HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - City Council Meeting - 01/16/2024 (2) Approved Kent City Council • City Council Regular Meeting KENT Minutes WAS M IN G 7 0 N January 16, 2024 Date: January 16, 2024 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ralph called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name itlle= Status Arrived Dana Ralph Mayor Present Bill Boyce Council President Present John Boyd Councilmember Excused Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL A. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Council President SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition I. Employee of the Month Mayor Ralph recognized Brooks Chadderton as the January 2024, employee of the month. II. Proclamation for Kent Rotary's 65 Year Anniversary Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for Kent Rotary's 65 Year Anniversary to members of the Kent Rotary. III. Proclamation for Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 16, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month to Deputy Andy Conner with the King County Sheriff's Office. Conner accepted the proclamation and expressed appreciation. IV. Appointment to the Civil Services Commission Mayor Ralph requested Council appoint Charlie Mitchell to the Civil Services Commission. B. Community Events Council President Boyce announced upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center. Councilmember Fincher announced upcoming Spotlight Series events. C. Public Safety Report Chief Padilla began his Public Safety Report by announcing the promotions of Sergeants Matt Levi and Sean Goforth. End of Year crime statistics were reviewed that included vehicle crimes, vehicle thefts, vehicle prowls, residential burglaries and commercial burglaries. Chief Padilla reviewed the trends over the past 5 years through 2023. Chief Padilla expressed appreciation of the elected officials that testified today in support of the City's only legislative priority relating to public safety. Chief Padilla announced the next Coffee with the Chief will be held on February 291" from 8-10 a.m. at Maggie's on Meeker. Finally, Chief Padilla indicated that staffing has recently stabilized. S. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL, ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF A. Mayor Ralph's Report Mayor Ralph expressed appreciation of Council President Boyce and Councilmembers Kaur and Michaud for testifying in Olympia in favor of the City's public safety legislative priority. B. Chief Administrative Officer's Report Chief Administrative Officer Pat Fitzpatrick advised his written report is included in today's agenda packet. C. Councilmembers' Reports Boyce provided a recap of the Operations items that went before the Committee of the Whole today, along with a recap of today's workshop topics. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 7 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 16, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington Councilmember Michaud provided a recap on the Parks items that went before the Committee of the Whole today. Michaud serves on the Law, Safety and Justice Committee that is contemplating closing youth detention facilities in King County. Councilmember Kaur serves on the K4C that recently discussed the current legislative session and bills the committee is supporting. Councilmember Larimer serves on the King County Ageing and Disability Advisory Council that recently hosted a speaker from the UW School of Social Work and the use of AI to monitor patters of at risk seniors. Councilmember Troutner provided a recap of the Economic and Community Development item that went before today's Committee of the Whole. Troutner announced the PSRFA meeting will be held on January 17t" at the training center on Central. Fincher advised the Arts Commission reviewed the City Art Plan for 2024- 2028 and the 2024/2025 Spotlight Series events. Fincher announced the King Conservation District is continuing election work. Fincher provided a recap of the Public Works items that went before today's Committee of the Whole. 6. PUBLIC HEARING None. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Perry Sobolik, a Kent resident provided public comment relating to public safety and taxation. David Bunkelman, a Kent resident spoke about pedestrian-related incidents around Kentridge High School. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Council President SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud A. Approval of Minutes 1. Council Workshop - Workshop Regular Meeting - Dec 12, 2023 5:15 PM ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 7 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 16, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington 2. City Council Meeting - City Council Regular Meeting - Dec 12, 2023 7:00 PM B. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 11/30/23 and paid on 11/30/23, and approve the checks issued for payroll 11/16/23 - 11/30/23 and paid on 12/5/23, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 12/18/23. C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Boyd - Approve MOTION: I move to approve an excused absence for Councilmember Boyd for the January 16, 2024, City Council meeting. D. Carahsoft Technology Federal General Services Administration Supply Contract - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the IT Director to purchase through the General Services Administration federal supply contract with Carahsoft Technology Corporation, if those purchases fall within established budgets and are made within the term of the contract, which is in effect through August 21, 2028, or any extended contract term that may be authorized. E. Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Justice Systems Corporation - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the IT Director to purchase through a cooperative purchasing agreement the state Department of Enterprise Services has with Justice Systems Corporation through July 31, 2028, and any extended contract term that may be authorized, if those purchases are within the City's established budgets. F. Ordinance Amending Chapter 9.02 "Criminal Code" of the Kent City Code - Adopt MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4482, amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code to incorporate new crimes adopted by the state during the 2023 legislative session. G. Appointment to the Civil Services Commission - Approve MOTION: I move to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Charlie Mitchell to an initial six-year term on the Civil Service Commission that will begin on May 1, 2024 and expire on April 30, 2030. H. Kherson Property Purchase - Authorize ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 7 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 16, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to take all action necessary and sign all documents required to purchase the Peyton property located at 308 West Meeker Street, in the amount of $347,000, plus closing costs, subject with terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. 9. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Ralph provided an introduction of the Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance. City Attorney Tammy White advised the Council they are being asked to consider a rezone of 1.09 acres of property, located at 23453 - 301" Avenue South, from MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MTC-2 (Midway Transit Community 2). Economic and Community Development staff will explain in their presentation the effect that change will have, if you elect to approve it. • The property is owned by Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a Sound Transit) • The applicant filing the rezone request is Sound Transit • The applicant's representative is Matthew Mateo • No one spoke in opposition to the rezone request • And Mercy Housing and Open Doors spoke in support of the rezone request An open record hearing was previously held before the Hearing Examiner on November 1, 2023. Public notice of that hearing was given as required by the Kent City Code. After the hearing, the Hearing Examiner recommended Council approve the rezone request, and it is that recommendation before you tonight for consideration and, if you agree with the Hearing Examiner, adoption of the implementing ordinance. Because this matter would change the zoning on a specific parcel of property, it is considered a "quasi-judicial matter". • Typically, Council sits as a legislative body where it develops policy for the City. • On legislative matters, outside influences can and often do help shape Council's policy decisions. • However, in a quasi-judicial matter, Council sits as a panel of judges determining the legal rights of specific parties by applying previously developed policy to a particular property in a hearing or other proceeding. • When it is applying policy (as opposed to developing it), Council must be impartial, fair, and free from outside influences. To help insure fairness and impartiality in quasi-judicial matters, the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine was developed through the courts and later codified into state law at Ch. 42.36 RCW. Before tonight's Council meeting, each Council Member completed an Appearance of Fairness Disclosure Statement and provided that statement to ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 7 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 16, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington the City Clerk. White advised she has reviewed those disclosure statements. All Council Members advised (1) they did not have any ex parte communication with any proponent or opponent to the rezone request, (2) they do not have any personal interest in the proposed rezone, and (3) they are able to consider the rezone request fairly and impartially. White asked the audience "Do any of you have a lawful basis to ask for the recusal of a council member due to the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine?" There were no responses from the audience. White advised that the record has established that each member of Council is qualified to consider this quasi-judicial matter, and the matter may proceed. White requested the disclosure statements be entered into Council's record of tonight's proceeding concerning this quasi-judicial matter. A. I move to admit the Quasi-Judicial Hearing Appearance of Fairness Disclosure Statements Completed by all Councilmembers into the Record. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud B. Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance - Adopt (QUASI-JUDICIAL) Senior Planner Sam Alcorn presented the staff report. Alcorn advised he reviewed the rezone request for compliance with the Kent City Code, he provided public notice and collected any public comments. Alcorn summarized the history of the property, the rezone proposal, form of public notice and recommendation for the project. Alcorn advised the site is currently undeveloped and in 2019 Sound Transit acquired the property. The property is currently being used for staging and construction for the new station. As part of federal funding, Sound Transit was required to relocate residents of the mobile home park that was on the site. Alcorn detailed all forms of relocation provided to residents. Alcorn advised this proposed rezone is consistent with adjacent zoning that allows for high density mixed use residential development. No environmental review was needed. Alcorn detailed all methods of public notice, the public hearing and comments ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 6 of 7 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 16, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington received. Alcorn advised the rezone meets the following five requirements in the Kent City for granting a rezone: 1. That the rezone is consist with Comprehensive Plan 2. The rezone is compatible with development in vicinity 3. The rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system 4. The circumstances have substantial changed 5. The rezone will not adversely affect general health safety and welfare of residents There were no questions from the Council. MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4483, accepting the Hearing Examiner's recommendation and approving Sound Transit's rezone request. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud 10. BIDS None. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION None. 12. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 7:51 p.m. Ki,mb-eAey A. K&mato- City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 7 of 7 C v m r � � � � N r) rt Z Z vi m O mn U ` 0 3 rt 3 n n m o rr n N 3 m CA+ Z m f+ �z o n a- 3 Q A M A rt a- CL 0 0 A Ln O n _ Ln 21 3 3 3 o. 3 A 3 m O' EMEN i a o 3 (D f+ a m '* M L 3' rF 7 (D 3 O m _ - �' � ul S. 3 . Un f+ O 3 � CL 3 � C 6 O A v o 10 m 3 :r 3 f D 3 OD c = �D N s r+ n a 0 CL � 3 O N N m O 3 a N r o au M a i � QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Please return this form to the City Clerk Prior to the Hearing Council Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Agenda Item No: Other Business - A Title: Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance - Adopt Type of Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Rezone Property Location: 23453 30t" Avenue South Kent WA Property Owner: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a "Sound Transit") Applicant: Sound Transit Applicant Representative: Matthew Mateo Prospective Purchaser: N/A Application Date: March 23, 2023 Opponent(s) of Rezone: None to date Proponent(s) of Rezone: Sound Transit Merl Housing and Open Doors A rezone request is set on your agenda at the above-referenced Council meeting for you to consider changing the zoning designation of the listed property. Typically, as a City Councilmember, you sit as a member of the legislative body and make policy decisions for the City. However, a rezone is considered a quasi-judicial matter. In quasi-judicial matters, you act as a member of a panel of judges to determine the rights of a property owner. Washington's Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, found in Chapter 42.36 RCW, applies to a quasi- judicial rezone. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine is intended to ensure that a quasi- judicial decision of the Council is fair and unbiased in both appearance and in fact. In order to ensure compliance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, please answer the following questions by placing an "x" after "Yes" or "No": 1. Between the date the rezone application was submitted (see above) and today, have you had any communication (v r al/written/text/email, etc.) with any proponent or opponent of the rezone? Yes No: a. If the answer is "no", please move to the next question. b. If the answer is "yes": i. You are required, at the Council meeting, to place on the record the substance of that communication; and ii. Any member of the public is permitted to rebut the substance of the communication at the Council meeting. 2. Are you employed by, or own any busi ss interest in, a business of any proponent or any opponent to this rezone? Yes No: 3. Is there a chance that you stand to fin ncially gain from the approval or denial of this rezone? For example, do you ow n interest in property or a business on or in close proximity to this property? Yes No: i. If yes, will prop ty that you have an ownership interest crease or decrease in value as a result of th outcome of this rezone? Yes No: 4. Do you have a familial, social, or employment relationship a , current, or prospective) with any proponent or opponent of this rezone? Yes No: 5. Are you aware of anythin 0at may impact your abi ty to consider this matter fairly and impartially? Yes No: f� QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT An answer of 'eyes" to question 1 will not disqualify a member of Council from proceeding if the contact is disclosed and rebuttal is permitted. An answer "yes" to any of the questions in 2-5 may cause