HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT16-427 - Original - CCG Systems, Inc. - FASTER Fleet Management System - 06/05/2000 i KENT W A S H I N G T O N Agreement for the Purchase and Installation of a Fleet Management System City of Kent Washington And CCG Systems, Inc. Norfolk, Virginia gersystems, loc. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. RECITALS ---------------—-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2. SERVICES AND PRODUCTS—GENERAL------------------------------------------------ 1 3. SCOPE OF WORK-----------------------—------------------------------------------------------ 1 4. EXISTING CCG FASTER SOFTWARE—----—--------------------------------------------- 2 4.1 Grant of License and Right of Use---------------------------------------------------- 2 4.2 Furnishing and Installation of FASTER Software------------------------------------ 2 4.3 Preparation and Access---------------------------------------------------------------- 2 4.4 Ownership of Data-----—---------------------------------------—------------------------ 2 5. CUSTOMIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT--------------------------------------------- 3 5.1 Customization---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 5.2 Other FASTER Software Development------------------------------------------------ 3 6. TIME--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 7. DELIVERY; INSTALLATION; AND ACCEPTANCE------------------------------------ 3 7.1 Delivery and Installation --------—--------------—------------------—-------------------- 3 7.2 Tests---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 7.3 Acceptance-------—-----------------------------------------—------—----------------------- 3 7.3.1 General-------------------------------------------------------------- 3 7.3.2 System Acceptance Process-------------------------------------------- 3 7.3.3 Cure of Non-Conformities or Defects-------------------------------- 3 7.3.4 Performance Standard_____------------------------------------------_-- 3 8. CONVERSION----------------------------------------------------------—-------------—-------- 4 9. CONFIDENTIALITY-------------------------—-------------------------------------------------- 4 9.1 City Information to be kept Confidential----------------------------------------------- 4 9.2 CCG Confidential Information--------—-------------------------------------------------- 4 10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS---------------------------------------------------- 4 11. WARRANTIES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 12. PRICE AND PAYMENT-----------------------------------------—----------------------------- 6 13. FASTER SOFTWARE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE------------------------------ 6 13.1 Term ---------------------------------------------------------------------—------------- 6 13.2 Notice of New Releases or Enhancements----------------------------------------- 6 13.3 Correction of Errors --------------------------—---------------------------------------- 7 14. TERMINATION-------------------------------------------------—------------------------------ 7 14.1 Default-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 14.2 Convenience------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 15. INDEMNIFICATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 16. INSURANCE-----------------—---------------------------------—-------------------------------— 8 17. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR-------------------------------------------------------------- 9 18. EMPLOYMENT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 19. MISCELLANEOUS------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 19.1 Addresses--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 19.2 Construction------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 19.3 Modification-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 19.4 Force Majeure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 19.5 Required Approvals------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 19.6 Applicable Law and Choice of Forum--------------------------------------------- 10 19.7 Severability------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 19.8 Headings for Convenience----------------------------------------------------------- 10 19.9 Assignment Barred --------------------------------------------------—------------- 11 19.10 Order of Precedence---------_--------------—----_-_------------------------------- 11 19.11 Waiver-----------------------—----------------------------------------------------------- 11 19.12 Warranty of Authority - - - - -------—--------------------------------- 11 19.13 Audits and Inspections--------------------------------------------------------------- 11 19.14 City of Kent Business License—-----------—----------------------------------------- 11 19.15 State of Washington Requirements ------------------------------------------------- 11 19.16 Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws---------------------------------- 11 19.17 Complete Agreement------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 19.18 Effective Date---------—--------------------------------------------------------------- 11 EXHIBIT A—SCOPE OF WORK EXHIBIT B—COMPENSATION EXHIBIT C—ESCROW AGREEMENT AND INSTRUCTIONS EXHIBIT D—IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE EXHIBIT E.- FLEET MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE PRICE PROPOSAL ESTIMATE EXHIBIT F -CITY OF EVERETT RFP 98-200 EXHIBIT G-CCG's RESPONSE TO CITY OF EVERETT RFP 98-200 EXHIBIT H -SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT iii AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG THIS AGREEMENT is by and between the City of Kent, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and CCG Systems, Inc,, a Virginia corporation, whose address is 612 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, Virginia 23507, hereinafter referred to as "CCG". 1. RECITALS WHEREAS, 1. The City desired to acquire a computerized fleet management system that is Year 2000 compliant to replace its existing system. 2. The City of Everett had previously issued a Request for Proposal 1998-2000 ("RFP"). 3. Everett selected CCG to provide a fleet management system because CCG was the most qualified applicant. CCG is a software developer of a computerized fleet management system that is Year 2000 compliant, i.e_, FASTER CIS fleet management software system and minor customization of these programs for installation at the City shall be referred to as "FASTER Software." CCG performs data conversion, customization services, and FASTER Software support services to clients for such FASTER Software. a. CCG is willing to offer the City the same system under substantially the same terms, thereby avoiding the additional time it would take to go through a separate RFP process. 5. The Mayor has approved this selection process under the waiver provisions of the Kent City Code. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties herein do mutually agree as follows: 2. SERVICES AND PRODUCTS GENERAL By entering into this Agreement, the parties intend that CCG furnish, install and test FASTER Software for a fully functioning, Year 2000 compliant computerized fleet management system running in a Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition environment using Citrix Metaframe on a Microsoft SQL Server database. To accomplish this, CCG will furnish and install the FASTER Software, perform data conversion, customization and provide support for the FASTER Software, as specified in Exhibit E. The City will provide the Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition, Citrix Metaframe operating environment, Microsoft SOL Server database software, and associated hardware and all appropriate licenses. This general description does not supersede the more specific descriptions contained herein, or in the documents incorporated by reference. 3. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work, and FASTER Software to be furnished or developed and installed, is identified in this Agreement, the Exhibits to this Agreement, CCG's proposal to the City of Kent, the RFP, and CCG's response to the RFP which documents are incorporated herein by reference. Should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 1 of 12 4. EXISTING CCG FASTER SOFTWARE 4.1 Grant of License and Right to Use 4.1.1 CCG grants to City in perpetuity a non-exclusive, 6 user license to use (a) the FASTER Software and (b) any upgrades or maintenance releases provided pursuant to this Agreement or to a maintenance agreement and bug fixes, or patches. 4.1.2 If the source code for the FASTER Software, in whole or in part, is released to the City pursuant to the escrow agreement, the City may then adapt, enhance, modify or change any or all of the FASTER Software. Nothing herein requires City to furnish or license such adaptations, enhancements, or modifications from or to CCG. 4.1.3 City may install the FASTER Software on any and all workstations owned or controlled by the City, provided, however, that the City shall not exceed its 6 user license. 4.1.4 City shall not remove, obscure or alter any notice of patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other property right in the FASTER Software. Except for the license and rights granted herein, all rights, title and interest in the intellectual property rights in and to such FASTER Software remain with CCG. 4.1.5 City may make such copies of the FASTER Software as are reasonably necessary for City to use or exercise the rights granted hereunder. 4.1.6 No right is granted for the use of FASTER Software directly for any third person, or for any use by any third person of FASTER Software. 4.1.7 City may not sub-license, re-sell, transfer, convey or otherwise distribute the FASTER Software to third parties without the express written consent of CCG. 4.2 Furnishing and Installation of FASTER Software. CCG shall furnish and properly install current versions of the FASTER Software. CCG shall provide current documentation and manuals for the FASTER Software. CCG shall confirm the FASTER Software is operable and adequately performs its intended functions by performing tests chosen by CCG to determine the FASTER Software's operability both individually and in combination with each other on the City's standard platform in the City's standard operating environment. 4.3 Preparation and Access. City will allow CCG access to its premises as reasonably necessary or appropriate for CCG to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 4.4 Ownership of Data. CCG acknowledges the data contained within the database are and will remain the exclusive property of the City. With respect to the data structures and architecture, CCG retains full and complete rights to use, modify, further develop, copyright, patent, license, sell, encumber or convey its rights in the data structures and architecture. The City retains full and complete rights to use such structures and architecture in perpetuity, and in the event of release of the source code pursuant to the Escrow Agreement, to modify, enhance or change it. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 2 of 12 5. CUSTOMIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT 5.1 Customization. CCG shall provide services to install and customize the FASTER Software in accordance with this Agreement as defined in Exhibit E. The specifications and functionality of the FASTER Software, the timetable for the work, the budget (including terms of payment), and acceptance criteria and tests are stated herein or attached in the exhibits hereto and incorporated by reference. 5.2 Other FASTER Software Development. The parties agree that CCG is not developing FASTER Software for the City, except minor customization of CCG's FASTER Software. The parties expressly agree that FASTER Software development is outside the scope of this Agreement. The parties further agree that any FASTER Software development will only be contracted for by use of an additional, separate, written agreement. 6. TIME Time is of the essence to this Agreement. CCG's FASTER Software is Year 2000 compliant, and will be timely installed and available for use. CCG shall notify City of any circumstances, if, as and when they arise, that may be reasonably anticipated to lead to a material deviation from the timetable set forth in this Agreement. 7. DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, AND ACCEPTANCE 7.1 Delivery and Installation. As provided in this Agreement and incorporated documents, CCG shall deliver and install the FASTER Software at the location(s) designated by the City, customize the FASTER Software, convert data, and shall deliver thereto all documentation and other materials in accordance with Exhibit D Implementation Schedule. CCG shall inform City when such delivery, installation, customization, and conversion occur. 7.2 Test Promptly upon completion of the installation of the FASTER Software, customization and conversion, CCG shall perform tests to ensure the operability, adequacy and accuracy of the FASTER Software, customization and conversion. City shall be notified before the tests are run, and City shall be allowed to observe the testing. 7.3 Acceptance. 7.3.1 General. City shall accept the FASTER Software, customization and conversion when it delivers to CCG a written notice accepting the same. At its sole option, the City may issue multiple partial acceptances. The System Acceptance process will begin 2 weeks after the installation of the FASTER Software. 7.3.2 System Acceptance Process. The FASTER CIS request for system acceptance will be presented to City of Kent after a review of the system's performance two weeks after installation, customization, conversion and testing of the software. The review will include a checklist of the features and functionality of the FASTER C/S system, interfaces, and customizations. From the review, City of Kent will sign off on the listed features and functions accepted and present CCG with a list of any outstanding concerns or challenges required for full acceptance. The CCG project manager will review any outstanding issues or challenges and prepare a plan of action and a second acceptance document. The City will provide final payment to CCG Systems, Inc. after providing CCG full acceptance. 7.3.3 Cure of Non-Conformities or Defects. In the event that City notifies CCG of non- conformance or reproducible and verifiable defects, CCG shall promptly cure any defects or non- conformities. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 3 of 12 7.3.4 Performance Standard. FASTER Software shall meet the following performance standard: (a) movement from one screen to another of the FASTER Software will occur in two seconds or less; (b) the FASTER Software will retrieve a record within two seconds when installed and run on an application server with Citrix Metaframe 1.8 installed using Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition, Service Release 5as its operating system, a dual Pentium III CPU with a clock speed of 60 mhz, and 1G6 RAM and accessed via a Windows 9x client PC using a Pentium II or better CPU with a minimum of 32MB of RAM; OR when installed and run on a standalone workstation using Windows NT 4.0 Service Release 6 as its operating system, a Pentium II CPU with a clock speed of 400 mhz, and 128MB RAM; and (c) process and spool to print a repair order within fifteen (15) seconds. The parties contemplate that FASTER Software will not necessarily be tested by this standard as part of the System Acceptance Process, but will be tested by this standard at any time in the event of a dispute between the parties regarding the acceptability of FASTER Software performance. 8. CONVERSION CCG shall accurately convert the City's historical records as described in Exhibit A, Scope of Work. 9. CONFIDENTIALITY 9.1 City Information To Be Kept Confidential. CCG acknowledges that it may be provided access to confidential data of City that is not subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW Chap. 42.17. CCG shall use its best efforts: (1) not to, at any time, disclose or disseminate confidential data embodied in the data to any other person, firm, organization, or employee who does not need to obtain access thereto consistent with CCG obligations under this Agreement; (2) not to disclose or disseminate such confidential data to any third party; and (3) to ensure that all persons working for CCG protect City's confidential data against unauthorized use, dissemination, or disclosure. CCG's obligations under this section shall not apply to any information that is or becomes available without restriction to the general public by acts not attributable to City or its employees. 9.2 CCG Confidential Information. It is understood and agreed that City does not wish to receive from CCG any confidential information of CCG or of any third party. CCG represents and warrants that any information provided to City in the course of entering into this Agreement or performing work hereunder shall not be confidential or proprietary of CCG. 10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS All FASTER Software provided hereunder is and shall remain the property of CCG, or, if licensed by CCG, the licensor. CCG represents and warrants that: (1) it is and will be either the sole author of, or duty licensed and authorized to use, all works employed by CCG in preparing any and all FASTER Software; (2) it has and will have full and sufficient right to assign or grant the rights and/or licenses in the FASTER Software and (3) all FASTER Software provided to the City do not and will not infringe any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights (including trade secrets), privacy or similar rights of any third party, nor has any claim (whether or not embodied in an action, past or present) of such infringement been threatened or asserted, nor is such a claim pending against CCG (or, insofar as CCG is aware, any entity from which CCG has obtained such rights). 11. WARRANTIES 11.1 CCG warrants and represents that the level of bugs or errors in the user interface or in the processing or handling of transactions are no greater than reasonable and customary in the industry, that CCG has made and will use its best efforts to eliminate bugs or errors, that the FASTER Software will operate without unreasonable interruptions (either in number or duration), that the FASTER Software is compatible with most major hardware and software configurations using Microsoft Windows NT 4.0,, and Microsoft SQL Server database programs, that the FASTER Software is compatible with the hardware AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 4 of 12 and software environment identified in the RFP, and that the FASTER Software to be provided by CCG is fit for its intended purpose. 11.2 CCG does not warrant or represent that the FASTER Software or documentation is completely free of errors, that it will always operate without any interruptions, that it will operate with databases which are not ANSI SQL-92 the industry standard SQL or that it is compatible with all conceivable hardware and software configurations. 11.3 CCG further represents, warrants and guarantees that the FASTER Software provided hereunder shall, when operating under Windows NT Service Pack 6 operating system software. (i) properly individually and in combination with oilier software, correctly process, sequence, and calculate all date and date related data for all dates prior to, through and after January 1, 2000, and (ii) shall recognize, store and transmit date data in a format which explicitly and unambiguously specifies the correct century, month, day of the month, and day of the week, including, but not limited to, date/century recognition, calculations that accommodate same century and multi-century formulas and date values, and date data interface values that reflect an accurate and correct day, month, year and century. in the manipulation of external date, the FASTER Software provided by CCG shall work accurately based on correct data input. CCG is responsible for ensuring that calculations are accurate and successful in computations involving the year 2000. In addition, CCG guarantees that the year 2000 leap year calculations will be accommodated and will not result in hardware, firmware, and/or FASTER Software failures. CCG is responsible for products and services sublicensed by CCG to City, and CCG agrees that all warranties and guarantees by a vendor superior to CCG shall be passed through and/or assigned as necessary to the City. 11.4 CCG represents and warrants that (i) CCG has the power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, (ii) this Agreement, when executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding obligation of CCG enforceable in accordance with its terms, and (iii) CCG shall, at all times during the term oft his Agreement, be qualified, professionally competent, and duly licensed to perform the Work. 11.5 CCG represents and warrants that it is the sole owner or licensee (with the right to sublicense) of the FASTER Software it furnishes and installs pursuant to this Agreement and that no license other than that granted by this Agreement is necessary for the City to possess or use any of the FASTER Software lawfully; provided, however, that the City acknowledges that because FASTER Software operates on top of third party databases, that the City must have such third party database software and appropriate licenses for FASTER Software to be used. 11.6 CCG represents and warrants: (1) that all FASTER Software shall be prepared by it in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with the highest professional standards; (2) that all FASTER Software will function on the machines and with operating systems for which they are to be installed under this Agreement; (3) that all FASTER Software will conform to the specifications and functions set forth in the documentation, City of Everett RFP 1998-200, and CCG's Proposal in response dated November 16, 1998, and proposal; (4) that the maximum number of records that can be maintained or processed by the FASTER Software provided hereunder shall be the same maximum number of records per file allowed by the underlying database software; and (4) that CCG will perform all work in compliance with applicable law. With respect to any error contained in code delivered by CCG and reported by the City in writing to CCG within one year of full acceptance pursuant to section 7.3.2, CCG shall design, code, check out, correct, document, deliver and install any corrections, patches, updates, modifications, bug fixes, etc. that may be reasonably necessary to correct such bug or error. Even if the City does not continue with an annual support service or maintenance contract or such contract is not in force, CCG will continue to correct any major errors as provided herein. If during any period when the City is no longer on a support or maintenance contract and the City discovers what it believes to be a major error in FASTER software, the City may notify CCG in writing of such possible major error, giving as much detail as it reasonably can. CCG will investigate the possible major error. If CCG agrees it is a major error caused by or inherent in the FASTER software, CCG will correct the source code that caused the major error. If the AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 5 of 12 major error was not caused by, or did not inhere, in the FASTER software, the City shall pay CCG for its investigation time at the rate of $95/hour (provided that such rate shall be adjusted by the Consumer Price Index)and CCG shall report its findings to the City. An "error" includes (a) any failure of any portion of the FASTER Software to conform in a material respect to published documentation for the program or a process, function, command, routine, subroutine, call, etc., (b) any failure to process correctly such command, routine, etc., that results in erroneous data, or (c) any failure that results in an abnormal termination of the program, routine, command, etc. A "major error" is an error that results in an abnormal termination or protection fault of application or operating system software, corruption of data or files, or the return of miscalculated numbers. However, any nonconformity resulting from City's misuse or improper use of the FASTER Software shall not be considered an error or major error. 12. PRICE AND PAYMENT 12.1 CCG shall be paid such amounts and in the manner as described in Exhibit B. Such payment shall be full compensation for all work performed, FASTER Software furnished and installed, and services rendered, including, but not limited to, all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to perform completely its obligations hereunder. 12.2 Total compensation, including all services, goods and expenses as provided, shall not exceed a maximum of FORTY-SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE AND NO/100 ($47,675.00); including Washington State sales or use tax. 12.3 No expense shall be reimbursed unless the amount was reasonable, the expense was reasonably necessary to complete the contract, the expense was not reasonably foreseeable or included in CCG's price, and the expense was approved in writing by an authorized City representative prior to CCG incurring the expense. 12.4 If CCG fails within a reasonable period of time, or if CCG refuses, to correct its work when so directed by the City, the City may withhold from any payment otherwise due an amount that the City in good faith believes is equal to the cost to the City of correcting, re-procuring, or remedying any damage caused by CCG's conduct. At its sole option, City may deduct from any payment, including final payment (a) any damages, expenses or costs arising out of any such violations, breaches, or non- performance and (b) any other back-charges or credits. 12.5 To obtain payment, CCG shall (a) submit a CCG invoice for payment with an updated project management sheet and (b) comply with all applicable provisions of this Agreement. CCG shall be paid as described in the exhibits to this Agreement. 12.6 All requests for payment should be sent to: City of Kent Attn: Steve Hennessey 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 13. FASTER SOFTWARE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE 13.1 Term. CCG shall provide technical support, training and FASTER Software updates at no charge for one year from the date all FASTER Software provided hereunder and work pursuant to this Agreement is installed by CCG Systems and accepted by the City pursuant to section 7.3. "FASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 6 of 12 Software updates" includes, but is not limited to, the release, issuance or shipping of an updated, modified, enhanced or changed release or version of any of the FASTER Software. 13.2 Notice of New Releases or Enhancements. CCG shall notify City of the availability of any new releases or enhancements of the FASTER Software. As a part of on-going annual support services, CCG provides the annual release at no cost to all customers with current support contracts. 13.3 Correction of Errors. CCG shall use reasonable diligence in correcting errors when reported to CCG. As used in this Agreement, an "error" or "bug" is any portion of the FASTER Software (a) that fails to conform in a material respect to published documentation for the program or a process, function, command, routine, subroutine, call, etc.; (b) that results in a failure to process correctly a command, routine, etc., which results in erroneous data; or(c)which results in an abnormal termination of the program, routine, command, etc. However, any nonconformity resulting solely from City's misuse or improper use of the program shall not be considered an error. 14. TERMINATION 14.1 Default. If either party shall fail to fulfill one or more of its material obligations under this Agreement, the other party may, upon its election and in addition to any other remedies that it may have, at any time terminate all the rights granted by it hereunder by not less than one (1) month's written notice specifying any such breach, unless within the period of such notice all breaches specified therein shall have been remedied. 14.2 Convenience. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by sending written notice of termination to CCG ("Notice"). The Notice shall specify a termination date ("Termination Date") at least fourteen (14) days after the date the Notice is issued. The Notice shall be effective ("Notice Date") upon the earlier of either actual receipt by CCG (whether by fax, mail, delivery or other method reasonably calculated to be received by CCG in a reasonably prompt manner) or three calendar days after issuance of the Notice. Upon the Notice Date, CCG shall immediately commence to end work in a reasonable and orderly manner. Unless terminated for CCG's material breach, CCG shall be paid or reimbursed for: (a) all pay points completed up to the Notice Date, less all payments previously made; and (b) a reasonable amount for work after the Notice Date, but prior to the Termination Date, that was reasonably necessary to terminate the Work in an orderly manner. The Notice shall be sent by the United States Mail to CCG's address provided herein, postage prepaid., certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by delivery. In addition, the Notice may also be sent by any other method reasonably believed to provide CCG actual notice in a timely manner, such as fax. The City does not by this section waive, release, or forego any legal remedy for any violation, breach, or non-performance of any of the provision of this Agreement. 15. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, CCG hereby agrees to defend and indemnify the City from any and all Claims arising out of, in connection with, or incident to any acts, errors, omissions, or conduct by CCG (or it's employees, agents, representatives, independent contractors, or consultants) relating to this Agreement. CCG is obligated to defend and indemnify the City pursuant to this paragraph whether a Claim is asserted directly against the City, or whether it is asserted indirectly against the City, e.g., a Claim is asserted against someone else who then seeks contribution or indemnity from the City. CCG's duty to defend and indemnify pursuant to this paragraph is not in any way limited to, or by the extent of, insurance obtained by, obtainable by, or required of CCG. CCG shall not indemnify the City for Claims caused solely by the negligence of the City, If(1) RCW 4.24.115 applies to a particular Claim, and (2) the bodily injury or damage to property for which CCG is to indemnify the City is caused by or results from the concurrent negligence of (a) CCG, its employees, sub-consultants or agents and (b) the City, then CCG's duty to indemnify shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent allowed by RCW 4,24.115. SOLELY AND EXPRESSLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ITS DUTIES TO INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 7 of 12 CITY, CCG SPECIFICALLY WAIVES ANY IMMUNITY IT MAY HAVE UNDER THE STATE INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE LAW, TITLE 51 RCW. CCG RECOGNIZES THAT THIS WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER TITLE 51 RCW WAS SPECIFICALLY ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RCW 4.24.115 AND WAS THE SUBJECT OF MUTUAL NEGOTIATION. As used in this paragraph: (1) "City" includes the City's officers, employees, agents, and representatives, and (2) "Claims" include, but is not limited to, any and all losses, claims, demands, expenses (including, but not limited to, attorney' s fees and litigation expenses), suits, judgments, or damage, irrespective of the type of relief sought or demanded, such as money or injunctive relief, and irrespective of whether the damage alleged is bodily injury, damage to property, economic loss, general damages, special damages, or punitive damages. If, and to the extent, CCG employs or engages sub-consultants or independent contractors, then CCG shall ensure that each such sub-consultant and independent contractor (and subsequent tiers of sub- consultants and subcontractors) shall expressly agree to defend and indemnify the City to the extent and on the same terms and conditions as the CCG pursuant to this paragraph. 16. INSURANCE 16.1 CCG shall comply with the following conditions and procure and keep in force during the term of this Agreement, at its own cost and expense, the following policies of insurance with companies authorized to do business in the State of Washington, which are rated at least "A" or better and with a numerical rating of no less than seven (7), by A.M. Best Company and which are acceptable to the City. A. Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by Washington law and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. If the City authorizes sublet work, CCG shall require each subcontractor to provide Workers' Compensation Insurance for its employees, unless CCG covers such employees. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and at least $2,000,000 in the annual aggregate, including but not limited to: premises/operations (including off-site operations), blanket contractual liability and broad form property damage. C. Business Automobile Liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, extending to any automobile. A statement certifying that no vehicle will be used in accomplishing this Agreement may be substituted for this insurance requirement. 16.2 The above liability policies shall contain a provision that the policy shall not be canceled or materially changed without 30 days prior written notice to the City. No cancellation provision in any insurance policy shall be construed in derogation of the continuous duty of CCG to furnish the required insurance during the term of this Agreement. Upon written request by the City, the insurer or his/her agent will furnish, prior to or during any Work being performed, a copy of any policy cited above, certified to be a true and complete copy of the original. 16.3 Prior to CCG performing any part of this Agreement. CCG shall provide the City with a Certificate of Insurance acceptable to the City Attorney evidencing the above-required insurance and naming the City of Kent, its officers, employees and agents as Additional Insureds on the Commercial General Liability Insurance policy and the Business Automobile Liability Insurance policy, with respect to the operations performed and services provided under this Agreement and that such insurance shall apply as primary insurance on behalf of such Additional Insureds. Receipt by the City of any certificate showing less coverage than required is not a waiver of CCG's obligation to fulfill the requirements. 16.4 CCG certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington which requires every employer to be insured against liability of Workers' Compensation, or to AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 8 of 12 undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Title, CCG shall comply with the provisions of Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington before commencing the performance of the Work. CCG shall provide the City with evidence of Workers' Compensation Insurance (or evidence of qualified self-insurance) before any Work is commenced. 16.5 In case of the breach of any provision of this section, the City may, at its option and with no obligation to do so: (a) notify CCG in writing of such breach and (b), if such breach is not cured within 14 calendar days of issuance of the notice of breach, provide and maintain at the expense of CCG, such types of insurance in the name of CCG, and with such insurers, as the City may deem proper, and may deduct the cost of providing and maintaining such insurance from any sums which may be found or become due to CCG under this Agreement or may demand CCG to promptly reimburse the City for such cost. 17. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 17.1 It is further agreed by and between the parties that because this Agreement shall not constitute nor create an employer-employee relationship, and since CCG is an independent contractor, CCG shall be responsible for all obligations relating to federal income tax, self- employment FICA taxes and contributions, and all other so called employer taxes and contributions, including, but not limited to, industrial insurance (Workmen's Compensation), and that CCG agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the City harmless from any claims, valid or otherwise, made to the City, because of these obligations. 17.2 Any, and all employees of CCG, while engaged in the performance of any Work, shall be considered employees of CCG only and not of the City, and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees or CCG, while so engaged in any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of CCG's employees, while so engaged on any of the Work, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of CCG. 17.3 CCG shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and other legislation affecting its employees and the rules and regulations issued thereunder insofar as applicable to its employees and shall at all times save the City free, clear and harmless from all actions, claims, demands and expenses arising out of said act, and rules and regulations that are or may be promulgated in connection therewith. 17.4 CCG assumes full responsibility for the payment of all payroll taxes, income, or other form of taxes (such as state and, city business and occupation taxes), fees, licenses, excises or payments required by any city, federal or state legislation which are now or may during the term of the Agreement be enacted as to all persons employed by CCG and as to all duties, activities and requirements by CCG in performance of the Work and CCG shall assume exclusive liability therefore, and meet all requirements thereunder pursuant to any rules or regulations that are now or may be promulgated in connection therewith. if and to the extent sales and/or use tax applies to this transaction, the City shall (a) reimburse CCG in an amount equal to the sales tax, (b) pay use tax directly to the State of Washington, or(c) reimburse CCG in an amount equal to the use tax. 18. EMPLOYMENT 18.1 CCG warrants that it had not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for CCG, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for CCG, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price or consideration or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or contingent fee. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 9 of 12 18.2 CCG, with regard to the work performed by it, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, color, national origin, or sex in the selection and retention of employees or independent contractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. 19. MISCELLANEOUS 19.1 Addresses. Any statement, notice, request or other communication hereunder shall be deemed to be sufficiently given to the addressee and any delivery hereunder deemed made when sent by certified mail addressed to the following addresses: A. Notices to the City of Kent shall be sent to the following address: City of Kent Attn: Steve Hennessey 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 B. Notices to CCG shall be sent to the following address: CCG Systems, Inc. Attn: Nina McCoy, President 612 Colonial Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23507 19.2 Construction. Each party acknowledges that it has read this Agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its terms. Each party acknowledges that the Agreement should not be strictly construed against one party or the other, but interpreted reasonably and fairly so as to give effect to the manifest intentions of the parties. 19.3 Modification. This Agreement may not be modified except by a written instrument duly executed by the parties hereto. The City may, from time to time, require changes in the scope of this Agreement, Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of CCG's compensation, or services, shall: (a) be made only in writing and signed by an authorized City representative, (b) be explicitly identified as a change to this Agreement and (c) become a part of this Agreement. 19.4 Force Majeure. Each party shall be excused from delays in performing or from its failure to perform hereunder to the extent that such delays or failures result from causes beyond the reasonable control of such party; provided that, in order to be excused from delay or failure to perform, such party must act diligently to remedy the cause or effect of such delay or failure to the extent the party is able. In the event of such delays, the timetables shall be extended by as many calendar days as the delay caused by forces outside the reasonable control of the parties. 19.5 Required Approvals. Where agreement, approval, acceptance, or consent by either party is required by any provision of this Agreement, such action shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. 19.6 Applicable Law and Choice of Forum. This Agreement and the parties' obligations hereunder shall be governed, construed, and enforced exclusively in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The parties agree that the jurisdiction, venue and rules of the King County Superior Court located at the King County Regional Justice Center in Kent, Washington, shall be the proper and exclusive forum for any action. 19.7 Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be impaired or affected thereby, and AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 10 of 12 each term, provision, and part shall continue in full force and effect and shall be interpreted in manner consistent with the intent of the parties. 19.8 Headings for Convenience. The section and subsection headings used herein are for referral and convenience only, and shall not enter into interpretation hereof. The exhibits referred to herein and attached, and to be attached hereto, are incorporated herein to the same extent as if set forth in full herein. 19.9 Assignment Barred Neither party may assign its rights or duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, except to a successor of all or substantially all of its business and properties. This provision does not prevent CCG from engaging appropriate independent contractors to complete its work provided that City approves of such independent contractors, and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 19.10 Order of Precedence. In the event of any conflict between the clauses of this Agreement, its exhibits, and any of the documents incorporated by reference, the following order of precedence applies: (a) this Agreement; (b) exhibits to this Agreement; (c) CCG's November 16, 1998 proposal to the City of Everett and any changes thereto in reverse chronological order, (i.e., most recent modifies the earliest); (d) the City of Everett RFP 1998-200 and any changes thereto, in reverse chronological order; and (e) any other documents incorporated by reference. 19.11 Waiver. The waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver thereof nor of any further additional right that such party may hold under this Agreement. 19.12 Warranty of Authority. Each person signing this Agreement individually and personally warrants and represents that he or she has actual and express authority to bind the entity for who he or she signs. 19.13 Audits and Inspections. CCG shall retain and safeguard all records relating to its work for a period of three years. Such records include, but are not limited to, payroll records. At any time during normal business hours the City may deem necessary, CCG shall make available to the City (or the Washington State auditor) for the City's (or State Auditor's) examination all of CCG's records and document with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement and, furthermore, CCG will permit the City to audit, examine and make copies, excerpts or transcripts from such records, and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, materials, payroll, records of personnel, conditions of employment and other data relating to matters covered by this Agreement. 19.14 City of Kent Business License. CCG agrees to obtain a City of Kent business license prior to performing any work pursuant to this Agreement. 19.15 State of Washington Requirements. CCG agrees to register and obtain any State of Washington business licenses, Department Of Revenue account and/or unified business identifier number as required by RCW 50.04.140 and 51.08.195 prior to performing any work pursuant to this Agreement. 