HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Committee of the Whole - 09/17/2024 (4) Approved Kent City Council - Committee • of the Whole KENT Committee of the Whole - WAS M IN G 7 0 N Regular Meeting Minutes September 17, 2024 Date: September 17, 2024 Time: 4:02 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Kaur called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Satwinder Kaur Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present John Boyd Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL A. I move to approve the agenda as presented. ER SULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Approval of Minutes YES i. Committee of the Whole - Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - Sep 3, 2024 4:00 PM Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole September 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner B. Payment of Bills MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 8/31/24 and paid on 8/31/24 and approve the checks issued for payroll 8/16/24 - 8/31/24 and paid on 9/5/24, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 9/17/24. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 10/1/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner C. INFO ONLY: July 2024 Financial Report Budget and Financial Planning Manager, Michelle Ferguson presented the July 2024, Monthly Financial Report and indicated, overall the general fund is doing well. Ferguson advised all revenue funds are higher than 2023, except the intergovernmental revenues that are lower due to a one time grant received in 2023. Ferguson reviewed the estimated actual general fund revenues that are expected to come in $5M over budget and expenses are expected to come in $2M under budget Ferguson explained the Capital Resources and Criminal Justice fund revenues variances are qdue to higher REET and interest income. The Criminal Justice revenues for school zone safety cameras are estimated to come in $400K lower than 2023, but the red light ticket revenues are estimated to come in $1.5M over 2023 due to the additional cameras that were installed. Ferguson explained the Sewer Utility Fund and a possible budget change due to an increase in the King County pass through charge. The IT Technology Fund revenues are expected to come in lower due to decreased revenue from Utility Taxes. D. Medical and Stop Loss Contracts - Authorize Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole September 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Human Resources Benefits Manager, Laura Horea provided details on the medical, medical administrative services, and stop loss contracts that are being renewed. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to approve the renewal of the following contracts: • Medical plan with Kaiser Permanente for one year • Premera Administrative Services for three years • Stop Loss Insurance with LifeWise for one year All subject to approval of final terms and conditions by the Acting Human Resources Director and the City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 10/1/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner E. Resolution Recognizing Hillshire Terrace Neighborhood Council - Adopt Communications Coordinator, Tracy Taylor, provided an overview on the Neighborhood Council program that is designed to: • Organize to identify neighborhood needs and interests, • Develop neighborhood action plans • Make recommendations for neighborhood improvements • Access to the Neighborhood Grants, Drinks in the Driveway, Neighborhood Newsletter, and special neighborhood workshops. MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. 