HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-168 - Supplement - Kent Police Officers Association (KPOA) - Police Assistant Chiefs and Commanders MOU re: 10 Hour Shifts - 05/12/2024 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Brent Ashbaugh Human Resources Date Sent: Date Required: c 05/20/2024 N/A Q Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NoF-] N/A Budget? Yes Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Kent Police Officers Association (KPOA) Labor Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Supplement 0 Project Name: OProject Details: MOU re: 10 hour shift - AC & Commander C 40 C Agreement Amount N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: *Memo to Mayor must be attached .1111 Start Date: 15/12/2024 Termination Date: 12/31/2024 a Local Business? Yes F]No*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process F1 Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) FlAuthorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes❑No CAG2022-168 Comments: OK to sign, 5/20/2024, TW. IM � C IM in = 3 cc N a Date Received:City Attorney: 5/20/24 Date Routed:Mayor's Offic4 5/21/24 City Clerk's Office 5/22/24 4 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING by and between CITY OF KENT and KENT POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Representing the POLICE ASSISTANT CHIEFS AND COMMANDERS Regarding Schedule Change and Related Impacts This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU'7 is entered into by and between the City of Kent (the"City") and the Kent Police Officers Association ("KPOA") representing the Police Assistant Chiefs and Commanders bargaining unit regarding a work schedule change and related impacts. Section 1 — Purpose of the MOU The City and KPOA are parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement("CBA"),'with a term of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024. The City met with KPOA on multiple times, regarding a mutual desire to revert back to 10-hourshifts to add ress concerns among staff about the impacts associated with the Kent Police Departments ("Department") current 12-hour shift under the Sergeant and Officers Collective Bargaining Agreement. The parties discussed and negotiated the impacts of a reversion back to 10-hourshifts during these meetings. The purpose of this MOU is to make changes to the Assistant Chiefs and Commanders contract that closely match the MOU signed by KPOA and the City concerning the Sergeants and Officers Collective Bargaining Agreement on February 8, 2024. Section 2 Terms and Conditions The City and the KPOA hereby agree to the following revisions of the CBA as follows: 1. Chance tg j 0-Hour Shift. Effective May 12, 2024, a 10-hour work shift shall be deemed added to the CBA. On May 12, 2024, Patrol Commanders will transition from their existing 12-hourshiftto the new 10-hourshift underthe four ten-hourworkday schedule provided for in Section 4.10 of the CBA, as amended by this MOU. For purposes of this MOU, the term "CBA" refers to the City's CBA with the KPOA Assistant Chiefs and Commanders'bargaining unit,which is dated April 28,2022. 4 2 . Beginning May 12,2024,and continuing until the parties enter into a succeseC�lcollective f the bargaining entgreement that itled"Workday and effect January 1, 2025, Work Week", shall provide as follows: ge t; n 4.1 Workday and Work Week Command personnel will align their workdays with a majority of their personnel. A temporary adjustment to an employee's regularschedule may be made by the Chief of Police for a special or significant event or operation in the city. AkkWatag hiefs Recognizing that flexibility Is required in the scheduling of assignments for command personnel, the normal work week shall be the equivalent of forty (40) hours per week on an annualized basis. The normal work schedule shall eitherbe five eight-hour days(5/8s)or the nine-eighty(9-80) schedule. The determination of which schedulean employee will work shall be made by the employee. The parties agree that Assistant Chiefs will work with the Chief to make certain that flex schedules will be coordinated to ensure adequate operational coverage. Lomm Recognizing that flexibility is required in the scheduling of assignments for command personnel, the normal work week shall be the equivalent of forty (40) hours per week on an annualized basis. The normal work schedule shall eitherbe five eight-hourdays(5/8s),fourten-hourdays(4/10s),orthe nine- eighty(9-80)schedule.The determination of which schedule an employee will work shall be made by the employee; provided, Patrol Commanders shall work the four ten-hour days (4/10s) schedule. 