HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-447 - Change Order - #2 - Strickland & Sons Excavation LLC - 108th Ave SE & SE 264th St Compact Roundabout - 02/28/2024 Agreement Routing Form • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. W A S H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: C. Frame PW Engineering Date Sent: Date Required: 3/6/2024 N/A 0 S. QAuthorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q El Director or Designee ❑Mayor 8/24/2023 Budget Account Number: Grant? El Yes ❑No R20098.64110.1200 Budget? 0 Yes ❑No Type: Federal Vendor Name: Category: Strickland & Sons Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: C 2536287 Change Order#2 Ire Project Name: 108th & SE 264th Compact Roundabout E C Project Details:De-water,over-excavate and stabilize retaining wall subgrade from STA 19+20.86,29.331 to STA 19+58,35.851 per construction change directive 001.Work tracked on FA sheets 6-15 4W C 0 n ti l S i 44 B 623 Agreement Amount:$36, . ass for Selection of Contractor: E Bid �` ar Start Date: N/A Termination Date: 87 Working Days Q Local Business? ❑Yes ❑No* s *1f meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes El No CAG2023-447 Date Received by City Attorney: Comments: C 3 0 d us •� i Id p� Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: N Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: a&Mu?73_1_20 Visit DocumentsXentWA.Jiiv to lain copies of all agreements • KEN T WAS. GY0. CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Strickland & Sons cContractor's CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: 1081 & 264th Compact Roundabout ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: August 24,, 2023 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Dewater, over-excavate and stabilize retaining wall subgrade from STA 19+20.86, 29.33' L to STA 19+58, 35.85' L per Construction Change Directive 001. Work tracked on FA Sheets 6-15. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, $1,184,513.74 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $18,712.00 (incl. applicable WSST) Current Contract Amount $1,203,225.74 (incl. Previous Change Orders) Current Change Order $36,623.44 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $0.00 Order Revised Contract Sum $1,239,849.18 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion 75 working days (insert date) Revised Time for Completion under oo working days prior Change Orders (insert date) Days Required (f) for this Change Order 12 working days Revised Time for Completion 87 working days (insert date) In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONT W. e) CITY OF KENT: Digitally signed by Chad -Bieren By: Chad Bieren Date:2024.02.28 By 18:26:19-08'00' (signature) Print Name Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.EIts �' Its Public Works Director (tite) (title) DATE:. /3. :zUd V DATE: AF EC KP CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) AJ-) Kent City Clerk Kent Law Department qIn this ftid,you may enter the electronic Fllepath where the contract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 �-� File No. 200.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO, 02 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works Project: 108th & 264th Compact Roundabout Project No: 21-3004 Project Engineer: Thomas Lehrer Fed-Aid No: HISP-1129(001) Capital Projects Sean Flint, KBA, Inc. Contractor: Strickland & Sons Manager: Date: 2/6/2024 I. Proposed Change Eewater, over-excavate, and stabilize retaining wall subgrade from STA 19+20.86, 29.33' L to STA 19+58, 5' L per Construction Change Directive 001. Work tracked on Force Account sheets 6 - 15. II. Reason and Background for Change On November 8, 2023, Strickland began excavating for the retaining wall footing. The Contractor encountered water entering the excavation before reaching the footing base elevation. The water level stabilized and Strickland measured water level at El. —364.20'. HWA Geotechnical Engineer visited the site and examined the excavation. Probing indicated the underlying soil was soft and will require remedial measures, plus dewatering. After discussions with the City, GeoEngineers determined that over-excavation of the retaining wall footing with placement of quarry spalls would be needed until a firm subgrade is established; this would then be capped by permeable ballast to allow for a leveling course. Installation of a below grade sump casing and pump to control groundwater within the foundation excavation would be necessary `or all footing activities. This scope of work was approved by the City of Kent and CCD 01 was issued to the Contractor on November 17, 2023. See attached CCD 01. III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS O Notapplicable Sch. Item Description Total Est. Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of No ty Item 1 CCD 001 - Retaining Wall Base LS 0 5 $ 36,623.44 I � - New Pay Items Total: 36,623.44 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 O Notapoicable Page 1 Sch Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. $ F $ Delete Existing Pay Items Total: - INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) 0 Not applicable Sch Bid Item No. Item Description Qty Unit Unit Price Cost of Item No. $ - $ - Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay Items Total: $ - *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER: $36,623.44 -1 *Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract:', 75 Due This Change Order: 12 Previous Total: 75 Explanation/3ustification for Additional Working Days: Completion of the retaining wall footing and wail is critical path work. Work was delayed due to additional design considerations to keep the footing from entering the adjacent wetland, working around existing Lumen conduit, dewatering and subgrade remediation. Footing and wall design considerations were evaluated between 10/26/23 through 11/1/23, 5 working days. Extra work for subgrade overexcavation, subgrade remediation, and dewatering occurred on 11/20/23 through 11/28/23. Dewatering and remediation impacted the Contractor 7 full working days for a total of 12 additional working days. *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 87 * This Change Order+ Previous Total Capital Projects Manager: - �^ �-` — Date: 2/6/2024 Sean Flint (KBA, Inc) Construction Engineering � �� Jason Barry rp`w;"'" Date: Supervisor: 2/6/24 3ason Barry Construction Manager: ':ti r• ..- Date: 2 Eric Connor Page 2 FORCE ACCOUNT LOG IMD Per 8haat Responsible NO PRIME Subcontractor Data Itaru No Dec"On otWork Pay Eat0 TOW for Costs i 006 Stfidda id and Sons 0 11120/23 7055 Prep work for dewatenng wall base.Was footing next to Wetland;dewalerng!o eliminate discharge to Wetland. 3 S 9,057.88 007 Strickland and Sons 0 11/21/23 7055 Instal dewatering well for retaining wail base. 3 $ 3,263.80 008 Strkldand and Sons 0 1 V22/23 7055 Plumb tank for dewaterng for retaining wall. 3 S 478.90 009 SUiddand and Sons 0 11128/23 7055 Fittings to convert pump to T. 3 S 126A7 010 Str6land and Sons 0 11/21/23 CO Excavate and place spills for retaining wall base in accordance with CCD Ot 4 S 7,504.45 OtT Stridcfand and Sons 0 11/22/23 CO Excavate and place spells for retaining wall base in accordance with CCD 01 4 i 5,601.84 012 Stdckland and Sons 0 11127/24 CO Completed excavation and placing spalls for retaining wall base in accordance with Construction Change Directive 1 4 S 3,497,06 013 Shictdand and Sons 0 11f29/23 CO Demob Excavator 245 from site used for excavation of Wall footing. 4 ; 5W.34 014 Siricidand and Sons 0 IW4 CO Pump for dewatering retaining wati.Run pump to keep water level below footing elevation. 4 $ 5,632.88 015 Strickland and Sons 0 1/10/241 CO IDmtedng operations for retaining wall.Run Pump to keep water level below looting elevation whtle HigWark prepared footing. 4 S t165.83 TOTAL: $ 36,623.44 DALY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED d Strickland and Sons DATE 11/20/2023 SUSCONTRACMR PAY ESTS 3 Projact 14m:214004 ITEM A 7055 F.deral Aid No.:HW 1129(681) 3 DESCRIPTKN OF WDAIK Prep work for dewa4wing war base.Wed footkrp nod to Welland; FA 6 i PERFORMED.dowater"to Nkminsee Macharpe to Watland. 