HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-459 - Other - WA State Dept. of Commerce - Local & Community Projects Award for East Hill North Community Park - 07/01/2023 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: T� Agreement Routing Form Dir Asst: lel- • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. eL W A S H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) (optional) Originator: Department: KateLynn Jennings for Bryan Higgins Parks, Recreation &Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: > 11/29/2023 12/6/2023 0 Q Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q Director or DesigneeV Mayor 11/21/2023 Budqet Account Number: Grant?V]Yes []No P21067 Budget?V1 Yes 171No Type: State Vend Category: WA ST Dept of Commerce Grant: Non-Real Property Vendor Numbe Sub-Category: Original 0 East Hill North Community Park Project Name: E 0 Funds shall be used by for the first phase of construction the East Hill North Community Park. Project Details: C G1 Agreement Am $970,000 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Date: 7/1/2023 Termination Date: 6/30/2027 Q Local Business?r7es17No* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,pleosecomplete"VendorPurchase-Locol Exceptions"form onCityspace. Business License Verification: Yes In-Process Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: 1r7Yes QNo CAG2023-459 Comments: Washington State Department of Commerce will route electronically for Mayor signature after Legal C review/approval. 00 ^ � f N • i Date Received by City Attorney: 12/1/23 n received C1 Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: 12/13/23 - DocuSi g v1 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 12/14/23 aaccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.200821 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF .I►' Washington State Department of Vmw Commerce Grant to City of Kent through The 2024 Local and Community Projects Program For East Hill North Community Park Phase 1 (Kent) - First of phase of construction for East Hill North Community Park. Start date: 7/1/2023 Washington State Department of Commerce - Ver.06_09_22 www.commerce.wa.gov DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF TABLE OF CONTENTS FaceSheet ..................................................................................................................... 1 Special Terms and Conditions ........................................................................................2 1. Grant Management..................................................................................2 2. Compensation..........................................................................................2 3. Certification of Funds Performance Measures .........................................2 4. Prevailing Wage Law............................................................................... 3 5. Documentation and Security.................................................................... 3 6. Basis for Establishing Real Property Values for Acquisitions of Real Property....4 7. Expenditures Eligible for Reimbursement ................................................4 8. Billing Procedures and Payment..............................................................4 9. Subcontractor Data Collection...................................................... 5 10. Insurance................................................................................................. 5 11. Order of Precedence................................................................................7 12. Reduction in Funds..................................................................................7 13. Ownership of Project/Capital Facilities.....................................................7 14. Change of Ownership or Use for GRANTEE-Owned Property.................7 15. Change of Use for Leased Property Performance Measure.....................8 16. Modification to the Project Budget............................................................ 8 17. Signage, Markers and Publications.......................................................... 8 18. Historical and Cultural Artifacts................................................................ 9 19. Reappropriation ....................................................................................... 9 20. Termination for Fraud or Misrepresentation ............................................. 9 21. Fraud and Other Loss Reporting............................................................ 10 22. Public Records Act................................................................................. 10 23. Applicability of Copyright Provisions to Architectural/Engineering Design Work 10 General Terms and Conditions ....................................................................................... 1 1. Definitions................................................................................................ 1 2. Access to Data......................................................................................... 1 3. Advance Payments Prohibited ................................................................. 1 4. All Writings Contained Herein .................................................................. 1 5. Amendments............................................................................................ 1 6. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)......................................................2 7. Assignment..............................................................................................2 8. Attorney's Fees........................................................................................2 9. Audit ........................................................................................................2 10. Breaches of Other State Contracts ..................................................3 11. Confidentiality/Safeguarding of Information.............................................. 3 12. Conflict of Interest.................................................................................... 3 13. Copyright Provision..................................................................................4 14. Disputes...................................................................................................4 15. Duplicate Payment................................................................................... 5 16. Governing Law and Venue....................................................................... 5 17. Indemnification......................................................................................... 5 18. Independent Capacity of the Grantee.......................................................5 19. Industrial Insurance Coverage .................................................................5 20. Laws........................................................................................................6 21. Licensing, Accreditation and Registration ................................................6 22. Limitation of Authority ..............................................................................6 23. Noncompliance with Nondiscrimination Laws...........................................6 24. Pay Equity..................................................................................6 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF 25. Political Activities .....................................................................................7 26. Publicity...................................................................................................7 27. Recapture................................................................................................7 28. Records Maintenance..............................................................................7 29. Registration with Department of Revenue................................................7 30. Right of Inspection............................................................ ..........7 31. Savings....................................................................................................8 32. Severability..............................................................................................8 33. Site Security.............................................................................................8 34. Subgranting/Subcontracting.....................................................................8 35. Survival....................................................................................................8 36. Taxes.......................................................................................................8 37. Termination for Cause .............................................................................8 38. Termination for Convenience...................................................................9 39. Termination Procedures...........................................................................9 40. Treatment of Assets............................................................................... 10 41. Waiver ................................................................................................... 10 Attachment A, Scope of Work; Attachment B, Budget; Attachment C, Availability of Funds; Attachment D Certification of Prevailing Wages; Attachment E, Certification of LEED DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-3lC79112BODF FACE SHEET Grant Number: 24-96647-080 Washington State Department of Commerce Local Government Division Community Capital Facilities Unit L GRANTEE 2.GRANTEE Doing Business As(optional) City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent,Washington 98032 3.Grantee Representative 4.COMMERCE Representative Bryan Higgins Katrina Perez Parks Capital Project Manager Project Manager P.O.Box 42525 (253)856-5113 (360)688-6127 1011 Plum Street SE Fax 360-586-5880 Olympia,WA 98504-2525 bhiggins@KentWA.gov katrina.perez@commerce.wa.gov 5.Grant Amount 6.Funding Source 7.Start Date 8.End Date $970,000.00 Federal: ❑ State: ® Other: ❑ N/A: ❑ 7/l/2023 6/30/2027,contingent on reappropriation, 6/30/2025 if funds are not reappropriated 9.Federal Funds(as applicable) Federal Agency CFDA Number N/A N/A N/A 10.Tax ID# 11.SWV# 12.UBI# 13.DUNS# 91-6001254 SWV0000552-00 173-000-002 N/A 14.Grant Purpose The purpose of this performance-based contract is to provide funding for the first of phase of construction for East Hill North Community Park as described in Attachment A—Scope of Work(the"Project"). COMMERCE,defined as the Department of Commerce,and the GRANTEE,as defined above,acknowledge and accept the terms of this Grant and attachments and have executed this Grant on the date below to start as of the date and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Grant are governed by this Grant and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Grant Terms and Conditions including Attachment"A"—Scope of Work,Attachment`B"—Budget,Attachment"C"— Certification of Availability of Funds to Complete the Project,Attachment"D"—Certification of the Payment and Reporting of Prevailing Wages,Attachment"E"—Certification of Intent to Enter LEED process. 