HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-141 - Supplement - Kent Police Officers Association - MOU re: Schedule Change and Related Impacts - 05/01/2024 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) WASHINGTON Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Brent Ashbaugh Human Resources Date Sent: Date Required: c 01/24/2024 N/A Q Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NoF-] N/A Budget? Yes E]No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Category: KPOA Contract Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Original 0 0 Project Name: MOU: Sqt & Officers Schedule Change & Related Impacts cProject Details: KPOA MOU Sergeants & Officers Schedule Change and Related Impacts. 40 c (11.111 Agreement Amount N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: *Memo to Mayor must be attached Start Date: 15/1/2024 Termination Date: 12/31/24 (With CBA) a Local Business? Yes F]No*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑Yes In-Process F1 Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) FlAuthorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes❑No CAG2022-141 Comments: OK to sign, 2/6/24, TW. 0 IM � c IM in = 3 0 N a Date Received:City Attorney: 1/29/24 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 2/7/24 'ty Clerk's Office 2/8/24 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING by and between CITY OF KENT and KENT POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Representing the POLICE SERGEANTS AND OFFICERS Regarding Schedule Change and Related Impacts This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into by and between the City of Kent (the"City") and the Kent Police Officers Association("KPOA") representing the Police Sergeants and Officers' bargaining unit regarding a work schedule change and related impacts. Section I —Purpose of the MOU The City and KPOA are parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement ("CBA"),' with a term of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2024. The City met with KPOA on September 5, 2023, September 26, 2023, and October 11, 2023, regarding a mutual desire to revert back to 10-hour shifts to address concerns among staff about the impacts associated with the Kent Police Department's ("Department") current 12-hour shift. The parties discussed and negotiated the impacts of a reversion back to 10-hour shifts during these meetings. The purpose of this MOU is to memorialize the agreements made by the City and the KPOA in these meetings to revert back to 10-hour shifts. Section 2 —Terms and Conditions The City and the KPOA hereby agree to the following revisions of the CBA as follows: 1. Change to 10-Hour Shift. Effective May 1, 2024, a 10-hour work shift shall be deemed added to the CBA and the Department will begin to assign and transition employees from the existing 12-hour and 10.5-hour shifts to 10-hour shifts. The City may assign employees to the new 10-hour shift in accordance with the procedures already contained in the CBA(unless explicitly modified by this MOU). The patrol division will transition from 12 hour shifts to 10 hour shifts on May 12, 2024. Employees in other divisions will begin to transition on May 1, 2024, and all transitions, absent good cause by the City, shall be complete by May 15 , 2024. For purposes of this MOU, the term "CBA" refers to the City's CBA with the KPOA Officers and Sergeants' bargaining unit, which is dated April 15, 2022. 2. Revise Hours of Work. Section 4.1 of the CBA, entitled "Hours of Work", is revised as follows: Section 4.1. Hours of Work The normal working hours for employees covered by this Agreement shall not exceed 40 hours per week. aii the FSLA to allow fer-these work shifts fesulting-iffi-gfeatef h3ttr- seh@d1 will i inn t, but + ineu ,�vrrri—vrvrn--czii—c=' r� year, eveftifae f r these het . The work week will commence with day shift on Sunday and go through grave shift on Saturday night. A. Patrol Division The normal work shift for employees assigned to the patrol division shall consist of ten (10) continuous hours of work inclusive of lunch periods four days per week, followed by three consecutive days off. The nar-ffial fetifteen "^` day `• efk eenseetttive days off for the first week, then three (3) eonseeative wee1 (i.e. - 3 2 4l 1 One side of the patrol division will work four 10-hour days Monday through Thursday, with Friday Saturday, and Sunday off. 2 The other side of the patrol division will work four 10- hour days Thursday through Sunday, with Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off. 3 An officer will work their assigned "side" for 13 consecutive weeks after which they will rotate to the other "side" While officers will rotate "sides" every 13 weeks that will determine on which days of the week they work their shift's work hours will remain as they were originally assigned in accordance with the bidding process provided for under Section 4.8 of this Agreement. However during the transition from 12-hour workdays to 10-hour workdays the initial rotation will commence on May 12 2024 and run for 12 weeks instead of 13. After that initial "side" assignment officers will thereafter alternate "sides" every 13 weeks as provided for in this section 4.1.A. 4 The patrol division will work under four work shifts during each workday, commencing at 0500 hours, 1000 hours 1500 hours and 2000 hours each day, bid in accordance with Section 4.8 of the CBA. Initial bidding to implement the new 10-hour shifts shall occur in accordance with Section 4.8 of the CBA, except that that the following bid dates shall apply- a Each sergeant shall submit their shift preference no earlier than February 1st and no later than February 7th The shift assignments shall be posted no later than February 12th. b Each patrol officer shall submit their shift preference bid no earlier than February 15 and no later than February 21 st. The shift assignments shall be posted no later than last day of February. B. Other Divisions. Employees assigned to any division other than the patrol division shall be assigned based upon the needs of the public and/or the department to one of the following work weeks: 1 Five 8-hour workdays with Saturday and Sunday off each week; or 2 For 10-hour workdays with three days off each week that include Saturday and Sunday. 3 The designated work week for these employees will commence at 0000 hours on Sunday and go through 2359 hours on Saturday. C.43-. Shift Bid. Employees of the bargaining unit will be allowed to bid for shift assignments and days off. The bidding process shall be in accordance with Section 4.8. the needs f the bl' and/er- the dopa,-t,Y,ov,t with S utufuay and operating fieed-. G. The nefma1 4 3 3 4 wefk shift shall eensist of'twelve(1 2) nt:.-.tteus The D t 1 divisien will wofk ufldef fetif (4) •1 1 ft during e � i D. Chanize to Normal Work Schedule. In the event the Police Administration changes an employee's normal work schedule, the Police Administration agrees to provide fourteen (14) calendar days' notice prior to the effective date of the change. This provision does not apply in emergencies, in disciplinary actions, or to probationary employees. E. Closure of City Facilities. The Mayor may declare the closure or partial closure of City facilities or operations in the case of emergencies or for safety reasons. Members of the bargaining unit will continue to maintain their normal work schedule unless specifically released from duty. Members of the bargaining unit who work their normal schedule during such declarations will not receive additional monetary compensation or time off. F. Shift Trades. Employees may trade shifts with other employees of equal rank within the same work unit. Trades must be completed within thirty(30)calendar days of each other. The trade shall be relatively cost neutral to the City and be of minimal administrative burden. For the purpose of this section, a work unit is defined as Detectives, Patrol, Traffic, Special Operations, and Canine (specifically Drug K9 and General K9). The shift trade must be voluntarily submitted by both employees and be pre- approved by both employees' supervisor(s). The supervisor(s) shall have full discretion to approve/deny the trade request. 3. Revise When Overtime Accrues. Section 4.2 of the CBA, entitled "Overtime", is revised as follows: Section 4.2. Oyertime A. All members on a 4-3 work week with a 10�=hour work day shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of forty4we (4042) hours in one consecutive seven day week (Sunday to Saturday). Any hours worked in addition to a normal 103-hour shift in a twenty-four (24) hour day will also be paid at the rate of time and one-half. B. All membefs wer1 b heof nZZ iv'ixrxc n 1 _w'ii1e shallv be �a;d ---r-r at t1 rate of time !l one l- l f fer- 11 hatifs ofke.l in e n''ee hettr-swofked in addition to a nefffial i 2 hauf shift; ., twenty (24) hattr- day will also be paid at the rate ef time and ene half BQ Both parties agree that Officers cannot work overtime for their same shift/squad while they are off on holiday, vacation or compensatory leave. C-D. In all cases overtime will be rounded to the nearest one-quarter (1/4) hour. DE. Employees are required to obtain supervisory approval prior to extending their shift on overtime or working any overtime. ER When the necessity for overtime arises, the department will make all reasonable efforts to solicit volunteer(s). If no volunteers are found, the department has the right to mandate an employee to work the overtime. FG. Overtime pay is based on the employee's regular rate of pay. 4. Revise Hours for De Minimis Off-Duty Contact. Section 4.4 of the CBA, entitled "Overtime Pay for Court Appearances", is revised to amend subsection H. as follows: Section 4.4. Overtime for Court Appearances. In the event that court appearances are required, the City shall attempt, wherever possible, to schedule such appearances during an employee's regular duty shift. Such appearances outside of the regular duty schedule shall be compensated for as follows: H. Non-Pre=Trial Interview Off-Duty Contacts - When officers are contacted by Kent Police or others for official City business under circumstances not amounting to a pre-trial interview, the following shall apply: 1. Except for de minimis contacts, officers shall be compensated in 15-minute intervals rounded to the next 15 minutes. 