HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoards & Commissions - Bicycle Advisory Board - 03/25/2024 (2) Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting March 25, 2024 Minutes Held In-Person Approved April 29, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (6) Julie Dunn, Erik Jacobs, Gordon Dona, Connie Stolpp, Wendy Graves, Tim Irwin. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: (3) Maria Castro (excused), Prem Subedi (excused), Allison Hopstad (excused). All attempted to join remotely but were unable to due to MS Teams. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Chad Bieren, Honey Maria (remote), Rob Brown, and David Paine. Guests: None. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston 6 of 9 members present. Three staff present at roll call, Rob and David joined later. 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves No Changes to the agenda. 4. January 2024 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik Jacobs motion to approve minutes, Gordon second. Vote 6-0 in favor. Approved. 5. February 2024 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik Jacobs motion to approve minutes, Gordon second. Vote 6-0 in favor. Approved. 6. Target Zero Action Plan Report - Irwin Tom provided a summary of the January TZAP meeting. • They were given a presentation of plan, goals, and other information. • Split into groups and responded to questions like What makes you feel safe and unsafe? • Green river trail: An African immigrant mentioned underpasses are dark. Suggested Broad language use, classes teaching the immigrants how the road systems and signs work/mean. • Talked with the 132 Ave family. Mainly, people want a gap between peds and cars. They feel safe walking in the neighborhood with 25 mph speed limit, not 35 mph road with small shoulder. • The next meeting is 1st week of April. Emails that go from Kent, still asking for feedback. • Enforcement is an issue. Design roadway that discourages speeding, so rely on enforcement less. Pacific Highway, old King County roads are worse. • Mid-block crossings a big need when you need walk a half mile to the nearest intersection. 7. Safety Discussion — Bieren PW Director Chad Bieren let a winding discussion about safety issues. • Chad: Multiple RRFB grants have been awarded, RRFBs have been installed in many locations in Kent. The City has narrowed down lanes, Looking at adding speed Page 1 of 3 enforcement cameras to reduce speeding. Countermeasures should go where crashes are so it's effective and helpful. • Specific treatment for specific projects? Yes. • Target zero is a federal grant. 5 agencies are doing it too. • Chad explained SS4A. • Reiten Rd: Speed Bumps are working. Biking is a difficult with bumps on Reiten but situation has improved. Erik to share before/after data with KBAB. • Chad: Streetlight policy. To light up the arterials. • 240t" Street: wide street, speeding. • Chad: talked about crashes. Other cities have more resources. Kent depends on grants. Kent does not have capital grants, uses maintenance grants to match. Talked about projects that helps ped walking. Drivers and ped both have responsibilities. • Crash: Ped blames cars. Cars blame ped. Communication is needed. • Provide a safe place to cross. 208/Benson: people cross unsafely. • A member Likes to see ped first street. Cars should be treated as guests in residential streets. 12.6-Year TIP Update (2025-2030) - Paine • May 17 is public hearing. There are 16-19 separate grants that Kent is applying for. • Jacob: Story map: what does the color mean? No legends. Want functionality to see locations of PHBs, where the bike projects are, etc. • David will talk to Jacob and fix it. • Added 5 projects this year. • 1. Extruded curb: crossing is difficult. Makes sure to have breaks in the curb to make left turns for bikes. • 2. Temperance has bridge on it across Mill Creek. The board discussed the issue. • 5. Benson Corridor Plan: State hwy, is slowing down traffic an option? • Rob: Possibly, state is open to lower speeds, but we can't reduce capacity. 8. Safe Routes to School and Ped-Bike Grants - Preston • Erik Preston presented the recent history of recent SRTS and Ped Bike grant applications and potential project the City is considering applying for. • Reith Rd Project: Does the project change the KBAB input on signage for Reith Rd? Erik: No. • Reith Rd, center lane? Erik/Rob: No. 9. Festival & Events Sub-Committee - Graves • April 20 at YMCA Healthy Kids Day, KBAB members will be present. • May 18 Rodeo. Working on signage with city. Map of the location of the signs. Flyers are coming out. Banners: negotiating. Ask communications for equipment to hold the big banners. • Does City/Parks have vendors for swag? Glasses, water bottles, bells, etc. Per Rob's inventory some of each left over from last time. • Asked Rob about layout of the event. - Subcommittee will work on layout. 10.113icvcle Infrastructure Sub-Committee - Jacobs No Update 11.Monthly Rides and Promotion - Jacobs Nothing New 13.Communications - Preston No updates Page 2 of 3 14.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston Next meetings on bottom of page, April 29. 15.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves Send any topics to Erik Preston. 16.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:24 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3