disqualification depending o e circ ms Signature of Councilmember: Date: 011A_ T--i(VA QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Please return this form to the City Clerk Prior to the Hearing Council Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Agenda Item No: Other Business - A Title: Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance - Adopt Type of Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Rezone Property Location: 23453 30t" Avenue South Kent WA Property Owner: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a "Sound Transit") Applicant: Sound Transit Applicant Representative: Matthew Mateo Prospective Purchaser: N/A Application Date: March 23, 2023 Opponent(s) of Rezone: None to date Proponent(s) of Rezone: Sound Transit Mercy Housing, and Open Doors A rezone request is set on your agenda at the above-referenced Council meeting for you to consider changing the zoning designation of the listed property. Typically, as a City Councilmember, you sit as a member of the legislative body and make policy decisions for the City. However, a rezone is considered a quasi-judicial matter. In quasi-judicial matters, you act as a member of a panel of judges to determine the rights of a property owner. Washington's Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, found in Chapter 42.36 RCW, applies to a quasi- judicial rezone. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine is intended to ensure that a quasi- judicial decision of the Council is fair and unbiased in both appearance and in fact. In order to ensure compliance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, please answer the following questions by placing an "x" after "Yes" or "No": 1. Between the date the rezone application was submitted (see above) and today, have you had any communication (ver al written/text/email, etc.) with any proponent or opponent of the rezone? Yes No a. If the answer is "no", please move to the next question. b. If the answer is "yes": i. You are required, at the Council meeting, to place on the record the substance of that communication; and ii. Any member of the public is permitted to rebut the substance of the communication at the Council meeting. 2. Are you employed by, or own any business interest in, a business of any proponent or any opponent to this rezone? Yes No:&- 3. Is there a chance that you stand to financially gain from the approval or denial of this rezone? For example, do you own an interest in property or a business on or in close proximity to this property? Yes No: X i. If yes, will property that you have an ownership interest in increase or decrease in value as a result of the outcome of this rezone? Yes No: 4. Do you have a familial, social, or employment relationship (past, current, or prospective) with any proponent or opponent of this rezone? Yes No: QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT 5. Are you aware of anything that may impact your ability to consider this matter fairly and impartially? Yes No: An answer of "yes" to question 1 will not disqualify a member of Council from proceeding if the contact is disclosed and rebuttal is permitted. An answer of"yes" to any of the questions in 2-5 may cause disqualification depending on the circumstances. Signature of Councilmember: Date: `� QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Please return this form to the City Clerk Prior to the Hearing Council Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Agenda Item No: Other Business - A Title: Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance - Adopt Type of Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Rezone Property Location: 23453 30th Avenue South Kent WA Property Owner: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a "Sound Transit" Applicant: Sound Transit Applicant Representative: Matthew Mateo Prospective Purchaser: N/A Application Date: March 23, 2023 Opponent(s) of Rezone: None to date Proponent(s) of Rezone: Sound Transit Mercy Housing, and Open Doors A rezone request is set on your agenda at the above-referenced Council meeting for you to consider changing the zoning designation of the listed property. Typically, as a City Councilmember, you sit as a member of the legislative body and make policy decisions for the City. However, a rezone is considered a quasi-judicial matter. In quasi-judicial matters, you act as a member of a panel of judges to determine the rights of a property owner. Washington's Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, found in Chapter 42.36 RCW, applies to a quasi- judicial rezone. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine is intended to ensure that a quasi- judicial decision of the Council is fair and unbiased in both appearance and in fact. In order to ensure compliance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, please answer the following questions by placing an "x" after "Yes" or "No": 1. Between the date the rezone application was submitted (see above) and today, have you had any communication (verbal/written/text/email, etc.) with any proponent or opponent of the rezone? Yes No: ` a. If the answer is "no", please move to the next question. b. If the answer is "yes": i. You are required, at the Council meeting, to place on the record the substance of that communication; and ii. Any member of the public is permitted to rebut the substance of the communication at the Council meeting. 