HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG224-124 - Amendment - #1 - Washington State Department of Transportation - Commute Trip Reduction - 07/01/2023 Washington State Public Transportation Division �� 310 Maple Park Avenue S.E. Department of Transportation P.O. Box 47337 Olympia, WA 98504-7387 WSDOT Contact: Patrick Green patrick.green@wsdot.wa.gov Amendment Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Agreement Number PTD0840-Al Contractor. City of Kent Term of Project July 1,2023 through June 30,2025 220 Fourth Ave S Kent,WA 98032 Vendor# 916001254 Contact: Rob Brown Rbrown@KentWA.gov This is the first administrative AMENDMENT to AGREEMENT PTD0840 entered into between the Washington State Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as "WSDOT"), and City of Kent (hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR"), and/or individually referred to as the "PARTY" and collectively referred to as the "PARTIES," WHEREAS, WSDOT is amending AGREEMENT PTD0840 to: -Incorporate the approved Administrative Work Plan, as Exhibit I. -Scope of Work and funding remains unchanged NOW THEREFORE, the following AMENDMENTS are hereby incorporated into AGREEMENT PTD0840: AGREEMENT 1. RECITALS from the AGREEMENT are hereby incorporated into this AMENDMENT. 2. The funding table under`Scope of Work and Budget' remains unchanged and read as follows: SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET The CONTRACTOR agrees to provide Transportation Demand Management (TDM) services, primarily used to support local Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) programs associated with the Statewide Commute Trip Reduction Program, including: 1) Development and submission of an Administrative Work Plan by the end of the first quarter of this AGREEMENT that must be approved by WSDOT in writing; 2) Implementation of the strategies and production of the deliverables outlined in the WSDOT-approved Administrative Work Plan in order to implement a CTR program; and 3) Provision of emergency ride home services for state emergency ride home services for state agency employees that participate in the CTR program. The Administrative Work Plan shall be incorporated as an amendment to this AGREEMENT. Funds Current Funds Commute Trip Reduction(MMA) $ 161,600 Total Project Cost $ 161,600 Budget: Current Funds reflect total funding appropriated by the Washington State Legislature for the Project in the 2023-2025 biennium. City of Kent Page 1 of 2 PTD0840-Al 3. A copy of this AMENDMENT to AGREEMENT PTD0840 shall be attached to and made a part of the original AGREEMENT. Any references to the "AGREEMENT' shall mean "AGREEMENT as amended." 4. All other terms and conditions of the original AGREEMENT not hereby amended shall remain in full force and effect. This document may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed original having identical legal effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WSDOT hereto have executed this AMENDMENT the day and year last written below. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Authorized Representative Public Transportation Division Washington State Department of Transportation 05-28-2024 Date City of Kent Page 2 of 2 PTD0840-Al EXHIBIT 1 2023-2025 CTR Administrative Workplan — City of Kent 1. Organization City of Kent 2. Agreement number PTD0840 3. Local agency contact Rob Brown 253-856-5571 RBrown@KentWA.gov 4. Employer engagement A. Identify worksites and employee transportation coordinators (required) Activities: • Identify prospective worksites. • Notify employers of legally required activities. • Verify and maintain list of worksites and employee transportation coordinators in survey and program report system. Deliverables: • Letters/emails to new worksites and employers. B. Engage and train employee transportation coordinators (required) Activities: • Provide training materials. • Conduct training sessions as needed (in-person or virtual) • Provide outreach and consultation. • Provide technical assistance for worksite commute programs and employee surveys. • Encourage employee transportation coordinators attend the Washington State Ridesharing Organization conference and other educational events. • Host recognition and networking events. • Send encouragement and reminder emails. Deliverables: • Training slides and handouts. • List of employee transportation coordinators who completed training or attended events. • Copies of email invitations. • Copies of award certificates. C. Support distribution of information about transportation options to commuters Activities: • Develop promotions calendar. • Promote commute options with employee transportation coordinators at wellness fairs, sustainability fairs, and other employee engagement events. • Create promotions, produce materials, and distribute them to employee transportation coordinators. 2023-2025 CTR Administrative Workplan — City of Kent Deliverables: • Copy of promotions calendar. • Examples of promotional materials. • List of events attended. D. Enable incentives, subsidies, and disincentives Activities: • Promote the CTR business-and-occupation tax/public-utilities-tax credit by adding it to the CTR resource page of our website. • Establish relationships with employers encourage them to provide ORCA cards to their employees. • Work with worksites to encourage parking management strategies for employees implementation. • Provide information to encourage employers to offer improved commute benefits; commute benefits offered by industry peer organizations, how commute benefits contribute to sustainability, effects of commute benefits on employee satisfaction, recruitment, or retention. • Provide educational materials that indicate how much workers value commute benefits. • Provide bike lights & locks. Deliverables: • Webpage updates. • Summary documenting results of promotions. 5. Commute trip reduction plan Activities • Comply with WSDOT CTR Plan Guidance • Develop a workplan and timeline. • Engage the public and stakeholders. • Identify and review resources. • Develop plan content and draft plan. • Integrate with regional 4-year plan • Obtain approvals from governing authorities of the CTR law and ordinance. Deliverables: • Draft plan. • Final plan. 6. Performance reporting A. Worksite surveys (required) Activities: • Review revised policies and tutorials. • Attend WSDOT trainings and workshops. • Survey worksites. • Promote participation with promotional materials and incentives. • Provide training and technical assistance to employers. • Monitor online dashboards and help employers interpret and use dashboards to guide their programs. • Analyze survey results and identify trends. 2023-2025 CTR Administrative Workplan — City of Kent Deliverables: • Survey results. • Briefing paper on trends. B. Program reports (required) Activities: • Review revised policies and tutorials. • Attend WSDOT trainings and workshops. • Provide training and technical assistance to employee transportation coordinators. • Analyze program reports and identify trends. Deliverables: • Survey results. • Briefing paper on trends. 7. Administration A. Financial management (required) Activities: • Complete quarterly billing to WSDOT. • Maintain financial records. • Apply for additional grant funding, as available. Deliverables: • Invoices • Quarterly reports • Financial records • Grant applications B. Program management (required) Activities: • Provide quarterly reports to WSDOT. • Maintain employer information. • Maintain plan and ordinance. • Provide feedback to WSDOT to improve processes and program performance. Deliverables: • Quarterly reports to WSDOT. • Employer information list. • Copy of local CTR plan. • Copy of local CTR ordinance. C. Community of practice Activities: • Attend TDM Technical Committee, TDM Executive Board meetings, and CTR implementers meetings. • Review and comment on the State CTR Plan, State CTR Report, and regional and local transportation plans. • Participate in regional TDM forums, committees, boards, working groups. • Participate in the Switch Your Trips Washington Committee Deliverables: 2023-2025 CTR Administrative Workplan — City of Kent • Meeting agendas and confirmed participant lists.