6 +9 FA LADOR j WORKEWS NAME VtORKER'S OCCUPATION REG MRS REG RATE OT MRS OT RATE AMOUNT Paull Rem Power Egiip.Operator 8.00 S 22.48 125 $ 125.56 SM.79 Cody Paterson Operator 8.00 $ 91.11 125 S 123.51 $88327 Darer/sprum Tnkk Orker 7.2S $ W47 S 116.55 5676.91 Sebastian Sbkkk wld Labom I.SD S W.71 S 100.00 S100.07 S S $0,00, LABOR SUBTOTAL SZW7,04 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT.BONOINGJNSURANCE AND TAX S727.04 Per WSDOT Spec 1.08.6.add an adussonal 2%for Cw*scW Skk Leas 550,14 OTAL LAtIOR f3.284.22 EOUIPUMT EauipmENT TYPE EGUIPM£NT SIZE REG MRS REG RATE STORY MRS STORY RATE AMOUNT Kornebu PC 88 Excavator Exuvasor S W.95 8.00 S 14,55 $116,44 Casa 5W BadIhos Backh" S 74.58 8.00 S 8.95 $71.61 KW Du rm Tn.ck vm pep Dump Truck 4.25 S 102.86 S 12,34 $437.16 Kemorth Sent and Lowboy Trailer Son and Lowboy Trailer 2.75 $ IM85 S 1234 S282.87 Deer 245G LX Excevetor Fxcaysbr 245G a S 14326 S 44.17 5859.56 F-150 XL Foreman Trm* F150 Forearm 2 S 37.68 6.00 S 6.73 $116.14 Dyrepsk miff Vbmkvy Rcrer S 101.75 8.00 S 17.30 $138.38 S S SO.OD EOuPmENT SUBTOTAL 52.022.16 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX 5424.65 TOTAL EOUIPMHiT E2A"A1 MATERIIALS attd>br SERYKW VENDOR i INVOICE a MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 00003951 24'Senwr Pipe,3'Sch 40 PVC.2'Sd140 PVC,FOW 51173.72 5169.05 31142.77 227306830•001 Unbd Ranqb-F4engs and Trash PWrp 37WS7 563.17 $852.74 227414932.001 Unftd Re l ak-FRt w S49 $4,05 VA96 S0.00 $0.00 S0.00 s0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INMOiNG TAX 52,749AS 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING.INSURANCE AND TAX 5577.E TOTAL MATERIALS SJ,Sm.86 SUICPONTRACTOR*e4OIQED WORK VENDOR&INVOKE a WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 30.00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTA $0.00 Tax on Mat"if appkca6ia} $0.00 TOTAL SUIX044TRACTORINVVOMI Ilmoo AMOUNT PRMME Subtotal of Labor.EgWpmant,i Material Work S9.057.88 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor.EgWI matt.Mobvisk i Stdwon"dorInvoload WO& So.00 MCAmrps on work peRamed by StA oorsrww up b S28.00Dc12%,95,00D4100,000 c 10%GneW Gem S100.000.7% 0% SubeoreractorMa*.up $0,00 TOTAL COST $9,057.88 If dwked,U*wodc k in dkpvbL By Op ft this form,pn6a she aWseing to 6*bme and efkn nsaded to UWMplleh Me teak r:irJ lermo to b►dkMadned st a k/er dsk. Owfpa Form Date 21= DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 11/20/23 --- Owner City of Kent Project No: 21-3004 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontracts: Work by Sub? (►rw*-X"ifyes) Description of Work: Prep work for dewatering at retaining wall base in accordance with Construction Change Directive 1 LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Paul Bean Superintendent 8 1.25 Cody Peterson Operator 8 1.25 Darryl Spruell Operator 7.25 Sebastian Strickland laborer 1.5 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Komatsu 88 Excavator 8.0 E-439 Case 580 Backhoe 8.0 PT-211 F150 CC Foreman truck 2 6.0 T 104 KW dump truck w/pup 4.25 T107 KW Semi 2.75 -308 Lowboy Trailer 2.75 E-429JD245 Excavator 6 C747B dual drum roller 8.0 MATERIALS I SERVICE MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE 24"SDR35 14' 08003961 2"PVC Sch 40 20' 08003961 3"PVC Sch 40 40" 08003961 PVC fittings 08003961 15,65-Eea 1949834 Baker Tank To be paid once invoiced for agreed to timeframe. 227359259 3"Pump 227414932-001 Pump fittings 227396830-001 �- Verification of Hours Worked: Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties conbecws Repesentatrve(Panted name) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. coat ww,s Representative Signature Date Sean 1-fint Comments: Ownerk Representodw(panted name) Owne/s Repesentative Date ay Estimate Entered: Date: Dy. 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) Corporate Office 3633 136th Pl SE,Ste 100. Bellevue,WA 98006 Page 1 of I PO Box 160, Bellevue,WA 98009-0160 H.D. FOWLER Phone 425-654-8800*Fax 425-641-8885 COMPANY Pacific Branch REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seattle. WA 98124 1417 Thornton Ave SW Packing Pacific,WA 98047 (253)863-8600 Fax(253)863-Ml Slip 16574108 To: Ship to: HD Fowler Company-Pacific STRICKLAND & SONS EXCAVATION LLC 1417 Thornton Ave SW 28008 HINKLEMEN ROAD Pacific WA 98047 BUCKLEY WA 98321 (206) 383-0845 Order# Inv Date: Order Writer: 08003961 11/20/23 Bryce Howald Terms: NET I OTH PROX Ship Via: POIJOB: ROIJND-ABOUT FOB: H. D. FOWLER WILL CALL Qty Qty Part# Unit Extended T Line Ship'd BO'd UoM Description Price Price X 3 1 EA PFC99ST 4.63 4.93 3"SCH 40 PVC FEMALE ADAPTER SXT 4 1 EA CGA30FD 49.57 49.57 3" MALE CAMLOCK X MIPT ALUMINUM 30F DOMESTIC 5 3 EA PFL99SS 7.57 22,71 3" SCH 40 PVC 90 ELBOW SXS 6 1 EA PFT997SSS 12.05 12.05 3"X 2" SCH 40 PVC TEE SXSXS 8 2, EA MVPBV7S 16.75 33.50 2" PVC BALL VALVE IPS SLIP X SLIP 15OPSI 9 1 EA PFT777SSS 2.57 2.57 2"SCH 40 PVC TEE SXSXS 12 1 EA W07250 39.57 39.57 725 WET R DRY CEMENT QUART WELD ON 14 1 EA PFA99ST 5.75 5.75 3"SCH 40 PVC MALE ADAPTER SXT Sub total 170.35 Freight Tax PAUL BEAN Grand Total 170.35 Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 wwvv.hdfovyler.torn Corporate Office 3633 136th P1 SE,Ste 100,Bellevue,WA 98006 Page 1 of 1 PO Box 160, Bellevue,�IVA 98009-0160 H.D. FOWLER Phone 425-654-8800'Fax 425-641-8885 COMPANY Pacific Branch REMIT: PO Box 84368, Seattle,WA 98124 1417 Thornton Ave SW Packing Pacific.WA 98047 Slip 16574351 (253)863-8600 Fax(253)863-8681 To: STRICKLAND & SONS EXCAVATION LLC Ship to: HD Fowler Company-Pacific 28008 HINKLEMEN ROAD 1417 Thornton Ave SW BUCKLEY WA 98321 Pacific WA 98047 (206) 383-0845 Order# Inv Date: Order Writer: 08003961 11/20/23 Bryce Howald Terms: NET 10TH PROX Ship Via: PO/JOB: ROUND-ABOUT FOB: H. D. FOWLER WILL CALL Qty Qty Part# Unit Extended T Line Ship'd BO'd UoM Description Price Price X 1 14 FT PP3034LO14 94-34 1,320.76 24"PS46 F679 GASKETED PVC SEWER PIPE 14' LENGTH 2 40 FT PP409 3.68 147.20 3" SCH 40 PVC IPS SOLVENT WELD PIPE 20' LENGTH 7 20 FT PP407 1.77 35.40 2" SCH 40 IPS SOLVENT WELD PVC PIPE 20' LENGTH Sub total 1,503-36 Freight Tax Paul Grand Total 1,503.36 Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 www.hdfowler.com 0United Rentals RENTAL RETURN INVOICE DRAMCK 0" 227386$30-001 2302 sAST p srxsar zaca�u Ka ie421 __.. ___... _ 2s3-3e3-Isis Customer # ; 143884i 253-s72-54l2 PAr Invoice Date : 11/28/23 Rental Out - IMO/23 12:00 PM y BUCKLEY JOB Rental In : 11/28/23 11:29 AM -� 28008 HINKLEMAN RD UR sob Loc : 28008 HINKLEMAN RD, 4 Cu BUCKLEY WA 98321-8205 'Custoomer 6. Job ID .4 P.O. # : SHOP h Office: 253-304-2500 Job: 253-304-2500 Ordered By : DEAN :Reserved By LEVILBVI COLEMAN Salesperson : ANDREW DAUBIN :.'fJ4WCiP7vkY`!G^^':iV .:X.C: } v. .:vM:• <..ai `.A\ �,T4.C}.qYn"'. n.i{.i},u.. Y'Si(JJ;`:(: STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION Invoice Amount: $852.74 PO BOX 10 .... .-... _.... .. Toms. °ia BUCKLEY WA 9 8 3 21-0 010 vsymert options coR:aa ax c%aet o4rce 212a33fi800 Ext.a49:a REW TO: UNITED RENTALS(NORTH AMEMCA),M. { FA 06 P.O.BOX 051122 }YS LOS ANGELES CA 9DO74.1122 .0.'/,��A%?`%^!P%YCY.C:M.N.KEN}:•-:,:•i�."F:'hXG`K+K-it+W.aY:.`ti�.:{M:%.W1:?bt?.YO[%d:Ui�JTv':.'�S}:CfM?D!C> RENTAL ITEMS. _9tY Equipment Description.__ Minimum 3!. week 4 Meek Amount 1 11320988 PU14P 3" TRASH 99.00 297.00 699.00 396.00 }take: MULTIQUIP Model: QP3TH Serial: 3TH-43481 1 S35/2020 HOSE 3X20 PVC SUCTION - CAML(= 17.00 46.00 100.00 63.00 2 535/6620 HOSE 3X50 LAYFLAT DISCHARGE - CAMIACR 20.00 50.00 110.00 140.00 Rental Subtotal: 599.00 SALES/MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Price- _Unit of Measure Extended Amt. 1 WA HEAVY EQUIP. RENTAL TAX (DRSURWA/MCI] 9.651 EACH 9.65 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE CHARGE [ENV/MCI] 7.920 EACH 7.92 1 DELIVERY CHARGE 173.000 EACF 173.00 Sales/Misc Subtotal: 190.57 Agreement Subtotal: 789.57 Tax: 63.17 Total: 852.74 COMMENTS/NOTES: CONTACT. PAUL DEAN CELL#: 503-440-2682 i iffsceive January 1. 2021 and where Permitted by lar, United aantals may impose a surcharge of 1.8% for credit card payments on charge accounts. This surcharge is not greater than our merchant discount rate for credit card transactions and is subject to salts tax in same jurisdictions. HOTIC8: This invoice is subject to the terms and conditions of the Rental and Service Agreement, which are available at https=//www.unitedrentois.cos/legal/rectal-service-terms-VS and which are incorporated herein by reference. A COY[ OF T6i REYIAL Ama 3aavICE 166AmsmR1R' TEANa aAm avaILamLa is 4aD91. TOa:I IITOm amOQasS. PdtJC: 2 0Unit9d Rentals N����� � M���M�����������M�� SALE AGREEMENVINVOICE 3RAs43 03D DOXIM Nl14 I Nt98T 227414932-.W rolaQr tJ►u � 9e391 2S3-321-7022 . ._. ..------- 253-•62-$766 FAX CLiStaieY # : 1438841 Invoice Date 11120/23 01:21 PM y BUCKLEY SHOP 27513 145TH ST E£ UR Job Lac : 27513 145TH ST E, BU to It BUCKLEY WA 9 8 3 21-9 0 3 2 Customer Job ID: 53 .o P.O. # : SCENT ROUND ABOUT h Office: 253-304-2500 Cell: 253-304-2500 Ordered By : EE i ttritten By : LESLLBSLIE SU SU MPTER Salesperson : ANDREW DAUBIN j STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION Invoice Amount: $53.95 PO BOX 10 .................._.. ._. _ . ._.-_........ ......_...._.,................... ......, tP BUCKLEY WA 9 8 3 21-0 010 To rug D"` our exle Psy�tnt options: contact CzM1t office 212-133-6600 ®ct FA 06 f MaT To, UNr M RENTALS(NORTH AMEFWA),INC. P.O.BOX 051122 LOS ANGELES CA 900 74-1 1 22 S �.a;;mu�ccoro.+axnttar:rn.nxr::x;,.•rw::ewx<>�+.xtavran.-<xarr.ur,>x?aa.r�n:�r•+:.rccw;.wccrt.