HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 12/18/2023 (2) Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting December 18, 2023 Minutes Held In-Person APPROVED - January 29, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: (8) Julie Dunn, Maria Castro, Erik Jacobs, Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin (remote), Allison Hopstad (remote), Connie Stolpp, Wendy Graves. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: (2) Prem Subedi (excused) and Brian Smith. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown (remote), Sara Wood. Guests: Brad. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston 8 of 10 members present. Three Staff and one guest present. 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves None. 4. November 2023 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik J. motion, Gordon seconds, Board approved 8-0. S. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) — Wood • Sara shared her PowerPoint presentation (PDF attached) and covered Target Zero funding and program updates. • Sara also discussed WTSC Data Dashboards and the State's Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program which has money available every 2 years. • City submitted SRTS applications in both 2020 and 2022 and was awarded a grant to install school speed zone flashers at 7 elementary schools, construction in 2024. 6. Report on WA State SRTS Event — Dunn • Sara discusses SRTS • SE 248t" St, SRTS on Daniel Elementary in the early 2000s • Most funds now are engineering • No longer enforcement • Sara is looking into a walking school bus. • Erik J: walking bus? KBAB is working on a bike bus like Portland 7. Role of KBAB — Graves • Defer to next meeting due to absences. 8. 2024 Bike Rodeo Purchases — Graves • KBAB is waiting on logo from Multimedia. • Do not want a banner that says KBAB. Want something that says #Ride Kent, or #Bike Kent, or something similar. Can use Kent city logo? • Start order banners, yard signs, swag once they have a logo. • Wendy is going to start a spreadsheet for purchases Page 1 of 3 9. Festival & Events Sub-Committee - Graves (Follows item 6) • Julie gives an update on SRTS Zoom meeting. Seattle has a Let's Go! program. Seattle partners with Cascade Bikes. There is money in education. Julie looked at Cascade's site for program details. Cascade goes out and trains PE teachers. Kids learn bike safety through PE. Julie is trying to bring the program to Kent. • Cascade's Program: RFP March 21st. for 24-25 schools • Equity • Want a district champion. • Need to get in touch with the person at KSD that is in charge of PE curriculum. • Need to get this in the PE program. • Tina Castello from Cascade: Statewide education coordinator for state. KBAB should start looking at smaller grants and work up to bigger grants. • Lisa Watson, KC Dept of Health, has some grants coming up. • Spark grants from League of American Bicyclists. Small $1,500. • Maria has a list of school officials that responded to Bike Rodeo emails. That might be a way into the schools. • AARP has a "pop-up" tool kit for pop-up improvement projects (how much for bike lanes, sidewalks, etc.) • Kent has good trail systems. How do you get from a trial or park or school to get somewhere? • Maria: Neely-O'Brien is close to the Green River Trail. Looked at where the bike lanes are. Maybe can paint bike lanes. Paint bike lanes on: 236th to Lakeside, to 240th to trail. Erik P - let's talk more offline. • Tim: Two concerns about painted only. Drivers don't respect paint. Elementary school students may not be the most stable riders. • Gordon: I have seen paint in San Francisco. Slippery? Erik P: can add corundum to the paint for friction. Torch-down materials also have friction. • Maria: Looking at Neely-O'Brien because it's walk-only. Maybe a middle school? • KBAB will request bike helmets for Cruzin' Kent. • YMCA is going to do a display for KBAB in April. Sara - let her know when KBAB needs more. (After Item 7) • Winterfest was a success. Gave away all the helmets. • YMCA has an event in April. KBAB will participate (healthy kids). 10.113icvcle Infrastructure Sub-Committee - Graves • Erik J gives an overview of what they have been working on. Gap map needs new project numbers. Working with Engineering on new cross sections. • Infrastructure committee has not met yet. Early 2024 • Monthly rides, we have about 22. Moving from paper to online, RidewithGPS.com needs more pictures and longer descriptions. • Connie: map flyer with QR codes was the most popular handout. • Board wants #Bike Kent 11.Monthly Rides and Promotion - Jacobs • Rides are still being promoted by City 12.Communications - Preston • 3 terms ending soon. Gordon, Tim, Allison. Were first terms. 2nd term if they want them. • Reflector bands came in. • Can QR code for KBAB take people to the KBAB web page? Erik will investigate. Page 2 of 3 • Need to update Rodeo waiver. Rob will work with Law to get it updated. 13.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston Next meetings: January 29, February 26, and March 25, 2024. 14.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves • Role of KBAB • KBAB purchases • KBAB grants for improvements in the City 15.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:03pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3