19.16 Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws. CCG shall comply with and obey all federal, state and local laws, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the operation of its business and to its performance of work hereunder. 19.17 Complete Agreement. This Agreement contains the complete and integrated understanding and Agreement between the parties and supersedes any understanding, Agreement or negotiation whether oral or written not set forth herein. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 11 of t 2 19.18 Effective Date. When duly executed by both the City and CCG, this Agreement shall be effective as of..1V"IG' 2000. IN WITNESS , the parties have caused this, Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as set forth below. CITY OF KENT,WA CCG SYSTEMS, INC. ' V By- PhItNarrke:--] i � �hl Print Name: Date: Oy Date: ATTEST: By: f� C N City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: B : V�v\ Y�. TnM )- YL City Attorney AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF KENT AND CCG Page 12 of 12 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK 1. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY CCG Provide and install CCG's computerized fleet management system, FASTER C/S, ready for use, as described in CCG's Proposal dated 16 November, 1998 in response to the City of Everett Request For Proposal No. 1998-200. Said Proposal and RFP are incorporated herein by reference. CCG and City shall execute and comply with the FASTER Software escrow agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C. The escrow account will be at DSI Technology Escrow Services, an Iron Mountain Company, located at 9265 Sky Park Court, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92123 . The City shall pay the cost of escrow. If the City elects to contract for maintenance and FASTER Software upgrade services through the end of the 2000 calendar year, CCG will pro-rate the proposed maintenance charges for the applicable period ending December 31, 2000. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY A. The City will be responsible for timely providing City data to CCG for CCG to convert and load into its fleet management FASTER Software. The timely delivery of data will be in the Excel 97 or Access 97 format and will be accompanied by the necessary documentation for interpretation of data. CCG will not be responsible for converting and loading any data not timely provided by the City or not in the specified format or not documented. B. The City will provide one year of historical data for conversion by CCG. This historical data will be converted in summary form, i.e., parts issued and received are posted in summary by month and year, not by individual transaction. Work order labor hours, sublet hours, credits are posted in the same manner. Exhibit"A"—Scope of Work Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT B COMPENSATION Pay Point Target Date Payment Amount Project Start/Receipt of Purchase Order June 1, 2000 $14,302 Completion of Installation of FASTER July 14, 2000 $14,303 Software Completion of Initial Training August 31, 2000 $9,535 Acceptance of System and Completion of October 16, 2000 $9,535 Follow-up Training T SE AMWNT� I+r�Ct-Vn� U31C�1�1Nt,�Ts✓N ��T/�T� S►�'YL�S 1 , Exhibit"B'—Compensation Page 1 of 1 EXHIBITC FASTER SOFTWARE ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of the date of the last signature hereto by and among the City of Kent, Washington, ("City") a municipal corporation, and CCG Systems, Inc., a corporation whose address is 612 Colonial Ave., Norfolk, Virginia 23507 ("CCG"), and DSI Technology Escrow Services, an Iron Mountain Company whose address is 9265 Sky Park Court, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92123 "). RECITALS: A. City is a licensee of CCG software (FASTER CIS) (the "FASTER Software"), pursuant to that certain agreement dated J U"6 S 2000, by and between CCG and City (the "FASTER Software Agreement'). B. The parties desire to place certain computer software and related materials with the Escrow Agent and for the Escrow Agent to act with respect to such computer software and related materials in accordance with this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants below, CCG, City and the Escrow Agent agree as follows: I. ESCROW ITEMS. 1.1 Pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein and upon City's issuance of any Purchase Order under this Agreement, CCG will promptly place under the control of the Escrow Agent good working order copies of the source code, any object code modules for which CCG has no source code, and documentation for such FASTER Software (to the extent CCG has the right to make such deposit without violating the rights of any other person) (collectively the"Escrow Items"). Each such deposit shall be accompanied by a description of any public domain software incorporated into the deposited Escrow Items, and of any software which CCG has incorporated into the deposited Escrow Items under license from others. In the latter case, CCG shall: (i) deposit such licensed software only to the extent(if any) to which CCG is entitled to do so under such license; (ii) specify which portions of such licensed software have been included in, and excluded from, the deposit; (iii) identify the owner or other licensor of such software; and (iv) to the best of CCG's knowledge at the time, described how (if at all) City may seek to license such software after release of the Escrow Items to City under this Agreement. City's rights to Escrow Items under this Agreement shall at all times be subject to CCG's rights thereto, as those rights may change from time to time. 1.2 CCG shall revise and update the Escrow Items (a) annually; (b) whenever a new version of the FASTER Software is delivered to the City; or(c) as necessary to keep them current and in good working order. CCG shall have no obligation to City to revise or update such copies after the later of: (i) the expiration of CCG's warranty period on FASTER Software or (ii) City ceases purchasing maintenance services for FASTER Software from CCG. During the first month of each calendar year, City shall have the right, upon thirty (30) days' prior written request and at City's cost, to have CCG compile and test such copies, revisions and updates in City's presence. The location and equipment used for such compilation and testing shall be designed by the City in its written request, provided, however, that if the City designates any location other than CCG offices as the location of the compilation and testing, the City shall reimburse CCG for its actual, reasonable and necessary travel and lodging expenses. 2. RELEASE CONDITIONS. Exhibit"C"—Faster Software Escrow Agreement Page 1 of 4 City shall be authorized to submit to the Escrow Agent the Certificate referred to below as to all of the deposited Escrow Items upon the occurrence of one of the following release conditions during the term of the FASTER Software Agreement: 2.1 CCG's insolvency or inability to make timely payment to its creditors, the filing of a petition by or against CCG under any chapter of the federal bankruptcy laws, upon CCG's making of a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, when CCG discontinues selling or supporting the software it provided to City. 3. DUTIES OF ESCROW AGENT 3.1 The Escrow Agent's duties hereunder are limited to: 3.1.1 Safeguarding the Escrow Items against disclosure to or access by any person or entity except as expressly provided herein, including the safekeeping of the Escrow Items in a safety deposit box in a commercial banking institution or in a secure warehouse specializing in the storage of confidential documents including computer media; 3.1.2 Notifying CCG and City that it has received. the Escrow Items; 3.1.3 Notifying CCG and City that it has received from CCG any updated version of the Escrow Items; and 3.1.4 Disposition of the Escrow Items in accordance with these instructions. 3.2 The Escrow Agent is not responsible for verifying the accuracy or completeness of the Escrow Items. The Escrow Agent's performance hereunder is excused when it is prevented by acts of God and other causes beyond its reasonable control. 4. RELEASE OF ESCROW ITEMS. 4.1 The City may issue a certificate, signed by the City Clerk, the City Attorney, or the Mayor ("Certificate"), stating that one or more conditions for release of the Escrow Items has been met. At the time of delivery to the Escrow Agent of such a Certificate, City shall deliver a duplicate copy of the Certificate to CCG. After the expiration of thirty days from the date of delivery of the Certificate to the Escrow Agent, the Escrow Agent shall release the Escrow Items unless the Escrow Agent and City have been served with an order from a King County, Washington court of competent jurisdiction forbidding such release. 4.2 Upon receipt of a document signed by the City and CCG stating that the escrow provided for herein has been terminated, the Escrow Agent shall deliver the Escrow Items in accordance with the instructions contained in such document. 4.3 Without affecting the City's right of access to the source code as set forth in Section 4.1, it is understood and agreed that should any dispute arise with respect to the delivery and/or ownership or right of possession of any part of the Escrow items held by the Escrow Agent hereunder, the Escrow Agent is authorized and directed to retain the Escrow Items in its possession without liability to anyone until such dispute shall have been settled either by mutual written agreement as provided above or by a final order, decree, or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction in King County, Washington applying Washington law, but the Escrow Agent shall be under no duty whatsoever to institute or defend any such proceedings. 4.4 In the event the City terminates the FASTER Software Agreement for its own convenience and not for any breach by CCG, the Escrow Items may be released to CCG on thirty days' written notice to the City. Exhibit"C"—Faster Software Escrow Agreement Page 2 of 4 6. NOTICES. Notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing, and sent by prepaid registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses on the signature page hereto. All such notices, if properly addressed, shall be effective when received. Should a notice be unclaimed or refused, notice shall be deemed to have occurred five business days after the notice was mailed. 6. NONASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement or any rights or obligations under it except in accordance with the FASTER Software Agreement. 7. GENERAL. 7.1 The Escrow Agents duties hereunder may be altered, mended, modified or revoked only by a writing signed by the City and CCG. 7.2 The Escrow Agent shall be obligated only for the performance of such duties as are specifically set forth herein and may rely and shall be protected in relying upon any instrument reasonably believed by the Escrow Agent to be genuine and to have been signed or presented by the proper party or parties. The Escrow Agent shall not be personally liable for any act the Escrow Agent may do or omit to do hereunder while acting in good faith and in the exercise of its own good judgment. 7.3 The Escrow Agent is hereby expressly authorized to comply with and obey orders, judgments or decrees of any court. In case the Escrow Agent obeys or complies with any such order,judgment or decree, the Escrow Agent shall not be liable to any of the parties heroic or to any other person, firm or corporation by reason of such compliance, notwithstanding any such order, judgment or decree being subsequently reversed, modified, annulled, set aside, vacated or found to have been entered without jurisdiction. 7.4 The Escrow Agent shall be entitled to employ such legal counsel and other experts as reasonably necessary to advise it in connection with its obligations hereunder, may rely upon the advice of such counsel, and may pay such counsel reasonable compensation therefor. 7.5 The responsibilities of the Escrow Agent hereunder shall terminate if the Escrow Agent shall resign by written notice to City and CCG. In the event of any such termination, the City shall promptly appoint a successor Escrow Agent, subject to the approval of CCG, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld. 7.6 This Agreement is the complete understanding between the parties on this subject matter and it supersedes all prior discussions or agreements on this subject between them. It may not be modified except by a writing signed by authorized representatives of both parties. If either parry fails to enforce any term, such failure shall not prevent enforcement on any other occasion. 7.7 This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respective successors and assigns. 7.8 CCG shall have the right to inspect access records_ 7.9 All rights and remedies of the parties whether conferred by this or by any other instrument or by law, shall be cumulative and may be exercised singularly or concurrently. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid by any law or regulation of any government or by the final determination of any court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not effect the enforceability of any other provisions not held invalid. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties to it shall be governed by the local laws of the State of Washington, and any disputes arising out of this Exhibit"C"—Faster Software Escrow Agreement Page 3 of 4 Agreement, relating to this Agreement or to the Escrow Items, shall be determined in court exclusively under the jurisdiction, venue and rules of the King County Superior Court located at the King County Regional Justice Center in Kent, King County, Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and CCG have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. CITY OF KENT,WA CCG SYSTEMS, INC r By, Print N rY,Lx rin e: \Im 2 6%04 Date: Date: S 25 2 ooa �S"" ATTEST: By: NLA t� City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:—AIA6 1 %U 6,L, Tom NW6AI,--"Z , City Attorney Exhibit"C"-Faster Software Escrow Agreement Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT D IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE June 21,2000 Hardware installed and testing begins June 27,2000 City sends Table file formats to CCG June 28, 2000 Hardware ready July 12 — 14, 2000 CCG Installs FASTER CIS at the City of Kent system administration instruction is done July 17 — August 4, 2000 User Testing August 7,2000 Fuel Interface formats to CCG August 21, 2000 Parts quantity, odometer readings to CCG August 25 - 31, 2000 On-site training of users September 1, 2000 Go Live October 16-17, 2000 Follow-up training Although this is the intended schedule, the timetable is subject to change upon mutually agreeable terms. Exhibit"D"—Implementation Schedule Page 5 of 2 EXHIBIT E FLEET MAINTENANCE SOFTWARE PRICE PROPOSAL ESTIMATE Estimated Estimated Annual Descriotion of Item Proposed Price Per Item Item Total Support Base software product: Server software $12,000 Client Software 6 users @$1200 each $ 7,200 Fuel Interface Program $1,950 Source Code Escrow 500 $21,650 Project Management $ 5,000 Training In-house—(10 days, 2 TRIPS) $ 7,500 Travel & Living (One Person) $4,400 $11,900 Installation and Testing (3 days) $2,250 Travel & Living (One Person) $ 1,800 $ 4,050 Annual Technical Support, Maintenance and Upgrades (20%of software total) $3,500 Costs to be Negotiated with Vendor: Data File Conversion $ 1,300 SUBTOTAL: $43,900 SALES TAX Cad 8.6% __--- _ $ 3,775 TOTAL: $47,675. Fleet Maintenanoe Software Price Proposal Estimate Page 1 of 1 Exhibit H CCG SYSTEMS, INC. SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT NAME AND ADDRESS OF CUSTOMER: City of Kent, WA CCG Systems, Inc. hereinafter referred to as "CCG", and the City of Kent, WA hereinafter referred to as "Customer", agree to enter into a software maintenance agreement in accordance with the following terms and conditions. TERMS This agreement includes automatic renewal on an annual basis with annual fees to be established on the then current CCG Systems rate. This agreement may be terminated by either party providing 60 days written notice to the other party. FEE Maintenance fee shall be payable yearly in advance. The fee for the period beginning October 1, 2001 and ending September 30 2002 is $3,801.00. This fee covers support services for the FASTER fleet management system as specified in detail in Exhibit E and will not be increased more than 15% in any calendar year. Changes in terms, conditions and fees; CCG may change its software maintenance fees, terms, and conditions upon 90 days written notice to customer, but no such change shall be effective until the current software maintenance contract expires. TAXES AND DUTIES There shall be added to maintenance fees and other charges to this agreement amounts equal to any tariff, duties and/or sales or use tax, or any tax in lieu thereof, imposed by any government or governmental agency with respect to the services rendered by CCG under this agreement. COVERAGE The software covered in this agreement includes FASTER, the fleet management system, and all options/additions outlined in Exhibit E. This agreement also covers all ongoing support and training which include, but are not limited to, phone consultation, site visits (when possible), regional training, participation in the annual users' conference, regular newsletters, and periodic updates to the software, with accompanying updates to the user manual. Specifically: 1. Standardized repair types, class codes and part category codes Fleet Maintenance Software Price Proposal Estimate Page 2 of t 2. Pre-loaded generic table codes 3. Process-oriented documentation 4. Training conducted by fleet professionals 5. Customized training schedule for each site 6. Annual Site-Visits 7. Ten 800 Support Lines—Normal support hours are 8:00 AM—8:00 PM EST Monday through Friday 8. 24-hour support through the use of emergency numbers 9. Monthly FASTER News Newsletter 10. Regional training workshops offered every year 11, National User's Conference that includes nationally known speakers who are experts in the fleet industry 12.All new enhancements to the FASTER System 13. Overnight delivery at no extra charge 14. Quarterly For Customers Only Newsletter 15. Annual FASTER System Administrator Training 16. Modem access for immediate troubleshooting and remote training 17. Guaranteed maximum three (3) hour response time 18. CCG Web Server providing Internet access to FASTER Benchmarking Database and supplemental email, technical support, information During the term of this agreement, CCG will correct or replace software and/or provide services necessary to remedy any programming error which is attributed to CCG and which significantly affects use of the software. Such corrections, replacement or services will be promptly accomplished after customer has identified and notified CCG of any such error. Customer agrees to provide CCG with data dumps or error logs, as requested, and with sufficient support and test time on customer's computer system to duplicate the problem and certify that the problem has, indeed, been fixed. Customer shall inform CCG in writing of any modifications made by customer to the software. CCG shall not be responsible for maintaining customer-modified portions of the software or for maintaining portions of the software affected by customer-modified portions of the software. Corrections for difficulties or defects traceable to customer errors or system changes will be billed at standard CCG's time and materials rates. Prices include a time rate of $95.00/hr and materials billed at cost. These prices are subject to reasonable increases. Any corrections or alterations to, or new versions of, the software that CCG may deliver to customer under this agreement shall be limited to one copy of such software and documentation delivered to the customer. Included in Coverage are: TRAVEL EXPENSE Customer shall reimburse CCG for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred at customer's request, including travel to and from the customer site, lodging, meals, telephone, and shipping, as may be necessary in connection with duties performed under this Fleet Maintenance Software Price Proposat Estimate Page 3 of 1 agreement by CCG. Living expenses shall not be reimbursed in excess of$200 per day. Reimbursement for air travel is limited to the economy fare rates. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS Any changes, additions, and enhancements in the form of new or partial programs or documentation as may be provided under this agreement, shall remain the proprietary property of CCG. The software programs specified above will include, under its proprietary restrictions, any such additional programming and documentation provided under this agreement. TERMINATION In the event of termination of the software license agreement, specified above, through default by customer. CCG's obligations under this software maintenance agreement shall immediately end. CCG may terminate this agreement in the event of default by Customer. Default by the customer includes Customer's failure to pay the annual maintenance within 30 days notice that the same is thirty days or more delinquent. GENERAL This agreement is binding when accepted by CCG Systems, Inc. and the City of Kent, indicated by the authorized signatures below. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. The terms and conditions stated herein supersede all prior agreements between parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement. This agreement may be changed or modified only in writing. CU TOM R; CCG SYSTEMS, INC.: By: By: Title, Title: a r Fleet Maintenance Software Price Proposal Estimate Page 4 of 1 City of Everett to ' S'TF �. F + M n k e f , P 9UU. Pres M. Lynn Stuart Tuesday, November 17, 1998 2:00 PM CCG Systems, Inc. 2200 Colonial Avenue, Suite 23 Norfolk, Virginia 23517- 1934 1-800-753-2783 www.ccgsystems.com FASTER CIS FLEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE RFP 1998-200 Table of Contents Corporate Overview I History 1 Mission Statement 1 Company Values 2 Introduction 3 Organization and Staffing 4 Staff Overview 4 Staff Resumes 7 Qualifications & Experience 32 CCG Support Program 34 Customer Support Services 34 Annual Support Services 36 Fleet Benchmarks 36 Training Philosophy and Content 37 FASTER C/S Training 39 Training Outline 39 Follow-Up Training 44 Regional Training 44 Annual CCG Conference 44 FASTER Trainers 44 Release History 44 System Documentation 47 Software Package Overview 49 FASTER C/S 49 Reports List 50 Hardware Requirements 53 Hardware 53 Additional Software 54 Options Available For Thin Client And Workstations 55 Data Conversion 56 Project Staffing 57 Approach 58 Implementation Plan 60 Implementation Deliverables and Milestones 62 Implementation Timeline 64 FASTER Installation References 66 RFP Submittal Sheet 72 Product Pricing and Cost Figures 75 Barcode Hardware Pricing 78 Payment Schedule 79 Appendix A FASTER CIS Screen Prints/Sample Reports 80 Equipment Inventory Screen—Master Applet 81 Equipment Inventory Screen—Billing Applet 82 Parts Inventory Screen—Master Applet 83 Parts Inventory Screen—Warranty Applet 110 Deferred Maintenance Screen 111 Systems Settings Screen 112 Work Order Screen-Cost Applet 113 Work Order Screen-Search Applet 114 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Corporate Overview Firm Name: CCG Systems, Inc. Address: 2200 Colonial Avenue Suite 23 Norfolk, VA 23517-1934 Phone: (800) 753-2783 Fax: (757) 625-5114 Web Address: www.ccgsystem.com Representative: M. Lynn Stuart, Vice President Address/Phone/Fax: Same as above E-mail Address: lynn@ccgsystems.com State ID#: 0012655894 Federal ID #: 54-1205684 History CCG Systems, Inc. has been in business for over 16 years, headquartered in Norfolk, VA, with regional offices in Blacksburg,VA and Phoenix,AZ. FASTER was first developed in 1982 for a large city and was successfully installed on an IBM Mainframe. It was ported to a micro environment for installation at a medium size city in 1983. In 1995 CCG Systems, Inc.began the development of FASTER C/S. With the Advent of FASTER C/S, CCG Systems, Inc. has assumed all of the responsibilities for both the FASTER 5.1 and C/S versions. Because of its design, which was tailored to meet the needs of a large mixed fleet, we continue to service more of this type of fleet than any other. We are installed in over 190 locations across the United States (in 25 states), with several additional sites in various stages of the pre-installation process. The majority of our installations are municipal governments. The size varies from fleets of 50 to fleets of over 7,000. We currently service both single location operations and those with numerous remote sites. The company officers are Pam Nelson, President and Jim Nelson, Vice President. Pam and Jim have been invited as speakers at numerous national and regional fleet and equipment conferences to include NAFA, EMC and APWA. In 1997, Pam Nelson has contributed to the fleet industry by offering four seminars for fleet managers on Benchmarking with co- leader, Mike Corbett,consultant and editor of California Fleet News, Mission Statement To provide all fleet personnel with real-time access to the best computerized fleet information system available,along with the support, education and training needed to insure that all individuals in the fleet organization have the information they need to meet their individual,team and organizational objectives. I CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Company Values Understanding that all goals, we as a company make, must be in alignment with our most important values, we have determined those values to be: 1. Customers come first. Every single customer knows that his/her needs are important to us. Each customer feels he is getting more than what he is paying for. 2. Open communication among all co-workers. No one can ever know how another person feels or what is most important to him/her at any particular time. Understanding that each of us always has an "agenda," it is the responsibility of each of us to keep all others informed, particularly when cooperation from one or more of us is essential to the successful completion of a particular task/object. We never assume what another feels and we never say something about another co- worker that we would not say when that person was present. 3. Honesty in dealing with our customers, our vendors and ourselves. Recognizing that where there is total honesty, there is a creative environment(one in which you can say absolutely anything without fear of unjust reprisal),we tell the truth, good or bad, at all times. We are not making a moral judgment as to what is right, because what one person may believe is "right," another one may not. We are committed to not misleading, by statement or action or by omission of statement or action,any customer,vendor or co-worker. In this way,trust among all parties continues to exist. 4. Commitment to excellence in_ourproduct and to the hardware on which it runs. We continually strive to enhance our product to meet the growing needs of our customers. All enhancements are generated through customer requests, on- site observations and remaining current, via fleet publications,on industry trends and findings. We will not make design changes and/or additions unless we determine that the customer is being given the "best" solution, not just the one he thinks he wants or needs. We use a questioning technique to determine what benefits the customer is expecting and to determine what is the best method to achieve those benefits. 5. Recognizing, providing and continually reinforcing training opportunities for our customers and ourselves. We know that people do the very best they can based on what they know at that moment in time. If people know more, they make better decisions. 2 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Introduction CCG Systems, Inc. is pleased to have been invited to bid for the City of Everett's Fleet Management System Software. This proposal has been prepared carefully and with consideration of the outlined specifications, items of discussion,terms,conditions set forth in the RFP document. Installing a new fleet information system is a transitional challenge. The immediate need for the City of Everett is to collect as much information about both the software and the vendor so that the selection is made with confidence. However, throughout the transition and into the future, you will want a partner and this selection can be a much more difficult. Over the past 16 years, CCG Systems, Inc.has assisted 194 in the transition to using the FASTER Fleet Management system. In so doing, CCG has learned to value each and every implementation as distinct in their needs and different in their objectives. Customers are not asked to fit into a mold framed by FASTER. The process begins with CCG listening to what you want and helping you to clarify what you need (as stated in our values). Frequently, these are not the same. Objectives such as having the ability to have fast and accurate billing, utilization information, life cycle costing data, increased employee productivity,elimination of redundant information,increased communication among operational departments and improvement in services are addressed by a fully integrated information system like FASTER C/S. However, the "best solution" is found in an evaluation of the existing processes and a reengineering effort. The people at CCG Systems have established a successful pre-installation phase directed toward guidance and clarification. Activities such as fleet professionals reviewing the work flow process, interactive seminars addressing change which are conducted on site for personnel, as well as,the evaluation of desired end results so that initial set up of codes and system switches will reflect site needs. These are the activities provided by a partner, not a vendor. CCG Systems,Inc.is such a partner. The City of Everett operates fleet services for 780 vehicles and pieces of equipment, 86 vehicles from outside agencies and over 1,780 radios. Fleet Management is responsible for one of the largest assets in the city. Having an integrated information tool like FASTER will allow for potential growth in service quality and cost savings. Tracking equipment and parts warranties on line with real time data provides the information for proactive decisions to be made by the employees empowered by this information. Collecting data real time provides confidence in reports and immediate feedback. FASTER is designed to provide real time and paperlight data collection. While Bar Coding is supported, on-line displays of work in progress, work order summaries,history, and work order snap shots allow shop personnel to communicate without paper in real time. The work order status can be updated from any workstation and reflect any number of user defined statuses communicating delay reasons and collecting time for management reports or providing a communication tool for parts personnel to alert shop personnel of statuses. Through the standard reports written with Crystal Reports, data can be used to analyze trends, reflect challenges or performance standards, list information for review and prepare projections for vehicle replacement or service requests. The standard report list has been prepared by fleet professionals to reflect a comprehensive package for running an efficient shop operation. Additionally,FASTER C/S supports any standard report writer. Crystal Reports is suggested as the report writer so that a site may use the standard reports as templates for site specific modifications supporting even greater reporting capabilities. Through the use of a fully optimized Windows NT Network and FASTER C/S Server, performing the reads and writes to the standard database of choice, and FASTER Client set up on the workstations performing the application specific responsibilities,the City of Everett will be able to maximize the benefits of an integrated information system. CCG Systems, Inc. will write an interface for the transfer of information from the Automated Fuel System and provide the other customized interfaced after fully specified and identified as necessary. Throughout your evaluation process, CCG Systems, Inc. would urge the evaluation team to tail references. Our customers have always been the focus of development, enhancements, education and support. The ten incoming 800 lines are available from 8am—8pm Monday through Friday and a person will answer the phone 1-800-753-2783. Call and ask a question. 3 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Organization and Staffing CCG Systems, Inc. currently has 24 individuals on staff who devote their energies to supporting and enhancing the FASTER system and its users. There are 8 System Analysts, 4 technical support personnel, a Chief Financial Officer, a Director of Operations,an Operations Specialist,a Documentation Specialist,4 Fleet Advisors,3 Marketing Professionals,in addition to our President, Pam Nelson. All staff members stay current on fleet issues, as well as the latest technological tools. Additionally,CCG Systems is very proud of the diversity of their staff and has gained certification with the State of Virginia as a WBE Corporation#981031. What is unique about the FASTER support team is that the staff s expertise is not limited to knowing software and how best to implement it. In addition to highly qualified systems analysts and trainers, there are fleet professionals (3 of which were FASTER customers for more than six years) on staff, who provide outstanding front line support to our customers. They include: Gary Bishop, Director of Fleet Services; John Colli, Fleet Consultant; Mike Brawley, Fleet Technical Advisor; and our part time Fleet Consultant: Tom Spence. These highly qualified individuals lead our project management team,conduct the annual on-site consultative visits, provide consulting services and training on site for our customers and have been instrumental in initiating 17 areas for benchmarking using the FASTER system. CCG Systems, Inc.'s Organizational Chart has been included in this response following the Staff Resumes on page 31 of this response. Staff Overview • CCG Systems, Inc.Fleet Professionals: Gary Bishop, Director of Fleet Services: Over 20 years experience in the fleet industry growing from Master Mechanic to fleet manager responsible for the implementation of FASTER with Montgomery County Schools, VA. His knowledge of people and shop floor processes, as well as the FASTER software application lead to CCG systems request of his services in 1994. Gary has focused his talents on developing one of the best training programs in the fleet software industry. Gary is a leader,motivator,trainer and advisor to both CCG Systems and our customers. Tom Spence,Fleet Consultant Part-time: 42 years of experience in ground equipment and aircraft maintenance. Tom spent 31 years in the Army working in Operations and Maintenance direction for ground vehicles and aircraft. He moved on to Chesterfield County where he spent 11 years as Fleet and Communications Manager. Tom has also been very active professionally as the past Co-Chair of the Public Sector for NAFA. Tom works with CCG as a fleet professional providing training and conducting consultative site visits. John Colli,Fleet Consultant:John joined CCG Systems,Inc. in September 1997. His responsibilities include on site training and conducting annual consultative visits. While beginning his career in maintenance in the North East, John relocated to Florida and has pursued equipment maintenance management in the trucking industry, private industry, and with a County Government. He worked as a shop supervisor for five years before leaving to pursue a career as a golf pro and then accepting his position with CCG Systems,Inc. His diverse experience in equipment maintenance and expertise as a user of FASTER, as well as his dedication to the customer provide the fleet professional staff depth and perspective. Mike Brawley, Fleet Technical Advisor: Over 15 years of Fleet Management experience supported with computer systems knowledge. Mike has held the positions of District Manager,Fleet Manager and Computer Systems Supervisor for Jiffy Lube in Virginia Beach where he worked closely with local and state municipalities and other regional organizations, performed software and hardware maintenance and provided technical support and training. 4 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 • CCG Systems Analysts Alan Gamboa, Systems Analyst: 10 years in the computer science field creating, designing, and programming starting his work experience with Washington Design Group, Ltd. in 1986 and joining CCG in 1990. Alan has been an instrumental front line technical service provider. Alan's major role is design and special projects with emphasis on the workstations and special programs. His creativity is strengthened by his ability to listen and understand the needs of our users. Reggie Mano, Systems Analyst: 10 years of computer experience and management responsibilities. Reggie joined CCG Systems in 1992 after working with a development company and as a systems operations manager with Lube Ventures. He began as a primary front line person in problem solving and customer support. His role has grown to include installations, customized programming, interfaces,conversions and technical team leadership. Sumalee Lersthiendamrong, Systems Engineer: Sumalee has both a BS and MA in Computer science with background strong in Windows NT and C++. She has quickly learned the FASTER system specifications and requirements and become a major contributor to the development of FASTER CIS. John Sinues,Systems Engineer: With a comprehensive background in C++, Oracle and ODBC interfaces, John brings to the FASTER team,a well-rounded and creative source of talent, Beau Hunt, System Analyst: Beau's experience started from college in Political Science. He became fascinated with computer analysis in conducting research and spawned a desire to move to computer programming and design. His experience also includes project management as he began and ran his own consulting group for 3 years prior to joining CCG Systems, Inc. Charlene Gallishaw, Systems Analyst: Charlene contributes 4 years experience in information systems beginning in accounting and moving toward specializing in Information Systems, COBOL and Year 2000 compliance. Charlene is a senior at Old Dominion University in Business Administration: Information Systems and has joined CCG Systems as a member of the Year 2000 team. Her role for the next year will be the full testing, evaluation, and programming of the FASTER 5.0 software for Year 2000 compliance. Doug Atkins, Systems Analyst: Doug is currently employed Part-Time while he completes his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. At CCG, he has been able to apply the knowledge he has gained from several courses such as Computer Architecture,Object Oriented Programming, problem Solving in Programming,and Advanced Data Structures/Algorithms. Eric Evans, Systems Analyst: Eric joined the CCG team on June lsr of 1998, bringing with him a passion for programming and system design. Eric's background is diverse,revealing both a traditional path of learning and a desire for discovering and solving problems on his own. An honor graduate of ECPI, he has been a consultant on various projects and co-owner of a company. • Technical Support Personnel Melchor Udan, Technical Support Specialist: 8 years experience in information systems and management. Melchor joined CCG Systems after 8 years with United Artists Theaters as Operations Manager. His experience with database management, problem solving, crisis management, training and customer relations has prepared Melchor as the front line technical support specialist for CCG Systems. Brian Cooper, Technical Support Specialist: 4 years experience in computer science. Brian is the newest member of the CCG Systems Staff. His background in telephone support services, problem solving, computer installation and training provides Brian with excellent communication skills and technical knowledge. Rusty Udan,Technical Support Specialist: 3 years experience in information systems and management. Rusty joined CCG Systems after 3 years with United Artists Theaters following the successes of his brother Melchor while attending college in computer services. His educational background and his experience with database management, problem solving, crisis management,training and customer relations has prepared Rusty as the front line technical support specialist for CCG Systems. 