HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - City Council Workshop - 09/17/2024 KENT CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP • AGENDA KEN T Tuesday, September 17, 2024 VV AS H ING TO N 5:15 p.m. Chambers A live broadcast is available on Kent TV21, www.facebook.com/CitvofKent, and www.youtube.com/user/KentTV21 To listen to this meeting, dial 253-215-8782 or 253-205-0468 Enter Meeting ID: 84409234389 Join the meeting Mayor Dana Ralph Council President Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Bill Boyce Councilmember Marli Larimer Councilmember John Boyd Councilmember Zandria Michaud Councilmember Brenda Fincher Councilmember Toni Troutner ************************************************************** Item Description Speaker Time 1 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update: Kristen 75 MIN. Housing Element Holdsworth Unless otherwise noted, Council will hold workshops to discuss pending local and regional issues at 5:15 p.m. on each regular council meeting day, except when a regular or special council meeting occurs at or before 5:30 p.m. Public Comment may be submitted in writing to the City Clerk at the meeting,which will be distributed to each councilmember and admitted into the record, but will not be read aloud at the meeting. In order to be admitted into the record,written comments shall be submitted not less than three hours prior to the start of the Workshop meeting to Cityclerk@kentwa.gov, unless a person appears in-person, in which case,the written comments will be handed to the City Clerk and will be admitted into the record of the Workshop meeting. For additional information, please contact Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk at 253-856-5725,or email CityClerk@kentwa.gov. NOTE:A copy of the full agenda is available in the City Clerk's Office and at KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk at 253-856-5725 in advance of the meeting. For TDD relay service, call Washington Telecommunications Relay Services at 7-1-1. 2.1 • KENT W A S M I N G T O N DATE: September 17, 2024 TO: City Council Workshop SUBJECT: 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update: Housing Element SUMMARY: Long Range Planning Manager, Kristen Holdsworth will provide updates on the Housing Element. Since the last periodic update, several changes have happened to state law, the Puget Sound Regional Council Multicounty Planning Policies (MPPs), and King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs). Kent was already working to address housing affordability and options through previous efforts, including the Kent Housing Options Plan (KHOP) and updates to the accessory dwelling unit (ADU) development standards. The focus of the presentation will be on: 1. How the Preferred Land Use Alternative fulfills new requirements not just for housing capacity development over 20 years, but to also "plan for and accommodate housing affordable to all income levels;" 2. Compliance with other new housing requirements; 3. Integration of KHOP into updated goals and policies; 4. Middle housing; and 5. Plans for implementation, including development code updates starting in 2025. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. Packet Pg. 2 2.1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Kent Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Goals and policies draft (PDF) Packet Pg. 3 `\, Comprehensive Plan 2044 "'KEN Building Our Future Together' 2044 Comprehensive Plan Draft Updated Housing Element �- Goals and Policies CID Underline text = new additions Q c+rikethr, ugh text = removed o U 0 N 0 Goal H-1 Preserve and improve existing housing, particularly naturally occurring affordable housing options. L H-1.1 Establish, mMonitor,and enforce clear and objective building and property wl maintenance code-standards for residences *^ rPg0d^^ti;;' ^^i^hberheed- to support healthy, sustainable, and safe housing options.: 0 H-1.2 Promote the repair, revitalization,and rehabilitation of residential structures that have fallen into disrepair:, including multifamily housing and rental units,to maintain quality M housing standards, support community health, and ensure long term affordability. ° t9 c H-1.3 °F^^,^t^ ^^�^^�^�' Increase awareness among property owners and residents of the E critical iMPOFtaRee financial, livability, and equity impacts of property maintenance, w emphasizing the positive impact once long-term housing values andd neighborhood quality, as well as the availability of funding for improvements. rn ° 0 H-1.4 Provide equitable access to-a high quality-Gf services aimed to maintain the appeaFaRee of neighborhoods and enhance quality of life for all ef-residents. li d H-1.5 that need . ^r#...,^.,t Support neighborhood reinvestment while implementing the City's anti-displacement policies to safeguard vulnerable populations a while promoting equitable access to community improvements. E 0 U H-1.6 Promote additional funding for rehabilitation, energy efficiency,and weatherization programs by supporting legislation at the state and federal level to expand these Y programs to include a wider range of housing types, including rentals, mobile homes, c and multifamily residences. E E c� H-1.7 Continue to share public information about energy conservation, including solar power, a and encourage community members to incorporate energy-efficient design features, En