HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-570 - Original - WA State Department of Commerce - Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program (CILEP) - 10/15/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B ­NT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: greement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (optional) W A S H I N G T O N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Sara Wood Police Date Sent: Date Required: > 11/08/2023 11/15/2023 Q Mayor or Designee to Sign. Date of Council Approval: Q Q Interlocal Agreement Uploaded to Website 11/7/2023 Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes No El N/A Budget? Yes E]No Type: State Vendor Name: M Category Department of Commerce, Washington State Grant: Non-Real Property Vendor Number: Sub-Category: Original O Project Name: Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program (CILEP) CProject Details: Need this funding packet signed by Mayor Ralph to execute the grant agreement with Washington State Department of Commerce which will fund *, the police department CILEP program for one year. C Basis for Selection of Contractor: E AgreementAmoun 110 QQQ Interlocal Agreement __ Memo to Mayor must be attached W Start Date: 10/1/2023 Termination Date: 9/30/2024 Q Local Business? Yes Fv—(]No*If meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100,please complete'Vendor Purchose-Locol Exceptions"form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: ❑✓ Yes In-Process❑Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) ❑Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: Yes ✓❑No CAG2023-570 Comments: qq L Vf O DC Date Received:City Attorney: 11/8/23 Date Routed:Mayor's Office 11/8/23 City Clerk's Office 11/9/23 adccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 DocuSign Envelope ID: D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B Washington State Department of Commerce Federal Interagency Agreement with City of Kent through Office of Firearm Safety & Violence Prevention — Community Safety Unit Contract Number: F22-34440-506 For Building program capacity of the Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program in the Kent Police Department enhancing community collaborations and expanding program delivery. Dated: Sunday, October 15, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 1^iaShiing.on Slale fist Cammer c Table of Contents TABLEOF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................................... 2 FACESHEET ...................................................................................................................... 3 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS...................................................................................................................... 4 1. AUTHORITY......................................................................................................................................................4 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FEDERAL FUNDING.................................................................................................4 3. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................................4 4. COMPENSATION..............................................................................................................................................4 5. SUBCONTRACTOR DATA COLLECTION.............................................................................................................4 6. INDIRECTCOSTS ..............................................................................................................................................4 7. BILLING PROCEDURES AND PAYMENT.............................................................................................................4 8. AUDIT..............................................................................................................................................................5 9. FRAUD AND OTHER LOSS REPORTING.............................................................................................................6 10. DEBARMENT....................................................................................................................................................6 11. INSURANCE......................................................................................................................................................7 12. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE..................................................................................................................................7 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................... 8 1. DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................................................................8 2. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN.................................................................................................................9 3. AMENDMENTS................................................................................................................................................9 4. ASSIGNMENT...................................................................................................................................................9 5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION ...........................................................................9 6. COPYRIGHT......................................................................................................................................................9 7. DISPUTES.......................................................................................................................................................10 8. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE......................................................................................................................10 9. INDEMNIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................10 10. LICENSING,ACCREDITATION AND REGISTRATION.........................................................................................10 11. RECAPTURE....................................................................................................................................................10 12. RECORDS MAINTENANCE..............................................................................................................................11 13. SAVINGS........................................................................................................................................................11 14. SEVERABILITY.................................................................................................................................................11 15. SUBCONTRACTING........................................................................................................................................11 16. SURVIVAL.......................................................................................................................................................11 17. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE ............................................................................................................................12 18. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE................................................................................................................12 19. TERMINATION PROCEDURES.........................................................................................................................12 20. TREATMENT OF ASSETS.................................................................................................................................13 21. WAIVER .........................................................................................................................................................14 ATTACHMENT A:SCOPE OF WORK....................................................................................................................15 ATTACHMENT B: BUDGET.................................................................................................................................18 Page 2 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist Commer e Face Sheet Contract Number: F22-34440-506 Community Services Division—Community Safety Unit ❑Subrecipient Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Innovation Fund ®Contractor 1. Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As (as applicable) City of Kent Mailing Address: 220 4th Ave S, Kent, WA 98032 3. Contractor Representative 4. COMMERCE Representative Sara Wood Anica Stieve 1011 Plum St. SE Community Education Coordinator, Kent Police JAG Program Manager Olympia, WA 98504 Department 360-890-6199 (253)856-5856 Anica.stieve(a)commerce.wa.gov swood(a)kentwa.gov 5. Contract Amount 6. Funding Source 7. Start Date 8. End Date $110,000 Federal: ® State: ❑ Other: ❑ N/A: ❑ 10/15/2023 9/30/2024 9. Federal Funds (as applicable) Federal Agency: ALN Indirect Rate $110,000 Department of Justice 16.738 De Minimus 10% 10. Tax ID# 11. SWV# 12. UB1# 13. UE1 # 91.6001254 SWV0000552 173-000-002 GALJSHR132EM6 14. Contract Purpose To build program capacity of the Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program in the Kent Police Department by enhancing community collaborations and expanding program delivery. COMMERCE,defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Contractor, as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Contract and attachments and have executed this Contract on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above.The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract are governed by this Contract and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Terms and Conditions including Attachment"A"—Scope of Work Attachment"B"—Budget FOR CONTRACTOR FOR COMMERCE DocuSigned by: � - Dana Ralph, Mayor Cindy Guertin-Anderson, Assistant Director 11/14/2023 1 8:32 AM PST Signature Date 11/08/2023 APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Date BY ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVAL ON FILE Page 3 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/Commer e Special Terms and Conditions 1. AUTHORITY COMMERCE and Contractor enter into this Contract pursuant to the authority granted by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW. 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FEDERAL FUNDING Federal Award Date: 10/1/20; 10/1/21 Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN): 15PBJA-21-GG-00291-JAGX; 15PBJA-22-GG- 00610-JAGX Total amount of the federal award: $3,644,335; $3,721,562; The Contractor agrees that any publications (written, visual, or sound) but excluding press releases, newsletters, and issue analyses, issued by the Contractor describing programs or projects funded in whole or in part with federal funds under this Contract, shall contain the following statements: "This project was supported by Grant No. 15PBJA-21-GG-00291-JAGX; 15PBJA-22-GG-00610- JAGX awarded by Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Department of Justice (DOJ). Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Department of Justice. Grant funds are administered by the Community Safety Unit, Washington State Department of Commerce." 3. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The Representative for each of the parties shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Contract. The Representative for COMMERCE and their contact information are identified on the Face Sheet of this Contract. The Representative for the Contractor and their contact information are identified on the Face Sheet of this Contract. 