5 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Bob Auger, Technical Support Specialist: 5 years of experience in the Customer Service Arena combined with military service in the United States Marine Corps qualifies Bob for his position with CCG Systems, Inc.. His computer skills include dBASE, diagnostic software, Inter-Networking Support Systems and hardware troubleshooting including, but not limited to, Monitors and Terminals. Bob also contributes 4 years of experience in the fleet/automotive industry from his previous employment as General Manger of Jiffy Lube in Virginia Beach. • Administration and Marketing Pamela J.Nelson, President: 20 years of education, training, and management experience. Over a 20-year period, Pam has emerged as a management leader. While beginning as an instructor with a business college,Pam grew to become President of a proprietary school corporation where she increased the revenue from 1 million to 10 milIion. Pam left the corporation to become President and co-owner of CCG Systems. Her strengths as a leader, businessperson, motivator, and trainer have been integral to the operational success of CCG Systems. She is a sought after speaker for National Fleet Conferences, is performing visioning sessions with fleet organizations,and is the editor and author of the monthly FASTER NEWS. Jim Nelson, Vice President: 30 years experience in computer applications with emphasis on maintenance and management systems. Trained in systems design and marketing by IBM with additional project management experience with Control Data and Honeywell, Jim was one of the initial team members to design and implement the FASTER Fleet Information Software over 14 years ago. His expertise in systems design and knowledge of FASTER places him as an integral part of all installations. Jeannine Youngs, Chief Financial Officer: 20 years of accounting and management experience in the educational, architectural and legal fields. Produced and analyzed financial data and prepared budgets and financial forecasts to use as a tool in reaching company goals. Also provided day to day management and implementation of procedures to ensure efficient office operations. Nina Rae McCoy, Director of Operations: 20 years in education, training, and management,highlighted with achievements in the area of staff training and development. Nina also brings six years as the director of two proprietary educational facilities where she was responsible for overall operation. Since 1989, as Director of Operations for CCG, Nina has developed and implemented the pre-installation process with manuals for a smooth transition for our new FASTER Users. She develops and conducts the Regional Training workshops throughout the US and has designed and written the FASTER User Manuals (10) specifically based on the shop processes. M.Lynn Stuart,Vice President: 20 years of experience in training, management and marketing. Lynn has been with CCG Systems for 8 years. Lynn is an integral part in educating new prospects of the possibilities available through the use of technology. Her ability to relate at all levels of management provides each prospect with a comprehensive understanding of both process and application. Through her proposal preparation and contract definition, new installations are smoothly implemented. While educating new prospects is a marketing focus,Lynn values each customer and provides both support and consultative services in the maintenance of our long-term partnership. Lisa Millar,Director of Marketing: 15 years experience as an educator,coach,and administrator. Lisa began her work with CCG in 1992. In her four years, her focus has been providing information to new prospects through presentation or written documentation on the options available through the use of the FASTER Software System, provides telephone support on the 800 line and assists in editing documentation. Additionally, Lisa provides project coordination for new installations conducting pre-installation visits,contract definition, and outlining special projects for the programmers. In 1997,Lisa became the Director of Marketing for CCG Systems, Inc. Her role has expanded to include re-engineering the infrastructure for marketing FASTER to both prospects and customers. Betsy Menser, Operations Specialist: Betsy received her degree in corporate communication from Ithaca College in NY. Her education and experience includes Training and Development, Instructional Design, and Computer Generated Media Support.Betsy implements her knowledge of graphic design and database administration to assist in the marketing of FASTER, execute successful data conversions,and implement communication plans for both prospects and customers. Kristine Nelson, Documentation Specialist: Kristine recently joined CCG to contribute her writing and editing expertise in documentation. While she is certainly new to the organization she has been associated with CCG Systems, Inc. for many years. Her primary function will be the preparation of the converted documentation for FASTER C/S. 6 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Staff Resumes 715 Baldwin Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23517 ( 757) 622-7381 Pamela J. Nelson Parnuccgsystems.com President and CEO, CCG Systems, Inc., 1987 Statement of Qualification Pam provides over twenty years of education, training and management experience which is highlighted by significant achievements in the areas of staff and training development. Her relevant professional experience began as a teacher for a private business college. Within a seven year period, Pam was promoted to controller, vice president and president of what became an eight-school chain. Revenues for the school increased from one million dollars to ten million dollars during this period. Profits increased from initially losing money to becoming so attractive that the schools became a purchase target for a large, public corporation. In the first year after the purchase, the schools out-performed all other regions and Pam was offered a national position. Pam resigned to become president and co-owner of CCG Systems, Inc. Thanks to Pam's outstanding leadership and empowerment skills, CCG Systems has continued, yearly, to experience substantial growth in the number of installations, revenue and profitability. The success experienced at both the schools and CCG can be largely attributed to her ongoing commitment to training and staff development. Throughout Pam's years in management, she has conducted seminars, conferences and individual sessions, on a variety of topics, for local, regional and national organizations. Her greatest personal strength is her ability to translate operational success into a training format that works. Education BSBA, Marketing- Graduated Summa Cum Laude Minor in Economics and Accounting University of Arkansas- Fayetteville, Arkansas Y Various post graduate courses in training and human resources development Participation in numerous national and regional management seminars and conferences 7 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 715 Baldwin Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23517 ( 757) 622-7381 Jim@ccgsystems.com James H. Nelson Vice President, CCG Systems, Inc., 1981 Statement of Qualification Jim contributes nearly thirty-five years of experience in computer applications with an emphasis on maintenance and management systems. He was trained in systems design and marketing by IBM and has held project management, sales, and sales management positions with IBM, Control Data, and Honeywell. His experience is both domestic and international, as his positions with Control Data and IBM consisted of overseas operations. As a project manager for Control Data, Jim was responsible for a national power utility overseas, directing their efforts in computerization of maintenance activity, as well as structural engineering and the initial design of their organizational data base systems. As one of the initial team members who designed and implemented the FASTER Fleet Management package over 15 years ago, Jim's expertise in installation and ongoing implementation of fleet management applications is well established. Outside of his professional computer and marketing experience, Jim also taught at the college level and is an accomplished lecturer and educator. Education BA, Denison University MA, University of Maryland 8 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 109 Atoka Turn Yorktown, Virginia 23064 (757) 867-9275 Nina Rae McCoy Nina@ccgsystems.com Director of Operations, CCG Systems, Inc., 1989 Statement of Qualification Nina brings with her fifteen years of education, training, and management experience, highlighted by significant achievements in the areas of staff and training development. Early experience includes training for The City of Everett Schools in Georgia and for the United States Air Force in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Other experience includes the design and implementation of therapeutic programs serving residents of a six-county region in Florida. Nina's primary business management experience stems from her six years as director of two proprietary education facilities where she held bottom-line responsibility for the overall operation. Nina also contributes significant comprehension of educational programming, staff training, and marketing. Over the past 8 years, Nina has been responsible for pre-installation training for new users of the FASTER Fleet Management System. She also conducts annual regional workshops throughout the United States and provides continued customer support. Education BA, Education Furman University- Greenville, South Carolina MS, Human Development Counseling George Peabody College - Nashville, Tennessee 9 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 1149 Pond Cypress Dr. Virginia Beach, Virgina 23455 (757) 473-5704 Alan Gamboa Alancrccgsystems.com Systems Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1990 Statement of Qualification Alan offers a solid background of professional experience and academic knowledge. His thorough knowledge and understanding of computer systems, their components and software make him an asset to any organization. Previous professional experience was gained from Washington Design Group, Ltd., where he began his career as a Programmer/CADD Operator. In this position he maintained and upgraded micro-computer hardware and software, and a turn-key CADD system. He gained valuable experience writing database management programs and streamlining CADD System functions. Alan has also authored a programming article for a language based on the CADD System. His primary abilities revolve around the design and set-up of computer systems (BOS, DOS, Novell, and UNIX), assembly programming, PASCAL, FORTRAN, COBOL, C, LISP, software engineering, principle programming languages, computer graphics, data communications, and database applications. Alan's contributions help to ensure FASTER's accuracy and clarity of information. His logical and methodical approach to problem solving and troubleshooting enhances his ability to pinpoint errors and develop solutions. Alan's outstanding abilities and continued customer support enhance his role as the leader of the FASTER C/S Development Team. Education BS, Computer Science Old Dominion University- Norfolk, Virginia 10 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 3022 Glastonbury Circle Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456 (757) 468-1152 Reginald E. Mano Reggie@ccgsystems.com Systems Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1992 Statement of Qualification Reggie contributes over 10 years of experience in software development, systems operation, user support, systems networking and customer service. His areas of expertise lie heavily in COBOL, DOS, Lotus, LAN and dBase III Plus. His previous employment as both a Computer Specialist and Operations Manager, combined with his education, more than qualify Reggie for his position with CCG Systems, Inc. Reggie is responsible for primary support functions and customer support including troubleshooting, as well as, system and software support. Reggie's leadership ability and supervisory experience are huge assets to CCG Systems, Inc., as he works closely with the team to prepare our customers and our product for the year 2000. Education BS, Business Administration Concentration, Management Information Systems Old Dominion University— Norfolk, Virginia 11 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 127 East Severn Road Norfolk, Virginia 23505 M. Lynn Stuart ( ynn) 489-1146 ccgsys Lynn@cgsys e tems.com Vice President, CCG Systems, Inc., 1989 Statement of Qualification Lynn brings to CCG, over 18 years of counseling, training, and management experience, highlighted by significant achievements in the area of staff training, as well as the development and implementation of practical applications that have increased revenue and reduced costs. Her early experience includes counseling and the development and implementation of successful work activity programs for physically and mentally challenged individuals. Lynn's relevant experience includes over five years of business management as the director in a chain of seven proprietary schools. In this position, Lynn was held responsible for bottom-line management. Her significant contributions included her ability to turn around troubled schools and the opening of two new schools, both of which generated over a million dollars in revenue the first year. Lynn is a vital part of the CCG Systems, Inc. organization. She is responsible for marketing, implementation, site training, on-site consultative visits and customer support for the FASTER system. As a consultant, she works closely with each site to maximize the benefits that the FASTER system offers. Her greatest personal strength is her ability to assist customers in implementing practical solutions that will lead to increased cost savings within their organizations. Education BS, Psychology Minor in Biology Christopher Newport College - Newport News, Virginia ➢ Various post graduate courses in counseling y Participation in several management and human effectiveness seminars 12 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 720 Massachusetts Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23508 (757) 627-4440 Lisa A. Millar Lisa@ccgsystems.com Director of Marketing, CCG Systems, Inc., 1993 Statement of Qualification Lisa's 14 years as an educator, coach and administrator have immensely contributed to CCG Systems. The responsibilities associated with promoting the school in alignment with their mission, developing programs which supported the objectives, and creating an environment both in the classroom and on the athletic field, nurtured the growth of the individual and fostered the team experience. Team building, process development, goal setting, and motivation proved to be strengths that resulted in 9 championships and posting 5 undefeated seasons. Lisa began teaching in 1979, and within 2 years was named Athletic Director, responsible for the administration of Ll Ivy League Varsity Sports and staff development of 8 Head Coaches. From 1981 - 1985, all budgeting, scheduling, transportation, hiring and training of staff were among her responsibilities as well as public relations and fund raising. In 1985, Lisa was hired to assist in designing, building, and developing an extension of the existing K-8 school to include a Varsity Athletic Program. She spent 6 years developing and successfully completing the creation of the school through the first graduating class. Lisa joined CCG Systems, Inc. in 1993 as a Regional Manager. During her time with the company, she has applied her team building, process development, goal setting and motivational skills to assist both the customer and her associates. Currently, Lisa is the Director of Marketing. Her insight, attention to detail, organizational and communication skills have not only enhanced her role, but made her a vital part of the organization. Education BS, Physical Education Southern Illinois University- Carbondale, IL MS, Physical Education Concentration in Sports Psychology Ithaca College - Ithaca, NY 13 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 1252 Thomas Lane Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 (703) 951-7680 Gary W. Bishop GBishopCCG@aol.com Director of Fleet Services, CCG Systems, Inc., 1994 Statement of Qualification With over 20 years of experience in the fleet industry, Gary contributes numerous skills and abilities to the functionality of CCG Systems, Inc. He has held various positions within the fleet industry, from master mechanic to fleet manager, responsible for a $2 million budget and the implementation of the FASTER Fleet Software System. Gary has designed, implemented and managed a preventative maintenance program for a 250 vehicle fleet (50% school buses). Since its inception, this program has received six consecutive "zero defects" during yearly inspections from the state department of education. Other experience includes the supervision and management of up to 120 employees including, payroll, performance evaluations, training, interviewing, and terminations. Gary was appointed to the 1990 National School Bus Standards Conference, Montgomery County Traffic Safety Committee, Virginia Department of Education Transportation Advisory Committee, and the FASTER Fleet Management Computer System Advisory Committee. The application of his fleet experience combined with his knowledge of the FASTER system highly qualify him for his position of Director of Fleet Services with CCG Systems, Inc. Education Ford Service Management School Leadership Development Academy Various coursework including the following: Basic Lotus 1-2-3, Basic Data Base, Microsoft Windows Applications, One-day MBA, Effective Supervision of People, Increasing Human Effectiveness II, and Management Strategies for the Real World 14 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 4480 Kidder Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 (757) 474-2268 Melchor Udan Melchor@ccgsystems.com Technical Support Specialist, CCG Systems, Inc., 1995 Statement of Qualification With ten years of experience as the Operations Manager of United Artists Theatres, Melchor contributes outstanding organizational , communication, leadership and training skills. His previous employment afforded him the responsibility of managing a $2 million budget and planning multiple new locations. His relative experience includes problem solving, information management for multi-user systems, customer relations, support staff training, and inventory control. Melchor has developed and maintained a communications link among multiple vendors as well as maintained a database and information system network for multiple locations. Melchor's responsibilities within CCG include, but are not limited to, on-site FASTER installations, on-site technical and user training, FLF Translator for download programs, and front line customer support and special program preparation. Education BS, Management Information Systems Old Dominion University- Norfolk, Virginia 15 CCG Systems, c. City of Everett 04/17/00 1328 Smyrna Circle Virginia Beach, Virginia 23464 Brian Cooper (757) 467-3646 Brian@ccgsystems.com Technical Support Specialist, CCG Systems, Inc., 1996 Statement of Qualification Brian's expertise lies in troubleshooting and customer assistance. His employment as a technician with DMGittens Personal Computing Consultants afforded him the opportunity to install microcomputer hardware for clients, customer installations of software, and technical support. His experience directly translates to his position as Technical Support Specialist with CCG Systems, Inc. Brian's responsibilities range from front line customer support and on-site installations, to telephone support to users at their individual workstations. Education Major, Electrical Engineering Minor, Mechanical Engineering University of Bridgeport- Connecticut Major, Computer Science Polytechnic University- New York Major, Computer Science ECPI College of Technology-Virginia 16 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 5619 Promontory Pointe Rd. Midlothian, VA 23112 (804) 639-5047 Tom Spence Tom@ccgsystems.com Fleet Consultant, CCG Systems, Inc., 1996 Statement of Qualification Tom contributes over 41 years of experience in the field of maintenance administration, 31 of which were spent in the United States Army working in the direction of operations and maintenance for both ground equipment and aircraft. After his retirement from the Army, he continued his career for I years with Chesterfield County, VA as Fleet and Communications Manager. During this time, Tom was instrumental in successfully completing a consolidation of the County Fleet and implementing numerous innovative cost saving changes. During his time at Chesterfield, he installed the FASTER Software System and developed a strong user base in the application. Tom is an active member in several national fleet organizations and is the past Co- chairperson of the Public Sector Committee for NAFA. Tom joined CCG Systems, Inc. in 1996 as a Fleet Consultant. His expertise and experience in fleet and as a FASTER user has added dimension to our annual site visits and on-site training. Education BS, University of Nebraska- Omaha, NE MS, Public Administration University of Shippensburg -- PA 17 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 1926 East Ocean View Ave., Apt B Norfolk, VA 23503 (757) 587-1864 William J. Hunt III Beau@ccgsystems.com Systems Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1996 Statement of Qualification Beau's background in political science lead him towards conducting nationally recognized social research for Virginia Commonwealth University in 1993, utilizing SPSS on a VAX mainframe. Additionally, during summer breaks, Beau was employed by the Ruby Tuesday's corporate office to install the current microcomputer network throughout the east. His fascination with computers lead Beau to pursue formal training in the programming industry and enrollment in the ECPI College of Technology upon graduation from Virginia Commonwealth in 1995. By 1996, Beau decided to dive head first into the industry and founded a programming partnership, Independent Consulting Group, which secured several programming contracts with multi-million dollar companies. While still a partner in Independent Consulting, Beau joined the CCG team. His experience in designing and coding projects from the ground up, combined with his dedication to customer support and satisfaction, has made him a valuable addition to the C/S development team as well as to the entire organization. Education BA, Political Science Virginia Commonwealth University- Richmond, VA AS, Programming/Networking ECPI College of Technology-Virginia Beach, VA 18 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 5390 Bellefield Rd. Norfolk, VA 23502 Sumalee (757) 466-3649 Sumalee@ccgsystems.com ccgsystems.com iLersthiendamrong Systems Engineer, CCG Systems, Inc., 1997 Statement of Qualification Sumalee contributes nearly 10 years of experience in object oriented programming and software design and development. She is proficient in C++, Prolog, PAL (Paradox), COBOL, Assembler and Pascal and experienced in numerous other languages and systems. Previous to her work with CCG, Sumalee's projects included conducting an internationalized software project, developing a shipping software package, and designing and developing a real estate software package. Additionally, Sumalee has trained staff and the international research fellows in using computers and software (both Macintosh and IBM compatibles), Microsoft Word, PageMaker, WordPerfect, and more. She has also installed and maintained several applications and helped troubleshoot computer related problems. Sumalee's experience, both professionally and educationally, have proven to be an irreplaceable asset to the C/S Development team and to our organization as a whole. Education BA, Political Science Thammasat University- Bangkok, Thailand MS, Computer Science The University of Iowa-Iowa City, IA 19 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 6317 Ventura Court Norfolk, Virginia 23518 (757) 853-1869 John Sinues Johnc@ccgsystems.com Systems Engineer, CCG Systems, Inc., 1997 Statement of Qualification John's application of leadership skills, creativity, and his quality software development skills have proven to be a great asset to CCG Systems. His knowledge of computer systems includes VAX, IBM, SUN, Macintosh and more. He is a qualified programmer using C/C++, FORTRAN, Ingres 4GL, Embedded SQL, and Assembly BASIC. CCG has also given John the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge he has acquired in such courses such as, "Customer Relations", "Operator Training", and "Quality in Daily Work". During his time at CCG, John has designed a supporting database structure and Delphi application for maintaining and tracking an auction, prototyped a Delphi application to load and retrieve data to a Hand Held barcode device, and developed database structure and prototyped rental equipment applications in both Delphi and Borland C++. John is definitely a large contributor to the FASTER C/S team and CCG as a whole. Education BS, Computer Engineering Minor in Psychology Old Dominion University- Norfolk, VA 20 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 4532 Kidder Drive Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 (757) 474-4020 Rusty@ccgsystems.com Rustico Udan Technical Support Specialist, CCG Systems, Inc., 1997 Statement of Qualification Rusty is one of CCG's front line customer support specialists. With experience as the Manager of United Artists Theatres, Rusty contributes outstanding organizational , communication, leadership and training skills. His relative experience includes problem solving, customer relations, and support staff training. Rusty's experience as a martial arts teacher also plays a large role in qualifying him as an excellent communicator and trainer. Although just beginning his college education, Rusty has already been able to apply the knowledge he has attained from his computer science courses to support CCG's customers. Education Computer Science (BS Degree expected: 2002) Old Dominion University— Norfolk, Virginia 21 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 229 Rountree Dr. Chesapeake, VA 23322 (757) 312-8015 Betsy@ccgsystems.com Betsy L. Menser Operations Specialist, CCG Systems, Inc., 1997 Statement of Qualification Betsy's organizational and communication skills, combined with her knowledge of computer software qualify her for the position of Operations Specialist at CCG Systems. Her previous experience includes the establishment and maintenance of a company-wide systematized training program, development of "Train the Trainer" workshops, database administration, and desktop publishing. Betsy's interests in computer software utilization and media design greatly influence her productivity with CCG. Betsy's primary responsibilities are diverse, including the generation of marketing packages and proposals, designing the layout of CCG's monthly and quarterly newsletters, developing and maintaining an in-house database to track CCG's prospects, customers, and contacts, executing customer and prospect data conversions for the new C/S product, and implementing effective communication solutions throughout the corporation. Education BS, Corporate Communication Concentrations, Human Communication and Instructional Design Ithaca College- Ithaca, NY Member, International Association of Business Communicators 22 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 20808 North 27th Avenue #1231 Phoenix, AZ 85027 (602) 638-1200 Johncolli@mindspring.com John Colli Fleet Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1997 Statement of Qualification With 12 years of experience as the owner of a maintenance and supply company, John contributes valuable skills and knowledge to the fleet industry. Prior to his employment with CCG Systems, Inc., John was also employed by Collier County as a shop supervisor, specializing in the parts department and shop floor operations. John also contributes exceptional training skills which enable him to successfully implement the FASTER system within each site. His experience with the FASTER system stems from his personal use at Collier County to his current responsibilities of installation, training, and troubleshooting. Education Brooklyn Technical H.S. Brooklyn Community College 23 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 317 Osprey Street Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 (757) 671-1138 Charlene@ccgsystems.com Charlene B. Gallishaw Systems Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification Charlene is currently a senior pursuing her degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Information Systems. Previous to joining CCG, Charlene was employed by Old Dominion University where she applied her computer skills by providing operational instruction, updating and reconfiguring hardware components for various computer systems, and serving as a Local Area Network Administrator. In addition to her work experience, Charlene has completed courses to enhance her understanding of the information technology profession. She has completed such programs as DBASE IV and COBOL, which she will apply by upgrading our current FASTER Software System for the year 2000. Charlene is a member of the Association for Information Technology Professionals (AITP and also part of the Website committee for Student Chapter AITP. Education Business Administration (BS Degree expected: May 1999) Emphasis in Information Systems Old Dominion University-- Norfolk, Virginia 24 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 512 Hannibal St. Virginia Beach, VA 23452 (757) 340-3442 Mike@ccgsystems.com Michael Brawley Fleet Technical Advisor, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification Mike contributes over 15 years of Fleet Management experience supported with computer systems knowledge. Mike has held the positions of District Manager, Fleet Manager and Computer Systems Supervisor for Jiffy Lube in Virginia Beach. This experience afforded him the opportunities to work closely with local and state municipalities and other regional organizations. His other responsibilities allowed him to perform software and hardware maintenance and provide technical support and training. Mike contributes exceptional training skills which enable him to successfully install, implement, and troubleshoot the FASTER system within each site. Education CNA, Novell Netware 3.1x/4.lx— 1995 CNE, Novell Netware 3.1x/4.lx - 1996 AAS, Electrical Engineering Technologies — 1995, Tidewater C.C. Various Seminars to include: Business Management Microsoft Corporate Solutions Briefing Member, NAFA— Old Dominion Chapter 25 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 314 Wharton Drive Newark,DE 19711 (302)369-0134 Kristine Nelson Kristine@ccgsystems.com Documentation Specialist, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification Kristine's is highly qualified for the position of Documentation specialist. Her relative experience includes the creation of a Careers by Major Booklet and the development of a quarterly newsletter. Kristine contributes excellent writing, organizational and communication skills to CCG Systems. Her previous employment as a Customer Satisfaction Representative enabled her to work on a team that provided a supportive environment for problem-solving and information sharing. She has also held employment opportunities that have allowed her to design various reports, manage an office by providing support to several areas, develop and lead training sessions, negotiate contracts, and manage budgets. Her dedication to customer support and satisfaction, has made her a valuable addition to the entire organization. Education Bachelor of Business Administration,Finance College of William and Mary Williamsburg,VA Master of Education, Student Personnel in Higher Education The University of Georgia Athens,GA 26 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 3107 Gastonbury Drive Virginia Beach,VA 23456 (757)468-1231 Doug@ccgsystems.com Doug Atkins Systems Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification As a manager, Doug gained valuable experience in the areas of customer service and quality control, including both inventory management and scheduling. Doug is currently employed Part-Time while he completes his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. At CCG, he has been able to apply the knowledge he has gained from several courses such as Computer Architecture, Object Oriented Programming, Problem Solving in Programming, and Advanced Data Structures/Algorithms. Education Associate Degree, Science Specialization in Computer Science Tidewater Community College Virginia Beach,VA BS Degree, Computer Science(Currently in progress) Old Dominion University Norfolk,VA 27 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 1718 Leckie St. Portsmouth,VA 23704 (757)399-0584 Eric@ccgsystems.com Eric Evans Systems Analyst, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification Eric brings a wealth of computer programming and design knowledge to the CCG team. As the owner and programmer of a computer consulting business, Eric designed and developed software, installed networks, and consulted for custom program and hardware solutions. He is fluent in several programming languages to include C++, C, Visual Basic, RPG I,II, and III, COBOL, PASCAL, HTML, VRML, Java, and others. His skills and experience, combined with his love of computer programming makes Eric an ideal troubleshooter and valuable asset to the FASTER team. Education Business Diploma, Programming & Networks ECPI, Virginia Beach, VA 1996 28 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 3508 Pomroy Ave Norfolk,VA 23509 (757)623-0517 Jeumfiie@ccgsystems.com Jeannine Youngs Chief Financial Officer, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification Jeannine offers extensive financial and business operations experience from her previous positions as an accountant, regional controller, accounting manager and financial aid director. Previously she was responsible for overseeing fiscal operations for 7 proprietary schools with revenues totally over $11 million, ensuring accurate budgeting, financial forecasting, accounts payable/receivable, capital expenditures and general ledger. Jeannine is highly competent in preparing and analyzing financial statements, cash now projections and diverse financial analysis to include engineering projects'analysis. Aside from her financial abilities, Jeannine is also accomplished in personnel management, administration and training. She is able to motivate employees to achieve a teamwork atmosphere enabling them to successfully meet and exceed goals and objectives. Education Continuing studies toward Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Kee Business College Norfolk, VA Accounting Diploma 29 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 1663 Sword Dancer Dr. Virginia Beach,VA 23454 (757)426-6330 Bob@ccgsystems.com Bob Auger Technical Support Specialist, CCG Systems, Inc., 1998 Statement of Qualification 5 years of experience in the Customer Service Arena combined with military service in the United States Marine Corps qualifies Bob for his position with CCG Systems, Inc.. His computer skills include dBASE, diagnostic software, Inter-Networking Support Systems and hardware troubleshooting including, but not limited to, Monitors and Terminals. Bob also contributes 4 years of experience in the fleet/automotive industry from his previous employment as General Manger of Jiffy Lube in Virginia Beach. Education Diploma for Computer Repair Technician Computer Dynamics Institute, Virginia Beach, VA 30 • % % • � c � •- ■ • � � � � 2 � � • K � � g - § U d E ON ct � § cl ® � � / CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Qualifications & Experience FASTER was first developed over 16 years ago, for a large city, on an IBM mainframe. It was ported to a micro environment for installation at a medium size city fourteen years ago and, for the last 16 years it is the only product we market & support. Because of its design, which was tailored to meet the needs of a mixed fleet, we continue to service more of this type of fleet than any other. We are installed in over 190 locations across the United States(in 24 states),with several sites in various stages of the pre-implementation process. FASTER is the best designed and most comprehensive fleet management system available on the market today. Through the input and feedback from our users, FASTER has evolved with the fleet industry. Our FASTER software includes the basic needs i.e, asset tracking, downtime tracking, parts inventory management, vendor performance tracking, utilization studies, mechanic accountability, complete billing, cost per mile studies, exception reporting, and replacement modeling. In addition, FASTER offers specialized capabilities through its component tracking, a comprehensive management reports, bar coding capabilities, a comprehensive motor pool/reservations module that includes a very sophisticated billing file. One of CCG's greatest strengths is our ability to provide customized solutions for conversions and transfer of information to or from the FASTER system. We have many sites that utilize accounting and fuel interfaces, as well as other customized needs. The County of Ventura in California, Texas A & M Motor Pool, Maricopa County in Arizona, the City of Tallahassee and the South Florida Water Management Authority are five sites of our most extensive work in that area. Our belief at CCG is that every fleet manager has more to do than it seems possible to get done. The FASTER system is a tool developed to assist the fleet manager in efficiently collecting and processing data and,as a result, allows managers to spend more time utilizing the information to find ways to save money, assure customer satisfaction and remain competitive. The developmental direction of the FASTER system has been centered around the workstation concept,providing the front line service provider with a tool that is easy to use and both efficient and accurate in the capture of data. FASTER is also an intuitive program, giving the user valuable information even before the transaction has been carried out. In this way informed decisions can be made at the transaction level eliminating the need for corrections after the fact. As a world class system, the CCG development and management team is committed to staying abreast of opportunities for maximizing what cost savings can be attained in the best run fleets and reflecting these opportunities in our software. The true test of effectiveness of any fleet management information system is in the success of the varying sites that use it. Reinforcement, availability of support and on going educational opportunities are vital to maintaining a proactive user.CCG Systems works as your partner in providing these services. In addition, fleet managers need a way to evaluate their operational performance. Through establishing a system of benchmarking with the FASTER system,our users are obtaining information from sites across the country. What is exceptional about FASTER is the commitment of every single staff member to assist each and every user to maximize what is possible for any particular site. This is accomplished through very careful listening and then responding to the unique needs of every site. FASTER is the only fleet management system that has both an annual users' conference and regional training. In addition to these two training opportunities, each customer receives a monthly newsletter and an annual site visit as part of their on-going support services. The annual site visit is conducted by one of our three CCG fleet professionals tasked with evaluating the site's overall application of FASTER and to provide feedback to the customer on strengths and weaknesses of the operation. They are also contacted regularly by CCG's director of operations, regional manger and/or the fleet services director. The regular calls are not merely to ask how they are doing; they are made with a specific purpose in mind and with new challenges to assist each maintenance operation to better utilize their FASTER fleet management system. Often, when needs are identified, a course of action is initiated to encourage one of several methods to fulfill this need. Probably our greatest challenge in helping our customers to fully utilize FASTER to provide on-going training and support, assisting the fleet manager in raising the awareness of all of his maintenance personnel. We 32 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 accomplish this in several ways:publication of a monthly newsletter, a quarterly For Customers Only newsletter, annual site visits, customer surveys, telephone consultations, regional training seminars, and an annual users' conference. We are very proud of the fact that not one of our sites has remained static; each has upgraded the operating environment and increased the utilization of the reports and information that they get from the system. We proudly advertise a workstation for every desk when you install the multi-user, multi-tasking FASTER system. In this way, all personnel have access, at the appropriate security level, to information that will assist them in doing their jobs more effectively while taking a proactive role in the success of the operation. The evidence of our ability to provide a level of service and support, that is unmatched in the industry, can be found in our customer list in the"FASTER Installation References"section starting on page 66 of this response. 33 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 CCG Support Program Customer Support Services CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES REVIEW CCG Systems has supported the FASTER and solutions occur within 24 hours, System in the micro environment for more unless extensive customization is than fourteen years. Since it is our only required. product, we, as a team, are totally Support and ongoing training is always committed to available to supporting and "Aside from having the best Fleet Management package in our customers. the business, the most impressive aspect of CCG is their enhancing a In fact, our system we support. On the rare occasions that problems do arise, most Director of believe is the have been solved with a single phone call within minutes. Operations has Other companies talk service, but CCG delivers." best fleet -- Ken Green, Fleet Analyst, City of Gainesville, FL go one of her management goals to initiate information contact with system solution available on the market every customer at least every six weeks. today. New customer installations are called We are very proud of the full service weekly. support we provide to our customers. We Another way we provide ongoing training have a mission statement and a set of and support is through our regional values that we, as individuals and a workshops and our annual users' company, live by. The first of these conferences. The regional training values is "Customers Come First." Much sessions are conducted in different areas of our ongoing support is provided over of the country (24 were scheduled for the telephone and all of our staff 1997) and are scheduled to coincide with members, marketing included, are our annual enhancement. The training qualified to answer your questions. We sessions are targeted to assist the daily have eight incoming lines, all available FASTER users to understand how what through an they do "Thanks to all at CCG Systems for all the support you have given impacts 800 number, p We have during the times of our change and growth. Your patience has what extended been unlimited. everyone service hours _ Wayne Reeves, Transportation Center, Texas A &M University else does from 8:00 and how a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday, as understanding what is possible can help well as emergency telephone numbers them make the possible happen. Our that can be utilized 24 hours a day, seven National Users' Conference is conducted days a week. Usually, most questions annually (our eleventh will be held the and minor problems can be answered 18th - 21st of October, 1998) and is over the telephone, as they occur. Any directed more to the fleet manager. Each challenges requiring system updates or conference has at least one of the customization can be handled via a industry's top consultants as the keynote modem with a diagnostic package speaker and each offers an intensive, (included with FASTER) or by over- third day of training conducted by a nighting a diskette (at no additional cost leading trainer/consultant in the to you) with the update. Most corrections industry. Several presentations are from 34 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 some of FASTER s more aggressive users System updates and enhancements are and our system support staff. Training is included in our support services. also provided through the monthly Support services, while not required, are publication of our FASTER News (now in strongly recommended and are renewable its eleventh year), the quarterly annually. Support services include, but publication are not limited of our For "For my money,product and service go hand-in-hand. From Day to, ongoing Customers 1, CCG has epitomized the term "customer support". To put it telephone Only simply, they're on your team and they care." support, newsletter receipt of a (began in - Tony Vargus, Fleet Manager, Stanislaus County, CA monthly July 1992), newsletter, an and our annual site annual on-site consultative visits. visit to work with the fleet manager and Two customer surveys are conducted other personnel in identifying particular annually. One at the National Users' concerns and to make sure the system's Conference and one in a general customer latest features are understood and being mailing in April or May to coincide with utilized, regional training sessions, our regional workshops. Results are participation in the annual users' tabulated and published in the quarterly conference; and periodic updates to the newsletter and top priorities for the most FASTER system, with accompanying users are generally included in the next updates to the user manuals. scheduled release. 35 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Annual Support Services Support services are renewable annually at 20 % of the total software, interface and customization costs. The support services include, but not limited to the following: 1. Annual Site Visit 2. Ten 800 Support Lines - Normal support hours are 8:00 am - 8:00 PM Monday through Friday. 3. 24-hour support through emergency numbers. 4. Monthly FASTER News Newsletter. 5. Regional training workshops offered every year,* 6. National User's Conference includes nationally known speakers who are experts in the fleet industry.* 7. Free customized reports generated through Global Report Writer. 8. All new enhancements to the FASTER system. 9. Overnight delivery at no extra charge. 10. Quarterly For Customers Only Newsletter. 11. Annual FASTER System Administrator Training. 12. Modem access for immediate troubleshooting and training. 13. Guaranteed maximum three (3) hour response time. 14. CCG Web Server providing Internet access to FASTER Benchmarking Database and supplemental email, technical support, information. *Note: A small registration fee is charged to defray out-of-pocket expenses. Fleet Benchmarks As an on going support service, the Fleet Professional Staff of CCG has developed 17 standards of fleet management for all users to benchmark. Reports have been written to track site performance with these benchmarks and compare performance with over 195 FASTER users all over the country. A database is being prepared at the Norfolk Office to collect and manage this data for analysis. 