HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-239 - Original - King County - Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring - 05/07/2024 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Karin Bayes/Rowena Valencia-Gica Public Works Date Sent: Date Required: c 04/22/2024 4/22/2024 Q Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website Not needed Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes[Z] NOE:] TBD Budget? Yes E]No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: King County Grant: Non-Real Property Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Original 0 Project Name: Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring 3- Project Details: This project is for the Lake Water Quality Monitoring Project at Lake Meridian and Lake Fenwick,two lakes within the city limits, 0 through 2025.The City of Kent would work in partnership with the King County Lake Stewardship Program,and multiple water quality 4- parameters will be collected by volunteers to track long term trends and the effects of multiple water quality improvement projects r_ _implemented by the City,including the Lake Fenwick aerator improvements previously funded by WaterWorks. 40 r_ (11.111 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Agreement (DODO Other E *Memo to Mayor must be attached A- Start Date: March 2024 Termination Date: 10/31/2026 a Local Business? Yes F—INO*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process F1 Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) FlAuthorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes❑No CAG2024-239 Comments: Routed via DocuSign 0 � c IM }. a, a Date Received:City Attorney: 4/23/24 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 5/9/24 'ty Clerk's Office 5/20/24 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 LQ' 2023 WaterWorks Grant Program King County Grant Agreement Cover Page Grant Cycle: 2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Recipient: City of Kent Project Name: Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring Funding Amount: $60,000.00 Project Summary: This project is for the Lake Water Quality Monitoring Project at Lake Meridian and Lake Fenwick, two lakes within the city limits, through 2025. The City of Kent would work in partnership with the King County Lake Stewardship Program, and multiple water quality parameters will be collected by volunteers to track long term trends and the effects of multiple water quality improvement projects implemented by the City, including the Lake Fenwick aerator improvements previously funded by WaterWorks. Primary Contact: Rowena Valencia-Gica Phone: 253-856-5551 Email: ralencia@kentwa.gov Start Date: 5/7/2024 End Date: 10/31/26 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 Waterworks Grant Program Grant Agreement AGREEMENT between City of Kent and KING COUNTY This is an Agreement between City of Kent, hereinafter"City"or the "RECIPIENT" and King County, a political subdivision of the state of Washington, hereinafter the "COUNTY." This Agreement is effective as of the date of the COUNTY signatory. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms, conditions, and the legal and administrative relations that apply to the RECIPIENT in exchange for financial assistance in carrying out a proposed project entitled Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring, hereinafter the "PROJECT." Section 1. Background and Recitals: A. Proposed PROJECT benefit or improvement to water quality and/or the regional wastewater treatment system and its ratepayers: This project is for the Lake Water Quality Monitoring Project at Lake Meridian and Lake Fenwick, two lakes within the City's limitsthrough-March 2026. The City will work in partnership with the King County Lake Stewardship Program, and multiple water quality parameters will be collected by King County Lakes Stewardship Program volunteers to track long term trends and the effects of multiple water quality improvement projects implemented by the City, including the Lake Fenwick aerator improvements previously funded by WaterWorks. B. The COUNTY plans and proposes to remunerate the RECIPIENT for the purpose described in Subsection A above in an amount up to,but not exceeding $60,000.00, hereinafter the "AWARD." C. This AWARD is made with the understanding that the RECIPIENT will complete the PROJECT as outlined in the Scope of Work(Exhibit A) and will fulfill reporting requirements as described under the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. D. The RECIPIENT plans to contribute to this PROJECT a cash and/or in-kind match valued at$7,200.00, to be verified in submitted PROJECT reports. Section 2. Terms and Conditions: A. The PROJECT shall be in accordance with the tasks and activities specified in the Scope of Work(Exhibit A). Any modifications must be requested in an Agreement Amendment Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 and be approved by the WaterWorks Grant Manager in the COUNTY's Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division. B. The COUNTY will, upon execution of this Agreement, establish procedures to allow payment to the RECIPIENT of all eligible expenses for approved activities up to the limit of the AWARD. Payments are on a reimbursement basis; except in some cases at the discretion of the COUNTY, where advances of the AWARD may be made. For all projects,the last payment will be withheld by the COUNTY until the final Quarterly Report and the Final Report are approved. C. The RECIPIENT's expenditures of AWARD funds shall be separately identified in the RECIPIENT's accounting records. If requested,the RECIPIENT shall comply with other reasonable requests made by the COUNTY with respect to the manner in which PROJECT expenditures are tracked and accounted for in the RECIPIENT's accounting books and records. The RECIPIENT shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principles, and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. D. The COUNTY will reimburse RECIPIENT for expenses on a quarterly basis, following receipt and approval of Quarterly Reports. The final payment will be held back until a close-out verifies fiscal and programmatic compliance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. 