4. COMPENSATION COMMERCE shall pay an amount not to exceed$110,000 for the performance of all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work as set forth in the Scope of Work. 5. SUBCONTRACTOR DATA COLLECTION Contractor will submit reports, in a form and format to be provided by Commerce and at intervals as agreed by the parties, regarding work under this Contract performed by subcontractors and the portion of Contract funds expended for work performed by subcontractors, including but not necessarily limited to minority-owned, woman-owned, and veteran-owned business subcontractors. "Subcontractors" shall mean subcontractors of any tier. 6. INDIRECT COSTS Contractor shall provide their indirect cost rate that has been negotiated between their entity and the federal government. If no such rate exists a de minimis indirect cost rate of 10% of modified total direct costs (MTDC)will be used. 7. BILLING PROCEDURES AND PAYMENT COMMERCE will pay Contractor upon acceptance of services provided and receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted to the Representative for COMMERCE on a monthly Page 4 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate %J'V Commer e basis through the Secure Access Washington (SAW) portal. If contractor is billing monthly, the last monthly invoice of the quarter may not be reimbursed without receipt of the coinciding required quarterly report. Invoices and quarterly reports are due on the 20th of the month following the end of the previous month or quarter. The invoices shall describe and document, to COMMERCE's satisfaction, a description of the work performed, the progress of the project, and fees. The invoice shall include the Contract Number F22- 34440-501. If expenses are invoiced, provide a detailed breakdown of each type. A receipt must be retained by the contractor to document any single expenses in the amount of $50.00 or more; commerce may request this documentation during contract monitoring activities. A copy of a General Ledger (G/L) report from the contractor detailing all expenses billed to this contract on the quarterly invoice will accompany each invoice in order to receive reimbursement. Payment shall be considered timely if made by COMMERCE within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of properly completed invoices. Payment shall be sent to the address designated by the Contractor. COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Contract or withhold payments claimed by the Contractor for services rendered if the Contractor fails to satisfactorily comply with any term or condition of this Contract. No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this Agreement shall be made by COMMERCE. Invoices and End of Fiscal Year Invoices are due on the 20th of the month following the provision of services. Final invoices for a state fiscal year may be due sooner than the 20th and Commerce will provide notification of the end of fiscal year due date. The Contractor must invoice for all expenses from the beginning of the contract through September 30, 2024 regardless of the contract start and end date. Duplication of Billed Costs The Contractor shall not bill COMMERCE for services performed under this Agreement, and COMMERCE shall not pay the Contractor, if the Contractor is entitled to payment or has been or will be paid by any other source, including grants, for that service. Disallowed Costs The Contractor is responsible for any audit exceptions or disallowed costs incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors. COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, withhold ten percent (10%) from each payment until acceptance by COMMERCE of the final report(or completion of the project, etc.). 8. AUDIT If the Grantee is a subrecipient and expends$750,000 or more in federal awards from any and/or all sources in any fiscal year, the Grantee shall procure and pay for a single audit or a program-specific audit for that fiscal year. Upon completion of each audit, the Grantee shall: Page 5 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/Cammer e A. Submit to COMMERCE the reporting package specified in Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200, reports required by the program-specific audit guide (if applicable), and a copy of any management letters issued by the auditor. B. Submit to COMMERCE follow-up and developed corrective action plans for all audit findings. If the Grantee is a subrecipient and expends less than $750,000 in federal awards from any and/or all sources in any fiscal year,the Grantee shall notify COMMERCE they did not meet the single audit requirement. The Grantee shall send all single audit documentation to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. 9. FRAUD AND OTHER LOSS REPORTING Contractor shall report in writing all known or suspected fraud or other loss of any funds or other property furnished under this Contract immediately or as soon as practicable to the Commerce Representative identified on the Face Sheet. 10. DEBARMENT A. Grantee, defined as the primary participant and it principals, certifies by signing these General Terms and Conditions that to the best of its knowledge and belief that they: i. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. ii. Have not within a three-year period preceding this Grant, been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public or private agreement or transaction, violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, tax evasion, receiving stolen property, making false claims, or obstruction of justice; ill. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity(Federal, State, or local)with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b)of federal Executive Order 12549; and IV. Have not within a three-year period preceding the signing of this Grant had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local)terminated for cause of default. B. Where the Grantee is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Grant, the Grantee shall attach an explanation to this Grant. C. The Grantee agrees by signing this Grant that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by COMMERCE. D. The Grantee further agrees by signing this Grant that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," as follows, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions: LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS i. The lower tier Grantee certifies, by signing this Grant that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. Page 6 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/CommerM e ii. Where the lower tier Grantee is unable to certify to any of the statements in this Grant, such contractor shall attach an explanation to this Grant. E. The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, ineligible, lower tier covered transaction, person, primary covered transaction, principal, and voluntarily excluded, as used in this section, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549. Grantee may contact COMMERCE for assistance in obtaining a copy of these regulations. 11. INSURANCE Each party certifies that it is self-insured under the State's or local government self-insurance liability program, and shall be responsible for losses for which it is found liable. 12. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of an inconsistency in this Contract, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: • Applicable federal and state of Washington statutes and regulations • Special Terms and Conditions • General Terms and Conditions • Attachment A—Scope of Work • Attachment B—Budget Page 7 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/Commer e General Terms and Conditions 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Contract, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: A. "Authorized Representative" shall mean the Director and/or the designee authorized in writing to act on the Director's behalf. B. "COMMERCE" or"Department" shall mean the Washington Department of Commerce. C. "Contract" or "Agreement" or "Grant" means the entire written agreement between COMMERCE and the Contractor, including any Exhibits, documents, or materials incorporated by reference. E-mail or Facsimile transmission of a signed copy of this contract shall be the same as delivery of an original. D. "Contractor" or "Grantee" shall mean the entity identified on the face sheet performing service(s) under this Contract, and shall include all employees and agents of the Contractor. E. "Modified Total Direct Costs"(MTDC)shall mean all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first$25,000 of each subaward (regardless of the period of performance of the subawards under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and the portion of each subaward in excess of$25,000. F. "Personal Information"shall mean information identifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person's name, health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services or other activities, addresses,telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, other identifying numbers, and any financial identifiers, and "Protected Health Information" under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). G. "State" shall mean the state of Washington. H. "Subaward" shall mean an award provided by a pass-through entity to a subrecipient for the subrecipient to carry out part of a Federal award received by the pass-through entity. It does not include payments to a contractor or payments to an individual that is a beneficiary of a Federal program. A subaward may be provided through any form of legal agreement, including an agreement that the pass-through entity considers a contract. I. "Subcontractor"shall mean one not in the employment of the Contractor,who is performing all or part of those services under this Contract under a separate contract with the Contractor. The terms "subcontractor" and "subcontractors" mean subcontractor(s) in any tier. J. "Subrecipient" shall mean a non-Federal entity that receives a subaward from a pass- through entity to carry out part of a Federal program; but does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such program. A subrecipient may also be a recipient of other Federal awards directly from a Federal awarding agency. Page 8 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate %J,V commer e 2. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 3. AMENDMENTS This Contract may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 4. ASSIGNMENT Neither this Contract, nor any claim arising under this Contract, shall be transferred or assigned by the Contractor without prior written consent of COMMERCE. 5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION A. "Confidential Information" as used in this section includes: i. All material provided to the Contractor by COMMERCE that is designated as "confidential" by COMMERCE; ii. All material produced by the Contractor that is designated as "confidential' by COMMERCE; and iii. All Personal Information in the possession of the Contractor that may not be disclosed under state or federal law. B. The Contractor shall comply with all state and federal laws related to the use, sharing, transfer, sale,or disclosure of Confidential Information.The Contractor shall use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of this Contract and shall not use, share, transfer, sell or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except with the prior written consent of COMMERCE or as may be required by law. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to assure that Confidential Information is safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use, sharing, transfer, sale or disclosure of Confidential Information or violation of any state or federal laws related thereto. Upon request,the Contractor shall provide COMMERCE with its policies and procedures on confidentiality. COMMERCE may require changes to such policies and procedures as they apply to this Contract whenever COMMERCE reasonably determines that changes are necessary to prevent unauthorized disclosures. The Contractor shall make the changes within the time period specified by COMMERCE. Upon request, the Contractor shall immediately return to COMMERCE any Confidential Information that COMMERCE reasonably determines has not been adequately protected by the Contractor against unauthorized disclosure. C. Unauthorized Use or Disclosure. The Contractor shall notify COMMERCE within five (5) working days of any unauthorized use or disclosure of any confidential information, and shall take necessary steps to mitigate the harmful effects of such use or disclosure. 