3. Gonsideratlon for G anaes. In consideration for the schedule changes provided for through this MOU, the parties agree to continue to negotiate in good faith on a successor collective bargaining agreement to take effect on January 1, 2025,with the intention of completing the same on or before December 31, 2024.In addition, parties following enterprovisions to a successor apply collectve dates provided below, unless bargaining agreement that includes different terms: A. Cxecutive _el aye. Section 4.of h t C BC, nutlete the "Executive Division Leave", is amended to provideo begins working the new 10-hour shift, all employees will receive an additional 10 hours of executive leave, which increases the total executive leave provided for underthe CBA to 30 hours. Further,the proration rate provided for In Section 4.2 of the CBA is revised from 0.83333 hours perpay period to 1.25 hours per pay period. All other provisions within Section 4.2 of the CBA shall continue to apply. B. Non-Accrued Time. Section 4.5 of the CBA, entitled "Non Accrued time" is amended to provide that all employees who did not receive NAT hours on January 1, 2024, will receive a total of 20 NAT hours on the signing of this MOU,which will be available forcash-out at the end of the year.Further,beginning January 1, 2025,all employees, including Patrol Commanders, will receive 20 NAT hours In lieu of the hours currently provided for by Section 4.5 of the CBA, if a successor CBA is not entered Into prior to that date that provides otherwise. All other provisions within Section 4.5 of the CBA shall continue to apply, Including those provisions concerning carryover and cash-out of NAT hours. C. Leay�.Once the Patrol Division begins working the new 10-hourshift,all employees annual leave accruals will change to the following accruals; k#ours of Leave ACCrued Years of EmaI A_ M4 IWX ist year 96 hours 8 hours 2nd through 4th year 104 hours 8.10 67 hours 5th year 120 hours rs 6th through 7th year 128 hours 10.67 hours 8th through 9th year 136 hours 11.33 hours loth year 144 hours 12 hours 11th through 14th year 156 hours 13 hours 15th year 168 hours 14 hours 16th through 19th year 180 hours 15 hours 20th through 22nd year 192 hours 16 16,hours hours 23rd through 25th year 198 hours 26th year and thereafter 204 hours 17 hours D. Maxi„ .,, AyrrtiAl of gnn21al Leave. Once the Patrol Division begins working the new 10-hour shift,the annual accrual rate for purposes of calculating the maximum accrual authorized under5ection 9.1 of the CBA shall be based upon the annual accrual rate provided for in Section 3(C) of this MOU. Asa result,on the date the Patrol Division begins working the new 10-hour shift, any annual leave existing in an employee's annual leave bank in excess of the maximum accrual provided for under Section 9.2 of the CBA will be removed from employee's annual leave bank and placed In a separate leave bank for their use. Any leave placed within this separate leave bank must be used by December 31,2025.Any leave remaining in this separate leave bank after 1159 hours on December 31, 2025,will be forfeited, removed from employee's leave bank, and become unavailable for use. E. 5tck Leave. Once the Patrol Division begins working the new 10-hour shift, sick leave accrual will revert back to the provision previously provided for underSection 6.1 of the parties'collective bargaining agreementfor the time period of January 1, 2019,through December 31, 2021. For ease of reference, that provision is restated below: Section 6.1,Sick L eave Accrual.Officers hired by the City on or after 10/01/77 shall accrue sick leave at the rate of ten (10) hours per month. In addition, their sick leave account shall be credited with 30 additional hours on January 1 of each year. Employees hired after January 1 of any calendar year shall receive the additional hours on a prorated basis. However, under no condition will an employee's accrual exceed 1,190 hours. (See Section 6.4). Section 3 - Term The City and KPOA agree this MOU shall remain in effect until the parties agree upon a successor CBA. Section 4 - Interpretation and Signatures All other language of the CBA not In conflict with the terms or spirit of this MOU or not made superfluous by this MOU shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be altered by this MOU. KPOA and the it ty shallbey drafted this interpret d evenly,Iy,U. In the eventof and not for or an ambiguity in any term in this MOU against either party as "the drafter". By signing below, the parties agree that the above represents their full and entire agreement with respect to the subject matter of this MOU. This MOU shall not be interpreted to create a past practice. F i This MOU shall be deemed executed and agreed to upon the later of both approval of the Kent City Council and the signature of the parties below. FOR KPOA: FOR THE CITY: JustA Campbell Dana Ralph KPOA President Mayor Date: S/9� Date: 05/21/2024 Greg Jag Holly y-Smith KPOA Vice Presic ent Director of Human fResour es Date: 1 Er 4�c� `� Date: !:A 1 �- Rafael Pradilla Police Chiefs�,� ,y�a� Date: APPRO /-D A TO FORM: T m +y VA hit City Attorr Date: 05/20/2024 Y �i 1 I