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City Council Meeting - City Council Meeting - 02/20/2024
Pending Approval Kent City Council • City Council Regular Meeting KENT Minutes WAS HiNaTor+ February 20, 2024 Date: February 20, 2024 Time: 7:01 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ralph called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name AMT Status Arrived Dana Ralph mayor Present Satwinder Kaur Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present John Boyd Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL A. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition Mayor Ralph presented Councilmember Troutner with the Association of Washington Cities Municipal Leadership Advanced Certification. i. Reappointment to the Parks Commission Mayor Ralph requested the Council confirm her appointment of Sarah Veele to the Parks Commission. B. Community Events Council President Kaur announced upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington Councilmember Troutner announced upcoming Kent Downtown Partnership events. Councilmember Fincher detailed upcoming Spotlight Series events in addition to the upcoming spring recycling event. C. Public Safety Report Chief Padilla presented the Public Safety Report that included recognizing Officer Kevin Bateman as the Police Department's Officer of the Year, Corrections Officer of the Year award to Officer Fabiano Landi, and Civilian of the Year Chris Sprague. Chief Padilla announced Officer Brian Cortinas and Commander Eric Tung were presented with the Chief's Award for Professional Excellence. Chief Padilla presented Officer Matt Fisher with the Chief's Award of Exceptional Duty. Chief Padilla announced Detective Malcolm Wilson and Detective Chellsi James were presented with the Chief's Award of Exceptional Duty. Chief Padilla announced the presentation of a Lifesaving Medal to Detective Jia Waldo. Chief Padilla recognized Eric Steffes as the City of Kent Employee of the Year. Chief Padilla provided an update on the King County Metro Bus Homicide and the Washington State Trooper that was shot. D. Economic and Community Development Report Economic Development Officer Bill Ellis presented the Economic and Community Development update. Notable Kent Valley Business Stories: PowerLight joins Blue Origin to study a power beaming system for the moon (transmit power wirelessly). The effort is being funded by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Driveline Baseball is a training center located in a suburb of Seattle and has a reputation for being at the forefront of the data-driven performance revolution that has swept through baseball in North America. Ellis advised the Ball Corporation is closing its Kent aluminum can manufacturing facility. IDS Real Estate group recently sold a 94,0000 sq ft warehouse in Kent for $23.7M. the sale of United Launch Alliance is nearing its end, with three potential buyers. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 8 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington Notable business: Rise Baking bought Plush Pippen Sushi Kaunta in Kent serves superior sushi at non-Seattle prices - top 10 sushi restaurants in America. Kent Valley: • Helping recruit with BINW - food industry mentors to create a food business accelerator • Recruitment of food industry mentors • Restaurants, caterers, but also shelf stable consumer products • Program compliments Kent's growing fame for food businesses and food manufacturing S. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL AND STAFF A. Mayor Ralph's Report Mayor Ralph announced she has been reelected to serve as the Vice Chair of the South King Housing and Homelessness Partnership. The city of SeaTac joined SKHHP and the group heard a presentation from the Multi Service Center about housing for women in recovery. Mayor Ralph serves on the Regional Policy Council that began discussion regarding the Implementation Plan for a crisis care facility. Mayor Ralph will ensure Kent's voice is heard. Cities are actively involved in siting of 5 facilities. Mayor Ralph serves on the Transportation Policy Board that is starting to work the Regional Transportation Plan. Sound Transit gave a presentation on increase costs to build facilities. The PSRC website has a transportation dashboard that measures and reports out on the Transportation Plan. B. Chief Administrative Officer's Report No report. C. Councilmembers' Reports Council President Kaur serves as the chair as the Committee of the Whole and provided a recap of the accesso ShoWare Center