HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2024-085 - Original - Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority - WATPA Grant for Clubs Purchases - 02/01/2024 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form Dir Asst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. Originator: Department: Sara Wood Police Date Sent: Date Required: 0 02/27/2024 3/1/2024 Q Director or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q N/A Budget Account Number: Grant?zYesE]No N00910 Budget?E:l YesEl No Type: State Vendor Name: Category: WASPC - WATPA Grant: Non-Real Property Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Original 0 Project Name: WATPA Mini-Grant for Club Purchases E 11- Project Details:This mini-grant will towards the purchase of steering wheel locks/CLUBS = for an auto theft prevention campaign we will be working on. Agreement Amount: $4 6 00 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other QJ *Memo to Mayor must be attached 3- Start Date: 2/1/2024 Termination Date: 6/30/2024 CA Q Local Business?F—]YesPorlNo* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.700,pleosecomplete"VendorPurchase-Locol Exceptions"form onCityspoce. Business License Verification:Yes:In-Process:Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: ❑Yes No CAG2024-085 Comments: p1 C n 30 41 N •� i � 3 � a+ fC C N date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: Interlocal Agreement has been uploaded to website: adccW22313_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 AGREEMENT BETWEEN SPOKANE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE WASIiINGTON AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY A UTO THEFT PREVENTION GRANT PROGRAMAWARD AGREEMENT Award Recipient Name and Address: Award Period: Kent Police Department 02/01/24-06/30/25 220 Fourth Avenue South Amount Approved Kent,WA 98032 $4,600.00 Requests for reimbursement under this agreement are subject to the following Budget: PERSONNEL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS � - CPVERTIIVIE - CONSULTANTSJCONTRACTS $ - TRAVEL/TRAINING OTHER EXPENSES PUBLIC OUTREACH � EQUIPMENT/TECH 4,600.00 PROSECUTION - Total: L'6W-00 IN WITNESS WIiEREOF,the WATPA and RECIPIENT acknowledge and accept the terms of this AGREEMENT and attachments hereto,and in witness whereof have executed this AGREEMENT as of the date and year last written below.The rights and obligations of both parties to this AGREEMENT are governed by the information on this Award Sheet and other documents incorporated Iterein by reference: Agreement Specific Terms and Conditions, and Agreement General Terms and Conditions. WATPA RECIPIENT v Name/ Michael Painter, Name/ `,(� O� �o1i C� Title: WATPA,Executive Director Title: (;� Date: 2/1/2024 Date: `I WASHINGTON AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF SHERIFFS AND POLICE CHIEFS 3060 Willamette Drive NE,Suite 101—Lacey,WA 98516—Phone:(360)292-7900—Fax:(360)292-7269 Website:www.WaAutoTheftPreventionAuthority.org `preventing and reducing motor vehicle thefts in the State of Washington." January 29, 2024 Chief Rafael Padilla Kent Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Chief Padilla: I am pleased to inform you that Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority(WATPA) Board of Directors has approved the Kent Police Department grant application for funding of Supply of Clubs. The award is in the amount of$4,600.00. The grant award is effective February 1, 2024 and expires on June 30, 2025. This award is a one-time event and does not imply or promise availability of funds for replacement or continuation of funding after June 30, 2025. Further, it is the responsibility of the grant recipient to explore and confirm all potential legal ramifications when employing WATPA funded equipment or assets. Enclosed is an award agreement. This agreement is to be signed and returned to WATPA. Expenditures prior to the award effective date or after the grant expiration date are not authorized and will not be reimbursed. All grant awards are subject to Grant Policies and Procedures of the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority. Costs will be paid on a reimbursement basis. Your agency will be reimbursed for actual expenses only up to the limit of the award categories. All grantees must sign the attached non-supplanting agreement before reimbursement can begin. Also, please note that reimbursement requests by grant recipients will only be processed upon receipt of current semi-annual reports, due on June 15 and December 15 each year, by the WATPA office. The semi-annual report form is available on the WATPA website, www.WaAutoTheftPreventionAuthority If you have any questions,please contact me at 360-292-7959 or via e-mail at mpainter&waspc org. Sincerely, /I t-kj�e Michael Painter, Executive Director Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority JOHN BATISTE JAMES SKOGMAN JOHN GESE CHRIS GUERRERO DARREN WALLACE Chief—WA State Patrol Insurance Industry Sheriff f-Kitsap County Chief—Kennewick PD Sheriff-Grays Harbor County JOHN MARTIN STEVE STRACHAN MIKE PAINTER PETE FISHER VACANT General Public Executive Director-WASPC Executive Director-WATPA Chief—Fife