HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-483 - Change Order - #1 - Corona Steel, Inc. - Kent East Hill Operations Center Pre-engineered Metal Building - 02/14/2024 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: WM Agreement Routing Form • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management KE N T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover WASHINGTON Sheet forms. Originator: Department: Leah Bryant for Nate Harper Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: > 02/13/2024 2/15/2024 0 CL Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: QDirector or Designee 9/5/2023 Budget Account Number: G ra n t?1:1 Ye s F71No F20098.64110.9476 Budget?W]YesEl No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: Corona Steel Inc. Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: = 2530410 Change Order 0 FAC23-09b Pre-Engineered Metal Building for the Kent East Hill Operations Center Project Name: g g p 3- Project Details:Compensation for the addition of work to bump out the lobby and the increase in steel prices; clarification of the scope of contract assignment clarification of contract provisions and documents; and capping the price of steel going forward. c Agreement Amount: $289,540.98 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid `Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: September 2023 Termination Date: 12/31/2025 Im Q Local Business?F--]YeslzNo* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspace. Business License Verification:YesEl In-ProcessEl Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: FTesONo CAG2023-483 Comments: CA G 3 4) H •� i N 3 f0 C V1 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 2/14/24 ,c«W»373__,0 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20210513 • KEN T WASHINGTON CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Corona Steel, Inc. ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: CAG2023-483 ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE: September 19, 2023 THIS CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ("Change Order 1") is made between the CITY OF KENT, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and CORONA STEEL, INC., a Washington corporation ("Contractor"). I. RECITALS 1.1 City entered into a Public Works Agreement ("Agreement") with Contractor on September 19, 2023, wherein the City agreed to purchase from Contractor a pre-engineered metal building (PEMB) in an amount not to exceed $5,420,279.15, including any applicable Washington State Sales Tax. 1.2 The contract was written as a fixed price bid and was written to be assigned to a General Contractor once a General Contractor was selected to complete all other work on the project. The City has added additional scope of work to the design by bumping out the lobby. Because the price of steel increased while the parties were addressing the design, this Change Order also reflects the parties' agreement on how to address this price increase. 1.3 This Change Order also lays out the point at which the Agreement will be assigned to the General Contractor. 1.4 Additionally, this Change Order revises the Agreement to align with the Instruction to Bidders within the Project Manual and to better align with the Contract that the City will execute with the General Contractor. 1.5 In addition, the parties wish to ratify and affirm any and all acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement and prior to the effective date of this Change Order. II. CHANGE ORDER NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual intent, desire, and promises of the parties and other good and valuable consideration, City and Contractor agree as follows: 2.1 Agreement - Repealed and Replaced. The original Agreement signed by the parties on September 19, 2023, is repealed and replaced by this Change Order to make it consistent with the contract to be executed with the General Contractor. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement and prior to the effective date of this Change Order are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The following CHANGE ORDER - Page 1 of 5 (City of Kent and Corona Steel, Inc. - KEHOC) provisions apply to the contractual relationship between the City and Contractor and collectively, together with this Change Order, constitute the Agreement of the parties: 2.1.1 Agreement. The "Contract Documents" form the "Contract" as defined in Paragraph 1.01F of Section 00 72 00 of the General Conditions. The Contract Documents consist of this Change Order, any attached Exhibits, the General Conditions; Supplementary Conditions, Special Provisions, Standard Specifications, Contract Plans, Amendments to the Standard Specifications and all other sections included within the Project Manual; and written modifications, amendments and Change Orders to the Contract issued after execution of this Agreement, the City's Contract Bid Documents for the Project, including but not limited to the Bid package and Project Manual, Bid Advertisement, Instructions to Bidder, Time of Completion and Liquidated Damages, Addenda, Bid Proposal Form, Contractor's Proposal and all documents submitted therewith in response to the City's Bid Advertisement, and any additional documents referenced as comprising the Contract and Contract Documents, which are hereby fully incorporated as part of the Contract as if set forth herein. 2.1.2 Project. Contractor shall fully complete all Work and furnish all labor, tools, materials, and equipment for the project entitled KENT EAST HILL OPERATIONS CENTER: KEHOC, PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING, Project No. FAC-23-09, including all changes to the Work, timely and in strict accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.1.3 Payments. City shall pay Contractor as specified in the Contractor's Proposal according to the Contract Documents as to time, manner, and condition of payment in a contract amount not to exceed that amount set forth in Section 2.3 of Change Order No. 1 unless modified by a subsequently approved Change Order or addendum as permitted by the Contract Documents. The payments to Contractor include the costs for all labor, tools, materials, equipment, and subcontracts for the Work. 2.1.4 Revised Schedule and Scope of Work. Delivery of structural steel, and all other building components, shall commence to the project site no later than the week of June 24, 2024. Contractor shall coordinate delivery and staging of these materials with the General Contractor. Contractor shall erect the building within 120 calendar days of delivery, unless otherwise agreed to with the General Contractor. The Contractor shall provide City, on or before April 12, 2024, final building forces, reactions, and locations thereof, for City's finalization of its foundation design. This information shall be stamped by a Washington State licensed Structural Engineer. The Contractor shall coordinate the construction of building footings with the General Contractor within 5 business of issuance of the Notice to Proceed to the General Contractor. Contractor shall provide PEMB anchor bolt templates to the General Contractor and coordinate these anchor bolt locations. Contractor shall provide City with written confirmation affirming General Contractors anchor bolt placement prior to each concrete pour wherein PEMB anchor bolts are inset. 2.1.5 Liquidated Damages. The City will assess, and Contractor will be responsible for, liquidated damages in the amounts specified in Section 00 10 40 for each Day beyond the Contract Time allotted for each milestone if Substantial CHANGE ORDER - Page 2 of 5 (City of Kent and Corona Steel, Inc. - KEHOC) Completion of a milestone is not timely achieved. Contractor and the City agree that any liquidated damages established by this Agreement are not penalties and are a reasonable estimation of actual damages to the City, as of this date of Agreement, based on the inherent uncertainty and difficulty in calculating and quantifying damages caused by delays in the construction of the Project. This provision is intended to be in lieu of Contractor's liability for delay damages sustained by Owner by reason of Contractor's delay in reaching Substantial Completion by the date set for Substantial Completion. This provision shall not relieve or release Contractor from liability occasioned by other breaches or defaults under this Contract, nor shall it limit Owner's rights to terminate the Contract for cause pursuant to the General Conditions or to pursue any other remedy under the Contract or otherwise. In addition, Owner may recover its actual damages (including direct architectural, administrative, and other related costs attributable to the Project) as a result of any delay by Contractor in reaching Final Completion within the time required in Section 2.1.4. 