HomeMy WebLinkAbout4483 ORDINANCE No.4483 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to land use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of a 1.09-acre parcel located at 23453 30th Ave South, Kent, Washington from MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MTC- 2 (Midway Transit Community 2). RECITALS A. An application to rezone one parcel totaling approximately 1.09 acres in size from the current zoning of MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MTC-2 (Midway Transit Community 2), was filed on March 23, 2023, by Sound Transit (Kent Multi Use Rezone RZ-2023-1, KIVA#RPP4-2230743). B. Environmental review is not required under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act. This property is categorically exempt under WAC 197-11-800(6)(iii) since it is located in the Midway Subarea (Ordinance 4009, 2011) which was previously subjected to environmental review and analysis through an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The EIS adequately addressed the environmental impacts of the rezone. C. After the publication and giving of notice, a public hearing on the Kent Multi Use rezone was held before the Hearing Examiner on November 1, 2023. Following the public hearing, on December 5, 2023, the Hearing Examiner issued his findings and conclusions that the Sound Transit Rezone is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan, that the proposed rezone and any subsequent development would be compatible with the existing neighborhood, that the proposed rezone would not unduly burden the transportation system, that circumstances have changed substantially 1 Sound Transit Rezone to warrant the proposed rezone, and that the proposed rezone would not adversely affect public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. D. Based on these findings and conclusions, the Hearing Examiner recommended Council approve the Kent Multi Use Rezone. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Hearing Examiner's Findings and Conclusions Adopted. The Hearing Examiner's findings and conclusions pertaining to the Kent Multi Use Rezone issued on December 5, 2023, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A," are consistent with sections 15.09.050(A)(3) and 15.09.050(C) of the Kent City Code. The findings of the hearing examiner are accepted, and the Kent City Council adopts the Hearing Examiner's recommendation for approval of the Sound Transit Rezone of the 1.09-acre parcel from MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MTC-2 (Midway Transit Community 2). SECTION 2. - Rezone. The property located at 23453 30th Ave South, Kent, Washington, consisting of approximately 1.09 acres of land as depicted in the attached and incorporated Exhibit "B," and legally described in the attached and incorporated Exhibit "C," is rezoned as follows: King County tax parcel number 2500600495 located in Kent, Washington, shall be rezoned from MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MTC-2 (Midway Transit Community 2). The City of Kent zoning map shall be amended to reflect the rezone granted above. SECTION 3, - Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the 2 Sound Transit Rezone correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations. SECTION 4, - SeverabilitY. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, that decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and that remaining portion shall maintain its full force and effect. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage. 'Daxo-.—dD I--**-- January 16, 2024 DANA RALPH, MXICR Date Approved ATTEST: �P January 16, 2024 KIMBERL . KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted January 19, 2024 Date Published APP ED AS TO FORM: WHITE, CITY ATTORNEY 3 Sound Transit Rezone EXHIBIT A 1 BEFORE THE CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER 2 IN RE: ) HEARING NO. PSRZ-2230743/ RZ-2023-1 3 SOUND TRANSIT 250060-0495. ) FINDINGS OF FACT AND 4 ) CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO CITY 5 ) COUNCIL 6 APPLICANT: Sound Transit 7 REPRESENTATIVE: Matthew Mateo 8 SITE LOCATION: 23453 30th Avenue South, Kent, Washington. Parcel No. 2500600495. 9 PLANNER: Sam Alcorn,AICP 10 11 APPLICANT'S REQUEST: 12 The Applicant proposes a site-specific rezone amendment to change the site's zoning from MHP- Mobile Home Park to MTC-2-Midway Transit Community 2. The parcel is adjacent to the Kent 13 Des Moines light rail station within the Midway Subarea and all surrounding parcels are presently zoned MTC-1 or MTC-2. 14 SUMMARY OF DECISION: 15 The Hearing Examiner Pro Tern recommends that the proposed amendment to the site's zoning 16 from MHP to MTC-2 be approved without conditions. 17 DATE OF DECISION: December 5, 2023. 18 BACKGROUND 19 The first of two light rail stations proposed for the City of Kent is nearing completion. All 20 properties comprising the light rail station or adjacent to it are presently zoned MTC-1 or MTC-2 with the exception of the parcel in question, currently zoned MHP-Mobile Home Park. The 21 Applicant, Sound Transit, seeks to have this parcel's zoning amended to MTC-2 consistent with all surrounding properties as well as with the site's land use designation of TOC-Transit Oriented 22 Center in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The request has the full support of City Staff and has not had any public opposition. 