PD Automobile Industry WASHINGTON AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY WATPA Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy & Procedure Guide October 2017 Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority 3060 Willamette Dr. NE, Suite 101 Lacey, WA 98516 360-292-7900 Available on-line at www.WaAutoTheftPreventionAuthority.org Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority GRANT PROCEDURES AND POLICIES ➢ Purpose ➢ The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to grant applicants, recipients and sub-recipients regarding compliance with Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA)procedures and policies. This manual is not intended to be an all-encompassing statement of responsibilities,but is intended to identify the information and requirements most relevant to the grant recipient. ➢ Applicability ➢ The content of this manual is applicable to: o WATPA Grant Program applications and awards o Grant recipients and sub-recipients. o Grant supported activities. o Management and accountability of grant funds. o Management and accountability of program income. ➢ Notice of Possible Changes ➢ This guide is updated periodically to reflect changes in applicable federal or state law and/or Authority policy. Changes are effective immediately. ➢ Policy and procedure changes will be posted on the WATPA website at www.WaAutoTheftPreventionAuthority.org as they occur. WATPA staff will attempt to notify grant recipients of changes. However, grant recipients should periodically check the website to ensure they are up-to-date on policies and procedures applicable to their grants. ➢ Grant Principles ➢ The purpose of grant funding is to support local and state projects, undertaken at the recipient's initiative, to reduce motor vehicle theft in Washington State. Financial assistance provided through the grant program is intended to address motor vehicle theft issues in the areas of prevention, enforcement,prosecution, , public awareness and education, and technology and equipment. These areas of need narrow the purpose for which grant funding is intended, and for what, when and how funds may be expended. 2 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Receipt of grant funding is not an entitlement. o Funding is limited, intended for specific purposes, and limited by both programmatic and fiscal restrictions. o The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority has a responsibility to ensure that grant funding is distributed to provide the most effective outcomes for the State of Washington. o Grants are awarded based upon a variety of criteria including: ■ Where motor vehicle theft is a more significant problem ■ Proposed methods of reducing motor vehicle theft ■ Success of proposed activities ■ Past performance ■ Previous grant procedure compliance ■ Multi jurisdiction participation in grant activities Significant emphasis is placed on grant proposals that include multiple jurisdiction activities ■ Grant recipient's matching financial contribution to funding activities o Previous receipt of grant funds does not guarantee future funding. ➢ Receipt of grant funding includes conditions and responsibilities o The grant funding provided through the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority is accounted for in two ways. ■ Financial Accountability o WATPA funding is appropriated by the Legislature and approved by the Governor o All grant funds are subject to review and audit ➢ All grant recipients are required to submit periodic financial reports to the WATPA. ➢ Program Accountability o Grant recipients are required to submit periodic reports on program progress. The nature and frequency of reports is at the discretion of the WATPA Board of Directors. WATPA may revoke a grant award if timely, clear and meaningful information on accomplishments is not received from the grant recipients. o The WATPA is required to report activities and outcomes to the Washington State Legislature and the Governor on an annual basis. 3 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Grant Awards o The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority(WATPA)will allocate funds to public agencies for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, and supporting programs that are designed to prevent motor vehicle theft. All awards will be based on the evaluation of grant proposals by WATPA staff with review and final approval by the Authority members. Funds will be made available through grants that address the following: ➢ Law Enforcement o Awarded to law enforcement agencies to promote more efficient and effective motor vehicle theft investigation and enforcement. o Financial support may be provided to a unit of local government or a team consisting of multiple units of local governments (i.e. task forces). o Law enforcement agencies in the State of Washington will be notified of the availability and purpose of grant funds and will be eligible to submit applications for grants provided they comply with the terms and conditions of the grant. o Grant requests for financial support of enforcement efforts shall include budget proposals sufficient to fund proposed activities, which include, but are not limited to: ■ Administration costs ■ Law enforcement costs ■ Prosecution costs ➢ Professional Training o Awarded to law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies to promote professional training and development of law enforcement officers or prosecutors. Awards may be used for tuition and/or travel expenses. o Agencies and prosecutorial offices within the State of Washington will be notified of the availability and purpose of grant funds and will be eligible to submit applications for grants provided they comply with the terms and conditions of the grant. o Applications will be considered based upon their expected benefit to the statewide effort to reduce and/or prevent motor vehicle theft. 