6. COPYRIGHT Unless otherwise provided, all Materials produced under this Contract shall be considered "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act and shall be owned by COMMERCE. COMMERCE shall be considered the author of such Materials. In the event the Materials are not considered "works for hire" under the U.S. Copyright laws, the Contractor hereby irrevocably assigns all right, title, and Page 9 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/CommerM e interest in all Materials, including all intellectual property rights, moral rights, and rights of publicity to COMMERCE effective from the moment of creation of such Materials. "Materials" means all items in any format and includes, but is not limited to, data, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions."Ownership"includes the right to copyright, patent, register and the ability to transfer these rights. For Materials that are delivered under the Contract, but that incorporate pre-existing materials not produced under the Contract, the Contractor hereby grants to COMMERCE a nonexclusive, royalty- free, irrevocable license(with rights to sublicense to others) in such Materials to translate, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly perform, and publicly display. The Contractor warrants and represents that the Contractor has all rights and permissions, including intellectual property rights, moral rights and rights of publicity, necessary to grant such a license to COMMERCE. The Contractor shall exert all reasonable effort to advise COMMERCE, at the time of delivery of Materials furnished under this Contract,of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document which was not produced in the performance of this Contract. The Contractor shall provide COMMERCE with prompt written notice of each notice or claim of infringement received by the Contractor with respect to any Materials delivered under this Contract. COMMERCE shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the Materials by the Contractor. 7. DISPUTES In the event that a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined by a Dispute Board in the following manner: Each party to this Agreement shall appoint one member to the Dispute Board. The members so appointed shall jointly appoint an additional member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall review the facts, Agreement terms and applicable statutes and rules and make a determination of the dispute. The Dispute Board shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority prevailing. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto.As an alternative to this process, either of the parties may request intervention by the Governor, as provided by RCW 43.17.330, in which event the Governor's process will control. 8. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 9. INDEMNIFICATION Each party shall be solely responsible for the acts of its employees, officers, and agents. 10. LICENSING, ACCREDITATION AND REGISTRATION The Contractor shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal licensing, accreditation and registration requirements or standards necessary for the performance of this Contract. 11. RECAPTURE In the event that the Contractor fails to perform this Contract in accordance with state laws, federal laws, and/or the provisions of this Contract, COMMERCE reserves the right to recapture funds in an amount to compensate COMMERCE for the noncompliance in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. Repayment by the Contractor of funds under this recapture provision shall occur within the time period specified by COMMERCE. In the alternative, COMMERCE may recapture such funds from payments due under this Contract. Page 10 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/Commer e 12. RECORDS MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall maintain books, records, documents, data and other evidence relating to this contract and performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to accounting procedures and practices that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall retain such records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. At no additional cost,these records, including materials generated under the contract,shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by COMMERCE, personnel duly authorized by COMMERCE, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, regulation or agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6) year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. 13. SAVINGS In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Contract and prior to normal completion, COMMERCE may suspend or terminate the Contract under the "Termination for Convenience" clause, without the ten calendar day notice requirement. In lieu of termination, the Contract may be amended to reflect the new funding limitations and conditions. 14. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this contract are intended to be severable. If any term or provision is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. 15. SUBCONTRACTING The Contractor may only subcontract work contemplated under this Contract if it obtains the prior written approval of COMMERCE. If COMMERCE approves subcontracting, the Contractor shall maintain written procedures related to subcontracting, as well as copies of all subcontracts and records related to subcontracts. For cause, COMMERCE in writing may: (a) require the Contractor to amend its subcontracting procedures as they relate to this Contract; (b) prohibit the Contractor from subcontracting with a particular person or entity; or(c) require the Contractor to rescind or amend a subcontract. Every subcontract shall bind the Subcontractor to follow all applicable terms of this Contract. The Contractor is responsible to COMMERCE if the Subcontractor fails to comply with any applicable term or condition of this Contract. The Contractor shall appropriately monitor the activities of the Subcontractor to assure fiscal conditions of this Contract. In no event shall the existence of a subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the Contractor to COMMERCE for any breach in the performance of the Contractor's duties. Every subcontract shall include a term that COMMERCE and the State of Washington are not liable for claims or damages arising from a Subcontractor's performance of the subcontract. 16. SURVIVAL The terms, conditions, and warranties contained in this Contract that by their sense and context are intended to survive the completion of the performance, cancellation or termination of this Contract shall so survive. Page 11 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate %JW commer e 17. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event COMMERCE determines the Contractor has failed to comply with the conditions of this contract in a timely manner, COMMERCE has the right to suspend or terminate this contract. Before suspending or terminating the contract, COMMERCE shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not taken within 30 calendar days, the contract may be terminated or suspended. In the event of termination or suspension, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or cover contract and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement contract, e.g., cost of the competitive bidding, mailing, advertising and staff time. COMMERCE reserves the right to suspend all or part of the contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged compliance breach and pending corrective action by the Contractor or a decision by COMMERCE to terminate the contract. A termination shall be deemed a "Termination for Convenience" if it is determined that the Contractor: (1) was not in default; or (2) failure to perform was outside of his or her control,fault or negligence. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided in this contract are not exclusive and are, in addition to any other rights and remedies, provided by law. 18. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as otherwise provided in this Contract, COMMERCE may, by ten (10) business days'written notice, beginning on the second day after the mailing, terminate this Contract, in whole or in part. If this Contract is so terminated, COMMERCE shall be liable only for payment required under the terms of this Contract for services rendered or goods delivered prior to the effective date of termination. 19. TERMINATION PROCEDURES Upon termination of this contract, COMMERCE, in addition to any other rights provided in this contract, may require the Contractor to deliver to COMMERCE any property specifically produced or acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated. The provisions of the "Treatment of Assets"clause shall apply in such property transfer. COMMERCE shall pay to the Contractor the agreed upon price, if separately stated, for completed work and services accepted by COMMERCE, and the amount agreed upon by the Contractor and COMMERCE for (i) completed work and services for which no separate price is stated, (ii) partially completed work and services, (iii)other property or services that are accepted by COMMERCE, and (iv)the protection and preservation of property, unless the termination is for default, in which case the Authorized Representative shall determine the extent of the liability of COMMERCE. Failure to agree with such determination shall be a dispute within the meaning of the"Disputes"clause of this contract. COMMERCE may withhold from any amounts due the Contractor such sum as the Authorized Representative determines to be necessary to protect COMMERCE against potential loss or liability. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Authorized Representative, the Contractor shall: A. Stop work under the contract on the date, and to the extent specified, in the notice; B. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract that is not Page 12 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate %JW Commer e terminated; C. Assign to COMMERCE, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Authorized Representative, all of the rights, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case COMMERCE has the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; D. Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the Authorized Representative to the extent the Authorized Representative may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; E. Transfer title to COMMERCE and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Authorized Representative any property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to COMMERCE; F. Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Authorized Representative; and G. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Authorized Representative may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this contract, which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which COMMERCE has or may acquire an interest. 20. TREATMENT OF ASSETS Title to all property furnished by COMMERCE shall remain in COMMERCE. Title to all property furnished by the Contractor, for the cost of which the Contractor is entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost under this contract, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon delivery of such property by the Contractor. Title to other property, the cost of which is reimbursable to the Contractor under this contract, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon (i) issuance for use of such property in the performance of this contract, or(ii)commencement of use of such property in the performance of this contract, or (iii) reimbursement of the cost thereof by COMMERCE in whole or in part, whichever first occurs. A. Any property of COMMERCE furnished to the Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided herein or approved by COMMERCE, be used only for the performance of this contract. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of COMMERCE that results from the negligence of the Contractor or which results from the failure on the part of the Contractor to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound management practices. C. If any COMMERCE property is lost, destroyed or damaged, the Contractor shall immediately notify COMMERCE and shall take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further damage. D. The Contractor shall surrender to COMMERCE all property of COMMERCE prior to settlement upon completion, termination or cancellation of this contract. E. All reference to the Contractor under this clause shall also include Contractor's employees, agents or Subcontractors. Page 13 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B . %Washing.on Slate %J,V COMMer c e 21. WAIVER Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by Authorized Representative of COMMERE Page 14 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate fist/Commer e Attachment A: Scope of Work JAG Innovation Fund Background &Context: The JAG Innovation Fund is a new initiative within Washington's overall JAG strategy. During 2023, the Washington JAG Advisory Committee developed a Strategic Plan to guide the investment of JAG funds across the state. As part of the strategic plan, the JAG Innovation Fund will provide flexibility and broaden the scope of the impact of the JAG program in Washington communities. JAG Innovation Fund projects are new approaches, or adapted efforts based on lessons