2078, recognizing the Hillshire Terrace Neighborhood Council, supporting its community building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 10/1/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner F. Resolution Recognizing Garrison Glen Neighborhood Council - Adopt MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. 2079, recognizing the Garrison Glen Neighborhood Council, supporting its community building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole September 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 10/1/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner G. Resolution Recognizing Nature Trails Townhomes (Springwood) Neighborhood Council — Adopt MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. 2080, recognizing the Nature Trails Townhomes (Springwood) Neighborhood Council, supporting its community building efforts, and conferring on it all opportunities offered by the City's neighborhood program. RESULT:LTU MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 10/1/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner H. Waller Purchase and Sale Agreement - Approve Economic and Community Development Director, Kurt Hanson provided details on the Waller Purchase and Sale Agreement. MOTION: I move to approve the purchase of the Waller property, located at 115 Naden Avenue South, for $140,000, should the City and the property's owner agree on final terms of the purchase and sale. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 9/17/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner I. Motion in Support of the Establishment of the Kent Valley Air and Space Manufacturing Roundtable Economic Development Manager, Michelle Wilmot provided an extensive overview on the motion for the Council to express the City Council's support for the establishment of the Kent Valley Air and Space Manufacturing Roundtable and invite the participation of local aerospace industry representatives. Neighboring agencies, including other cities, school districts, and educational institutions are working together to support the establishment of the Kent Valley Air and Space Manufacturing Roundtable, aiming to foster collaboration among industry leaders, educators, and public sector Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole September 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes representatives to address workforce development, drive legislative agendas, and promote economic sustainability within the aerospace industry. The support of Kent and other agencies emphasizes the importance of partnerships between K-12 education, higher education institutions, and the aerospace sector to align training programs with industry needs. C-suite executives from aerospace employers are invited to participate in the Roundtable's initiatives and commit to ongoing collaboration between educational institutions, city leaders, and industry partners to ensure the success of this strategic initiative. The Economic and Community Development Department is in communication with other agencies regarding a memorandum of understanding that will be signed by the Mayor expressing these sentiments. MOTION: I move to express the City Council's support for the establishment of the Kent Valley Air and Space Manufacturing Roundtable and invite the participation of local aerospace industry representatives. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 9/17/2024 7:00 PM MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember SECONDER: John Boyd, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner J. INFO ONLY: 2044 Comprehensive Plan Long Range Planning Manager, Kristen Holdsworth provided an update on the Transportation, Parks and Recreation, and Human Services Element of the 2044 Comprehensive Plan. The Transportation Element - Now has 5 goals and 69 policies and sets a new course on how the City does transportation planning. Summary of Changes - Transportation Goals and Policies: Updated language to address new PSRC Multicounty Planning policies and King County Countywide Planning Policies. Added a new policy to address Target Zero, Kent's goal to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries. Added policies and strengthened language regarding coordination with other agencies to increase connectivity, better serve the Kent community, and streamline permitting processes. Proposed Functional Classifications Map Updates - Lays out how different levels of roadway are intended to be used. • Need to update to reflect the TMP • Updating names and classifications to match state and federal classifications. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole September 17, 2024 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes • Right size when projects are reviewed, asking for appropriate amount of ROW. Parks and Recreation Element Description of parks and facilities Strategies to implement growth strategy outline in the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies for providing parks and recreation facilities to meet adopted levels of service. Summary of Changes - Parks and Recreation Element Goals and Policies Reorganized for flow and removed redundancies. Strengthened language to promote celebration of cultures, environmental protect, and climate resiliency. Updated language to address new PSRC Multicounty Planning Policies and King County Countywide Planning Policies Integration of the Human Services Element - optional element Provides a framework for the delivery of human services programs that support the community's growth, vitality, and health. Demographic and socio-economic trends. Centers the Comprehensive Plan in equity and encourage a healthy, inclusive and supportive community. 5. ADJOURNMENT Council President Kaur adjourned the meeting at 4:54 Meeting ended at 4:54 p.m. KbwLl�,e,rLey A. Ko-vvwto- City Clerk City WA Committee of the of Ke Whole July September 17, 2024 Monthly Re o rt Prepared by: Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager Shane Sorenson, Senior Financial Analyst S14a,oao All Revenues Sources S12goao 5lmoao Aprfi 16r943 19r4B5 17.651 wpm May 10,441 91373 91550 56a,oao June 7r 157 6,494 7,151 y4,pm July 11,107 91097 11,319 September 7r953 61519 0 r�0 Ddober 17r945 20,333 0 ]an Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nw Der November 8r109 B,768 A December 19r976 15,039 C mm24Bud#23Prdm -4--24Aa Total 131,1114 121,149 Ge,BID Property - January - 0 0 February 125 102 150 March 648 644 519 Apul 6r254 61498 61652 S10,C00 May 1,378 113% 1,184 June 80 311 132 $S,OOL) July 74 56 29 August 56 78 0 September 199 27C 0 e� Ddober 6,497 5,967 D Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ju, Aug Sep Oet Nw Dee November 648 1,249 0 December 95 100 0 24 Bud 23 Prelim-4�--24 Act Total 26,053 18,165 6,677 S35,000 January 2.202 2r354 2,635 February Zr609 2,772 31203 March 2r717 2,475 2,529 S�•� Aril 2r711 2,344 2,441 520,000 May 3,087 2r740 3,064 S15,WG June Zr803 2487 2,719 July 3rO74 2r36S 2,650 S1O'�6 August 3rIi9 2rS222 0 September 2re33 2,622 0 3p Debober 2r895 21668 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Wo rr6er 2r975 2,795 0 December 3r889 3,235 0 246ud#23 PwHm-+-24Act Total 34,923 31,602 19,243 $3go❑o - ]anua-y 2,517 2,616 2,549 $25'oco February 21233 2,187 2,384 52%" March 2,272 2,238 2,345 April 2,452 21386 2,292 $15,000 May 2,209 21159 2,157 ]une 1,943 1,%9 2,093 $10,000 July 2,308 2,349 2,356 55,000 August 2,014 2,041 O September 2,060 2,224 D $D Ddc ber 2,116 2,079 D Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Ott Nw Dec N.