age.KentWA.gcv Future) nt KEG. Packet Pg. 4 2.1.a '4k ? AFT 2 such as additional insulation and solar energy systems into residential construction and remodeling projects. Promote the utilization of federal, state, and local programs and subsidies to support these efforts. a H-1.8 Continue to use the City's Code Enforcement Program to conduct inspections on a c complaint basis, maintaining a log of complaints to identify households early on that a may benefit from additional resources or support, while emphasizing a compassionate approach including education and outreach. N c (D z H-1.9 Connect the Code Enforcement and Rental Housing Inspection program with residential Q- developers, property managers, and housing advocacy groups to increase outreach and o education to homeowners and renters on the importance of preserving, upgrading, and c) rehabilitating housing with educational materials in multiple languages and annual c classes and workshops. N 0 H-1.10 Address property, structural, and energy/water conservation improvements for low- income homeowners in the City,with a focus on local or independently owned r multifamily properties. Explore expansion of the Home Repair Program to reduce disparities and ensure equitable access to essential improvements. N N .2 H-1.11 Administer the Home Repair Program to assist individuals with disabilities and other o special needs to make architectural modifications to their homes and continue to implement the provisions of the ADA. M ca A M Goal H-2 ER000F^^^a wane*•of Promote a diverse range of housing types, options,and 0 densities throughout the city for-to serve residents of all income levels, housing needs, and demographic backgrounds. E m w H-2.1 PrAWPIP.Ensure adequate sites-buildable land and zoning to encourage and facilitate a a, range of housing+^ -„-,-r^«the FegiORal fair Share -a"^ea+^^. densities and types y affordable to all income levels. Focus growth within proximity to transit and c employment opportunities meet proiected housing needs. _ c a H-2.2 Encourage infill development, redevelopment, and Feeye'i^^^f land- and efficient use of land to pFevi a adequate Fesid^^+ial siteS for residential uses, including middle housing. rn c as H-2.3 Facilitate and enea age the development of affordable rental housing and long-term L homeownership opportunities for older adults sc^-rnieFs, low-income households, large E families, individuals with disabilities, and other identified special housing needs groups. 0 r c H-2.4 Expand housing capacity for moderate density and middle housing to enable more a) housing options throughout lower density neighborhoods that provides opportunities for affordable home ownership and rental housing. E E H-2.5 Promote and incentivize the development of middle housing in areas with high-capacity transit service while balancing the City's goals of maintaining naturally occurring a affordable housing. EngageXentWA.gov/Futu reKent Packet Pg. 5 2.1.a 4kRAF ' 3 H-2.6 Continue to allow and promote the development of attached and detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as long-term rentals, entry level homeownership opportunities, and multi-generational living solutions. 0- c H-2.7 Be proactive in the siting and development of emergency,transitional, and permanent a- supportive housing options, and periodically assess land capacity to ensure sufficient land is available for such uses. c d z as H-2.8 Allow for development of indoor emergency facilities in all zones where hotels are Q. allowed through a clear and objective process, consistent with State law. E 0 U H-2.9 Enhance partnerships with affordable housing developers, community-based c organizations, and religious institutions to collaboratively identify and address community housing needs in the e-^""", ^ * . Explore joint initiatives, leverage 0 resources, and facilitate communication to promote housing solutions. r H-2.10 Explore alternative models of housing ownership (e.g. housing co-operatives, lease to f° own, community land trusts, etc.) and implement programs where-feasible and fiscally N appropriate, aiming to expand housing ownership opportunities for low- and moderate- .2 income residents. o 0_ H-2.11 Promote the redevelopment of underutilized sites for residential use through proactive c0a outreach to the development community. Facilitate developer engagement by providing A 0 detailed information on potential residential opportunity sites via the City's website and 0 other communication channels. a� E H-2.12 Continue to encourage Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) as a strategy to facilitate w affordable housing developments through-innovative land use techniques. Inform a, c developers of the density incentives available under the program and assess potential y barriers to its utilization- o x c Goal H-3 Provide housing^«is*^ne-^where Reeded Promote equitable housing access for all to IL members of the Kent community through inclusive policies and proactive measures. c H-3.1 Use public financial resources, as feasible,to support the provision of housing for lower income households, semolder adults, and other special needs groups. a E H-3.2 Provide rental assistance to address existing housing problems and provide c) homeownership assistance to expand housing opportunities. Y H-3.3 Continue to provide assistance to rental households through continued participation in c a) the Section 8 program and encourage rental property owners to register their units with E the King County Housing Authority. Continue to monitor the number of residents c� accessing the program and units available for rent. a - En gag e.KentW .gOV/FUtUrel ent Packet Pg. 6 2.1.a 4 Df? AFT H-3.4 Support the preservation of multi-family units, government subsidized housing, naturally occurring affordable housing, and other sources of affordable housing, while implementing anti-displacement measures to ensure housing stability for all community members. 