-:<>. Qty Item number Stock class Unit of Measure Price Amount 1 MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE SALES MCI EACH 25.000 25.00 MDSE Female thread by male coupler 3" 1 PART B AL 3" FEM COUPLER X MALE GOODA EACH 24.900 24.90 10104164 SHIP TO: BUCKLEY SHOP 27513 145TH ST E BUCKLEY NA 98321-9032 Sub-total: 49.90 Tax: 4.05 Total: 53.95 i "MERE PERMITTED BY LAW.UNITED RENTALS MAY IMPOSE A SURCHARGE OF I^FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS ON CHARGE ACCOUNTS.THIS SURCHARGE IS NOT GREATER THAN OUR MERCHANT DISCOUNT RATE FOR CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS AND IS SUBJECT TO SALES TAX IN SOME JURISOICTVGNS. READ BEFORE SIGNING: TINS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDtT10NS OF THE SALE AGREEMENTOINVOICE WHICH ARE AMENDED FROM T1M Z TO TIME AND POSTED ONLINE AT MlqnJtwww.un&odr*WAW.eosNOrgAttsaiafgn AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE.BY SIGNM BELOW CUSTOMER it)ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS READ AND AGREED TO THE SALEAGREEMENTANVOICE TERMS.(2)ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE EQUIPMENT IN GOOD WAORMG OROER.AND(3)IS FULLY FAMILIAR WITH THE OPERATION AND USE OF THE EOUPMIENT. X CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE CUSTOMER NAME PRINTED UNITED RENTALS REPRESENTATIVEiDELIVERED BY BATE DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons oATE 11/21/2023 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY ESTII 3 Project No.. -4004 ITEM 0 7055 Fsderat AN No.:MOP IlZ" I) FAS 7 j DESCRIP COI WORK O,bwWl dewnhrinp vrW for refth"wA base. !i9 FA 7 LABOR %A ORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG MRSI REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Pout Bean P-Egap,Operator 4.OD I S 92.48 3 125.56 S369.92 Cody Pabrean Operator 4.00 $ 91.11 $ 123.61 S364345 Deny4 Spria ruCk Dnver 4.00 S 86,47 $ 116.55 3 . Sebsaaart Stnd6" Laborer 4,00 $ 66.71 $ 100.08 5286. $ S $0. LABOR SUBTOTAL St.347, 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT BOND ING.INSURANCE AND TAX $390.65 Per WSDOT Spec 1.09.6„add an eddkaW 2%for Contractor Ski Leave $26 TOTAL LABOR 31,7ti4. EQLWMBNT EQUIPMENT TYPE EOUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STOBY HRS ISTOBY RATE AMOUNT KamMw PC 88 Excavator Excavator S 80.86 4.0D $ 14,55 SK22 Cafe 560 Becid" awitDe S 74,59 4.00 $ &95 $3&90 Deer 245G LX Excavator Exav"Z45G 4 S 14&26 3 44.17 S573.04 Kwwmlh Side Dump Side Dung 4 S 103.37 3 12.40 $41145 F-150 XL Forerun Truk F150 Foremen 2 S 37.88 2.00 $ 1173 $W22 Dynapak roost Vibratory Rohr is 101.75 4.00 S 17.30 $69.19 S is $0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $1,23696 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX SMAS TOTAL 05RERNI'i 51,49At3 MATERIALS and/or SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE a MATERIAL SUBTOTAL TAX AMOUNT $0,00 moo SO= SO= $0.00 %W MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX SO.W 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT..BONDING.INSURANCE AND TAX moo TOTAL MATERIALS ll oo SUBCONTRACTOR N VOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE a WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0. WOO SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL SO.00 Tax on Matenai(d appk Wo) 50.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR WV WORIq 36,90 AMOUNT PRNx1E Subtotal of Labw,Equipment,&Male"Work S32MOC SUBCONTRACTOR StibWtd of Labor,Equipment,MaNO&L&Subcontractor Invoked Work soloc Markups on work performed by Subcorx*ctoor up to S25,000Q12%,325.0003100,000-101A Greater than S100.OW-7% 0% Subcorxtractw Mark-up $0,00 TOTAL COST $3,263.80 aN dwcked,this work is In dkgx"By sodng this form,Partin are apr*6n9 to the time and tNort netded to ash the tak.EntltMrrwnt to be defermktod at a lope dm. Form Date 2I2023 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout ate Work: 11121/23 __. -Owner: City of Kent Project No: 21-3004 4 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor: Work by Sub? (mark'x"ifyes) Description of Work: install dewatering well for retaining wall base in accordance with Construction Change Directive 1 • NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Paul Bean Superintendent 4 Cody Peterson Operator 4 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 4 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 4 Ashley Sarrell Truck Driver EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Komatsu 88 Excavator 4.0 E-439 Case 580 Backhoe 4.0 JD245 Excavator 4 T107 KW Semi w/side dump 4 T116 KW Semi w/side dump PT-211 F150 CC Foreman truck 2 2.0 Hypac C747B dual drum roller 4.0 MATERIALS SERVICE MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Verification of Hours Worked: Pau!Bean Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Reprosenterm(Prl~name) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. ContrscWs Representahve Si tore Date Sean Flint Comments: Owrxfs Reprosentalve(printed name) 1112112023 Owners R five Date ay Estimate Entered: Date: By. 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 11/22/2023 SUBCONTRACTOR PAYEST# 3 Project No.:21-3004 ITEM S 7055 Federal Aid No.:HISP 1129(001) FA# 8 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Plumb tank for clawatering for retaining wall- PERFORMED: Contractor 8 FA* LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG,HRS REG RATE OTHRS OT RA":- AMOUNT Paul Bean Power Equip Operator 2CO S 9248 3 12!56 $18496, $ $000 $ S so DO $ $000 S $ S000 LABOR SUBTC-AL $18496 29%OVERHEAD AND PRCFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND-AX S5364 Per NSDCT Spec 1-09.6,add an additional 2%for Contractcr Sick Leave $370 TOTAL LABOR $242.30 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG-IRS REG RATE STDBvHRS STCBYRk-E AMOUNT �-1 50 XL Foreman Truck F-,50 Foreman 2 S 3788 $ 673 $7576 $ S so DC. 3 Is $O,OC EQUIPMENT SUSTO-Ai. S75,76 21'A OVERHEAD AND PROFIT.BONDING,INSURANCE AND-AX S1591 EQUIPMENTTOTAL $91.67 MATERIALS andfor SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUBTOTAL TAX AMOLNVENDOR 4722010t972 Home Cepo!-Tank Fittings $109 79 $t;39 5119 7E s:Do $C 0C S:00 sc oc MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING7AX S11978 21"ir,OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND'AX S25.15 TOTAL MATERIALS $144.93 SUBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION WOUN- SO 00 $300 SUBCONTRACTOR NV SUBTC7A_ SD,00 Tax on-k4ateftal 1f appficzo't! SC'00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK SO.00 ANIOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $478,90 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $100 Markups on work performed ty Subcontractor up to S25,000=1 2%,525,0004100,000=10%Greater than$100 000=7% 0% Subcontractor Mark-up $300 TOTAL $478.90 If checked,this work is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Owner's Representative Contractors Representative Perm Date 2J2C23 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK -_-Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Work: 11 2123 _Owner. City of(tent Project No: 21-3004 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor Work bv Sub? (mw*'X-if yes) Description of Work: Plumb tank for dewatering for retaining wall in accordance with construction change directive 01 NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Paul Bean Superintendent 2 Cody Peterson Operator Darryl Spruell Truck Driver Sebastian Strickland Laborer QUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Komatsu 88 Excavator E-439 Case 580 Backhoe 1D245 Excavator T107 KW Semi w/side dump trailer T104 solo dump truck Hypac C7478 dual drum roller PT-215 F150 CC 2 MATERIALS! SERVICE MATERIALS!SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE tank fittings 47220101972 $ 119.76 i Verification of Hours Worked: Paul Sean Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Con&WWs Reprsserftdve(pdnW name) are agreeing to the time,materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Contractors Rep owntatrvo S taro Dols Sean Flint Comments: Owner's Represen by(pdnW name) 1112212023 Owner's Re sentam Dole ay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) 0 How doers . girt more d(xw. FA 08 2612�3 104111 AC S.E. KENT. VA 98030 2S:1-6521.1017 SIk MCJ: r(Xlkf NEY MIRFLE's 4722 0CR301 0197t 11/22/23 ll:t16 AM `TALE CASHIEk C',AROLYN 678b27044011 t'F50' -A- 49.98 ?/4 X 56 t"1 CONTHACIOP FAM HUSF t3i1tKM19028 3/010 C: 200 <A> 414.57 18.28 82u5r09997450 1 1/4PVC CUT <A- 13.9E iA9081140649 3/4 PVC 9CEL 4, 300.79 2.37 82061,1994326 3/4M1.EBOILV1. 