HomeMy WebLinkAbout4489 ORDINANCE NO. 4489 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sections of Chapter 3.70 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Public Contracting and Procurement" to implement changes to the small works roster process previously adopted by the Washington State Legislature, which take effect July 1, 2024. RECITALS A. The Washington State Legislature passed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5268 in 2023. This Bill makes various changes to the small works process, which allows the City to contract for public works projects with estimated costs of $350,000 or less by inviting contractors on a roster to submit a quote on a project. Most portions of this bill become effective on July 1, 2024. B. A small works roster is a list of contractors who have indicated their interest in performing certain types of public works, allowing the City to more efficiently procure their services on certain projects within the limits allowed under state law. The Bill designates the Municipal Research and Services Center's ("MRSC") roster as the official statewide roster which will be updated to improve access for contractors and cities and to accommodate 1 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement these changes to the small works process. The City has used this roster in the past for multiple small works projects. C. This Bill allows cities to directly negotiate with certain contractors on the applicable roster for projects estimated to cost under $150,000. To avoid favoritism and to ensure proper rotation of contractors, City staff must establish a publicly available small business rotation policy. City staff must also establish a small, minority, women, and veteran-owned business utilization plan. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.030. Section 3.70.030 of the Kent City Code entitled "Definitions", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.030. Definitions. The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: A. Contract shall mean a formal written contract, purchase order, lease, verbal agreement, or cash or credit purchase from a wholesaler, retailer, dealer, vendor, consultant, contractor, or other similar transaction. Grants, bequests, and other donations or gifts that generate revenue or that represent or are conditioned on the pledge, use, or other impairment of a city asset or dedication of city resources are also contracts and are subject to the specific provisions of this chapter. Purchases or work shall not be split 2 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement into smaller, separate contracts to avoid either the competitive bidding or authorization requirements set forth in this chapter. B. Director shall mean any director of a city of Kent department and shall include the position of chief administrative officer. C. Public work shall have the same meaning as provided in RCW 39.04.010, as the same may later be amended. Generally, a public work is any work, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement to a public facility that is performed at the city's expense, other than ordinary maintenance. This definition applies to all city departments, not just the city's public works department. Ordinary maintenance when performed by contract, while not a public work, may be subject to prevailing wages. D. Purchase refers to materials, supplies, equipment, or services procured by the city, either for ownership or lease, that will not be part of a public work. E. Small business shall have the same meaning as provided in RCW 39 04 010 as the same may later be amended Generally, a small business includes a business that the state Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises has identified as meeting certification criteria for size, ownership control and personal net worth. SECTION 2. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.120. Section 3.70.120 of the Kent City Code entitled "Small works roster - Finding and authorization for establishment", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.120. Small works roster - Finding and authorization for establishment. The city council finds that the small works roster 3 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement provisions provided for in RCW 39.04.151 et seg.-S would provide an efficient process for the award and construction of small public works projects within the city of Kent. Toward that end, this Part 3 authorizes staff to establish a small works roster procedure for public works pursuant to RCW 35A.40.210, 35.23.352, and 39.04.151 et sea.-S., as the same may be later amended. SECTION 3. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.130. Section 3.70.130 of the Kent City Code entitled "Contract cost of $350,000 or less", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.130. Contract cost of $350,000 or less. For those public works that would otherwise require advertised bids, but the estimated cost of the complete work, excluding� any applicable sales tax, is $350,000 or less, or the current statutory limit provided for in RCW 39.04.152-5, the city need not comply with formal sealed bidding procedures for the construction, building, renovation, remodeling, alteration, repair, or improvement of real property. Instead, the city may use the small works roster procedure for public works as set forth in this Part 3. The splitting of any public work into units or accomplishing any public work by phases is prohibited if it is done for the purpose of avoiding the maximum dollar amount of a contract that may be let using the small works roster process. The small works roster process provided for in this Part 3 is an option available to city staff at the discretion of the director. For any qualified public work, advertised bids in accordance with KCC 3.70.090(B) may always be utilized. Similarly, the small works roster process may also be utilized, at the discretion of the director, in lieu of the process set forth in KCC 3.70.090(A) through (C). 4 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement SECTION 4. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.150. Section 3.70.150 of the Kent City Code entitled 'Contractors listed on small works roster", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.150. Contractors listed on small works roster. A small works roster shall consist of all responsible contractors who have requested to be on the roster and, where required by law, are properly licensed or registered to perform such work in this state. As may be requested by city staff, contractors desiring to be placed on a roster must keep current records of any applicable licenses, certifications, registrations, bonding, insurance, or other appropriate matters on file with the city as may be made a condition of being placed on a roster. The city shall require contractors desiring to be placed on the roster to indicate if they meet the definition of women and minority-owned business as described in RCW 39.19.030(7)(b), veteran- owned business as defined in RCW 43.60A.010 or small business as defined in RCW 39.04.010. SECTION 5. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.160. Section 3.70.160 of the Kent City Code entitled "Publication", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.160. Publication. At least once a year, the city shall publish a notice of the existence of the roster and solicit the names of contractors for the roster. This solicitation shall be published in either the city's designated official newspaper, or in another newspaper of general circulation that the city determines is most likely to result in contractor responses. The city shall also notify the directory of contracting firms certified by the state office of minority and women's business enterprises of the existence of this roster. Responsible contractors shall be added to the appropriate roster at any time that they submit a written request and any 5 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement necessary records. The city may require master contracts to be signed that become effective when a specific award is made using a small works roster. SECTION 6. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.170. Section 3.70.170 of the Kent City Code entitled "Electronic rosters", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.170. Electronic rosters. In addition to paper and/or electronic rosters kept on file with the city, the city may also use the state- wide electronic small works roster database developed and maintained by MRSC, or the city may contract with another public agency to maintain a shared small works roster that conforms to the requirements of RCW 39.04.151s-.. and RCW 39.04.152. SECTION 7. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.180. Section 3.70.180 of the Kent City Code entitled 'Telephone or written quotations", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.180. Telephone or written quota mensInviting bids and direct contracting. For those public works projects where the small works roster is utilized, the city shall obtain telephone, written, or electronic quotations or bids for public works projects from contractors on the appropriate small works roster to assure that a competitive price is established and to award contracts to the lowest responsible bidder, as defined in RCW 39.04.010 and 39.04.350, as follows: A. Content of invitation forbid/quote. Work awarded to a contractor from a small works roster need not be advertised. Invitations for quotations shall include an estimate of the scope and nature of the work to be performed as well as materials and equipment to be furnished. However, detailed plans and specifications need not be included in the invitation. This section does i 6 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement not eliminate other requirements for architectural, engineering, or land surveying approvals as to quality and compliance with building codes, or any statutory bonding, retainage, and prevailing wage provisions. B. Inviting bids. 1 The city may invite bids under a small works roster by notifying all contractors on the applicable roster that have indicated interest in performing work in the applicable geographical area, B. Nuffiber of required invitat4ens. - least five I -e FesteF. if there are less than five EeRtFaeteF-S on the appr-epriate small works FesteF, quotations must be invited freng al4 ntr- ete to the FeqHiFemei9t of subseetien (B)(I) of this seetien, of the estimated Ee "he appfe-pFiat 7 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement a. Publishing netiee in a legal newspapeF ,.' I t'en the h the rli is ty bL uvii%, theF I et.- .,an.& 2G. . Invited contractors who are interested in the solicited work should respond within the time and by the manner declared by the city in the invitation. Failure to timely or properly respond may result in the contractor's bid being rejected. 3 The city may then contract by reviewing these bids to assure that a competitive price is established and to award contracts_ to the responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid. C. Direct Contractinq - Less Than $150 000 For small public works projects with an estimated cost less than $150 000 excluding any applicable sales tax the city may choose to directly contract without a competitive process as follows: 1 If there are six or more contractors meeting the definition of small business on the applicable roster, the city must directly contract with one of those small businesses on the applicable roster that have indicated interest in performing work in the applicable geographical area. 2 If there are five or less contractors meeting the definition of small business on the applicable roster, the city may direct contract with any contractor on the applicable roster that have indicated interest in performing work in the applicable geographical area. 3 The city must rotate through the contractors on the appropriate small works roster and must when qualified contractors are available from the roster who may perform the work or deliver the services within the budget described in the notice or request for proposals utilize different contractors on different projects To this end the City shall establish a small, g Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement minority, women and veteran-owned business utilization plan and establish a publicly available contractor rotation plan prior to using direct contracting. 