2.1.6 Independent Contractor. Contractor's employees, while engaged in the performance of any of Contractor's services under this Agreement, shall be considered employees of the Contractor and not employees, agents, representatives of the City and as a result, shall not be entitled to any coverage or benefits from the City. Contractor's relation to the City shall be at all times as an independent contractor. Any and all Workman's Compensation Act claims on behalf of Contractor employees, and any and all claims by third-party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of Contractor's employees, while engaged in services provided to be rendered under this Agreement, shall be solely Contractor's obligation and responsibility. 2.1.7 Jurisdiction and Venue. Any lawsuit or legal action brought by any party to enforce or interpret this Agreement or any of its terms or covenants shall be brought in King County Superior Court for the State of Washington. 2.1.8 Contract is complete and integrated agreement. The Contract represents the entire, complete, and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. No oral representations or other agreements have been made by the parties except as specifically established in the Contract. 2.1.9 Severability. A court of competent jurisdiction's determination that any provision or part of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable shall not cancel or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. 2.1.10 Disclaimer. No liability of Contractor shall attach to the City by reason of entering into this Agreement, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. 2.2 Contract Work. In addition to the Work originally required under the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall perform the following additional Work: Contractor shall provide all PEMB design, labor, tools, materials, equipment, shipping, and subcontracts to construct an expanded CHANGE ORDER - Page 3 of 5 (City of Kent and Corona Steel, Inc. - KEHOC) building lobby and provide a covered canopy that extends from the expanded lobby north of the building. The lobby shall be expanded between building gride lines two and three, eastward from its previous location approximately eight feet. The new lobby expansion will extend north of building gridline three approximately sixteen feet nine inches. The canopy shall extend from the expanded lobby to a distance that is approximately seventeen feet north of the north wall of the building. The canopy shall be nine feet in width from the north end of the lobby to the north wall of the building. At the north wall of the building, the canopy width shall be sixteen feet six inches in width. The additional Work must be in conformance with the plans attached in Exhibit A. 2.3 Compensation. In exchange for Contractor's performance of the Work under the parties' Agreement, the City agreed to pay Contractor an amount not to exceed $5,420,279.15, including any applicable Washington State Sales Tax. In exchange for the additional Work provided for under Section 2.2 of this Change Order, and to compensate Contractor for increases in the market value of steel, the parties agree to increase compensation due Contractor as follows: Original Compensation Amount $5,420,279.15 (including applicable alternates and WSST) Net Change by Previous Change Orders $0 (incl. applicable WSST) Adjustments to Compensation through Change Order No. 1: ➢ Material Escalation $167,000.00 ➢ Lobby Canopy Materials $47,000.00 ➢ Lobby Canopy Installation $48,980.00 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change $26,560.98 Order Revised Compensation Amount $5,709,820.13 The parties agree to negotiate in good faith the credit due to the City's direct purchase of insulation and memorialize it in a subsequent change order. 2.4 Time for Completion. The time for completion of the Work is amended as follows: Original Time for Delivery of materials to Delivery date was to be site dependent on City review, (insert date) approximately June 1. Revised Time for Deliveries June 28, July 5, July 12, July 19 Revised Time for Completion 120 days from June 28, 2024 (insert date) CHANGE ORDER - Page 4 of 5 (City of Kent and Corona Steel, Inc. - KEHOC) 2.5 Clarification of Assignment Provisions. As specified in Paragraph 5.20.A. of Section 00 80 00 of the Supplementary Conditions of the Contract Documents, the City will select a General Contractor to whom a specified portion of the Contractor's Work will be assigned, and through which Contractor shall become a subcontractor of that General Contractor to complete the remaining Work. Contractor shall coordinate directly with the City concerning all design and fabrication work related to the pre-engineered