-,,b r 1,997 2,060 0 December 2,032 2,121 0 aM243ud f23 Prelim 24Art Total 26,153 26,462 16,177 Other rr•^ $22,6O[I - - $20,606 lanuary 2 67 2 sIB,00O February 2 2 20 $16,0OD March 33 9 0 $14,000 April 3,373 3,367 4,19B $1$'000 May 1,772 1,329 953 $10,000 3s,ao0 ]une 100 138 160 56,000 July 3,339 3,543 4,189 54,0W August 1,704 1,348 0 $2000 September 219 145 ❑ id$0 Cxfober 3,853 3,784 U Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Norember 988 1,093 0 December 6,150 5,637 0 246ud-4-23 Prelim 24 A4 t Total 21,536 20,462 9,5I7 Other (intergovernmental,Licensas&Permits,Charges for Service,Fines A Forfeits,and MINC RevenUBB) Price Year Sudgeted ACLUM111 $35,000 $25,❑00 may 1.996 1,672 2,187 s2O,0O0 June 2,231 2,102 2.D47 $15,000 smuoo July 2.310 2,0-03 2,594 August 2,312 11586 9 September 2,642 11982 O $0 Crctober 2,583 2,624 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nm Dec November 11501 1,533 0 December 7,51O 5,51D 0 �r 24 Bud-A-23 Pmhm-4-24Aa Total 32r3 57 26,378 15,182 Budget Revenues Taxes; Propeity 32,835,026 16,052,750 16,165,310 6,676,820 16,249,000 Sales & Use 27,943,579 34,915,38i 31,662,150 19,242,754 3?,110,900 unlit, 21,048,283 26,153,099 Z-6,461,.510 16,176,919 26,540,500 Business&Occupation 19,517,633 20,367,679 19,579,930 9,102,832 20,495,9W Other 930,044 1,166,377 &81,820 423,902 906,600 Licenses and Peimit-- 3,567,857 7,345,842 7,761,430 4,943,953 8,190,600 Inter-govern mental Revenue 3,406,561 3,310,962 3,109,350 --,214,522 3,299,800 Changes for Services 8,492,924 6,781,105 7,050,350 4,500,130 7,543,800 Fines and Forfeitures 590,339 823,389 757,590 663,934 1,017,600 Miscellaneous Revenue (375,462) 6,616,771 2,932,.200 2,859,181 5,014,800 Transfers In 11,445,001 5,976,735 4,767,390 - 4,767,390 Total Revenues 134,401,684 131,013,991 121,149,O3O 68,804,945 126,1345,890 Expenditures Cit, Council 286,639 415,087 448,480 243,557 422,000 Adrninistraticn 3,031,347 2,757,492 3,519,030 1,575,407 3,769,000 Economic & Community Dev 7,791,962 9,259,169 10,633,510 5,158,350 9,750,800 Finance 2,810,207 3,476,740 3,899,760 1,826,173 3,537,800 Fine Contracted S+ervioes 3,900,542 3,396,485 3,749,8.80 2,749,141 3,463,400 Human Resources 1,795,361 1,909,651 2,123,280 999,994 1,855,000 Law 1,383,659 1,356,954 1,735,880 951,005 1,676,600 Municipal Court 3,433,032 3,876,294 4,437,810 2,477,217 4,392,100 Paiics, Rea-c iioa &Comm Svcs 19,439,188 21,804,373 24,054,500 12,974,509 23,707,900 Police 50,394,511 54,011,056 58,439,540 34,545,902 58,390,400 Public Works - - - 440 Non-Depaitmen al 36,289,679 16,512,053 10,183,410 1,449,368 10,133,410 Totar Expenditures 130,558,126 113,779,2154 123,225,080 64,351,053 120,651,410E Actual Prel�m AdJ Budget YTO Est Actual operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed reYanues, Fund balance is being utilized. Surer Furld Revenues 21r474,426 22,469,259 21,432.550 4,83B,919 22,367.530 Expenditures 18,646.932 21,889.515 21,473.100 8,225.100 20,227.980 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2r627A93 579.744 (40,550) (3,396.181) 2,139.600 LFOFF 1 Retiree Serrefits Revenues 1,119.751 1'n3,198 11324,150 493.003 1,044.740 Expenditures 1,375.512 949.548 1,612,800 591.733 1,01b,600 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (255,751) 183,650 (288r650) (9B,736) 25,140 Lodgirrg Tax Revenues 565,735 288r355 268,810 151.390 271,730 Expenditures 244,710 315,544 304r230 230.774 304r230 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 321.025 (27,1B9) (15,420) (79.384) (22,500) YourhfTec»Programs Revenues 1,021,842 1,104r536 1,112r240 691,322 1,154.760 Expenditures 