4 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Technology and Equipment o Financial support provided for the procurement of equipment and technology for use by law enforcement agencies for the purpose of reducing motor vehicle theft. o May be a stand-alone request or incorporated as part of an overall motor vehicle theft reduction package (example: investigation, apprehension, analysis, prosecution, etc.) ➢ Prosecution o Awarded to prosecuting attorney offices within the State of Washington to enhance motor vehicle theft prosecution. o Awards are based upon review of areas of greatest need and expected improvement of the motor vehicle theft problem in Washington. ➢ Public Awareness and Education o Awarded to public agencies for programs that are designed to educate and assist the public in the prevention of motor vehicle theft. ➢ Notification ➢ The WATPA will notify law enforcement agencies,prosecutors, and other public agencies within the State of Washington when grant applications will be accepted. o This notice will also be posted on the WATPA website at www.WaAutoTheftPreventionAuthority.org under the general heading of GRANTS. ➢ Notification will include: o Purpose of grants including types of expenditures that will be approved and/or disapproved o Statement of how the recipient agencies will receive the grant funds o Policy on funding equipment purchases o Application closing date and time o Date of information meeting, if planned o Information regarding performance measures o Application format o Information regarding financial reports o Grant application review and approval procedures o Notice that applications will not be considered if they fail to comply with grant application instruction and requirements 5 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Grant Applications All grant applications must satisfy the following conditions o Must be approved by the Authority Board of Directors o Must be submitted by the deadline announced by the Authority o Are only accepted from public agencies within the State of Washington o Must be prepared in accordance with all applicable documents, forms and guidelines adopted by the WATPA o Must include the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of the authorized official,project director, and financial officer o Must include which performance measures will be used when requested o Law enforcement agencies that apply for WATPA grants must ensure that stolen motor vehicle information is entered in WACIC operated by the Washington State Patrol o Require an agreement signed by an authorized representative of the grant recipient and Executive Director of the WATPA before the grant will be funded o Applications for grants that include procurement of equipment are subject to the following conditions: • Statement that the applicant will comply with their governing body's procurement requirements (specifically regarding bid requirements for equipment of a certain value). • If equipment is valued over $ 5,000,the WATPA may require the recipient to record and report performance data and impact on vehicle theft in its jurisdiction for three years from the date of purchase • The recipient will own the equipment awarded through the grant and as a condition of the grant award, must accept responsibility for maintaining the equipment and ensuring that it is used for the stated purposes • A statement justifying the need for the equipment and expectations for the reduction of motor vehicle theft in the recipient's jurisdiction must be included with the proposal o Other information or documentation may be required ➢ Disqualification of Application o Requests that do not conform to the purpose of the grant announcement o Applications which are submitted after 3:00 p.m. on the due date o The Authority reserves the right to table any grant request for further consideration or to obtain additional information 6 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide The completed grant application will be mailed or delivered to: Grant Program Manager Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority 3060 Willamette Dr. NE, Suite 101 Lacey,WA 98516 ➢ Review and approval/denial of Grant Applications o The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority staff will review grant applications for compliance with guidelines. o Following staff review, the Authority members will review and take action on grant proposals. o