36 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Training Philosophy and Content We will not install FASTER until the pre- One of the key beliefs we have and live at CCG installation process has been completed. is an all-encompassing commitment to training. Installing a new management information Though not always recognized or understood, system provides an operation with a rare the basic premise of performance is that we opportunity to re-evaluate and possibly re- always do the best we can based on what we invent how they are currently doing business. know at any moment in time. If we know CCG staff members, who have worked with more, if we become aware of something that the best in fleet management across the had never been a part of our current base of country, assist each site in designing how they knowledge, we make decisions based on this want to track their information. It is at this new information, time that we this new "None Better!Best for fleet-including GSA and ATA conferences." Challenge each awareness. Some --1997 National Conference Attendee user not to just people thrive on transfer what tackling new topics and continually challenge they are currently doing manually or from themselves to learn more. Most people wait to another automated system over to their new be required to attend a training session, read a system. There is never a better time to make book or take a class. It is critically important to changes than when implementing a new system, understand, though, that whether people are and we encourage and facilitate this process proactive or reactive in their learning, the basic throughout our relationship with each premise still operates -- people do the best they customer. can with what they know at any given point in Another facet of our training process is the time. annual site visit, made by one of the FASTER One of our values, as people who sell, install team to every single customer. In this visit, we and support a fleet management information review how the system is currently serving the system called site's needs and FA STER, is to "I have attended APWA,NAFA &ATA and find myself what the goals are provide, attending one session a day due to so few being directly related for implementing require and to fleet. This conference was 100%fleet issues directly related to what I face on a daily basis." other components constantly -1997 National Conference Evaluation Quote or processes that reinforce the could benefit the level of training that accompanies it. We will customers of that particular operation. We not sell FASTER without at least three (and have found that discussions over the telephone, generally 5 to 10) days of on-site training being though helpful, do not afford us the a part of the overall purchase price. This opportunity of working with those individuals training requirement has nothing to do with the who are "in the trenches" using the system on a ease of use -- no system on the market is easier day-to-day basis. Only by visiting sites and to use than FASTER, which has on-line help, directly witnessing how the system is being 11 user manuals, and 24-hour telephone used can we make recommendations that can support. Entering data into a system and being really make a difference for that site. able to access it has very little to do with the Though not "required", we are relentless in long-term benefits available from optimum use encouraging our customers to take advantage of of a system. It is understanding how each some of the optional training opportunities that process impacts another and how the reports are a part of being in the FASTER family. We generated from timely, accurate data can publish a monthly newsletter, the FASTER provide the kind of information that promotes News, which focuses on both general and fleet good decisions. management issues. We also publish a quarterly newsletter, For Customers Only, 37 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 which targets more specific issues related to outside professional trainer conducts a day-long FASTER as well as updates customers on new session on fleet management. Generally, installations. In addition to these two continuing education units are awarded for publications, we conduct regional training participation in this optional training day. sessions every spring. These sessions target the In summary we at CCG are committed to end user, the individuals who are using the providing our customers with every single type system on a day-to-day basis. They always of training we possibly can to help them to coincide with the latest annual release so that know more and to make better decisions. We instead of receiving a packet in the mail do all this at absolutely the lowest cost possible. outlining the newest features, customers are Much of what we do is free and, when one of trained on how to use each new enhancement. our professionals (every single CCG team Customers are also given the opportunity to member is fleet qualified and all have either complete a survey that provides guidance to the extensive management or data processing FASTER systems development team in adding expertise, or both) does conduct on-site new enhancements for the future. Every fall, training, it is at the lowest cost in the industry. the National Conference is held. The purpose We know that satisfied, informed customers are of this annual gathering is to focus on fleet the best recommendation we could ever receive management issues and answers. Every year, a and we strive, through participating in top national consultant is the keynoter and all extensive, on-going training ourselves, as well of the sessions are devoted to helping fleet as providing it to all of our customers, to justify managers help each other, particularly in how the outstanding recommendations we they are utilizing their FASTER systems. As in continually receive. the regional training, a customer survey is also completed. The third day of the conference, an 38 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 FASTER CIS Training The training schedule assumes the following have been completed: 1. On-Site Process evaluation with resulting workflow analysis chart, as well as a written process. 2. Table File codes have been defined and entered into the system. 3. File conversions have been completed, installed, and tested. 4. Manuals have been distributed appropriately to system administrators, trainers, andlor other involved personnel. The FASTER Fleet Management Software is a powerful tool for your fleet operation. Its many aspects are best learned through a process known as"Train the Trainer".This process has proven to be the most cost effective way to bring our software to your site in a timely manner. Here is how it works: ♦ Select a limited number of your employees, who through close attention to detail and hands-on practice with the FASTER Support Services On-Site Trainer, can become knowledgeable and effective in FASTER C/S use. Include the individual(s) who will be the system administrator(s). These valuable employees then become your site's training resource once the FASTER trainer leaves. ♦ The FASTER trainer will concentrate his/her efforts on these employees. The system administrators should be involved in all training sessions and the others should be involved in all training sessions that correspond to their responsibilities. If time allows, hands on training with all employees will be conducted. This will occur only when your "site" trainers have a very good understanding of the software. ♦ During the training sessions,time will be provided to observe the site trainers at work with the mechanics and parts staff. This will also give CCG an opportunity to evaluating our training effectiveness and make any adjustments in the schedule that may be necessary. Training Outline Each FASTER training event begins with a System Process Review and how FASTER will support that process in the fleet environment. This should include all Supervisors, Information Services,Accounting and any other Department Representatives that Fleet Management feels may need to attend. Session I: 1 %z hours System Overview K Open to all This agenda addresses your site's expectations of what the system will do and a brief overview of what it can provide. For some of you this may be a repeat of one of the pre-install meetings. It is designed to provide an opportunity for the FASTER trainer to meet all involved,resolve any outstanding issues and answer any questions about the training schedule&/or content. 39 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Session 2: 2 1/2 hours Workflow Process,Equipment&Table File Review KAll fleet supervisors,"site trainers"&/or others involved in the workflow process ♦ Follow complete Work Order Process from time unit is presented for repair until it is picked up: a. Who Opens Work Order—When&How b. Statuses to be used and how they affect fleet information C. How to determine Work Order Reason(scheduled/unscheduled etc) d. How Mechanics Find&Correct RTY e. Mechanics and Indirect Time f. Non-Mechanics and Real Time g. Parts Flow to Work Order h. Work Order Status Changes During Repairs i. Work Order Final Check and Closing ♦ Review Equipment Applet Fields and their capabilities. a. Information for all to see and searches b. Meter readings and affects of odometer overrides C. Class Codes,Use Codes and groupings d. The PM Service Plan. 1. How they are or will be set up(depends on pre-install work completed) 2. How they update in FASTER 3. Extended Usage's for PM's ♦ Review any changes or updates to coding that has been worked up prior to the install,or those that need to be added to the Data Base. Session 3: 3 Hours Overview of the Systems Applet Review of EQ&Parts Conversion/Manual Data Entry KSystems Administrators Only ♦ Discussion of Current Table File Information to include making any needed changes from work flow review. ♦ Table Lookup Tab a. Table Type. b. Table Codes C. Adding Table Records d. Shop Codes e. Mechanic ID's f. Employee Code, if used g. Review any current file. ♦ User Info Tab: a. Adding New Users b. Granting Permissions C. Review any current files. ♦ System Info Tab a. How it functions b. Settings Review 40 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Session 3 Continued... ♦ Vendors Tab a. Adding Vendors b. Updating Vendors C. Review any current information. ♦ Purchase Order Tab a. Adding a PO b. Updating a PO C. PO usage within the system d. Review any current information ♦ Account Code Tab a. Adding Account Codes b. Updating Account Codes C. Account Code use within the System d. Review any current information. ♦ Review Current Data in System a. Converted files b. User added files Session 4: 1 Hour System Basics&Training Techniques K "Site Trainers"(Site employees selected to train others) ♦ Obtaining Support. ♦ Distribute Manuals for appropriate functions(if not already completed). ♦ Training Tips. Session 4 will be repeated as needed for those sites with multiple shifts and/or large numbers of employees. Session 5: 1 %Z Hours Equipment Applet K System Administrator and Site Trainer for Equipment information ♦ Follow Up Review of Equipment Applet Fields&their Capabilities(Session 2). ♦ Adding,Updating and Deleting records. ♦ Review Equipment Tabs. ♦ Sorting and Searching Files. ♦ Coding Equipment Files to meet your needs 41 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Session b: 2 Hours Work Order &Deferred Maintenance Applet KSystem Administrator and Site Trainer for Work Order ♦ Opening,Reviewing and Closing ♦ Following the Site Process through FASTER ♦ Opening Work Order ♦ Assigning Mechanics to Work Order ♦ Work Order Status Changes ♦ Seeing Work in Real Time ♦ Adding Repairs after the fact ♦ Deferred Repairs ♦ Work Order Checks ♦ Closing Work Orders ♦ Review Work Order Tabs Session 6 will be repeated as need for those sites with multiple shifts and or large numbers of employees. Session 7: 2 Hours Mechanics Work Station Applet KSystem Administrator and Site Trainer for Mechanics Real Time Entry ♦ Work Station Basics. ♦ Work Order Status Changes. ♦ The Repair Type File. ♦ Notes to Work Orders. Session 7 will be repeated as need for those sites with multiple shifts and or large numbers of employees. Session 8: 2 Hours Part Inventory&Parts Processing Applets KSystem Administrator and Site Trainer for Parts Processes ♦ Part Inventory Applet a. Review Tabs. b. Adding,Updating and Deleting Records. C. Searches and sorting. d. Parts Issue. e. Non-Stock Parts. ♦ 2.Part Process Applet a. Purchase Order Use. b. Review Tabs. C. Ordering Parts. d. Receiving Parts. e. Searches and Sorting. Session 8 will be repeated as need for those sites with multiple shifts and or large numbers of employees. 42 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Session 9: 1 '/Hours Operations Applet K System Administrator and Site Trainer for Fuel &Operational Fluids Process ♦ Review Tabs. ♦ Entering Fluids into FASTER. ♦ Adding,Updating and Deleting Records(includes handling incorrect meter readings). ♦ Searches and Sorting. ♦ The Fuel Conversion Process, if any. Session 10: 2 Hours Obtaining Information from FASTER K System Administrator and General Management Staff ♦ System Basics ♦ Finding Information on Screen ♦ Reporting ♦ Review of current training status ♦ Needed adjustments Session 10 will be repeated as needed for those sites with multiple shifts and or large numbers of employees. NOTES: 1. Mechanic Workstation Sessions ♦ Hands-on sessions for mechanics workstation will be conducted for groups of five or less if time allows. ♦ Each session will last 2 hours. ♦ Included in the sessions are up to five mechanics,a system administrator and a"Site"trainer. ♦ Sessions will be repeated,as time will allow 2. Hands-on session for parts department personnel will be conducted in groups of three or less if time allows. ♦ Each session will last 1'/,.hours. ♦ Included in the sessions are up to three parts room employees, a system administrator and a"Site" trainer. 43 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Follow-Up Training Annual CCG Conference CCG Systems offers on-site training which can be CCG's Annual Conference is held in the Hampton scheduled in conjunction with the purchase of a new Roads Area in the fall of each year. The cost per module or to review or incorporate a new process. person is $275.00 for the two-day conference. The The training is outlined by CCG Systems Director hotel is booked separately at a conference rate. of Operations, Nina McCoy after she has identified People from all aspects of fleet operations have the need and purpose. This training fee is $750 a attended the Annual Conference. Please see copies day plus travel and living allotments. of the last three conference agenda. In conjunction with the Annual Conference, CCG Regional Training has arranged for a Fleet Professional to offer an additional day of fleet training. The cost of these sessions is presented by the speakers. However,it is Every spring in conjunction with the yearly release, an efficient way for fleet managers to take Regional Training Sessions are held across the advantage of two educational opportunities with one country for FASTER Users. The main focus of these travel budget item. sessions is "The new release". Please see the enclosed outlines. The cost for these sessions is The first annual Systems Administrators Workshop $75.00. The locations are announced through our was introduced at our 1997 conference. The newsletters. Each of the sessions is hosted at workshop focused upon the proper execution of rotating sites throughout the country. There were 22 systems maintenance items and usage of special regional trainings in both 1997 and 1998. options and reports. This was one day session is designed for the person at each site who maintains and administers the system ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... FASTER Trainers We think it is best to match the people with the site needs. Our main trainers are Gary Bishop, John Colli, Nina McCoy, Mike Brawley, and Tom Spence. Each of our trainers offers expertise of the system, expertise in training, and fleet experience. Qualification overviews and resumes for our trainers are included on pages 7 through 31. Release History CCG Systems, Inc. has enhanced the FASTER Software System every year for the past 11 years. These releases coincide with the Regional Training sessions, which take place in the spring. CCG Systems, Inc. conducted 22 Regional Sessions in 1998. The enhancements are drawn from the data collected from users attending the Regional Training Sessions, the Annual National Users Conference and through the annual on site visit that CCG Systems Fleet Services personnel conduct each year at every site. 44 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 System Documentation FASTER comes with one set of documentation written in 10 separate process oriented manuals. Copies of the documentation can be made at the site or can be purchased for $100 a set. While the information provides technical and user information, it was written by a non-programmer and is designed to provide easy to read and follow instructions for all procedures in the system. Y Start Up Manual (1/98 Edition) The FASTER Start Up (or Pre-Installation) Manual is designed to assist a site in preparing for an installation. There is an Installation Section including four chapters: Examining the Processes, How FASTER Works, Getting Ready for a FASTER Installation, and The Installation. In addition, each location receives an index describing the system codes, a sample of the coding file, and a detailed discussion of repair types and equipment classes. (*Note: Suggested repair types, equipment classes, and part categories are also presented based on APWA and VMRS recommendations and are used by FASTER sites to benchmark with other FASTER users.) Y Work Order Process Manual (11/95 Edition) This manual is designed for the shop supervisor, lead mechanics, and fleet manager. It describes how to use all the On-line FASTER Screens associated with the flow of work on the shop floor. It includes flat rates, downtime tracking, part/task lists, outside repairs, job estimates, and the work order management reports that come with the system. Mechanics Workstation Manual 16/95 Edition) This short manual is designed for the mechanics on the shop floor to use as a learning tool and reference for the Mechanics Workstation Screen, which allows them to capture their labor time as it occurs. It is written for the person who has never used a computer before with step-by-step instructions and diagrams. Parts Process Manual (11/96 Edition) This manual is designed for the parts room supervisor, parts clerk, and the fleet manager. It describes how to use all the FASTER on-line Screens in the parts process including part record details, stocked vs. non-stocked parts, ordering and receiving parts, issuing parts, independent part issues, part warranties, part transfers, inventory, audit trail, and parts management reports. Y Bar Code Module Manual (8/95 Edition) This manual includes how to set up part rooms for bar coding, hardware set up, bar code prints, and the developing an effective parts process with bar coding. Y Motor Pool Manual 15/96 Edition) This manual describes in detail how to set up the motor pool programs, how to use each on-line screen in an effective motor pool process, special billing, and motor pool management reports. It also includes suggestions for developing rental rates. Y System Administrator's Manual (4/98 Edition) This manual presents every process associated with maintaining the FASTER System, how to perform each process, and what to do when problems occur. It also overviews system basics, on- line screens, security, mass updates, system diagnostics, management analysis reports, and set up procedures for the most often used special programs. 47 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Y Asset Management Manual (8/96 Edition) This manual was written to assist the fleet manager and administrative staff in effectively utilizing the FASTER Software for optimal fleet performance through asset management. Specific instructions are provided for data management activities necessary to maintain valid equipment records and history. The sections are dedicated to the preventative maintenance, vehicle replacement, and equipment reports. Y Fuel Management Manual (9/96 Edition) Fuel Management emphasizes the process involved in accurate management and tracking of fuel transactions and inventory. It provides the user with alternatives for tracking other fluids, credit card purchases, how to set up PM's by fuel consumption, and the Fuel Interface program instructions. Management analysis reports are presented by when to run and how to effectively use. v Fleet Policy Manual (10/96 Edition) Fleet Policy is designed as a reference for the fleet manager with specific examples of fleet policy and procedures, which can be used as a model for each sites own policy and procedures. The material is presented by critical fleet management areas to be monitored. 48 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Software Package Overview CCG Systems, Inc. is proposing the FASTER C/S Fleet Maintenance Management Software System. This product is the newest version of the FASTER System. FASTER 5.0 is installed at over 195 locations and has evolved over a 15 year period as the only product developed, marketed, and supported by CCG Systems, Inc. FASTER C/S is undergoing Alpha Testing with Beta Testing completed in March 1998 and release to the public July 1998. The FASTER 5.0 software is a character-based package which has served as a guide for the development of FASTER C/S. The FASTER C/S project has been a full port with enhancements to the Windows NT Operating environment.The design allows for unlimited number of users and equipment. Specifications of the hardware reflect sufficient size and speed to support the description of the needs for The City of Everett. FASTER CIS FASTER C/S is a three tier client server system. The first tier is the client software which is written in Borland C++and OWL, and will ultimately support four platforms;Win 3.11,Win95, WinNT and Character mode for CRT's and low end workstations. The client is a code efficient module that runs on a 32Mb+ workstation. Reports and queries written using Crystal Reports along with the source for those reports and queries are included with the client module. The GUI composition of the client conforms to the Microsoft guidelines and the normal conventions of Windows design. The panels have been designed to use SVGA(800 by 600)and we recommend the use of 17" or 2 1"monitors where possible to give the greatest flexibility in utilizing multiple windows. The system performs best in a 32 bit environment which fully capitalizes the multi-threading of Windows 95 and NT Workstation. The multi-threading allows a greater number of concurrent tasks and management of those tasks in a superior manner. The client has been written to utilize the 32 bit environment and will take advantage of the hardware that it runs within. The client itself does no reads or writes to the database.It merely sends requests to the server module which initiates that activity to the database engine. The Server module (second tier) is the middle software that coordinates all the requests from the various clients for information and updating of the database. To allow for the greatest independence from expensive database engines, the initial system utilizes the ODBC interface standard as defined by Microsoft. This allows the choice of database to be left to the end user. Future plans include modification to the server module to incorporate native access to several existing or new databases. We remain open to all options. The first planned native implementation will be for Oracle and MS SQL Server. The CCG Systems design team has gone to great lengths to protect the preference of our users for "dumb" terminals in the shop area. Because CRT's can not use GUI screens, CCG has written drivers for these terminals and also special versions of the screens that will work in character mode for the CRT's and low end work stations. The multiport boards being used with CRT's will be supported under FASTER C/S. These drivers written to support CRT's protect the hardware investment of our present users and provide each new user with a flexible and economical implementation choice. The distribution of the system to an NT network is extremely flexible. The Server module of FASTER C/S must run on a computer that has Windows NT Server installed. This is necessary because the multi-user interface has been written using the unique capabilities of NT. The Server and Client software can reside on the same PC. If the character mode client is used,the user can be on a CRT or low end workstation,and all of the processing will be done by one machine running the FASTER C/S client software. In the same respect for remote sites, a single client could be configured running NT Workstation and driving several CRT's for support of both the shop, administration and the parts room. The connectivity of that remote client can be to the WAN or as a remote connect to the NT Server. The client driving the CRT's must use the NT platform. Using a combination of clients and CRT's (or low end workstations) can reduce the cost of implementation and the cost of connectivity on the front end of every projected use of FASTER C/S. 49 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 In summary,with FASTER C/S,the client software would normally be nun on a PC under either Win95 or Win NT. To extend that use into the shop area, a multiport board can be added to the client PC and standard serial cables used to connect either CRT's or low end PC's. This client can either be a machine that is local to the server or remotely attached by WAN or by Telco.There are a wide variety of connection alternatives from dial up modem to ISDN. The net result is a flexible and cost effective solution that is easy to set up and maintain. The reduction in hardware cost increases the return on investment and keeps the operational cost to a minimum. Reports List (* Available with options) Parts Re orts • Catalog* • Fill Rate* ► Storeroom Performance Report • Inventory* • Hazardous Material Listing* One page per storeroom to include: • Reorder* • MSDS Requirement Listing* • Total $ issues • Backorder* • Turnover by dollar value • Stock vs. Non-stock • Surplus* • Parts stocking level analysis • $Volume & % of lost • Storeroom* Using EOQ* by part &work order • Set/List cyclical inventory* • Adjustments to Inventory* • $ Ordered • Received* • Daily invoice and receipt audit* • $ Received • Work list by storeroom & • Transfer to vendor verification • $ Issued location and audit* • Avg. $ stock on hand • Alternate part & reference list* • Parts cost— class & repair type • Avg. pieces on hand vs. • Transaction audit* • Parts markup dollar by: avg. daily issues in #'s • Warranty listing* • Class and $ • Issues to work orders and • Department independent issues* • Vehicle Shop Supervisor Reports • Shop Workload(backlog)* • Open work order report* • Work order summary by department • Daily shift report • Comeback report identified through • Mechanic accountability • Mechanic direct vs. indirect hours equipment and repair types • Labor avg.based on actual repair times • Number of W.O.'s existing • Downtime&availability* • Ratio PM labor hours to total repair • Number of W.O.'s closed • Scheduled vs.Unscheduled repairs hours by class and by department • Number of W.O.'s remaining • Time to repair analysis- %in 4 hrs., • Number and%scheduled PM's during report period 8 hrs., 24 hrs.,48 hrs.,48+hrs complete on time to PM's completed • Status code report(e.g.,waiting on • Road calls Parts,no mechanic available) • Shop downtime vs. dept. downtime 50 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 System Administrator Reports • PM table listing • Several reports which list every field on • Table lookup codes Every field input screen to allow data entry • Table lookup codes by description verification Fleet Management Reports • Availability by class by department • Asset analysis report—all vehicles: • Census reports—ratio of: • Downtime by reason&usage by class • Replaced YTD • Fleet costs&size to by department • Projected for replacement population&#of gov't emp. • Maint.By class-dept.-site-shop • Projected to add to fleet • Police vehicles to pop.&law Maint. S as a%of total for: All expressed as a %of current value enforcement employees • PM • Annual fleet cost as a%of: • Patrol miles to pop&land area • Road Calls • Operations cost • Emerg.Vehicles to pop&land • Warranty • Maintenance cost • Trash miles to pop&land area • Comebacks • Accident costs as%total • Reserve fleet to patrol cars • Accidents fleet costs • Emerg. Vehicles&trash trucks • Capitalization • Incident log by work order expressed as a ratio of asset value • Total maintenance time • Accident cost MTD& • Operational and Maintenance • Work order duration as a%of YTD by dept,by operator* cost actual time for scheduled • Ratio of direct&indirect labor hours • Trash fleet cost as a%of pickup availability to out of shop time tonnage • Fleet department performance— • Number of mechanics • Mechanic to vehicle ratio with cost offleet operations with asset • Number of indirect staff Vehicle Equivalence Units based values and mechanic hours . Number of support staff on USAF studies expressed in a ratio to: • Number of bays • Mechanic fully burdened hourly • Clerical Out ofshop time includes: rate calculations • Administration cost • Vacation • Rental rate calculations by class • Allocated indirect cost • Paid leaves • Actual costs to budget%of • Fleet mgmt. overhead cost • Sick leave sublet repair cost to total repair • Total cost a Personal leave cost • Data processing cost • Holidays Fuel and Fluid Distribution Reports • Fuel, fluids and maintenance costs • Fuel management report—listing of daily issues by: • Fuel and fluids costs • Site/pump • Fuel and fluids costs by equipment • Vehicle • Fuel and fluids costs by operator • Class • Fuel and fluids costs by department • Department—with a summary breakdown by • Fuel distribution report(gasoline report) fuel or fluid type • Fluid distribution report(op fluids report) Fuel consumption by vehicle as: • Fluid inventory reorder • A monthly compared to YTD • Fuel transactions by date and time* • 1" 12 months • Fuel site transaction listing* • Same month in previous year • Fuel tank sales(tank levels)* Also by class and department • Fuel pump sales(meter readings)* • Fuel reconciliation report(tank sales to meter sales)* 51 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Asset Management Retorts • Vehicle performance report—shows performance figures • Exception reports for a given period • #of W.O.'s per month by class Routine information (sort sequences) • Maintenance costs • Year • Fuel consumption • Make • Miles driven • Model • Downtime(availability) • Class • Fluids consumption per mile • Department • Total cost per mile • Site • Total cost per fiscal year • EUC • Gallons consumed Performance data • Average cost of repair by: • %availability • System level • PM maintenance costs • RTY • Cost per mile or hour • Vehicle • Maintenance costs • Class • MPG • Departmenticlass • Miles driven Plus, • Ratio of PM to maintenance CPM • Replacement analysis Revenue performance—total cost of maintenance and • Accidents per million mile by cost and class operations for each vehicle vs. the revenue, date to date. • Miles driven between repairs Sort by: • Equipment summary report— 1 page listing: • Class • Replacement date and points • Department • Maintenance cost YTD and LTD • Site • Accident cost YTD and LTD Summarize and sort by ownership: • Operational cost YTD and LTD • Department owned • Revenue received YTD and LTD • Annual rentals • Miles or hours YTD and LTD • Motor pool vehicles • Downtime hours(accumulate all 15)YTD and LTD • Fleet Utilization Report—report that gives: • Availability YTD and LTD • Miles • YTD costs by repair groups(up to 30 groups) • Fuel consumption • Equipment reports listing every field on FEQ and FE2 • Downtime screens(several reports) • Replacement index • Equipment listing by mileage ranges* Also gives summary by: • Listing of vehicles by accident cost by department* • Department owned • PM table listing with"no PM setup"indicators • Annual rentals • Historical cost performance by: • Motor pool vehicles • Class • Fleet Analysis by age—ranking vehicles by: • Class within department • Age • Shop • Age within class • PM due report with last PM completed, add by site • Age within department and class • Equipment warranty listing by vehicle • Standard billing report • History by department and shop • Risk management report listing vehicles by department with current book value. 52 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Hardware Requirements FASTER CIS utilizes the Windows NT operating system that is both robust and requires specialized administration. Therefore, before converting your site to FASTER CIS,you must have an established relationship with a certified NT Administrator either in-house or on a contractual basis and have a standard database setup with database personnel available for support. Hardware **Keep in mind the following important issues when purchasing your hardware. 1. Because hardware technology is changing so rapidly,ordering your hardware too far in advance may result in having outdated hardware at the time of implementation. 2.All hardware purchased/used must be compatible with Windows NT 4.0. To verify, check your hardware purchases against Microsoft's Hardware Compatibility List, which can be obtained on the Internet at www.microsoft.com/hwtest/ 3.Consideration should be given to purchasing any brand name items listed below, as they have been tested by CCG Systems and work well. 4. When purchasing either the server and/or clients, consideration should be given to purchasing the highest MHz available at that time. 5. The hardware specifications and pricing listed below are to provide guidelines and minimums. Server: W This machine should be a top end Intel PC certified for Windows NT W Pentium II, 300 MHz,with 3 1/2 "disk drive,CD ROM- SCSI 1 Ox, or higher (Dual Processor optional) W 128 MB RAM Dual Ultrafast Wide SCSI 6 GB hard disk drives with SCSI Controller 3 COM Ethemet card- 10/100mb depending on Network 14"VGA Monitor&SVGA Video Card with 2 MB Estimated Cost: $4,500-$7,000 Back-Up: 14:> The size will depend on the size of your hard disk drive&must be supported by the Windows NT operating system Estimated Cost: $1,000-$1,500 Diagnostics: W US Robotics Sportster 56K Modem -Internal or External Cables(for external) q�> Dial In Phone Line Estimated Cost: $300 Clients: q:> Should be an Intel PC q:> Pentium,200 MHz,with 3 112"disk drive,CD ROM -IDE lOx,or higher 3.2 GB Hard Disk Drive(this seems to be the current standard) 64 MB RAM 1�> 3 COM Ethernet Card- 10/100mb depending on network W 17",or larger,VGA Monitor with SVGA Video Card with 2 MB Estimated Cost: $2,500-$3,000 53 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Printers: There are many ways printers can be attached to the "network" and available to all users. Some of these options include: 1.A parallel printer attached to any client can be available to anyone on the network,as long as that PC remains on at all times. 2. If the client(with parallel printer)is turned off at night, a network printer(with a network card)can be used. 3.A parallel printer attached to the Windows NT server can also be used as a system-wide printer. *Please call CCG to discuss other printer options that may be unique to your operation Additional Software Operating System Software: 0* Windows NT Server 4.0(w/SP3) w/license for number of clients Estimated Cost: Server with license for 10 clients($850) Windows NT Workstation 4.0(w/SP3)for each client Estimated Cost: $300 each Other Software: Cb Defrag program for Windows NT (i.e.Diskeeper) Estimated Cost: Server version$400 Client version$75 each Back-Up Program: w Ultrabac by BET Estimated Cost:For pricing call206-644-6000 Report Writer: Any standard report writer which is supported by the database can be used. CCG System's recommends Crystal Reports 6.0 as the report writer. There are many reasons for this suggestion, however, the major advantage is that through Crystal Reports 6.0, site personnel can use the FASTER C/S standard reports written in Crystal as a template for modifications they may find necessary. * Once a report writer has been selected, each site should make arrangements for appropriate training. Report Writer training is not offered by CCG Systems. Screen Print Any standard screen print software package can be used with FASTER C/S. Database Program: Any standard Database is acceptable with these databases tested to date: W SQL Server q:> Personal Oracle 7.3 Untested to date: W Sybase tb IBM DB2 Support for the database will need to be provided by site personnel. CCG Systems will assist in setting up the tables for FASTER C/S once the database is set up. 54 CCG Systems, Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Options Available For Thin Client And Workstations Shop Floor Terminals—Non Gui,Non Networked—Serial Devices FASTER CIS has a specially written program for shop floor mechanics and limited use personnel. This is the FASTER C/S dumb terminal — Mechanics Workstation. The device is a serial connection to a FASTER Client running Windows NT Client and FASTER C/S Terminal Server. The Mechanics Workstation is a serial device (non networked and dedicated to FASTER). By adding an SSP RAS Board & connector block with 4, 8, or 16 ports to a Windows NT (workstation/server) and running serial cables (CAT5) to the terminal locations, CRT's VT 510 and Wyse 150 can act as a mechanics workstation. Functionality of the mechanics workstation includes: q:� Ability to log on&off work orders q� Displays current work in progress � Inquire on equipment detail. O�, Inquire on work order summary for a piece of equipment 4> Inquire on work order snapshot for a specific work order. Network Terminals And Workstations To support network terminals (WinTerm) or Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 Clients, a Microsoft NT Server, Terminal Server Edition (NITS) is used as the operating system on one of the FASTER Clients. These devices are configured under the NITS. This requires additional licensing from Microsoft. NITS is purchased with licenses along with an individual Windows NT Workstation license for each device. Additionally, each device needs a CAL. REMOTE Dial In Support Or Support Of Non Windows Based PC's To support remote dial in's or non-windows PC's Windows NT Network will need to be established to include a FASTER Client running Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition and CITRIX Metaframe. This configuration requires licensing from Microsoft and CITRIX. Installation And Support For Windows Nt/Database Installation and support of the Windows NT Network, the database and supplemental software programs and applications are the responsibility of the site personnel. If these services are not available within your organization it is suggested that they be contracted from an outside local vendor. These services are vital to providing a stable and efficient environment for the FASTER CIS Application. Training For Report Writer And Database Management Once a site has selected the standard report writer and database that will be used with the FASTER CIS Application, there should be provisions for training on both. CCG Systems, Inc. does not offer training for these items. 55 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Data Conversion Prior to making the decision to convert existing data, CCG Systems, Inc. recommends a complete review of the existing data to verify the validity of the data. Starting out with a new system with the import of inaccurate information can create frustration and dilute the effectiveness of information analysis and skew data. Information can be converted from any existing file provided that CCG Systems, Inc. obtains the information in one of two ways: 1. In the CCG Systems, Inc.pre configured excel spreadsheet 2. a fixed length ASCII formatted file accompanied by a complete file layout with field locations and description and a sample file of data. The pre-installation phase of the FASTER CIS software implementation includes a careful and thorough analysis of existing data and guidance into the mapping of this information into appropriate FASTER CIS data fields. Step 1: Data Mapping The existing data fields are listed and described, discussed and interpreted by the Director of Operation and the Project Manager. Once the interpretations have been made, each of the fields are mapped to a FASTER CIS Data Field. In this preliminary stage,any logical conversions are identified for the programmer. CCG Systems, Inc. has designed data mapping forms to assist sites with this process. Step 2: Information is provided to the CCG Systems in one of the two formats. Acceptable medium for existing data is: Email can be used for files less than 10 Meg. For larger files,a zip drive,1 Gig JAZ drive,or CD are all acceptable. 1. The CCG Excel Spread Sheets: (fixed standard costs) There are excel spread sheets designed to collect information on Equipment details,Part details, Equipment History Summaries,Parts History Summaries, and Work Order Summaries. The programmer from CCG will run the conversion programs using software for a direct load into the site specific database. The database must be set up prior to the conversion of data. 2. Fixed Length ASCII Files: (site specific quotations based on basic $750 a day). If this option is elected by a site, the site must furnish CCG with: • the file layout • field length of data fields • definition of the data fields within the file • a sample file for testing in the Norfolk Office The programmer from CCG will use the data mapping forms and other information to write conversion programs for all the specified information. Fields in FASTER CIS which are unique to FASTER will be filled with generic codes. Testing of the conversion programs will be run on the sample transaction files at the Norfolk Office prior to the site conversions. The site specific database must be set up prior to the conversion of the data. 56 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Project Staffing The City of Everett FASTER C/S Implementation project team will be comprised of the following personnel. CCG Systems works as a team on all installations. In this way, the client is best served by the person with the greatest expertise in an area. The primary responsibilities for the project are defined below. A highlight sheet of all CCG Systems staff members has been included in Section E of this response. Project Manager: Any one on the CCG Systems team can serve as a project manager. The responsibilities included in project management are coordination of the installation team - Systems Analysts, Marketing Representative, Trainer,Director of Operations,the assistance in evaluating the readiness of site for installation (network/ hardware ordered, delivered, network established), coordinating the collection of file layouts and data files necessary for customization, codes definition, specific customization definition, evaluation of training needs, establishing a site specific plan for training, support and service. The project manager will make on site visits to review the site plan and discuss issues,processes,site specific needs, and training needs. For The City of Everett: Tom Spence Project Coordinator: Transition from prospect to customer,project team assignments, scheduling, and initial pre- installation planning, support, training and service. Software documentation was written and designed by Nina. For The City of Everett: Nina McCoy Installer: One of the CCG Systems, Inc. Systems Analyst visits on site to install the software. Upon completion of the installation, all workstations will be set up and tested, printers tested, conversions run and tested, generic table file and the diagnostic modem are loaded. Customized reports or programs will be evaluated and tested where required. For The City of Everett: Mike Brawley Trainers: The staff members who are selected as trainers will be one of CCG Systems fleet professionals. Upon evaluation by the project manager, the person best meeting the needs of the training phase will be selected. Frequently,there are multiple trainers in fulfilling the phased training, support and service. For The City of Everett: Gary Bishop and John Colli Programmers: Any customization or special programming needed for the installation will be written by a CCG System Analyst. The specifications for any customization are clarified through a cooperative effort of the project manager and Clearwater personnel. These programs will be transferred to the FASTER system either through diskette or via modem. The programs are then tested and evaluated in cooperation with the System Administrator. Interfaces—For The City of Everett: Reggie Mano Conversions—For The City of Everett: Betsy Menser 57 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Approach W In response to the RFP document the only exception we take in the document itself is item number 1.24 Necessary Ancillary Software — a complete list of all ancillary software has been provided in our response. As stated in the document, the City of Everett is responsible for purchasing, installing and supporting the Windows NT operating system software and associated programs/utilities,the Windows NT Workstation software,the database,etc. After careful review of the RFP document and the detailed information provided about your current processes,the number of screens, the data elements required for processing and the time required to complete even the most simple of processes, I am confident that FASTER C/S,a real-time system implemented at the front line,will save the City of Everett a great deal of time and money. The benefit of installing FASTER C/S is the consistent design of the software and the ease of use,particularly at the front-line (on the shop floor)using the mechanics' workstation. In addition,FASTER C/S utilizes all the standard Windows conventions. In this way, employees can transition easily from one application to another. This will also save the city time, which in turn will save money. FASTER C/S more than meets the Task Objectives itemized in the RFP document. There are no multiple screens for each process, only a single screen with tabs for every subsection of the file. In this way, moving through multiple screens is not necessary.Access to information is accomplished through one screen in a matter of seconds,not minutes. Access to FASTER C/S includes: 4�> The sign-on to FASTER C/S can be tied to the sign-on to the Windows NT password, in this way one step is eliminated which will save time. W Depending upon the permission levels (applets and actions available to the user) a FASTER C/S icon for those applets will be available. q� The user will click on the applet icon to be opened. Using Windows multiple sessions, more than one applet can be opened at one time and minimized. Or,if a user has a 21",or larger,monitor, multiple applets can be on screen simultaneously. In this way, the user moves from applet and action to applet and action without minimizing the applet.This saves time. W Every applet has been designed the same way. The consistence of design supports easy learning and time efficient use of the software. Each applet includes a "header record". This area includes pertinent information about the asset, part, work order, etc. In the middle of the screen are "tabs" that identify subsections of the file (i.e. warranties, PM schedules, historical costs, unlimited search options, etc.) Some of these tabs are query only, while others allow additional information to be stored for that record.Tabs are also tied to security level. q> As soon as the applet icon is selected, the screen is displayed and the Search Tab is automatically selected. The user selects the search parameters (true wildcard searches are supported), click the search button and the information requested appears. To select the specific item for display in the header record, the user double clicks on the record. FASTER C/S supports dynamic search options and on-line sorting. Simply by clicking on the field header (i.e. class code, department, etc.) the system will sort the information displayed in ascending or descending order.Then,if desired,simply clicking the print button can print that information. 