presentation. Kaur chairs the Workshop and provided a recap of the presentation on the Downtown Subarea Plan and Final Framework for Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks Park. Kaur serves on the Domestic Violence Regional Task Force. King County has ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 8 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington a dashboard regarding domestic violence data and HB 2048 will require the Department of Corrections to conduct audit regarding domestic violence offenses. Councilmember Troutner serves as the Vice Chair on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Governing Board along with councilmembnerss Larimar and Boyd. Trouter provided information on the fire benefit charge review board and indicated the PSRFA is working on accreditation. Councilmember Michaud serves as the subject matter chair for Parks items on the Committee of the Whole and provided an overview of the two presentations from today's meeting. Michaud serves as the Council liaison on the Human Services Commission and talked about the Opportunity Fund. Michaud provided details on the application from Afghan advantage that are requesting $10K to be used to fund teaching women to speak English. Michaud advised Parks Planning and Development manager Terry Jungman presented an equity map for human services. Michaud closed by stating the Commission is starting grant application process and are discussing how to make decisions using an equitable method. Councilmember Larimer serves on the King County Ageing and Disability Advisory Board that received a presentation from Community Living Connections who are federally funded to streamline access to services. They serve as a connection service to ensure community resources are connected to individual needs. Call 844-348-5464 for services. The Board reviewed current legislation. Councilmember Boyce serves as the Sound Cities Association representative. Councilmember Boyd announced the PSRFA added another Care unit. Councilmember Fincher serves on the Arts commission and announced the new traffic control box art. Fincher serves on the King Conservation District that is evaluating how funds are spent and ensuring communities know how funds are being spent. There was also a budget discussion. The elections for the supervisor closed. Fincher serves as the subject matter expert for the Public Works items on the Committee of the Whole and provided an overview of today's agenda items. 6. PUBLIC HEARING ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 8 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington None. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Les Thomas, a Kent Resident provided public comment regarding safe and sane fireworks. Perry Sobolik, a Kent resident provided public comment regarding other options for public safety funding. S. CONSENT CALENDAR RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Council President SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud A. Approval of Minutes i. Council Workshop - Workshop Regular Meeting - Feb 6, 2024 5:15 PM ii. City Council Meeting - City Council Regular Meeting - Feb 6, 2024 7:00 PM B. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 1/15/23 and paid on 1/15/24; approve the checks issued for payroll 1/1/24 - 1/15/24 and paid on 1/19/24; approve the payment of bills received through 1/31/24 and paid on 1/31/24; and approve the checks issued for payroll 11/16/24 - 1/31/24 and paid on 2/5/24, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 2/6/24. C. Lodging Tax Grant Awards for Fall 2023 Application Cycle - Authorize MOTION: I move to award Fall 2023 lodging tax grants to the recipients selected by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee in the recommended amounts, and authorize the Mayor to sign all agreements, subject to terms acceptable to the City Attorney. D. Resolution Allocating Funds to Finance Affordable Housing Projects in South King County Communities - Adopt MOTION: I move to adopt Resolution No. 2069, authorizing allocation to the South King Housing and Homelessness Partnership Housing Capital Fund to finance affordable housing projects. E. 2024 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan - Approve ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 8 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington MOTION: I move to approve the Community Development Block Grant 2024 Annual Action Plan, including funding allocations and contingency plans, and authorize the Mayor to execute all documents and