HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations Committee - 09/04/1996 OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MINUTES
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Jon Johnson-Committee Chair, Jim Bennett, Leona Orr
STAFF PRESENT: Brent McFall, May Miller, Kelli O'Donnell
The meeting was called to order at 4:43 p.m. by Chairperson Johnson.
Approval of Vouchers: Committee Secretary Kelli O'Donnell distributed a corrected combined check
summary and noted that a credit in the amount of$412.96 had not been included in the original summary.
Committeemember Orr asked why unemployment was broken down section by section with the largest
amount in recreation. McFall responded that recreation has the largest number of temporary employees
and that some accrue enough hours to qualify for unemployment. Finance Director May Miller noted that
they are broken down by department to show where the costs are. She noted that we now have a
contractor who monitors the claims which has reduced the costs. Orr moved to approve payment of
vouchers in the amount of$2,761,593.40. Bennett seconded the motion which passed 3-0.
1997 Capital Facilities Plan
Miller noted that the Council had previously reviewed the proposed CFP for 1997-2002 which will become
part of the city's Comprehensive Plan. She explained that 25% of sales tax is set aside for capital
improvement and 1/4 % of the real estate excise tax. Miller reviewed the current budget analysis noting
that out of $4.3 million, the fixed debt service is $1.9 million leaving an available balance of only
$2,050,000. She explained that by approving the entire six year plan the 1997 allocations would roll into
the 1997 operating budget with remaining years being updated annually. May reviewed the proposed
projects and debt service with the Committee and explained that the big unknown is still the manufacturing
sales tax exemption. Based on past collections, forecasting projects as much as a $1 million shortfall.
Miller noted that one way of offsetting the shortfall could be freeing some capital. On page 3 she noted that
the first column would take care of basic maintenance needs with the second column on hold and released
if funding becomes available.
After reviewing proposed projects, May reviewed the graph on page 10 with the Committee. She explained
that the graph denotes capital expenses for the city as a whole with public works being the majority.
Operations Director Brent McFall noted that the graph anticipates a voted bond for the Performing Arts
Center which may or may not occur. May Miller continued that on page 4, noting 1998 is still out of
balance. The property for an East Hill fire station has been identified for the purchase of land only. McFall
elaborated that as the time frame approaches a public safety bond issue will be looked at to identify capital
needs for police and fire. While reviewing page 7, May noted that the utility tax for the corridor projects
expires in 2002. She noted that the Shopper's Shuttle has been funded for 1997. While reviewing water
needs, Johnson asked when the last rate increase had occurred. Miller responded that we have actually
refunded in the past. Johnson asked if Metro would be increasing their rates. McFall noted that each basin
is analyzed separately. With more of Soos Creek annexed we will need to make adjustments in the future
for that area as we develop our Comprehensive Plan for Soos Creek. After concluding her review, May
stated that at this time she would ask the Committee to agree or disagree with the proposed plan with their
recommendation to be forwarded to Planning to be adopted as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Orr moved
to recommend adoption of the 1997 Capital Facilities Plan as amended. Bennett seconded the motion which
passed 3-0.
1.997 Capital Facilities Public Hearing Date
May Miller stated that September 17 is the proposed public hearing to give the public an opportunity to
comment on the Capital Facilities Plan. McFall stated that since this would not go to Council until
September 4+ 1996
September 17 the public hearing should probably be set for October 2. Orr moved to set the public hearing
date for the 1997 Capital Facilities Plan for October 2, 1996 to be put on the Consent Calendar of
September 17. Bennett seconded and the motion passed 3-0.
Committee Chair Johnson asked if there was any further business to be heard. There being none the
meeting was adjourned at 5:19 p.m.
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