14o. Set-up of the system is extremely important. Establishing Table File codes, deciding to use the equipment class codes and repairs types provided to support the bench-marking standards that are part of FASTER, defining system parameters that determine how the system will work at your site, evaluating your processes and how they will change with a new system are extremely important to the successful implementation of the system. 58 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 W This also determines how information will be stored on every record in every applet. This in turn eliminates the need for most, if not all, of the duplicated data entry that you have with your current system. For example, storing complete equipment information, PM and warranty information on the asset record is important. When a work order is opened to an equipment number, the first thing automatically displayed is the information from the equipment record. This includes any warranties in effect, the PM schedule with past due PM's highlighted, etc.) This process alone with save your operation a great deal of time(only 1 screen has to be accessed),which in turn will save you money. W Another example of improved efficiency and effectiveness involves the work order process. FASTER C/S includes a Shop Floor manager applet that allows a site to store maintenance needed on equipment. This work is stored by equipment number and job description.Additional information that can be captured is the mechanic the work will be assigned to and the estimated hours and start time for the job.Then,when the work order is opened, the system automatically displays the repairs entered on the Shop Floor Manager applet. In this way, you save time in that the repairs do not have to be entered again. If there is additional work that needs to be completed on this work order, those jobs can be entered on the same screen the repairs have been displayed. There is no movement from one screen to another or from one tab to another. Work can be defined in a matter of seconds,not minutes. qb Now that the jobs have been defined on the work order and a mechanic has been assigned (if desired), the mechanic's log on and time keeping becomes automatic. When the mechanic clicks on his ID,the system displays all the work that has been assigned to him. To begin a job,he simply clicks on the job,the system starts the clock and the mechanic goes to work.When he has finished a repair or needs to move to a more critical task, as he logs on to the new job the system displays a screen for the mechanic to close out a repair. This real-time process eliminates the need for jobs to be written on a work order and then entered at a later date and time. This saves time and money. q:> FASTER C/S comes with many standard system reports (a complete list has been included in our response). In addition, we recommend you purchase Crystal Report Writer to support any other reporting requirements you may have. Excel can now be used to present the FASTER information is a graphics format, rather than as your only report generator. You will use Excel to support some of the warranty tracking requirements you may have that are not met with FASTER C/S and for the budget requirements(Profit/Loss statement) As you can see from the examples above, FASTER C/S has been designed as a real-time system that reduces duplicate data entry.This process alone,if implemented by the City of Everett,will save you a great deal of money. We believe the best way we can support the City of Everett's efforts to implement a new fleet management system,to redefine your processes to take advantage of FASTER C/S, to finalize definition for the file conversions and the interfaces to other systems,to determine how to best meet the Profit/Loss requirements, etc.is through a Project Management approach. 59 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Implementation Plan There are six phases to the implementation of the FASTER System for The City of Everett. Phase 1- The Pre-Install Process The pre-install process is vital to the implementation of the FASTER System. Numerous tasks need to be completed prior to the beginning of the next phase. Spending time prior to the installation asking hard questions,debating the difficult issues,and defining the processes by which your operation functions will assist in a smooth transition and implementation of FASTER. 1. Receiving the pre-install kit: This kit contains documents which will describe and outline the coding system which needs to be completed prior to the next phase of the implementation. In addition,data collection forms are provided to assist in data collection. The Regional Representative, Project Manager and the Director of Operations will assist the City of Everett Staff in this phase of the implementation. 2. Process Examination: This is a process which we urge as a constant. Although much of the examination can be lead by the Project Manager during this phase, follow up discussion will need to take place with the City of Everett Staff. Making a change in the information management system is an opportunity to seriously examine how you presently perform tasks and imagine how you think they should be perfonned. Having a flexible software system which you can set up to work for you, allows your operation to function from the process not require the process to develop from the software. 3. Network Set-up and Testing: The MIS department will need to establish the stability of the Network and test all devices on the complete system. CCG Systems does not handle hardware installation or orders except for bar coding,if requested. We have found that on site and local hardware support from a vendor chosen by The City of Everett provides a streamlined and more efficient service of hardware. A CCG systems analyst will be available for any necessary information with regard to FASTER and the Network. *Phases 1 and 2 will be occurring simultaneously. Phase 2 - Hardware Installation and Establishing/Stabilizing the Network Stabilization of the Network is needed to support the software at installation. It is imperative that the network be stabilized for at least a two week period prior to the installation of FASTER. In addition, the diagnostic modem will be installed by CCG Systems during this same phase. It is assumed that The City of Everett is ready to install the software at any time the pre-installation Phase is completed. 60 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Phase 3 - Installation of the FASTER System This phase will take place after the tasks from Phase 1 and 2 have been completed. 1. The CCG Representative will join the City of Everett Staff team on site. The Network will be reviewed with the MIS Staff Network Administrator. The availability of the system administrator during this phase is very important. 2. The FASTER Software will be installed and tested on the four PC Nodes. Printers will be tested at all locations. Functionality of the FASTER system will be validated and the table file will be loaded electronically,if The City of Everett chooses to use the established bench marking table file or manually, if the choice is to use and define their own codes. The set up and process of loading the codes will be established by the CCG Systems Project Manager and The City of Everett Staff prior to arrival. Modification to the codes will need to be manually done through manual data entry methods by The City of Everett Staff. In most cases, the schedule will include a record updating phase prior to training. This timeframe is dependent upon which codes are to be used. Training in this phase will consist of equipment record adding and updating to complete data files with any fields required in FASTER. It is recommended that all equipment records are entered into the system and the table file is set up prior to the training. The City of Everett personnel will be needed for this phase of the installation or data entry personnel on a contracted basis can be used. 3. A review of the systems administration tasks will be conducted. 4. Parts files need not be all finished in the system. Many sites choose to enter all parts as non stocked for a set period of time and then complete the abbreviated records over a period of time. This will be discussed during the pre-install period. Phase 4 - Initial Training The initial training period will be comprised of the course outlines attached. The specific schedule will be established during the pre-install process to best meet the needs of the City of Everett Staff. 1. During the initial training period, dummy parts and equipment records will be created on which to practice. All prior practice records and information can be deleted prior to going live. 2. During this period,updates to the parts and equipment records will be finalized. Phase 5 - System testing - record updating During the system testing period,City of Everett personnel will be practicing on the dummy records. The City of Everett Staff will be attempting all the applications of the system. 1. Diagnostics on the system will be performed during this time as necessary. Through the use of the dial in modem placed on site during the installation of the software, immediate trouble shooting can be executed from the Norfolk office. 2. The Director of Operations will also be available through an 800 number to provide trouble shooting on the table file and record updating process. Phase 6 - Site Goes Live This is the final phase to a FASTER installation. Setting a realistic go live date and then moving toward it with systematic training is recommended. Change is always a challenge. It is very valuable to have the site leadership establish a date and develop a plan to support going live on this date. The site specific timeline with a go live date would be cooperatively completed by the Project Manager, Fleet manager, Trainer, and Director of Operations as part of the administrative review during the initial training period. 61 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Implementation Deliverables and Milestones Phase 1 —Pre-installation/Project Management I. Notice to proceed 2. Project Management Begins ➢ Installation Manual and all FASTER system documentation mailed to site. ➢ Process Examination and definition resulting in a work process flow chart ➢ Coding definitions ➢ Outlined timeline ➢ Resource allocation ➢ Definition of informational needs—end results reflected in code development. ➢ On going 800 number support for definition and clarification 3. Pre-installation visit on site(On site services plus travel and living) ➢ System functions as relates to processes ➢ Definition of codes required ➢ Evaluation of floor plan and layout ➢ Review of hardware and network ➢ Review of Fuel System download procedures 4. Change Management Seminar ➢ On site seminar conducted by Pam Nelson in preparation for the transition to a new information system. ➢ Participatory seminar in managing change within an organization 5. Data Conversion Definition ➢ Data mapping ➢ File layout and field descriptions to CCG ➢ Programming written in Norfolk ➢ Sample File to CCG Systems ➢ Testing of the conversion programs at CCG 6. Definition for the Fuel interface and other system interfaces ➢ Sample Transaction file to CCG ➢ File layout and field definitions to CCG ➢ Interface written Phase 2 —Hardware Installation & Network Stabilization (no deliverables for software vendor) Phase 3 —Installation of the Software ➢ Technical services on site—Installation of the software ➢ Basic System Administrative training ➢ On site testing of the application ➢ Data Conversion run and tested ➢ Fuel Interface installed and tested ➢ On going Project Management and support through 800 line Phase 4—Initial Training ➢ On site training for all personnel designed around site specific work processes ➢ Continued testing of the application ➢ Practice of personnel—guidance provided by CCG Systems support team 800 number ➢ Review of site for next phase—Project Manager ➢ Special customizations finalized and written. Accounting Interfaces—special reports 62 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Phase 5— Testing ➢ On-going support through our 800 number will be available. Phase 6—Site goes live ➢ Some sites choose to run parallel systems to gain confidence in the knowledge of the FASTER C/S Application. The period of time is very site specific. This will be discussed through out the implementation with the project manager and fleet professionals recommending processes and procedures which will assist in the sites preparation of going live. ➢ Installation and testing of customization Phase 7 Follow up Training ➢ On site follow up training specific to the needs of the operation. Follow up training may occur in several sessions. The time frame for this training is open and is addressed individually for each site. 63 or x W `c z 0 F H z w a w w � N Q W W z a � � w w � � � o o v •�, � ° U o cr u d Ebycd cn In " cd �� U b o�j °� wo '° O °� 0 o U b H 0 uEr CL 1- o y CIS � -� rLr. � H ° aVi 4 0 �3 �23 � ter! In m ea iZ C Oaf", Owwrxx' v� i� xxxr� wwwr� wwwr� ixwwUv� cGwwU IS O w GOi U o o U o 0 0 — — — o U o U 0 0 U 0 o U QU �C1G? UPa �gP� vlv� v� n ju o7cou Q� 4 "nU 40� � U � > _ 3 M c 0 2 \ 4 \ 2 2 /g k \ - k m / f \ a \ \ ƒ 7 o o k / § § 2 ® \ \ \ \ ) / @ Q @ § A \ / L § •- .§ - e CL � � / @ 'o ■ L _u u ° � 4§ © 2 G ? e z � � ._ _ � , \ a / \ > cr / o a U « $ $ $ 3 o e « e e U = U c o o o U o c o 0 um U = = a = = Q CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 FASTER Installation References While each FASTER user implements from a site-specific plan of the software implementation, each customer is challenged to continue growth as a fleet operation and as a user of the software. All of our customers maintain an annual support contract with CCG. The following five-page insert is a full list of the people we serve with contact names and numbers. Please feel free to contact any of the individuals that are listed. 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U U a a a a a .a .a a a U U U U U U U U U A f::� w u u " w w w w V. " w w 10 M vi R R O O M O R t� vi N 00 N 'It 'o M O M Im V1 qq M M R t- \O 00 O 110 10 p DO M U t- k/) n U 7 w N S t- M U 10 00 N E- N �D I M m W� r) N N t� N 00 a, N 7 kn CD 00 �O %O t- N V1 10 V1 O x ,I- V r oo 10 r- 10 h M M t-- M V N N r 7 M V M V5 t+ V N °+ O O O O O O r- O NO NO N V1 fV N l� � v1 CD kf) in CD O Q O NJ 'O p v � � 7 � �j E 'G °�✓ .. �CCp xp Y' SE ° v 3 o N Cd w o n Y X � ro o u- o w a v W a d c? O 55 o a ° 2-1 ^0q G C a0 N U U w ] >v o U o 0 o U - c° o m w 0 0 e 3 w 8 w e w a� w 3 Q Q ¢ as � E t Y N y p i F' N Z � Q a1 U U U U C) U u U U U U U U U 0 O O O U Cl) —4 N co y �O N C, r vl 00 Vl N N O R 00 00 O .�yy M T 00 `O V1 M M T R O fV N t- V InM 00 M t. 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U F 3 I N ti X (L w, LL V yy�/� 00 V/ ti N 4) M LO [7 a 0 a� a as H � gi � Y N 0 ]+ rl 0 N 0 01 U > > > > > > > > > 3 3 3 3 CO N � d 10 O 'V In 00 O h nM•l N O� Q, vl 00 OC It m vN1 In In V) '43c� �O Q 1� -• h N 00 �O 00 Q In 00 0, T N (p vl 00 CO N h M1 1�0 O O d' 0 L Q v7 v'1 Q Y� V1 �h V'1 o N ry U O I� N WM N C � v c a^ � cn C7 Vj W 8 u i Q' � iy U 44 E ° VU G c 3 R x U a a o k x 0 0 0 no on ❑ CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 RFP Submittal Sheet City of Everett Proposal No. 1998-200 Fleet Management System Software REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Submittal Sheet Number of years providing Fleet Management System software and services: 16 Hours and methods of technical support 8 am — 8 pm EST Monday-Friday. Emergency numbers are available 2417. Support is available via the Internettemail, telephone_calls and updates and customized programs can be transmitted via the Internet. If that option is not available diskettes will be sent. State the number of business days to have software installed and operational after receipt of order: Typically the software can be installed and operational within 60 days. However,this timeframe assumes the City's network has been stable for several weeks,the database program has been installed and tested,etc. Customer References: 1. Customer Name City of San Antonio Business Address 329 S. Frio, San Antonio, TX 78207 Name of Contact Doug Goode Title of Contact Fleet Manager Telephone Number of Contact (210) 207-8377 Description of Installation—FASTER CIS Upgrade Date Installed June 1, 1998 Relevance to City of Everett— Same software installation 2. Customer Name King County. WA Business Address 500 4th Ave.,Rm 858, Seattle,WA 98104 Name of Contact Carlos Rhodrequiez Title of Contact Assistant Telephone Number of Contact (206) 296-6521 Description of Installation FASTER CIS Date Installed September 1998 Relevance to City of Everett Same software implementation 72 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 3. Customer Name—Greensboro NC Business Address PO Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402 Name of Contact Warren Laing Title of Contact Fleet Manager _ Telephone Number of Contact 336 373-2448 Description of Installation FASTER C/S Date Installed October 1998 Relevance to City of Everett — Fleet manager originally from Washington. Same software installation 4. Discontinued Installations: Disclose any sites where proposed software was initially installed and subsequently discontinued from operation. Explain what happened and provide contact references. 1. City of Wilson, NC — Brenda Keene, Administrative Assistant and FASTER System Administrator 919-399- 2290. The City purchased HTE, a citywide financial package that included a small fleet management program. City management made the decision to replace FASTER,not fleet. 2. Pepsi Bakersfield, CA — Pete Pedrosa, Fleet Manager, 1-805-326-8652.They were required to implement the corporation's fleet system. 3. Rinker Materials, FL — Larry Smith, Director, 407-833-5555. This Australian based company implemented a maintenance management program for all areas, including fleet management. 4. South Florida Water Management Authority, FL — Phillip White, Fleet Manager, 561-791-4117. The organization implemented a comprehensive maintenance management system throughout the organization and fleet was required to participate. Extensive customization was required to make the program work for the fleet area. 5. Fresno County,CA—Richard Brookins, Superintendent,209-456-7511. The County sent out an RFP for a fleet management system that in actuality was more of an accounting package. We "no bid" the RFP. The fleet staff wanted to retain FASTER and asked for our help. The County was committed to the RFP as published and we were not interested in devoted resources to developing an accounting package. Summary of Features ® Replaces current Fleet Management System by June 30, 1999 ® Windows NT ® Oracle database ® Client— Server architecture ❑ Configurable by users ® Interface to SFG ® On-line Help Menu ® Annual Maintenance ® User Group influences ® Internet Web Site for Subscription Program product upgrades problem resolution Insert check mark where features provided according to specifications. Note: FASTER C/S runs on a Windows NT platform. The Oracle database can be used. Those items above have been checked for that reason,not because we provide those items. 73 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Price Proposal - Please see attached pricing worksheet for detail. 1. Base software product $ 66,400 2. Customization Planning &Process Consulting—Project Management $ 15,000 3. Configuration/Customization Execution—included in Project Management $ 4. Database Loading with historical data—to be determined—see write-up $ 5. Training $ 21,150 6. Installation and Acceptance Testing $ 6,000 7. Post-installation Operational Support and System. Training (see #5) $ 8. Annual Maintenance/Upgrade Subscription— after Is'year $ 11,000 9. Subtotal $ 119,550 10. Washington State Sales Tax $ Total First-year Price $ Do you certify that you are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors nor the list of parties excluded from Federal procurement or nonprocurement programs? Yes ® No[—] Well additional units to the City of Everett at the proposal price until further notice? Yes ® No❑ Will you sell additional units to other government agencies within the State of Washington at the proposal price,terms and conditions until further notice? The City of Everett accepts no responsibility for the payment of the purchase price by other government agencies. Yes ® No❑ COMPANY NAME CCG Systems,Inc. UBI#F ADDRESS 2200 Colonial Avenue Suite 23 CITY/STATE,ZIP Norfolk Virginia 23517-1934 PHONE 800 753-2783 FAX (757) 625-5114 NAME(PLEASE PRINT) M. Lynn Stuart By signing below,you certify in writing that all vendor proposal terms,including prices,will remain in effect for a minimum of 60 days after the Proposal Due Date,that all proposed hardware and system software has been operational at a non-vendor owned customer site for a period of 90 days prior to the Proposal Due Date,that all proposed capabilities can be demonstrated by the vendor,and that the proposed hardware and system software is currently marketed and sold. SIGNED DATE Monday,,Aril 74 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Product Pricing and Cost Figures + FASTER CIS Basic System Software& l Year Warranty—Windows NT Platform Server $ 12,000.00 Client Software—30 @$1,200 each 36,000.00 Motor Pool Module 7,200.00 Fuel Interface 1,800.00 Barcoding Module 7,200.00 Veeder-Root Fuel Tank Monitoring Interface 1,800.00 Diagnostic Package 400.00 Total Software Costs $66,400.00 + Project Management Given the size of your organization and the scope of the installation, we are recommending a Project Management Team approach for the City of Everett implementation of FASTER. The Project Team will consist of several professionals and will include a project manager, an installer and a trainer, all of whom will partner with you during the entire implementation and training process. A description of each activity, as well as the minimum recommended number of days are listed below. This person will be the liaison between Everett and CCG Systems, Inc. Project management will include both on-site and off-site activities. On-site pre-implementation support includes, but is not limited to, definition of the financial system interface requirements (required to determine a cost), finalizing the file conversion specifications and determining the relationship between your current system and the FASTER system (required to determine a cost), a review of your current processes, defining the FASTER Table Look-Up codes, planning for the implementation reviewing staff training needs and finalizing the on-site,hands-on training schedule for all city employees who will be using the FASTER system. Total Cost $15,000.00 • Time On-Site The installation and training schedules will be discussed and finalized by both parties. Based on past experience,we would anticipate the following scenario: Installation(Cost break down listed below) 5 days Initial on-site training for all staff 5 days Follow-up Training in 3 separate sessions 15 days Total days On-Site 25 days • Initial Installation and System Administrator Training The purpose of this visit will be to install the FASTER software on a stabilized network, test all connections and response times, set up the program files and structure the units. In addition, initial training for the site's designated FASTER system administrator will take place. For your operation we recommend: Five(5)days on site at$750 per day $3,750.00 Travel and Living Allotment 2,250.00 Total Cost $6,000.00 75 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 • Initial On-Site Training for City Staff The purpose of this visit will be to conduct hands-on training for all City staff who will be using the FASTER system. Prior to training,an outline and schedule will be developed. We recommend: Five(5)days on site at$750 per day $3,750.00 Travel and Living Allotment 2,250.00 Total Cost $6,000.00 • On-Site Follow-Up Training Consideration may want to be given to budgeting for follow-up training to take place 3 — 6 months following the installation of the software. The benefits experienced from better knowing how to utilize FASTER will certainly be greater from the additional training at a cost of$750 per day plus travel allotment. We recommend: Fifteen(15)days on-site at$750 per day/3 Separate Trips $11,250.00 Travel and Living Allotment 3,900.00 Total Costs $15,150.00 • Annual Support Services After First Year Support services are renewable annually at 20% of the total cost of all the software products, interfaces, and customizations. Server S2,000A0 Client Software—30 @ S200 each 6,000.00 Motor Pool Module 1,200.00 Fuel Interface 300.00 Barcoding Module 1,200.00 Veeder-Root Fuel Tank Monitoring Interface 300.00 Total Annual Support Costs $11,000.00 • Customization Capabilities and Costs One of CCG's strengths is the ability to provide customization solutions for the conversion and transfer of any information to or from the FASTER system. CCG's systems analysts have written successful software transfers for fuel systems; bar coding systems; graphics packages; accounting and finance systems; word processing applications; and numerous customer requests for special programs. Since customization is always site-specific, it is difficult to provide more than an estimate of costs. Once the specifications have been clearly defined, a cost can be finalized based on time and material and a "not-to-exceed" quote will be submitted for your approval. Customization costs are $750 per day. There is a 20% annual support service cost for these customizations,which is renewable annually. • Source Code Escrow CCG Systems, Inc. will supply an Escrow Copy in the name of the City of Everett of the FASTER C/S Software to be stored with the CCG Systems,Inc. Escrow Attorney. The initial cost for this service is $500.00 with an annual service charge of$100.00 to maintain the source. 76 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 • Data Conversions The conversion process begins during the pre-installation phase of the implementation and involves several progressive tasks. 1. Data elements from one system need to go through an interpretation to be converted to another. CCG Systems, Inc. has developed a thorough data mapping process. The process begins with guidance and information about the FASTER Data Fields provided by the Director of Operations. A data mapping form is then completed to assure all fields are properly converted from the existing system to the FASTER System. This data mapping is extremely important to assure data conversion is both accurate and valid. 2. Once the data has been mapped, CCG Systems offers two options for data conversion. ➢ Standard Data Conversion: The standard data conversion is the most efficient and economical. CCG Systems, Inc. will supply the site with a fixed length, standard excel spreadsheet with data fields reflecting the data mapping forms. There is a CCG Data spread sheets available for equipment master, parts master, and equipment history, parts history, and work order summary. The fields included on the spread sheet match the FASTER database and can be converted using a standard conversion program. If elected, a site would be responsible for completing the excel spread sheet and CCG Systems will execute the standard conversion program. Requirements for this option are a completed data mapping form with existing field definitions and a completed CCG Systems Excel Spread Sheet. The standard price is$500.00 per Excel Spread Sheet ➢ Data Conversion from a Fixed Length ASCII File: Converting data from a Fixed Length ASCII File requires a complete description of the data fields, length of the field, and location in the record (file layout and definition) and a sample Fixed length ASCII data file for testing the customized data conversion program. This must be provided by the site information system personnel, During data mapping, part of the pre- installation process, data field interpretations will be made for existing fields which need to be logically re- directed to the FASTER Database. The complexity of the logical interpretations and the number of files associated with the existing data will define the cost associated with the programming fee for this service. These services are quoted upon review of the data field definitions and file layout. Range for Customized Data Conversion: $2,000-$10,000 per file. Data Conversions Offered: Equipment Master Record: Parts Master Record: Equipment History in summary: Parts History in summary: Work Order Summaries: Transfer Medium: There are several acceptable forms of transfer medium for the data files. Email can be used for files less than 10 Mee. For larger files, a zip drive, 1 Gig JAZ drive,or CD are all acceptable. • Financial/Accounting System Interface Information from the FASTER system can be exported to any financial/accounting system in one of two ways, The first option includes using a standard FASTER system program (FLF) to download information from any FASTER report to an ASCII format(fixed field length) which can then be imported to any spreadsheet application or financial system. The second option includes a site-customized interface. CCG Systems, Inc. has written very sophisticated interfaces to many different financial/accounting system (i.e. Moore's, LGFS, BI-TECH, etc.) Once the specifications have been finalized and are mutually acceptable to both parties, a cost, based on time and materials, can be finalized and a "not-to-exceed"quote will be submitted for your approval. Annual support services will be 20% of the total cost of the accounting interface. This will be renewable annually. 77 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Sarcode Hardware Pricing Number of scanners to be determined. Unit pricing listed below. • Printers Datamax(FARGO)Allegro Bar Code Label Printer (203 dots-per-inch;2 one-inch labels per second) $I,495.00 ea. Labels(2500/roll—size .9375")Case of 6 150.00 Ribbon(1 ribbon/3 rolls of labels @$40 ea.) Minimum of 2 80.00 W.O.Printer—HPLJ 5p Laser Printer 1,100.00 ea. Network Card(If required) 300.00 • Bar Code Readers PSC 5310-HP undecoded laser gun(large) 1,095.00 PSC 5310 undecoded laser gun cable 49.00 STI Master BB+Keyboard Wedge 219.00* Wedge Cable Set for PC/AT(Old style keyboard connection/large) 40.00* NOTE: If you are connecting to a CRT,a different cable set with power suanly is required. • Handhelds. Microwand IIIe Portable Terminal 256K $1,195.00 ea. Microwand Homebase 295.00 ea. Custom firmware CCG 100.00 Shipping and Handling billed at actual cost NOTES 1. All application software costs include one set of documentation. Additional copies can be made at your location or they can be purchased from CCG. 2. Training and follow-up training are vital to maintaining a high level of proficiency within your operation. Including additional on-site training days in your yearly support services is one way to maximize your staff's potential. The cost of training/consulting Is $750 per day plus travel and living. 3. It is necessary that when a NETWORKED version of FASTER has been selected that preparation for the FASTER installation include a fully operational network. 4. All prices quoted in this price estimate are guaranteed for 120 days. 78 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Payment Schedule Through our reengineering efforts, CCG Systems, Inc. found that the following payment schedule reduced the overhead cost of a project by invoicing at 4 major milestones in the project instead of at each occurrence. The implementation contract includes software, project management, file conversions, fuel interface, installation, and training all of which have several phases to move through. The implementation starts at PO with the pre-installation phase where much of the assistance and work is definition and guidance in the preparation of the system. Nina McCoy, our Director of Operations, manages this phase. Much of her work is done over the phone and in consultation with our programming staff, fleet staff, and the City of Everett project manager. Therefore; our first milestone was established with the issuance of the PO. Most sites will take from 1 to 3 months in preparation for a software installation- our second milestone. Once the software is installed and the data is entered into the system through a conversion program or manually,the initial on site training takes place for the users - our third milestone. The fourth milestone is system acceptance which is a the final payment of the contract. At this point all contracted items have been completed and the software accepted as fully functional. The support services will be in effect for one full year from installation of the software. At this time, Everett will renew this service contract annually. Payment Schedule: Invoiced at the issuance of PO. 30%of total contract Invoiced at the installation of the software 30%of total contract Invoiced at the completion of the initial training 20%of total contract Invoiced at the acceptance of the system 20%of total contract While always negotiable, CCG Systems, Inc.proposes the use of this payment plan. Please let us know how you would like to proceed. 79 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Appendix A FASTER CIS Screen Prints/Sample Reports so CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Equipment Inventory Screen— Master Applet ................. ,M Equipment Inventory-FASTER US 423004 FEquipment Information:Company—Foo—l—�]','COSA 191111 2'. Equipment Number Year Make Model Priority 18200 FN'—:-]IFORD ICROWN VICT Meter Rea din 7---Parent Equipment— Serial Number License MG r, 12FALP71WIVX135359 FWYX-54N 111il'i M 8643 Up one —----- - -- R; ................ ....... Link r Permanent IBLU 17 :J17 2ARZAMORA r Removable Klass Department 1AAFA UTO,UN .FUL 1200202 F.D.• AqSON IN ESTIG ! Statvs r AttarhEd Reservat ion— mployee ......... Last PM-.-.---- Outs IO Type C cl e Date Done DTC F,4 111111 1-1111 i-1 1 00.0-3 24.00 24.DY1111111 Date Depreciation 1851.56 Last Work Order FEi032032 i.] Master Cj j 0 j Acq/Disp C:1 Billing C� Search C� History C� Component Meters Warranty 16 9 PMs User GVw Engine Trans Size Types—� I..........------—Fuel Capacity-------Oil Capacity �362 FU ] F--'E F �D 1 0.0 0 2- 10.00 1 FO.00 F— Drive Train Tire Size I Tire Size 2 Radio r Cruise Ctrl Key I Key 2 f G il lip It Comments Use Code Description 01 0200.00 0300.00 > UZ 0250.00 0350.00 1914 0300.00 0400.00 T 0350.00 0450.00 04 N o 2 it'! 05 0400.00 0500.00 1 ,.1 Z'J nrl nAn nn nc;c;n_nn Master Information �pd ................ ...... ........... 81 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Equipment Inventory Screen- Billing Applet Equipment Inventory - FASTER C/S 423.004 r Equipment Information:Company 001 COSA —"""_— ® A l i 1 Equipment Number Year Make Model Prior ityT:Ct 8200 1997 FORD CROWN UICT N Parent Equipment Serial Number License MC 8 M 643 _ Meter Rea6n 2FALP71W1VX135359 P None Color Sho Site _ Link f Permanent B LU • 7 + 7 j ZARZAMORA Eq Status r Removable Class Department I Status r r,'.tachcd AAFA i4tJTD,UNL,FULL,STD zoozo2 ];F.D.AASONIhESTIG. i Reservation--� ------ Employee , Last Out# ;p -- Type Typel Cycle Date Done DTC i Date� 24 * 1111111111111100 00 24.00 24.0 Y1111111 � �_...._.-...___._...—_—J { - Depreciation 18141.58 Last Work Order IB032032 Masten (� AcglDisp �„Billing,'i C� Search I Cl� History I Q Component I 0 Meters I F Warranty 10 PMs I & Usea Aet F—BiIIing------- ,------- Insurance -- --- -Depreciation 7 Code l Charge 0.00 ;iAmount 0.00 Charge 0.00 Residual Valued 0.00 �_ __- -._...._._...._._..._...-............. __ �.------- ----------................_...._._...- ---- -------.._.......................--... —....-- Other Charge......---- --- r---- ----..............._ -.-_Usage ------------ .._._................. .. —� r Jan r Feb C` Mar r Apr r Map r Jun Type * Select All I Cost 10.00 r Jul r Aug r Sep r Oct I— Nov [— Dec Clear �_..--...-..... ---------—........-- ---•--_ __......__� to last Change Information Acct Number i Operator NRM Date 07/21/1998 Time 11:44 i Billing Information �Upd 82 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Parts Inventory Screen — Master Applet : . _...... 0 Part Part Number Str Part Description 05264371 3 = COMPRESSOR ` i€ 19f3j111� € II;[ii - lr 7 94MarkU Location Rit Location Vend Cate Status 491121�997 �� 247.50 O.O F9 = 0010 = 1 = A * 06:03:00 COIVI S�to'c Quant�Iti`e --- ABC Last Used - r EOQ flag VMRS Code Max Iss• lower Safes Hi h—;I UC�C �-E-YC-� 09/1211997 j ' r Force E0(� � �— 1 " I " r I J I J ; � 0 II y ------------------ O.00CoestUdr Lead Time Unit of-- __ — --- ...._ .._..- -MTBF----- ! ,_ . . �i°me` °' Type Issue Order Multiplier Type Length �'Bar code` Print7', �pivisor � � � �� � , � �. r HHU flag �L— D EA ONE O 5 [j Master I df User Ref I &P Warranty I C� Search C� Audit C� BarCode I C� Order/Receipt C� Transfer C� History -Reference Keys ----- ------ i Alternate Part Reference 1 IMOPAR Catalog Reference 2 Manufacturer's # JANCIRA CHRYSLER Reference 3 HSDS # I Reference 4 LID 1-06 Part Number Store Room Equivalence 05264371 3 I... .........__......_____.....___-.--.-----.-.----____-- --Cyclic Inventory------7-Economic Codes --Part Usage Codes- ---- Cycle #F' ! Code 1 Cade Descri tion � ,... us.:� ' ti pit Et 4 4 Date Posted Code 3 r Part Equivalency Inquiry Complete Ilia 83 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Parts Inventory Screen - Warranty Applet IN Parts Inventory -FASTER CIS 423.004 Part Ihformation BE U-7 1,41.10 Part Number Str Part Description '105264371 13 71 1COMPRESSOR I F --Last Change lr7,: C:,­ %MarkKUp Location Alt Location Vendor Category Type Status 09112/1997 1 T 1 1247.50 O.0 FF9 F_ ­116616 :j173 06:03:00 CONV F Stock Quantities------.._...--------- .--Last Used— EOQ flag VMRS Code 1i Max Iss. Low Safe High UCC EVC 09/12/1997 r Force EOQ F-1 F-0 I 0 1 r Core? 0.00 Core Cost Order Lead Time- -Unit of F-MTB F- F_ Time Issue Order Multiplier Type Length Barcode Print? HHU flag F EA FONE F 0 DF CJ Master I � User Ref f Wairarty I 0% Search I � Audit � BarCode I Q, Order/Receipt I � Transfer I R History Warranty Information Type FC Equipment With Warrantied Part EquipmentNumber I Company Status Year I Make Mode Cycle FY-73 Length 12 Warranties on Part Type I Cycle I Length C Y 2 .. . ............ Left-click to update, Right-click to delete Warranty Range By UID Inquiry Complete 110 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Deferred Maintenance Screen unDeferred f ' -Deferred Maintenance Information:,Company Equipment Number Repair Type Shop Mechanic ID Est Labor Hour Est Start hate I Description E €i3l!i !!3 i :•...s:.t.tF................. .. ............... ............:.................:..:..:...:......:.....:....:.::.:::..:......... ...... ... ... .....,.,,:..,. ...,.:,.••..•..•,.•.•.•,.,.•......:.,..!}j'iaifihill List C� Search Repair T e Descri Lion I MI6 IWO Number PMA A Preventive Maintenance 001 101300 Brakes Diagnostics 003 M. S €€ ql €j Il�li) I}i�j3 j•ii � i i £i€ i1i' 'lii:li:YN Mdi:;i '.§Ftta)i ti§2 islkel iiviie!e£. =iI€€3[':fF::'f i }iii43i�`si€§kit ..... ............................................... ... .................��Yt:€€€€i 1i§;€ D.auble-Click to Inquire Ready 111 CCG Systems,line. City of Everett 04/17/00 Systems Settings Screen 5Y5 �;stems Settings . .. I 14 !T� Table Lookup L- User info I W System Info I Purchase Orders Account Codes I Vendors' 'RTV Repair Types i !! User Name Descri tion Admin? Co. . . EQ. . . WO. . . St. . . O Id �► Administ. . . Administrator Yes 001 0 0 0 ADM Alan Alan Gamboa Yes 001 0 0 1 ARG Beau Beau Hunt Yes 001 0 0 0 BHA° � Betsy Betsy Menser Yes 001 0 0 0 BLM Brian Brian Cooper Yes 001 0 0 0 BC Doug Doug Atkins Yes 001 0 0 0 DA _ '.; Eric Eric Evans Yes 001 0 0 0 EE ,i i I Garrett Garrett Weinberg Yes 001 O 0 0 GW ! Jim Jim Nelson Yes 001 0 0 1 JHN T-I-, TnL,. 0 1 1 i )r— nnl n n n Mrl Properties (Tables] System FAction-r-- I NT User Name Administrator Operator ID ADM Description Admin? r -Equipment Defaults------ Part Defaults f-Work Order Defaults I Company 001 Storeroom 0 ,� ! Shop 0 5hap 0 Cost? r �r! Close? ro i 73 3E Quantity? r Re Open? ry Administrator 112 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Work Order Screen - Cost Applet ftWork Orders- FASTER C/S 4-23-014 - Untitled PRRI 13 --------------------- ----------------- ----- Work Order Inforiation: :Company 1001 ZJ Work Order I Independent Issue Bill Code 2519 Status FA Shop F Disable Downtime Track Work Ord6rF F -1 F -3 EquipmentJ6969 Employee ]Priority Meter Meter Reading Override? — F E R r— ;, I M 93315 N Date/Time In Reading 0811811998 F16_06 Snap shot F Override? Date/Time Out e it User Ref oil .4 I RpMt il k P. il�(!!411 1 0! Mill! ' f ' :.yE.y l i1i MON 11M.41111 111....11 H . rMiscellaneous Charges CodeDescriEtion Cost Markup V Code Description Cost Imarkup I Total V1, W.. l, Right-Click to Delete Cost........._.._._._........._..._..__._...--- -------- -- - Cr edi t Description I Code 1--Subtotal--I-1 Date Description I Subtotal PARTS COST 57.52 LABORS COST 56.25 SUBLETS COST 100.54 Total 1 ' I 214.31 1I11119 � " 0M �1M ' jl; 111,pr 00tq1 1 jIj Updi 113 CCG Systems,Inc. City of Everett 04/17/00 Work Order Screen - Search Applet ,Ph Work i4-23.014-Untitled FOR Work Order Information: :Company 7 001 �► ® f Work Order I Independent Issue I � FJ� Work Orderr Status Equipment A .- ] Shop Bill Coders � Disable Downtime Track I ------....