learned from existing programs and projects, within communities. Innovative projects will offer fresh perspectives in an effort to advance criminal legal system improvement and community health and safety. Projects funded by the JAG Innovation Fund will work at the local, regional or state level to address emerging needs, and implement best practices or new ideas. The intent of the JAG Innovation Fund is provision of resources to new and/or adaptive efforts within the JAG Purpose Areas. The JAG Innovation Fund is a key component of Washington's JAG Strategic Plan and aligns with Washington's JAG mission of "advancing criminal legal system improvement in Washington state by investing in innovative, sustainable, and data- driven practices to enhance community safety, increase collaboration and support victims of crime and those involved in the criminal legal system." Kent Police Department Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program (CILEP) Background & Context CILEP is a unique pre-academy internship program for newly hired police recruits in Kent, Washington. The first of its kind in the United States, CILEP places newly hired police recruits in local non-profit community agencies in the Kent community. The focus of the program is to help strengthen police- community relationships, with particular attention placed on building relationships between the Kent Police Department and the diverse communities within the City of Kent. In 2021, the Kent Police Department(KPD) launched CILEP as a "pilot" program which was designed collaboratively with input from various stakeholders including many Kent local community members and non-profit leaders. Scope of Work Funded by this Contract: In order to expand CILEP, KPD will assign eight newly hired officers to four Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Kent. KPD recruits will be assigned to work 40 hours a week embedded with the CBO prior to any law enforcement training. The recruits will provide community service hours, completing work to support the mission of the CBO providing direct services to clients. Program Implementation and Impact: KPD will recruit CBOs for this year's CILEP project beginning in November 2023 with priority given to stakeholder organizations that serve youth and people of color. Once assigned to the CBOs, recruits will complete a minimum of 320 (3 months/12 weeks) community service hours. Recruits will be assigned a mentor from within the CBO to help guide the recruit through any work or cultural nuances, such as who in the specific community to communicate with, fear of police, etc. Mentors will work to facilitate the discussion and learning goals for the recruit during these meetings. A multi-prong evaluation tool will be utilized to measure the outcomes of the program, recruits will complete weekly reports, and a quarterly progress report will be generated outlining project performance. CILEP program goals include providing officers firsthand experience and in-person engagement designed to ingrain understanding, empathy, compassion, and trust in culturally diverse populations with a longer- term outcome of sustained community-centered law enforcement partnerships Page 15 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7138A411-E540-47FE-81303-F26C4213591613 . %Washing.on Slate %&,w Commer e Collaboration: As a member of the JAG Innovation Fund cohort, the Contractor may be required to attend in person or virtual collaboration meetings at the request of Commerce up to twice during the contract performance period. Subcontractors: CILEP Evaluation -A professional researcher will conduct the CILEP evaluation. The researcher will significantly expand on the previous evaluation of this program from the pilot year by analyzing longer- term outcomes with all recruits who have graduated from CILEP. A preliminary report from the continued CILEP evaluation will be delivered to KPD. KPD will follow procurement policies and guidelines to identify the subcontractor for this work. Funds for subcontracting are included in this contract budget. Participating CBOs - Contracts will be entered into with each of the community-based organizations CILEP recruits are assigned to. We anticipate eight community organizations during the fiscal year of this grant. KPD will execute a subcontract with each of these CBOs; contracts will include a scope of work and $5,000 budget. Each contract process will follow City of Kent procurement policies and all applicable regulations and requirements in this contract. KPD will submit copies executed subcontracts to Commerce. Goals: During the 2023-2024 funding period, CILEP has the following goals: 1. Provide officers firsthand experience and in-person engagement designed to ingrain understanding, empathy, compassion, and trust 2. Develop community-centered law enforcement training partnerships with community stakeholders who serve our diverse community members 3. Provide officers with one-on-one guidance and ongoing mentorship from community leaders who represent our BIPOC community 4. Forge life-long personal relationships between officers and community members 5. Strengthen communication between the Kent Police Department and our community members to enhance police and community relationships. Outcomes and Performance Measures: During the 2023-2024 funding period, CILEP will measure the following outcomes: 1. Total number of recruits participating in the program during the performance period 2. Number of weekly reports generated by recruits 3. Number of quarterly reports generated during the performance period 4. Total number of community service hours completed (320 per participating recruit)during the performance period 5. Number of new CBO partnerships established during performance period Reportinq Requirements: In order to comply with reporting requirements for federal funding, the contractor will comply with COMMERCE and BJA on the collection of required performance measurement data. The Contractor will complete the required reports using the BJA Performance Measure Tool (PMT)online platform. It is required to select and report on all accountability measures that pertain to JAG-funded activities. Contractor is responsible for entering data and creating reports within the PMT on a quarterly basis. Report within the PMT. (See