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City Council Meeting - City Council Workshop - 08/20/2024 (2)
Approved City Council Workshop • Workshop Regular Meeting KENT Minutes WAS HiNaTor+ August 20, 2024 Date: August 20, 2024 Time: 5:15 p.m. Place: Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Council President Kaur called the meeting to order. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Satwinder Kaur Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present John Boyd Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present II. PRESENTATIONS 1 2044 Comprehensive Plan: Preferred Kristen 45 MIN. Alternative, Future Land Use Map, and Holdsworth Land Use Element Long Range Planning Manager, Kristen Holdsworth provided the Council with the Comprehensive Plan 2044 Preferred Alternative and Land Use Element Updates. Holdsworth indicated she would be asking for confirmation tonight on the preferred alternative that helps lock in on housing numbers. Holdsworth reviewed the SEPA Process: 2 years of community conversations informed the first part of the analysis The City is working on another round of engagement Reviewed Draft EIS and impacts and are now confirming impacts. Understand Preferred Alternative process and Future Land Use Map importance. The Preferred Alternative is a mash of Alternatives 2 and 3 Continue the vision on downtown and West Hill Community confirmed alternatives Recognizes east hill has opportunities Transit on Benson corridor Opportunities for neighborhood nodes City Council Workshop Workshop Regular August 20, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... • Infill on middle housing Holdsworth talked about the uses and what is allowed - "zones" - it's how the City regulates growth. Future Land Use Map is contained in the Comprehensive plan - Has the Vision. Land use is 20 year vision = where we are headed Zoning is specific day-to-day, how we regulate. Future Land Use Map and Zoning Future Land Use map establishes the long-term development vision. The Zoning Map implements the future Land Use map through Zoning Districts. The City reviews development applications based on the Comp Plan policies and zoning requirements. Zoning changes can be made at any time. Tonight is step 1 - reviewing the big vision for the City. Land use designations related to zone or multiple zones. Land use - zoning into specific development regulations. The State only requires the City to update the Land Use Map by December. Goals for Land Use Map Review 1. Identify any red flags or concerns with proposed changes 2. Council sign off on final land use map changes Holdsworth walked the Council through all of the Future Land Use Map Changes. Most changes are on the East Hill and talked about challenges in the zones to determine if the land use right. Holdsworth advised that staff is working on the Benson Corridor Plan with Public Works on development regulations to spur development. Review and provide feedback on land use map changes. Review and provide feedback on Land Use Element key changes. Cleaning up land use changes regarding open space designations. Holdsworth moved into discussing the Draft Land Use Element Vision Policy Framework Guiding Principles Elements ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular August 20, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... • Relationship to other elements and citywide plans • Current conditions, trends and opportunities Goals Policies Land Use Element Overview Considers the general distribution, location, and intensity of land uses. Ensures land for housing, employment and economic activity, recreation, open space, public facilities, and other uses important to the community. Establishes land use patters that promote human and environmental health. Provides a basis for development regulations. Holdsworth detailed the Recognized Topics that were reshaped into four: Growth and Development Community-Centered Design Essential Public facilities Innovation & Shared Prosperity Summary of Changes Reorganized and removed redundant goals and policies. Strengthened language to support environmental justice communities. Strengthening of policies to ensure adequate scale, size, and bulk of development in urban areas and regional activity centers. Strengthened language and added policies to address connectivity needs through multimodal transportation options. Strengthened language to protect environmentally sensitive areas and support better. Revised language to support essential public facilities as well as jurisdictional and agency coordination. Holdsworth reviewed upcoming meetings: August 26t": Land Use and Planning Board September 4t": Community Advisory Group Meeting #5 September 9: Land Use and Planning Board September 17t": Council Workshop October 11, 2024, the Draft Comprehensive Plan will be released and Final EIS Issued 2 INFO ONLY: Behavioral Health Facilities Lindsay Walker 30 MIN. Project Update Planner, Lindsay Walker presented the Council with details on the Land Use and siting of Behavioral Health Facilities. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular August 20, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Goals: Discuss project and code adoption. LUPB provided direction Summarize definitions and input from the community Review and provide feedback on location considerations and conditions Discuss next steps and future meetings Walker advised of the status of the project schedule and indicated staff is in final review. Walker provided definitions of: Enhanced Service Facilities A residential long-term care facility, licensed by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) that provides support and services to persons for whom acute inpatient treatment is not medically necessary. Intensive Behavioral health treatment facility A community-based specialized residential treatment facility, licensed by the Washington Department of Health, for individuals with behavioral health conditions, including individuals discharging from or being diverted from state and local hospitals, whose impairment or behaviors do not meet, or no longer meet, criteria for involuntary inpatient commitment under chapter 71.05 RCW, but whose care needs cannot be met in other community-based placement settings. Walker advised of the work with the Kent Human Services Commission and the Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging Board, in addition to sharing the feedback from the Land Use and Planning Board. Walker detailed the concerns raised and the direction staff received. Staff then utilized community feedback and developed strategies to address concerns. The State's Model Ordinance provided siting recommendations. Proposed zoning for Behavioral Health Facilities is for Mid-High Density Residential and Commercial. The LUPB had concerns over allowing in Mid-High Density Residential. After discussion, Enhanced Services Facilities should be allowed in MR-M and H, but not Intensive Behavioral Health Treatment Facilities. Walker provided the Council with a zoning map depicting proposed, allowed zoning for enhanced services and Intensive Behavioral Health Treatment ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular August 20, 2024 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... Facilities that would be allowed in commercial areas. Walker talked about the assessed walkshed zones for school separations of: 500' separation removes 23% of parcels 880 foot buffer removes 37.5% Staff agrees with a separation and the LUPB prefers a 880 buffer. Holdsworth advised these are emerging uses that the state recently release guidance. Des Moines allows, but only in a small area (not in school area). Other jurisdictions sited in commercial and low industrial uses (no schools in proximity). Holdsworth talked about how buffers are evaluated. 500' buffer is standard. State has 880' buffer as well. Holdsworth and Walker responded to Councilmembers' questions regarding buffers and provided feedback received from the Human Services Commission and Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging Board. Walker detailed Footnote 37 conditions and Site conditions. Holdsworth closed the presentation by letting the Council know that she will circle back with the Police Department, Human Services Commission and Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging Board and will bring back their feedback/recommendation for the Council to consider. Walker advised there is a survey on the City's website where the public can provide feedback. Meeting ended at 6:25 p.m. Kim, y r1.ey A. K&m cto- City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 5 h 'M 77 41111 Preferred Alternative 711� - and Land Use Element Oft Updates AV City Council Workshop August 20, 2024 A&k6, 8%h. {Comprehensive Plan 2044 - ;r-r Building Our Future Together Goals f Tonight's Meeting 'A, Review SEPA Understand Review and Review and process and Council preferred alternative provide feedback provide feedback direction process and Future on land use map on Land Use Land Use Map changes Element key importance changes %j, Comprehensive plan 20" kh KENT Building Our Future Together SEPA Next Steps We are here Draft Final Determination Land Use Environmental Identify Draft Environmental of Significance Alternatives & Impact Future Land Use Impact ((DDecember2024) and Scoping Analysis Statement Map/Preferred Statement (FEIS) finalized (DEIS) and Alternative and (issued June 26, ( Com rehensive 2023) December 2023) Policy (Summer 2024) P Framework Plan Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Community Engagement Community Engagement Community Engagement ,', Comprehensive plan 2044 'KENT Building Our Future Together Features ofthePreferredAlternative qq I-,- Legend • Support for East Hill's existing and new y�j'Preferred Alternative Industrial Valley Wwn[�d�wlopmEn[t um-dwith nnton �yLn� �cK�-��v.,t..l..