1. The RECIPIENT shall be responsible for submitting the following PROJECT progress reports: Quarterly Reports and the Final Report; including backup documentation such as photos, copies of reports, and financial backup such as accounting software reports, copies of receipts. 2. Quarterly Reports shall be submitted through the online system using the provided format and following instructions from WaterWorks grant administrators. a. The Quarterly Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of each quarter. b. If no expenses are made or no activities are conducted during a quarter, the form should still be submitted. c. The expense section should detail expenses and include backup documentation of expenses. The narrative section should include documentation proving the project activities took place, such as photos, workshop agenda, volunteer sign in sheets, etc. 3. RECIPIENTS that receive approval for advance payments shall submit a request with an estimate of expenses for upcoming activities in the next two quarters, using the form provided. Subsequent advance requests may only be approved if Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 the RECIPIENT is up to date with reporting. Advances may be paid up to 90% of the total award, the remainder may be withheld until the Final Report has been submitted. 4. The Final Report shall be submitted online using the provided format and following instructions from the Waterworks grant administrator and will include closeout documentation. a. The Final Report is due thirty (30) days after the end date of the PROJECT. E. Failure to submit the aforementioned Quarterly Report on the PROJECT progress within ninety(90) days of the due date may be cause for the COUNTY to terminate this agreement for non-performance. Termination would require the return of any funds advanced but not already spent executing the PROJECT, as well as forfeiture of AWARD funds for activities not completed by termination date. F. Failure to provide all of the aforementioned documentation may result in the need to withhold part or all of the AWARD. G. Costs eligible for payment shall be limited to those costs identified in the Budget(Exhibit B) and incurred during the effective dates of this Agreement. H. Any and all activities to be funded by this Agreement to the RECIPIENT shall be completed by the end date of 10/31/26. If needed, an Agreement Amendment may be granted to extend the terms of the contract beyond the end date, adjust the scope of work, or change the budget details (but not increase the total AWARD amount), conditioned upon approval by KING COUNTY. The extension must be requested and approved at least sixty (60) days in advance of the original end date. I. The RECIPIENT agrees to acknowledge the COUNTY in all media, publications, and signage that are produced as part of the PROJECT. This includes press releases, public service announcements, posters, flyers, signage, Web pages,blogs, and videos. The RECIPIENT will use the wording provided in Exhibit C of this Agreement (Credit and Disclaimers). Section 3. Legal and Administrative Relations: A. The RECIPIENT shall maintain such records of expenditures as may be necessary to conform to generally accepted accounting principles and to meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws. The RECIPIENT shall maintain and submit to the COUNTY any such records as the COUNTY may require to conduct any audit of the PROJECT it may elect to conduct or to substantiate expenditures paid for by this AWARD. The RECIPIENT shall maintain and retain books and records related to the Agreement for at least three (3)years after the termination of said Agreement. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 B. The COUNTY's financial assistance to the RECIPIENT shall be construed by the parties as a special disbursement to the RECIPIENT to fund activities, as described herein that generally benefit the COUNTY's efforts to leverage or complement the water quality mission of the regional wastewater system. The COUNTY's sole obligation under this agreement shall be to provide funds to the RECIPIENT and this agreement shall not be construed as a contract for services between the RECIPIENT and the COUNTY, or as establishing a principal agent relationship between the COUNTY and the RECIPIENT. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this Agreement. C. The RECIPIENT shall be solely responsible for the recruiting, training, and supervision of its employees and volunteers who are not employees of the COUNTY or volunteers recruited by the COUNTY. Individuals hired and paid by the RECIPIENT who are not employees or volunteers of the COUNTY shall not, in any event,be construed to be employees of, or contractors to, the COUNTY and the RECIPIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY from any and all claims arising from any contention that said individuals are employees of, or contractors to, the COUNTY. This condition shall survive the termination of this Agreement. All actions undertaken under the funding provided by the terms of this agreement are, as between the COUNTY and the RECIPIENT, the sole responsibility of the RECIPIENT. No employees, agents, volunteers, or contractors of RECIPIENT shall be deemed, or represent themselves, to be