2. Officers shall not be compensated for de minimis contacts. De minimis contacts are contacts, such as telephone calls or messages, texts,pages, and emails, that occur while an officer is off-duty that require the officer to work less than seven and one-half (7.5) minutes. De minimis contacts shall also include telephone calls or messages, texts,pages and emails for which a response is not immediately requested or required, or to which the contacted officer does not respond. 3. Officers who are not on call are not required to respond immediately to text messages, emails, pages, voicemails or the like received during non working hours. Whenever reasonable under the circumstances, such calls and messages should be returned during normal working hours to avoid unnecessary overtime. 4. The following shall not be considered de minimis regardless of the duration of the work involved: a) Day Shift Employees: A telephone call or message, or text or page which is received and answered by a day shift employee between the hours of 8:00 1.1-90-p.m. and 4:00 5-Wa.m. shall not constitute a de minimis contact. b) Early Swing Shift Employees: A telephone call or message, or text or page which is received and answered by an early power or early swing shift employee between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall not constitute a de minimis contact. c) Late Swing Shift Employees: A telephone call or message, or text or page which is received and answered by a late swing shift employee between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. shall not constitute a de minimis contact. Grave Shift Employees: hone call or to ees: A telephone d) P Y p message, or text or page which is received and answered by a late power or graveyard shift employee between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. shall not constitute a de minimis contact. 5. Revise Cycle for Shift Bids. Section 4.8 of the CBA, entitled "Shift Bidding", is revised as follows: Section 4.8. Shift Bidding Subsection 4.8.1. Shift Assignments A. Shift assignments for Officers and Sergeants shall be determined by a bid system based on tenure in those positions with Kent Police Department. The bid system shall give priority to the most senior personnel for his or her shift assignment preference subject to the provisions of 4.8.2. B. Patrol Officers' tenure shall be determined from the date of hire with Kent Police department for that time that the officer is a commissioned Patrol Officer with Kent Police Department. Tenure for the Sergeant shall be determined by the time in grade as a regularly appointed Sergeant at the Kent Police Department. Commissioned officers are not eligible to bid for shift assignments during the initial probationary period in their rank. C. Bids and assignments shall be made every six (6) months. The cycle for bids/assignments shall be implemented on the first seeef Sunday of each May—Fem=u-aff, effective with the commencement of the day shift, and the seeen first Sunday in November-Augtt4, effective with the commencement of the day shift. All assignments shall remain in effect until the next bid cycle unless it should be determined by the City that the Patrol Officer or Sergeant shall be reassigned to a non-bid system assignment or position during that period of time. D. The bid process shall occur as scheduled, regardless of any absence of a Patrol Officer or Sergeant from the Police Department. If the individual is unable to report to work by the second Sunday in February or the second Sunday in August, the individual cannot participate in the bidding process for that work cycle. Subsection 4.8.2. Shift Bidding Process The following provisions shall control the process of bidding and assignment in accordance with the above guidelines: A. Shift preference bids shall be delivered to the assigned scheduling Patrol Commander during the established bid/assignment cycle. B. No early or late shift preference bids shall be accepted. C. Vacant assignments that occur after the bid deadline shall be filled by Patrol Officers or Sergeants, as applicable, that are reassigned after the assignment deadline to the Patrol Division of the Police Department. Those assignments shall continue until the next designated period for bidding. D. Police Administration reserves the right to restrict individuals from bidding where required by a department operating need. E. During the bid process, the Employer will attempt to award bids pursuant to seniority-based bidding outlined in 4.8. 1 but reserves the right to move an employee into a shift assignment or days off rotation slot that is less preferred by the employee based on operating needs including, without limitation, specialty assignments, employee performance, balancing the experience level of the squads, good working order and cohesion of the Patrol Division and employee hardship/special need(s) request. Moves for the above reasons are not subject to the grievance procedure. F. The Employer reserves the right to designate shift slots available for bidding by each specialty assignment. 