925,650 997.496 1,112,240 3r938 1,112,240 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 96,192 107,041 - 687,385 42520 2022 2023 2024t Actu al Prelim a Buidget YTD Est Actual capital RCSOUinces Revenues 27rQ54r816 29,784,Z78 27,195,870 15,363,r356 29,890,Da0 Expenditures 24r632r063 33,422,431 36,67E,3BO 1,60B4O49 36,366.560 Net Revenues Less ExcLenditures 6r421,934 (3,718,153) [9,480r.510] 13,755,-306 (6,476,560) Cr}lrainaa lusiica Revenue-- 18r0.36,211 12,884,719 12,812.420 8,513,640 13,604.58-D ExpEr,.ditures 9r102,237 13,9.30,094 13,871,330 6,396,ID70 13,694.360 Net fcevenues Less Expenditures 933,974 1o045,375) [1,858,910 2,117,569 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (2r336,397) (94,295) (748,620) (2,047,035) (741.430) Impact Fee Fu»d Revenues 3,152,179 863r560 4,251,960 475.653 9SOr600 Expenditures 3r152r179 B61,550 4,251.960 437.741 980,600 Net Revenues Less Expenditures - - - 37.916 - Other Operating Revenues 136,6B1 124,197 110.330 - 110,330 Expenditures 130.685 52.640 110r330 38.345 S4,320 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 5.996 71.557 (30,345) 26,010 202.2 20231 + 2024 Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capitat projectsare excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, €und balance is being utilized. Debt Servire Funds Couneilrnarjic vebi Service Revenues 7,1307,641.3 7,383,860 7,40t,000 1,943.779 7,219,700 Expenditures 8,563.855 8,259,1B5 7,B13,060 1,939,778 7,B13,060 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (656,252) (B75,325) (412.060) 4,000 (593,360) Special,45SYS' Smen t Debl Service Revenues 72Q,252 B00,037 205,250 231,219 231,220 Expenditures 682,020 695,278 191,810 - 191r810 Net Revenues less Expenditures 38,232 104,759 13,440 221,219 39,410 2022 2023f 12024 Sewer 01 arty Revenues 35,612,755 38,684,259 3%180,4a0 24,068,807 40,560,800 Expen-ditures 33,041,535 39,141,00E 40,739,160 21,23B,655 4C,7391160 Net Revenues Less Expeneftunes 2,571,220 (456,749) (1,558,760) 2,830,152- (178,360) Revenues 24,634,562 28,535,938 28,547,290 16,740.047 29,033,190 Expenditures 27,537,SG9 30,375,568 29,122,550 10,088,241 27,758,790 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (2,903,3a7) (1,839.580) (575,260) 6,651,806 1,274,490 Solid Waste utility Revenues 1,419.785 1,141,925 1,Q70,550 522.422 1,06%490 Expenditures 1,151,021 1,207.525 1,252,060 673.331 1,195r02O Met Revenues Less Expenditures 268,764 (65,600) (181,500) (SU,908) (126,530) Golf Complex Revenues 3,46B,448 3,806,199 3,566,326 2,325.849 3,586,330 Expenditures 2,963,754 3,156,474 3,315,750 1,854,810 3,315,750 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 504,694 649,725 270,576 471,039 270,580 Internal Service Funds Fleet Serrlces Revenues 8,180,653 10,559,550 7,161,920 4,402,396 7,394,860 Expenditures 5,176,283 9,034,285 10,126,620 3,907.977 7,048.970 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,{804,370 1,625,265 (2,944,700) 494,419 345,890 Central Services Revenues 315,714 290,329 372,820 159,690 317.530 Expenditures 286,653 305,677 363,640 164,626 324,480 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 29,061 (14,849) (4,620) (4,936) (6,950) 2022 2DZ3Y Y Eat Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances vrhere expenditures exoeed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. 202 2 2023 2024 20241 Acwal Prelim I 'BudgetF Efft Actual Informartorr terhrpology Revenues 11r412r426 12,839,697 12,969r340 7,083,630 12,927r850 Expen-ditures 11,386r844 12,862.146 12,97414B0 8,023.867 12,BD7,580 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 25.5B2 (22.449) (5,140) (940,236) 120.270 Ysri—w—ru.