0- c H-3.5 Consider investments in capital infrastructure projects that reduce private costs for the a- construction of affordable housing by nonprofit housing providers targeted to those making less than 30 percent AMI. N c (D z H-3.6 EnGe age the , f_har ie.- free -„-eh.t +,,,-^ On'Integrate universal design principles in Q- the development code to increase housing accessibility in home upgrades, remodels, o renovations, and new housing developments. c) v v 0 Goal H-4 ReMeW^goye ^mental^Q_RQUamntr% Implement strategies to overcome barriers to N housing production and affordability. o T H-4.1 Regularly review development standards and processes to identify and remove constraints or barriers that may hinder the development of diverse, affordable, and f° accessible housing supply, especially for lower income households. N N .2 �H-4.2 Annually Rreview development fees ^^^ ally to en-sure that f^ and exactions to 0 ensure they are equitable and do not unduly constrain the production and maintenance of housing, particularly affordable and accessible housing options. A M H-4.3 °revod-e erEnsure streamlined,timely,and coordinated processing of residential 0 projects to minimize holding costs and encourage housing production. Continuously explore and implement further process improvements as necessary. E m w H-4.4 Explore inclusionary and incentive zoning,Vie-density bonuses, impact fee a, reductions,e�ancl or other regulatory incentives to Minimi.;^the ^ffeet Af y o remove barriers and encourage the development of long-term affordable housing and = c homeownership opportunities in areas with close proximity to transit, employment, IL and -or educational opportunities. Goal H-5 Preme•e equal hOUSORg^"^^'`Uniti Develop and implement strategies to address as historical housing disparities,while implementing proactive measures to minimize and L mitigate future housing displacement and exclusion. E E 0 U H-5.1 Continue to evaluate City of Kent policies and regulations that contribute to racially c disparate impacts, displacement, and exclusion in housing. Implement strategies to Y address these issues and demonstrate how current policies promote equitable outcomes for all residents. E E H-5.2 Continue to evaluate physical, economic, and cultural displacement risks within a Kent. Implement policies and strategies to minimize or mitigate displacement of low- EngageXentWA.gov/,FutureKent Packet Pg. 7 2.1.a =") R 1 5 income households and historically marginalized communities affected by economic factors, public capital investments, and/or redevelopment pressures. r H-5.3 Maintain an inventory of subsidized housing units throughout the City, regularly track 0- incentive program use, and periodically identify areas at risk of displacement. c a H-5.4 Promote the identification and utilization of additional affordable housing programs through the Human Services Division and South King Housing and Homelessness c Partners (SKHHP)to preserve existing affordable units and prevent displacement. z as L Q H-5.5 Engage and partner with communities most disproportionately impacted by housing E 0 challenges to inform policies, strategies, actions, and regulations to reduce housing v disparities and address historical harm to these communities. c N H-5.6 Collaborate with other local, regional, and statewide entities to monitor success and o progress of incentives, initiatives, and development, and to ensure policies are working as intended to address racially disparate impacts, displacement risk, and 20-year population allocations. Amend strategies and actions as needed based on monitoring f° outcomes. N a) .2 Goal H-6 Collaborate with diverse partners to meet regional and City housing needs. o 0_ H-6.1 Continue collaborative efforts with the Washington State Department of Commerce, Puget Sound Regional Council, King County Housing Authority, South King Housing and A 0 Homelessness Partners, and other technical assistance.This supports the development, 0 a implementation, and monitoring of strategies aimed at achieving the City's housing goals. E E m w H-6.2 Assist-Expand partnerships with private,.nonprofit, and community-based housing c, c developers to expand equity-based strategies in providing affordable housing to low- y income residents,_&epima�older adults, multigenerational households, o disproportionately impacted populations, and others special needs groups. _ P g P c 0 IL H-6.3 Further intedurisdictional cooperative efforts and public-private partnerships to fund, develop, rehabilitate and maintain ale-housing affordable to all income levels and to achieve shared goals. m L Q H-6.4 Continue to contribute to the South King Housing and Homelessness Partners' Housing E Capital Fund to support the creation and preservation of affordable housing. 0 U r c Y c a) E t v c� Q EngageXentWA.gov/Futu reKent Packet Pg. 8