-.vr�,rr.,,.3.,,,tw,.,a•�� wre drarrvty in developnxnl types Q Ikban CrowM MeE activity centers bve 0pmrnl In Mll rplO JlggwhJfHfle nlenpty i Sal°rd>kantly°reater tha dnJlerlM x11wN<MIMS tluW9hWt the EJtI MIII YFJ. ertt hulk Paarnplpf. W W1CPI[Mn[TytlM an"n[[C411 EAMmwv. R M # M..d Use • Support for the infill and redevelopment of JWw� nn ,ex ....., , I the Kent-Canyon Ridge Candidate M y .-� Hkbo Fr r.Fn 8amon J a.r,tYnrglry R � - cauerd Rate Countywide Growth Center. „ Industrial Valley �,��,,�; M 25) SoLvid o t Exp © Sand Trarwt EalxtJt Saa,a I"S-11"Trap _.._. ... Stand Trwn Lnk ' Assumed continued development and (opemn9 n 202512026) ® -- East Hill North redevelopment in Kent's downtown area Dp Moin, • Continued implementation of the Rally the Mlddk Housing R•Mwbpn•n` Modest nfillln roftdeMlal neiohtsortwods and a greater amount adjacent to transit Stops Valley plan for Kent's industrial area Ea.>NIII W. gravlh at Eatl Hill nodes,lary Jy cons�stml wrth Mid ay - evist, zoning. Allowances for middle housing N ' n development and redevelopment West Hill � throughout the City's neighborhoods as i - East Hill South required by State law. Continued development o f the Midway Mldw.y Downtown °Jenson t:orddor.Kent Kingby ~* 0 Develops conaflvnr w,lh vx,tting Oeretopt convslmr wlthranhno pdK,ec Mod•i1°mw>hebno Bruton Comda and ��.��• pdKkf,ptanf Jntl 2onIMJ InIMSItY plantannrnN.9 Gre•t•rrrdnvflopJMnt Kent-Kargley Nohway,anhnuoh hbatw -' area, supported by regional high-capacity ,am.what°�`_thJnrKant lit amed t"it"tmtit bldt°ntn[.nt" IMensityeitft^ eel" ff doe, at bNIt QNJMplef. °NitH thin rKMl butt P%ilnplei intensity elSPwhQle ilonq CenidOr. transit investments. Auburn Land Use and ZoningMaps Land Use Map Zoning Map - - 5 laatr 51 searac*� Sys`* c :v,91e L,# 1` .usps l ,F 1 ivi9le L31w S r +• _ '17 SF-6 _ ruw B 2 SF-4 sY .3Ye Y„logs u�nle j-a.y.?, - -JJ+ the BoenH —� 's Lake 2 AVi' MIC' MHP -— - OS", Ic us SF- Mu ,oa us'- ---- ¢` :r .-. •r i szsth , .� ' as Mo nes , OS 5F- i ilnes 52151h.52i 1 4 5 4.5 s i = e ,/ _r 12N 5' 4 1- G PMF .1 SF 229[HE S223IJ 51 v _-� SF- '1 6 SF-a I � � I OS SF-4.5 LDMF MU sfn MDMF II w .-'� �s SF-6 q , H�a, _ 1 81a11n �rocl US MU .n. `'1US 52«,In;l �c +.J.1, L1 - Mnxr t OS UC. SF 8 sFs I + } k ti OS- SF-8 SF-8 os OS I _ pen K. PADMT tSF-6 C MnMr. +.�a-' LOMr 1nMF SF-4.5 1 Pohl ilk SF-6 L MU OS 051 ti C t. r- F - 1 1 1u:cF1 .� _� 1 US us 1 1 1 Ns Sr 8 IDS, 1 7' I 'I I t F I Ater L I, `r9 k,ae. -LSr- e ' ( � 1 I KC ,4.5 1 '--------- ---- , �-1 sr8y.W n---- s2ea,ns -7 U$ 41I i 4 11 rehensive plan 20" How We Want to How We kegulate i KE Growth Today Nether T Grow n the Future y Building Our Future Tog Future Land Use Mapand Zoning The City Reviews Future Land Use The Zoning Map Development Map Establishes Implements the Applications Based the Long-Term Future Land Use on Comp Plan Development Map through Policies and Vision Zoning Districts Zoning Requirements How We Want to How We Regulate Grow in the Future Growth Today %j, Corn pmhensiveP1an20" kkk KENT Building Our Future Together (!Fzorning Development Code SURACT LANE USE ALLWED ZONING 15.04.020 Residential land uses. AGRICULTURAL AG- A-10 Zoning Districts AG Key Subtotal P=Principally UseSF RESIDENTIAL LisPermided SR-1 5=special Uses C-Conditional SF-3 SR-3 uses A=ACCe550 ry S�-4._ SF .y uses M=Minor SF-6 SR-45,SR-6 Conditional uses ry r _ of r7 4 W r4 9 17 � 9 2 c'a c7 w ci,SRC,SRC a� w w a w w 4 w �� o� of CM �I 11 12 13 SF-8 SR One single-family a P P P P P P P P P P P P P A A A W-P MHP dwelling per lot (1) (1) (1) One duplex per P P P P Subtotal lot (27) (27) (27) One modular P P P P P P P P P P P P MFRESIDENTIAL LDMF 5R-8.MR-DrMR-GrMR-F-12rMRT-16rMHP hameperlat Duplexes P P P P P P P P P MDIMF MR-D,MR-ICI,MR-H,MRT--12,MRT--16r M14P — (27) (27) (21) (22) --4t Subtotal COMMERCIAL M4,1 GC;CC,MRT--16,M2(legacy) 16 15.04.190 Commercial and industrial zone development standards. h15 MCC,MRT 12,MRT C GC,CC CM-1,CM-2,MRT-12,MRT-16 uc DC,DCEr GC,IVIRT-12,MRT-16.IVIR-K MHP Zoning Districts - WC-1,MTC-2r MER MHP Subtotal o w U U INDUSTMAL I M1.M2.M3,M1-C i cUi of5 CM [U7 11 12 13 a 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 7,500 sq ft 7,500 sq ft 7,500 sq It 10,000 10,000 10,000 15.000 15,000 1 acre 14'it M2,M3,M 1-C Minimum lot area:square sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft feet or acres,as noted (1) (66) (66) Subtotal (66) PARK&OPEN SPACE All Maximum site coverage: 40°I 40% 100% 100% 80% 100°i 80% 50% 40% 60°I 65% 75% 60% percent of site Minimum yard requirements:feet Front yard Off 15 ft (2) (3) 20 f: (68) 20 ft 15 ft 20 R 15 ft 15 ft 25 ft (5) side yard (8) (9) (2) (3) (68) (68) (68) (10) (10) 10 ft 10 ft 15 ft (12) (10) (10) (10) IfrLnReview Goa s o a d Use Ma p Identify: Several to MU ®u`herelve Plan US' SF-6 Cpmprehensive Wan{Web) 1 . Any . ... J flags o r '� Agrk,&Op-Spal SI AgrKull_a Support Parks 6 Opate Urban Separat, //�\�• Singk•Family 3"'WA— c o n c e r n s with I t MIC h9hiF Sinpk-Family 45 UtVA,. MU Singk-Family 6 ilnl[s1Acre East