metal building, and all invoices for such work, in accordance with the Contract Documents shall be sent to the City for payment. All on-site work, post-design, and post-fabrication work, i.e., work related to the pre-engineered metal building's delivery, installation, and final acceptance, will be assigned to the General Contractor once such contractor is awarded the work. For all assigned work, Contractor shall invoice and obtain payment from and through the General Contractor, not the City. All Work that takes place prior to the work related to the delivery, installation, and final acceptance, stays with the City. The value of work assigned to the General Contractor shall be based on the Contractor's Schedule of Values for work to be performed on site. 2.6 Escalation in the Cost of Steel. This contract amendment freezes the cost of steel to be provided in the contract. There will be no future adjustments for the cost of steel unless they are associated with changes in the work. 2.7 Authorized Representatives. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Change Order, which is binding on the parties to the Agreement. 2.8 Adjustment in Value of Payment and Performance Bond. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its payment and performance bond for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in Section 2.3. IN WITNESS, the parties below have executed this Change Order No. 1, which will become effective on the last date written below. CONTRACTOR: CITY Corona Steel, Inc. City of Kent: lS Arc,Pmzc , z By:Marc Paulsen(Feb 13,202417:05 PST) By:Juli arascondola(Feb 14,2024 08:54 PST) Print Name: Marc Paulsen 7 Julie Parascondola, Parks Director Its President DATE: Feb 14,2024 DATE: Feb 13,2024 ATTEST: A I Kent City Clerk CHANGE ORDER - Page 5 of 5 (City of Kent and Corona Steel, Inc. - KEHOC) WAGNER ARCHITECTS F.1 G NOTE:CANOPY DESIGN ARE PART OF DEFERRED R-10 OVER EXTERIOR PLANNER S SUBMITTAL WITH PEMB. SOFFIT 1916 PIKE PLACE SEATTLE WA 98101 9'-0" 6'-0" 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 • 2 5 2 8 3'-0" 2'-4" 3'-0"-fir wagnerarchitecta.com 5" 5"5 LL 0114111 REGISTERED ARCHITECT W¢ V O m I I °D - ROBERT E WAGNER CANOPY ROOF SECTION DETAIL 10 OVER EXTERIOR R- z SOFFIT EDGE OF LOBBY WINDOW MAIN ENTRANCE r BUILDING WINDOW TYPES Q C—) SOUTH ELEVATION a 6 SCALE:v4"=1' z ZD I J SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" o LL 4 L.V c°¢ o LL 1 CANOPY ROOF SECTION DETAIL J 0 C 9 SCALE 3 8"=1'-0" O LU z L J 0 0 0 T F.1 It L J o❑ 10'-101/2" 2'-0" ® ® . II I KENT I °IHEHR KEHOC Building 60 12607 SE 248TH ST a� a ° ° ---------- ------ °° ----- KENT,WA 31/2° r-81/2" 98030 '-101/" 9'-0" '-101/" 6-11" 2'-0" 11'-2" 10'-101/2" 2'-0" 1 Z WEST ELEVATION �� NORTH ELEVATION SCALE:1l8"=1'-0' U SCALE:118"=1'-0" FLOOR PLAN CONSOLIDATED SET SCAL 0 E:10=1'-0" 3 2 1 JOB N0. 20223 Oevisions I I I SEPTsERT zozz ® Q ® I 2 _ 71TPU -- -IT ,, FI I I I 3 i meet comeme � . C010 - 1 51/2" 24'-0" 24'-31/2" 16'-91/2" Sheet No. EAST ELEVATIONS ROOF PLAN 11 SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" SCALE:1/8"=1'-0" =�o 4 x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 t�_-m @)O ww zQ J LL 3116"X 7/8"CONTINUOUS 1/8"POP RIVETS @ 12" BUTYL TAPE,TYP. O.C.,TYP. ANGLE TRIM METAL ROOFING PANCAKE HEAD RECEIVER TRIM 3/8"X 12"LONG BEAD OF FASTENERS @ 12"O.C. GABLE TRIM NON-SKINNING BUTYL SEALANT ON TOP SIDE OF METAL ROOFr1_ MALE PANEL EDGE 3/8"X 12"LONG BEAD OF FIELD CUT AND BEND NON-SKINNING BUTYL PANEL UP 1-1/2" SEALANT ON SIDEWALL CLOSED CELL FOAM OF PANEL&TIED INTO CLOSURE SET IN o TAPE SEALANT. SEALANT,TYP. HWH SCOTS FASTENERS STANDING SEAM METAL PANEL CLEAT (4)PER PANEL ROOFING,TYP. 3/16"x7/8"NON- SKINNING BUTYL TAPE 10" BATT INSULATION HAND CRIMP TRACK TO MATCH FASTENER AS READ. BANDED LINER ROOF PURLIN _ — INSULATION 16 GA PANEL SUPPORT SYSTEM C GIRT GUTTER STRAP @ BOTTOM OF EVERY OTHER RIB ROOF PURLIN METAL SIDING CLOSED CELL FOAM METAL BUILDING CLOSURE SET IN FRAME NOTE: SEALANT,TYP. FIELD CUT FIRST AND LAST 1^ PANELS TO EQUAL WIDTH. 