— Revenues 117J26 235r670 183,080 127.099 216,8136 Expenditures 119,475 186,230 227r090 164.993 227,090 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (2r349) 49,441 (44,01(l) (37,908) (10,290) Workers Compensation Revenues 3r172,019 3,962,162 2,971r000 1,789,852 3,027r768 Expenditures 2r852,220 2,453r276 3,284,970 1,362,141 3,175,880 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 319,200 1,508,885 (313.970) 407,711 (146,112) Employee Health& wejlness Revenues 15r 793,817 17,039r338 16,777,950 10,090,103 17,441,687 Expenditures 14r79G,643 15,317,216 16,784,9E0 9,498,005 16,406r606 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 997r174 1,722,020 (7,030) 592,093 1,035,087 Liability Insurance Revenues &r677r522 6,691,790 5,826,000 3,671,860 6,1399.360 Expenditures 5rf26,577 5,015,392 6,0013,120 4,155,792 6,008,120 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3r050r944 1,676,398 (162,120) (483,933) 91r240 Property Irtrsura»ec Revenues 1r171,973 1,456,200 1,456.420 864,644 1,471,485 Expenditures 614r057 985r342 1,334.640 1,546rG30 1,1924100 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 357,915 470r858 121.730 (781r986) 279,4135 Other Furd Revenues Other Fund Expenditures 80,006,0U6 — *Special 80,000,000 - 70,000,000 - Revenue 741,W0,000 - Especial 60,006,000 Funds 60rG74,0o0 _ Revenue 50,004,0€O io Enterprise 50,600,600 - _ Funds 40,o06,0i0 - Funds 40,600,006 - - it EnrerpFLve 30,600,0€O 30,W 4,000 Funds 20,600,000 a Internal 20,W0,000 Service - 14,004,�40 f�` _ 0 0 ■Itticerna I Funds 2422 2023 Prelim 2iE34 Service Fund= 2022 2023 2024 Artuak Rrelim Budget Arivals Budget 4'- L ... ,>✓, t ;` ice' � •� _ �:'�',� _ _ KENT WASHINGTON East Mill-Meridian , (Garrison Glen] (Hilishire Terrace . . : househit.,j KENTT ome ew Kent ' coos C ree Tra i s Neigh o rh S Nature Trails Townhomes . , households New neighborhoods joining the city neighborhood HEIGHTS program. HIGNPOINTf C grin r � Current 41rtj i`:'',T '; •'� ; 1 III! -�- __ Citywide Renton � Neighborhood Sea ' !� Program Map Tal6 t is City of Kent$o undary ViaR a! u Neighborhoods l Inter` Revised November 27.2019 � a _ �� Laurel.SDrm e� _ - Lower Cornmunity x ...fir.: i� � � Rosewood '1 TI. ! Karaon Moin 4 t os , 4 iverview �� the1�1f �� Fern Cresi � le Ke rnt6n Fhe asants N0I O" MIR _ [Firs] $had0 Arooky_y,�dg qq r �1 Wildher4l Merdwn M1iNEadnWSL — { r The Lakes NO/" u rryy� prchSp Villdt at li _ Flowe�+Gourt ���"" ^ Park Mill East"Po inte Fieldstone reek C7 t Creek Westview - :� Kent p+ MeaGowS rt Highland Crossing� iyoN+ntarrn CaritJe+rr6ury I X •..Sa Ra it Hills Ne ighbvrs � North M€ridran of We s[ Kent Scenic Mill WriteFi r Hill 50Dp Seven Horsed Lake Meridian Oaks V:Ilage Con nectivn E� Crossing tt Townh t vrnes f 7 condommivms QoVer q"" ` 4Vl Mill f �f Park Lake } �- Grerkeld Camibbridges; Tudv Meridian ! Dare 'll� k eke M r dram ghts Ride - �� Meridian Glen Brook ry Hwi SITU .L-s Eag3FGreek ii.i rfr j �a k I � '-�■ Living at 4 - ■�wy/■ { j tID1 r. .i-1:7 . kl Living Bridge I aentis-ma+�.d KENT l 3 NT KEN TWA . GOV KE K �. Residents are encouraged to form neighborhood councils • Organize to identify neighborhood needs and interests • Develop neighborhood action plans (Block Watch) • Make recommendations for neighborhood improvements • Access to the Neighborhood Grants, Drinks in the Driveway, Neighborhood Newsletter, and special neighborhood workshops. 4 KENT KEN �� t kS,r. �x{may Yt` � �� �• -'- - �� 'w' 'd - -'fir - ''��!{��� F}'�-f/y�.. •� _ Y:��{+ � - � �R �k�y#' - •. A 4 f k�'E '-jam_ � I � • � - fry k _:, ;,..: ram. �� �`.�. _ •`� ;�' t_ {f _ y. IL Ar IL .*• - - - T F z r ILA LSD Or dw - _ • AF dh- �. r I . } 114 � ``?fie Nature Trails A.0 ar ILI Ym 4 Al .. Townhomes �. d. _ +l� ; Total Homes: y ` 44 households 1 `+ ' ` \ fr. - - - — ' J — - ` ram'— r Demographics: RAAS Multi-Family �� •+ r •5; - Townhome Community Safety AV Grants 46 Pli r K n� y_ .