agreements, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. F. Agreement with Site Workshops for Uplands Playfield and Spray Park Planning and Design - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with Site Workshops, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. G. Purchase of Playground Equipment and Safety Surfacing for Lake Meridian Park - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Parks Department to purchase equipment, services, and supplies through the King County Director's Association Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc. within budgets previously established and approved by Council and within the term of agreement, including any extension. H. Third Amendment to Conservation Futures Interlocal Agreement with King County - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Third Amendment to the Conservation Futures Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with King County, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. I. King County Conservation Futures Grant - Ruth Property - Authorize MOTION: I move to accept grant funds from King County for the Ruth Property acquisition, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of the grant funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. J. King County Parks Levy - East Hill North Community Park - Authorize MOTION: I move to accept grant funds from King County for the East Hill North Community Park Development, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of the grant funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign the grant agreement, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. K. King County Parks Levy - Springwood Park - Authorize ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 6 of 8 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington MOTION: I move to accept grant funds from King County for the Springwood Park Development, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of the grant funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign the grant agreement, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. L. Ordinance Dedicating Right of Way for Kent East Hill Operations Center - Adopt MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4485 authorizing the dedication of a portion of City-owned property for right-of-way purposes for the development of the Kent East Hill Operations Center. M. Agreement with Keller Associates, Inc. - West Hill Booster Pump Station - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with Keller Associates, LLC, for the design of the West Hill Booster Pump Station, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. N. Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. - Lower Russell Levee Habitat A Feasibility Study- Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the Consultant Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants to complete a feasibility study for the Lower Russell Levee Habitat Area A project, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney. O. Reappointment to the Parks Commission - Confirm MOTION: I move to confirm the Mayor's reappointment of Sarah Veele to a second term on the Kent Parks and Recreation Commission for a three-year term expiring February 15, 2027. 9. OTHER BUSINESS None. 10. BIDS A. Kent Commons Renovations Bid - Award Facilities Superintendent Will Moore presented information on the Kent Commons Renovations project and recommended awarding to Boyce Construction, Inc. This renovation is focused on Phase II of the planned renovations and will include an enhanced entrance/lobby, corridor, racquetball courts and gym ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 7 of 8 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 20, 2024 Minutes Kent, Washington entrances, upgraded bathrooms, locker rooms and expanded weight room. Councilmembers expressed their appreciation of this renovation and are excited for the updates. Mayor expressed appreciation for work of Parks staff. MOTION: I move to award the Kent Commons Renovations Project bid to Boyce Construction Inc. and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Parks Director. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember AYES: Kaur, Boyce, Boyd, Fincher, Larimer, Troutner, Michaud 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION None. 12. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting Meeting ended at 8:15 p.m. Kivu, Le,y A. Kotmotcr City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 8 of 8 KENT Pubimic a e e or SERVICE•PROFESSIONALISM•INTEGRITY February 20, 2023 INVICTA WA KENT Wa=�I� T. KENT Kent SERVICE•PROFESSIONALISM•INTEGRITY Award Wminners k NO Details INVICTA WA KENT WA= o� Officer of the Year Award Officer Kevin Bateman 3 P ,. ICERVICEIDNALISM CE KENT K E N T W A . G O V •INTEGRITY W J.T. Corrections Officer of the Year Award MCNS Corrections Officer Fabiano Landi CEKENT , � UPP¢T04 of YearCivi ian Award I SpragueChris 1UERVIGEQ. . • LLN�pi� Ch 'ief's Award of s Exceptmional Jaw ks4e �QQ-- j^ S!R ' KENT POLICE KENT WASHIIGTON Chief's Award of Exceptional Duty Detective Malcom Wilson Detective Chellsi James Officer Matt Fisher 7 G � 0 .�CE KENT KEN TWA . O v SERVICE 0 IONGLISM•INTEGRITY u A City Kent Employee T e Year 00 �r Officer Eric Steffes �. _ 8 � O .��� KEN KEN N TWA .A . G O V SERVICE R IRRGEISM•INTEGRITY W w Kwing Bus Homimcide Update �i KENT POLICE '17 KENT W-I-T- WSP Trooper Shot . � KENT POLICE - KENT WASHINGTON It - "ff r s - KENT POLICE 1 t• ` F KENT WASHINGTON - - n�+o- �_fi• _ _�;�� •�•---�` may—_ .� KENT VALLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT KentValleyWA.com I info@KentValleyWA.com 1253-846-5454 KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Notable Kent Valley Business Stories PowerLight joins Blue Origin to study power a thejapantimes beaming system for the moon NPB pitchers embracing Driveline g y Baseball method BY ALAN BOYLE on January 15,2024 at 4:45 pm a6 i. f � - An artists conception shows a beamed-power system operating on the moon.(Illustration via PowerLight) Pannc RIm eirector Frank Mlnamino(secone from ngnp poses with Irons pacMr Icaao voza(left)Havne:pucner snNa Ismkawa (second from left)and the Lions Kona Takahashi.I—E-OF FRANK MINAMINO Kent,Wash.-based PowerLight Technologies says it'sjoined a team headed byjeff BYJASON COSNREY t.SHARE—2,2021 Bezos'Blue Origin space venture to design a power beaming system that might ST someday charge up robots on the moon. z,Driveline Baseball, a training located in a suburb of Seattle, has a reputation for The effort is being funded by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects being at the forefront of the data-driven performance revolution that has swept Agency as part of its LunA-10 program,which supports concepts for future lunar infrastructure projects.DARPA selected 14 industry teams,including Blue Origin's through baseball in North America — from MLB teams to college programs — through team,to receive up to$1 million each for studies that are due this spring. Its use of biometrics and technology." '^\ �� KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Notable Kent Valley Business Stories Sale of United Launch Alliance is nearing its end,with three potential buyers � i IDS Real Estate Group Sells 94,000 SQFT Warehouse in Kent for$23.7MM The sale would still have to be approved by the Federal Trade Commission. Februery1,2024 ea.c ee..sea rrr,aaoz3.z_ov am +j '� 1 f Fece000k Y wnarsapn In Llnk-, Regan } ' 1 I 1 / r r., r courtesy Pr—,Ball corporation Ball Corporation to close Kent aluminum can manufacturing , facility About 121 employees to lose jobs at Second Avenue North plant By Steve Hunter Thursday,January 11,202410:30am - ©®BOO CourtesyO-5 Real Estate Group n Enlarge I ULA's Vulcan rocket rolls to the launch petl for testing. About tztemployees will lose their jobs in Kent starting Feb.29with the _yl,,res"yder An industrial property in Ker<e craned hands,showing that the �� KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Notable Business Stories Food BusinessNews. SIG Food&Drink I Life Companie R&D� Ingredient:Markets� Advertising� Subscrib More Sushi Kaunta in Kent serves superior sushi at non-Seattle prices Feb./.2O24,tiO:DOa-JUpdmed Feb�,2o2ga(w.mam Rise Baking buys two pie plants ..,� we�_� ��• ��t k 1j .J13 'e"r'`CSC `-.._,— Phota:WGHTFIELD SNDIOS-STOCKADOBE.COM 1 1206.2023 BYZachegSasl.d 000000 � • t MINNEAPOLIS—Rise Baking Co.,a portfolio company of Olympic Partners,has acquired two pie p z&u I At Sushi K,unt,in Kent meta.,poke maki(.t len)and negih,ma maki.