6"GUTTER ROOF PURLIN WITH 1" THERMAL BREAK,TYP. DOWNSPOUT BEYOND " METAL SOFFIT CO 1 2 METAL BUILDING FRAME COLUMN BEYOND D DETAIL 6 CANOPY EAVE DETAIL SCALE:3"=1'-0"@ 2204" SCALE:3"=1'-0"@ 2204" $21 WAGNER T 3 P L A N N E R S Aq A13 A3 1916 PIKE PLACE 2 2 0 6 - 4 4 8 - 2 5 2 8 WAINSCOT AS w a g n e r a r c h i t e c t s.c om SCHEDULED,TYP. 41r4i�4 METAL BUILDING FRAME A14A14 A15 1 2 1 1 000aoos CFS FRAMING,TYP. METAL BUILDING FRAME REGISTERED ARCHITECT CFS FRAMING,TYP. CFS TRACK BELOW,TYP A14 CFS FRAMING,TYP. R E WAG ER C 2 C F A w METAL BUILDING FRAME c""e"n"nt". CFS TRACK BELOW,TYP FINISH AS SCHEDULED A6 A6 A13 2 FINISH AS SCHEDULED FINISH AS SCHEDULED WAINSCOT AS SCHEDULED,TYP. 6 PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR A PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR SCALE:11/2"=1'-0" 1 SCALE:1 112'=1'-0' `� SCALE:1 112"=1'.0" 4122 — FINISH AS SCHEDULED CFS FRAMING,TYP. A14 CFS FRAMING,TYP. 6 5 WAINSCOT AS A2 A6 A6 SCHEDULED,TYP. METAL BUILDING FRAME CFS TRACK BELOW,TYP 2 CFS FRAMING,TYP. Y KEN T w.-s�i+cro. G A2 E E 1.5"HAT CHANNEL,TYP. KEHOC A1s 1 2 Warehouse&Office 7r Building FINISH AS SCHEDULED I QMETAL SIDING ABOVE,TYP. FINISH AS SCHEDULED Al WAINSCOT AS 12607 SE 248TH ST Al METAL BUILDING FRAME SCHEDULED,TYP. WAINSCOTAS METAL BUILDING FRAME R-25+R11 C.I.BANDED-LINER KENT,WA SCHEDULED,TYP. INSULATION SYSTEM 98030 11 PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR 8 PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR TILT-WALL PANELS,SEE Ala 1 2 2 1 A14 SCALE:1112"=1'-0' SCALE:1112"=r-0° SHEETS 1A4.0 TO 1A4.2 4 PLAN DETAIL (a� 1ST FLOOR BID SET 6' SCALE:1 10=1'-0" 1.30.2024 HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED STEEL PLATE SET IN BEVELED, 3 JOB NO. 20223 NON-SHRINK GROUT 3„ Dm R"��"� COLUMN FOOTING TO MATCH R-25+R11 C.I.BANDED-LINER A14 1 2 2 A14 a TILT WALL PANELS 6„ INSULATION SYSTEM CFS TRACK BELOW, 3 1.30.2024-BID SET HOT-DIPPED GALVANIZED FINISH AS SCHEDULED E TYP 4 XX.XX.2024-REVISION4 STEEL PLATE SET IN EXTENT OF REVEAL METAL BUILDING BEVELED,NON-SHRINK FRAME 3 GROUT 61/2" 6" 11" 6" 61/2. 1.5"HAT CHANNEL,TYP. FINISH AS SCHEDULED RAILING 1" 10" 1" CFS FRAMING,TYP A14 1 2 M sneer contemn O o c O 3 PLAN DETAILS COLUMNS BY PEMB A2 CO _ 4' 5112" V-5" 51/2" 41/2" A13 2 3 2,B" 1'-0" METAL SIDING ABOVE,TYP. TILT-WALL PANELS,SEE 3'-0" SHEETS 1A4.0 TO 1A4.2 ^a ro°° 3 PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR ELEVATION DETAIL(c), 1ST FLOOR PLAN DETAIL 1ST FLOOR PLAN DETAIL(c)- 1ST FLOOR ///��� 7 ///��� c' 10 SCALE:1 112"=1'-0" SCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1 112"=1'-0" SCALE:1 1/2"=1'-0" 1 /\ .4 of n/ 4 o a x NOTED SCALE IS BASED ON FULL SIZE DRAWINGS THAT ARE FORMATTED AT 22X34 Signature: MU MOOI-e Signature: Kin KO{' O1 O Will Moore(Feb 13,202416:49 PST) Kim Komoto(Feb 14,202410:01 PST) Email: wmoore@kentwa.gov Email: cityclerk@kentwa.gov FAC23-09B KEHOC Metal Building Change Order 1 Final Audit Report 2024-02-14 Created: 2024-02-14 By: Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAwOTua7rTwFe0ejrmPxjdHAK14PfnSmyQ "FAC23-09B KEHOC Metal Building Change Order 1 " History Document created by Leah Bryant(Ibryant@kentwa.gov) 2024-02-14-0:45:20 AM GMT Document emailed to wmoore@kentwa.gov for signature 2024-02-14-0:47:48 AM GMT Email viewed by wmoore@kentwa.gov 2024-02-14-0:48:20 AM GMT Signer wmoore@kentwa.gov entered name at signing as Will Moore 2024-02-14-0:49:04 AM GMT Document e-signed by Will Moore (wmoore@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-02-14-0:49:06 AM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to contracts@coronasteel.com for signature 2024-02-14-0:49:08 AM GMT Email viewed by contracts@coronasteel.com 2024-02-14-1:01:54 AM GMT d4 Signer contracts@coronasteel.com entered name at signing as Marc Paulsen 2024-02-14-1:05:28 AM GMT Document e-signed by Marc Paulsen (contracts@coronasteel.com) Signature Date:2024-02-14-1:05:30 AM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) for signature 2024-02-14-1:05:32 AM GMT Powered by Adobe �� KENT Acrobat Sign Email viewed by Julie Parascondola Oparascondola@kentwa.gov) 2024-02-14-4:54:37 PM GMT dp Document e-signed by Julie Parascondola Qparascondola@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-02-14-4:54:53 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov)for signature 2024-02-14-4:54:55 PM GMT Email viewed by Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) 2024-02-14-5:05:27 PM GMT dg Document e-signed by Kim Komoto (kkomoto@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-02-14-5:05:37 PM GMT-Time Source:server Document emailed to cityclerk@kentwa.gov for signature 2024-02-14-5:05:39 PM GMT Email viewed by cityclerk@kentwa.gov 2024-02-14-6:00:50 PM GMT Signer cityclerk@kentwa.gov entered name at signing as Kim Komoto 2024-02-14-6:01:24 PM GMT Document e-signed by Kim Komoto (cityclerk@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2024-02-14-6:01:26 PM GMT-Time Source:server Agreement completed. 2024-02-14-6:01:26 PM GMT Powered by Adobe �� KENT Acrobat Sign