23 24 25 Findings of Fact and Conclusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Low and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O.BOX 939 to City Council- 1 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone: 360-748-3386/Fax: 748-3387 I PUBLIC HEARING 2 The matter came before the Hearing Examiner' for public hearing at approximately 9:00 a.m., on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. The hearing took place remotely with the City Staff serving as 3 host. The City appeared through Sam Alcorn,Planner. The Applicant appeared through 4 Matthew Mateo. Other City Staff and Applicant representatives were also present. No members of the public were present and there was no public testimony. Testimony was received from Mr. 5 Alcorn and Mr. Mateo. All testimony was taken under oath and a verbatim recording of the proceedings was maintained. 6 The following exhibits were received in advance of the public hearing or during the public 7 hearing: 8 1. Staff Report dated August 30, 2023. 2. Application Materials 9 a. Application dated March 23, 2023. b. Narrative dated March 23, 2023. 10 3. Site Plan dated May 3, 2023. 11 4. Staff Report & Agenda Distribution List with Declaration of Delivery dated October 23, 2023. 12 5. Notice of Public Hearing Mailing a. Notice of Public Hearing dated October 2023. 13 b. Notice of Public Hearing Distribution List & Affidavit of Mailing dated October 20, 2023. 14 C. Notice of Public Hearing Ad& Confirmation of Publication dated October 20, 2023. 15 d. Affidavit of Posting dated October 20, 2023. e. 300' Radius List dated October 20,2023. 16 6. Notice of Application (NOA) 17 a. NOA Packet dated May 19, 2023. b. NOA Ad& Affidavit of Publishing dated May 19, 2023. 18 C. NOA Distribution List& Declaration of Delivery dated May 19,2023. d. NOA Affidavit of Posting dated May 19, 2023. 19 20 21 ►The public hearing was held by the City's Hearing Examiner who, after hearing all testimony and reviewing all 22 exhibits,orally expressed his recommendation that the amendment be approved by City Council. Unfortunately,the Hearing Examiner has been unable to reduce his oral ruling to the required written Findings and Recommendations. 23 The Hearing Examiner Pro Tern has therefore been asked to review the record as established by the Hearing Examiner and complete the process of presenting Findings and Recommendations to City Council. 24 25 Findings of Fact and Conchisions CITY Or KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Law and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council-2 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone: 360-748-3386/rax: 748-3387 1 Two additional exhibits were acknowledged during the public hearing, consisting of letters of support from Mercy Housing and Open Doors, and were introduced as Exhibits 7a and 2 7b. No additional exhibits were submitted. 3 City's Presentation: 4 Mr. Alcorn's presentation on behalf of the City was relatively brief and relied heavily on his Staff 5 Report dated October 4, 2023. As noted above, the Applicant, Sound Transit, seeks site specific rezoning of 1.09 acres located at 23453 30th Avenue South from MHP-Mobile Home Park to 6 MTC-2-Midway Transit Community 2. The site is adjacent to the first of two light rail stations being constructed in the City, with the adjacent station nearly completed. The site was 7 previously used as a mobile home park but was acquired by Sound Transit in 2019 and its use as a mobile home park was thereafter discontinued. The site is currently vacant and has been relied 8 upon as a staging area for construction of the transit facility. The properties surrounding the project site have already had their zoning changed to MTC-1 or MTC-2 and the site is the only 9 remaining parcel not yet having had its zoning designation similarly amended. 10 The project site has a land use designation of TOC-Transportation Oriented Community in the 1 I land use element of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Alcorn explains that this designation is intended to encourage dense, pedestrian-oriented, mixed use, and public transit-oriented uses 12 near the Kent Des Moines light rail station. The MTC-2 zoning classification is consistent with this land use designation and would permit the type of development intended. It is also 13 consistent with a host of Goals and Policies in the City's Comprehensive Plan, 14 Mr. Alcorn explained that the application is categorically exempt from SEPA review as it is located in the Midway Subarea which underwent a SEPA EIS, and that the EIS adequately 15 addressed all environmental impacts of this proposed rezone. 16 Mr. Alcorn confirmed that notice of this hearing was properly issued and that is resulted in written letters in support from Mercy Housing and Open Door(Exhibits 7a and 7b) discussed 17 more fully below. 1s Mr. Alcorn completed his presentation by undertaking an analysis of the requested rezone 19 pursuant the criteria found in Kent Zoning Code Section for zoning amendment: 20 • City Staff finds that the proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as it would align the property's zoning with its land use designation of TOC-Transit 21 Oriented Center. 22 The rezone is also consistent with the Goals and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan including Land Use Goals LU1, LU3, LU6 and LU7, along with Policies LU 1.3, 2.2, 3.2, 3.1, 6.3 7.3 and 23 10.1; with Housing Goal H2 and Policies H 2.1 and 2.2; with Transportation Goal T1 and 24 Policies T 1.4 and T 5.4. 25 Findings of fact and Comiusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Lam,and Recommendations 299 N.W.CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council-3 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone:360-748-3386/Fax:748-3387 I • Staff finds that the proposed rezone and subsequent development would be compatible with development in the vicinity. Surrounding properties are also currently 2 undeveloped and awaiting collective development consistent with the new light rail station. All adjacent parcels are zoned either MTC-2 or MTC-1, with the MTC-1 designation given to 3 parcels with frontage along Pacific Highway South. All of these parcels are intended to be 4 developed in a manner similar to the subject property; all are within the Midway Subarea; and are subject to the Midway Design Guidelines intend to promote high quality, dense, pedestrian 5 and transit-oriented development. 