employees of the COUNTY. D. RECIPIENT agrees for itself, its successors, assigns or by others including, without limitation, all persons directly or indirectly employed by RECIPIENT, or any agents, contractors, subcontractors, consultants, subconsultants, volunteers, licensees or invitees of RECIPIENT, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the COUNTY, its appointed and elected officials, and employees from and against liability for all claims, demands, suits, and judgments, including costs of defense thereof for injury to persons, death, or property damage which is caused by, arises out of, or is incidental to RECIPIENT's exercise of rights,privileges, and obligations under this Agreement, except for the COUNTY's sole negligence. RECIPIENT's obligations under this section shall include, but not be limited to all of the following: (i) The duty to promptly accept tender of defense and provide defense to the COUNTY with legal counsel acceptable to the COUNTY at RECIPIENT's own expense; (ii) Indemnification of claims made by RECIPIENT's own employees or agents; and(iii) Waiver of RECIPIENT's immunity under the industrial insurance provisions of Title 51 R.C.W. but only to the extent necessary to indemnify the COUNTY, which waiver has been mutually negotiated by the Parties. In the event it is necessary for the COUNTY to incur attorney's fees, legal expenses, or other costs to enforce the provisions of this section, all such fees, expenses, and costs shall be recoverable from RECIPIENT. The provisions of this Section 3.1) shall survive the expiration, abandonment, or termination of this Agreement. E. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as prohibiting the RECIPIENT from undertaking or assisting projects developed outside the purview of this Agreement, or Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 entering into agreements with other parties to undertake said projects in accordance with whatever terms and conditions may be agreed to between the RECIPIENT and other parties. F. The COUNTY shall be under no obligation to continue this agreement and may request partial or full reimbursement of payments it made to the RECIPIENT should the RECIPIENT fail to perform according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, whether or not failure to perform is within the RECIPIENT's control. G. This Agreement may be amended at any time by written concurrence of the parties through a formalized Amendment Agreement Form and will terminate upon fulfillment of all obligations contained herein. H. The COUNTY may terminate this Agreement immediately for cause. If this Agreement is terminated the RECIPIENT shall return any unused portion of the funds advanced up to the date of termination. I. Invalidity or unenforceability of one or more provisions of this Agreement shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement. J. In its performance under this Agreement the RECIPIENT shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex,race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age except by minimum age, and retirement provisions,unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification, and the RECIPIENT shall not violate any of the terms of chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding nondiscrimination in employment. K. Authority: Representations and Warranties. Each signatory to this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she has full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the entity for whom he or she is signing. L. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, and all counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. The exchange of copies of this Agreement and of signature pages by facsimile transmission, by electronic mail in"portable document format" (".pdf') form, or by any other electronic means intended to preserve the original graphic and pictorial appearance of a document, or by combination of such means, shall constitute effective execution and delivery of this Agreement as to the Parties and may be used in lieu of the original Agreement for all purposes. Signatures of the Parties transmitted by facsimile shall be deemed to be their original signatures for all purposes. M. The effective date of this agreement is the date of COUNTY signatory. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE City of Kent by: DocuSigneedby::PAIL Signature: 93E99D67ED24142 Dana Ralph, City Mayor 5/2/2024 Date: KING COUNTY by: DocuSigned by: E Signature: DA8A7BA8E0454B3... Jim Bolger, Section Manager, Wastewater Treatment Division 5/7/2024 Date: Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 EXHIBIT A: SCOPE OF WORK The task(s) set forth below summarize the RECIPIENT's activities to be performed under this agreement to complete the PROJECT. All activities in the following tasks, including deliverables, must be completed by the expiration date of this agreement unless otherwise modified through an Agreement Amendment Form and approved by the COUNTY in writing. Any work performed or costs incurred prior to the effective date of this agreement will be at the sole expense of the RECIPIENT. Scope of Work: Task # Tasks and Activities Measurable Results/Deliverables Timeframe 1 Lakes Water Quality Monitoring:monitor City of Kent will enter into an ILA with King County Lakes March 2024 to water quality of Lake Meridian and Lake Stewardship Program in March 2024 to conduct monthly March 2026 Fenwick for 2 years and submit reports water quality monitoring for Lake Meridian and Lake Fenwick from May 2024 to October 2025.Annual Monitoring Reports will be submitted to the City and King County WTD/WaterWorks Grant Coordinator by March 2025 and March 2026 2 Acknowledge WaterWorks Funding Include acknowledgement of King County WTD funding in March 2024 to relevant outreach materials when possible. City staff will March 2026 acknowledge King County WTD funding during the Lake Meridian Homeowners Association annual meetings. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 EXHIBIT B: BUDGET Costs are limited to those approved by the COUNTY in the current Budget. Costs should be reasonable and necessary to carry out the task. All activities and PROJECT expenditures must be completed according to this agreement unless otherwise modified through an Agreement Amendment Form and approved by the COUNTY in writing. Any work performed or costs incurred prior to the effective date of this agreement will be at the sole expense of the RECIPIENT. An Agreement Amendment must be completed and approved to change a scope of work, request an extension, or if the budget expenditure category might deviate more than twenty percent (20% of award total) for projects over $50,000; OR for projects less than or equal to $50,000, if the change is greater than $10,000. For more information, contact your grant administrator. BUDGET CATEGORY ITEMS: Description WaterWorks Grant Funding Request Staff salaries & benefits Project Manager(40hrs*$104); Staff salaries & benefits (using Supervisor(19*$121); Finance staff $8,000.00 billing or fully burdened rates) (8*$72); Finance staff(8*$97); Contracting Specialist (2*$82) Project supplies, materials, and equipment Commercial services Consultant/contractor services $52,000.00 Transportation Other costs Overhead TOTAL Request $60,000.00 Type of Match Match source. Secured? Y/N Match Amount Cash Match In-kind Match Yes $7,200.00 Sub-total Match $7,200.00 Total Project Budget $67,200.00 Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 EXHIBIT C: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND DISCLAIMERS L41 King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Wastewater Treatment Division Logo and logo standards: For electronic versions of the official logos and logo standards, visit https://kin_cg ogpty.gov/en/dept/dW/about-kin_-cg ounty/about-d=/grants- partnerships/waterworks-,grant/resources-for-,grant-recipients or contact your grant administrator. The above logo must be included on all printed documents and electronic media produced in carrying out the PROJECT. This includes signage, posters, documents, brochures, flyers, newsletters, newspaper advertising, Web pages, blogs, and videos. Credit for materials produced as part of the PROJECT: Acknowledge PROJECT funding by including the following sentence with the logo: This project is funded by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division If your PROJECT has multiple fenders, it can say: This project is funded in part by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division Disclaimer language: For items where opinions or advice or a list of organizations or businesses are included in the copy (e.g., an interpretive panel, a guidebook, or a directory), please add the following disclaimer sentence: The content herein does not constitute an endorsement by King County government, its employees, or its elected and appointed officials. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 EXHIBIT D: AGREEMENT TERMS AND PROCEDURES ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Please acknowledge KING COUNTY in all written and electronic media(publications, signage, press releases,public service announcements, posters, flyers, Web pages, videos, PowerPoint presentations, etc.). Refer to Exhibit C for further information. ADVANCE: Advance payments are allowed in some cases at the discretion of the COUNTY; documentation of payments made from advances shall be submitted to the COUNTY and approved prior to any further payments of AWARD funds. AGREEMENT AMENDMENT: This document must be completed and approved to change a scope of work,request an extension, or if the budget(Exhibit B) might deviate in any PROJECT cost categories by an amount equal to or greater than twenty percent(20%) of the total AWARD amount if the award is greater than $50,000, OR if the budget may deviate more than $10,000 for projects less than$50,000. This form is available from your grant administrator. BALANCE OF AWARD: Any amount of your AWARD not spent on this PROJECT, or not documented with approved backup documentation, must be returned to KING COUNTY, if an advance was issued. ELIGIBLE CHARGES: Only expenses in the categories listed in the budget (Exhibit B) of this grant agreement can be covered by this AWARD and only up to the indicated amount without prior authorization. END DATE: The end of the time period to complete activities funded by this agreement. Any activities or expenses incurred after this date cannot be reimbursed or covered by this agreement. FINAL REPORT: This report documents the successful completion of the PROJECT according to the scope of work. The Final Report is due thirty (30) days after the end of your agreement period and must be submitted online, following instructions from the Waterworks grant administrator. FINANCIAL RECORDS: Maintain a record of your expenditures to conform to generally accepted accounting principles. Retain records for at least three (3)years after the end date of your agreement. It is highly recommended that if you use a computer to track your project expenses you assign a code to this grant. If you keep track of your expenses manually, you will need to make copies of your receipts or other"manual"documents. This way,you will be able to document your expenses. MATCH: Keep track of cash and/or in-kind match amount as it is described in your budget (Exhibit B)because it must be documented in your Final Report. MILESTONE: Milestones are considered significant actions or events marking important progress or change in the stage of development of the project. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 QUARTERLY REPORTS: This report includes two sections; a progress section that provides a status report on the progress of activities and tasks identified in the scope of work; and an expense section for reimbursement or documentation of costs each quarter. The quarterly reports are due thirty(30) days after the end of each quarter. Quarterly reports must be submitted even if no work was completed towards tasks or if no expenses were incurred during the quarter. SCOPE OF WORK: Keep track of your activities as they relate to the scope of work you provided(Exhibit A). You will have to document the progress when submitting your Quarterly Reports and Final Closeout Report. START DATE: The start date of this agreement(same as effective date) is the date of the COUNTY signatory. Expenses can be posted as of the start date of your agreement but not sooner. Any work performed or costs incurred prior to the effective date of this agreement will be at the sole expense of the RECIPIENT. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 11 DocuSign Envelope ID:2CA6EA7C-7BA6-449A-A86E-A6E9DE324348 EXHIBIT E: FUNDING AUTHORITY The funding authority for this AWARD comes from the COUNTY, through its Department of Natural Resources and Parks, which operates a regional system of sewage treatment and conveyance facilities for which it collects charges from local governments. Said charges constitute the source of revenue for operation of the COUNTY's sewage treatment system. By agreement with said local governments, this revenue can be used only to fund expenditures that are related to the development, operation, maintenance, and replacement and improvement of said system. By budget authority, the COUNTY funds activities related to the regional water quality objectives advanced by the development of the sewage treatment system. Agreement between City of Kent and King County Kent Lakes Water Quality Monitoring—2023 WaterWorks Council Allocated Page 12 DocuSign Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:2CA6EA7C7BA6449AA86EA6E9DE324348 Status:Completed Subject:Complete with DocuSign: DraftAgreement-CG23-CityofKent-KentLakesv3.pdf Source Envelope: Document Pages: 13 Signatures:2 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages:5 Initials:0 Elizabeth Loudon AutoNav: Enabled 401 5TH AVE Envelopeld Stamping:Enabled SEATTLE,WA 98104 Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada) elizabeth.loudon@kingcounty.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status:Original Holder: Elizabeth Loudon Location: DocuSign 4/12/2024 10:34:28 AM elizabeth.loudon@kingcounty.gov Security Appliance Status:Connected Pool:FedRamp Storage Appliance Status:Connected Pool:King County-Dept of Natural Resources& Location: DocuSign Parks-Wastewater Treatment Signer Events Signature Timestamp Dana Ralph ED...Signed by. Sent:4/12/2024 4:12:27 PM dralph@kentwa.gov aJAA F'0JfL Viewed:5/2/2024 8:32:25 AM Mayor 93E99067Eo24442 Signed:5/2/2024 8:32:32 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted:5/2/2022 4:58:36 PM ID:8e639680-bff1-4e63-9918-6e3a221 a059f Jim Bolger D Sg dby. Sent:5/7/2024 2:39:18 PM jbolger@kingcounty.gov =L — Viewed:5/7/2024 3:04:55 PM Environmental Prog.Sect Mgr EDASA713ME0454133 Signed:5/7/2024 3:12:28 PM King County-WTD Signature Adoption: Uploaded Signature Image Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted:7/30/2020 10:45:10 AM ID:6b372429-24d3-45a4-9084-5a9d4f147421 In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Rowena Valencia-Gica I EViVE D Sent:4/12/2024 10:38:22 AM rvalencia@kentwa.gov Viewed:4/12/2024 4:12:26 PM Security Level: Email,Account Authentication (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Accepted:4/12/2024 4:12:26 PM ID:2c7ed362-e5ee-4e09-9024-6435c3afb289 Kai Fulginiti I EVIV E D Sent:5/2/2024 8:32:33 AM kfulginiti@kingcounty.gov Viewed:5/7/2024 2:39:18 PM Water Quality Plnr/Prj Mgr II King County WTD Using IP Address: Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Kai FulginitiI E Sent:5/7/2024 3:12:30 PM kfulginiti@kingcounty.gov Water Quality Plnr/Prj Mgr II King County WTD Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 4/12/2024 10:38:22 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 5/7/2024 3:04:55 PM Signing Complete Security Checked 5/7/2024 3:12:28 PM Completed Security Checked 5/7/2024 3:12:30 PM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on:6/25/2020 6:57:10 AM Parties agreed to: Dana Ralph,Jim Bolger,Rowena Valencia-Gica ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, King County-Department of Natural Resources and Parks-Wastewater Treatment(we, us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. Described below are the terms and conditions for providing to you such notices and disclosures electronically through the DocuSign system. Please read the information below carefully and thoroughly, and if you can access this information electronically to your satisfaction and agree to this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure (ERSD), please confirm your agreement by selecting the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures' before clicking `CONTINUE' within the DocuSign system. Getting paper copies At any time, you may request from us a paper copy of any record provided or made available electronically to you by us. You will have the ability to download and print documents we send to you through the DocuSign system during and immediately after the signing session and, if you elect to create a DocuSign account, you may access the documents for a limited period of time (usually 30 days) after such documents are first sent to you. 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