2. Are you employed by, or own any business interest in, a business of any proponent or any opponent to this rezone? Yes No:)�_ 3. Is there a chance that you stand to financially gain from the approval or denial of this rezone? For example, do you own n interest in property or a business on or in close proximity to this property? Yes No: that you have an ownership interest in increase or dec rease in value i. If es willproperty y p Y as a result of the outcome of this rezone? Yes No: 4. Do you have a familial, social, or employment relationship (pas , current, or prospective) with any proponent or opponent of this rezone? Yes No: 5. Are you aware of anything that may impact your ability to consider this matter fairly and impartially? Yes No: QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT An answer of "yes" to question 1 will not disqualify a member of Council from proceeding if the contact is disclosed and rebuttal is permitted. An answer of"yes" to any of the questions in 2-5 may cause disqualification depending on t mstances. Signature of Councilmem heber: Date: I Lp I Z 2-4 QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Please return this form to the City Clerk Prior to the Hearing Council Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Agenda Item No: Other Business - A Title: Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance - Adopt Type of Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Rezone Property Location: 23453 30th Avenue South Kent WA Property Owner: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a "Sound Transit") Applicant: Sound Transit Applicant Representative: Matthew Mateo Prospective Purchaser: N/A Application Date: March 23, 2023 Opponent(s) of Rezone: None to date Proponent(s) of Rezone: Sound Transit Mercy Housing, and Open Doors A rezone request is set on your agenda at the above-referenced Council meeting for you to consider changing the zoning designation of the listed property. Typically, as a City Councilmember, you sit as a member of the legislative body and make policy decisions for the City. However, a rezone is considered a quasi-judicial matter. In quasi-judicial matters, you act as a member of a panel of judges to determine the rights of a property owner. Washington's Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, found in Chapter 42.36 RCW, applies to a quasi- judicial rezone. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine is intended to ensure that a quasi- judicial decision of the Council is fair and unbiased in both appearance and in fact. In order to ensure compliance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, please answer the following questions by placing an "x" after "Yes" or "No": 1. Between the date the rezone application was submitted (see above) and today, have you had any communication (verbal/written/text/email, etc.) with any proponent or opponent of the rezone? Yes No: , a. If the answer is 'ono", please move to the next question. b. If the answer is 'eyes": i. You are required, at the Council meeting, to place on the record the substance of that communication; and ii. Any member of the public is permitted to rebut the substance of the communication at the Council meeting. 2. Are you employed by, or own any business interest in, a business of any proponent or any opponent to this rezone? Yes No: 3. Is there a chance that you stand to financially gain from the approval or denial of this rezone? For example, do you own an interest in property or a business on or in close proximity to this property? Yes No: X_ i. If yes, will property that you have an ownership interest in increase or decrease in value as a result of the outcome of this rezone? Yes No: 4. Do you have a familial, social, or employment relationship (past, current, or prospective) with any proponent or opponent of this rezone? Yes No: 5. Are you aware of anything that may impact your ability to consider this matter fairly and impartially? Yes No'". QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT An answer of 'eyes" to question 1 will not disqualify a member of Council from proceeding if the contact is disclosed and rebuttal is permitted. An answer of"yes" to any of the questions in 2-5 may cause disqualification depending on th%lAum, SIMces. Signature of Councilmember: AN fA A Date: QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Please return this form to the City Clerk Prior to the Hearing Council Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Agenda Item No: Other Business - A Title: Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance - Adop Type of Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Rezone Property Location: 23453 30th Avenue South Kent WA Property Owner: Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a "Sound Transit") Applicant• Sound Transit Applicant Representative: Matthew Mateo Prospective Purchaser: N/A Application Date: March 23, 2023 Opponent(s) of Rezone: None to date Proponent(s) of Rezone: Sound Transit Mercy Housing and Open Doors A rezone request is set on your agenda at the above-referenced Council meeting for you to consider changing the zoning designation of the listed property. Typically, as a City Councilmember, you sit as a member of the legislative body and make policy decisions for the City. However, a rezone is considered a quasi-judicial matter. In quasi-judicial matters, you act as a member of a panel of judges to determine the rights of a property owner. Washington's Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, found in Chapter 42.36 RCW, applies to a quasi- judicial rezone. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine is intended to ensure that a quasi- judicial decision of the Council is fair and unbiased in both appearance and in fact. In order to ensure compliance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, please answer the following questions by placing an "x" after "Yes" or "No": 1. Between the date the rezone application was submitted (see above) and today, have you had any communication (verbal/written/text/email, etc.) with any proponent or opponent of the rezone? Yes No: _x_ a. If the answer is "no", please move to the next question. b. If the answer is "yes": i. You are required, at the Council meeting, to place on the record the substance of that communication; and ii. Any member of the public is permitted to rebut the substance of the communication at the Council meeting. 2. Are you employed by, or own any business interest in, a business of any proponent or any opponent to this rezone? Yes No: x 3. Is there a chance that you stand to financially gain from the approval or denial of this rezone? For example, do you own an interest in property or a business on or in close proximity to this property? Yes No: x i. If yes, will property that you have an ownership interest in increase or decrease in value as a result of the outcome of this rezone? Yes No: _x_ 4. Do you have a familial, social, or employment relationship (past, current, or prospective) with any proponent or opponent of this rezone? Yes No: _x_ 5. Are you aware of anything that may impact your ability to consider this matter fairly and impartially? Yes No: _x_ QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT An answer of "yes" to question 1 will not disqualify a member of Council from proceeding if the contact is disclosed and rebuttal is permitted. An answer of"yes"to any of the questions in 2-5 may cause disqualification depending on the circumstances. � Signature of Councilmember: ;JA � Date:1/10/2024 QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Please return this form to the City Clerk Prior to the Hearing Council Meeting Date: January 16, 2024 Agenda Item No: Other Business -.A Title: Sound Transit Rezone Ordinance .- Adopt Type of Quasi-Judicial Hearing: Rezone Property Location: 23453 301h Avenue South Kent WA Property Owner: Central ,Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority (a/k/a "Sound Transit"1 Applicant: Sound Transit Applicant Representative: Matthew Mateo Prospective Purchaser: N/A Application Date: March 23, 2023 Opponent(s) of Rezone: None to date Proponent(s) of Rezone: Sound Transit Mercy Housing, and Open Doors A rezone request is set on your agenda at the above-referenced Council meeting for you to consider changing the zoning designation of the listed property. Typically, as a City Councilmember, you sit as a member of the legislative body and make policy decisions for the City. However, a rezone is considered a quasi-judicial matter. In quasi-judicial matters, you act as a member of a panel of judges to determine the rights of a property owner. Washington's Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, found in Chapter 42.36 RCW, applies to a quasi- judicial rezone. The Appearance of Fairness Doctrine is intended to ensure that a quasi- judicial decision of the Council is fair and unbiased in both appearance and in fact. In order to ensure compliance with the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, please answer the following questions by placing an "x" after "Yes" or "No": 1. Between the date the rezone application was submitted (see above) and today, have you had any communication (verbal/written/text/email, etc.) with any proponent or opponent of the rezone? Yes No: A a. If the answer is "no", please move to the next question. b. If the answer is "yes": i. You are required, at the Council meeting, to place on the record the substance of that communication; and ii. Any member of the public is permitted to rebut the substance of the communication at the Council meeting. 2. Are you employed by, or own any business interest in, a business of any proponent or any opponent to this rezone? Yes No: 3. Is there a chance that you stand to financially gain from the approval or denial of this rezone? For example, do you own an interest in property or a business on or in close proximity to this property? Yes No: i. If yes, will property that you have an ownership interest in increase or decrease in value as a result of the outcome of this rezone? Yes No: 4. Do you have a familial, social, or employment relationship (past, current, or prospective) with any proponent or opponent of this rezone? Yes No: A 5. Are you aware of anything that may impact your ability to consider this matter fairly and impartially? Yes No: QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING APPEARANCE OF FAIRNESS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT An answer of "yes" to question 1 will not disqualify a member of Council from proceeding if the contact is disclosed and rebuttal is permitted. An answer of"yes" to any of the questions in 2-5 may cause disqualification depending on the circumstances. Signature of Councilmember: ti Z1 Date: i lip �2�#