4A, 10.41 0490811`82r7 3/4 PVC ML -A. 1.96 0490811a1722 314 M ADAPIR <A> 0.67 046876279339 Stith OFF CK -A, 8.98 04906113M2 3/4 PVC UPLG 4- 490.54 2.16 SUBTOTAL 108.19 SALES TAK 10.99 TOTAL $119.78 XXXXXUXXkXXz1152 VISA Lr" 119.78 AUIH i, DE 02-%41/601t"6 TA C:h i P Read AID A0000000031010 Visa Crecii t NAME7 KENT R(X U)AB(XJ T 4722 1 1/22/ 1.1 _ `Uh AM 131111111111111111111111111 4722 01 01972 11/22/2023 4632 ilkiURN POLICY Off INTTIt POLICY ID DAYS POLICY EXPIRES ON :r 1 90 02/20/2024 A AAA AA K;A A XA A A*AAA AXAXXAKRAAA KX%AAA A A AA LAID WE NAIL_ TT T,* a s!xn t smyer for a cbarc;e 10 WIN A $5.000 Of DEPOT GIFT CARD Opine an espa6ol wvww il.arreciePut comisu-•vev llser ID: HXY 3955 4234 PASSWORD: 23972 4233 e•.tsu ies most W cuvit>tecl within 14 day, „t tax-tasa Entrants must t,e 18 or ul.:lar to enter. See complete ruler on webs itg. No pLrr 1as8 neee ,,a y. DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 11/28t2023 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY E3T# 3 Project No.:21-3004 ITEM 0 7055 Fodwd Aid No.:HISP 112I(001) FA1 9 DESCRIPTION OF F> to convert Punw to Y. Contracts 9 PERFORMED: FA LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT $ $ S SQ00 $ S woo $ S s0.t10 LABOR SUBTOTAL WOO 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING.INSURANCE AND T $0.00 Per WSDOT Spec I-W.6,add an eddgxx%W 2%for Cork-actor Sick L $0.00 ITOTAiL LABOR s0.00 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STOGY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT S $ $0.00 S is E0.00 $ 111 XAD EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL MOD 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT.BONDING.INSURANCE AND T $0.00 TOTAL EOUIPMEtq s0A0 MATERIALS and/or SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE t MATERIAL SUB TOTAL I TAX AMOUNT 090D9644 HO FowW-PVC Ft Vs $94,931 $9. $104.52 50. $0.00 $0.04 SoAO MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING T $104.52 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX a21.95 TOTAL MATERKS a126.47 SUBCONTRACTOR INIVOICED WORK VENDOR R INVOICE s WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT a0.00 $0,00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUSTOTAi 110.00 Tax on MMaial,I app4cabis 50.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WDRP $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equigrwnt,6 Material $126.47 SUBCONTRACTOR&d t W of Labor,Equip nwyk MaterIaL&SubcorWaetor kwolced Work $0.00 Markups on work Wo med by Subwrlwor,up to 525.000=12%,$25,0005100,0DO=10%Greeter than$100.000=71A 0% Subcontractor Mark-up X00, TOTAL COST $126.47 It dted&4 fMs work Is In dWAL BY dgnin0 this form,pardtt art aprtskV to tM IMI aredEl eAat nstdW to*=offV sli dw task txttltlwmt to be ddwt*rred at a gtar data. Owmes eW" Repress",&* Forth Date ZrdW DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK W_ =Aa"" Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 11/28/23 Owner. City of Kent Project No: 21-3004 Pri ne Contractor Stricidand and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor Work Sub? (mark-X-if yes) Description of Work: Fittings to convert tank to 2"pump(take 3"pump off rent) LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY MATERIALS/ SERVICE MATERIALS!SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Fittings 8009544 $ 94.93 Verification of Hours Worked: John Nelson Note:Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Contractors Rep ft&-(Pdrnedname) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. a*o0tor's Regesentah"S' lure Date Sean Flint Comments: Owners Re 000rxatrve(printed name) ,__ 1112812023 Owners Reprosentolve Dale ay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 1 of 1 p-17(Rev.2019 Mar) Corporate Office 3633 136th PI SE. Ste 100. Bellevie WA 98006 Page I of I PO Box 160, Bellevue,WA 98009-GI60 H.D. FOWLER Phone 425-654-8800'Fax 425-641-8885 COMPANY Pacific Branch REMIT, PO Box 84368, Seattle WA 98124 1417 Thornton Ave SW Packing Pacific,WA 98047 Slip 16577968 (253)863-8600 Fax(253)863-8681 To: STRICKLAND & SONS EXCAVATION LLC Ship to: HD Fowler Company-Pacific 1417 Thornton Ave SW 28008 HINKLEMEN ROAD Pacific WA 98047 BUCKLEY WA 98321 (206) 383-0845 Order# Inv Date: Order Writer: 08009544 11/28/23 Yoni Gonzalez Terms: NET 10TH PROX Ship Via: POIJOB: KENT ROUND-ABOUT FOB: H. D. FOWLER Will-Call Here (Order & Pickup Qty Qty Part# Unit Extended T Line Ship'd BO'd UoM Description Price Price X 1 1 EA PFD9S 332 3.72 3"SCH 40 PVC CAP S 2 1 EA PFP9T 5.03 5.03 3" SCH 40 PVC PLUG T 3 1 EA CGA20DD 42.87 42.87 2" FEMALE CAMLOCK X FIPT ALUMINUM 20D DOMESTIC 4 2 EA PFC:77SS 1.23 2.46 2" SCH 40 PVC COUPLING SXS 5 2 EA PFL77SS 2,07 4.14 2" SCH 40 PVC 90 ELBOW SXS 6 2 EA PFK77SS 2.43 4.86 2"SCH 40 PVC 45 ELBOW SXS 7 1 EA CGA20AD 23.29 23,29 2" MALE CAMLOCK X FIPT ALUMINUM 20A DOMESTIC 8 2 EA PFC99SS 4.28 8.56 3"SCH 40 PVC COUPLING SXS Sub total 94-93 Freight Tax JOHN Grand Total 94.93 Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1911 www.hdiowler.com I DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED �r CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 11/21/2023 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# 4 Project No.:21-3004 ITEM# co Federal Aid No.:HISP 1129(001) FA# 10 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Excavate and place spails for retaining wall base In accordance with CCD 01. PERFORMED: Contractor 10 FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Paul Bean Power Equip.Operator 4.00 $ 92.48 S 126.56 $369.92 Cody Peterson Operator 4.00 $ 91.11 $ 123.51 $364.44 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 4.00 $ 86.47 1.0 $ 116.55 $462,43 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 4.00 $ 66.71 S 100.08 $266.84 Ashley Sarreli lTruck Driver 5.25 $ 86,47 S 116.55 $453.97 LABOR SUBTOTAL $1,917.60 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $556.10 Per WSDOT Spec 1.09.6,add an additional 2%for Contractor Sick Leave $38.36 TOTAL LABOR $2,512.05 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE FREGHRS REGRATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT Komatsu PC 88 Excavator Excavator $ 80.86 4.00 S 14,55 $58,22 Case 580 Backhoe Backhoe $ 74.59 4.00 $ 8.95 $35.80 Deer 245G LX Excavator Excavator 245G $ 143.26 $ 44,17 $573,04 Kenworth Side Dump Side Dump $ 103.37 $ 12,40 $516.85 Kenworth Side Dump Side Dump $ 103.37 $ 12.40 $542.69 F-150 XL Foreman Truck JFI50 Foreman $ 37.88 4.00 S 6.73 $26.92 Dynapak roller JVIbratory Roller $ 101.75 1 4.00 1$ 17.30 $69.19 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $1,822.71 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $382.77 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $2,205.48 MATERIALS and/or SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT HOS Bros. Dump Fees $0,00 $0,00 1949039808,1949039961 Quarry Spalls 29.21+19.96 Tons $1,720,95 $173.82 $1,894.77 1949039774 Clear Crushed 18.55 Tons $371.00 $37.47 $408.47 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $2,303.24 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $483.68 TOTAL MATERIALS $2,786.92 SUBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0,00 $0,00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $0.00 Tax on Material(if applicable) $0,00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $7,504.45 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor:up to$25,000=12%,$25,000-$100,000=10%Greater than$100,000=7% 0% Subcontractor Markup $0.00 TOTAL COST $7,504.46 If checked,this work Is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date, Owner's Representative Contractor's Representative DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 11/21/23 _ Owner: City of Kent _Project No: 21-3004 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor: Work b .Sub (mark x"if yes) Description of Work: Excavate and place spalls for retaining wall base in accordance with Construction Change Directive 1 LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Paul Bean Superintendent 4 Cody Peterson Operator 4 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 4 1.0 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 4 Ashley Sarrell Truck Driver 5.25 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Komatsu 88 Excavator 4.0 E-439 Case 580 Backhoe 4.0 JD245 Excavator 4 T107 KW Semi w/side dump 5 T116 KW Semi w/side dump 5.25 PT-211 F150 CC Foreman truck 4.0 Hypac C747B dual drum roller 4.0 MATERIALS I SERVICE MATERIALS!SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Dump fee tkt#38165 Dump fee tkt#? Quarry Spalls 29.21 tkt#1949039808 Quarry Spalls 19.96 tkt#1949039961 Verification of Hours Worked: Paul Bean Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Contractor's Representative(printed name) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Contractors Representative Signature Date Sean Flint Comments: _.....................................,............_.......pri.....,.,..........,....-")' .............................,.............................. Owners Representa ti ve..( n ted nam.. *'ee) 1112112023 W..............................._...........................................................................-..................._................... Owners Representative Date ay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) Invoice Number: 2037448 SINCE 1892 Invoice ante: 1v2ti2°; INVOICE CORUSM Page! , Terms of Sale: NET 30 DAYS Customer Number: 10145975 RESOURCES Tax Code: WA-ONT Customer Job: Corliss Resources LLC To ENSURE PROPER C:AEAIT,PLEASE INCLUDE STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION THE INVOICE NUMBER W17H YOUR PAYMENT REMIT TO: 1•� 28008 HINKLEMEN ROAD 15620 Collection Center Drive BUCKLEY,WA 98321 Chicago,IL 6060-0156 Tax ID: 41.2061261 Delivery Address Purchase Order Sales Order Plant KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP r KENT ROUNDABOUT 18327 South Enumclaw Ticket Ticket Truck Fuel Extended Date Number Type Ship to Reference roduci Numbe Product Description G,uantity UOM nit Pric AmountJ I Freight SurchN Price Other ae Tickets.