https:Hb'apmt.omp.aov/help/magdocs.html ). For this contract, the contractor will report performance measures based on the Law Enforcement reporting template (JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES OCTOBER 2016 (ojp.gov)). Page 16 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B . %Washing.on Slate %J,W CO17 MeI'(e The Contractor may also be required to enter several performance data metrics into Commerce's Contract Management System (CMS)with submission of their monthly billing invoice. Page 17 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B . %Washing.on Slate %J,W Commer e Attachment B: Budget Program Budget Funding period October 15.2023-September 30.2024 Agency Name: Kent Police Department Program Name: Community Immersion Law Enforoement Program Contract Number: F22-34440-506 Amount by Fund Source Item COMMERCE Other Other Other Fund SOUFoe Total Project Funding Fund Fund PERSONNEL SERVICES Salaries[Full-&Part-Time] $ - $ - $ - $ - Personnel Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-PERSONNEL S - S - - GOODS&SERVICES Office Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - Operating Supplies $ 20,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 20,000.00 Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 Consultant and Subcontracted $ 80,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ 80,000.00 Automobile Expense $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Printing&Duplicating $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Insurance $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Rentals-Buildings $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Rentals-Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SUBTOTAL-GOODS& $ 100,000.00 $ - S - S - 4- 100,000.00 Travel $ 10,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - Training $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Misc.Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Indirect&Administration Casks $ - $ - I $ - I $ - I $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES I S 110.000.00 $ - # - I # - # 110,000.00 1 Identify specific funding sources included under the z Operating Supplies-Itemize below: "Other"column(s)above: $ - Laptops for officers $ 20,000.00 Total $ - Total $ 20,000.00 }Equipment-Itemize below: °Consultant and Subcontracted Services-Itemize below: $ khaPre— $ 40,000.00 Comm„niky Bared Orq—ixakion cunkr—c ($5000x8 $ rnkr—a Farkh.X—r) $ 40,000.00 $ $ $ $ Total $ - Total # 80,000.00 'Other Miscellaneous Ex enses-Itemize below: 'Indirect Administration Costs_Itemize below: Travel-presentations on CILEP to other organizations $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total S 10r000.00 Total $ - Page 18 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID:D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B . %Washing.on Slate %J'V CO17 MeI'(e The Contractor may vary from the approved distribution of funds by shifting up to ten percent(10%) of the total awarded funds between categories of expense. Contractor will contact the Commerce Program Manager for approval prior to shifting funds in this way. This authority to shift funds is limited by the following: grant funds may not be shifted into zero budgeted categories of expense except Benefits, and any shifts made may not constitute a significant change to the Scope of Work (Attachment A). Page 19 of 19 DocuSign Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:D7B8A411 E54047FE8B03F26C42B5916B Status:Completed Subject:Please DocuSign:Commerce Contract#F22-34440-506_CSU Division: Community Services and Housing Program:CSU ContractNumber: F22-34440-506 DocumentType:Contract Source Envelope: Document Pages:21 Signatures: 1 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages:2 Initials:3 Chelsea King AutoNav: Enabled 1011 Plum Street SE Envelopeld Stamping:Enabled MS 42525 Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada) Olympia,WA 98504-2525 chelsea.king@commerce.wa.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status:Original Holder:Chelsea King Location: DocuSign 11/13/2023 1:17:49 PM chelsea.king@commerce.wa.gov Security Appliance Status:Connected Pool:StateLocal Storage Appliance Status:Connected Pool:Washington State Department of Commerce Location:DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Anica Stieve E°S Sent: 11/13/2023 1:19:54 PM anica.stieve@commerce.wa.gov aI Viewed: 11/13/2023 1:24:51 PM Security Level: Email,Account Authentication Signed: 11/13/2023 1:24:54 PM (None) Signature Adoption:Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Abigail Snyder Sent: 11/13/2023 1:24:56 PM abigail.snyder@commerce.wa.gov ED Viewed: 11/13/2023 1:25:22 PM Security Level: Email,Account Authentication Signed: 11/13/2023 1:26:26 PM (None) Signature Adoption:Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Kate Kelly DS� Sent: 11/13/2023 1:26:27 PM kate.kelly@commerce.wa.gov Viewed: 11/13/2023 1:35:29 PM Security Level: Email,Account Authentication Signed: 11/13/2023 1:36:01 PM (None) Signature Adoption:Uploaded Signature Image Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Cindy Guertin-Anderson E85CM618494EF n Sg dby: Sent: 11/13/2023 1:36:03 PM cndy.guertin-anderson@commerce.wa.gov � Viewed: 11/14/2023 8:31:36 AM Assistant Director,Commerce ... Signed: 11/14/2023 8:32:34 AM Security Level: Email,Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption:Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 11/13/2023 1:19:54 PM Certified Delivered Security Checked 11/14/2023 8:31:36 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 11/14/2023 8:32:34 AM Completed Security Checked 11/14/2023 8:32:34 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps DocuSign Envelope ID: D7B8A411-E540-47FE-8B03-F26C42B5916B k Washington State Department of DocuSign Contract Review and Routing Form ► Con n e ce Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention — Community Safety Unit Type of Action: New Contract/Grant ❑x Amendment ❑ IAG ❑x Federal ❑x State ❑ Contractor/Grantee Name: Kent Police Department Contract/Grant Number: F22-34440-506 Term: 10/15/2023 to 9/30/2024 Review by: Name: Initial/Date: Contract Manager Anica Stieve 11/13/2023 1 1 24 PM PST Portfolio Manager Abigail Snyder aS 11/13/2023 1 1:26 PM PST Executive Director Kate Kelly 11/13/2023 1 1 36 PM PST Updated 1/6/2023