The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority will review only those grant applications in compliance with the applicable documents, forms, and guidelines adopted by the Authority. o The Authority may award a grant, award a grant with modifications, or reject a grant application. o All grant award decisions by the Authority are final. ➢ Criteria for Evaluation of Grant application o Application criteria ■ Application received timely ■ Application is complete ■ Application is from a public agency within the State of Washington ■ Application is prepared in accordance with requirements announced in public notification ■ Application includes names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of the authorized official,project director, and financial officer ■ Application includes required non-supplanting declaration. ■ Application containing a request for equipment exceeding $5,000, must include three price quotes or reasons why three quotes were not available before funding is released. o Agency criteria ■ The agency is not ineligible for future grant awards due to the termination for cause of a prior grant award o Program criteria(criteria and requirements set forth in the notification regarding specifics of the grant program) o Other information that must be included 7 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ■ Name of agency or agencies participating in proposed activities ■ Population of jurisdiction (s) ■ Motor vehicle thefts in the primary applicant jurisdiction (annual and monthly) ■ Annual motor vehicle recoveries and arrests in jurisdiction(s) ■ County(s)that are included ■ Prior funding received ■ Multi jurisdiction task force participation and activities in jurisdiction ➢ Revision of Grant Applications o The Authority may require revision of a grant application to comply with all applicable State and federal laws, guidelines, rules, regulations, and applicable administrative and financial requirements for funded projects. ➢ Non-supplanting Requirements ➢ Monies expended from the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Account shall not be used to supplant other monies that are available for vehicle theft prevention. ➢ At minimum, each recipient shall declare, as part of their application, that the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority funds will not be used to replace State or local funds that would have been available in the absence of grant funds. ➢ Notification of Grant awards and acceptance ➢ Grant applicants will be notified of application status following final action by the Authority. ➢ Each recipient shall accept or reject a grant award in the form and manner prescribed by the WATPA within 30 days of the grant award date. ➢ Failure by the recipient to execute the grant agreement within 30 days of the award date will be construed as rejection of the grant award. ➢ A 30-day extension may be requested in writing. ➢ No funds will be released to the grant recipient until a signed agreement is completed. ➢ Administration of a Grant ➢ Grants shall be administered in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations,policies, or guidelines; and policies,procedures, terms, conditions, standards, or stipulations of grant agreements defined by the Authority. 8 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Term of Grants ➢ All grant awards will be for a term as specified in the grant announcement. ➢ Grant award terms will be based on Washington State biennial funding periods. (Biennium begins July 1 every odd numbered year—2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, etc.) o Grant award terms shall be for no more than two years. o Grant award terms may be less than two years but must end no later than the biennium end date (June 30 of odd numbered years) as expenditure of state appropriations are only authorized during a specific biennium. o State law does not allow appropriations from the Auto Theft Prevention Account to carry forward past the end of a biennium. ➢ Grant Modifications ➢ Prior written approval from the Executive Director or designee is required for any changes in the project scope, objectives, approach, or geographical location of the grant including the following: o Transfers of funds among any cost category. o Changes in the number or job descriptions of personnel specified in the grant agreement. o Changes in the grant period. o Other changes for which the grant agreement or grant and contract management policies and procedures require prior approval. o A recipient must provide written notification to the Executive Director of all changes in the project director, financial officer, or authorized official. ➢ Grant Extension ➢ Prior to the end of the grant period, a recipient may submit to the WATPA Executive Director, a written request for a grant extension. ➢ Extension requests must be submitted no later than 90 days prior to the closing date. ➢ Extensions will be considered for time only and not additional funding. ➢ No extension will be granted beyond a biennium end date. 9 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Obligation of Grant Funds ➢ Grant funds shall not be obligated prior to the effective date