Single-Famiy g tlntslAc lull-Meridian proposed SF-s SF-6 to MU M dOenahy Mu[dFW- Mdile H—ity Mul4mily SF-G tv MDMF sl,ad� Mohlk Home Wik Commerdal changes sF�s minnu , Mixedilse Naighkt-d Services I LDMF -11 induvial I} Mawfacneingfindustnal 2 Council sign -off SF Pi SF-8 [enter • SF-6 to LDMF T�it OOri-,1Ctrmam ty OS `J Nag Ca.Parks&Open on final land use MU F-6 t to LDMF s� King Co.Gcenbelt+Urhan ._J SEpardlpf 65 SF-6 to MU Kng[oun[y urban Residential E Ul O/A_ map changes MDMF SF-6 to C Kag County Urban C R.Identisl 4-E2 UnitgAC King C u Urn SF-6 to c CLAnR LAKE !Residartial ba 12.LInIL�/liCn: L SF S F�� County Communhy : IDS BL,si a Center King County Ndghbeo prhd Business Centu LDMF SF-4 5 ca 1—ON water 1❑M F orEn seAeE Taxbm SF-6 4. - 'C LDMF to Mu Ali SR-6 to L#\MF U5 OS c to LDMF � C[� o SF•6 nn=.�.nsrr" MDMF r Cavrnrytnn Future Land Use MapChanges Current Land Use Map Proposed Changes Several to MU $F6 U B .. 1 - -� Lib !� ' �.ow B s ` MIC� ,. SF-6 MHP ,US MU —________1 East / `+-� �� t'aF` c SF•6 to MU SF-s 1+.11 Meridian / AVi' m i c MhP --- •US '� I U$' MU. SF- ,o.l use I loines szts lh Ni - ., W SF- OS SF- 1 SF 1 LDMF b5,- ,. 1 1 I 4.5 4.5 1 = 5-1151 n 1_—.�.� IpMF SF]29[hE� SF-6 SF-8 sF- `1 le ' 6 SF-3_, SF-6 to LDMF ' OS SF-4.5�'t os - LDMF MU _... Mu SF•6 to LDMF ssd MDMF9 , �s SF-6 os SF-6 to MU p a1a]In TOC II " us MDMF ' •-- .. MU ` I US` MDMF $F-6 to C 05 "lau SF-8 . s� as 1--- D$ - -. MDMF 15F-6 M �. 1 sF-a IOMF 5F-4.5 , _.:r... 5F_6 os 1 MLI MOMr use ' - — LDMF sFd.5 r OS '05: - ' C r t.l -�_1 ,- LDMF SF-6 t! US _ SF 5f 8 0.SI KC 14.5 C -�. LDMFto MU ,o JICi-5 J 4 8 C !r -_'-'` ''IUS_WSF-4.5 - tl'�' us SR•6 to LDMF �... — C[o LDMF C to SF-6 'J ' •—� ---_— xo.. .REx Cto MU MDMF - } SF-a -,\Comprehensive Plan 2044 . 'KEN%her Building Our Future + _ _ mm -- 11��■1 �■■ .. 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City of Kent Comprehensive Pion Update sF4.5 to os � FpRlL tad�oognanpn ReWsed6.t9.202A § o JlglrLm.ral���: 0 J49'kulb,r.�swaort w lad 7 Ur a S=r=r 522Utt St �� � ' 0 9nglrrWmlllr i.;:kYt#Mr. 5 � .� y��,,� � 0 Sln9lrFan•IM44:NWH€re oo4oq yE 5 22-:n$s Y # 4'.'.. 0 Snu�FanihBf iW�crt ixuR81 €224th PI -_ cjn::. 5 l�LT11'f1HUItV MJtfalrr ®n3d-7YY9nf MUWN ld I 0 Mn41n Hmm1 IJnlr ' e., + Gcnwr.+dal 1 128'- lllllll,Ur)1 Cci INEr r 0 M-d-us 61WY4v1EW / r 0 neq'nrl—d 5pMmL prr L-5x 3ntluCrLl' s 227...11 a o- O Mau%ctvIWrrdusMDI Ccrtc- �, 5 221th S *^ N - .: :: . _ TTanWk Odg"Co�+'w�kr .-D IGdtg Caa'Iv Nr),Will 1Gng Co.rm-kx d C% Spi(R M a $F0 to TOG 14ng Co.G—heKkrlmi '.. .. Separd6Y — 0 Yang Cadw kkl�an rwo C.4a'Itr utan ICnq Qop"Urpyn \mo b+ IlUsseu 1;5—ha112+UnWA— wrx+o5��en €'Jng C—ty{grnm{Ir" # 5 ®u—LaB Mng Cau'M'Mdghb t—d •� a Darter CtneQ s.?a S 0 W.W '�Taolw-s q{ sF N p W „S 3�3+' ti 0 4 -,\Comprehensive Plan 2044 kk KEmBuildingOurFuture " Clean Up" �and Use Changes �-'i' Future Land Use Map Ganges u U City of Kent Comprehenswe Plan Update o ' er Re+iser+8.r9 21124 Ito US 9.rpon E—I J±—ssdrrx. 1+ 0`-il3LH—te J un WAo J. U` Q Si�pel aria q.S llai;+Acrr I- 0 sl•rde-ras•Ir,a u�i+n� Si4e Fwih 6 u^h+A- . o r�ualsrn r�.ldramh• riHP: .' +'_' or+�4itn�tlr+rwmrnri r .. .. SF8 to os 0 wnrHomrsan .'�,.: l OS to I _. r "6Nr Fab- NdFlrS Comm¢tlz 6l5 :::;� M19'-1� I IR.. u2en[enRr f.kr GNTW-5 i ( y, _- G-R SF4.1 to 0%�d-.x �S 0.�oha,no¢d se:.,or, SFd,5 to GS Da SFB to 49 _ I Cleanup- ; 0 L d enel lrlm OS F 0 Manuraehfe+prl�6 ie SStn' ...- .. ,ora + to parcel linos �rm�a,r-nenc¢m.,r.nrrr TOC LOMF f n� to 4ry5 p S , F6 to OS I�qao�PYB BUpm 5p- 17rs M9:neo •ti, SFd 5 �+^9 rl NS[0 OS to O$ U. ' gngCwagiRLri I to OS 0 MU F to OS ,d prsiatal i urvwe MU and I SF6 to OS 0 RR a1 i LhWACa MDMF os " SFE to a to OS MU and SF6 .- 9G'S pMriq nxn jUrt— AUr '+ MGMF So OS to OS $F4"5#o OS _ �' ®g��yooc�n1em�7Y 4V 5F6 to 03 _ 0 14M Rbu'rq'Her7bGnp9d $F4 x [!WnPss Q.Mr In OS I-KC to OS SF6 to US r 0 ca er .L MU to OS 6 to OS NAt005 y.L. SPE I.;'', i. SF4,5 to 05 a�Nr to OS _ F. $FdandSF6tnfl5 q .gKr een SF4.S•US SF4.6 N - Cov n tcix to 4S n -k Comprehensive Plan 2044 0 u.s t 2 3 KENT a I SF6 .. o f Building Our Future Together' Mlles to dS Comprehensive Plan 2044 1KENT, Building Our Future Together k Draft Land Use Element g KEN T W p 5 H[N G 7 0 N ision V 0 0 olicy Framework GUIQING GUIQING GUIQING GUIQING GUIQING PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE PRINCIPLE ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT EACH CURRENT CONDITIONS, TRENDS AN ❑ 4PPC3RTUNI11ELEMENT IES GALS �ulalrv� A%%,Comprehensive Plan PRIIVCIPtE ICafV�GRAPHY PQLIClES & EauITAeLE auTcaMl= 2044 'KENTCALLDUTS 19Building . Land Use Element Overview • Considers the general distribution, location, and intensity • of land uses. • Ensures land for housing, employment and economic w. activity, recreation, open space, public facilities, and other uses important to the community. - • Establishes land use patterns that promote human and JX: environmental health. LAND USE ELEMENT What you will find in this chapter: • Provides a