7v c6W—VWEE Yt°C'�l'MERCE at f"L" 89342139 Dana Ralph,Mayor Mark K. Barkley,Assistant Director 12/13/2023 1 4:10 PM PST 12/14/2023 1 11:59 AM PST Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM Dawn Cortez,Assistant AttorqK General Washington State OtTce of the Attomey General Date 9/12/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS THIS CONTRACT, entered into by and between City of Kent ("GRANTEE"), a and the Washington State Department of Commerce ("COMMERCE"), WITNESSES THAT: WHEREAS, COMMERCE has the statutory authority under RCW 43.330.050 (5)to cooperate with and provide assistance to local governments, businesses, and community-based organizations; and WHEREAS, COMMERCE is also given the responsibility to administer state funds and programs which are assigned to COMMERCE by the Governor or the Washington State Legislature; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature has, in Laws of 2023, Chapter 474, 1025, made an appropriation to support the 2024 Local and Community Projects Program, and directed COMMERCE to administer those funds; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature has, in Laws of 2021, Chapter 332, Section 1075, made an appropriation to support the 2022 Local & Community Projects Program, and made reappropriations in Laws of 2022, Chapter 296, Section 1022, and in Laws of 2023, Chapter 474, Section 7012 and directed COMMERCE to administer those funds, which are being administered in Contract Number 22-96634-128; and WHEREAS, the GRANTEE intends to complete the Project, which will result in first phase of construction of East Hill North Community Park; and WHEREAS, the enabling legislation stipulates that the GRANTEE is eligible to receive funding for the Project. WHEREAS, the Project is one component of a larger multiphase project, which will result in a community park within the Panther Lake Annexation Area, one of the City of Kent's most underserved regions. This park will add recreational value in the region by redeveloping existing parks. To meet the needs of the growing city, this site will service as a new top tier park location for community members. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of covenants, conditions, performances, and promises hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. GRANT MANAGEMENT The Representative for each of the parties shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Grant. The Representative for COMMERCE and their contact information are identified on the Face Sheet of this Grant. The Representative for the GRANTEE and their contact information are identified on the Face Sheet of this Grant. 2. COMPENSATION COMMERCE shall pay an amount not to exceed $970,000.00 for the capital costs necessary for or incidental to the performance of work as set forth in the Scope of Work. 3. CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS PERFORMANCE MEASURES A. The release of state funds under this contract is contingent upon the GRANTEE certifying that it has expended or has access to funds from non-state sources as set forth in ATTACHMENT C 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS (CERTIFICATION OF THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT), hereof. Such non-state sources may consist of a combination of any of the following: i) Eligible Project expenditures prior to the execution of this contract. ii) Cash dedicated to the Project. iii) Funds available through a letter of credit or other binding loan commitment(s). iv) Pledges from foundations or corporations. v) Pledges from individual donors. vi) The value of real property when acquired solely for the purposes of this Project, as established and evidenced by a current market value appraisal performed by a licensed, professional real estate appraiser, or a current property tax statement. COMMERCE will not consider appraisals for prospective values of such property for the purposes of calculating the amount of non-state matching fund credit. vii) In-kind contributions, subject to COMMERCE'S approval. B. The GRANTEE shall maintain records sufficient to evidence that it has access to or has expended funds from such non-state sources, and shall make such records available for COMMERCE'S review upon reasonable request. 4. PREVAILING WAGE LAW The Project funded under this Grant may be subject to state prevailing wage law(Chapter 39.12 RCW). The GRANTEE is advised to consult the Industrial Statistician at the Washington Department of Labor and Industries to determine whether prevailing wages must be paid. COMMERCE is not responsible for determining whether prevailing wage applies to this Project or for any prevailing wage payments that may be required by law. 5. DOCUMENTATION AND SECURITY The provisions of this section shall apply to capital projects performed by nonprofit organizations and public benefit corporations that involve the expenditure of over$250,000 in state funds. Additionally, Commerce reserves the right to review all state-funded projects and to require that projects performed by other entity types comply with this section. Projects for which the grant award or legislative intent documents specify that the state funding is to be used for pre-design or design only are exempt from this section. A. Deed of Trust. This Grant shall be evidenced by a promissory note and secured by a deed of trust or other appropriate security instrument in favor of COMMERCE (the "Deed of Trust"). The Deed of Trust shall be recorded in the County where the Project is located, and the original returned to COMMERCE after recordation within ninety(90) days of contract execution. The Deed of Trust must be recorded before COMMERCE will reimburse the GRANTEE for any Project costs. The amount secured by the Deed of Trust shall be the amount of the grant as set forth in Section 2, hereof. B. Term of Deed of Trust. The Deed of Trust shall remain in full force and effect for a minimum period of ten (10) years following the later of: (1)final payment of state funds to the GRANTEE under this grant; or(2)the date when the facility improved or acquired with grant funds, or a distinct phase of the Project, is made useable to the public for the purpose intended by the Legislature. Upon satisfaction of the ten-year term requirement and all other grant terms and conditions, COMMERCE shall, upon written request of the GRANTEE, take appropriate action to reconvey the Deed of Trust. 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS C. Title Insurance. The GRANTEE shall purchase an extended coverage lender's policy of title insurance insuring the lien position of the Deed of Trust in an amount not less than the amount of the grant. D. Covenant. If the project will be partially funded by a loan and the term of said loan is less than the commitment period under this grant contract, COMMERCE may require that GRANTEE record or cause to be recorded a covenant in a superior lien position ahead of the lender's security instrument that restricts use of the facility or property for the purpose(s) stated elsewhere in this contract for at least the term of the commitment period E. Subordination. COMMERCE may agree to subordinate its deed of trust upon request from a private or public lender. Any such request shall be submitted to COMMERCE in writing, and COMMERCE shall respond to the request in writing within thirty(30)days of receiving the request. 6. BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING REAL PROPERTY VALUES FOR ACQUISITIONS OF REAL PROPERTY PERFORMANCE MEASURES When all or part of the grant is used to fund the acquisition of real property, before funds are disbursed, the GRANTEE shall procure and provide to COMMERCE evidence establishing the value of the real property eligible for reimbursement as follows: a. GRANTEE purchases of real property from an independent third-party seller shall be evidenced by a current appraisal prepared by a licensed Washington State commercial real estate appraiser, or a current property tax statement. b. GRANTEE purchases of real property from a subsidiary organization, such as an affiliated LLC, shall be evidenced by a current appraisal prepared by a licensed Washington State commercial real estate appraiser or the prior purchase price of the property plus holding costs, whichever is less. 7. EXPENDITURES ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT The GRANTEE may be reimbursed, at the rate set forth elsewhere in this contract, for Project expenditures corresponding to activities described in the Scope of Work in the following cost categories: A. Real property, and costs directly associated with such purchase, when purchased or acquired solely for the purposes of the Project; B. Design, engineering, architectural, and planning; C. Construction management and observation (from external sources only); D. Construction costs including, but not limited to, the following: Site preparation and improvements; Permits and fees; Labor and materials; Taxes on Project goods and services; Capitalized equipment; Information technology infrastructure; and Landscaping. 