or after the end date of the grant period. ➢ Obligations must be related to goods or services provided and used for approved motor vehicle theft reduction and prevention purposes. ➢ All goods and services must be received by the end date of the grant to qualify for reimbursement. ➢ Every item or service procured must be allowable and both necessary and reasonable for the grant program. ➢ All obligations or encumbrances incurred before the grant end date shall be paid no later than 15 days after the grant end date. ➢ Any remaining non-expended funds at the end of the 15 day period shall be de- obligated. ➢ Program income o Program income is revenue generated by grant supported activities, such as seminar/conference fees, partial fees for service, or forfeitures. o Such income is subject to the same fiscal and programmatic controls as grant funds. o Program income is considered to be property of the generating grant supported activity, and must be dedicated to that activity, at least to the extent that the activity is supported by WATPA funding. o Program income must be documented and reported to WATPA in required financial reports. ➢ Expenditures are for grant purposes and shall: o Be only those necessary for proper and efficient administration of the project. o Be only those allowable under the principles and standards of the WATPA provided herein. o Be allowable under applicable State and federal laws, rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines. o Be incurred on or after the first day of the award period and on or before the end date of the award period as designated in the Grant Program Award Sheet. o Be adequately supported by source documentation. o The recipient agrees to use the approved purchasing practices and bid procedures required by the applicable governmental unit, community, agency, or organization for expenditures involving project activity. o The recipient agrees to maintain accounting records following generally accepted accounting principles for the expenditure of grant funds. o The recipient agrees to maintain all documentation for costs incurred for a five-year period following the final payment for the project. 10 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Property management and inventory o Program assets must remain dedicated to the grant supported activity for which they were procured. o All items considered equipment (capitol assets other than land, buildings and infrastructure costing $5,000 or more as well as small and attractive items with a value of less than $5,000 but with a life expectancy exceeding one year)whether acquired in part or in whole with grant funds, are subject to the following controls: ■ Property records must be maintained which include: o Description ■ Serial number or other identification number ■ Source (procurement/acquisition source) ■ Identification of title holder ■ Acquisition date ■ Cost ■ Identification and percentage of the items cost by fund source (individual grant awards, individual awards matching funds, other specific fund sources) ■ Location ■ Use and condition ■ Disposal data, including date, disposal method, and realized value or assessed fair market value if not sold ■ A control system must exist to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent: o Loss o Damage o Theft o Any loss, damage, or theft shall be investigated by the grant recipient, and the appropriate property records will be annotated with the essential information and findings. ■ Property and inventory records are subject to monitoring and audit review, and shall be maintained at the project level in addition to such other location as the grant recipient organizational policies require. ➢ Grant Fund Disbursement Funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis. ➢ Requesting payment—Reimbursement of expenditures 11 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide o Recipients shall request reimbursement no more than once each month. o Timing of reimbursement requests—expenditure reports ■ Reimbursement requests are due within 15 days of the end of the billing period. ■ Final or close-out reports are due no later than fifteen (15) days after the end of the award period. ■ Any grant recipient foreseeing difficulty submitting by this date should contact the WATPA well in advance. o Corrections of prior expenditure errors are to be made on the first reimbursement request following detection of the error(s), or by a special expenditure report not requesting payment. ➢ Suspension of Funds/Termination of Grant ➢ The Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority may terminate any grant award for failure to comply with any of the following: o Applicable State and federal laws, rules, regulations,policies, or guidelines. o Terms, conditions, standards, or stipulations of grant agreements including reporting. o Terms, conditions, standards, or stipulations of any other grant awarded to the recipient. ➢ Suspending reimbursement of grant funds to a recipient may be imposed by the WATPA and immediately halts all processing of grant funds to the individual grant recipient. o The most common causes for this sanction being imposed is failure to comply