE " NEW CONNECTIONS PARKING LOT" ? The New Connections Parking Lot is adjacent to r e the New Connections Building , which is across 1% the street from the Police Department . See the area highlighted in yellow in the image to the right . The City owns this property. . IF A � =�- - - The New Connections building has a long -term lease , managed through the Facilities Division , so this building and adjacent lot are the responsibility of the Parks Department . - _ r •. Due to the recent legal mandate change on 9. 10 i ,* i .. + • storm water NPDES requirem ents, this property was identified as a location within the full • 1 inventory in Parks, that needs servicing = E annually. +�+ - Budget Book QUESTION # 6 Pages 40-42 & 103 General Fund 202S 2026 W HERE EXACTLY IS Proposed Proposed THE GENERAL FUND Revenues Prior Year Budget 121,149,030 126,695,510 BALANCE OF $ 1 . 3M Baseline Adjustments 1,603,690 1,412,170 Scheduled B&O Tax Increase 3,000,000 - AND $ 3 . 2M GOING? Proposed Changes 942,790 3,470 ARE THESE THE Total Revenues 12fi,+595,51� ']28,11 i,150 � MAJ O R EXP END ITURE Expenditures Prior Year Budget 123,225,080 128,022,970 CHANGES ? Baseline Adjustments 2,668,180 749,670 Proposed Changes 2,129,710 2,568,330 Total Expenditures 128,022,970 131,340,970 Use of Fund Balance (Exp-Rev) 1,327,460 3,229,820 Budget Book Page 119 QUESTION # 7 WHERE CAN I FIND INFORMATION ON THE HUMAN SERVICES PER CAPITA REVENUE ? W HAT IS THE P ER CAP ITA RATE ? Page 119 is outlining Human Services Fund for HB 1406 and 1590 The Human Services per capita rate is part of the Health & Human Services in the GeneralFund , the budget is based on the following calculation : rip V V Update Total Allowed Year Base CP1 Est Base Population Spending 2023 $ 8.4446 3.0% $ 8.6979 137,900 V991440 2024 $ 8.6979 3.0% $ 8.9588 1391100 1,246,170 2025 $ 8.9588 3.0% $ 9.2276 1401400 11295,550 2026 $ 9.2276 2.5°/a $ 9.4583 141770 1,341,000 PROPOSED 2025-26 Budget Book Page xx QUESTION # 8 IS THE SPOTLIGHT SERIES NOT SELF - SUSTAINING? • The short answer is no . • Kent Parks provides 10 performances annually serving an estimated 2,500 — 3 ,000 annually. • The average cost recovery (fees pricing vs . expenses) ranges from 85% to 100 % annually. • Discounted tickets for seniors (age 60 +) and young adults (age 25 and below ) are subsidized by the general fund . • Costs have risen sharply for: • Artistic fees • Travel for touring artists • Food for performer hospitality • Performing Rights Organizations (PROs) licensing fees for all m usic uses • This includes live performances in our cultural programs and allparks and city events . • The number of PROs we must pay has increased from two (ASCAP and BMI) to four, now including SESAC and GMR. QUESTION - • WHAT HAP P ENED TO THE VETERANS DRIVE PROJECT F P MAYOR'S PR�P�SED ��25-26 k kkIIAL BVD CET SECIAL LCOUNCIL WORKSHOP 10-08-20 24 KENTINA G4 . V -r QUESTION # 10 ARE WE CONTINUING THE STREET LITTER CLEANUP P RO GRAM ? MEN" Litter Strike Team Contracted Services Total Budget 1,647 ,660 110101000 August YTD Expenditures 625 ,138 2591848 Budget Remaining 022,522 7501152 Funded Through (Estimated ) 2028 2026 QUESTION # 11 ARE W E S TILL P RO VID ING FUND ING F O R THE LAKE MERID IAN F O URTH O F J ULY F IREW O RKS D IS P LAY? Ye S . QUESTION # 12 DOES THE KC PROSECUTOR ' S ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THEYWILL NOT ACCEPT AI-ASSISTED REP O RTS HAVE ANY IMP ACT ON THE P RO GRAM COUNCIL JUST APPROVED FOR BW V TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES ? QUESTION # 13 HOW MUCH ADDITIONAL REVENUE W OULD W E RECEIVE IF THE B &0 RETAILING GRO S S RECEIP TS CAP W AS $ 2 5 M AND $ 10 0 M ? Retailing Gross Receipts Scenario Maximum Cap Other Cap Tax Calculation 2025 Additional Revenue A $20 Million None Taxable only up to $0 (keepasis) $20 Million B $25 Million None Taxable only up to $86,800 $25 Million Excess of $100 Taxable up to $20 C $20 Million Million Million & anything $60,000 over $100 Million Q $20 Million $100 Million Taxable on all $300,000 E $25 Million $100 Million Taxable on all $370,000 *Apply CPI-W on each maximum cap beginning January 1, 2026. QUESTION # 14 CAN WE USE B &O REVENUES TO FUND POLICE OFFICER POSITIONS ? IF SO , COULD WE USE ANY ADDITIONAL B &O TAX FUNDS GENERATED BY THE CHANGE IN RETAILING GROSS RECEIPTS TAX TO HIRE ONE OR TW O ADDITIONAL OFFICERS ? Council discussion . QUESTION # 15 I AM SO GLAD TO SEE THE BUDGET INCLUDES TW O NEW SERGEANTS AND ONE PATROL OFFICER . THIS DOES PROVIDE SOME HELP TO THE DEPARTMENT BUT WE ALL KNOW MORE OFFICERS ARE NEEDED . IN THE COMING YEAR , WILL IT BE A LEGISLATIVE PRIORITY TO ASK THE STATE FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR POLICE ? As with the last legislative session , we are continuing our advocacy efforts to change state law to allow the City to increase the sales tax by 03 % or otherwise create a mechanism (s ) to allow the City to receive $ 12 million annually. Budget Book Page 65-66 TIMELINE COUNCIL WORKSHOP . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 15 Questions and Final Decisions COUNCIL MEETING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 15 Public Hearing -2025 Property Tax Leery 2na Public Hearing- 2 025-2 6 Biennial Budget COUNCIL WORK HOP Spf<i I Meeting if needed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 22 PREPARE BUDGET ADOPTION AND RELATED DOCUMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct 1&Nov 19 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N*v 5 2 02-5-2 6 Budget Recommendation COUNCIL MEETING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , C 1 Adoption of the 2 02 5 Property Tax Leery Adopti on of the 2 02-17-2 6 Bienni al Budget NEXT STEPS • Next Tuesday's Budget Workshop will be the last opportunity to go over Council's questions • Human Services presentation — Merina Hanson • Please send questions you have our way • Paula Painter — ppainter�«Dkentwa.gov • Michelle Ferguson — mferguson@kentwa.gov ok ` yy `� �� ■ All 40, RIP - _- ;; ,; ! it Mw N ■7 { 0 044 Comprehensive -Rf ON Plan: Climate Element Mnw ` _ '=`� �� Council Workshop October 8, 2024 Comprehensive Plan 2044 Building Our Future Together .. : .. for Tf% night ', Meetinq Learn about Review approach ~ Discuss next step p requirements for for 2044 Climate Resiliency Comprehensive Pla element (2029) Climate Element Corn prehe nsive plan 2044 kh 'KENT Building Our Future Together _ Comprehensive Plan 2044 ,KENT Building Our Future Together kv Cl *imate ement 3 ENT W A 9 H IN 07 ON Climate Element ( NEW in 2044 Plan ! ) By 2029 Kent must have a climate element that includes two sub-elements: Resilience GHG Emissions Reduction The ongoing process of anticipating, The actions taken to reduce or preparing for, and adapting to eliminate the GHG emissions to changes in climate and minimizing reduce the rate and extent of climate negative impacts to our natural change impacts. systems, infrastructure, and g p communities. Resilience is built by a mix of preparedness, response, and recovery policies. Corn prehe nsive plan 20" KENT Building Our Future Together Types of Climate ChangePlanning Greenhouse Climate Hazard Climate Climate Action Comprehensive Gas Inventory Vulnerability Mitigation Adaptation Plan Plans Assessment Plan Plan IN' Corn prehe nsive plan 20" KENT Building Our Future Together Climate Impacts in Kent • Affects • Both drought and • Could affect areas • Green River tidal infrastructure flooding affect along the Green : influence functioning natural ecosystems River, higher risk • Affects focus and • Causes urban heat • Storms and fire areas just east planning of island effect, flooding can of Kent adjacent Ui exacerbates other ., damage buildings • Smoke impacts jurisdictions, King hazards & infrastructure functioning oftA kACounty, and many • Impacts all • Impacts residents businesses and tM : of Kent's utility kA residents, can be physically (danger presents danger to service providers deadly for children, to health and residents, seniors, those with safety) and especially those 4-0 - kA health issues, and4Aeconomically with health issues outdoor workers (home repairs) and outdoor tM Comprehensive Plan 2044 v'K E her workers 0 Building Our Fum:k Resilience addresses community assets Agriculture & Buildings & Cultural Economic Food Systems Energy Resource & Development Practices Emergency Health & Well- Ecosystems Transportation Management being Waste Water Zoning & Management Resources Development Y'KENT_ Climate Goals in the Kent 2044 Comprehensive Plan Track and study climate Build preparedness and hazards equip residents q p Increase Kent's capacity Reduce the threat of SO � through agency climate riskscollaboration and strategic partnerships IN' Corn prehe nsive plan 20" KENT Building Our Future Together ingKenUfor 2 2 Settt 0 9p What are the recommended " BIG " moves? Communications�M` �M` �M` PwClimate Vulnerability Climate Resiliency Data Greenhouse Gas Inventory k� ...Assessment and • What are Kent's emissions? What are the climate What are the targets? • What are the sources? hazards that will impact How is the city moving Kent? forward? • What is vulnerable? What has been • Who is vulnerable? accomplished? IN' Corn prehe nsive plan 20" KENT Building Our Future Together Upcoming Meetings • October 14: Land Use and Planning Board Meeting • October 23: Land Use and Planning Board Meeting 0 ; 0 • October 30: Community Advisory Group Celebration ! 0 ; • November 12: Land Use and Planning Board Hearing • November 19 and December 10: Council Meetings Hearings Does Not Require Hearings • Comprehensive Plan (with CIPs) Title 12 Impact Fee Code Update • Zoning Map and Code Changes LUPB appointments/re-appointments • SEPA Infill Exemption Housing Implementation Contract 'KENT_ ,KENTkv Building g0 F Together Questions? Kristen Holdsworth , Project Manager 25398564, 5441 f u t u re ke n t Cw Ke n tWA. cLov Engage. KentWA.gov/Futu re Kent ��