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 8. BILLING PROCEDURES AND PAYMENT COMMERCE shall reimburse the GRANTEE for of eligible Project expenditures, up to the maximum payable under this contract. When requesting reimbursement for expenditures made, the GRANTEE shall submit to COMMERCE a signed and completed Invoice Voucher(Form A-19), that documents capitalized Project activity performed —by budget line item —for the billing period. The GRANTEE shall evidence the costs claimed on each voucher by including copies of each invoice received from vendors providing Project goods or services covered by the contract. The GRANTEE shall also provide COMMERCE with a copy of the cancelled check or electronic funds transfer, as applicable, that confirms that they have paid each expenditure being claimed. The cancelled checks or electronic funds transfers may be submitted to COMMERCE at the time the voucher is initially submitted, or within thirty(30) days thereafter. The voucher must be certified (signed) by an official of the GRANTEE with authority to bind the GRANTEE. The final voucher shall be submitted to COMMERCE within sixty(60)days following the completion of work or other termination of this contract, or within fifteen (15) days following the end of the state biennium unless contract funds are reappropriated by the Legislature in accordance with Section 19, hereof. If GRANTEE has or will be submitting any of the invoices attached to a request for payment for partial reimbursement under another grant contract, GRANTEE must clearly identify such grant contracts in the transmittal letter and request for payment. Each request for payment must be accompanied by a Project Status Report, which describes, in narrative form, the progress made on the Project since the last invoice was submitted, as well as a report of Project status to date. COMMERCE will not release payment for any reimbursement request received unless and until the Project Status Report is received. After approving the Invoice Voucher and Project Status Report, COMMERCE shall promptly remit a warrant to the GRANTEE. COMMERCE will pay GRANTEE upon acceptance of services provided and receipt of properly completed invoices, which shall be submitted to the Representative for COMMERCE not more often than monthly. Payment shall be considered timely if made by COMMERCE within thirty(30) calendar days after receipt of properly completed invoices. Payment shall be sent to the address designated by the GRANTEE. COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, terminate the Grant or withhold payments claimed by the GRANTEE for services rendered if the GRANTEE fails to satisfactorily comply with any term or condition of this Grant. No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this Agreement shall be made by COMMERCE. Duplication of Billed Costs The GRANTEE shall not bill COMMERCE for services performed under this Agreement, and COMMERCE shall not pay the GRANTEE, if the GRANTEE is entitled to payment or has been or will be paid by any other source, including grants, for that service. Disallowed Costs The GRANTEE is responsible for any audit exceptions or disallowed costs incurred by its own organization or that of its subgrantees. 9. SUBCONTRACTOR DATA COLLECTION GRANTEE will submit reports, in a form and format to be provided by Commerce and at intervals as agreed by the parties, regarding work under this Grant performed by subcontractors and the portion of Grant funds expended for work performed by subcontractors, including but not necessarily limited 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS to minority-owned, woman-owned, and veteran-owned business subcontractors. "Subcontractors" shall mean subcontractors of any tier. 10. INSURANCE A. Insurance Requirements for Reimbursable Activities The GRANTEE will maintain appropriate insurance coverage throughout any period in which reimbursable activities are conducted. The intent of the required insurance is to protect the state of Washington should there be any claims, suits, actions, costs, damages or expenses arising from any loss, or negligent or intentional act or omission of the GRANTEE, or Subgrantee, or agents of either, while performing under the terms of this Grant. B. Additional Insurance Requirements During the Term of the Grant The GRANTEE shall provide proof to COMMERCE of the following insurance coverage as applicable: Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy. Provide a Commercial General Liability Insurance Policy, including contractual liability, written on an occurrence basis, in adequate quantity to protect against legal liability related to this Grant but no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Additionally, the GRANTEE is responsible for ensuring that any Subgrantees provide adequate insurance coverage for the activities arising out of subgrants. Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect during the term of this Grant and throughout the commitment period described in Special Terms and Conditions Section 5, 14, and 15. Property Insurance. The GRANTEE shall keep the property insured in an amount sufficient to permit such insurance to be written at all times on a replacement cost basis. Such insurance shall cover the following hazards, as applicable: • Loss or damage by fire and such other risks; • Loss or damage from leakage or sprinkler systems now or hereafter installed in any building on the premises; • Loss or damage by explosion of steam boilers, pressure vessels, oil or gasoline storage tanks or similar apparatus now or hereafter installed in a building or building on the premises. Property Insurance coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect during the term of this Grant and throughout the commitment period described in Special Terms and Conditions Section 5, 14, and 15 Fidelity Insurance. Every officer, director, employee, or agent who is authorized to act on behalf of the GRANTEE for the purpose of receiving or depositing funds into program accounts or issuing financial documents, checks, or other instruments of payment for program costs shall be insured to provide protection against loss: A. The amount of fidelity coverage secured pursuant to this Grant shall be $2,000,000 or the highest of planned reimbursement for the Grant period, whichever is lowest. Fidelity insurance secured pursuant to this paragraph shall name COMMERCE as beneficiary. B. Subgrantees that receive$10,000 or more per year in funding through this Grant shall secure fidelity insurance as noted above. Fidelity insurance secured by Subgrantees pursuant to this paragraph shall name the GRANTEE and the GRANTEE's fiscal agent as beneficiary. Fidelity Insurance coverage shall be maintained in full force and effect from the start date of this Grant until Commerce has issued a Close-Out Letter to the Grantee. Fidelity Insurance must be issued on either(a) a "loss sustained" basis; or(b) if issued on a "loss-discovered" basis, provide coverage for at least six months (6 months)following the date of the Close-Out Letter or include an extended reporting period of at least six months following the date of the Close-Out Letter. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS The insurance required shall be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business within the state of Washington. The insurance shall name the state of Washington, its agents, officers, and employees as additional insureds under the insurance policy. All policies shall be primary to any other valid and collectable insurance. The GRANTEE shall instruct the insurers to give COMMERCE thirty (30)calendar days advance notice of any insurance cancellation or modification. The GRANTEE shall provide to COMMERCE copies of insurance instruments or certifications from the insurance issuing agency. The copies or certifications shall show the insurance coverage, the designated beneficiary, who is covered, the amounts, the period of coverage, and that COMMERCE will be provided thirty(30) days advance written notice of cancellation. During the term of the Grant, the GRANTEE shall submit renewal certificates not less than thirty(30) calendar days prior to expiration of each policy required under this section. Professional Liability, Errors and Omissions Insurance for Contractors. The GRANTEE shall require that any contractors providing professional services that are reimbursable under this Grant maintain Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance. The GRANTEE shall require such contractors to maintain minimum limits of no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. The state of Washington, its agents, officers, and employees need not be named as additional insureds under these policies. GRANTEES and Local Governments that Participate in a Self-Insurance Program. Self-Insured/Liability Pool or Self-Insured Risk Management Program—With prior approval from COMMERCE, the GRANTEE may provide the coverage above under a self-insured/liability pool or self-insured risk management program. In order to obtain permission from COMMERCE, the GRANTEE shall provide: (1) a description of its self-insurance program, and (2) a certificate and/or letter of coverage that outlines coverage limits and deductibles. All self-insured risk management programs or self-insured/liability pool financial reports must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and adhere to accounting standards promulgated by: 1) Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 2) Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and 3)the Washington State Auditor's annual instructions for financial reporting. GRANTEE's participating in joint risk pools shall maintain sufficient documentation to support the aggregate claim liability information reported on the balance sheet. The state of Washington, its agents, and employees need not be named as additional insured under a self-insured property/liability pool, if the pool is prohibited from naming third parties as additional insured. GRANTEE shall provide annually to COMMERCE a summary of coverages and a letter of self insurance, evidencing continued coverage under GRANTEE's self-insured/liability pool or self- insured risk management program. Such annual summary of coverage and letter of self insurance will be provided on the anniversary of the start date of this Agreement. 11. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of an inconsistency in this Grant, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: • Applicable federal and state of Washington statutes and regulations • Special Terms and Conditions • General Terms and Conditions • Attachment A—Scope of Work • Attachment B—Budget • Attachment C—Certification of the Availability of Funds to Complete the Project • Attachment D—Certification of the Payment and Reporting of Prevailing Wages • Attachment E—Certification of Intent to Enter the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification Process 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 12. REDUCTION IN FUNDS In the event state funds appropriated for the work contemplated under this contract are withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way by the Governor or the Washington State Legislature during the contract period, the parties hereto shall be bound by any such revised funding limitations as implemented at the discretion of COMMERCE, and shall meet and renegotiate the contract accordingly. 13. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT/CAPITAL FACILITIES COMMERCE makes no claim to any real property improved or constructed with funds awarded under this contract and does not assert and will not acquire any ownership interest in or title to the capital facilities and/or equipment constructed or purchased with state funds under this contract; provided, however, that COMMERCE may be granted a security interest in real property, to secure funds awarded under this contract. This provision does not extend to claims that COMMERCE may bring against the GRANTEE in recapturing funds expended in violation of this contract. 14. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR USE FOR GRANTEE-OWNED PROPERTY A. The GRANTEE understands and agrees that any and all real property or facilities owned by the GRANTEE that are acquired, constructed, or otherwise improved by the GRANTEE using state funds under this contract, shall be held and used by the GRANTEE for the purpose or purposes stated elsewhere in this contract for a period of at least ten (10) years from the later of: (1)the date the final payment is made hereunder; or(2)the date when the facility improved or acquired with grant funds, or a distinct phase of the Project, is made usable to the public for the purpose intended by the Legislature. B. This provision shall not be construed to prohibit the GRANTEE from selling any property or properties described in this section; Provided, that any such sale shall be subject to prior review and approval by COMMERCE, and that all proceeds from such sale shall be applied to the purchase price of a different facility or facilities of equal or greater value than the original facility and that any such new facility or facilities will be used for the purpose or purposes stated elsewhere in this contract. C. In the event the GRANTEE is found to be out of compliance with this section, the GRANTEE shall repay to the state general fund the principal amount of the grant, plus interest calculated at the rate of interest on state of Washington general obligation bonds issued most closely to the effective date of the legislation in which the subject facility was authorized. Repayment shall be made pursuant to Section 27 (Recapture provision) of the General Terms and Conditions. 15. CHANGE OF USE FOR LEASED PROPERTY PERFORMANCE MEASURE A. The GRANTEE understands and agrees that any facility leased by the GRANTEE that is constructed, renovated, or otherwise improved using state funds under this contract shall be used by the GRANTEE for the purpose or purposes stated elsewhere in this contract for a period of at least ten (10) years from the later of: (1)the date the final payment is made hereunder; or(2) the date when the facility improved or acquired with grant funds, or a distinct phase of the Project, is made usable to the public for the purpose intended by the Legislature. B. In the event the GRANTEE is found to be out of compliance with this section, the GRANTEE shall repay to the state general fund the principal amount of the grant, plus interest calculated at the rate of interest on state of Washington general obligation bonds issued most closely to the effective date of the legislation in which the subject facility was authorized. Repayment shall be made pursuant to Section 27 (Recapture provision) of the General Terms and Conditions. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 16. MODIFICATION TO THE PROJECT BUDGET A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the GRANTEE may, at its discretion, make modifications to line items in the Project Budget (Attachment B), hereof, that will not increase the line item by more than fifteen percent (15%). B. The GRANTEE shall notify COMMERCE in writing (by email or regular mail)when proposing any budget modification or modifications to a line item in the Project Budget(Attachment B,) hereof, that would increase the line item by more than fifteen percent(15%). Conversely, COMMERCE may initiate the budget modification approval process if presented with a request for payment under this contract that would cause one or more budget line items to exceed the 15 percent (15%) threshold increase described above. C. Any such budget modification or modifications as described above shall require the written approval of COMMERCE (by email or regular mail), and such written approval shall amend the Project Budget. Each party to this contract will retain and make any and all documents related to such budget modifications a part of their respective contract file. D. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit an increase in the amount of funds available for the Project, as set forth in Section 2 of this contract. 17. SIGNAGE, MARKERS AND PUBLICATIONS If, during the period covered by this contract, the GRANTEE displays or circulates any communication, publication, or donor recognition identifying the financial participants in the Project, any such communication or publication must identify"The Taxpayers of Washington State" as a participant. 18. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ARTIFACTS Prior to approval and disbursement of any funds awarded under this Contract, GRANTEE shall cooperate with COMMERCE to complete the requirements of Governor's Executive Order 21-02 or GRANTEE shall complete a review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, if applicable. GRANTEE agrees that the GRANTEE is legally and financially responsible for compliance with all laws, regulations, and agreements related to the preservation of historical or cultural resources and agrees to hold harmless COMMERCE and the state of Washington in relation to any claim related to such historical or cultural resources discovered, disturbed, or damaged as a result of the project funded by this Contract. In addition to the requirements set forth in this Contract, GRANTEE shall, in accordance with Governor's Executive Order 21-02 as applicable, coordinate with Commerce and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation ("DAHP"), including any recommended consultation with any affected tribe(s), during Project design and prior to construction to determine the existence of any tribal cultural resources affected by Project. GRANTEE agrees to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to the cultural resource as a continuing prerequisite to receipt of funds under this Contract. The GRANTEE agrees that, unless the GRANTEE is proceeding under an approved historical and cultural monitoring plan or other memorandum of agreement, if historical or cultural artifacts are discovered during construction, the GRANTEE shall immediately stop construction and notify the local historical preservation officer and the state's historical preservation officer at DAHP, and the Commerce Representative identified on the Face Sheet. If human remains are uncovered, the GRANTEE shall report the presence and location of the remains to the coroner and local enforcement immediately, then contact DAHP and the concerned tribe's cultural staff or committee. The GRANTEE shall require this provision to be contained in all subcontracts for work or services related to the Scope of Work attached hereto. 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS In addition to the requirements set forth in this Contract, GRANTEE agrees to comply with RCW 27.44 regarding Indian Graves and Records; RCW 27.53 regarding Archaeological Sites and Resources; RCW 68.60 regarding Abandoned and Historic Cemeteries and Historic Graves; and WAC 25-48 regarding Archaeological Excavation and Removal Permits. Completion of the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act shall substitute for completion of Governor's Executive Order 21-02. In the event that the GRANTEE finds it necessary to amend the Scope of Work the GRANTEE may be required to re-comply with Governor's Executive Order 21-02 or Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. 19. REAPPROPRIATION A. The parties hereto understand and agree that any state funds not expended by June 30, 2025 will lapse on that date unless specifically reappropriated by the Washington State Legislature. If funds are so reappropriated, the state's obligation under the terms of this contract shall be contingent upon the terms of such reappropriation. B. In the event any funds awarded under this contract are reappropriated for use in a future biennium, COMMERCE reserves the right to assign a reasonable share of any such reappropriation for administrative costs. 20. TERMINATION FOR FRAUD OR MISREPRESENTATION In the event the GRANTEE commits fraud or makes any misrepresentation in connection with the Grant application or during the performance of this contract, COMMERCE reserves the right to terminate or amend this contract accordingly, including the right to recapture all funds disbursed to the GRANTEE under the Grant. 21. FRAUD AND OTHER LOSS REPORTING Grantee shall report in writing all known or suspected fraud or other loss of any funds or other property furnished under this Contract immediately or as soon as practicable to the Commerce Representative identified on the Face Sheet. 