with reporting requirements or non-compliance with the terms and conditions of a grant award. This sanction may also be imposed as an interim measure if termination is being considered. o When non-compliance with reporting procedures is the stated cause of the suspension of funds,bringing reporting requirements up-to-date in compliance with the reporting schedule will be sufficient to reinstate fund reimbursement. o During a suspension, unless funds are suspended pending termination of the grant, the grant recipient may provisionally continue to obligate grant funds. Continued obligation of funds is contingent on the suspension cause being resolved timely either prior to the due date of reports or other announced date. o Notice of suspension may be by e-mail to any individual identified on the grant recipient's Signature Authorization Form. If the cause of the suspension is not promptly resolved,written notice will be provided with seven(7) working days of the initial notice. 12 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Termination is the early closure of a grant award, and may be effective either immediately upon notice, or upon a specified date (usually not later than the end of the next complete month). o Termination of a grant shall be based on finding(s) that: ■ A grant recipient has acted illegally or has failed to comply with grant procedures and policies; ■ Deficient condition(s)make it unlikely that the major objectives of the grant will be accomplished; ■ Deficient condition(s) cannot be corrected within a period of time adjudged acceptable by the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority; ■ Failure to respond to audit or monitoring findings by the required date; and/or ■ A recipient has failed to act in good faith. o Termination may be preceded by a notice that the grant recipient's funds have been suspended pending termination. o Effective the date that grant funds are suspended pending termination or the date of the termination, whichever is earlier, obligation of funds by the grant recipient is no longer authorized and funds may not be expended by the grant recipient, nor reimbursed by the WATPA. o The WATPA shall notify recipients of the conditions and findings constituting grounds for termination. o Unexpended or unobligated funds awarded to a recipient shall,upon termination of a grant, revert to the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority Account in the Washington State Treasury. o A recipient may be found ineligible for future grant awards, if a grant awarded to the recipient has been terminated. ➢ Audit and Review ➢ The recipient agrees to allow the WATPA staff and any of their duly authorized representative's access, for purposes of inspection, audit, and examination, to any books, documents,papers, records, equipment and personnel of the recipient or sub-recipients that are related to the grant project. ➢ Grant recipients shall supply a copy of any annual state or local audit reports conducted during the award period to the WATPA. ➢ The WATPA may conduct periodic financial audits of the grant to ensure the grant funds have been spent in accordance with the policies of the Authority and grant contract. ➢ The WATPA may conduct periodic program reviews of the project to determine adherence to stated project scope and to review progress of the project toward meeting its goals and objectives. 13 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide ➢ Financial and Progress Reports ➢ Progress and financial reports are to be submitted as requested by the Authority. o Semi-annual financial and progress reports are due no later than 15 days following the end of December and June of each year. o Failure to submit any required reports prior to specified due dates may result in suspension of grant funds. o Failure to submit reports after being notified that they are past due may result in suspension of funds and/or termination of the grant. ➢ Progress reports shall follow a specified format identified by the WATPA. ➢ Equal Opportunity ➢ The recipient must agree to comply with all applicable state and local laws and rules regarding equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all programs, activities, services, and employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or handicap. ➢ The recipient must agree to include in all recruiting materials,promotional materials, and advertisements that all applicants will receive equal consideration for employment and that all programs, activities, and services will be provided equally without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual origin or handicap. ➢ The recipient must agree to post, in a conspicuous place, notices setting forth the law on equal opportunity in employment and public accommodations. ➢ Publications ➢ Recipients are encouraged to make the results and accomplishments of their activities available to the public. However, responsibility for the direction of the project/program activity should not be ascribed to the WATPA. ➢ All printed materials funded by grant awards shall contain an acknowledgement of WATPA assistance ➢ A draft of any proposed printed materials funded by grant awards shall