---- ----- Meter Meter Readin Override? Employee —��Priority Reading i Date/Time In Og10411998 13.30 rjp sly` r' 0���er'ri�pi I Date/Time OutF—F— Print �] Motes C� Eq Info 0% Search i Repairs l f Parts 169 Labor l df Sublet I Cost 19 Credit 10 User Ref I Equipment Numberl Class I :J Use Code I J Workorder Numberl Start Date I Status Shop Mechanic ID • Repair Type 101300 Search WO Number E ui ment -Number Date In Status Shop Repair Type 2505 1890 0810411998 C 1 101300 ._�, 2506 1890 0810411998 C 1 101300 2507 3013 08Y0411998 C 1 101300 _ E' 2508 8228 0810411998 C 1 101300 2517 I3897 08/18/1998 A 1 101300 ` 2518 0425 08/18/1998 A 1 101300 t;7 2521 11948 08/19/1998 A 1 101300 2528 1840 08/19/1998 A 1 101300 Double-Click to Inquire - I Searchcompleted:ACKNOWLEDGED 114 Request for Proposals 98-200 Fleet Management System Software City of Everett City of Everett REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposal No. 1998-200 Fleet Management System Software 1. INTRODUCTION Sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk, 1st Floor, 2930 Wetmore Avenue, Everett, Washington 98201 until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 17, 1998, for the purchase of Fleet Management System Software. 1.1 General Information The City of Everett seeks to acquire and implement a comprehensive, state-of-the-art automated Fleet Management System software product providing efficient data entry, reliable internal processing and record retention, effective multi-site operation, and an intuitive user interface that is easy to learn and easy to use. Additional capabilities and sub-systems to support other Fleet Management functions are desirable but not mandatory. This procurement has been funded by the Everett City Council. 1.2 Objective This system is intended to replace existing automated Fleet Management software that will not operate properly using 21"-century dates. Time is of the essence. Implementation must be completed no later than June 1, 1999; sooner if feasible and practical. The City will assign a Project Manager who will expedite the City's responsibilities and actively participate in project activities. 1.3 Scope The proposed system should be of an expandable modular design to readily incorporate additional future enhancements. It should be developed, tested, and maintained using a high- quality software development methodology for long-term reliability and technical efficiency. Three-tier client-server software architecture is preferred. Vendors should have substantial knowledge of modern Fleet Maintenance activities and operations in a government fleet setting. Vendors should be able to successfully demonstrate expertise and experience in developing, implementing, and maintaining their proposed fleet management system in like - city environments. 1.4 RFP Coordinator Upon release of this Request for Proposals (RFP), all vendor communications concerning this acquisition must be directed to the RFP Coordinator listed below. Unauthorized contact regarding the RFP with other City of Everett employees may result in disqualification. Any oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the City of Everett. Vendors should rely only on written statements issued by the RFP Coordinator: Nancy Woods, C.P.M. City of Everett Purchasing 3200 Cedar Street Everett WA 98201 Phone: (425) 257-8840 Pax: (425) 257-8864 nwoods@ci.everett.wa.us 1 Technical questions may be directed to: Joel Woods fl Computer Services Manager Phone: (425) 257-8616 Fax: (425) 257-8620 jwoods@ci.everett.wa.us - However, if any answer to a technical inquiry results in a change to this RFP, that change shall be in writing and issued by the RFP Coordinator. 1.5 Proposal Certification The vendor must certify in writing that all vendor proposal terms, including prices, will remain in effect for a minimum of 60 days after the Proposal Due Date, that all proposed software has been operational at a non-vendor owned customer site for a period of 90 days prior to the Proposal Due Date, that all proposed capabilities can be demonstrated by the vendor, and that the proposed software is currently marketed and sold. 1.6 Term of Contract The length of this agreement includes initial installation and service for a twelve month period commencing on the first day of use. The agreement may be extended annually by mutual agreement between the parties. 1.7 Bid Bond A bid bond is not required. -' 1.8 Performance Bond A Performance Bond is not required. 1.9 Proposal Response Date and Location The vendor's proposal, in its entirety, must be received by the City Clerk not later than 2:00 p.m., Pacific time in Everett, Washington, on Tuesday, November 17, 1998. Proposals arriving after the deadline will be returned, unopened, to their senders. All proposals and accompanying documentation will become the property of the City of Everett and may not be — returned. Vendors assume the risk of the method of dispatch chosen. The City of Everett assumes no responsibility for delays caused by any delivery service. Postmarking by the due date will not substitute for actual proposal receipt. Late proposals will not be accepted nor will additional time be granted to any vendor. Proposals may not be delivered by facsimile transmission or other telecommunication or electronic means. 1.10 Multiple Proposals Vendors interested in submitting more than one proposal may do so, providing each proposall stands alone and independently complies with the instructions, conditions and specifications or the RFP. 2 1.11 Proposal Presentation and Format Requirements _ Proposals are to be prepared on standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper. Foldouts containing charts, spread sheets, computer and video media, and oversize exhibits are permissible. Manuals and other reference documentation may be bound separately. All responses, as well as any reference material presented must be written in English. 1.12 Waiver of Minor Administrative Irregularities The City of Everett reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to waive minor administrative irregularities contained in any proposal. 1.13 Single Response A sole or single response to the RFP may be deemed a failure of competition and in the best interest of the City of Everett, the RFP may be canceled. 1.14 Proposal Rejection The City of Everett reserves the right to reject any or all proposals at any time without penalty. 1.15 Withdrawal of Proposals Vendors may withdraw a proposal which has been submitted at any time up to the proposal closing date and time. To accomplish this, a written request signed by an authorized representative of the vendor must be submitted to the City Clerk. After withdrawing a previously submitted proposal, the vendor may submit another proposal at any time up to the proposal closing date and time. 1.16 Non-endorsement As a result of the selection of a vendor to supply products and/or services to the City of Everett, the City of Everett is neither endorsing nor suggesting that the vendor's product is the best or only solution. The vendor agrees to make no reference to the City of Everett in any literature, promotional material, brochures, sales presentation or the like without the express written consent of the City of Everett. 1.17 Proprietary Proposal Material Any information contained in the proposal that is proprietary must be clearly designated. Marking the entire proposal as proprietary will be neither accepted nor honored. If a request is made to view a vendor's proposal, the City of Everett will comply according to the Open Public Records Act, Chapter 42.17 RCW . If any information is marked as proprietary in the proposal, such information will not be made available until the affected vendor has been given an opportunity to seek a court injunction against the requested disclosure. 3 1.18 Response Property of the City of Everett All materials submitted in response to this request become the property of the City of Everett. Selection or rejection of a response does not affect this right. 1.19 No Obligation to Buy The City of Everett reserves the right to refrain from contracting with any vendor. The release of this RFP does not compel the City of Everett to purchase. _ 1.20 Cost of Preparing Proposals The City of Everett is not liable for any costs incurred by vendors in the preparation and presentation of proposals and demonstrations submitted in response to this RFP. 1.21 Number of Proposal Copies Required Vendors are to submit one original proposal and five copies. _. 1.22 Errors in Proposal The City of Everett will not be liable for any errors in vendor proposals. Vendors will not be allowed to alter proposal documents after the deadline for proposal submission. _ The City of Everett reserves the right to make corrections or amendments due to errors identified in proposals by the City of Everett or the vendor. This type of correction or amendment will only be allowed for such errors as typing, transposition or any other obvious error. Vendors are liable for all errors or omissions contained in their proposals. 1.23 Third Party Vendor The City of Everett will accept proposals which include third party software only if the proposing vendor agrees to act as prime contractor and guarantor for all proposed equipment and software. Vendors must disclose the use of any third party vendor software and indicate willingness to assume prime contractor responsibility. 1.24 Necessary Ancillary Software Unless specifically excepted by the terms of the RFP, all software, including language compilers, middleware, database interfaces, and system management tools, ordinarily furnished or prudently required to make the proposed software product a complete functioning system when installed on City-supplied computers and operating systems shall be furnished by the vendor, at no additional cost to the City of Everett. _ 1.25 Condition of Proposed Equipment No equipment is solicited in this RFP. The City expects to provide standard PC workstations, servers, and network communications equipment required for effective system operation- 4 Vendors should state any equipment requirements. Vendors may propose specialized equipment units but the City reserves the right to obtain such equipment from other sources. Any and all equipment proposed must be new equipment or refurbished and warranted as new _. equipment. 1.26 Configuration Adjustment with Contract The City of Everett reserves the right to select and exclude any equipment or software for the actual acquisition regardless of the configuration proposed by the vendor. The vendor will be consulted on any such adjustments whenever it is determined that the configuration adjustment may adversely impact the system performance. 1.27 Product Delivery Time Vendors must certify that the proposed software can be delivered, installed and operationally ready within the stated number of days on their RFP submission. 2. DELIVERY The vendor assumes responsibility for the delivery, installation, maintenance, and initial adjustment of all vendor supplied equipment, software, and support services proposed. 3. DOCUMENTATION The vendor must provide documentation for all proposed hardware and software. The successful vendor must provide at least two complete sets of operating manuals for the proposed software. One copy shall be a reproduction master for use by the City in producing operating manuals for internal usage. The vendor shall provide an unlimited license for the City to copy and distribute the documentation for internal use. Vendor shall also provide price quotations for providing documentation manuals as an alternative to the City making its own copies. 4. INSTALLATION ASSISTANCE 4.1 Installation and initial adjustment is required for any hardware and software acquired _ from the vendor. 4.2 Customer engineering support must be available on-site locally in Everett for all hardware and software packages acquired from the vendor. Vendors are not required to establish or maintain local offices or service facilities. 5. SYSTEM AVAILABILITY 5.1 The vendor must contractually agree to maintain a 95 percent or better continuous software availability, exclusive of failure of hardware or operating system components furnished by the City. Software availability shall be calculated on a rolling three-month baseline. A survey of vendor references will be made to determine the availability of vendor hardware and software currently installed at those sites. If availability levels are found to be less than those contracted for at any of the sites, the proposal may be eliminated from further consideration. 5 5.2 Performance Levels The vendor must contractually agree to maintain software to minimum performance levels, such as response time, to be negotiated between the parties. A survey of vendor references will be made to determine the quality levels at those sites. If they are less than those contracted for at any of the sites, the proposal may be eliminated from further consideration. 5.3 Training The vendor must supply effective training for City staff in the operation of the software proposed. Vendor staff will observe system operation during the first month of operation and assist staff as required. Training will be provided on-site in Everett and should be completed in time for the staff to successfully operate the software with minimum vendor assistance immediately after installation and testing. Training costs must be included in the proposal. f. VENDOR INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Customer References The vendor must submit a user list of at least "50" City, County, or State government customer references presently using the proposed software. At least three reference customers should be of comparable fleet size to the City of Everett, and be currently using the same version software being proposed. Include the following for each reference (see bid submittal sheet)-- Customer Name Business Address Name of Contact Title of Contact Telephone Number of Contact Description of Installation Date Installed Brief description of similarities of reference site to City of Everett and why this -- customer reference is relevant to the City of Everett. Vendor shall disclose all sites where proposed software was initially installed and -- subsequently discontinued from operation within the past five years. Please explain what happened and provide a contact reference. The City of Everett may, at it's option, contact other known vendor customers for references. 6.2 Pricing Information The vendor must itemize purchase prices, continuing fees, and support costs for all software items, products, and services proposed. All elements of recurring and non-recurring costs which must be borne by the City of Everett must be identified. This includes, but is not limited 6 - to, end-user 800 support, software maintenance, system engineering, manuals and documentation, consultation, training, conversion, shipping, installation, testing and taxes. 7. CONTRACT AWARD AND EXECUTION The City of Everett reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted without a best and final offer procedure. Therefore the proposal should be initially submitted on the most favorable terms the vendor can offer- B. EVALUATION CRITERIA In addition to price, the following elements shall be given consideration: 8.1 The ability, capacity and skill of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service required; 8.2 The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the bidder; 8.3 Whether the bidder can perform the contract within the time specified; 8.4 The quality of performance of previous contracts or services; 8.5 The previous and existing compliance by the bidder with laws relating to the contract or services; 8.6 Such other information as may be secured having a bearing on the decision to award the contract. 8.7 Experience with information systems and fleet management systems. 8.8 Length of time fleet management systems have been successfully in place. 8.9 Ability of the proposal to meet "Task Objectives" described in the fleet task analysis, i.e.the requirement to improve productivity must be met. The proposal should include specific cost and time benefit analysis to support work improvements. 8.10 Telephone support for users at no additional charge; "800" number available for support; office hours for support; and "after-hours" support capabilities. 9. GENERAL OVERVIEW The City of Everett invites proposals for a computer software system(s) to improve fleet operations and management productivity. The City currently has an Ultramain, Wang-based, electronic system. The City of Everett reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Proposals may be considered non-responsive by the City for whatever reason the City deems appropriate. In order for a proposal to be considered, all areas contained in this request for proposal must be 7 completed in order to determine if bidder can meet the requirements of the package. All proposals become the property of the City. This request for proposal in no way commits the City to make an award or to reimburse any company or persons for any expenses incurred in 1 responding to this request. 10. BACKGROUND 10.1 Fleet Profile The City of Everett Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) is responsible for the administration, maintenance and repair of a City-wide fleet of automobiles, light trucks, vans, police cars, dump trucks, construction equipment, buses and a variety of lawn and turf equipment, totaling 780 vehicles/equipment and 1,785 radios. Additionally, the City provides support for 86 vehicles/equipment for outside agencies, for a total inventory of 2,651 units. The MVD Superintendent reports to the Director of Transportation Services, who reports to the Executive Director of the City of Everett. The City's 2,651 units are operated by fifty internal departmental divisions and six external agencies. The MVD Superintendent is responsible for the acquisition and disposal of all vehicles and equipment with approximately 15% of these units being replaced each year_ Maintenance management and repair of the 2,651 vehicles/equipment is distributed as follows: 751 vehicles/equipment and 1,785 radios takes place at the MVD central shop location. Repair and maintenance of 70 vehicles/equipment takes place at two separate golf course locations, — and repair and maintenance of 45 vehicles and equipment takes place at a Fire Department shop. 10.2 Current System Environment The current maintenance software operates on a Wang mini computer system which uses a PC terminal emulation program with 12 users. 11. NEW SYSTEM FEATURES AND REQUIREMENTS 11.1 New System Usability The system should be designed and implemented to be easy to learn and easy to use. System components will be used in fleet shop operations. Rapid response, efficient data entry, and high productivity are important factors. The City intends to streamline operating procedures wherever possible, and the Vendor's capability to advise and assist in this effort during system implementation will be considered in evaluating proposals. Multiple site operations are listed below. New System must be designed for stand alone operations of all fleet functions simultaneously at all locations. • Motor Vehicles Division (MVD) r • Fire Dept. • Golf Dept. 8 • Parks Dept. • Utilities Dept. 11.2 New System Technology The proposed system should be designed and programmed to operate effectively using the City's computer architecture standards, which are based on Microsoft NT, TCP/IP, Exchange, and Oracle database technology. Other database technologies may be proposed and may be considered if they are deemed acceptable in the City's sole judgment. The city also supports IBM RS-6000 AIX servers. Desktop standards include Microsoft NT, Office, and Outlook. Mobile computers may use Windows 95 or 98. The system must perform effectively in the City's LAN/WAN network environment with a minimum of 30 simultaneous users. The City prefers to purchase its own hardware and OS/Database software. Vendors should -- describe with specificity the hardware and OS/Database software requirements for supporting their proposed software product and providing satisfactory performance in the City's environment. 11.3 Implementation Priority Because timely replacement of the current Fleet Maintenance system is essential, project proposals should prioritize the implementation of essential features ahead of other desirable features that are not required to replace the present systems. The City will evaluate proposals based on both the total complement of features offered by a proposed product and the ability of the vendor to timely implement a working system demonstrably capable of fully replacing the current Fleet Maintenance system. Additional features will be implemented after the essential features are operational. 11.4 Technology Standards and LANIWAN Environment The City of Everett is in the process of converting from a mixed Banyan/Novell network environment to a Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server environment. An extensive Windows NT Server LANANAN infrastructure is maintained using TCP/IP over Fiber, T-1, and Fractional T-1 circuits. The City's remote fleet locations will be connected by fractional T1 circuits. The City also has network connections to Snohomish County and the Washington State InterGovernmental Network (IGN). Outbound Internet access is provided via the IGN. City standards: NT Application Server: Compaq Unix Application Server: IBM RS-6000 Network Server: Compaq Network: TCP/IP, Ethernet Application Database: Oracle (preferred) 9 Messaging Services: MS Exchange Workstations: MS Windows NT 4.0 Notebooks: MS Windows NT 4.0/Windows 95/98 Department locations: City Hall Campus: Administration, Legal, Budget, City Council, Code Compliance, Planning, Finance, Personnel, Computer Services, Accounting, City Treasurer, City Clerk, Police Public Works Campus: Utilities, Street, Engineering, Building, GIS, Purchasing, Facilities, Transit, Motor Vehicles (MVD), Utility Services (billing), and — Telecommunications Forest Park: Park Administration, Recreation Legion Park/Golf: Horticulture, Golf Maintenance Shop WE Hall/Kasch Park: Golf Maintenance Shop, Recreation Main Library: Library Administration, Circulation I ~ South Library: Circulation Fire: Fire Administration, Inspection/Prevention, Training, Emergency Medical Services, and Fire Vehicle Maintenance Other Locations: Water Filtration Plant, Water Pollution Control Facility, Animal Shelter, and Senior Center 11.5 Additional Features It may be useful for the City if additional features beyond these specifications are included in the proposed system. Vendors may propose additional features as options if in their judgment and experience the additional features would add value beyond any associated additional startup and ongoing costs. 11.6 Standard Commercial Product The City desires and expects to purchase a complete comprehensive Fleet Management System that has been developed and is being continuously maintained as a Commercial Off- The-Shelf (COTS) software product that is installed at and used by multiple customers. Vendors should provide references to other customers where the proposed system has been installed. The practical experience of other customers is an important factor in evaluating -- competing proposals. 10 11.7 Configuration and Customization The City expects that proposed systems will need to be configured and customized to work in the city's specific environment. Additional customizations may be required from time to time as the City's requirements change. Such customization should ideally not require software _ redevelopment or modifications to program source-language code. Proposed systems should be designed and constructed to allow substantial customization through the manipulation of configuration tables, or similar external data structures, preferably by non-programming departmental "user" staff. 11.8 Training and Installation Support Vendors will be expected to provide training and installation support at time of implementation. Vendors should describe all training available, and propose selected training modules that will ensure smooth, successful implementation and operation in the City of Everett. Training and installation support will be needed in all stages of systems implementation: ➢ Pre-installation familiarization overview ➢ Business process and procedure advisory consulting ➢ Configuration/customization assistance ➢ Database loading ➢ End-user operational training and system administrator training ➢ Post-implementation tuning Training should be provided for both end users and technical system administrators. Topics covered should include system operation, system configuration & customization, system tuning, problem diagnosis and resolution, database management, and system management. Classes should be held on-site in Everett, Washington. Because of the relatively small number of staff performing individual functions, initial training should be delivered to all system users. Training classes may have to be scheduled during evening and night shifts to accommodate all workers. Subsequent training may be delivered by City staff. However, the availability of regular training classes for follow-up or refresher training is desirable. Installation support should include initial software installation and operational demonstration, business process and procedure consulting, system configuration and customization services, - database loading, functional testing, performance testing, initial operational support, and post- operational system tuning. Specific training curriculum decisions will be subject to negotiation between the parties. 11.9 Implementation Approach The City contemplates a phased approach to implementation. • Install basic system on-site and demonstrate baseline operation. 11 • Analyze requirements and plan necessary customization, procedure modification, and data conversion efforts. Execute customization plan and update internal City procedures. I • Create any required data conversion software. The City will provide initial conversion into standard ASCII-format or MS Access database format files for vendor's use in loading new databases. Test and demonstrate planned functionality using completed software. Convert historical data to new system. Train operational staff. • Test and verify acceptable performance levels at two times the anticipated initial volumes of data input, online access, and report generation. Tune system as needed. — Perform any final activities necessary to complete implementation and decommission existing (old) Wang-based Maintenance system. Begin operational use of new system. • After implementation, tune system as needed. 11.10 Proposal Format and Implementation Approach - Other than a limited number of informational items that must be submitted in a standard 1� format, the City does not require a specific proposal format. The format of these mandatory items is specified in the attached RFP instructions. The City desires to receive a clear, concise, economical presentation of the vendor's proposal. Proposers should describe with specificity their recommended approach to successfully implementing the new system based on their experience with other similar projects and any unique aspects of the City's situation. This description should address configuration management, change orders, problem reports, software quality assurance, and resources to respond to unanticipated conditions without delaying implementation beyond June 30, 1999. 11.11 Product Description The proposal should describe clearly and fully the proposed product and its features and components, as well as the proposed approach to project execution and management. The use of standard product documentation, including user manuals and technical maintenance manuals, is encouraged. Demonstration software and sample help files may be included. System capabilities should be described with specificity, and illustrated with examples and/or cross-referenced to user and technical manuals where appropriate. However, reliance on generic or superficial brochures is not satisfactory. The vendor shall describe in detail the hardware and operating system software configuration requirements for successful operation of the proposed software product at the City of Everett. The City intends to provide all require general-purpose hardware and operating system software. Proposed specialized equipment 12 and operating-system software may be acquired through vendor or from alternative sources. The City will be responsible for the reliable operation of hardware and software it provides. 11.12 Process Improvement Assistance The City is willing to consider modifying its own internal processes to take advantage of system features it considers valuable, and will attempt to evaluate proposed systems holistically as potential future operating environments. Vendors should describe and demonstrate their capabilities to assist the City improve its internal procedures to take advantage of operational features of the proposed software product. The vendor's demonstrated ability to communicate its proposal to City staff will be a factor in proposal evaluation. 11.13 Proposal Evaluation Process The City will evaluate vendor proposals in two phases. In Phase 1 the City will review vendor qualifications, system features, and proposed work plans to determine those proposals to be selected as finalists. A limited number of finalists will be selected for further evaluation, and those vendors will be invited to demonstrate their products in Everett to the City's evaluation team. In Phase 2, the City will intensively evaluate selected proposals, observe vendor demonstrations, and contact references. Additional questions may be asked of finalists if necessary to clarify issues. Contract negotiations may be undertaken with one or more finalists prior to final selection. 11.14 Proposal Schedule: Publish RFP.................................................October 16, 1998 Receive proposals ....................................... November 17, 1998 Announce finalists........................................ November 20, 1998 Conduct vendor demonstrations..................Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 1998 Conduct customer site visits ........................December 7 - 11, 1998 Negotiate contract terms & conditions .........December 14 - 18, 1998 City Council RFP Award ..............................December 30, 1998 Begin project................................................January 12, 1999 12. OBJECTIVES 12.1 Introduction The attached fleet operations and management task analysis shows the current functions performed for the City's fleet and areas where the Fleet Superintendent has objectives for improving productivity. 13 The system proposed should address functions shown on the task analysis as to specific areas where a system will improve productivity. Proposals not showing clear productivity improvements will be considered non-responsive. 12.2 Management Objectives MVD requires the system to improve productivity in all areas, especially the fleet functions of work order processing, equipment replacement, and parts ordering/receiving. Time saved through increased productivity will be used to develop labor standards, downtime parameters, PM performance evaluation and increased "fleet management" information for controlling costs. 12.3 System Objectives 1) Provide management information for fleet decisions: a. Maintain current and previous years' data for access by management. b. Provide reports from above data on demand by summary, by detail, or by user specifications on screen display or printouts. c. Monitor accident/loss information. d. Monitor warranty repair information. 2) Control operations and improve data handling: , a. Streamline work order processing and paperwork flow, for scheduled and non- scheduled work performed. b. Provide reporting and control over customer billings for all work done. c. Produce computerized parts orders by vendor. 3) Provide parts management support: a. Improve parts management by ability to track downtime based on parts availability. b. Provide integrated parts ordering, receiving, and issuing on single screen. c. Identify vendor lead time and price performance by part number. 13. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 13.1 The system must be able to operate in a client/server computer environment, with capability to interface with a mainframe financial system in a file transfer upload- download environment. 13.2 The system must be able to accept data telephonically by modem from other systems. Output must be available by the same methods. Specific data that must be accepted includes, but is not limited to, automated fueling information. 13.3 The system should extensively edit transactions before they are accepted for input to the system. 14 13.4 The system should have simple and clear screen displays with prompts and simple instructions for data inputs. Whenever possible, the system should provide on-screen feedback to operator regarding validity of information, i.e., warranty coverage, deferred repairs, and PMs soon due. 13.5 The system should be modular and provide the ability to acquire and install modules independently which can utilize relational data. 13.6 Adequate security controls should exist for the system with user identification, passwords and logs for multiple users. _ 13.7 Permanent historical data for the current and previous years must be available by direct access for a fleet of up to 4,600 units. 13.8 The system user should be able to easily back up the current and previous year's data as required and restore the same in case of system or hardware malfunction. 13.9 The system must permit Ad hoc generation of reports based on the user criteria and provide up-to-date data. Reports selected must be available for review on screen as well as printed. At the time of demand, the reports must be capable of being sorted selectively by ranges and/or by specific identifications within a field and usually on more than one field at the same time. The system shall provide the capability of sequencing reports by multiple keys. The user shall have the option of displaying or printing the selected options. Audit reports and controls must also be provided. 13.10 The system shall include complete and well-organized documentation designed to allow self-sufficient operation at the user level for all supplied application software. 14. OPERATIONS TASK ANALYSIS & OBJECTIVES The Motor Vehicle Department has basically 9 tasks that are currently required to perform our job functions. Following is an analysis of functions performed and a description of - improvements envisioned for operations. Table of Contents 14.1 Equipment Replacement, Procurement and Disposal 14.2 Work Order processing 14.3 Parts Processing 14.4 Warranty Tracking 14.5 Fueling 14.6 Pool Vehicle Operations 15 14.7 Invoice processing (SFG) 14.8 Budgeting and Department Billing (internal and external customers) 14.9 Management Information Reporting • A copy of all forms, reports and worksheets will be available to successful bidder. 14.1 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT/ PROCUREMENT/DISPOSAL 14.1A Current Task Analysis 1) Veh/Equip is purchased and delivered to MVD and is checked in by the Maintenance & Operations (M&O) Supervisor. The M&O Supervisor assigns a Wang Inventory ID number to each inventory item received, from an Excel printed form, he collects the required information for input into the Wang Master Equipment Record. 2) The below items are "added" (input) into the Wang Master Equipment Record: a. Equipment ID b. Department Assignment c. Year & Make d. Model Number e. Expected Life -- f. Acquisition Date g_ Warranty Expiration Date h. Warranty Expiration Meter - i. Original Purchase Price J. APWA Code k. Life (years/miles/hours) I. Status Code m. Asset Location 3) From the main menu in Wang, getting to this input screen requires going through five screens. Once at the input screen, data is input into three additional screens before the new record is processed and added. Total Screens = 8. Total Fields = 13. Total Processing time for all screens = 1 minute 30 seconds. (Does not include data input time.) 4) The M&O Supervisor then opens up an "in-service work order" so that the shop can - immediately begin preparing this new equipment for delivery to the user department. The "minimum" required field entries necessary to open up a work order in Wang is'. a. Equipment 1D b_ Work Description (General) 16 c. Maintenance Class d. Repair Code e. Cause Code f. Work Description (Task 1) g. Printer Selection 5) From the main menu in Wang, to get to the "open work order" input screen, you must go through three screens. Once at the input _ screen, data is input into a minimum of three additional screens in order to print a work order with one repair task. Total Screens = 8. Total Fields = 10. Total Processing time for all screens = 5 minutes 20 seconds. (Does not include data input time.) 6) Once the work order is opened, information is entered on an Excel spreadsheet log to track in-service charges to using department. Once this work order is closed out, he also goes back and adds the dollar amount to the "original purchase price" in the Excel Fleet Replacement spreadsheet. 7) The Excel data collection form which he used to collect data for the Master Equipment Record in Step 1 is then sent to the Office Specialist along with the rest of the new vehicle documents for further input. 8) The Office Specialist goes into the Gasboy fuel system and sets the new vehicle up with a fuel card number and required fueling parameters. She then goes into the Wang and adds this information to the Equipment Usage Record. The "minimum" required field entries necessary to add this record to Wang is: - a. Equipment ID b. Operating Unit (miles or hours) c. Meter Type (digits) - d. Override Start Date e. Override End Date 9) From the main menu in Wang, getting to the usage record input screen requires going through four screens. Once at the input screen, data is input into one screen before the new record is processed and added. Total Screens = 5. Total Fields = 5. Total Processing time for all screens = 1 minute. (Does not include data input time.) 10) Once this is done she goes to the Wang Master Equipment Record for this vehicle and adds the following: - a. Fuel Card Number b. Replaced Vehicle Number 17 11) From the main menu in Wang, getting to this input screen requires going through five screens. Once at the input screen, the above data is input and she must pass through a total of three additional screens E before the new fields can be processed and added. Total Screens = 8. Total Fields = 2. Total Processing time for all screens = 1 minute 30 seconds. 12) The Office Specialist then sends all licensing paperwork to the Office Technician. Once the new vehicle license and registration is received, this information is added in the master equipment record file. Again, from the main menu in Wang, getting to this input screen requires going through five screens. Once at the input screen, the License Plate data is input and she must pass through a total of three additional screens before this new field can be processed and added. Total Screens = 8 Total Fields = 1. Total Processing time for all screens = 1 minute 30 seconds. (Does not include data input time.) - 13)The Office Specialist sends the Office Technician a copy of her vehicle input sheet which she generates in Excel. This sheet specifies what has been completed and what yet needs to be done. Besides licensing and hand punching the new fuel cards, the Office Technician's responsibilities also includes adding the new Vehicle ID number, Description, APWA Code, Purchase Price, and Expected Life to the Fleet Replacement Spreadsheet. 14)Vehicle information collected by Shop Technician and recorded on the -- "chassis record" sheet is also sent to the Office Technician for input into the Wang. These fields provide component and parts related information for the new vehicle, for example, transmission serial number and part number for filter kit. There are a total of 54 data fields and depending on the type of vehicle being in-serviced, this input - takes from 7 to 15 minutes to completely input. Total Screens = 5, Total Fields = 23 to 54, Total Processing time for all screens = 11 minutes average. - 15)The Office Specialist also sends the Night Shift Supervisor a copy of her vehicle input sheet. The Night Shift Supervisor is responsible for setting up the PM and Inspection checklists and parameters for all new vehicles. This is done in Wang in the following manner. From the main menu, getting to this input screen requires going through fifteen - (15) screens. Once at the input screen 139 separate fields must have data input in order to properly set up a the Scheduled Maintenance program. If the PM/Inspection tasks and part numbers are already setup from previous vehicle/equipment additions, and these tasks and parts can be re-assigned to the new unit being added, this can take as little as 24 minutes. However, with specialty equipment this is never the case, and the resulting process can easily take four (4) - hours to accomplish. 18 In talking to the Shop Supervisor, we have determined that new vehicle/equipment falls into three (3) setup categories: a. 60% of new vehicles/equipment take 20 minutes each. b. 30% of new vehicles/equipment take 2 hours each. c. 10% of new vehicles/equipment take 4 hours each 16)When a vehicle or piece of equipment is replaced, the old unit is surplused and sold. The M&O Supervisor tracks all surplused units on an Excel spreadsheet through which a "ready for disposal" list is generated. When units are sold or traded, a spreadsheet list is generated with "disposed equipment" and then sent to The Office Specialist for input into the Wang. She accesses the Master Equipment Record and changes the following field information: a. Equipment No. b. Department c. Asset Location d. Status e. Comments 17) From the main menu in Wang, getting to this input screen requires going through five screens. Once at the input screen, data is entered into parts of three screens before the record can be changed and processed. Total Screens = 8. Total Fields -- = 5. Total processing time for all screens = 1 minute 30 seconds_ (Does not include data input time.) 18) For sold equipment, the Maintenance Superintendent also sends out a memo requesting the following actions: Office Specialist: Cancel fuel cards, list item as sold in master file Office Technician: Remove equipment from B-Fund list, remove maintenance file, notify state of sale Shop Supervisor: Remove item from service list Parts Supervisor: Remove specialty parts from inventory and return to vendor for credit Warranty Specialist: Check on any pending warranty/recall actions Accounting & Risk For asset accounting & insurance billings, Management adjust records 14.1 B EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY - Task Objectives 1) Decrease the number of screens required to enter a "new equipment record" from 8 screens to 3 screens or less. 19 2) Decrease the number of screens required to "open up a work order" from 8 screens to 2 screens or less. Decrease the actual computer processing time to open a work order from 5 minutes 20 seconds to less then 30 seconds total per work order. 3) Eliminate having to setup a usage record for each new piece of equipment. Usage record setup should be automatic after "new equipment record" has been entered. 4) Eliminate hand tracking and input of in-service work order amounts into the "original purchase price" field of the new equipment record. Total work order amount for new equipment in-service should automatically be added to purchase price field in "new ` equipment record" when work order is properly coded for capitalization. 5) Eliminate fleet replacement spreadsheet by having system automatically track all equipment based on user defined usage, historical cost factors, and life parameters and thereby project the economic replacement point for each vehicle/equipment in the fleet. 6) By eliminating separate data input requirements and consolidating duties, develop a single data collection document for all shop and system requirements so that the "new equipment record" can be input one time by one person. 