basis for development regulations. HHoorramicipattion�ed�hhoffhmselwMt and entployrtterx can beaccamodatec;and • Goals and policies for,*ant cortrrtercialcmters,well-desowd"hborhwdt and job centers andwrid-own ofhealdtyern►owwrit and Hestyks Purpose Statement: • roster a 9rasvth pattern that ensures Kent Ka safe.cotvxcted and beautiful city,culturally vibrant with rkNy douse urban censers. Policies LAND USE ELEMENT CHAPTER TWO/�3 Reorganized Topics • Urban Growth • Urban Land Use • Housing • Growth and Development • Commercial • Community-Centered Design • Manufacturing/Industrial • Essential Public Facilities • Parking • Innovation & Shared Prosperity • Natural Resources • Essential Public Facilities Y'KENT_ Summary of changes • Reorganized and removed redundant goals and policies • Strengthened language to support environmental justice communities • Strengthening of policies to ensure adequate scale, size, and bulk of development in urban areas and regional activity centers • Strengthened language and added policies to address connectivity needs through multimodal transportation options • Strengthened language to protect environmentally sensitive areas and support better • Revised language to support essential public facilities as well as �p Corn a,ehe�aan_•. jurisdictional and agency coordination 'KENT1 Upcoming Meetings • August 26: Land Use and Planning Board • September 4: Community Advisory Group Meeting #5 • September 9: Land Use and Planning Board • September 17: Council Workshop (Housing) October 11 graft Comprehensive Plan released and Final EIS issued 'KENT AGng 0ur FUNreTa9etM� IKENi& � r 1 Questions? IVA ' Kristen Holdsworth , Project Manager 253 ,9856 ,05441 futurekent (wKentWA. Qov Engage. KentWA.gov/Futu re Kent � a%�« • � , Land Use and Siting of Behavioral Facilities Presented $ � . : . Lindsay Wal Planner 4 �p \ %emoƒ{ . . � \ KENT p 41 Discuss project Summarize Review and Discuss next steps schedule and code definitions and provide feedback and future meetings adoption input from on location community considerations and conditions KENT a K E N T W A . G 0 V o Introduction o Community o Final Review N Code � Identif in � Conversations � � Adoption - - � Facilities Q O Def*in *it*ions • Enhanced Services Facilities: = ` A residential long-term care facility, licensed by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) that provides support and services to persons for whom acute inpatient treatment is not medically necessary. • Intensive Behavioral Health Treatment Facility: A community-based specialized residential treatment facility, - licensed by the Washington Department of Health, for J individuals with behavioral health conditions including f individuals discharging from or being diverted from state and ' ?' local hospitals, whose impairment or behaviors do not meet p p , or no longer meet, criteria for involuntary inpatient commitment under chapter 71 .05 RCW, but whose care needs cannot be met in other community-based placement settings. KENT o K E N T W A G 0 V w, '' 1 Recap /r i _.A� Direction School proximity Codifying separation requirements between sites and schools. Influx of clients brought There is a 16-bed maximum at all facilities with the opportunity of locating a facility into Kent limited. Best practice is to keep people in their communities. Persons experiencing a While all residents have been deemed stable, all providers must take state mandated crisis training for crisis management and develop a safety plan before the state approves their license. After hours or client No distinct curfews are required. Providers may require additional information from curfews residents who sign in or out between the hours of 10pm to 6am for accountability purposes. All facilities have 24-hour supervision and personnel are present at entrances. Security While the facility is fenced-in with secure doors, there are no requirements for security personnel in the WAC or RCW, and they may even be discouraged based on the type of treatment provided. Who is being helped here? Diagnosis may include schizophrenia, substance use disorders, developmental disorders, personality and behavior disorders, anxiety and stress-related disorders. Sete n J Recommendations 11011111 Ell Of�'Nashingtnn State `fir CAi11IriCi CC Zoning Compatibility dNeighborhood Residential Residential Residerrtial commercial Commercial IndustriaL IL ELM Behavioral Health �I �r P* P* P* P* Facility Z Not permitted; P permitted subject to approval criteria Depending on local conditions and existing i coning, communities d may wa t to permit I I By right approvals (subject to approval criteria) would be facilities as a conditional use they want subject to the following criteria: additional review an community process. • KENT a K E N T W A G 0 V w---'O„ Proposed Zonings for Behavioral Health Facilities • Mid - High Density Residential • MR-M — Medium Density Multifamily Residential • MR-H — High Density Multifamily Residential • Commercial • CC — Community Commercial (including MU) • GC — General Commercial (including MU) - • MTC- 1 — Midway Transit Community 1 • MTC-2 — Midway Transit Community 2 • MCR —Midway Commercial/Residential • KENT a K E N T W A G 0 V Land Use Table Zaamp Districts :Key P=Principaily Permitted Uses IS=Special Uses =CarAilional i L1 ses ri OG95S M= Minor :Conditional Uaci. _ Enhanced C C C C C C service Facilities �371 (37) t371 (37) (37) (37� (37) Irlt•nr iv4 Behavioral I C C C Health I i 3'T:, (37) (2117� (37) }} Tr�atrnent Facility • KENT a K E N T W A G 0 V - — Zoning D}stricts =Agnaiu.r [uniytC Acres � � �Agnaitural Generel gte- V SR-3 KE N T o5ingle-Fam (SR-1} Famil ( ) Wwanrnvrvn 05ingte-Family i OSingl!