be forwarded to the WATPA for review and approval 3 working days in advance of the anticipated printing date. 14 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide APPENDIX A—STANDARD ALLOWABLE EXPENSES Allowable costs are limited to those costs that are reasonable and necessary to the implementation of a project, allocable to the project, consistently treated, and previously authorized under the specific award. Authorized costs: • Salaries and Overtime are authorized provided that compensation is reasonable and consistent to that paid for similar work in other activities within the jurisdiction. Overtime and other differential pay for units of local government is deemed to be approved by the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority provided that the rates are in accordance with the policies of the jurisdiction and in compliance with the terms and criteria of the grant award or application. Compensatory time (comp time) requested by grant funded FTE's is not eligible for reimbursement. • Benefits and Position Related Allowances are authorized provided that compensation is reasonable and consistent to that paid for similar work in other activities within the jurisdiction. • Consultants/Contracts: • Consultant compensation for individual consultant services must be reasonable and consistent with that paid for similar services in the marketplace. The maximum authorized rate is $450 per day unless prior approval is obtained in writing. • Consultation provided by commercial and non-profit organizations is subject to competitive bidding procedures and limited to the existing market costs for such services, not by the $450 a day rate. • Consultation compensation for individuals associated with educational institutions is limited to the consultant's academic salary(annual) divided by 260. • Consultation compensation for individuals employed by government agencies is authorized only when the agency will not provide the consultation without payment. If payment is required it is limited to the daily salary rate of the individual. Note: if the individual is not representing the employing agency their compensation should be treated as if for a private/commercial individual. • Contracts to perform business functions essential to the operation of the grant activity, which are not part of the statement of work or defined in the grant application, require prior approval. • Contracts to perform business functions essential to the operation of the grant activity, as defined in the statement of work or defined in the grant application, when the intent to contract the work(or identifies participating agencies to perform the work) has been specified in the grant application are to be considered approved unless specified otherwise. • Equipment—directly related to motor vehicle theft operations excluding weapons. Grant funds may be used to lease or rent vehicles normally used in covert or other auto theft operations. Lease or rent payments shall not exceed $700.00 per month, per vehicle and must be approved as part of an initial funding package. Vehicle purchases are not allowed. 15 Auto Theft Prevention Grants Policy&Procedure Guide • Technology costs as detailed in an approved award budget. • Indirect Costs are not authorized. Specific administrative costs directly related to approved programs, if included and explained in the grant application, may be approved. • Lodging and Per Diem in compliance with either local travel policies or state travel policies. The chosen method shall be noted in the grant application. If there are no written policies for the organization, state travel policies shall apply. • Food and beverages if scheduled as part of a conference, workshop or non-standard work related event where each of the following conditions applies: — Both the provision of the foodibeverage and the cost is considered reasonable and necessary. — The food or beverage is available to all participants of the general event. — The food or beverage is not directly related to amusement and/or a social event (any event at which alcohol is served). — A speaker is provided at a lunch or dinner. — The event is supported with a formal agenda. — The event must be mandatory for all participants (not select participants only). — No payment for bar charges with registration fees (program income). — No grant funds are authorized for purchase of alcoholic beverages. — Conference, workshop or event breaks may include appropriate snacks. — Surrounding events must provide substantive information. — Events do not end with a meal and/or break. Note:Exhibits do not constitute substantive information. Note:If the food and beverages supplied constitute a meal,per diem for that meal is not authorized(exemption for specific dietary rules/requirements is accepted). • Travel within the United States, at or below reimbursable rates approved by the Washington State Office of Financial Management. • Other Costs: — Office supplies. — Project specific supplies supportive of activity defined in the Statement of Work or grant application. — Postage. — Building/office space costs for task force personnel and equipment as detailed in an approved award budget. 16