- 1949039808, 1949039961, 1 U21/23 FA 1® 93356 48 QUARRY SPALLS 49.17 Ton $35.00 $1,720.95 $1,720,95 Subtotal: $1,720.95 Tot ; :al q -denotes minimum freight charge applied to tic;ket Fuel Surcharge: $24.59 Total Tex: $0.00 Out►stions? Please call Customer Care at 888-895-3938 Invoice'Total: $1,T45.54 This invoice is subject to the terms set forth in the Credit Application andtor General Terms and Conditions of Sale,as well as any adclillcnal terms and conditions contained in the Cuotation or Order Acknowledgement.Any additional or different terms proposed by Buyer are hereby deemed to be a material alteration and are hereby objected to.All iterns returned are subject to cartage and handling charges.Aecmnts are due and payable by tra3 above stated terms.Past due,accounts are subject to se Moe charges as outlined in the Credit Application andror General Terms and Conditions of Sale. SINCE 1e92 S � f II)�1 1 �I f 1111 IN g Enumclaw p 9391100 4 31100 ®Puyallu Concrete Dispatch: CORLI" Sumner South Fax:253-891.6691 RESOURCES 16805 84th Street 29410 5E Enumclaw 18001 Meridian Avenue Aggregate Dispatch:253-891-6686 East Sumner,WA 98390 Chinook Pass Rd. East Puyallup,WA 98375 Fax:253.891.6692 Enumclaw,WA 98022 SOLD TO SHIP TO 10145975 18327 STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP SUMNER WA 98390 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: PICKUP/DEL{VER KENT ROUNDABOUT PICKUP DATE TIME TICKET PURCHASE ORDER DISPATCH ORDERED DELIVERED LOCATION 11/21/23 1 8:07:56 1949039808 1 KENT ROUNDABOUT 0.00 29.21 99431100 PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 93356 4x8 QUARRY SPALLS 29.21 Ton VEHICLE VEHICLE DESCRIPTION CARRIER SCALE ID GROSS TARE NET QUANTITY STR107 IStrickland&Sons 107 1 2 98080 1 39660 158420 29.21 DRIVER LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB LEAVE JOB ARRIVE PLANT COMMENTS: RECEIVED BY: X DRIVER SIGNATURE: X THIS IS NOT A FINAL INVOICE, EIGHMASTER: ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. X Wilder, Sheila EXT(Redmond) SINCE 1892 '�'° i Iilif i IlIiI!li!!Illli Ilfll IIlII!!I I 99391100 99431100 99541100 Concrete fli hell Dispatch:2 ON I8680 CORLISSSumner South Enumclaw Puyallup Fax:253-891-6691 RESOURCES 16805 64th Street 29410 SE Enumclaw 18001 Meridian Avenue Aggregate Dispatch:253-891.6686 East Sumner,WA 98390 Chinook Pass Rd, East Puyallup,WA 98375 Fax:253-891-6692 Enumclaw,WA 98022 SOLD TO SHIP TO 10145976 18327 STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP SUMNER WA 98390 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: PICKUP/DELIVER KENT ROUNDABOUT PICKUP DATE TIME TICKET PURCHASE ORDER DISPATCH ORDERED DELIVERED LOCATION 11/21/23 15:5315 1949039961 1 KENT ROUNDABOUT 0.00 49.17 99431100 PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 93356 4x8 QUARRY SPALLS 19.96 Ton VEHICLE VEHICLE DESCRIPTION CARRIER SCALE ID GROSS TARE NET QUANTITY STR107 Strickland&Sons 107 12 79580 1 39660 1 39920 19.96 DRIVER LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB LEAVE JOB ARRIVE PLANT COMMENTS: RECEIVED BY: X DRIVER SIGNATURE: i X THIS IS NOT A FINAL INVOICE, EIGHMASTER: ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. X Wilder, Sheila EXT(Redmond) i i Invoice Number: 2037356 SINCE t892 ` Invoice Date: it;20l23 INVOICE CORL1%.. Pape: 1 Terms of Sete: NET 30 DAYS Customer Number: 10145975 RESOURCES Tax Code: WA•ONT Customer Job: Corliss Resources LLC rO ENSURE PROPER CREM.PLEASE INCLU01.1 STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION THE INVOICE NUMPER W 7W YOUR PAYMENT REMIT TO, 28008 HINKLEMEN ROAD 15620 Collection Center Drive BUCKLEY,WA 98321 Chicago,IL 6069MI56 Tax ID: 41.2041261 Delivery Address Purchase Order Sales Order Plant KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP �. KENT ROUNDABOUT 18327 —1 ._. South Enumch Fuel Ticket Tloket Truc' Ship to Rafsnnca roduct thtm Product DeacrlpiFon Auttnifty Ut3141 nit Pric+ Amount Prolght Sun hpr ExQdended Data NumbsP Type ^ Oft lria Tickets: 194wxta774, 11/20M FA 10 92340 1 IA'X 54'CLEAR to 55 Ton $:20,03� $371.00 $371. Subtotil: $371.00 Fuel Surcharge: $9.20 Total denote~minimum freight charge applied to ticket Total Taff: $0.00 Ouestlons? Ples"will CUMOMer care at 6ee•s>aa4M Involoe Total: $380.28 his invoice is subject to the terms set forth in the redit Apldicatlon and/or eneral arms and ond++lions of Sate,as well as any additional terms and cor lions contained in the Quotation or Order Ackrowledgement.Any additional or different terms proposed by Buyer we hereby deemed to be a material alteration and are hereby objected to.All items returned are subject to cartage and handling charges.Accounts are due and payable by the above stated terms.Past due accounts are subject to service charges as outlined in the Credit Application and/or General Terms and CAnditions of Sale. SINCE 1692 �� �� I I!lIII IIIII IlIII lIIII IlIII 1111!IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII CORLI" gS Su100 mner SouthaEnum�claw Puyallup 99541100 Concrete Dispatch:Fax:253-891-66911 RESOURCES 18805 64th Street 29410 SE Enumclaw 18001 Merdian Avenue Aggregate Dispatch:253-891.6686 East Sumner,WA 08390 Chinook Pass Rd. East Puyallup,WA 98375 Fax:253-891,6692 Enumclaw,WA 98022 OLD TO SHIP TO 10145975 18327 STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP SUMNER WA 98390 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: PICKUP/DELIVER KENT ROUNDABOUT PICKUP DATE TIME TICKET PURCHASE ORDER DISPATCH ORDERED DELIVERED LOCATION 11120123 14:29:53 1 1949039774 KENT ROUNDABOUT 1 0.00 18.55 99431100 PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 92340 1 114"X 518"CLEAR CRUSHED 18.55 Ton VEHICLE VEHICLE DESCRIPTION CARRIER SCALE ID GROSS TARE NET QUANTITY STR104 IStrickland&Sons Truck 104 1 2 97940 1 60840 1371001 18.55 DRIVER LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB LEAVE JOB ARRIVE PLANT COMMENTS: RECEIVED BY: X DRIVER SIGNATURE: X THIS IS NOT A FINAL INVOICE, WEIGHMASTER: ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. x Wilder, Sheila EXT(Redmond) DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED r CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 11/22/2023 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# Ll Project 1 21-3004 ITEM# co Federal Aid No.:HISP 1129(001) FA# 11 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Excavate and place spalls for retaining wall base in accordance with CCD 01 PERFORMED: Contractor 11 FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Paul Bean Power Equip.Operator 4.50 $ 92.48 $ 125,56 $416.16 Cody Peterson Operator 6.50 $ 91.11 S 123.51 $592.22 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 6.25 $ 85.47 S 116.55 $540.44 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 6.50 $ 66.71 $ 100,08 $433.62 $ $ $0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $1,982.44 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $574.91 Per WSDOT Spec 1-09.6,add an additional 2%for Contractor Sick Leave $39.65 TOTAL LABOR $2,597.00 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT Komatsu PC 86 Excavator Excavator $ 80.86 6.50 S 14.55 $94.61 Case 580 Backhoe Backhoe $ 74.59 6.50 $ 8.95 $5818 Deer 245G LX Excavator Excavator 245G 6.5 $ 143.26 $ 44,17 $931.19 Kenworth Side Dump Side Dump 5 $ 103.37 $ 12.40 $516.85 KW Dump Truck Dump Truck 2.75 $ 102,86 $ 12.34 $282.87 F-150 XL Foreman Truck F150 Foreman $ 37.88 1 4.50 $ 6,73 $30,29 Dynapak roller Vibratory Roller $ 101.751 6.50 $ 17.30 $112.43 $ is $0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $2,020.42 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $425.55 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $2,451.97 MATERIALS and/or SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 1949040050 Dump Fee Clean Dirt 11 CY $77.00 S7.78 $84.78 1949040049 Clear Crushed 16.90 Tons $338.00 $34,14 $372.14 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $456.92 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $95.95 TOTAL MATERIALS $552.87 SUBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $0.00 Tax on Material(If applicable) $0,00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $5,601.84 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $0,00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor:up to$25,000=12%,$25,0004100,000=10%Greater than$100,000=7% 0% Subcontractor Mark-up $0.00 TOTAL COST $6,601.84 ElIf checked,this work is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Owner's Representative Contractor's Representative DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 11/22/23 _ Ow_ner: _ City of Kent Project No: 21-3004 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor: Work by Sub? (mark x"if yes) Description of Work: Excavate and place spalls for retaining wall base in accordance with Construction Change Directive 1 LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Paul Bean Superintendent 4.5 Cody Peterson Operator 6.5 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 6.25 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 6.5 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Komatsu 88 Excavator 6.5 E-439 Case 580 Backhoe 6.5 JD245 Excavator 6.5 T107 KW Semi w/side dump trailer _ 5 _ T104 solo dump truck 2.75 Hypac C747B dual drum roller 6.5 PT-215 F150 CC 4.5 MATERIALS/SERVICE MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Dump fee 11 CY Tkt 1949040050 Permeable Ballast 16.90 tons Tkt 1949040049 Verification of Hours Worked: Paul Bean _,,,,,,,,,,._,_„ Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties (p Contractors Representative rinted name) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. ..........._....._......