1. FTO's may only bid for designated FTO shifts to allow for equal distribution for both sides of the schedule. Seniority for the purpose of FTO assignment shift bidding shall be defined as the employee's length of permanent service as a commissioned officer with the Kent Police Department, less any adjustments due to layoff, approved leaves of absence without pay(unless otherwise agreed to by the City), periods of 24 months or less between resignation and reinstatement according to Civil Service procedures, or other breaks in service. 2. SWAT officers may bid for any crew or side but must allow for equal distribution for both sides of the schedule and they can't be on the same shift. Seniority for a SWAT officer shall be defined as the employee's length of permanent service as a commissioned officer with the Kent Police Department, less any adjustments due to layoff, approved leaves of absence without pay (unless otherwise agreed to by the City),periods of 24 months or less between resignation and reinstatement according to Civil Service procedures, or other breaks in service. 3. Generalist K-9 Handlers may only bid for designated Generalist K-9 shifts to allow for equal distribution for both sides of the schedule. Seniority for the Generalist K- 9 handlers is defined as their continuous length of service within the specialty assignment. G. For the rotating detective assignment, Patrol officers will be eligible for the assignment every four (4) bid cycles in order to provide more experience opportunity. The bid officer with the most seniority in that eligible group will be first considered. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if no one else bids for the rotating detective assignment,a Patrol officer who has held the assignment within the last four(4)bid cycles may still bid for the assignment. Subsection 4.8.3 Shift Bidding Dates The following is the process for the submission of bids and the assignment of shifts: A. Each Sergeant shall submit his or her shift preference bid no earlier than February I or later than February 7 than Oetebef 7 and no earlier than August 1 Apf44 or later than August 7, as applicable. All such bids must be received by the division commander or his designee no later than 5 p.m. on the applicable date. The shift assignments shall be posted no later than February 14 r'^o�zor August 14Apf44-2, as applicable. B. Each Patrol Officer shall submit his or her shift preference bid no earlier than August 150eber>-13 or later than Au ug_st 219eteber 41-9 and no earlier than February 15Apr-il 13 or later than February 21Apf449, as applicable. All such bids must be received by the division's commander, or designee, no later than 5 p.m. on the applicable date. The assignments shall be posted no later than the last day of the month in August Oetaber or February mil, as applicable. f 7 ( ) and twenty \ / 'Ir Oshift. This shall take effeet on the seee 6. Revise Scheduling of Annual Leave. Section 9.2 of the CBA, entitled"Scheduling Annual Leave," is revised as follows: Section 9.2. Scheduling Annual Leave Annual leave shall be granted to the employee within the following guidelines. A. Each shift-leave group will have tlfee-(3) four (4) slots available for leave usage for vacation, holiday or compensatory time. 41We (2) Three 3 of the-tlfee (3) four (4) slots will be guaranteed if the leave requests are submitted, either through the seniority vacation bid process or otherwise, at least thirty (30) days in advance of the annual leave usage dates. In considering the four slots available for leave only two of these authorized slots may be utilized by members of an individual shift within the leave group. The third slot requested from an individual shift, or the fourth slot requested within the leave group, will be approved if no overtime is needed or if the required overtime slot is filled. B. Exceeding the maximum number of slots off per shift may be authorized by the Division Assistant Chief, or designee. C. This also does not preclude the supervisor from approving annual leave requests above the maximum limits if such leave use does not result in overtime and staffing levels are not adversely affected. D. For the purposes of annual leave, Days and Early Swing will be one leave ,group, and Late Swing and Graves are recognized as a second leave rg oupi• Both side A and side B are separate from each other. Shifts are recognized individually according to their start time. 7. Revise Cycle for Vacation Bids. Section 9.3 of the CBA, entitled "Vacation Priority", is revised to amend subsection A. as follows: Section 9.3. Vacation priority A. Vacation Bid System. There shall be two (2) designated periods for seniority-based vacation bids. The first vacation bid period shall be from March 1 to March 3114evem'' ' toN n be= ?0• This bid shall allow employees to bid for and secure, by seniority, vacation dates within the May through October b uftFY—+'ff61d '' July shift rotation of the following calendar year. Vacation requests from this bid period shall supersede all other vacation requests for time off during the May through October rotation. The second bid period shall be from September 1 through September 30 . This second bid shall allow employees to bid for and secure, by seniority, vacation dates from the November through April shift rotation. Vacation requests received during this bid period shall supersede all other vacation requests for time off during the November through April rotation. 