22. PUBLIC RECORDS ACT Notwithstanding General Terms and Conditions Section 11, COMMERCE is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW (the"PRA"). Under the PRA, all materials relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by COMMERCE or its functional equivalents are considered public records. The PRA requires that public records responsive to a public records request be promptly produced unless the PRA or an "other statute" exempts such records from production. This Agreement is not intended to alter COMMERCE's obligations under the PRA. The parties agree that if COMMERCE receives a public records request for files that may include confidential information under General Terms and Conditions Section 11, COMMERCE will notify the other party of the request and of the date that the records will be released to the requester unless GRANTEE obtains a court order enjoining disclosure. If the GRANTEE fails to obtain the court order enjoining disclosure, COMMERCE may release the requested information on the date specified. If the GRANTEE obtains a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining disclosure pursuant to the PRA, COMMERCE shall maintain the confidentiality of the information per the court order. 23. APPLICABILITY OF COPYRIGHT PROVISIONS TO ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING DESIGN WORK The"Copyright Provisions", Section 13 of the General Terms and Conditions, are not intended to apply to any architectural and engineering design work funded by this grant. 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Grant, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: A. "Authorized Representative" shall mean the Director and/or the designee authorized in writing to act on the Director's behalf. B. "COMMERCE" shall mean the Department of Commerce. C. "Grant" and "Agreement" and "Contract" shall mean the entire written agreement between COMMERCE and the GRANTEE, including any exhibits, attachments, documents, or materials incorporated by reference, and any amendments executed by the parties. D. "GRANTEE" shall mean the entity identified on the face sheet performing service(s) under this Grant, and shall include all employees and agents of the GRANTEE. E. "Personal Information"shall mean information identifiable to any person, including, but not limited to, information that relates to a person's name, health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services or other activities, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, other identifying numbers, and any financial identifiers. F. "State"shall mean the state of Washington. G. "Subgrantee/subcontractor" shall mean one not in the employment of the GRANTEE, who is performing all or part of those services under this Grant under a separate Grant with the GRANTEE. The terms"subgrantee/subcontractor" refers to any tier. H. "Subrecipient" shall mean a non-federal entity that expends federal awards received from a pass- through entity to carry out a federal program, but does not include an individual that is a beneficiary of such a program. It also excludes vendors that receive federal funds in exchange for goods and/or services in the course of normal trade or commerce. I. "Vendor" is an entity that agrees to provide the amount and kind of services requested by COMMERCE; provides services under the grant only to those beneficiaries individually determined to be eligible by COMMERCE and, provides services on a fee-for-service or per-unit basis with contractual penalties if the entity fails to meet program performance standards. 2. ACCESS TO DATA In compliance with RCW 39.26.180, the GRANTEE shall provide access to data generated under this Grant to COMMERCE, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, and the Office of the State Auditor at no additional cost. This includes access to all information that supports the findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the GRANTEE's reports, including computer models and the methodology for those models. 3. ADVANCE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED No payments in advance of or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this Grant shall be made by COMMERCE. 4. ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED HEREIN This Grant contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Grant shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. 5. AMENDMENTS This Grant may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 6. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, PUBLIC LAW 101-336, also referred to as the "ADA" 28 CFR Part 35 The GRANTEE must comply with the ADA, which provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunications. 7. ASSIGNMENT Neither this Grant, nor any claim arising under this Grant, shall be transferred or assigned by the GRANTEE without prior written consent of COMMERCE. 8. ATTORNEYS' FEES Unless expressly permitted under another provision of the Grant, in the event of litigation or other action brought to enforce Grant terms, each party agrees to bear its own attorneys' fees and costs. 9. AUDIT A. General Requirements COMMERCE reserves the right to require an audit. If required, GRANTEEs are to procure audit services based on the following guidelines. The GRANTEE shall maintain its records and accounts so as to facilitate audits and shall ensure that subgrantees also maintain auditable records. The GRANTEE is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its subgrantees. COMMERCE reserves the right to recover from the GRANTEE all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report. The GRANTEE must respond to COMMERCE requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues within thirty(30) days of the date of request. B. State Funds Requirements In the event an audit is required, if the GRANTEE is a state or local government entity, the Office of the State Auditor shall conduct the audit. Audits of non-profit organizations are to be conducted by a certified public accountant selected by the GRANTEE. The GRANTEE shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts. In any case, the GRANTEE's records must be available for review by COMMERCE. C. Documentation Requirements The GRANTEE must send a copy of the audit report described above no later than nine (9) months after the end of the GRANTEE's fiscal year(s) by sending a scanned copy to auditreview(a_commerce.wa.gov or a hard copy to: Department of Commerce ATTN: Audit Review and Resolution Office 1011 Plum Street SE PO Box 42525 Olympia WA 98504-2525 In addition to sending a copy of the audit, when applicable, the GRANTEE must include: • Corrective action plan for audit findings within three (3) months of the audit being received by COMMERCE. 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS • Copy of the Management Letter. If the GRANTEE is required to obtain a Single Audit consistent with Circular A-133 requirements, a copy must be provided to COMMERCE; no other report is required. 10. BREACHES OF OTHER STATE CONTRACTS GRANTEE is expected to comply with all other contracts executed between GRANTEE and the State of Washington. A breach of any other agreement entered into between GRANTEE and the State of Washington may, in COMMERCE's discretion, be deemed a breach of this Agreement. 11. CONFIDENTIALITY/SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION A. "Confidential Information" as used in this section includes: 1. All material provided to the GRANTEE by COMMERCE that is designated as "confidential" by COMMERCE; 2. All material produced by the GRANTEE that is designated as "confidential" by COMMERCE; and 3. All personal information in the possession of the GRANTEE that may not be disclosed under state or federal law. "Personal information" includes but is not limited to information related to a person's name, health, finances, education, business, use of government services, addresses, telephone numbers, social security number, driver's license number and other identifying numbers, and "Protected Health Information" under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). B. The GRANTEE shall comply with all state and federal laws related to the use, sharing, transfer, sale, or disclosure of Confidential Information. The GRANTEE shall use Confidential Information solely for the purposes of this Grant and shall not use, share, transfer, sell or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party except with the prior written consent of COMMERCE or as may be required by law. The GRANTEE shall take all necessary steps to assure that Confidential Information is safeguarded to prevent unauthorized use, sharing, transfer, sale or disclosure of Confidential Information or violation of any state or federal laws related thereto. Upon request, the GRANTEE shall provide COMMERCE with its policies and procedures on confidentiality. COMMERCE may require changes to such policies and procedures as they apply to this Grant whenever COMMERCE reasonably determines that changes are necessary to prevent unauthorized disclosures. The GRANTEE shall make the changes within the time period specified by COMMERCE. Upon request, the GRANTEE shall immediately return to COMMERCE any Confidential Information that COMMERCE reasonably determines has not been adequately protected by the GRANTEE against unauthorized disclosure. C. Unauthorized Use or Disclosure. The GRANTEE shall notify COMMERCE within five (5)working days of any unauthorized use or disclosure of any confidential information, and shall take necessary steps to mitigate the harmful effects of such use or disclosure. 12. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Notwithstanding any determination by the Executive Ethics Board or other tribunal, COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, by written notice to the GRANTEE terminate this contract if it is found after due notice and examination by COMMERCE that there is a violation of the Ethics in Public Service Act, Chapters 42.52 RCW and 42.23 RCW; or any similar statute involving the GRANTEE in the procurement of, or performance under this contract. Specific restrictions apply to contracting with current or former state employees pursuant to chapter 42.52 of the Revised Code of Washington. The GRANTEE and their subcontractor(s) must identify any person employed in any capacity by the state of Washington that worked on this Grant, or any matter related to the project funded under this Grant or any other state funded project, including but not limited to formulating or drafting legislation, participating in grant procurement, planning and 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS execution, awarding grants, or monitoring grants, during the 24 month period preceding the start date of this Grant. Any person identified by the GRANTEE and their subcontractors(s) must be identified individually by name, the agency previously or currently employed by,job title or position held, and separation date. If it is determined by COMMERCE that a conflict of interest exists, the GRANTEE may be disqualified from further consideration for the award of a Grant. In the event this contract is terminated as provided above, COMMERCE shall be entitled to pursue the same remedies against the GRANTEE as it could pursue in the event of a breach of the contract by the GRANTEE. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided for in this clause shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. The existence of facts upon which COMMERCE makes any determination under this clause shall be an issue and may be reviewed as provided in the "Disputes" clause of this contract. 13. COPYRIGHT PROVISIONS Unless otherwise provided, all Materials produced under this Grant shall be considered "works for hire"as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act and shall be owned by COMMERCE. COMMERCE shall be considered the author of such Materials. In the event the Materials are not considered "works for hire" under the U.S. Copyright laws, the GRANTEE hereby irrevocably assigns all right, title, and interest in all Materials, including all intellectual property rights, moral rights, and rights of publicity to COMMERCE effective from the moment of creation of such Materials. "Materials" means all items in any format and includes, but is not limited to, data, reports, documents, pamphlets, advertisements, books, magazines, surveys, studies, computer programs, films, tapes, and/or sound reproductions. "Ownership" includes the right to copyright, patent, register and the ability to transfer these rights. For Materials that are delivered under the Grant, but that incorporate pre-existing materials not produced under the Grant, the GRANTEE hereby grants to COMMERCE a nonexclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license (with rights to sublicense to others) in such Materials to translate, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works, publicly perform, and publicly display. The GRANTEE warrants and represents that the GRANTEE has all rights and permissions, including intellectual property rights, moral rights and rights of publicity, necessary to grant such a license to COMMERCE. The GRANTEE shall exert all reasonable effort to advise COMMERCE, at the time of delivery of Materials furnished under this Grant, of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document which was not produced in the performance of this Grant. The GRANTEE shall provide COMMERCE with prompt written notice of each notice or claim of infringement received by the GRANTEE with respect to any Materials delivered under this Grant. COMMERCE shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the Materials by the GRANTEE. 14. DISPUTES Except as otherwise provided in this Grant, when a dispute arises between the parties and it cannot be resolved by direct negotiation, either party may request a dispute hearing with the Director of COMMERCE, who may designate a neutral person to decide the dispute. The request for a dispute hearing must: • be in writing; • state the disputed issues; • state the relative positions of the parties; • state the GRANTEE's name, address, and Contract number; and • be mailed to the Director and the other party's (respondent's) Grant Representative within three (3)working days after the parties agree that they cannot resolve the dispute. The respondent shall send a written answer to the requestor's statement to both the Director or the Director's designee and the requestor within five (5)working days. 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS The Director or designee shall review the written statements and reply in writing to both parties within ten (10)working days. The Director or designee may extend this period if necessary by notifying the parties. The decision shall not be admissible in any succeeding judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. The parties agree that this dispute process shall precede any action in a judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal. Nothing in this Grant shall be construed to limit the parties' choice of a mutually acceptable alternate dispute resolution (ADR) method in addition to the dispute hearing procedure outlined above. 15. DUPLICATE PAYMENT COMMERCE shall not pay the GRANTEE, if the GRANTEE has charged or will charge the State of Washington or any other party under any other Grant, subgrant/subcontract, or agreement, for the same services or expenses. The GRANTEE certifies that work to be performed under this contract does not duplicate any work to be charged against any other grant, subgrant/subcontract, or agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Grant shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 17. INDEMNIFICATION To the fullest extent permitted by law, the GRANTEE shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the state of Washington, COMMERCE, agencies of the state and all officials, agents and employees of the state, from and against all claims for injuries or death arising out of or resulting from the performance of the contract. "Claim" as used in this contract, means any financial loss, claim, suit, action, damage, or expense, including but not limited to attorneys'fees, attributable for bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or injury to or the destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefrom. The GRANTEE's obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless includes any claim by GRANTEE's agents, employees, representatives, or any subgrantee/subcontractor or its employees. The Contractor's obligation shall not include such claims that may be caused by the sole negligence of the State and its agencies, officials, agents, and employees. If the claims or damages are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of(a)the State, its agents or employees and (b) the Contractor, its subcontractors, agents, or employees, this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the Contractor or its subcontractors, agents, or employees. The GRANTEE waives its immunity under Title 51 RCW to the extent it is required to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the state and its agencies, officers, agents or employees. 18. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY OF THE GRANTEE The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this Grant. The GRANTEE and its employees or agents performing under this Contract are not employees or agents of the state of Washington or COMMERCE. The GRANTEE will not hold itself out as or claim to be an officer or employee of COMMERCE or of the state of Washington by reason hereof, nor will the GRANTEE make any claim of right, privilege or benefit which would accrue to such officer or employee under law. Conduct and control of the work will be solely with the GRANTEE. 5 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 19. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE The GRANTEE shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 51 RCW, Industrial Insurance. If the GRANTEE fails to provide industrial insurance coverage or fails to pay premiums or penalties on behalf of its employees as may be required by law, COMMERCE may collect from the GRANTEE the full amount payable to the Industrial Insurance Accident Fund. COMMERCE may deduct the amount owed by the GRANTEE to the accident fund from the amount payable to the GRANTEE by COMMERCE under this Contract, and transmit the deducted amount to the Department of Labor and Industries, (L&I) Division of Insurance Services. This provision does not waive any of L&I's rights to collect from the GRANTEE. 20. LAWS The GRANTEE shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, regulations and policies of local and state and federal governments, as now or hereafter amended. 21. LICENSING, ACCREDITATION AND REGISTRATION The GRANTEE shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal licensing, accreditation and registration requirements or standards necessary for the performance of this Contract. 22. LIMITATION OF AUTHORITY Only the Authorized Representative or Authorized Representative's delegate by writing (delegation to be made prior to action) shall have the express, implied, or apparent authority to alter, amend, modify, or waive any clause or condition of this Contract. Furthermore, any alteration, amendment, modification, or waiver or any clause or condition of this contract is not effective or binding unless made in writing and signed by the Authorized Representative. 23. NONCOMPLIANCE WITH NONDISCRIMINATION LAWS During the performance of this Grant, the GRANTEE shall comply with all federal, state, and local nondiscrimination laws, regulations and policies. In the event of the GRANTEE's non-compliance or refusal to comply with any nondiscrimination law, regulation or policy, this Grant may be rescinded, canceled or terminated in whole or in part, and the GRANTEE may be declared ineligible for further Grants with COMMERCE. The GRANTEE shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to cure this noncompliance. Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth herein. The funds provided under this contract may not be used to fund religious worship, exercise, or instruction. No person shall be required to participate in any religious worship, exercise, or instruction in order to have access to the facilities funded by this grant. 