�y` r • � #' r 1��� 1 ' .�`}uJ 7 ,+i' y�F -t�►r / '4�j+ _+' 4�-`�= �j - ■ - � ,� r' 3^YF enef its • Access to neighborhood grants to fund community projects and enhance neighborhood livability. • Events and initiatives like Drinks in the Driveway which provides opportunities for residents to engage directly w ith city officials to discuss and address concerns • Offers workshops, support, and direct access to leadership 8 KEN TWA . GOV KENT KEN T W A S H I N G T O N ,l f 9� �!t ' ';k ••�''ti. ..- .5 T�_ �-nw f -� - _ .1� 3 .sue y i•���rx. �- - - - .�+� .-ie.._- '^i.;. to 3t�S �k ..:-: -. M_ y 'S'• _ .. 'a,S.,• � -t:i' .� � - r: - ice. --- -- - ----- KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FtentValleyWA.com I info@FCentValleyWA.com 1253-85fi-5454 115 NA , 2 2 ZO_ _ ti L. _ Z _rlu _ - W MEEKER ST = — Ad i I` 44 115 • 2422049120 • , 1 1 1 • ft lotH LA i = 21 1}� v r x,l [UIl1 �A._ IA ta4i -•P Rl N �l r`�r KentValleyWA.ccm I info@HentValleyWA.com 1253-856-5454 ok ` Transportation, P s a nd Recreation, and Human Services Elements is � - ��` r -�� • . F.rmF`_ :,, - _ '�r� �� • low ' .� -�_-. � .•��.. � � +fir, �_ �.;K� Committee of the Whole September 17, 2024 Comprehensive Plan 2044 Building Our Future Together .. Goals f Tonight's Meeting Review and discuss Review and discuss Discuss integration of major changes to the major changes to the human services Transportation goals and policies of element throughout Element the Parks and the 2044 Recreation Elements ~ Comprehensive Plan ,' Corn prehe nsive plan 2044 kh 'KENT Building Our Future Together Proj* ect Schedule Spring — Fall 2023 Fall — Winter 2023 Spring — Summer 2024 Fall — Winter 2024 ro)r r*)t Am --0 • Community Vision and • Joint Council and LUPB • Draft Environmental Draft Comprehensive Goals Workshop Impact Statement Plan and • SEPA Scoping • Future Land Use • Round 2 Public Implementation Plan • Round 1 Public Classifications Engagement (Round 3 Public Engagement • Alternative Future Land • Preferred Alternative Engagement) Use & Transportation Selection • Final EIS Scenarios • Final Comprehensive Plan and Implementation Plan '' Corn prehe nsive plan 20" kbhhk6, KENT Building Our Future Together ision V 0 0 olicy Framework VISION • Chapter GUIQING GUIpING GUIQING GUIpING GUIDING PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER ELEMENTS AND CITYWIDE PLANS EACH CURRENT CDN ❑ITIaNS, TRENDS AND QPPORTUNII II ELEMENT GALS GUIDING 'Am.,Comprehensive Plan PRINCIPLE ICQNOGftAPHY POLICIES & E[�UITA6LE OUTCOME 2044 w'KEt%her CALLOUi'S 4Building . Elements ✓ Land Use ✓Capital Facilities • Housing (Sept 17 Workshop) ✓Utilities ✓Transportation • Climate (October Workshop) ✓ Parks and Recreation • Shoreline (October Workshop) ✓ Economic Development �KENT_ _ Comprehensive Plan 2044 ,KENT Building Our Future Together kv Transportat'ion Element 6 KEN T WA 9 H IN 07 ON • Overview of the Transportation Element -now TRANSPORTATION �nrr�edrie���p4ldns 5ifttyr1lkilth � �ip PL�ot�r[rt�itrg S#r�txg� � � PLAN -- 1� • Fxpand and s9re�gthen Prama[ecommunitpt�ealth Mar�ta�nand impmMrwhak Maker�veskmanis that �ursuegranis,parknership� ih�mulGmadal r�etwar�. by snpramg 3afeky ar�d hr we have and faros new empnas�e kept as a ar�d hechnolag•es is �e€iFkallx walking,hWng making walking,hams and rrre�tmrtrrls an,a�ecls thak wrararr�g plate and aiarmuae resvara�and i�nd andiransit,Gdr�rr2ase gettog Gatransi[w�deand hrre long txrrn romrnuMiy enhanceihe t►eaaderoithe neweffirnues. , aptrsns fnr those vfia here rartrfarlahle akternatrrc�[a and e€onartmc oene6ls. rnmmumt�. .• �•.