_............................................................................,,,,.,..............,.......................... ........._ Contractors Representative Signature Sean Flint Comments: _..........ers........R..epre... ......... ,.re'..... ....... ,......(p.....ri...n....t..e,................d name.........).............................................................. Own senta..... ti..v..e _ 1112212023 ............... ...........................,........,...........................,,.....,.....-.,..,........... Owners Re resentafive Date ay Estimate Entered: Date:_ By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) Invoice Number: 2037524 SINCE 1892 Invoice Date: i i/2t.'r23 INVOICE CORLISS Pepe: 1 Terms of Sale: NET 30 DAYS Customer Number: 10/45975 RESOURCES Tax Code: WA-ONT Customer Job: Corliss Resources LLC STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION T14E INVOKE UAWE WM V6UR PLEASE REwr TO: 28008 HINKLEMEN ROAD 15620 Collodion Center Drive BUCKLEY,WA 98321 Chicago,IL 606MI56 Tax ID: 41-2011261 Delivery Address Purchase Order Solis Order Plant KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP KENT ROUNDABOUT 18327 South Enumclaw Ticket TicketT-rnrek Sfii pafarsnoe roduet Nurnprod+Kt t7eacri Ian awntl tiOM nit Prig Amouni Fro ht Surchpptt ExteDate NumbsTyres P Description - ti 1C 171her/ee Prlae Tickets: 1949040049, 16,4904M, 11i22f23 FA 11 92340 1 114-X 518"CLEAR 16.90 Ton $20.00 a $338.00 $338-OC 11/22/23 FA 11 9%00 DUMP FEE CLEAN DIRT ICY) 11.00 Cubi $7.GJ $77.00 $77. i I i Sublotal: $415.00 Fuel Surcharge: $8.45 Total denotes minimum ireight charge applied to ticket Total Tax: $0.00 27.90 Ouestlone7 Please caul Customer Care st M-0954 a -- Invoiles Totel: $423.46 his invoice Is subject to the terms set forth in the rodt Apirfication and/or General erns,tnd Conditions o1 ale,as vnaii is any aalitional terms and colditions contained in the Quotation or Order Acikroawledgemeni.Any additional or different terms proposed by Buyer are hereby deemed to be a material alteref on and are hereby objected to.All items returned are subject tc cartage and handling charges.Accounts are due and payable by the above stated terms.Past due accounts are subject to service charges as outlined In the Credit Appl-.won and/or General Terms and Conditions of Sale. i. SINCE 1892 1-6 C9391'100 99431100 99541100 Concrete Dispatch:253-891,6680 ORLI" 9 Sumner South Enumclaw Puyall u'p Fax:253-69691 RESOURCES 16805 64th Street 29410 SE Enumclaw 18001 Meridian Avenue Aggregate Dispatch 253-891-6686 East Sumner,WA 96390 Chinook Pass Rd. East Puyallup,WA 98375 Fax:253-891-6692 Enumclaw.WA 98022 SOLD TO SHIM TO 10145975 18327 STRICKL AND AND SONS EXCAVATION KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP SUMNER WA 98390 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: PICKUP DATE TIME TICKET PURCHASE ORDER DISPATCH ORDERED DELIVERED LOCATION 11/22/23 11:34:36 1 1949040049 KENT ROUNDABOUT 0.00 35.45 9943110 1 PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 92340 1 114"X 5/8"CLEAR CRUSHED 16.90 Ton VEHICLE VEHICLE DESCRIPTION CARRIER SCALE ID GROSS TARE NET QUANTITY Strickland&Sons Truck 104 2 60180 26380 33-8-00—T—16.90 DRIVER LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB LEAVE JOB ARRIVE PLANT COMMENTS: RECEIVED BY: X DRIVER SIGNATURE: X THIS IS NOT A FINAL INVOICE, WEIGHMASTER: ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. Mid'or Sheiia EXT(Redmond)X SINCE ta92 I C[[III I![l[I[ll!IfN[IIIII[[III[fill IIIII[III!IIIII I[f!II[I CC>RLI 9Sumner0 99431100 South Enumclaw Puyallup Concrete Disp Fax:253-89166911 RESOURCES 16805 64th Street 29410 SE Enumclaw 18001 Meridian Avenue Aggregate Dlspatch:253-891.6686 East Sumner,WA 98390 Chinook Pass Rd. East Puyallup,WA 98375 Fax:253-891-6692 Enumclaw,WA98022 SOLD TO SHIP TO 10145975 18327 STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION KENT ROUNDABOUT-P/UP SUMNER WA 98390 DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: PICKUP/DELIVER PICKUP DATE TIME TICKET PURCHASE ORDER DISPATCH ORDERED DELIVERED LOCATION 11/22/23 11:35:51 1949040060 KENT ROUNDABOUT 0.00 97.00 99431100 PRODUCT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 99000 DUMP FEE CLEAN DIRT(CY) 11.00 Cubic Yard VEHICLE VEHICLE DESCRIPTION CARRIER SCALE ID GROSS TARE NET QUANTITY STR107 Strickland&Sons 107 0 39880 1 396 0 - 220 11.00 DRIVER LEAVE PLANT ARRIVE JOB LEAVE JOB ARRIVE PLANT COMMENTS: RECEIVED BY: X DRIVER SIGNATURE-: - X i rt THIS IS NOT A FINAL INVOICE, EIGHMASTER: ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY APPLY. X Wilder, Sheila EXT(Redmond) DELIVERY/TONNAGE T ICX ET 28008 Hinkleman Road Buckley,WA 98321 0:(360)829-6577 a F:(360)829-6428 Accounting@stricklandandsons.com Driver Name: ContractorName: I ! ---7--off Date: Truck M 4. PO/Job-, TRAVEL TIME Job Site: ?N,_v-a-0_4 Begin: End: Bill By., Ton: o Yard: u. Job Driver Total Hours- f < Start Time: Lunch Time: Total Travel: Mileage, Stop Time: IT Down Time: Fuel- Total Miles: Total Hours: Pre-Trip: Post Trip: n OVIR#: Reason for Delay(Standby): Out-of-State Mileage: State of Travel: In: Out; #Trips; Total Miles: T&T/ MAfERIAL HAULED FROM ARRIVE LEAVE HAULED TO ARRIVE LEAVE.' TICKET# YARDS/ O ME TINE TIME TIME TONS -51, ?214 1611 1'5 5 Ir /ZZZ 12*1145-1,,c�k?,�446 Any on the job injury? Driver's Signature: Total Loads Yes 0 No o By$;F*q th"dix"itteet,I Certify That am of the above monnatiq it U.and —I.: signown, ftW'i;fkit eng I.tataId"ed—,noUce¢f our infaet'*Ile.this project,Ingica—'a4'ft"'h'mth.f1h.m¢mn kntpnmi the"It that..I.Ytete rendered are Pass dte And half—o letom,txt Amt..136%.inmitatecatie—I..—N-30,1—; WAI—gala Jet—am Not 30,onkowthecatner In theta a dHp...6"..,the prime aaftxhab,, klldta.nvA—n"� f—d'tev—d' if —. .—W To., --,-a ad—W, Htfated by I LC in theanlafce o of Ned*d to.tetapnane atwf puatal lharyes,And—P.abWMMFoMAt1Wfor knit Of S—Idan,1126sans titLaallam LLC nifteraTentiniin,awm—,". WARRANTY:SIRK'NLAND&5ONS EXCAVATION U.C.WARRANT ALL MAERLALS SOLO HEREUNDER COWORIA TO SMICKIAND A SONS EXCAVATION ttr MMF NO REFFIESENTATiON ON WARRANT OF ANY OCHER KING,EXPRESS 09 IMPLIED,WHIN AESPECT IOTHE 1/471FIALS, WEATHER AS TO THE hIfACHAWAOILITY.GITNESS FOR A PART KUILAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER. —P—d,n,pall by 51dWant,L S—Excavation LLC herAW dr.Tda ImRAQ-Lhait tb9—Pfa—err tatn4naUWt of IN.V­Uon. 1. IL. Authorized Rep Signature: DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED war � CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 11/27/2024 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# 4 Project No.:21-3004 ITEM# co Federal Aid No.:HISP 1129(001) FA# 12 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Completed excavation and placing spails for retaining wall base in PERFORMED:accordance with Construction Change Directive 1 Contractor 12 FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT John Nelson Operator Foreman 4.00 $ 95.05 $ 129.42 $380.20 Cody Peterson Operator 4.00 $ 91.11 $ 123.51 S364.44 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 5.00 $ 85.47 S 116.55 $432.35 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 4.00 $ 66.71 S 100.08 $266.84 $ S $0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $1,443.83 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $418.71 Per WSDOT Spec 1-09.6,add an additional 2%for Contractor Sick Leave $28.88 TOTAL LABOR $1,891.42 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT Komatsu PC 88 Excavator Excavator 2 $ 80.86 2.00 $ 14,55 $190.83 Case 580 Backhoe Backhoe $ 74.59 4.00 S 8.95 $35.80 KW Dump Truck Dump Truck 5 $ 102.86 S 12,34 $514.30 Ford F550-includes small tools Tool Truck 2 $ 63,39 2.00 $ 7.61 $141,99 Deer 245G LX Excavator Excavator 245G 2 $ 143.26 i 2.00 $ 44.17 $374,86 Dynapak roller Vibratory Roller $ 101.75 4.00 $ 17,30 $%19 $ Is MOO EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $1,326.97 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $278.66 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $1,605,63 MATERIALS and/or SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0,00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $0,00 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0,00 $0,00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $0.00 Tax on Material(if applicable) $0.