6 Conversely,the current MHP zoning is inconsistent with the site's land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan and is also inconsistent with the intended uses of all surrounding 7 properties and the goals of the Midway Design Guidelines. 8 • City Staff finds that the proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated. Future 9 development will, of course, increase traffic due to its greater density but these impacts are offset 10 by the development of the light rail station and the available public transit it provides. In addition, surrounding roadways are currently being upgraded in a manner consistent with the I I new light rail station. The proposed rezone is therefore not anticipated to unduly burden the transportation system, especially as the site will likely require added mitigation in the form of 12 transportation impact fees as well as other roadway improvements. 13 • Circumstances have substantially changed since the establishment of the current zoning district and warrant the proposed rezone. Most notably, funding was approved for 14 extension of the light rail from SeaTac Airport to this site and then onward to Federal Way. As noted earlier, all surrounding properties have already been rezoned as part of adoption of the 15 Midway Subarea Plan,leaving only this parcel needing to be rezoned. 16 The proposed rezone will allow for increased density consistent with the Midway 17 Subarea Plan. This Plan was established subsequent to the property's current zoning. 18 • City Staff finds that the proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City. To the contrary, the proposed rezone is 19 consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and with the proposed development of surrounding properties and will help facilitate an area-wide redevelopment centering on the new 20 light rail station. All future development will be required to meet all applicable codes and regulations and also mitigate all anticipated environmental impacts. 21 22 Based upon these Findings, City Staff recommends that the proposed rezone be approved by City Council. 23 24 25 Findings of Fact and Conclusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Low and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council-4 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone: 360-748-3386/Fax:748-3387 I - At the conclusion of Mr. Alcorn's testimony, the Hearing Examiner posed a few questions. The Hearing Examiner asked whether there had been any changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan 2 or land use ordinances since the application was submitted. Mr. Alcorn explained that there have been no recent changes to either. Mr. Alcorn was then asked if there are any zoning overlay 3 zones affected in this proposed zoning amendment and he responded that there are none. He was 4 then asked if there is any development proposed concurrently with the requested rezone and explained that there is none, and that any proposals for development will be presented at a future 5 date. 6 Applicant's Presentation: 7 At the conclusion of Mr. Alcorn's testimony,the Applicant, Sound Transit, testified through Matthew Mateo. Mr. Mateo's presentation was quite brief. He mostly wished to supplement the 8 City's presentation by noting that since this application was presented, by Sound Transit and the City have been jointly working on achieving the goals of the Subarea Plan, including joint notice 9 of intent for awarding transit-oriented development. Upon questioning by the Hearing Examiner to as to the status of the transit center facilities, Mr. Mateo responded that both the transit center and associated parking garage have a finished look and are nearly ready. A person departing 11 from the light rail station would exit onto the subject property,thus the need to have its zoning amended so that its development can get underway. 12 Public Comment: 13 At the conclusion of Mr. Mateo's presentation,the Hearing Examiner inquired as to whether any 14 members of the public were present and wished to testify. There were no members of the public 15 present wishing to testify and there has been no public opposition to the requested rezone. 16 Shortly in advance of the public hearing written comments were received in support of the amendment: 17 Mercy Housing submitted a written letter dated October 2, 2023, expressing its support 18 for the rezone on the basis that it would be an essential step toward transforming the Kent Des Moines station and nearby area into a vibrant, transit-oriented, sustainable community centered 19 around the new light rail station. Rezoning to MTC-2 will allow greater density, with a mix of uses, that will improve possibilities for new affordable housing. Mercy Housing recently 20 received the notice of intent to award (along with Open Doors) from the City and Sound Transit with the goal of establishing affordable housing in the area. 21 By letter dated October 2, 2023, Open Doors also expressed its support for the zoning 22 amendment,noting that rezoning to MTC-2 will allow for development of a more inclusive 23 residential community consistent with the goals of the Subarea Plan. Open Doors echoed the thanks expressed by Mercy Housing for having received the notice of intent to award from 24 Sound Transit for the Kent Des Moines "North" site. 25 Findings of Fact and Conchisions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Law and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council-5 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone: 360-748-3386/Fax: 748-3387 I Apart from these two letters, there has been no public comment. 