8. Consideration for Changes. In consideration for the changes provided for by this MOU,the parties agree to continue to negotiate in good faith on a successor collective bargaining agreement, with the intention of completing the same on or before December 31, 2024. However, in the event a new collective bargaining agreement is not approved prior to, and in effect on, January 1,2025, the parties agree that the status quo shall not continue with respect to the following topics. Instead, the parties agree that the existing CBA, as applied on or after January 1, 2025, shall be revised as follows: A. Non-Accrued Time. Employees who transferred from a 12-hour shift to a 10-hour shift, will receive a total of 20 NAT hours on January 1, 2025, subject to use or forfeiture as provided for by the parties' 2022-2024 CBA, B. Annual Leave. Once an employee begins working a new 10-hour shift under this MOU, their annual leave accruals will revert back to the accrual rates previously provided for under Section 9.1 of the parties' collective bargaining agreement for the time period of January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2021. For ease of reference, those accruals are depicted below: Hours of Leave Accrued Years of Employment Annually Monthly 1 st year 96 hours 8 hours 2nd through 4th year 104 hours 8.67 hours 5th year 120 hours 10 hours 6th through 7th year 128 hours 10.67 hours 8th through 9th year 136 hours 11.33 hours 10th year 144 hours 12 hours 1 lth through 14th year 152 hours 12.67 hours 15th year 168 hours 14 hours 16th through 19th year 176 hours 14.67 hours 20th through 22"d year 184 hours 15.33 hours 23rd through 25th year 192 hours 16 hours 26th year and thereafter 198 hours 16.5 hours C. Maximum Accrual of Annual Leave. At the time an employee begins working 10-hour shifts under this MOU, the maximum amount of annual leave an employee may accrue under the CBA will revert back to the maximum accrual amount previously provided for under Section 9.4 of the parties' collective bargaining agreement for the time period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021. As a result, on the effective date of an employee's new 10-hour shift, any annual leave existing in an employee's annual leave bank in excess of the maximum accrual provided for under the parties' 2019-2021 collective bargaining agreement will be removed from employee's annual leave bank and placed in a separate leave bank for their use. Any leave within this separate leave bank must be used by December 31, 2025. Any leave remaining in this separate leave bank after 1159 hours on December 31, 2025, will be forfeited, removed from employee's leave bank, and become unavailable for use. D. Sick Leave. Once an employee begins working a new 10-hour shift under this MOU, their accrual of sick leave will revert back to the amounts previously provided for under Section 6.2 of the parties' collective bargaining agreement for the time period of January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2021 (i.e., 10 hours per month). Similarly, on that same effective date, the additional accrual of sick leave hours provided for on January 1 of each year shall similarly revert to that amount provided for under the 2019- 2021 collective bargaining agreement (i.e., 30 additional hours). E. Holiday Hours. Once an employee begins working a new 10-hour shift under this MOU, the amount of holiday hours deposited into an employee's holiday bank will be reduced from 132 hours to 110 hours. Similarly, the personal holiday hours will be reduced from 12 hours to 10 hours. All remaining provisions in Section 7.2 of the parties 2022-2024 CBA concerning holiday hours shall apply with respect to these hours shall apply after December 31, 2024, and prior to any subsequent collective bargaining agreement taking effect. Section 3 —Term The City and KPOA agree this MOU shall remain in effect until the parties agree upon a successor CBA. Section 4 —Interpretation and Signatures All other language of the CBA not in conflict with the terms or spirit of this MOU or not made superfluous by this MOU shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be altered by this MOU. KPOA and the City jointly drafted this MOU. In the event of an ambiguity in any term in this MOU, it shall be interpreted evenly, and not for or against either party as "the drafter". By signing below, the parties agree that the above represents their full and entire agreement with respect to the subject matter of this MOU. This MOU shall not be interpreted to create a past practice. This MOU shall be deemed executed and agreed to upon the later of both approval of the Kent City Council and the signature of the parties below. FOR KPOA: FOR THE CITY: � � -- Just'n Campbell Dana Ralph KPOA President Mayor Date:_ /ba 12el Date: 02/08/2024 Greg J Holly ey-Smith KP V' e President Director of Human Reso rces Date: c�7 OcZ Date: Rafaelfadilla Police Chief Date: APPRCOED AS TO FORM: am y W. ite tv Attorr ey Date: 2/6/ 4