4 The city must notify small minority, women or veteran-owned businesses on the applicable roster when direct contracting is utilized. Annually, the city must post a list of small works contracts awarded and contractors contacted for direct negotiation pursuant to RCW 39.04.200. D. Bid bond - Optional at director's discretion. A contractor's bid, solicited under the small works roster process provided for in this Part 3, need not include, at the discretion of the director, a bid bond as required by RCW 35.23.352. All other bonding, retainage, and prevailing wage provisions applicable to public works projects apply to contracts entered into under the small works roster process, except that the city may reduce or waive retainage requirements set forth in RCW 60.28.011(1)(a). Notice of any reduction or waiver shall be included in any bid solicitation. E. Written record. The city shall maintain a written record of each contractor's bid on the project and of any conditions imposed on the bid. Immediately after an award is made, the bid quotations obtained shall be recorded, publicly available and available by request leE*r-e^ie -eq est'. Nothing in this section is intended to supplant the city's duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. SECTION 8. - Amendment - KCC 3.70.190. Section 3.70.190 of the Kent City Code entitled "Determining lowest responsible bidder", is amended as follows: Sec. 3.70.190. Determining lowest responsible bidder. Except for those projects awarded through direct contracting, tThe city shall award 9 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement the contract for the public works project to the lowest responsible bidder on the small works roster; provided, that whenever there is a reason to believe that the lowest acceptable bid is not the best price obtainable, all bids may be rejected and the city may call for new bids under the small works roster. A responsible bidder will be a contractor who meets the mandatory requirements of RCW 39.04.350(1) and any supplemental bidder responsibility criteria established for the project under RCW 39.04.350(2) and KCC 3.70.090(B)(2), as amended. SECTION 9. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 10. - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 11. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from the time of final passage as provided by law. However, the changes adopted through this ordinance shall apply beginning July 1, 2024. May 21, 2024 DANA RALPH, MA O Date Approved 10 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement ATTEST: "�J� I May 21, 2024 KIMBERLEY �.,�OMOTO, CITY ERK Date Adopted May 24, 2024 Date Published APP O ED AS TO FORM: T VWITE, CITY ATTORNEY ':u, passo ap _ L<� �br 1 n 11 Amend KCC 3.70 - Re: Public Contracting and Procurement Kent Reporter Affidavit of Publication State of Washington} County of King } ss Rudi Alcott being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: that he/she is the legal representative of the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper. The said newspaper is a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the first publication of the Notice hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington and is and always has been printed in whole or part in the Kent Reporter and is of general circulation in said County, and is a legal newspaper, in accordance with the Chapter 99 of the Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 213, Laws of 1941, and approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of King County, State of Washington, by order dated June 16, 1941, and that the annexed is a true copy of KEN996498 ORDS 4489-4491 as it was published in the regular and entire issue of said paper and not as a supplement form thereof for a period of 1 issue(s), such publication commencing on 05/24/2024 and ending on 05/24/2024 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. The amount of the fee for such ublication is $157.17. S b ibed and sworn before me on this day of N.OTA R Y = otary P Iic in and for the State of PUB-Or, .Q .- N shi tun. ' •*" C .wit", � C'ily oCK-I,Ci15('I,,k-LEGAL A DS 150431431 AIM A()A1(1TO Imo/ Of WAO 11111119;1 1 WO,'' Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council May 21,2024. ORDINANCE NO. 4489 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending various sec- tions of Chapter 3.70 of the Kent City Code,enti- tled "Public Contracting and Procurement" to imple- ment changes to the small works roster pro- cess previously adopted by the Washington State Legislature, which take effect July 1, 2024. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force 30 days from the time of fi- nal passage as provided by law. However, the changes adapted through this ordinance shall apply beginning July 1,2024. ORDINANCE NO. 4490 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending chapter 2.60 of the Kent City Code entitled,"Parks and Rec- reation Commission`, to revise the duties, re- sponsibilities, and ex- pectations applicable to members of the City of Kent's Parks and Rec- reation Commission, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from the time of fi- nal passage, as provid- ed by law. ORDINANCE NO, 4491 -AN ORDI NANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending section Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,05/17/2024 03:05:05 pm Page:2 Classified Proof 9.38.020 of the Kent City Code, entitled "No park- ing zones", and section 9.38.045 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Parkin gg prohibited from 10:00 p.m.to 6:00 a.m.",in or- der to prohibit parking on new streets built by re- cent development pro- jects and in several neighborhoods as re- quested by Parks De- partment and Police De- partment.This ordinance shall take effect and be in Force 30 days from and after its passage,as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkomoto@l(entWA.gov 253-856-5725 KEN996498 5/24/24 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,05/17/2024 03:05:05 pm Page:3