HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 10/26/2022 (3) Civil Service Commission October 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: October 26, 2022 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Centennial North/South Attending: Jeff Piecewicz, Chair; Pauline Thomas, Commissioner; Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Piecewicz called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. 2. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. 3. Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of the Minutes Chair Piecewicz made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 28, 2022 regularly scheduled Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was moved and seconded by Commissioner Thomas; motion passed 2-0. S. Consent Items to Accept A. Letters dated September 22, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Kaitlin Powers and Amara Kandeh congratulating them on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officers effective October 3, 2022. B. Letter dated September 29, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Oscar Toledo-Blanco congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective November 1, 2022. C. Letter dated October 4, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Aaron Rankin congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective December 1, 2022. D. Letter dated October 6, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Jia Wong congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective October 17, 2022. E. Memo and letter notifying the Commission that Matt Stansfield was promoted to the rank of Assistant Chief effective November 1, 2022. F. Memo and letter notifying the Commission that Jason Bishop was promoted to the rank of Commander effective November 1, 2022. Page 1 of 3 Civil Service Commission October 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending G. Memo and letter notifying the Commission that David Kallir was promoted to the rank of Sergeant effective November 1, 2022. H. Letter dated October 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Dylan Dzuck congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective November 1, 2022. I. Letter dated October 21, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Evan Curtis congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective November 1, 2022. J. Memo dated October 21, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through October 21, 2022. Chair Piecewicz made a motion to accept items A-J. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 6. Items to Approve A. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on September 15, 2022. B. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on October 14, 2022. C. Eligibility list for the rank of Commander that was established on October 21, 2022. D. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on October 21, 2022. There being no questions, Chair Piecewicz made a motion to approve items A-D. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated October 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla requesting to test for Parking Enforcement Assistant and that the following process and weights be applied: -Written Exam: 70% passing score required; weight of 30% Up to the top 20 from the written exam will move on to the oral board process. -Oral Board: 70% passing score required; weight of 70% -Background: Pass/Fail -Polygraph: Pass/Fail Page 2 of 3 Civil Service Commission October 26, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Chief Examiner noted that the date of the memo in the agenda was wrong and should be corrected to reflect the date of the memo. There being no other questions or discussion, Commissioner Thomas made the following motion: "I make a motion to accept and authorize the request to test for Parking Enforcement Assistant with the revision to the date and with the weights as listed." Chair Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2- 0. B. Memo dated October 21, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka requesting to move the November and December meeting dates to the third Wednesday, instead of the fourth, to accommodate the holidays. After some discussion, the Commission agreed to move the November meeting to November 16 and they decided to cancel the December meeting. Commissioner Thomas then made the following motion: "I make a motion to cancel the December meeting and move the November meeting to November 16." Chair Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. S. For the Good of the Order Chief Examiner Winecka provided the Commission an update regarding the recruitment process for Callius's vacant position. The Commission also discussed coming in early on November 16 so that they can finish signing eligibility lists. 9. Adjournment There being nothing further, Chair Piecewicz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:39 PM. l�la�1�Vu2e-r,�a Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner October 26, 2022 Page 3 of 3