-Family(SR-6) Single-Family(SR-8) . _. T MTiakM.l`famil MRT.12Zon in Ma=T—h.WC-do MRT-16 12 Gaden Densty M Itifemily SR-6I2 SR 1 ,1 SR-1 -Medium DensiEy Multllamily •,•. �Xgh Density lifamily - _ ...... .. I _ -.. '• ] .. �Mobile Hnme Palk SR-1-? QNeighhlrh66d C6menil COmmeY[Jal SR-R - -Downtown Commer al —� ra u MR-6 -D—tnwn C6mmlroal En[lrpris! A-10 D6vrm0wn CAmmeroal Enterprise-iransilinnal Over'.uy ---.. -" _ MHP =CAmmuni[Y CIXllmeriia o _ _ CC-MU SR-1 -Community Commem..!1Mmed use -1 .°' �Glnlral Commcrclat _ NCL SR-1 rl MR-G Waeml Cdllme d"V141xed Ilse _. 5R-8 n.ii 'ei f{':"-;-k.]: �4:• lf" j'�I:i r.;�.,ya.. - QMidway c mmeroal Resieential SR-8 =Midway T nsit Community I SS -Midway TAnsit CAmmunity II _ =Commeroal Manufachrnng _ � - Dlnaus[rial FL,�1�Lea 4 SR-a.s Q Miaed InduGmal _ S3 5R-1 .©�,Xlavy Nau54151 12 I2 MHP MHP yyt5e-i 5R-4.5•. _ -SR-4.5 H "` MR-I36 pSpteF m.lo,9eneralamfe e�pmev.V R p�rn�¢Rnid[unen[Mnen 9m MR-G Na_H _ Pveien,PlenRinq®NMYM.9ev.253-556-SA S9,for SDecNic peputy in[emletien. I2 _ _ I 5R 6 SR 1 - ,R rrH 1110.5 MF1PFtWpn•pared aytAeCityM Nun Eeeneme ann GananuN[yceYdepmenL 1 I _ I GC SR-4.5 1 —0Ninttl'a9^u. A•eemEa 2a,3tf33. I MR-M 5R-4.5 MCR — 2 GC-MU 1 MR G r GC MR M MR-6 i• ..fS's.. 5R-8 vP x� - MRM SR-8 1 MR-T16��; [[-Hu MR-M " .. - MR-D SR-6 — iAe NCR wr nau CC nc[ CC 5R 1 % ., SR-i a i;��II�` E \ MXb pF6E!f I[� I.,R •�R[, L'fi'W SR-6 3V }:'kfti Ilv i Rr1f l'� er �y�.nn1 lA.[-Y- 'Mk D 51-8 SR-5 - l \ �tf M 1piia P::�i SR y I SR-6 {� - �_ CC-MU MR-G MR-O MR-M '� � SR-1 g i� • �1 1 SR-fi MR M wM- SR fi ay 1 ! 9xPR V �� }__...-.. �� CC �- f SR \ !� R V4 SR-1 1 ... CC-MU� 5R SR-3 MR G-e "115R-3 . 'SR-1 -.I sar _ - 1 HRH _.y SR-4.5 ._ loll - p 1 G� MR .. ' _ F7'�C�SR 1- \ wt� MR — SR H CC _ ..-._.-._. G R S - � • `k �I - 5R1 511-4.5 -- y�. pia ............. V - 1 _ � p revised Fai�iResoWUon SR-1 effcle]•uary 1,�021 1, ' � J i 2onlnp O'""C"a I 4 l� � �' 3C � � � � �'7GIRPy]VAN 79+Vn J _ _ J1pno�lra rrarrr �� i �F o osed — - �� p Allowed Zoning • .. �.�; Oc...e�+��r rur..rr ---� .CdlMllif fJiI p �' .y au.neurn{omnrrar eMrpfr tta—"O Ww - I No-"ttaa[G---"lY 1 �'b4y T�MIM I[ Enhanced Service Facilities would be "GR allowed in medium lC � to high density • GC Mu 1 f X.i CiC Mk residential areas M �r • Mah. and commercial cc�u areas. V #isms, _ f ; �_ . . • o - KENT o Ianing Districts I.I — _ + Dagrxuft�al!unv]G ores 0 singlo-harnhy(50.-3 ENT Qsngl.-hrnry{srt-3) I' W.ar++h6Torr "r { '�L Osingl¢-Farnhy{5R<.S} kap oposed C�Gruen smgleFamlry[sn�l ��3�f`� � __—.. Onudenriullifarnilr ` �,onnlrauseJ[cndoMRT12 11owed Zoning -- � �Fownna,sel[onda Mary 16 PenLS7 r.iil-ran�ay _MMli.m r?ms Mi,lllfarnlly t t -Mign..—ty Multila rally .:M obile nnme Marx O NcghhorhWd[an~nl cemm. al M DZA$W"Calnme= r =D] Atvwr.CEMMer BA EMI-M, W DM.J[:w,Con..nerUd En[el}.tix Tlvroilieaal 9rer. ®C.—M,CwrMrer w �ComYnl,nl[s[omrryerdnurMved uxa Gerwrel C-0anrnPr['lil Grrral ComrncrclayMl..a uw 0 hadwaY faanmMosl ft-d l -lidway yransrc C—:.ry 1 �Itrdwar iransle[tmnua[y 1l �CemrYlen]M McMUMCiutlnq q Mdustrial 9uwness QMixed]ndus[rial O Heery[ndcUial welo-r nwv m.a:�ery.eroeexar�Y.P�a><rP�a�t Prrk,.l Intensive _ .rir rrnx�prrat nrp.mmr.�v+eri Iw.nP �irryCcw..ra epr,YS3.s�.sr5..hfr Y✓.>Mt M1V..�Y Behavioral Health Map preparetlq[fte[Iry a/nx C[anom[Mq ComwuMr DeYtlnPrnen rC flege�uxn[.ECltau 9�YM'•9a.m PaavnGe]9,iil2]. fC MI: I Treatment Facilities would be M MU S r Mu 1 d �M° allowed in I - I commercial areas. [[ u. ti + {J{ I u `S�ale:,e:13,OOp -- O _ R i . KENT • MaP eeY dfor ltp5plUWl 20501 +�" _� 0 + eff&mwv Jamw ry 1.2024 •7+ • ''�cn�Jakc `Ch,xtsn �Z - '--.:�+�' - I .� eglr,mtl [ICIM1CnZ�. [.�•6. iE /��+4 y� 1 iA4 Ic`cFc law 4n' Schools with 1 . T m1 alkshed J i� fI j ' if r 'r T - U,tdl r- I}V /f �_.J�] + .:c,r�y{c crcyl ,f I �', � Ssr S, -oJ<s�Ci c]G,Yary Lfl t' l y ! ,L School C C ltary s___.. Macrona� 4 it - ' `= .-'- '*__�k •;� 5;°� School Separation Schod L1jarncrUre �A" *,' > School-owned Parcels _ Ker Soo, ` { + ' j '. 1.34 ml Walkshed y r rartrc" Ir - •_ncral�'Fa�k' * r I Major Transit Stop (KITS) 52JSi' W'N- __"c,•i{.,r: 2165.-1'""i. F + , r ! , .S k ncns� _ .En-rrtary KCM Rapldkide A Landlc scneo ,I r s�7s sr t'. i — - -- s_,oc 2rc_�'rr..'