14.2 WORK ORDER PROCESSING 14.2A Current Task Analysis 1) Customer comes to Service Office to request repairs or to drop vehicle off for scheduled maintenance (PM). Request for repairs are generally accompanied with a written Vehicle Condition Report (VCR) filled out by the Customer. PM work orders are generated by the Wang System when a vehicle/equipment comes due for a service or inspection. Additionally, work orders are generated for repairs that are required to be sent to an outside vendor, and for in-house rebuilding of engines, transmissions, pumps, differentials, brake drums, mounted tires, etc. 2) The Shop Supervisor is responsible for opening all work orders on his particular shift. Using the VCR, the Supervisor opens a work order. The "minimum" required field entries necessary to open up a work order in Wang with one (1) task or problem is: a. Equipment ID b. Work Description (General) c. Maintenance Class d. Repair Code e. Cause Code _. f. Work Description g. Printer Selection 3) Once the work order has been printed, the Shop Supervisor assigns this work to a Technician. The Technician takes the printed work order 20 and begins repairing/servicing the vehicle. If he needs parts, he goes to the parts room and gives the work order number to the counter person. The bar- coded part is then scanned by counter person and issued in Wang to the appropriate task number on the work order. Once the Technician installs the part(s) and completes the task(s), he writes in detail the work performed on each task along with his Tech ID (initials), and hours worked on each work order. Once this is done for each task listed, the work order is then returned to the Shop Supervisor for review and data input. — 4) The Shop Supervisor is responsible for closing work orders opened or completed on his shift. Once he has reviewed the hard copy of the work order and has determined that all work has been completed and that the information is accurate, he initiates the Closed Work Order Process. The "minimum" required field entries necessary to close a work order in Wang with one (1) repair task is: a. Work Order Number b. Procedure Complete? - c. Work Done (input limited to two lines 60 characters each) d. Employee e. Labor Code f. Hours g. Close Work Order? h. Print Work Order? i. Meter Reading 5) From the main menu in Wang, to get to the "closed work order" input screen, he must go through three screens. Once at the input screen, data is input into three additional screens in order to close and print the work order (with one repair task). Total Screens = 8. Total Fields 9. Total Processing time for all screens including printing closed work order = 9 minutes 30 seconds. (Includes data input time.) 6) The Closed Work Order is then attached to the original shop work order and forwarded to: a. Parts Supervisor - to check that all parts were properly charged out _ then to b. Warranty Specialist - if work was a warrantable repair, or to c. M&O Supervisor - if work order was department request or in- service, or to d. Superintendent - if a PM work order, or all other repair orders if total dollar amount of work order exceeds $500. 7) All in-service, department requests, PM's, and over $500 repair orders are then hard filed under the appropriate vehicle/equipment number. 21 8) Outside repair work orders are tracked by preparing a work order on the Vehicle/Equip sent out for repair. When the repair is completed, the total of the d invoice is posted to the work order. The current system limits input to one line of description in the parts issue field with one total dollar amount. 9) Shop Rebuild work orders are used to capture total cost of labor and materials to rebuild a part and return to inventory. Currently this is done by issuing all labor and related parts to a work order for an equipment number called Shot, and then taking the total amount of the work order and reversing this amount out, closing the work order with zero cost, and manually entering the amount, quantity, and part number information into the Wang parts inventory system. _. 14.213 WORK ORDER PROCESSING - Task Objectives 1) Decrease the number of screens and processing time to open a work order (detailed in 1 B #1 and #2). 2) Ability to simultaneously print work orders in the service office and parts office. 3) Potential for technicians to clock on and off of work order task(s), and input repair information directly from shop floor. 4) Daily time input to be cumulative on work order for multiple days, multiple techs, and multiple tasks. Current system allows for only one entry per tech per task. 5) Ability to charge-out Vendor parts and labor on same work order as in-house parts and labor with separate cost tracking mechanisms for each. 6) Ability to easily review all charges and with markups applied to work orders, (i.e. parts, labor, misc. charges, outside repairs etc.) prior to closing work order. 7) Ability to open up a work order for a specific Part Number for in-house parts that have been rebuilt. This would allow capture of all costs (parts and labor) on rebuilt part. When work order is closed, the part number would be automatically added to inventory at actual cost incurred on the work order along with quantity, and work order reference number. 8) Decrease amount of time to close a work order from 8 screens to 2 screens, and from 9.5 minutes to 1 minute or less per work order. 22 -- 14.3 PARTS ORDERING, RECEIVING, AND ISSUING 14.3A Current Task Analysis 1) Stock (inventoried) parts and non-stock (non-inventoried) parts are ordered by the _ Buyers, and received and issued by the Office Technician and/or the Assistant Buyer. 2) Stock parts are ordered from the weekly parts reorder report generated by the Parts Supervisor. 3) From the main menu in Wang, generating the stock order report requires going through 5 screens. Wang data processing time for this report varies from 20 to 40 minutes depending on quantity of parts needing to be ordered. T 4) When report generation is completed, the reorder report is printed and sorted by vendor. Report is then checked against physical inventory to verify items and quantities needed. Then the report page specific to that vendor is used as the source document to place a phone order. Most stock orders have open purchase orders established. Once the order is phoned in to the vendor, the re-order report - page is filed in the vendor file in the parts room to await receipt of order. 5) Non-stock parts can be ordered by the Shop Supervisor or Shop Technician by filling out a three-part purchase requisition form (PR). This PR tells the Buyer the vehicle/equipment number, date, work order number, quantity and description of part(s) needed and signature of requester. 6) Buyer orders part(s) from best source, indicating on the PR the part number ordered, quantity, description, vendor, cost, purchase order number (PO #), and his "ordered by" signature. 7) Once the buyer obligates City funds by issuing a PO #, he must also directly enter this information into the City's financial software program (SFG = Solutions For Government). There is currently no relationship between SFG and the Wang maintenance software. Therefore, the Wang system cannot track items ordered but not received. 8) Receiving parts is a three-fold process. However, before any part, whether stock or non-stock, can be received and issued to a work order, an Item record must be setup and on file for each unique part number. If the part number is not on file, the Office Technician and/or the Assistant Buyer goes into the Wang program and adds the Item Record. The "minimum" required field entries necessary to add this record is: a. Item Number b. Description - c. Prime Vendor d. Prime Warehouse e. Item Class 23 f. Item Alpha g. Sub Items h. Prime Item Number? 9 i. Display Vendors? j. Display Warehouses? k. Lot Item? I. Stock Item? m. Drop Shipments Okay? n. Unit of Measure o. Items per UM p. UM / Ship Carton q. Lead Time 9) From the main menu in Wang getting to the Item Record add screen requires going through 5 screens. Once at the add screen, data is input into 3 screens before an Item Record can be added. Total Screens = 8. Total Fields = 17. Total Processing time for all screens = 8 minutes. 1 Q)Prior to setting up the Item Record, the Office Technician or Asst. Buyer must verify that a Vendor record exists for that Vendor from whom the part was purchased. If there is no Vendor Record on file, then this record must also be added before the part can be received. The minimum number of field entries necessary to add this record is: a. Vendor Number b. Alpha c. Name d. Address e. City f. State g. Zip h. Phone i. Sales Tax Rate j. Terms Code k. Liability Account 11)From the main menu in Wang, getting to the Vendor Record add screen requires going through 3 screens. Once at the add screen, data is input into "1" screen before a Vendor Record can be added. Total Screens = 4. Total Fields = 19. Total Processing time for all screens = 5 minutes. 12)Once the Vendor Record and the Item Record is on file, the Receiving function can begin. All parts that are received must be signed for by someone other then the Buyer who placed the order. When a part is received at the freight table, the Office Technician or Assistant Buyer checks the item in according to the invoice or packing list and signs their name indicating they have verified that the quantity shown as -- shipped on the packing list matches the actual quantity we received. �- 24 13)For "non-stock" orders, the 3-piece PR is pulled from the vendor file and the parts received are verified as to correct part number, quantity, and price ordered. If correct, the white copy is attached to the packing list/invoice for payment, the yellow copy is sent to Shop Office to advise Shop Supervisor that requested part has been received, and the pink copy is then attached to the physical part for placement on "will call" shelf. 14)For "stock" orders, the Reorder Report page is pulled from the vendor file and again the Office Technician or Assistant Buyer verifies and signs the packing list/invoice and checks the accuracy of the reorder information against what was received. Once verified as correct, the reorder sheet is attached to the packing list/invoice for payment. 15)When the receiving process is completed, the 3 step Wang receiving process can begin. All parts received whether for stock or non-stock must go through the following Transaction Processing: _ a. Data Entry b. Journalizing c. Posting - d. Issue 16)From the main menu in Wang, getting to the Transaction Processing menu requires going through 3 screens. From the Transaction Processing menu, under Data Entry, "Purchase Receipts" is selected and 3 additional screens must be passed through in order to reach the data entry screen. Once at this screen, the minimum number of field entries necessary to receipt one part number (line) on an invoice is: a: Line Number b. Item Number c. Reference d. Document Number e. Quantity Received f. Unit Cost g. Total Cost h. Offset Account 17)Total Screens = 6. Total Fields = 8. Total processing time to receive one part (line) = 1 minute. 18)Once all lines on the invoice are entered, the next invoice can be entered from this same screen. Generally, all freight is "received" in Wang twice per day, and each of these input sessions collects several invoices worth of information which then can be "batch" Journalized. 19)The second step of the receiving process is Journalizing the above Purchase Receipts. From the Transaction Processing menu, under Journals, "Purchase Receipts" is selected and 3 additional screens must be passed through in order to Journalize the batched invoices. This checks for data entry errors and prints a 25 Journal Report showing all the invoices and their related part numbers (lines). -- Processing time required to produce Journal Report is 5 minutes. 20)The third step of the receiving process Posts the above Purchase Receipts to the -~ inventory. From the Transaction Processing menu, under Post, "Purchase Receipts" is selected and 3 additional screens must be passed through in order to Post the batched invoices to inventory. Processing time required to produce Journal Report is 5 minutes. 21)The last portion of the Parts task analysis is Issuing of the parts to work orders. This requires basically the same steps as the purchase receipts function, i.e. Data Entry, Journalizing, and Posting. 22)Again, from the main menu in Wang, getting to the Transaction Processing menu requires going through 3 screens. From the Transaction Processing menu, it is Data Entry, "Transfers/Issues" is selected and 4 additional screens must be passed through in order to reach the data entry screen. Once at this screen, the minimum number of field entries necessary to issue a part to a work order is: a. Item Number b. Issue to Work Order Number/Task c. Issue Quantity 23)Total Screens = 7. Total Fields = 3. Total processing time to receive one part (line) = 2 minutes. 4 - 24)At each freight receiving session, the Office Technician or Assistant Buyer will issue the non-stock parts received to the applicable work order. 25)As part of the freight receiving function, all stock parts are labeled with bar codes. The Buyer normally has one of the parts counter computers logged into Wang sitting at the above "Transfers/Issues" screen. The bar-coded part, when scanned automatically, fills in the Item Number field. If he has access to the hard copy of the work order (seldom the case), he can also scan the bar-coded work order number to automatically fill in this field. He must still manually enter the quantity issued and press enter twice to complete this Data Entry portion of the process. 26)Again, the second step of the issue process is Journalizing the above parts issues. From the Transaction Processing menu, under Journals, "Transfers/Issues" is - selected and 3 additional screens must be passed through in order to Journalize the batched parts issues_ This checks for data entry errors and prints a Journal Report showing all the parts and related work orders. Processing time required to produce - a Journal Report is 5 minutes. 27)Again, the third step of the issue process actually Posts the above parts issues to the work orders. From the Transaction Processing menu, under Post, "Transfers/issues" is selected and 3 additional screens must be passed through in order to Post the batched parts issues to the work orders and simultaneously remove the item from inventory. Processing time is 5 minutes. 26 - 14.3113 PARTS ORDERING, RECEIVING, AND ISSUING - Task Objectives 1) Ability to input parts purchase order information into the maintenance program in 2 screens or less, and download this information into the City SFG financial program. _ 2) With this capability we could run a single report which would show the current status of items at the re-order point, quantity on hand, quantity on order, and date due in. This would allow for better real-time parts management, less down time, and better customer service. 3) Ability to receive and issue parts on the same screen by displaying the PO number and lines on order. With capability to receive a portion of a quantity into inventory and have the balance go to one or more work orders all on one screen. 4) Ability to have freight and tax automatically and equally distributed to the cost of each part being received. 5) Ability to easily remove parts issued to a wrong work order and return to inventory or apply to another work order. 6) Be able to track the issuing of"non-stock" parts without having to manually enter an Item and Vendor Record. 7) Ability to set security access for each user by menus and sub-menus. 8) Features which will guarantee an electronic audit trail of all transactions in lieu of the current labor intensive Journal and Post methods. 9) Be able to easily delete or change a part number. 10) Have the option of turning Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) calculation off for each individual part record. 11) Have a switchable flag for "hazardous waste" item in each part record. 12) Have warranty part tracking capability for each part record with automatic activation of time clock upon issue to work order. 13) Be able to set parts mark-up based on parts cost. 14.4 WARRANTY and CREDIT TRACKING 14.4A Current Task Analysis 1) MVD aggressively pursues warranty and credit reimbursement from vendors and suppliers. 27 2) Currently the following items are tracked: a. Equipment Warranty { b. Parts Warranty — c. No Charge Repairs d. Out of Warranty Adjustments e. Product Defects Adjustments/Warranty f. Fuel Rebates g. Sold Scrap (metal and surplus parts) h. No Charge Parts i. Core Credits 3) Each of the above tasks are performed by different individuals and the information is tracked on an Excel spreadsheet managed by the Warranty Specialist. 4) Equipment Warranty information is obtained in several ways: a. Notification from the manufacturer. — b. Looking up information on the Internet through vendors and NTSA. c. Manufacturer or vendor service bulletins or alert bulletins_ d. A part fails and it is replaced. — e. The same product fails on several like vehicles. We then go to the vendor to recapture repair costs on equipment repaired and on equipment that has not failed. We obtain this information from equipment repair history; however, every -- repair order must be reviewed since our work order system does not allow individual coding. 5) The completed information is entered on a master log. a. Equipment warranty information is received or obtained by the Warranty Specialist. They request a work order (WO) be made by the Shop Supervisor (if parts are needed, the Shop Supervisor requests parts from the parts room). The — WO number is given to the Warranty Specialist, who enters the information on the warranty list as a pending action. When the work is completed, the Shop Supervisor sends the WO to the Warranty Specialist. If not GM, Chrysler, or Ford, the Warranty Specialist will write up a vendor warranty request form (each vendor is different) and submit it to the vendor for reimbursement. Then he will enter the projected reimbursement amount on the warranty log. If the WO is for GM, Chrysler, or Ford, it is sent to an outside warranty agency. They process the information and return to MVD a list of reimbursement requests they made. These amounts are logged onto the warranty log. When payment is received, the amount received is logged in and the action is closed out. b. Parts warranty is first negotiated by the buyers. If they receive "No Charge" ~ (N/C) parts or credit for parts that failed or were returned, the credit or shipping document is given to the Office Specialist who deducts the credit from future y purchases and then sends to the Fleet Superintendent, and then to the Warranty Specialist to log on the warranty log. 28 c. The Shop Supervisor negotiates N/C repairs with vendors for repairs that have been recalled. The repair order is given to the Fleet Superintendent (with the estimated value of the repair). This is then sent to the Warranty Specialist to log on the warranty log. d. Out-of-Warranty adjustments are negotiated by either the Warranty Specialist, Parts Supervisor, Shop Supervisor, Fleet Superintendent, or the M & O - Supervisor on repairs required that are out of warranty. After repairs have been made, the paperwork flow is the same as "c" above. e. Product defects are negotiated and processed the same as "c" above. f. Fuel rebates are requested once a year for all off road vehicles and transit. All departments report off road usage of gasoline. This information is also extracted from the fuel log on equipment known to be off road vehicles. A report is prepared by the Warranty Specialist and forwarded to the Fleet Superintendent; if complete, the report is signed and sent to Olympia. The projected amounts are logged on the warranty log. When the check is received, the rebate is deposited directly into the individual department accounts and the warranty log is closed out. g. Scrap metal and surplus scrap is sold at auction and sent to scrap metal dealers when no longer needed. A check is received from either the auction or steel company. The check is processed by the Office Technician, the Warranty -- Specialist, or the Office Specialist. This is also logged on the warranty log and closed out. The check is deposited in the bank. - h. No charge parts are negotiated by the Parts Buyers or Parts Supervisor. When N/C parts are received, they are entered into inventory or installed on a vehicle. The shipping documents are processed as a regular part and logged on the warranty log. _ i. Core credits. On repairable parts purchased, there is a charge for the repairable component that is returned to the buyer if the core is returned. The Parts Buyer informs the Shop Supervisor that the part must be returned to them so it can be returned for credit. The Parts Supervisor keeps a log of all core and parts credits that are pending in order to ensure these funds are returned to our system. When the credit is received, a copy of the credit invoice is given to the Office Specialist (who deducts the credit from future purchases), then to the Fleet Superintendent.and then to the Warranty Specialist to log on the warranty log. 14.4113 Warranty and Credit Tracking - Task Objectives 1) Equipment Warranty - System needs to have the capability to extract WO's from the - WO system onto an equipment spreadsheet that also extracts WO costs. When a WO is opened on a vehicle that is still under warranty (over all) or a major component, a warning will flash indicating possible warranty. When a warranty job 29 is opened, the same information will be entered automatically onto the warranty log pending warranty action. Each vehicle in the master file will have a place to enter up to 10 sub warranty dates to flag the Shop Supervisor of potential warranty. 2) Parts Warranty - When parts are issued that have warranty time, the Parts Buyers should be able to enter a date (months or years) indicating how long the warranty is, and if the part is issued again, a notice will flash indicating the part is under warranty. This would especially be helpful on parts with life-time warranties. 3) No Charge Repairs - This is the same as a parts warranty where if the same repair is being made within the last twelve (12) months, a notice will flash that this repair has previously been made. 4) Out of Warranty Adjustments - This is tracked on a case-by-case basis. 5) Product Defect Adjustment/Warranty. If the same part has been used on more than 10% of the total vehicles within a group of vehicles, a warning notice will flash on the screen that there may be a product defect. A screen will be shown with a list of — vehicles that have used the same part, with the WO number, vehicle number, date, and part. 6) Fuel Rebates - The system needs to be able to separate by code off road vehicles in order to extract fuel usage. The report writer must be able to also list vehicle, mileage, and fuel usage for whatever time frame needed. — 7) Sold Scrap - This is tracked on a case-by-case basis. 8) No Charge Parts - when a part is either being requested as warranty or a similar adjustment, the system needs to be able to transfer this information onto a pending action report. 9) Core Credits - The process is the same as "h" above. Cores are very important and — represents a lot of money. Every core must be automatically transferred to an action report that lists the part, vendor, date, and cost to ensure follow-up is made and credit is given on cores returned to vendors. — 10)Capability to track WO warranty claims as well as 'Parts Only" claims. 14.5 FUELING 14.5A Current Task Analysis 1) Data is collected from the fuel pumps and Veeder-Root monitoring system. This is input into an excel spreadsheet. 2) This requires a lot of set-up time as it moves information from one spreadsheet through three. One menu screen gets you into the excel spreadsheet. Once there, data is entered in the meter readings page from the fuel pump readings and the 30 Veeder-Root system. Fuel that is received is input onto the second page called Tank Reconciliation and information from both of these pages is automatically transferred to page three, which is a monthly report. The Office Specialist also receives invoice for processing and payment. _ 3) At the beginning of each month, Parts Supervisor makes up a new spreadsheet for the monthly Reconciliation Fuel Report. The Parts Supervisor transfers information from the Excel spreadsheet to the fuel report for the month. This is done manually. This information then is manually entered on a yearly report. 4) A monthly fuel leak test is performed once a month. This takes approximately five (5) hours. The results are sent to John Patchamatla, who is in charge of all City tanks. This is done by the Veeder-Root system. 5) Transactions from Gasboy are processed daily for two locations (Park and MVD), with the ability to also download all Fire stations. Each location must be processed separately. 6) Connection to the Gasboy system is done through a modem - click on icon on main windows screen, brings up a dial box (the phone number has to be changed each time another location is desired). When the modem connects, it takes 34 keystrokes to finish downloading and saving the data. Upon exiting, the system prints from the diskette to a hard copy. _ 7) If download is desired, a key is pressed and the data file transfer screen is brought up. The system shows the file to be transferred and the file it will be transferred into. An icon is clicked on to do the transfer. When complete, this program is exited and the program returns user to Windows screen. -- 8) Going into the maintenance system to create fuel tickets takes 4 screens. Time depends on how many fuel tickets you are creating, anywhere from 1-3 minutes. - 9) After fuel tickets have been created, a journal is created and printed (4 screens). The system checks for errors against the usage records for each piece of equipment that was fueled. 1 Q)To check the journal, from the main menu, select Fuel History File Maintenance, then Equipment Usage to look at each individual usage record. This record shows the current reading and the date it was last updated and the average mpg or gph for each unit. The person processing the fuel flips through the journal to find any errors that have caused the transaction to be Rejected. These must be corrected before the journal will post. The journal shows all transactions, not just exceptions. After finding an entry that has been rejected (or has a warning that will cause a rejection), the equipment number is typed in and "enter" brings up the current record. It is then determined what caused the rejection. If the usage looks correct, the transaction will be overridden to allow entry and is marked on the journal. If, for some reason the transaction is rejected (either because the mileage entry, vehicle is incorrect, or the master card has been used and the equip ID is unknown), that transaction will have to be deleted until a later date and re-added manually when the information is corrected. Some equipment's usage must be updated manually. 31 11)After all corrections to the journal have been made, the usage record is exited so that the actual transactions can be posted. From the main menu, it takes 6 screens to back out and go into the fuel tickets. Each fuel ticket with a correction is called uN and either overridden, deleted (for later entry), or the mileage deleted, depending on what is needed. 12)When all corrections are made to the transactions, a journal is again created to check for errors. (Go through 5 screens) The system will not post any transactions until a journal with "0" errors has been created. This journal is not posted (the original journal with the corrections noted is the one that is filed). When this journal (displayed on screen) comes back with no errors, the next step is posting. (If there is still an error that was overlooked or created from the second checking, the person must look up the error, back out, and do the process again. When done, the journal must be run again.) 13)The transactions can now be posted. From the transaction processing screen, "fuel tickets" is selected under posting, operator's initials entered, and the post started, either on screen or in the background. The fuel tickets must finish posting before the next step can be posted (or it creates more errors in the transactions). 14)After fuel tickets have posted, from the transaction processing screen, equipment usage data entry is selected, operator's initials entered, and you are now ready to update the usage highlighted on the journal that are done manually. The equipment ID and date of transaction is entered and enter to next screen. The second screen shows the unit number you are updating, the primary operating unit for that piece ofJ equipment, and a place for you to enter the units of the first type (some equipment have both mileage and hours, their primary operating unit is hours, it brings up a place for mile entry. To get the hour entry, you press enter and it brings up a space for that entry. After putting in the reading, you press enter. It comes back to say there are no more records. You must go to the next section (pf13) or the record will not take. Entries are continued until complete, at which time the program is exited. 15)The same procedure is followed for these entries, whereby a journal is created, (not printed for daily entries), checked for errors, and then the information is posted. 16)If there are any other discrepancies on the fuel ticket journal, they are handled at this time. For instance, if a mileage that was obviously incorrect was entered on a fuel transaction, that information is in the gasboy system as the most current. The _ operator must note these items and from the main windows screen, hook up to the gasboy system and correct the entry for that piece of equipment. 17)The same process is done for the Park Department. Since there are some vehicles that fuel at Park and at the Service Center, both systems must be kept up with the current mileage, or the operator will get an "invalid odometer reading" error and will not be able to fuel. Entire process, if there are errors, can take up to 2.5 hours per day. I- 18)The above is just for processing the daily fuel transactions. The gasboy system is a two-card system, one for the vehicle and one for the employee (personal). These 32 cards need to be tracked on excel spreadsheets as to location and history. The _ cards are punched out (holes in a plastic card) using a machine supplied by gasboy. The information is coded, using two digits for one number, with information that matches up when you put the two cards together. The vehicle card has the gasboy card number, the type of fuel, the gallons authorized for one transaction, and a check digit to show they are required to enter a usage reading. With the older equipment, the unit number was four digits, so that number is the gas card number. With the newer equipment, since it has a letter and four digits, a separate list has to be maintained on an excel spreadsheet to block off certain sections for certain groups of vehicles; i.e., vehicles with an "A" use cards 7100-7500, "B" use cards 7500-7700, etc. This gas card number has to be put on the asset record so that when a transaction is created using that gas card number, and a journal is run, the system translates that gas card number to the equipment number and creates a transaction with the equipment number and puts it in numerical order. To make a fuel card, the information is looked up in the computer regarding type of fuel, gas card number, and quantity either through the asset record or the "cardnmbr" list in Excel. Then, depending on who is making the card, it takes from 3-10 minutes. The coding is done on the machine, and then using hand punches, the gas card number is punched into the card. If the gas card number and the vehicle number are different, the vehicle number is written on the card in permanent ink. 19)When a person's gas card is lost, that card must be locked out so it cannot be used. From the windows screen, the icon for gasboy is selected, hookup is made through the modem as described above, and access is gained. The password is entered, "IC" is entered to invalidate card, and the system asked if its a card or vehicle. "C" is typed in and it then asked for the card number. The card number is typed in and the system then shows it invalidated. A new card is taken from our inventory sheet of cards on hand, signed out as issued (or a new number created if none in inventory), and the information is put into the excel spreadsheet "gas card" showing the card that was lost - it was locked out, the date, who did it, and why was it locked out. The new card - showing the employee's name, their department, the date, who did it, and why it was issued. Due to recent auditing suggestions, instead of updating one line per card, a new line is created each time a change is made and the old lines are shaded. This will create a history of what cards were issued and to whom. 20)lf an employee reports his card is "locked out", the "cardnmbr" list in Excel is brought up to see why it was locked out. If it was determined to be an error, a new line is put on this list stating the date, who did it, why it was unlocked, and who the card was handed to. Gasboy is then accessed through the modem and the card if validated by typing in "vc", "c"for card, and the card number. If the card is _ determined to be locked out by department request, the department is contacted to ensure that employee should be allowed to have the card unlocked. 21)If a vehicle card is lost, after determining that it is truly lost and not just in someone else's possession, a new vehicle card is created using the same number. The information is tracked in an excel spreadsheet "cardnmbr of why the new card was made, the date, who did it, and who it was handed to. If the card is not truly lost, the office gives out a master card (vehicle or personal, whichever is needed), logging the date, time, employee name, department, and what piece of equipment is being 33 fueled. This card is brought back immediately after fueling. The information on this log is used to correct the fuel ticket journal, since the master card is not shown in the system as a vehicle, it creates an error. The master card number is replaced with the unit number and the transaction can then be processed. 22)Invalid odometer error - the usage record is brought up for that piece of equipment to verify the employee is correct (he may be wanting to update mileage for equipment that tracks hours). If employee is correct, gasboy is accessed and "lo" is typed in (load odometer). The system asks for a vehicle number, and the gas card number is put in and the current reading. The employee is then free to go back out and fuel. If the mileage is considerably higher than what the maintenance system shows, the mileage is updated by going into Equipment Usage Data Entry and corrected or it will not post, even if overridden on the fuel ticket journal. If the mileage/hours is lower than what our maintenance system shows, it is usually left alone to catch up with the fuel tickets being overridden (so it doesn't update — mileage) unless it is considerable. Then the usage record if manually changed, changing the current units, life to date units, month to date units, year to date units, units start of month and last month's posted units (so if you took 500 units off one,you would take that amount off the rest of them). Then the fuel ticket status should be able to be set at "A" (accept) and it will continue updating it as usual. 23)MVD also keeps track of fuel credit cards and Petrocards, both of which have their own Excel spreadsheet and inventory sheet. When a card is issued, it is entered on the inventory sheet, the card is pulled, and the information is entered on the excel spreadsheet (Credcard for credit cards and Petro for petrocards) of who it was given _ to, the date, who did it, and why. An updated copy of that section is printed for the file and also for the Fleet Superintendent. If a card is reported lost or stolen, the — company is contacted and these lists updated with the information. These lists are now kept as a history, instead of replacing one-line information for each card number. 24)The data processing for credit cards, Petrocards and miscellaneous fuelings are the _ same as the daily download, with the exception that when the invoice comes in and is verified as ours, a fuel ticket is created manually for each transaction. For credit cards, the credit card number is looked up on the excel spreadsheet for a vehicle number and a fuel ticket created for that vehicle. If no number can be determined, the fuel ticket is created for the department, which is also in the asset records as a unit, so miscellaneous charges can be charged to departments. For Petrocards,the invoice shows the transactions for each vehicle for two weeks. A fuel transaction is done using the last date fueled, the mileage, the total quantity and total amount of the transactions, instead of each one entered separately. The billing is then used to hook up to gasboy and update the mileages. For miscellaneous fueling, where the department gets their fuel and pays for it, but gives us the information, a fuel ticket is created with only the gals and the mileage, no cost information. Since these vehicles are being fueled elsewhere, the gas card number is looked up, and then gasboy is accessed and the mileages updated for those I'�" vehicles. Park Dept. buys their own fuel, but since their gasboy is also downloaded', this fuel must be put into MVD's inventory so gasboy can draw down the quantities. Their invoice is entered as a "Receipts/Returns" in the maintenance system, since _ 34 we did not purchase it. From the main menu, go into inventory control, transaction processing, receipts/returns under data entry. Enter through operator's initials, _ change transaction type to 1" (items found), receiving warehouse is PK, enter type of fuel, reference and document number. Enter, it verifies date entered (change to date of invoice), enter again, enter quantity and unit price, enter again three times to _ complete (each enter verifies different information). Run a journal and post. 25)Entering a bulk fuel delivery - a packing slip is received with veeder-root slips attached showing inventory increases. A copy of the packing slip is made. To find the current state fuel price, using the Internet, the contract changes are called up and downloaded onto a diskette. The price for our site is viewed and transferred to an excel spreadsheet, which then adds the markup for the supplier. These prices are then used to check against the invoice when it comes in and put on the worksheet created. An excel worksheet is pulled up, saved as another document, and invoice number, date, type of fuel, gals is entered. It adds appropriate taxes and calculates the total amount of the invoice and the cost per gallon including our markup. Using the veeder-root slips, the pumps/gallons are entered. This creates a total and if it is different than what was actually entered, the difference is figured out and split between the two pumps. This spreadsheet is then printed and used to enter the fuel into 3 areas: Purchase Receipts data entry, journalized and posted; the gasboy system, with the quantity of fuel purchased; and another excel spreadsheet "fulpur98", which tracks all deliveries of fuel with the cost per gallon, which is then posted on the wall by the Superintendent's office. All fuel for a particular month has to be entered into the maintenance system before the month can be closed, because the total gallons purchased for the month are calculated on _ a Wang report "Motor Vehicle Monthly Report", which is run before the month is closed. _ 26)After month end is run, there are outside agencies that we bill for either fuel used or vehicle services performed or both. In order to create these billings, for each agency that is billed, two separate items have to be printed: a. A list of fuel usage must be printed. This is done from main menu, maintenance management, cost reports, fuel expense, (entering through sort screen, selection — screen, and print screen) - 7 screens. b. Work orders for the previous month must be printed. This is done from main menu, maintenance management, work order processing, print closed work orders, and the 3 screens for sorting, selection and printing (7 screens). T These two items are printed and summarized for each agency on an Excel spreadsheet. Each month this spreadsheet is then printed with reports attached and sent to Accounting for an invoice to be created. 14.513 FUELING - Task Objectives 1) Fuel tracking would be part of the new system, instead of separate in excel. Excel- type feature needs to be available. 35 2) Input from receiving documents to be automatically transferred to fuel file. 3) Monthly and yearly reports automatically generated from daily data entry. 4) Ability for fuel to automatically download daily into the maintenance system at a convenient time (like 1:00 am), check for errors, and post all acceptable transactions, producing a report only of exceptions that need attention. 5) A fuel system that does not require fuel cards or operator data entry, such as a chip that when the operator puts the nozzle into the fuel tank, it reads the vehicle number and current odometerlhour meter. This would solve 99% of the problems caused by inaccurate readings entered, cards being used for other vehicles, or cards having to be created, issued, tracked and locked out. 6) Reports generated automatically, fuel system updated, and inventory updated by entering into one area when fuel is received. 7) Automatic billing reports for selected departments for fuel used, showing gals and cost per vehicle of all fluids (gas, diesel, oil, ATF and antifreeze), and work orders _ for a particular month, with ability to pre-select which departments and if there are surcharges or not. These billings would print out without any prompting from the operator at a designated time each month, but could be manually printed if necessary by clicking on one selection, i_e., print billings. 8) For entering outside fuel, the ability to scan an invoice and have the system pull thej. information needed to create a fuel transaction and process the fuel, with only exception reporting. _. 14.6 POOL CARS 14.6A Current Task Analysis 1) Pool vehicles are available to City of Everett departments on a rental basis, for normal work-related activities or while a vehicle is in for service or repairs. As of _ 7/29/98, the pool vehicles are as follows: a. A0010 Dodge Neon 4 door _ b. 1352 Ford Taurus 4 door c. 2047 GMC pickup d. 2332 GMC 14 passenger van 2) Vehicles are individually tracked and scheduled through the use of the CaLANdar program. Ability to access the vehicle's CaLANdar to set scheduling or reservations is restricted by Computer Services to the Motor Vehicle Division. i 36 3) City personnel reserve a vehicle by calling or stopping in at the Motor Vehicle Office. a. We ask what type of vehicle they need, size, passengers, approximate hours of _ use, and attempt to match them to a vehicle based on availability and scheduling. To check scheduling on any vehicle, we must open the CaLANdar for that vehicle, provide the password to log-in, and check the date(s) requested. If the vehicle is not available, we close the window and open the next vehicle's CaLANdar, provide the password, and check the date(s) requested. b. If the vehicle is available, we enter the name of the person reserving the vehicle, the department name and contact phone number, and include the approximate number of hours it will be used (which are adjusted to actual hours when the vehicle is returned). c. When the person that has reserved the vehicle comes in to get the keys, they sign it out on a vehicle log-out form, they are given a pre-trip inspection form, and reminded to fill the gas tank if it goes below 3/4 of a tank upon their return. If they expect to be back after office hours or on a weekend, they are asked to drop off the keys in the pool key drop box, along with the ending mileage and time of return written on the pre-trip form. _ d. If we are unable to provide a vehicle, we suggest other departmental pool groups that may be able to help. For example, we suggest contacting the Senior Center and Parks if they need a van for 7-9 people when 2332 is not available. 3) At the end of the month, each vehicle log is closed with a physical check of mileage on each vehicle. New vehicle log forms are printed and the "new" beginning mileage is entered on the new sheets. The closed logs are attached to the monthly billing report. 4) Billings to departments are done monthly. a. A vehicle usage report is printed from CaLANdar for each of the vehicles. This lists the appointments and the information (name, department and hours used). b. Each department's usage hours are entered into an excel spreadsheet, which then calculates the billing amounts. The billing amounts and the vehicle reports are given to: Superintendent, for information and approval. • Shop Supervisor, to bill the departments_ He opens a work order for each department being billed, then enters the billing amount, and then closes each work order. Copies of the closed work orders are then forwarded to Superintendent. • Office Specialist, to update the maintenance system with the month end mileage for each pool vehicle. 