(Bethany lean Ci,m.m/The S.fti.Timed facilities from Wonder Brands Holdings Inc.and FGF Brands Inc.The facilities,which are located in Kent,Wash.,and Brampton,Ont.,are part of a scaled,full-line pies platform called"Pies,'which Launches products into the retail channel across North America. By Bethany lean Clement 0 Seattle notes food writer _KIEIAT `\ r KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0- Kent Valley an BINW: Grow & Thrive Food Business Accelerator • Recruitment of food industry A 1. t� mentors CITY OF KENT GROW 8 THRIVE • Restaurants, caterers, but also FOOD BUSINESS ACCELERATOR A structured mentor program with expert guidance It advice and, perfect for any food business owner who wants to take their shelf stable consumer products operation to the next level. Participants pants will be supported and guided by a business coach and a business mentor.The course will conclude with a networking reception and an opportunity to hone your pitch. To learn more: Strategic Assessment fl Setting Goals • Program complements Kent*'s Marketing fl Sales ❑■ } r,y0 Financial Planning Resources Management << rA � growing fame for food businesses ❑■�r�L:n� Pitch @Networking ■ K andfood manufacturing �,q Business�mpactNW �NT —^� KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Business Impact Northwest Classes Quarter 2 Report:October-December 2023 BIPOC Business Accelerator Program;Food Business Accelerator;Targeted Business Services The following is a breakdown of the quarter 2 data collected in relation to the business services implemented through the City of Kent - - Grant.This reporting period covers October—December 2023. - ---_ 01rpu TDura Q! Q2 Q3 Q4 ..dolher is,City Acceternror ✓al- Och Jan- Ap, aas:aesss.,v.ce: s pr Dec err, Ja E� #of attendees' See Q2 Da N/A 9 5- #of unique clients served(some overlap between scopes) See Q2 Data N/A 41 24 u #of one-ou-one cE.ut sessions provided(total..-hing sessions) See Q2 Data N/A 96 58 e #of clients served currently in business See Q2 Data N/A 32 18 #of clients part of a low-income household See Q2 Data N/A 18 10 #of unique clients who receive scholarships or cost-share See Q2 Data N/A 0 0 awards #ofout each meetings with resource partners See Q2 Data N/A 0 0 #of MOUs Signed with outreach partners See Q2 Data N/A 0 -- #of businesses interested in the Accelerator N/A N/A NA /A *Attendees in Q2 refers to the attendees of the in-person Money Matters Series delivered in-person. **See Demographics breakdovm of on pages 3-6 Business mpactNW W SMALL BUSINESS FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT CHAMBER KE, �d 1� NT of Commerce r y KENT KENT VALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Questions '! W i I I i a m E I I i s, Chief Economic De velopment Officer Economic and Community Development Phone : 253-856-5707 E-mail : wellis@kentwa .gov KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOK I E V DESIGNED Cavernous Massive Energy le or Multi-Payload Sing Zap fl3PLF Long Endurance in-Space Reusable h HighlY Sophisticate waRLI s� ' Guidance pdmal FL10 Ceniatlry gAANblt0 rt11L8Cron Autonomous OrAil Op i � 1 etc xIWn9 'LEO Oc�imixed" c EO opumisb" Conlipun��on ConT�9�ra[ion Re-. ery Reusable Single Stick Heavyoualse4 t Propulsion Dial a Rocket GE-3XL(e lwg) NP�I4 Salads.0-8 _�f O V m z \ 3 0 �t � O J l� G7 N •o O m N E � O 3 L a Q (gy' W f0 '0 M Cvi Q� O W L *9 S 47 � 0 0) E CL U U) LL V (A u a ul 6. ° 4 v� v� i s ._ _ �E LU C O rw = Q LU L E �V ca > w E G ra •a '°' O V C 3 0 47 b c E C o `^ p m U su L _ L O o QJ Vz Z 1 U m ce L. a a � U a LA ,-I N M d' Ln Kent Commons Community Center Renovation CITY OF KENT - PARKS FACILITIES COUNCIL BID AWARD 2/20/24 WILL MOORE, FACILITIES SUPERINTENDENT Brief - Built in 1979 — 45 years old. - 50,000 square feet. - Two Phases of the building. Phase 1: East portion of the building which houses Youth & Team and Adaptive Recreation. In addition to some meeting / classroom spaces. Phase 2: West portion of the building which houses the main lobby / front desk, recreation staff offices, gymnasium for many sports programs, Greenriver Room, weight room, locker rooms, racquetball courts. This area is the priority for this phase of renovations based on planning with the key stakeholder over the last 1.5 years. - Additional renovations needed in the coming years for Phase 1 and other building infrastructure. Enhanced Entrance / Lobby f � 1/i1 j eP, .! 4L_ x C F 1 �f= [N InY EEZI I dad N C mmons � � I ire FLY COMMONS COMMUNITY CENTER _ ILL,' "r! PLANTS New Design for the Corridor, Racquetball Courts and Gym Entrances - t, .�� �, ice` • � ` ; _ \ 1 pt I WKS �4 �a.. —III=III=III=III= III=IIIeIIlellle III_III_III_III_I m=lu=w=nl= ��/S III=III=III=III=1 III=III=III=III=1 i 111=111=111=111.I Upgraded Bathrooms, Locker Rooms & Weight Room 0 LF U �-' - - 1 DMI=-N 8 RJR � 11� � y MEN'S RR JANITOR w Cu � T Ll �K Bidding Summary Engineers Estimate was $1.3M Out to bid on 1/4/24 Pre-bid walk on 1/23/24 Bids opened on 2/9/24 Received 11 bids, low responsive bidder was Boyce Construction for $1,364, 970.02. Total including WSST is $1,502,831.99 Capital Budget F20099 Park Buildings I�Mr