.,� in 1 � KCM RapldRlde Y(2025) L e-e i Nc .I �3 �T i E e•no,ta 131 CeT Mary ----- � 1 r �5��0. � 611 ST Llnk(2026) 4qh Sch°°I S:11l:G +•' Sc�°; L" #] o- k I i- 5T Sounder 1 Scio= r i Slh75F r'S'F3rk'..rcha,tl Zoning Districts I � KG° -���9�pp � � �I� � '� � I� .T►LCTc,wrr 4a+31 •— 4'fT {% •sl}resr I-JIY 2 q � 1 s_,=w -, _Medium Density Multifamily x• -' - V s 1}4 r hccly-C H-cr Elencr.:e-, R , `� 5 l 1 1 High Density Multifamily - ti•r��'`-CiIICGc, ; � dr � i4 � 3 I k_ 1 17fe L Community COmmerfJ a f Eax: '� Community Commercial/mixed Use 77+ 1•-#1 Y Wr * 4! w-,, Irc.1c5 % "fJL^fsSr .,a,#S:M-r' � SE7fo � �. �General Commerelal _ i��xcc5rr nivrxst. "I _FxekMlctllc_chcollr` r _ General Commercial/Nixed Use •+ Llcr;crkery 77 l' Midway Commerelal Residential :kl F r'fT, I * 1 r ', �'exr{c 7anc { bent Ic :w G ��, i'. `` r - is rc tero str.�el . ' Martin c tin ort -Midway Transit Corn mu nity T y - r a� E \ •+�� ; •,1 i s3�B SH f •`' �y r J - __ W r rtr - ..or �rfy s r. . := Midway Transit Community Tl r' 'I i '� All Other 2onIng Districts -� t'�5 � r ,� _ 1 / 1 I� 1 • - 9x _ r + • J"' Af T rciraknr, •r _ �L'Icricrrs"- ^ .t,,aku.' y .�.� }' 1 • � Il r f+uhr. W { 4 + SF 3ifi 5F 1 -Scro=1� c�rrtery'+~ y ♦ - l .� w • - c-ucr lccrt f - crw' 1 r,y I,. i r 4 r. }1. 5f S[t,_Ilill • ♦+ � � 1 !r '+ T- _ ,rnao-7 !�. { k w \ Y' 'I` 1 • ' 1 Isar s=,-c i+y "� L eTc,Yary dco-ol� �4 .•1�4� i fi 1 1� � _' �',__ ' r�''+ r' k - - +• •\ _ _•,+ • A K'=1-- hFZ l Srsr,LekC k ' `. � SE LeTc�tary haal • 1 1 F ' +ac ��: E~.t�r,rce, Y s !sf Y6YSY '•`,?, �� _ ,ram•r I ,. 4 x-- s LfJ Mick 1 } r _4 •+- s ' _ . cra lx�rn,R R JJ - .r .Mil Cfr.Jn'. ..t.' '..•'.. .. •LCT{}taro 1 .__ , 't y c - Llc Tei.s l s. cal, i f y l r� SchaTl' -_ f ie /' I.+ F 1 -4 '+srkKNam �' s l I Vk + kj� + If. .� 4 tJCY�rr kbC� . . • Y 7] 7• ��1 re.r�+�r..a�rn u..�.�be�..a... d .i }�/� croyl 5rr .ie,alrn /�}a � 441 '� � • I SF�'l�r�^1c:ayw *►Y "_ �LICTC,Yarx `1,l i 7]iJ f . f�'r E c rtar4 _Cmcl!t lY' •'4' -••5F-c llt3rr 1 i� P�I4�tl .lyv1�}�Ylf�a•.a.lo�m f' Scr_a°I ?OFF}}}444 _- ICcnt Nrn t rrrEY f • � r 5 5 � I � -.'Lh".tur�1 1 ,Ifi+�,� � �roal . ' ��� 1 i ; n.w,wrw..`nsaR�araMSNIrRr�+aoonac F� I ._• 1 5 _ Eli T�TtarT Schaal ti- I. ff � ti f - __ _ - J�+ �.� 1.• _ `�` �gp I�,.ah.av dnc.ia�ra a+�rwuro.vnva•rranr � � Q' KENT IL 14.25 A.5 - I� ]Bss aaL Si • _µ -. _ - •C wne3Nlxo,ary 1 ti f 1 .� Llcrhent?Fi �' �yl 1 Ir rrccHlyh • I 9 W1 Impacts to Potential Facility Locations 40 d Snare f �� # # .-. r .Jti_". � •ice-- - + �y !9dtll� '•}ti �� ENT 'A .. + U—ndg. • 1 i _ rY ,�. . I School W n n.l.a G T a w ,.r - s I I�-- 7-�L •Colts l�In9s $gidy ldAe J Separation SCI�uq 'E:ansltary �uaiL I Macror: 9:t ice'• t l + . Potential Facility Locations srsraor. If _p-, p a_l . �,. �;' , 0 Not Al lowed (500') ` + : ' kJ =t to: '' -' CA Not Allowed (501'-980') � " r y I cr: .. 1 c,: dac Allowed ' r t � t ' L:6=rak`;� - '_,fit 'Cy- -_- All ether Zoning bisCrlCts - V _ k 500 Foot School ! :4=""-`�• s_,a5� , 1 ► - - IL Schaal 5s:k`3, 1 .•r+ 1 - •E Fn,cntaly Schaal-awned parcels -_ _ •,- _ :_ Removes •� r ..._. E�Y�, % a 1 . . 1 F.:.' l -•Sur.r�c 1 5� ld 19h�C-�oo�EIR' - ' — ! �• x _ ]]J.I d • 1 IIIS:,jo. O ' IN I Major Transit Stop (MTS) 23 �O or 235 a' p� t ' 15 KCM kapldkldeA 'FSrk Cicra-�7 ',. 4 iucdll I �'- L{7 cl,larr I KM Ra pidkide I(202b) parcels c ?`y •ry-ncci,v ti-rr_Icncr.: 1 + Menja, Sf Link (2025) ® 5T Sounder is r— i.'tE�-,':� �_-+• I� •.r�.. tl — 1 tlylc i 24 ¢' •'rccr RI eR `f 'Elr crsarr . w Y.�plc7k �f a•.ti55r SNG st ScroI y ,,pp misloel -�- - 1CtT. 1 . RR • i3-Kx cc L UIII L.c kMlcGlC-croall �� y' ', •,y ti- r ti-- -_ f Y Y0 Foot ••�- -Llcr.cr.+:n` •-1{ 'm7rc-est - - 51 • . � L + or Iw S{A]31 + - r LFJ ~w ; � l ::r•rcrcrrr S:r..I 'Man::y,r„ ' E y S ,Ca 1 ' ti- J{d$LJ t f 4 .- :ar, •M3teson Remove s 1 ti F Mltltlls• - ¢r., _ -Wh t a IAVOINd Y y}h -_� - =a 37.5% or • x _,JI_l[,y} t. .•�' -,rcr r.sr�ar,'r `I- ..'�- Elemen C tzrV' l k Fr�1�11• - ..,.b�' 1 �S:r7=:r � - cmen 'f .r 389 parcels s7Stlnr � s A$i�cFitll 1 �`� ! ' 1 F 1 h •oCl « 1 r LL,r�rc%ary Al _ •' f+�. E. 7rc., s i, f '•i'f y• r� i . 1 a�:ioc § r*EkYrrurmry Star f _:'cI�Fy Ar C1CCC9W RIcgC •i _ E II . rva«.nl nayrwomµ�.awmtr eyvn dr agal y .-•Va Walla Mr E emen[are _�LIC I _�-____,R��{pC'l�Rapl}YlfAar.aYoar Kcnt'A— 1 A-MW f�f L ••+• SchSal} r�Mu+an loC�d� .{�.07 7 N 4 �` hrlstun E: r1'SCloal -- - N•aR+•tr�..��aR we.��..n. a`... ZL mn.n,av�r��b.0 ur total am r e.ry.law or p` �..W 1 I.hir...hdrr d..o.ladaq mwl.•cs tea.-...r:r..l @ .'�'' . . Yi y - _ _ ra.r.r�.aas=v u�..�.i�r w.aov•mr KENT a ` Hklh qC 0 a.29 CIP i 3 L•r - - , .- � � r O.Earn•.rs rdaecW�.++�a.n�w�l,aaia. School East--Hill - -� Kent Elementr LaboratorySeparation• 5 240 Sf _ .� School cad'em NIP - � - RP P cho°Ir - - - Lm 500 Foot Buffer- In pink . panther= Lade c • In . * �* Elentarr 880 Foot Buffer- In yellow School S 248 ST] Allowed Areas - In orange I,enNeri i n a } High Schaal m ' e EST S El E JAI Kent Eiementar rti-ti � � ■ cenic l! YUSA� School Hi star Bch Is E 2 S , SKE it I r=eek # MOB will • wJi 8P��r * • O KENT a Footnote 37 (Conditions) • Enhanced Service Facilities and Intensive Behavioral Health Treatment Facilities are permitted only with a conditional use permit if they meet the following conditions: Enhanced Services Facility (EsF • No Residential Behavioral Health Facility may be located within 500 feet of an Tr.