HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Land Use & Planning Board - 08/26/2024 (3) Pending Approval � Land Use and Planning Board �KENT Land Use Regular Meeting Wp ° °T°° Minutes August 26, 2024 Date: August 26, 2024 Time: 6:01 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Sandra Pereira Reynolds, Chair Bryan Kesterson, Co-Chair Shane Amodei, Dione Dittmar, Sally McDonough, Justus Phelps, Benjamin Reid Agenda: 1. Call to Order 6:01 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Sandra Pereira Reynolds Chair Excused Bryan Kesterson Co-Chair Present Shane Amodei Present Dione Dittmar Present Sally McDonough Present Justus Phelps Present Benjamin Reid Present 3. Changes to the Agenda None 4. Approval of Minutes dated August 12, 2024 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated August 12, 2024 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Benjamin Reid SECONDER: Sally McDonough AYES: Kesterson, Amodei, Dittmar, McDonough, Phelps, Reid EXCUSED: Pereira Reynolds 5. Comprehensive Plan — Capital Facilities and Utilities Elements At the LUPB meeting staff provided an overview of updates to the Capital Facilities and Utilities Elements. Changes to the goals and policies focus on updates to be responsive to new Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Multicounty Planning Policies (MPPs), King County Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs), and equity considerations. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 3 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular August 26, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... The discussion around the Capital Facilities was as follows: CF1 - the second use of the word adequate' seems redundant. CF6 - there was strong support to change the language. The statement infers that people feel safe in and around Kent and that the goal is to maintain that level of safety. Most members felt that the language needs to change to better reflect the current status and the goal moving forward. CF7 - A member asked that the word 'Outreach' also be included because of the work the police do in outreach. CF10 - A question was asked if this statement is referring to reducing recidivism? Kristen Holdsworth confirmed that. Sally thought the statement could be clarified. CF12 - A member felt that the word cooperatively' should be revised to something like enhanced coordination'. Kristen responded that the language is from a regulatory requirement, and that coordination efforts with the school district continue. The discussion around Utilities was as follows: U4 - A member questioned whether the City can really meet water demand for the next 20 years. Kristen noted that the utility providers have requirements for planning efforts and the project team has coordinated with them to discuss the Comprehensive Plan. Through these conversations the utilities have conveyed they can meet the need. U5 - A member asked for clarification regarding standards to be more explicitly called out when discussing drinking water. U16 - There were question regarding whether the power grid can support Kent for the next 20 years. Kristen indicated that there is concern regarding future power supply, especially in the Industrial Valley but that PSE says with enough time and preparation they can supply the power for the next 20 years. U17 - A member recommended that the word safety' be included when discussing clean energy siting. There was general discussion about Emergency Management and where that falls in the Elements or if it should be its own Element. Kristen explained that it will probably be included in Land Use and Climate Resiliency but there is still work being done on that and it will not be in its own element because the city works with Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority for emergency management. There were questions about removing language about Natural Gas. There was a recommendation that something be added back in. 6. Adjournment 7:06 p.m. Ta.wya/Kai ,rV ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 3 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular August 26, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 3