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $3,497.05 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor:up to$25,000=12%,$25,000-$100,000=10%Greater than$100,000=7% 0°% Subcontractor Mark-up $0,00 TOTAL COST $3,497.06 ' I If checked,this work is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Owners Representative Contractor's Representative DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK • Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 11/27/23 ----. --- --- _ __Owner: City of Kent Project No: 21-3004 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor: Work by Sub? (mark'x°if yes) Description of Completed excavation and placing spalls for retaining wall base in accordance with Construction Change Work: Directive 1 :OR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS John Nelson Operator Foreman 4 Cody Peterson Operator 4 Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 5 Sebastian Strickland Laborer 4 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Komatsu 88 Excavator 2 2.0 E-439 Case 580 Backhoe 4.0 T-104 Kenworth Solo Dump truck 5 T-205 F550 tool truck 2 2.0 JD 245 Excavator 2 2.0 Hypac C747B dual drum roller 4.0 MATERIALS I SERVICE MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Verification of Hours Worked: John Nelson Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Contractor's Representative(printed name) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish M........._......_.............._..................._ . this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. ........................................................... Contractor's Representative Signature Date...._................_. Sean Flint Comments: ..............................................tativ ee.1iv'.._(pri nte... d namee))...ti................... .......................................................... Owner's Represen i, _ 1112712023 ...................................._................_,.............................._....................._...._.................. ...._. Owner's Representative Date ay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED mar 74 CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 11/29/2023 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# 4 Project No.:21-3004 ITEM# Co Federal Aid No.:HISP 1129(001) FA# 13 DESCRIPTION OF WORK De-mob Excavator245 from site used for excavation of Wall footing. PERFORMED: Contractor 13 FA# LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 2.50 $ 86.47 S 116.55 $216.18 $ _ $ $0.00 $ $ $0,00 $ $ $0.00 $ S $0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL $216.18 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $62.69 Per WSDOT Spec 1-09.6,add an additional 2%for Contractor Sick Leave $4.32 TOTAL LABOR $283.19 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENTTYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT Kenworth Semi and Lowboy Trailer Semi and Lowboy Trailer 2.5 $ 102.86 S 12.34 $257.15 $ $ $0,00 $ $ $0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $257.15 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $54.00 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $311.16 MATERIALS andfor SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE# MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0,00 S0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAX $0.00 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICE# WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0,00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $0.00 Tax on Material(if applicable) $0.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK $0.00 AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,&Material Work $594,34 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor Invoiced Work $0.00 Markups on work performed by Subcontractor:up to$25,000=12%,$25,0004100,000=10%Greater than$100,000=7% 0% Subcontractor Mark-up $0,00 TOTAL COST $594.34 i If checked,this work is in dispute.By signing this form,parties are agreeing to the time and effort needed to accomplish the task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Owner's Representative Contractors Representative Form Date 2/2023 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK A 4 Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of_Work: 11/29/23 roj Owner: City of Kent Pect No: 21-3004 Prime Contractor: Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor: Work by Sub? (mark x"if yes) Description of Work: De-mobilize 245 excavator from site LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Darryl Spruell Truck Driver 2.5 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY T-104 Kenworth Semi 2.5 TR3-08 lowboy trailer 2.5 MATERIALS/SERVICE MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Verification of Hours Worked: John Nelson Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties __................. ..........................................._...,.............................................................. Contractor's Representative(printed name) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish ....-n-i..............._.,....._,.......,.,...,._........-fi',,.....,....,i*g-.....,......,...............,,,......,..............a-t".._................. this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Contractor's Representative Signature Date Sean Flint Comments: ..................................._....................._...............................,.....,........................................................................... Owner's Representative(printed name) 1112912023 _..........._............._.._...........,......_..............,,.,.,,,...,.,..........,..,....,,...,.......................,...,,,.atei. ...................... Owners Re resentative D ay Estimate Entered: Date: By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED a * rcowmAcTm Strickland and Sons DATE 1/8/2024 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY ESTIP 4 Prood No.:213004 ITE111111 co Fed"Aid No.:HI P 1129(O01) DESCRIPTION OF Pum p for dewvatering retaining wall,Run Pwrp to keep waaar MvM below FA 14 PERFORMED:footing elevation 14 ��FA LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT Terry Ctxreienearl Operator Foreman 4.00 S 96,05 S 129.42 SM201 MigutfCaaro Laborer 6.00 $ 66,71 S 10D.08 $400.26 S - S WOO S - S $0.00 S S $0,00 LABOR SUBTOTALI $7W.48 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND 7 SM.33 Par WSOOT Spat I-COA,add an eddxbrtal 2%for Contractor Side L $15.61 TOTAL LABOR 61, EOIAPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EOUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT Ctwvrolat 3500-Inckndae erne took Tool Truck 4 S 63.39 $ 7A1 $253.56 S S X00 S E $0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $253.56 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING INSURANCE AND TAX W25 TOTAL EQIAPME $30"1 MATERIALS arAW SERVICES VENDOR 3 INVOICE a MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT 22736WSS-Wl Baker Tank $1,9W,21 $192,58 32.122.79 228899935-002 3"Pump w4 hoses $1,303.68 $130.011 $1,433.96 $0.00 $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING T $3,558.75 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX 5746,92 TOTAL MATERIALS 54,303A7 SUBCONTRACTOR N VOWED WORK VENDOR b INVOICE a WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT woo $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTOTAL $0.00 Taos on Material(f applicable SO.OD TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WOR SOAO AMOUNT PRIME Subtotal of Labor.EgWp vw*,i Malarial Work 55,632.ee SUBCONTRACTOR SubtoW of Tabor,EgWpnwnt.MateriM,i SubmMoctor klwkad Wwk SO= Markups on work pertormed by Soboontractor up to 525,000=12%,525,000-5100.OD0=10%Greats than$100.000 a 71A 0% Subcontractor Mark-up $0,00 TOTAL COST $5,632.88 El It We work is In dhptde.By s rft this form parries we al sekiy ew tim e me and effort needed to scco"ft the task.ErWemax to to debrmined at a I"date. urlra Form Daft 2CO23 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK Project: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 1/8124 Owner City of Kent Project No: 21.3004 Prime Contractor. Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor. Work bv Sub? (mark Y if yes) Description of Procure pump and plumbing materials for dewatering retaining wall.Run pump to keep water level below Work: footing elevation LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Terry Christensen Operator Foreman 4 Miguel Castro Laborer 6 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY { i Chevrolet 3500 tool truck 4 MATERIALS I SERVICE MATERIALS/SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE PVC pipe and fittings Pump rental Tank Verification of Hours Worked: Terry Christensen Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties Qw�a Repreaersev-(prirKedname) are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. conbadbr s Rewwer bb"signshav Date eon Flint Comments: O-ws Repro.