�b� °°T Application existing Residential Behavioral Health Facility. • All state and local licensing is required, including but not limited to a City of Kent City of Kent Business License Business License. Licensing from the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DHSH) OR the Washington Department of Health (DOH) is required Da boa rd or prior to the City of Kent Business License approval. • A detailed written description of the proposed and potential services shall be License Application provided within a narrative. Reafch Business License • An operational plan is required at time of submittal that outlines facility point of contact, processes for communicating with neighboring residents and businesses ` "' th including processes to address concerns or complaints, facility rules and regulations, s � number of staffing, staff details and shift times, number of residents and expected Residential Treatment Facility License Application lengths of stay, onsite parking plan, safety plan and a discharge plan including Thisisfor. New ❑Change of Ownership ❑Renewal Amended transportation services upon discharge. State • Off-street loading and offloading areas must be provided on site. Washington HIth rth�oit Smoking areas shall be provided where it will cause the least amount of impact. KENT a K E N T W A G 0 V w, 'Oi Site Conditions • Screening Design Review • Fencing provided around the perimeter of the 0Proposals shall submit a "Meeker Street Design property. Review;' "Multifamily Design Review" or "Midway • 5' landscaping buffer around the perimeter of Design Review" permit consistent with other the property to provide a solid screen. similar uses. • Fencing and landscaping may be within 0 Proposals shall not be subject to our full design setbacks. reviews, but building and material requirements • Setbacks shall apply. • 10 feet minimum on all sides. Outdoor Recreational Space • 30 square feet per bed should be provided as outdoor recreational area, outside of the setbacks. Outdoor recreational space should have a WraHI minimum dimension of 15, to provide functional � , ' leisure or recreational activity. tOi6CI�YEr+AGE I I P4 64 • KENT a K E N T W A G 0 V w---,O„ Next Steps • Aug-Sept: Project we b s i to and Behavioral Health Facilities Code Update Su rve • ® • The City y of Kent is nu dying and considering adding hehaiorzl health facility uses into the land use code m provide clarity on siting and permitting Olt hese(acilities Behavioral health Y� Code u dates based on fa4h1ie5provideawidevanetyofs i.s,including psych m csocialrehabilitation,thedevelopmentofsklllstointegratebackintotheconu ity,medication,substanceusedisorder STAYINFORMEO treatment,individual and gmup ihempy,peer counseling and other therapeutic services subscribe wr protect up6ates feedback A lack of behavioral health facilities has putsignifiicant strain an the region's hospitalsjalts,and emergency responders to provide mental health services.Ring County lost l o(every3 residential freah m:beds In recent years.As of July 2022,people wad an average of 44 days for a mental health residential bed.if--Ain 6hI,today,they will he Inking upa Your e�nali address... hospital bed,waiting in jail,or will need a lull-time caretaker for at least a month and a half help re having any access needed treatment. There are many types 0 behavioral health(acifities and the City has identified—c.I that have gam—d significant interest and need in Our mmmunity.Staff are working to update code September 9: LU PB review Of Ir include t—dtsitingantl gem ,ti..,ngre—.inv.em1 renhancedi,p-(acilitieha beh.ioral treatmenttacili es Saftare alsareviewing change to exi ing opioid wmm Y im a Vq • treatment program«ations and requirements.As part of this pr«ess,we have had many mmmunity conversations with various volunteer boards and human service providers within the City of 1(enL draft ordinance Upcoming Meetings y Survey open for a dtlefionai mmmunity input An • September 23: LUPB Hearing Il pda[es n,It 2024 ,.at Cau«il Workshop • October 1 : Council Committee Augurt]Q]ti14 Land Vsc and Planning bard Meeting-Draft Code Presentation of the Whole September 092929 Laod use and Planntoo 9umd special Meeengand Hearing Behavioral Health Facilities survey September 232024 Thank ynu for taking the lime to complete this surveyI The my of Kent isrumendy updating our hefiavimmI health facilities development regulations.Your kedhark will help Inform the Council's changes to city code. Engage.KentWaxom/Behavioral Health 0[tober"`y` 1onsidem"n�w�aa"9mni�°(thewhole .,0 612029 �i • KENT o K E N T W A . G 0 V w canron Questions? Lindsay Walker Planner LiWalker@KentWa.Gov - KENrWF GoV