2 ANALYSIS 3 The requested rezone is a straightforward one resulting in an important amendment to the site's 4 zoning to achieve consistency with its Comprehensive Plan, land use designation as well as the Plan's Goals and Policies. Amending the site's zoning to be consistent with all surrounding 5 properties will allow for uniform, comprehensive development consistent with the Subarea Plan and in a manner beneficial to the City and the region. City Staff recommends approval of the 6 rezoning without conditions and there is no public opposition. I concur with City Staff that the requested zoning amendment should be approved. 7 1 therefore make the following: 8 FINDINGS OF FACT 9 10 1. Any Findings contained in the foregoing Background, Public Hearing or Analysis Sections are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Hearing Examiner as his 11 Findings of Fact. 12 2. The Hearing Examiner has admitted documentary evidence into the record, heard testimony, and taken this matter under advisement. 13 3. The Applicant seeks a site-specific zoning snap amendment to rezone property at 23453 14 30th Avenue South from its current zoning of MHP-Mobile Home Park to MTC-2-Midway 15 Transit Community 2. 16 4. The project site is located within the Midway Subarea and is adjacent to the nearly completed light rail station. The site formerly served as a mobile park but now lies undeveloped 17 while awaiting new development consistent with the adjoining transit facility. 18 5. City staff has deemed the present application to be categorically exempt from SEPA. 19 6. Notie of the proposed hearing was issued on September 22, 2023, posted on the property, mailed to property owners within 300' of the subject property; emailed to agencies, city 20 departments and parties of record; published in the Kent Reporter and posted on the City's webpage in accordance with KCC 12.01.140 and 12.01.145. 21 22 Findings Related to Compliance with KCC for Zoning Map Amendments. 23 7. Applications for amendment to the zoning snap, including site specific rezones, may only be approved if all five criteria of KCC are satisfied. The Applicant has the burden 24 of proving that all requirements are met: 25 Findings of Fact and Conclusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Lmv and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council-6 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone: 360-748-3386/Fax: 748-3387 l a. The proposed rezone must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2 The subject property has a land use designation of Transit Oriented Community (TOC) in the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed zoning amendment to MTC-2 is consistent with 3 this land use designation. 4 City Staff finds that the zoning amendment is consistent with the Goals and Policies of 5 the City's Comprehensive Plan as detailed more fully in the Public Hearing Section. The Hearring Examiner concurs and adopts the City's Findings. 6 b. The proposed rezone and subsequent development will be compatible with 7 development in the vicinity. 8 As noted in the Public Hearing Section, surrounding properties are currently undeveloped,zoned MTC-2 or MTC-1, and await comprehensive development concurrently with 9 the subject property. All properties within the Midway Subarea, and subject to the Midway 10 Design Guidelines, are intended to promote high quality, dense, pedestrian transit-oriented development. The proposed rezone and its subsequent development would be compatible with 11 all surrounding development. 12 Conversely,the subject property's current zoning of MHP is incompatible with the property's land use designation of TOC and does not achieve the type of development envisioned 13 in the Midway Subarea according to the Midway Design Guidelines. The current zoning is therefore inconsistent and incompatible with development in the vicinity. 14 C. The proposed rezone will not unduly burden the transportation system in the 15 vicinity of the property with sijznificant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated. 16 As set forth in the Public Hearing Section, City Staff finds that future use of the site will 17 likely increase traffic due to greater density of residential and commercial development, but that this increased traffic is offset by the public transit provided by the new transit facility and by the 18 upgrading of nearby roadways as part of the light rail station construction. Transportation impacts resulting from future development will likely require mitigation in the form of 19 transportation impacts fees as well as compliance with any other City requirements for roadway improvements. The Hearing Examiner concurs and finds that the proposed rezone will not 20 unduly burden the transportation system. 21 d. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone. 22 23 As set forth in the Public Hearing Section, a number of substantial changes have occurred since the establishment of the current MHP zoning; Sound Transit received funding to extend 24 25 Findings of Fact and Conclusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Low and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council- 7 CHEHALIS, WASHINGTON 98532 Phone:360-748-3386/Fax: 748-3387 I light rail from SeaTac Airport to the Kent Des Moines light rail station adjacent to this site and then further south to Federal Way; the adoption of the Midway Subarea Plan occurred 2 subsequent to this property's zoning and resulted in the area-wide rezoning of all surrounding properties to either MTC-1 or MTC-2, leaving only the subject parcel still needing rezoning; and 3 completion of the light rail station and other public transit facilities will generate the need for 4 additional housing and commercial services nearby. The rezone proposal to MTC-2 will accommodate these increased demands for both residential and commercial facilities. 5 C. The proposed rezone will not adversely affect the health, safety and general 6 welfare of the citizens of the City of Kent. 7 Staff finds that the proposed rezone is consistent with the Kent Comprehensive Plan; is consistent with the proposed development of surrounding properties; is consistent with the 8 Midway Subarea Plan; and will serve to facilitate an area-wide redevelopment by Sound Transit around the new light rail station. Future development of the site will be required to meet all 9 applicable codes and regulations, including fire and life safety codes, and must provide for 10 mitigation of any environmental impacts. The Hearing Examiner concurs. I 1 8. City Staff recommends approval of the requested amendment with no conditions. The Hearing Examiner concurs. 12 13 Having entered his Findings of Fact,the Hearing Examiner makes the following: 14 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 15 1. The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. 16 2 Any Conclusions of Law contained in the foregoing Background, Public Hearing, 17 Analysis,or Findings of Fact are hereby incorporated by reference and adopted by the Hearing Examiner as his Conclusions of Law. 18 3. All notice requirements have been met. 19 4. All SEPA requirements have been met. 20 5. Pursuant to KMC the requested amendment: 21 22 a. Is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 23 b. The proposed rezone and subsequent development will be compatible with development in the vicinity. 24 25 Findings of Pact and Conclusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Latin and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to 00)Council-8 CHEHALIS,WASHINGTON 98532 Phone: 360-748-3386/Fa x: 748-3387 I C. Will not unduly burden the transportation system in the vicinity of the 2 property with significant adverse impacts which cannot be mitigated. d. Circumstances have changed substantially since the establishment of the 3 current zoning district to warrant the proposed rezone 4 e. Will not adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the 5 citizens of the City of Kent. 6 6. The requested amendment should be approved without conditions. 7 RECOMMENDATION 8 Now, therefore, the Hearing Examiner recommends approval of the proposed amendment from 9 MHP-Mobile Home Park to MTC-2-Midway Transit Community Ly A' 10 DATED this day of December, 2023. 11 g 12 Mark C. Scheibmeir 13 City of Kent Hearing Examiner Pro Tem 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Findings of Fact and Conclusions CITY OF KENT HEARING EXAMINER of Laii,and Recommendations 299 N.W. CENTER ST./P.O. BOX 939 to City Council-9 CHEHALIS, WASHINGTON 98532 Phone:360-748-3386/Fax: 748-3387 EXHIBIT B 0 g rO� O A U ty0 O O. a a t0 N C O py @6@ O O i N O 8 O A a mO O O A 1 (N O mQ O Q a V N „f (� O O A O N � O O a ,- r� N N 8 O A O � A Of Sound Transit Rezone EXHIBIT C Property Leaal Description: Situate in the County of King, State of Washington: Lots 11 and 12, Block 5, Federal Highway Addition, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 30 of Plats, Pages 1 and 2, in King County, Washington; Except the West 100 feet thereof. Sound Transit Rezone I s STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County,Washington.The Kent-Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter(and not in supplement form)which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KEN990109 was published on January 19, 2024 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $108.00 Rudi Alcott Vice President,Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 19' day of January, 2024 . Jen fer Tri be , Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in g,Washington ttpYyt7(y7./7� : t PLMLIC Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED By THE KENT CITY COUNCIL The following are sum man es of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on January 16, 2024. ORDINANCE NO. 4482 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the Cfij of Kent, Washington, amending Chapter 9,02 of the Kent City Code, entitled'Criminal Code," to:(i)adopt by reference misdemeanor crimes en- acted by the state legis- lature during its 2023 sessions for application and enforcement in the City of Kent; and (fi) make other housekeep- ing amendments. This ordinance shall take ef- fect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage,as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4483 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent.Washington,re- lating to lane use and zoning, specifically the rezoning of a 1.09-acre parcel located at 23453 30th Ave South, Kent Washington from MHP (Mobile Home Park) to MTC-2(Midway Transit Community 2).Thia ordi- nance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its pas- sager, as provided by taa✓ A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk Kimbedey A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkontoto@KentWA.gov 253-S56-5725 KEN9%109 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,01/15/2024 02:52:47 pm Page:2 Classified Proof Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,01/1-5i2024 02:52:47 pm Page:3