� cat Building Our Future Together - Goals Summary of Changes - Transportation Goals and Policies • Updated language to address new PSRC Multicounty Planning Policies and King County Countywide Planning Policies. • Added a new policy addressing Target Zero, Kent's goal to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries. • Added policies and strengthened language regarding coordination with other agencies to increase connectivity, better serve the Kent community, and streamline permitting processes vIL a�� �KENT_ w.�w-r.rr+r - �; TM' r.a .wtlLwlFmlil1411.1 �.xti.. .; .��.�.r�lrY.. ��..�..rJM _ WORKING DRAFTC �.anu11O1Fwxo¢r Pro osed - �...�,r...�_ _ In'.Y�c vw Arv�ws.wr '� MD—d Imp 11�`—S CI.CIt. rkm p =�� . �.�rr�4krA���rti�,M•�i k• IT�N.b �rHawr�loary ■ Functional •s.r�yr.¢.Mr,.....rm..,k.y.r.l...w+�'+rr-..+.w r _...X.... x _wPrfNh • • �orrr,tea-...�..r..d •* � I - - Eau, Classifications # Updates . GIVnAC p'o-pMap �_ - � - � - � 1.������1�1 r+6 F L. I. p ; y � 1 - - I - - l• fi(ir��l�-04 p�-04yp�^�• �f f}/{�J//J■/ate}rf/ J{ice, rrT WORKING r r f DRAFT ■� ! � 4.5 1 Miles �Y�r��1Yii�n.1�«' ��wwrt�r s.�rary [ I _ Comprehensive Plan 2044 ,KENT Building Our Future Together r Parks and R Element 10 KEN T WA 9 H IN 07 ON Overview of Parks and Recreation Element • Description of parks and recreation facilities • Strategies to implement growth strategy Perks & Open Space Plan 2022 outlined in the Comprehensive Plan • Goals and policies for providing parks �,._ �'� ' and recreation facilities to meet adopted levels of service aj 16 Topics Goals Policies 'KENT_ SummaryChangesof - Parks and Recreation Element Goals and Policies • Reorganized for flow and removed redundancies • Strengthened language to promote celebration of cultures, environmental protection, and climate resiliency • Updated language to address new PSRC Multicounty Planning Policies and King County Countywide Planning Policies. TRANSPARENCY & PHYSICAL ACCFSS DIVERSITY OF HIGH- SYSTEM COMMUNICATION FOR ALL QUALITY AMENITY RESILIENCY a Access �r� Programming sourcl Athletics r Op Maintenance 8e �1 Resources li Ahainfenance RR Strategics' Comprehensive Plan 2044 V Equity � l4merrities � iraiis ��Partnerships KENT Building Our Future Together L ,KENT,oQ � Integration of the Human Services Element 'l* nto the 2044 Comprehensive Plan rKENT HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT,,, Human Services Element • Provides a framework for the delivery of human services programs that support the community's growth, vitality, and health . HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT What you will find In this chapter: • Staaternent of Dols and ecwomk ands altrends: Demographic and socio-economic trends 9 � p%lof,he mevo-y arngMeCty roetn <onMDuary to the sooal development d the community;arW Goah that support the prons*n of we ces to asset those in need and oppa urmes to m ourage a healthy community. Purpose Statement: lt w h the delivery of human ser ces programs whdt are eiwnual to the cammunrtyi 9row(h.wtainy and health Why Change?the HUMAN SERVICES ELEMENT ^^TER SEVEN/ 11S ,''. Comprehensive Plan 2044 KENT Building Our Future Together Upcoming Meetings • September 17: Workshop • September 23: Special Land Use and Planning Board — Hearing and LUPB recommendation on Community Based Behavioral Health Facilities code updates (7 pm) • October 7: Land Use and Planning Board 0 • October 14: Land Use and Planning Board 0 � • October: Workshop (date tbd depending on budget) • October 30: Final Community Advisory Group meeting 'KENT_ ,KENTkv Building g0 F Together Questions? Kristen Holdsworth , Project Manager 25398564, 5441 f u t u re ke n t Cw Ke n tWA. cLov Engage. KentWA.gov/Futu re Kent ��