—ta0ve(Printed name) Owner's R ser#ative Date ay Estimate Entered: Date: 1/8/2024 By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar) 0United Rentals. ����I�������������������I���� 4 WEEK BILLING FLUID SOLUTIONS 9 4SAAMM TS rf # 227359259-001 svxnrrr is t820i-2452 425-347-8011 Custos<er 8 : .438841 425-347-0363 PAI Invoice Data ai2/18/23 1 10$TH ROUNDABOUT Data Out : 11/20P23 12:00 PM Billed through : 12/14/23 00:00 l { 26410 108TH AVE SE UR Job roc : 26410 10M AVE 39, i KENT WA 98030-9055 CustQomer Job ID: ,q P.0. # : TED h Office: 253-304-2500 Cell: 503-440-2682 Ordered 8y : PAUL DEAN Reserved By : SPENCER VAN SICKLE Salesperson : SPENCER VAN SICKLE I STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION Invoice Amount: $2,122.79 PO BOX 10 BUCKLEY WA 98321-0014 """' a't"'" cndk �,rrr:a+^:�xpc�x CvrAacEca,rcrad291Aide 2?2.333-C�.�iEr;.2a�.a REMIT TO: UNTEC RENTALS(NORTH AUEAICA+..NC. P.O.BCX 051122 LOS ANGELES CA 90074 122 RENTAL _Ot Sauinment Description _ Mirimurr. Day week Week _ Amount 1 POA30SOIL TANK 21K GAt., FXDAXL EZ CLEAM OT LINED �A �� 50.43 3S3.32 1,413,41 1,413.47 Make: H&H MPG Model: FAEZCOTL 6ezialw HH-BOT-0003S Rental Subtotal: 1,413.47 SALES/MISCELLANEOUS :TENS: Qty Item Price unit-Of measure Xxteaded Amt. 1 NOTE (NOTES/NC1) EACH RIC Signed for by Paul Bean 1 NA HEAVY EQUIP. RENTAL TAX (DRSURWI/NCI) 23.481 EACH 23.49 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE CHARGE 1ENV/MC11 28.260 EACH 28.26 1 DELIVERY CHARGE 465.00c EACH 465.00 sales/Mist Subtotal: 516.74 Agreement Subtotal: 1,93C.21 Tax:* 192.S8 Total: 2,122.79 COMMENTS/NOTES- CONTACT: PAUL DEAN CELL#: S03-440-2682 3 HOUR DELIVERY a $15S AN HOUR 3 HOUR PICKUP a $15S AN HOUR ACTUAL HOURS NiLL RE BILLED .rrrr•rrr.t••lrrf•r♦•rr••f r•..•r•r►r PLEASE CALL FOR PICKUP AFTER EQUIPMENT HAS REM EMPT:ED & PROFESSIONALLY CLEARED. TRIPLE RINSING AND STEAM MAY BE REQUIRED. CALL WM QUESTIONS. ADDITIONAL TRANS CHARGES MAY APPLY IF EQUIPMENT IF LEFT UNCLMNN AND/OR WE ARE UNABLE TO PERFORM PICKUP. ..rr•rrrrr•rr•rrre•eere•r•rtrrrr.r.. ¢ 30t1IPNENT MST as CALLED OPP SY 3 CONTACTING SALES REP OR BRANCH OFF:CE .............•............. C REPAIR COSTS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT rrltrrr•!•rrrrrlrr•r•trr.rrtrtrlrr.t } CUSTOMER TO BREAK DOWN AND STAGE p RENTAL EQUIPMENT FOR PICK UP TO AVOID i FURTHER LABOR CHARGES ....rt............................... II Billing Period: 29 Days, From 11/2W 23 12:00 YM Thru 12/18/23 12-OC PM Sffactivs January 1, 2021 and where pet�itted cy lam, United Rentals may iapase a surcharge of l..b'1 for credit card payments on charge s,ccounte. This surcharge is not greater than our merchant discount rate for credit card transactions, and is subject to sales t tax in sme jurisdictions. NOTICE: This invoice is, subject to the terms and conditions of the Renta. and Service Agreement, which are available at httpso//www.uaitsdrsatals.comflegel/rental-service-terms-US and which are incorporated herein by reference. A COPY Of THE RENTAL AND SRRVICS ACILRNUMT TERMS AM AVAILhatS Ili DAPZR PCRk UPON REQOEST. 4 exre, 0 United Rentals 4 WEEK BILLING BRANCH 03D LA 410 BAST BOM # 228899935-002 BOMtSY LAlCX XA 98391 253-321-7022 253-962-6766 FAX Customer ## -438841 Invoice Date : 31/24/24 f Date Out : 01/08/24 07:00 AM i108TH ROUNDABOUT i8illed Through : 32/05/24 00:00 26410 108TH AVE SE iUR Job Lac : 26410 108TH AVE SE, KENT WA 98030-9055 ICCustoabioer sob ID: o5 A IP.O. # : TENT ROUNDABOUT Office: 253-304-2500 Cell: 503-440-2682Ordered By : ?AUL DEAN Reserved By : SHANNON SPINO Salesperson : ANDREW DAUBIN STRICKLAND AND SONS EXCAVATION Invoice Amount: $1,433.96 PO BOX 10 BUCKLEY WA 9 8 3 21-0 010 Terms Due Upo,Recag payment optsons Cor zilacz ox ardit ofte 212.333.4000 Ext 8014 REMIT TO: UNITEC RENTALS(NORTH AMERICA),INC. P,O,BCX 051122 LOS ANGELES CA 90074-1122 RENTAL ITEMS: Oty Equipment Description. Minimum Day week 4 Week Amount 1 11659436 P.eke:3" TRASH Model: PT 3A FA 1 4 113.00 113.00 339.00 799.00 799.00 Serial: 24605568 3 535/6620 ROSE 3X50 LAYFLAT DISCHARGE - CAMLOCKFA 14 22.00 22.00 56.30 120.00 360.00 1 535/2020 HOSE 3X20 PVC SUCTION - CAMIACK 18.00 18.00 51.30 113.00 113.00 Rental Subtotal: 1,272.00 SALES/MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Qty Item Price Unit of Measure Extended Amt. 1 WA HEAVY EQUIP. RENTAL TAX [DRSURWA/MCI) 15.901 EACH 25.90 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE CHARGE [ENV/MC:) 15.980 EACH 15.98 Sales/Misc Subtotal: 31.88 Agreement Subtotal: 1,303.88 Tax: 130.08 Total: 1,433.96 COMMENTS/NOTES: CONTACT: PAUL DEAN CELL#: 503-440-2682 Round about at interstection of 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Billing period: 28 Days From 1/08/24 07:00 AM Tl-= 2/05/24 07:00 AM Effective February 1, 2024 and where permitted by law, United Rentals may impose a surcharge of 2.0% for credit card payments on charge accounts. This surcharge is not greater than our merchant discount rate for credit card transactions and is subject to sales tax. NOTICE: This invoice is subject to the terms and conditions of the Rental and Service Agreement, which are available at https://www.unitedrentala.com/legal/rental-service-terms-US and which are incorporated herein by reference. A COPY OF THE RENTAL XIND SERVICE AGRBHMBN': TERNS ARE AVAILABLE IN PAPER FORM UPON REQUEST. Page: DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED CONTRACTOR Strickland and Sons DATE 1/10/2024 SUBCONTRACTOR PAY EST# 4 Project No.:21-3004 ITEMS Co Federei Aid No.:HISP 11291001j 4FA 15 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Dowslsriny opaationa for retaining wall.Run Pump to keep crater few!PERFORMED:below footing eNwtfon while Highmark prepared footing. Con15 LABOR WORKER'S NAME WORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OT HRS OT RATE AMOUNT any Christensen OperaW Foreman 3.00 $ 05.05 $ I Z.42 $285.15 Mquei Castro Lebow 100 $ 98.71 $ 10C.0e 5200,13 $ - $ $0,00 $ S 50.00 $ S $0.00 LABOR SUBTOTAL 5485.28 29%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT.BONDING.INSURANCE ANDTAXI 5140.73 Per WSDOT Spec 149.6,add an additional 2%for Contractor Sick Leave] $9.71 TOTAL LABOR 1 $6311-72 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TYPE EQUIPMENT SIZE REG HRS REG RATE STDSY HRS STDBY RATE AMOUNT Chevrolet 35M-indudes small tools Toot Truck 3 S 63.39 S 7.61 $190.17 $ $ $0.00 $ S $0.00 EQUIPMENT SUBTOTAL $190.17 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE ANDrAXI 539.94 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $250.11 MATERIALS andfor SERVICES VENDOR&INVOICE i MATERIAL SUB TOTAL TAX AMOUNT W00 $0.00 $0,00 50.00 500D $0.00 MATERIALS SUBTOTAL INCLUDING TAK $0.00 21%OVERHEAD AND PROFIT,BONDING,INSURANCE AND TAX $0.00 TOTAL MATERIALS $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INVOICED WORK VENDOR&INVOICES WORK DESCRIPTION AMOUNT $0.00 $0.00 SUBCONTRACTOR INV SUBTCTAL S0.00 Tax on MatenA(if appk") SO.00 TOTAL SUBCONTRACTOR INV WORK $0,00 AMOUNT PRIME Sublaul of tabor,Equipment,&Material work 5865.83 SUBCONTRACTOR Subtotal of Labor,Equipment,Material,&Subcontractor invoiced work $0.00 Markups on work petlormed by Subcontractor.up to 525,000a12%,525,000-$100.000.10%Greater than 5100,000.7% 0% Subcontractor Mark-up 50.00 TOTAL COST $866.83 f ' If checked,tltk work Is In dispula.By Wining We form,parties am agtaeirig to the time and resort El nasdsd to atam;Ift the task. Enddemot to be determined at a law data. Ownees atve Rape W"eve Form Date 2/2023 DAILY REPORT OF CONTRACTOR'S WORK i i ro ect: 108th Ave SE and SE 264th St Compact Roundabout Date of Work: 1110124 Owner. City of Kent Project No: 21-3004 Prim Contractor. Strickland and Sons Excavation Fed Aid No: HISP 1129(001) Subcontractor. Work` Sub? (marts k"if yes) Description of Dewatering operations for retaining wail.Run pump to keep water level below footing elevation while Work: carpenters and iron worker prepared footing LABOR NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHT TIME HOURS OT HOURS Terry Christensen Operator Foreman 3 Miguel Castro laborer 3 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS HOURS WORKING HOURS STANDBY Chevrolet 3500 tool truck 3 MATERIALS I SERVICE MATERIALS!SERVICE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY INVOICE REFERENCE PRICE Verification of Hours Worked: Terry Christensen Note: Payment for this work is in dispute. By signing this form, parties ConBacws Representative(Panted name} are agreeing to the time, materials, and equipment needed to accomplish this task. Entitlement to be determined at a later date. Contr—tes R tative Data Sean Flint Comments: s Repmaenta9w(Pdnted name) Y'Gam,j owes R flue Date ay Estimate Entered: Date: 1/10/2024 By: 1 of 1 P-17(Rev.2019 Mar)