37 14.6E POOL VEHICLE OPERATIONS - Task Objective 1) One program window that allows viewing of all vehicle reservations at one time so we don't have to open and close each vehicle schedule looking for an available vehicle. _ 2) Rental reservation questions (name, department, time slot, contact phone number) would be required entries, and would not allow/accept continuation of the reservation process until it was completed or the person canceled their effort to set a reservation. This would allow any City employee, with computer access, to enter a _ reservation and we would have the needed information. They could add the reservation to the schedule, add notes, messages or questions. Other departments would not be able to modify other peoples reservations in any way. 3) Ability to delete reservations restricted to MVD offices only. 4) Ability to modify reservations "after the fact" would be restricted to MVD only. Usage hours of vehicle are seldom the same as the reservation hours, and they are adjusted to reflect the actual usage and time returned. _ 5) The system would produce and print individual vehicle usage reports automatically after the end of each month, and produce and print an invoice, statement, or work order automatically. 14.7 INVOICE PROCESSING (SFG - CITY FINANCIAL SYSTEM) 14.7A Current Task Analysis 1) Parts - packing slip and handwritten purchase requisition are received by Office _ Specialist. These are checked to make sure all items required are there: buyer's name, PO number, requester, ok to post and pay stamp with GL code, unit number, quantity requested, quantity received, part number, description, _ vendor, cost, work order number (if non-stock part). Check to see that all parts shown as received were received and if any came in at a higher price than estimated (by 10% if the part is over $20), that there is a buyer's authorization for that price, and if the parts are non-stock or expendable, that they were entered into inventory and posted to the work order, and that there is a receipt signature different than the buyer's signature. The person processing freight makes a copy of the packing slip, and if no prices are shown, writes in the amounts that were entered into inventory. If all is correct, these are clipped together and put in the drawer to await an invoice. If not correct, a copy is made with a notation of what is wrong, and sent back to the Parts Supervisor through the Superintendent. When it is corrected, it is matched with the original, copies made if necessary, and re-filed to await an invoice. 2) When the invoice comes in, if the quantity of parts received and the cost matcl�'_ _ the packing slip, the invoice is paid. If the invoice pricing is 10% or more higher than what was entered, a copy is made and sent back to the shop 38 supervisor for a buyer's authorization. This is also done if the freight being charged seems extremely high, or there is a charge on the invoice that was not on the PR (purchase req.), or any other discrepancy that does not appear to have been authorized. When the discrepancy is answered, either by a buyer's ok or by the buyer calling the vendor and returning it showing that a credit will be issued, the invoice is then ready to be entered into SFG for payment. 3) Outside Repairs - When a vehicle is sent out for repair, a PR is made by the shop supervisor. It is then given to a buyer, who creates a purchase order, if necessary, that authorizes the repair. The white copy of the PR is then sent to the office specialist, who files it so if an invoice comes in before any other paperwork, there is something showing that the invoice was expected. When the work is complete, the invoice is usually delivered along with the vehicle to the shop supervisor, who signs the invoice as received and initials the yellow copy of the PR to show the work was complete and okay to pay. These are then sent to the office specialist for payment. 4) Invoice entry on SFG - The maintenance system and SFG coexist alongside each other - there is no communication between the two systems. Thus, parts received and vehicles sent out for repair have to be entered into the maintenance system, and then in the SFG for payment. After logging into the SFG system, enter Applications Software, Accounts Payable menu, Data entry _ menu, Invoice entry menu, invoice data entry, enter through Fund screen, PF11 to add a new batch or enter batch number and press enter. Enter supplier number, if known. If not, tab over to third field and type in part of vendor name, in all caps. Press ctrl+F3 to look up. Select the vendor desired and press enter. It brings back the vendor number. If the vendor number is known, enter it and tab to invoice number. 5) Tab down to invoice number, type it in and press PF11 to add. (Purchasing set up standards, which state that invoices with a leading zero will not have the zero entered). Enter date using six digits. Unless there is a discount, tab to due days and enter "1". If discount, tab over to date and enter date discount must be taken by. Tab to amount and enter total of invoice. If there is a remittance advice to be sent with the check, tab to check handling and enter a "P". Under invoice description, put a general description that covers the whole invoice. Tab down and enter the PO number. Press shift+F4 to look up the PO. A screen comes up with all open PO's for that vendor after the number you entered. If open, there will be one line showing a general description, Qty to be entered and Pre-tax Invoice amount are both total dollar amounts left on the PO. Put an "X" in front of the PO you want to enter against, tab over to both fields and enter the total amount of the invoice and delete the rest of the line. w Press PF11 to bring this information back. Tab down to GL code and enter the account number as shown on the post and pay stamp on the PR. Tab over and enter the total amount of the invoice. Press PF11 to exit with save. if this vendor has discounts, the flag for discount will be set to Y. When you press PF11, another screen will come up. Complete the information, entering the date for the discount. Change the first three numbers of the GL code to 501 for MVD. Press enter to return to the invoice entry screen, and enter again. The 39 invoice will be entered, unless there is a problem with it. If it was a PO created - especially for these parts, there will be a line for each item ordered with quantity ordered, total dollar amount, and sales tax percentage. Put an X in � front of the PO lines you want to use, entering appropriate quantities and dollar T amounts, changing the sales tax rate if necessary. When PF11 is pressed to save the information, the GL codes will be totaled with the sales tax already on the lines according to how the PO was entered. Occasionally, the dollar amount comes out a penny higher or lower than the actual invoice amount. When this happens, you have to go back up to the PO number, go to one of - the line items and change the amount up or down one penny. Then F11 to save. The total amounts next to the GL code will not correct themselves the second time, so it has to be changed to the correct amount. Then PF11 again to save. If it balances, press enter to save and the invoice will be entered. 6) On PO's that are created by MVD, a print of the PO has to be sent with the - invoices attached. From the main menu, applications software, purchase order menu, reports menu, purchase order reports menu, purchase order print (5 screens), type in the PO number you wish to print, press F11 to print new. If -- PO has already been printed before, it will flash a warning. F7 to reprint orders. The screen will freeze up while it prints PO's. When finished, alt+7 to back out to menu, F5 for print screen, tab down to print queue (network), hit enter, type in the number of the item you wish to print, your printer number, and the pitch. Press enter 3 times to be able to exit by putting an 'Y' and pressing enter. j­ 7) Invoices for outside services are entered the same way. In the description field, the vehicle number is entered first, and then what was done. Otherwise, the same procedure is followed. 8) After invoices are entered, the original invoice and original packing slip (or only invoice, if signed) are stapled together, in order, to a batch sheet. If there was a remittance advice to send with the check, a yellow "P" is put on the part being sent, and on the original invoice. The vendor number is written on the remittance advice and put aside. They will be included when the batch is turned in. - 9) Our copies of the invoices are handled two different ways. The invoice copy, packing slip copy (showing amount entered), PR, and any other backup information is stapled together and filed. 10) Parts invoices - if amount entered is the same as the invoice, the invoice copy _. is sent to file. If the amounts are different, the difference if calculated and an adjustment made; for a non-stock part that was issued to a work order, the difference is added to the work order. If it is for stock parts, the parts are adjusted. The invoice is then stamped "posted" with "adj" written below to show the adjustment was made. The invoice is then filed. 11) Outside repair invoices - the amount of the invoice is entered against the work order with the vendor and invoice number being entered instead of the part 40 number, and a description of what was done. This information will print out on the work order under the "parts" section. The yellow copy, which has the payment authorization on it, it stapled to the invoice and filed. The white copy is returned to the supervisor so the work order may be closed and printed. 12) Invoices for other items, such as training, temporary employees, etc., don't require a PR or purchase order. These are entered the same way with the exception of pulling the PO forward. No PO number is entered, the GL code is typed in, and the invoice entered. On these items, the invoice is okayed for payment, usually by the Superintendent. Any invoice processed using MVD's operating account must be entered into the maintenance system, so these items are entered against the monthly shop work order the same way outside repairs are entered. The invoice is then filed. 13) After all invoices have been entered, alt+F7 3 times to back out to the menu and an invoice edit list is created. Instead of going to invoice data entry, select invoice edit list and press enter. Enter through the fund screen, enter the batch number you wish to process and F7. The screen freezes while the edit list is creating. After the edit list is done, it needs to be printed. Alt+7 twice to back out to main screen, F5 to bring up print queue, tab down to Print queue _ (Network), hit enter, type in the number of the item you wish to print, your printer number, and the pitch. Press enter 3 times to be able to exit by putting an "x" and pressing enter. 14) Initial the first and last pages of the edit list. Make a copy for our file. Any _ remittance advice slips are put in order of vendor number and clipped to the front of the edit list, which is then clipped to the batch and sent to the Superintendent for his review and initial. The batch is then forwarded to Accounting for final processing. 14.71B INVOICE PROCESSING - Task Objectives 1) The maintenance system should interface with the financial system. In the maintenance system a requisition would be entered on-line for parts ordered, creating a PO in the financial system at that time, if necessary, and if the person entering the requisition was a buyer. (If not, the system would not allow the parts list to be printed until a buyer had generated a purchase order for those items desired.) The requisition would not allow the operator to continue until all of the required fields have been entered. A list would be printed to be handed to the vendor. 2) Each step of the process would have certain steps or authorizations required to be done before it could continue. When parts were received, they would be received on-line with the prices adjusted at that time. Whatever parts were shown to be received would be added to inventory immediately and okayed for payment for SFG. Security points would be set up so only buyers could create PO's, only the superintendent or his designee could authorize payments, etc. 3) When the parts were received, if they were stock parts, a bar code would be automatically generated for the number of items received. 41 4) The system would allow non-stock parts to be issued to work orders without having to create an item record in inventory. The system would track those items for history purposes. 5) When a vendor changed their item number, a flag would be in the system so that if it was a different number, you could enter the new number and all pertinent records would be changed (substitutes, prime numbers, etc.) 6) The ability to have more than one part number per vendor fife for substituted parts. 7) The ability to delete part numbers that are no longer valid, or change our part numbers. Also, need to be able to tie part numbers together that can be used instead of a primary part. 8) Filing invoices - instead of paper copies going into our files, invoices with all pertinent paperwork would be scanned so anyone could access the information on line. 9) The SFG does not currently keep track of credits "hanging" out in the system. A credit should be able to be entered and a report generated automatically. If the credit has not been taken in six months, a check would be requested. 10)The ability to enter an account code for certain parts that are always charged to the same account code. The code could be overridden if it was desired, but otherwise it would be automatically filled in with the assigned account code. 14.8 BUDGETING & DEPARTMENTAL BILLING 14.8A Current Task Analysis 1) MVD works with General Fund and Non-General Fund Departments and outside government agencies. _ 2) Reports that are required are: a. Government Fund Worksheet (3) b. Operating Revenue c. Reserve Accounts - Worksheet d. Operating Expenses e. B-Fund Projected Costs f. B-Fund Equipment List g. B-Fund Future Replacement Costs h. Pool Vehicle Revenue -. i. Shop Rate Consolidation Sheet j. Shop Rate (Shop) k. Parts Room Rate 1. Shop Rate (Electronics) m. M & O Worksheet 42 _ n. Additional Income Worksheet o. Additional Fuel Worksheet _ p. Expense Budget Breakdown by MVD Departments q. Department and Outside Agency Billing 3) Analysis of Budget Requirements a. Government Fund Worksheet. There are three worksheets used: 1) a revenue worksheet showing all sources of revenue, 2) an expense worksheet showing all operating expenses, 3) and a consolidation of the information on 1 and 2. Information needed to complete 1 and 2 comes from the Wang Maintenance Program and the City SFG Financial Program. Information on worksheet 1 is, - Beginning Fund balances for 501 Operating Fund, 501 B-Fund, 501 EMS Fund, and 501 Fire Fund. This information is extracted from the SFG System. - Fuel Safes. This information is projected sales to agencies outside of the City. - PS. Air Pol. Ctl. This is the amount charged to Puget Sound Air Pollution Control agency for maintenance. - Gen Gov through Golf. This is the estimated cost to agencies to perform their scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance for the upcoming budget year. This information is a consolidation of expenses for the previous twelve (12) months, plus any inflationary factors including additional equipment purchased for the departments. - Fleet Charges. This is a projection of maintenance costs to outside agencies. - Investment Interest. There are three areas we collect interest on 1) Operating Cash, 2) B-Fund Cash, 3) B-Fund EMS Cash. This information is from the City Accounting/Treasurers Department. - Monthly Parking. This is a fee charged to non-City vehicles paid by outside agencies to park on City property. - Standard Insurance Reimbursement. This represents funds reimbursed to MVD for accident repair expenses paid by MVD and reimbursed by an insurance company. The insurance company is either the City's (if our fault and over a certain dollar amount) or the other parties' insurance company (if not our fault). _ - Rev - Gen Govt. This is the funds needed to replace existing equipment (General Fund only) and fund future replacements. This information comes from an Excel spreadsheet listing all equipment and must be changed manually every time a vehicle is added and subtracted. This list shows 43 department, vehicle number, vehicle age, vehicle life in age and miles/hours, replacement year, and cost of living increases. The second Excel spreadsheet is a copy of the first one except this formula looks for the future replacement cost divided by the expected life to come up with the annual contribution needed to pay for the vehicle when it comes due. - Rev-EMS. Same as above. - Other Miscellaneous (Warranty). Cash received from work done on vehicles that is reimbursed by vendors or manufacturers. - Sale of Junk. This is the proceeds received from selling surplus parts, tires, etc., from the shop operation. A record of the amounts received are recorded on an Excel spreadsheet called Warranty Log. - Planning - Other. This is a list of deposits made from checks received for warranty actions. This is used to list what the departments received and the amount of cash distributed during the year. It is used when crediting the department during the End-of-Year Audit and when comparing budget amount received, amount spent (by department), credits received, and ending balance. This shows if the department over or under-spent their budget. - Proceeds from Sale. This is the proceeds from the sale of inventoried vehicles/equipment. General Fund vehicles only. - Total Revenue is a reflection of all of the above transactions. The next area is the Expense Worksheet. Machinery/Equipment. This is the estimated cost to purchase General Fund vehicles/equipment only, for the upcoming year. This represents a list of vehicles/equipment that has been authorized for purchase from the B-Fund list — produced by MVD for each department. Salaries - Interfund Insurance. This is a list of expenses to operate MVD and the fees paid to other departments within the City that perform work for MVD. Ending Fund Balance. * MVD - Cash after expenses have been extracted from revenue. * B-Fund - Cash after expenses have been extracted from revenue. * EMS - Cash after expenses have been extracted from revenue. * Fire - Cash after expenses have been extracted from revenue. Total Expenses. All of the (*) items above added together. This and the Revenue Worksheet should match. 44 - After the above two worksheets are completed, all of the information is then transferred to a consolidation worksheet that condenses the above information. b. Operating Revenue. The SFG System lists the budgeted amount, expenses paid, and the remaining balance. c. Reserve Accounts - Worksheet. The SFG System lists reserve accounts and amounts spent and deposited. Accounts are for future City and MVD expenses that are not funded by the General Fund. MVD is an Internal Service Fund and, therefore, must fund its internal expenses from revenue received. d. Operating Expenses. The SFG System lists budgeted amounts, expenses paid, and the remaining balance. e,f,g. B-Fund Projected Costs, B-Fund Equipment List and B-Fund Future Replacement Costs. These reports are essential to tracking the replacement strategies of City (General and Non-General Fund) vehicles and equipment. All equipment on the WANG equipment list is transferred manually to an Excel _ spreadsheet. Once on the spreadsheet, two (2) separate lists have description, vehicle number, department, purchase date, purchase price, expected life, replacement year, future replacement price, years (1999-2020) listing the replacement price and year replacement is due, total expense per year, interest earned, 4% inflation factor, deposits into the account, and a graph showing cash flow and balance. Both lists must be managed manually with each vehicle being added and subtracted the same as on the WANG Equipment List. h. Pool Vehicle Revenue. Departments needing a vehicle can sign it out at MVD and are charged a minimal fee per hour up to a maximum of eight (8) hours per day. These expenses are then put on a department Work Order (WO) and charged to the department as part of their department expenses. Also see Pool _ Vehicle Operations in this section. i,j,k,l. Shop Rate Worksheet, Shop Rate (Shop, Part, and Electronics). There are three (3) methodologies that can be used for shop rate development; cost per vehicle, hourly rate by WO, or mileage/hourly rate of usage. The end result is the same as they all must equal the operating budget. MVD uses a hourly rate per WO as does most repair shops (both in the private sector and government). One advantage is that you can bench mark your rate to the private repair shop. The consolidated shop rate worksheet is an extraction of what is on the individual worksheets_ The worksheet for Shop and Electronics are the same with the following information; total wages, City support costs, building costs, - shop overhead costs, training, professional services, leases, dues, subscriptions, and M & O costs. They are then credited back for hazardous waste fees, additional income from outside vehicle repairs and fuel surcharges. The result of this is a total operating cost for the sub department. The available hours are 2,088 times the number of mechanics minus sick leave, vacations, holidays, and training. This equals 1,650 billable hours per mechanic; the result equals total 45 hours available to be billed out divided by total operating costs equals the hourly bill out charge per work order hour. The sub department supervisor then calls local shops in the area to find out what their bill out rate is. The first part of the Parts room rate is the same as Shop and Electronics in determining total operating costs. The rate is determined by the amount of funds spent purchasing parts for equipment repair. You take the total operating cost and divide by the amount spent to come up with the percent mark up needed to cover your operating costs. Ours is approximately 30%. m. M & O Worksheet. This worksheet is the total operating costs for the M & O Supervisor, Warranty Specialist and Support staff. This total is then divided — between Parts, Shop and Electronics. n. Additional Income Worksheet is a total of income to MVD in addition to General and Non-General Fund contributions. - Everett Housing Authority - Puget Sound Air Pollution control Agency - Snohomish County Housing Authority - Everett School District _ - Sold Scrap Metal - Warranty (see Warranty section of this analysis) _ - Accident Reimbursements - Interest Earned - Fuel Tax Credits - Parts/Equipment Sold at Auction (not vehicles) - Snohomish County Emergency Management. The total of this amount is added to budget to reduce City department costs to MVD. o. Additional Fuel Income Worksheet. Same as "n" above. p. MVD Capital Budget Breakdown by MVD Sub Departments. This is a list of all capital assets for MVD. The items are listed on an Excel spreadsheet and list nomenclature, City tag number, sub department, year purchased, cost, life, replacement year, replacement cost with 4% inflation factor, year being replaced (1999-2020), total cost by year, beginning fund balance, fund contribution, interest, salvage value when sold, total resources, total expenses by year, fund _ balance, and a graph showing cash flow. q. Department and Outside Agency Billing. Department costs are kept track of in the WANG maintenance system. The following items are tracked: Work Orders Labor (scheduled and non-scheduled) — Fuel Costs Pool Vehicle Rental 46 _ - Parts Cost Equipment Requests and In-servicing New Equipment _ This information is not on one screen and requires that all information then be totaled in order to have complete department costs. Annually this information is extracted for budget projections and to perform an End-of-Year Audit. This information can be sent to departments monthly as requested. MVD also sends monthly billings to; Everett and Snohomish County Housing Authority, Everett School District, Snohomish County Emergency Management, and Puget Sound Air Quality Agency. The information above is extracted from the WANG system and a manual bill is made and sent to outside agencies for payment. When payment is received, Accounting deposits the funds in MVD's account. 14.8E Budget and Department Billing - Task Objectives 1)a. The new system will need to have the capability of having a Revenue and Expense Worksheet that after the amounts are input, can develop a T consolidated worksheet incorporating the information from the Revenue and Expense Worksheet in any format needed. The system should be able to extract operating cost amounts from its own internal accounting system and the City SFG system. There needs to be a method in which a percent can be plugged in that will project numbers out, based on a percentage increase. Once these numbers are in the system, they can be used on other reports needed_ 2)b. Operating Revenue. Same as above. 3)c. Reserve Account Worksheet. This needs to be connected to item "p" so that information and income/expenses and reserve balances can be extracted into a report. 4)d. Operating Expenses. Same as "a" above. 5)e,f,g. B Fund Future Replacement Costs. These worksheets must be connected to the master equipment list. What changes that are made to the master list (additions, deletions, cost changes, etc.) they would also change the B Fund lists. You will have the capability to develop formulas -- that will project replacement and costs. Formulas will include capability to increase or decrease percentage amounts and dollar values in order to see what changes need to be made to ensure a positive cash flow. System must be able to separate out costs by department. 6)h. Pool Vehicle Revenue. See Number 6 - Pool Vehicle Operations. 7)i,j,k,l. Shop Rate Worksheet, Shop rate (Shop Parts, Electronics). The system will be able to extract budget expenses divided among the three (3) sub shops using a designated percent (different for each one). Once the information has been added to the worksheet, it can be consolidated on one 8 Y 2 x 11 standard paper showing dollar amounts for each expense, 47 percentage of the total cost this dollar amount represents, and what the -~ dollar amount is per hour for the expense (except for parts, that will list mark-up rate instead of dollar amount per hour). Operational credits neel'" to be extracted automatically from the additional income and fuel income worksheet. The end results for shop rate will be the hourly rate for the shop once completed. 8)m. M&O Worksheet. The information on this worksheet will be tied to worksheets used in "i, j, k, and I" above. 9)n. Additional Income Worksheet. This will be an extraction of past twelve (12) month history of bills sent to outside companies, listed for one (1) month or twelve (12), whatever is needed and by agency. All entries entered into the new system will be coded so scrap, warranty, accident, interest, etc., by department can be separately reported, similar to sorting _ items on Excel. 10)0. Additional Fuel Income. Same as "n" above. 11)p. MVD Capital Budget breakdown. From a master list of Capital assets similar to the master equipment list, charts similar in function to those _ listed in "e, f. and g" above. Charts showing cash flow, expenses, revenue, and projected replacement is requested. 12)q. Department and outside Agency Billing. System will produce, at the 1 month end, all billing to City departments and outside agencies_ Each billing will give you the option of adding taxes. This will be automatically printed during month end, without any request from the person closing the month out. The billing will include all expenses, (warranty adjustments, list of vehicles repaired, fuel, fuel surcharge, and pool vehicles). There will also be an option to run a copy of the work order action (one line report) for each department billing, 14.9 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION REPORTS 14.9A Current Task Analysis — One of the most important functions needed that we do not have is report writer and exception reporting. Currently the Wang system can run a number of reports that have been pre-set or we have had programmed into the system. 14.9113 Management Information Reports - Task Objectives The following reports or modifications of reports are needed: 1) Master vehicle/equipment List _ 2) Master capital equipment List 48 3) B Fund list (projected costs and projected reserve costs) 4) Capital equipment (projected costs and projected reserve costs) 5) Departmental monthly billing 6) Fuel report (usage and delivery variance report) 7) Equipment usage report (monthly costs, life costs, mpg/gph, oil costs per mile/hour, repair costs) 8) Parts on order 9) Parts usage or non-usage 10) Parts demand satisfaction report 11) Parts on hand, costs 12) Exception reporting (list only equipment that exceed set parameters in all areas) 13) Budget reports (showing budget, funds spent for each budgeted line item) 14) Fuel cards issued and active list (Gasboy, Pacific Pride, and commercial credit — _ cards) 15) Department/Agency Monthly Billing 16) Shop rate report worksheet 17) B Fund status report (monthly report on equipment authorized to be replaced and their purchase status 18) Open work order report 19) Past due service lists 20) Hours billed to work orders by employee 21) Warranty report (listing credits, no charge parts or repairs, warranty cash received, etc. 22) Fuel usage report 23) Re-order report (parts) 24) Down time report 25) Percentage of PMs completed "on time" 26) Percentage of PM work orders (scheduled) to repair work orders (non-scheduled) 49 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS INVITATION TO BID,REQUEST FOR QUOTATION&PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACT THE PURCHASE ORDER INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE INVITATION TO BID, REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS, SPECIFICATIONS, PLANS, AND PUBLISHED RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF EVERETT AND THE LAWS OF THE CITY OF EVERETT PURCHASING DIVISION AND THE STATE OF WASHINGTON,WHICH ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. 1.CHANGES No alteration in any of the terms,conditions,delivery price, quality, quantities, or specification of this order will be effective without written consent of the Purchasing w Manager or appropriate Buyer. 2.HANDLING No charges will be allowed for handling,including but not limited to packing,wrapping bags,containers or reels,unless otherwise stated herein. 3.DELIVERY For any exception to the delivery date as specified on this order,vendor shall give prior notification and obtain written approval thereto from the Purchasing Manager or — appropriate Buyer with respect 10 delivery under this order.Time is of the essence and the order is subject to termination for failure to deliver as specified and/or appropriate damages. The acceptance by the Purchaser of late performance with or without objection or reservation shall not waive the right to claim damage for such breach nor constitute a waiver of the requirements for the timely performance of any obligation remaining to be performed by Vendor. 4.PAYMENTS,CASH DISCOUNT,LATE PAYMENT CHARGES Invoices will not be processed for payment nor will the period of computation for cash discount commence until receipt of a properly completed invoice or invoiced items are received,whichever is later, If an adjustment in payment is necessary due to damage or dispute,the cash discount period shall commence on the date final approval for payment is authorized. — 5.SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS Unless otherwise specified,all goods are to be shipped prepaid,F.O.B.Destination. Where shipping addresses indicate room numbers it will be up to the Vendor to make delivery to that location at no additional charge where specific authorization is granted to ship goods FOB shipping point. Vendor agrees to prepay all shipping charges,route as instructed or if instructions are not provided,route by cheapest common carrier and to bill the Purchaser as a separate item on the invoice for said charges. Each invoice for shipping charges shall contain the original or a copy of the bill indicating that the payment for shipping has been made. It is also agreed that the Purchaser reserves the right to refuse COD shipments. 6.REJECTION All goods or materials purchased herein are subject to approval by the Purchaser. Any rejection of goods or material resulting because of nonconformity to the terms and specifications of this order,whether held by the Purchaser or returned,will be at Vendor's risk and expense. 7.IDENTIFICATION All invoices,packing lists,packages,shipping notices,instruction manuals,and other written documents affecting this order shall contain the applicable purchase order number. 8. INFRINGEMENTS Vendor agrees to protect and save harmless the Purchaser against all claims, suits or proceedings for patent,trademark, copyright or franchise infringement arising from the purchase,installation,or use of goods and materials ordered,and to assume all expenses and damages arising from such claims,suits or proceedings- 9.WARRANTIES Vendor warrants that articles supplied under this order conform to specifications herein and are fit for the purpose for which such goods are ordinarily employed, except that if a particular purpose is stated,the material must then be fit for that particular purpose. 10.ASSIGNMENTS The provisions or moneys due under this contract shall only be assignable with prior written consent of the Purchasing Manager or appropriate Buyer. -- 11.TAXES Unless otherwise indicated the Purchaser agrees to pay all State of Washington sales or use tax. No charge by Vendor shall be made for federal excise taxes,and the Purchaser agrees to furnish Vendor,upon acceptance of articles supplied under this order with an exemption certificate. 12.LIENS,CLAIMS AND ENCUMBRANCES Vendor warrants and represents that all the goods and materials ordered herein are free and clear of all liens,claims,or encumbrances of any kind. 13.RISK OF LOSS Regardless of FOB point,Vendor agrees to bear all risks of loss,injury or destruction of goods and materials ordered herein which occur prior to delivery. Such loss, injury or destruction shall not release Vendor from any obligation hereunder. 14.SAVE HARMLESS Vendor shall protect,indemnify,and save the Purchaser harmless from and against any damage,cost or liability for any injuries to persons or property arising from acts or omissions of Vendor,his employees,agents or subcontractors howsoever caused. 15.PRICES If price is not stated on this order,it is agreed that the goods shall be billed at the price last quoted or paid,or prevailing market price whichever is lower. 16.TERMINATION In the event of a breach by Vendor of any of the provisions of this contract,the Purchaser reserves the right to cancel and terminate this contract forthwith upon giving oral or written notice to Vendor. Vendor shall be liable for damages suffered by the Purchaser resulting from Vendor's breach of contract. 17.NONDISCRIMINATION AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The vendor agrees not to discriminate against any client,employee or applicant for employment or services because of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, age or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap with regard to, but not limited to, the following employment upgrading,demotion,or transfer,recruitment or recruitment advertising,lay-offs or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation,selection for training or rendition of - services. It is further understood that any vendor who is in violation of this clause or an applicable Affirmative Action Program shall be barred forthwith from receiving awards of any purchase order from the CITY unless a satisfactory showing is made that discriminatory practices or noncompliance with applicable Affirmative Action Programs have terminated and that a recurrence of such acts is unlikely. 18.LABOR AND INDUSTRIES Contractor is required to procure Labor and Industries permits LI 700-7 and LI 700.29 and abide by the requirements thereof. Copies of"Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages'and`Affidavit of Wages Paid"shall be submitted to the City Clerk and Department of Labor and Industres. 19,ANTI-TRUST Vendor and the Purchaser recognize that in actual economic practice overcharges resulting from anti-trust violations are in fact Borne by the Purchaser.Therefore, Vendor hereby assigns to the Purchaser any and all claims for such overcharges. 20.DEFAULT The Vendor covenants and agrees that in the event suit is instituted by the Purchaser for any default on the part of the Vendor,and the Vendor is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be in default,he shall pay to the Purchaser all cost,expenses expended or incurred by the Purchaser in connection therewith,and reasonable attorney's fees. The Vendor agrees that the Superior Court of the State of Washington shall have jurisdiction over any such suit,and that venue shall be laid in Snohomish County- 21.BRANDS When a special brand is named it shall be construed solely for the purpose of indicating the standards of quality,performance,or use desired. Brands of equal quality, performance,and use shall be considered,provided Vendor specifies the brand and model and submits descriptive literature when available. Any bid containing a brand which is not of equal quality,performance,or use specified must be represented as an alternate and not as an equal,and failure to do so shall be sufficient reason to disregard the bid. — ACCEPTANCE BY ACCEPTING THIS PURCHASE ORDER IN WRITING OR BY DELIVERING THE MATERIAL ORDERED,YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH. FORMAL OBJECTION IS HEREBY MADE TO ANY ADDITIONAL OR DIFFERENT TERMS PROPOSED BY VENDOR AS A CONDITION OF ACCEPTANCE OR DELIVERY. 50 City of Everett Proposal No. 1998-200 Fleet Management System Software REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Submittal Sheet Number of years providing Fleet Management System software and services: Hours and methods of technical support -- State the number of business days to have software installed and operational after receipt of order: Customer References: 1. Customer Name Business Address Name of Contact - _ Title of Contact Telephone Number of Contact Description of Installation Date Installed Relevance to City of Everett 2. Customer Name Business Address Name of Contact Title of Contact Telephone Number of Contact Description of Installation Date Installed Relevance to City of Everett 51 Submittal Sheet, continued 3. Customer Name Business Address Name of Contact Title of Contact Telephone Number of Contact Description of Installation Date Installed Relevance to City of Everett 4. Discontinued Installations: Disclose any sites where proposed software was initially installed and subsequently discontinued from operation. Explain what happened and provide contact references. Summary of Features ❑ Replaces current Fleet Management System by June 30, 1999 ❑ Windows NT ❑ Oracle database ❑ Client-server architecture ❑ Configurable by users ❑ Interface to SFG ❑ On-line Help Menu -- ❑ Annual Maintenance ❑ User Group influences ❑ Internet Web Site for Subscription Program product upgrades problem resolution -- Insert check mark where features provided according to specifications. 52 Submittal Sheet, continued - Price Proposal 1. Base software product $ 2. Customization Planning&Process Consulting $ -- 3. Configuration/Customization Execution $ 4. Database Loading with historical data $ 5. Training $ b. Installation and Acceptance Testing $ 7. Post-installation Operational Support and System Tuning $ S. Annual Maintenance/Upgrade Subscription $ _.._ 9. Subtotal $ 10. Washington State Sales Tax $ Total First-year Price $ Do you certify that you are not on the Comptroller General's list of ineligible contractors nor the list of parties excluded from Federal procurement or nonprocurement programs? Yes ❑ No ❑ Will you sell additional units to the City of Everett at the proposal price until further notice?Yes ❑ No ❑ Will you sell additional units to other government agencies within the State of Washington at the proposal price, terms and conditions until further notice? The City of Everett accepts no responsibility for the payment of the purchase price by other government agencies. Yes ❑ No ❑ COMPANY NAME UBI# ADDRESS CITY/STATE, ZIP PHONE FAX NAME (PLEASE PRINT) By signing below, you certify in writing that all vendor proposal terms, including prices,will remain in effect for a minimum of 60 days after the Proposal Due Date,that all proposed hardware and system software has been operational at a non-vendor owned customer site for a period of 90 days prior to the Proposal Due Date,that all proposed capabilities can be demonstrated by the vendor, and that the proposed hardware and system software is currently marketed and sold. SIGNED DATE 53 SITE VISIT AND EVALUATION FLEET MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SJTE NAME & SOFTWARE: Weighting EVALUATION AREA SCORE X TOTAL 1. Fueling Function; Fuel System Interface Capabilties 2 Comments: 2. Parts Processing: Ordering, Receiving, Issuing, Invoice Payment 4 Comments: 3. Pool Car Reservation Features: Availability, Reservations, Billings etc. 1 Comments: TOTAL POINTS ----------------- ------------ --------------> Scorina Guide 0= No information provided by Customer Site for this area 1 = Unacceptable-Capability demonstrated in this area 2 = Poor-Capability demonstrated in this area Evaluator Name 3 = Fair- Capability demonstrated in this area 4 = Good-Capability demonstrated in this area 5 = Excellent-Capability demonstrated in this area Date espi esloxceUForme/R FP-Eva I Form 2-6ETH 2/12t99 SITE VISIT AND EVALUATION FLEET MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SITE NAME & SOFTWARE: Weighting EVALUATION AREA SCORE X TOTAL 1. Work Order Processing: Opening/Closing, Labor input-Direct and Indirect, 2 (Interactive Mechanics Station Capabilities) Comments: 2. PM setup and Checklist Development Capabilities. 2 Comments: 3. Report Writing: Open/Closed Work Orders, PM Soon Due or Overdue, 3 Downtime Status Reports on Open or Delayed Work Orders Comments: TOTAL POINTS -----------------------______-----------------------—------> Scoring Guide 0= No information provided by Customer Site for this area t = Unacceptable-Capability demonstrated in this area 2 = Poor-Capability demonstrated in this area Evaluator Name 3 = Fair- Capability demonstrated in this area 4 = Good-Capability demonstrated in this area S = Excellent-Capability demonstrated in this area Date Bspies/excelftrms)RFP-EvalForm2a-8 RUCE 2/12/99 SITE VISIT AND EVALUATION FLEET MAINTENANCE SYSTEM a`TE NAME & SOFTWARE: Weightng EVALUATION AREA SCORE X TOTAL 1. Parts Processing Capabilities: Parts Ordering, P.O. Entry, Receiving, and 2 Issuing, Non-Stock Orders and Issues, Core Credits and Tracking Comments: 2. Parts Warehousing and Inventory Tracking, Parts Numbering and Cross 2 Referencing, Bar-Coding Features, Inventory Controls and Security Comments 3. Report Writing: Core Report, Parts at Reorder Point, Non-Stock Issues, 3 Parts On Order by Vendor, Vendor Activity Report by$Amount etc. Comments: TOTAL POINTS ....._...w-----------> Scoring Guide 0= No information provided by Customer Site for this area 1 = Unacceptable-Capability demonstrated in this area 2 = Poor-Capability demonstrated in this area Evaluator Name 3 = Fair- Capability demonstrated in this area 4 Good-Capability demonstrated in this area 5 = Excellent-Capability demonstrated in this area Date 6spies/excel/torms7RFP-Ev iForm2b-PHIL 2/12199 SITE VISIT AND EVALUATION FLEET MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SxTE NAME & SOFTWARE: Weighting EVALUATION AREA SCORE X TOTAL 1. Warranty Tracking: Flagging of Parts and Labor Operations during Open 2 Work Order Process, Claim and Core Tracking, Component Tracking Comments: 2. Fleet Replacement and Forcasting, New Equipment Processing/Disposal; 2 Asset Records: Capture of In-service Costs,Adding/Changing Equipment Comments: i 3. Report Writing: Labor, Equip Costs, Work Order Coding, Department Sum- 3 maries, Downtime Tracking, Mechanic Work Station Realtime Monitoring; Warranty Work Order and Claim Tracking Comments: TOTALPOINTS ----------- ._n..T----------------------------------------------> Scoring Guide 0= No information provided by Customer Site for this area 1 = Unacceptable-Capability demonstrated in this area 2 = Poor-Capability demonstrated in this area Evaluator Name 3 = Fair- Capability demonstrated in this area 4 = Good-Capability demonstrated in this area 5 = Excellent-Capability demonstrated in this area Date Bsp ies)exceL4orm s/R F P-Eval Fo rm2c-B1L L 2Yf 2/99