24. PAY EQUITY The GRANTEE agrees to ensure that"similarly employed" individuals in its workforce are compensated as equals, consistent with the following: a. Employees are "similarly employed" if the individuals work for the same employer, the performance of the job requires comparable skill, effort, and responsibility, and the jobs are performed under similar working conditions. Job titles alone are not determinative of whether employees are similarly employed; b. GRANTEE may allow differentials in compensation for its workers if the differentials are based in good faith and on any of the following: (i)A seniority system; a merit system; a system that measures earnings by quantity or quality of production; a bona fide job-related factor or factors; or a bona fide regional difference in compensation levels. 6 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS (ii)A bona fide job-related factor or factors may include, but not be limited to, education, training, or experience that is: Consistent with business necessity; not based on or derived from a gender-based differential; and accounts for the entire differential. (iii)A bona fide regional difference in compensation level must be: Consistent with business necessity; not based on or derived from a gender-based differential; and account for the entire differential. This Contract may be terminated by COMMERCE, if COMMERCE or the Department of Enterprise services determines that the GRANTEE is not in compliance with this provision. 25. POLITICAL ACTIVITIES Political activity of GRANTEE employees and officers are limited by the State Campaign Finances and Lobbying provisions of Chapter 42.17a RCW and the Federal Hatch Act, 5 USC 1501 - 1508. No funds may be used for working for or against ballot measures or for or against the candidacy of any person for public office. 26. PUBLICITY The GRANTEE agrees not to publish or use any advertising or publicity materials in which the state of Washington or COMMERCE's name is mentioned, or language used from which the connection with the state of Washington's or COMMERCE's name may reasonably be inferred or implied, without the prior written consent of COMMERCE. 27. RECAPTURE In the event that the GRANTEE fails to perform this Grant in accordance with state laws, federal laws, and/or the provisions of this Grant, COMMERCE reserves the right to recapture funds in an amount to compensate COMMERCE for the noncompliance in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. Repayment by the GRANTEE of funds under this recapture provision shall occur within the time period specified by COMMERCE. In the alternative, COMMERCE may recapture such funds from payments due under this Grant. 28. RECORDS MAINTENANCE The GRANTEE shall maintain books, records, documents, data and other evidence relating to this Grant and performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to accounting procedures and practices that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Grant. GRANTEE shall retain such records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. At no additional cost, these records, including materials generated under the Grant, shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review or audit by COMMERCE, personnel duly authorized by COMMERCE, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, regulation or agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6)year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. 29. REGISTRATION WITH DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE If required by law, the GRANTEE shall complete registration with the Washington State Department of Revenue. 7 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-9OA3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS 30. RIGHT OF INSPECTION At no additional cost, the GRANTEE shall provide right of access to its facilities to COMMERCE, or any of its officers, or to any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington or the federal government, at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance under this Grant. 31. SAVINGS In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Grant and prior to normal completion, COMMERCE may terminate the Grant under the "Termination for Convenience" clause, without the ten calendar day notice requirement. In lieu of termination, the Grant may be amended to reflect the new funding limitations and conditions. 32. SEVERABILITY The provisions of this Grant are intended to be severable. If any term or provision is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Grant. 33. SITE SECURITY While on COMMERCE premises, GRANTEE, its agents, employees, or subcontractors shall conform in all respects with physical, fire or other security policies or regulations. 34. SUBGRANTING/SUBCONTRACTING Neither the GRANTEE nor any subgrantee/subcontractor shall enter into subgrants/subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this contract without obtaining prior written approval of COMMERCE. In no event shall the existence of the subgrant/subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the GRANTEE to COMMERCE for any breach in the performance of the GRANTEE's duties. This clause does not include Grants of employment between the GRANTEE and personnel assigned to work under this Grant. Additionally, the GRANTEE is responsible for ensuring that all terms, conditions, assurances and certifications set forth in this agreement are carried forward to any subgrants/subcontracts. Every subgrant/subcontract shall include a term that COMMERCE and the State of Washington are not liable for claims or damages arising from a subgrantee's/subcontractor's performance of the subgrant/subcontract. GRANTEE and its subgrantees/subcontractors agree not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell or otherwise make known to unauthorized persons personal information without the express written consent of COMMERCE or as provided by law. 35. SURVIVAL The terms, conditions, and warranties contained in this Grant that by their sense and context are intended to survive the completion of the performance, cancellation or termination of this Grant shall so survive. 36. TAXES All payments accrued on account of payroll taxes, unemployment contributions, the GRANTEE's income or gross receipts, any other taxes, insurance or expenses for the GRANTEE or its staff shall be the sole responsibility of the GRANTEE. 37. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE In the event COMMERCE determines the GRANTEE has failed to comply with the conditions of this Grant in a timely manner, COMMERCE has the right to suspend or terminate this Grant. 8 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS Before suspending or terminating the Grant, COMMERCE shall notify the GRANTEE in writing of the need to take corrective action. If corrective action is not taken within 30 calendar days, the Grant may be terminated or suspended. In the event of termination or suspension, the GRANTEE shall be liable for damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original Grant and the replacement or cover Grant and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement Grant, e.g., cost of the competitive bidding, mailing, advertising and staff time. COMMERCE reserves the right to suspend all or part of the Grant, withhold further payments, or prohibit the GRANTEE from incurring additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged compliance breach and pending corrective action by the GRANTEE or a decision by COMMERCE to terminate the Grant. A termination shall be deemed a "Termination for Convenience" if it is determined that the GRANTEE: (1)was not in default; or(2)failure to perform was outside of his or her control, fault or negligence. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided in this Grant are not exclusive and are, in addition to any other rights and remedies, provided by law. 38. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as otherwise provided in this Grant, COMMERCE may, by ten (10) business days written notice, beginning on the second day after the mailing, terminate this Grant, in whole or in part. If this Grant is so terminated, COMMERCE shall be liable only for payment required under the terms of this Grant for services rendered or goods delivered prior to the effective date of termination. 39. TERMINATION PROCEDURES Upon termination of this Grant, COMMERCE, in addition to any other rights provided in this Grant, may require the GRANTEE to deliver to COMMERCE any property specifically produced or acquired for the performance of such part of this Grant as has been terminated. The provisions of the "Treatment of Assets" clause shall apply in such property transfer. COMMERCE shall pay to the GRANTEE the agreed upon price, if separately stated, for completed work and services accepted by COMMERCE, and the amount agreed upon by the GRANTEE and COMMERCE for(i) completed work and services for which no separate price is stated, (ii) partially completed work and services, (iii)other property or services that are accepted by COMMERCE, and (iv)the protection and preservation of property, unless the termination is for default, in which case the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE shall determine the extent of the liability of COMMERCE. Failure to agree with such determination shall be a dispute within the meaning of the "Disputes" clause of this Grant. COMMERCE may withhold from any amounts due the GRANTEE such sum as the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE determines to be necessary to protect COMMERCE against potential loss or liability. The rights and remedies of COMMERCE provided in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this contract. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, the GRANTEE shall: 1. Stop work under the Grant on the date, and to the extent specified, in the notice; 2. Place no further orders or subgrants/subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the Grant that is not terminated; 3. Assign to COMMERCE, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, all of the rights, title, and interest of the GRANTEE under the orders and subgrants/subcontracts so terminated, in which case COMMERCE has the right, at its 9 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS GENERAL GRANT STATE FUNDS discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subgrants/subcontracts; 4. Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE to the extent AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; 5. Transfer title to COMMERCE and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE any property which, if the Grant had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to COMMERCE; 6. Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE; and 7. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this Grant, which is in the possession of the GRANTEE and in which COMMERCE has or may acquire an interest. 40. TREATMENT OF ASSETS Title to all property furnished by COMMERCE shall remain in COMMERCE. Title to all property furnished by the GRANTEE, for the cost of which the GRANTEE is entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost under this Grant, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon delivery of such property by the GRANTEE. Title to other property, the cost of which is reimbursable to the GRANTEE under this Grant, shall pass to and vest in COMMERCE upon (i) issuance for use of such property in the performance of this Grant, or (ii) commencement of use of such property in the performance of this Grant, or (iii) reimbursement of the cost thereof by COMMERCE in whole or in part, whichever first occurs. A. Any property of COMMERCE furnished to the GRANTEE shall, unless otherwise provided herein or approved by COMMERCE, be used only for the performance of this Grant. B. The GRANTEE shall be responsible for any loss or damage to property of COMMERCE that results from the negligence of the GRANTEE or which results from the failure on the part of the GRANTEE to maintain and administer that property in accordance with sound management practices. C. If any COMMERCE property is lost, destroyed or damaged, the GRANTEE shall immediately notify COMMERCE and shall take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further damage. D. The GRANTEE shall surrender to COMMERCE all property of COMMERCE prior to settlement upon completion, termination or cancellation of this Grant All reference to the GRANTEE under this clause shall also include GRANTEE'S employees, agents or subgrantees/subcontractors. 41. WAIVER Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Grant unless stated to be such in writing and signed by Authorized Representative of COMMERCE. 10 DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF Attachment A Scope of Work Funds awarded under this grant shall be used by the City of Kent for the first of phase of construction for East Hill North Community Park located at 13525 SE 216th St Kent, WA 98042. The first phase of construction will result in immediate public park access and will include, but not be limited to, construction of an on-site parking lot, a restroom, loop trail, informal play lawn, picnic shelter, access to the Soos Creek Trail and a nature-based playground.Water service will be required for a restroom. Geo technical investigations and natural area delineations will assist with park design and determine where park features like the parking lot, shelters, playgrounds, and trails can be built. Lastly, there will be storm water treatment and frontage improvements which are all linked to the construction of a parking lot. This project will serve as a benefit to the public by providing recreational access for a growing area of the city. This site will serve as a new top tier park location for this community. This project will substantially improve park access and improved amenities. This park will provide new trails for all ages and abilities, provide immersive nature-based experiences, and community gathering area and space for variety of events. DocuSigned by,: LV pnticipated to be completed by June 2025. Un.A. tine# the work will only be reimbursed to the extent the work is determined by Commerce to be within the scope of the legislative appropriation. Mayor 12/13/2023 1 4:10 PM PST CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE MEASURE The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that the Scope of Work set forth above has been reviewed and approved by the GRANTEE's governing body as of the date and year written below. GRANTEE TITLE DATE DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF Attachment B Budget Line Item Amount Construction $4,680,000.00 Other: Permittin , Land Survey, Site Geo Technical Work $250,000.00 Total Contracted Amount: $4,930,000.00 CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE MEASURE The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that the Project Budget set forth above has been reviewed and approved by the GRANTEE's governing body or board of directors, as applicable, as of the date and year written below. DocuSigneed,Iby: 142 GRANTEE 1 Mayor TITLE 12/13/2023 1 4:10 PM PST DATE DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF Attachment C Certification of the Availability of Funds to Complete the Project Non-State Funds Amount Total City of Kent Parks Capital $1,000,000.00 America Resucue Plan Act $1,000,000.00 Total Non-State Funds $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 State Funds State Capital Budget $970,000.00 Department of Commerce 21-23 22-96634-128 $1,960,000.00 Total State Funds $2,930,00.00 $2,930,000.00 Total Non-State and State Sources $4,930,000.00 CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE MEASURE The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that project funding from sources other than those provided by this contract and identified above has been reviewed and approved by the GRANTEE's governing body or board of directors, as applicable, and has either been expended for eligible Project expenses, or is committed in writing and available and will remain committed and available solely and specifically for carrying out the purposes of this Project as described in elsewhere in this contract, as of the date and year written below. The GRANTEE shall maintain records sufficient to evidence that it has expended or has access to the funds needed to complete the Project, and shall make such records available for COMMERCE'S review upon reasonable request. IV DocuSigned by: m.A- 1`*L 149 GRANTEE Mayor TITLE 12/13/2023 1 4:10 PM PST DATE DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF Attachment D Certification of the Payment and Reporting of Prevailing Wages CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE MEASURE The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that all contractors and subcontractors performing work on the Project shall comply with prevailing wage laws set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW, as applicable on the date the Project appropriation becomes effective, including but not limited to the filing of the "Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" and "Affidavit of Wages Paid" as required by RCW 39.12.040. The GRANTEE shall maintain records sufficient to evidence compliance with Chapter 39.12 RCW, and shall make such records available for COMMERCE'S review upon request. If any state funds are used by the GRANTEE for the purpose of construction, applicable State Prevailing Wages must be paid. The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that the declaration set forth above has been reviewed and approved by the GRANTEE's governing body as of the date and year written below. DocuSigneed Iby: GRANTEE1 Mayor TITLE 12/13/2023 4:10 PM PST DATE DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-90A3-31C79112BODF Attachment E Certification of Intent to Enter the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification Process CERTIFICATION PERFORMANCE MEASURE The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that it will enter into the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification process, as stipulated in RCW 39.35D, as applicable to the Project funded by this contract. The GRANTEE shall, upon receipt of LEED certification by the United States Green Building Council, provide documentation of such certification to COMMERCE. The GRANTEE, by its signature, certifies that the declaration set forth above has been reviewed and approved by the GRANTEE's governing body or board of directors, as applicable, as of the date and year written below. GRANTEE TITLE DATE Not Applicable DocuSign Envelope ID:353C9E9E-C3AF-4350-9OA3-31C79112BODF Community Capital Facilities Routing List Name &Title Signature Date Erin Lalonde Budget Analyst Review&Approval DocuSigned by: E w WhV41, 1.2/13/2023 9:26 AM PST 3FFFOA48BBF04A0... Addeline Craig Managing Director Review &Approval DocuSigned by: d,�llil.t� ��� Ea0616141OF7AO449 1 /14/2023 1 10:36 AM PST ... Tony Hanson Deputy Director Final Review&Approval DocuSigned by: 1 /14/2023 1 10:58 AM PST E65C599C401AD40A... DocuSign Certificate Of Completion Envelope Id:353C9E9EC3AF43509OA331C79112BODF Status:Completed Subject: Please DocuSign: 19-21 Contract-CMS Merge.docx, LDR APPROVAL CAPITAL PROGRAMS.pdf Division: Local Government Program:CCF-Capital Programs Co ntractN u m ber:24-96647-080 DocumentType:Contract Source Envelope: Document Pages:29 Signatures:9 Envelope Originator: Certificate Pages:6 Initials:0 Katrina Perez AutoNav: Enabled 1011 Plum Street SE Envelopeld Stamping:Enabled MS 42525 Time Zone:(UTC-08:00)Pacific Time(US&Canada) Olympia,WA 98504-2525 Katrina.Perez@commerce.wa.gov IP Address: Record Tracking Status:Original Holder: Katrina Perez Location: DocuSign 12/13/2023 5:34:34 AM Katrina.Perez@commerce.wa.gov Security Appliance Status:Connected Pool:StateLocal Storage Appliance Status: Connected Pool:Washington State Department of Commerce Location: DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp Erin LaLondeS9��"�d11' d� Sent: 12/13/2023 5:38:42 AM erin.lalonde@commerce.wa.gov �w tf^iN�//' Viewed: 12/13/2023 9:25:42 AM SecurityLevel:Email Account Authentication ED 3FFFOA48BBF04AO Signed: 12/13/2023 9:26:44 AM � 9 (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Dana Ralph EDI-Sig"Id by: Sent: 12/13/2023 9:26:45 AM dralph@kentwa.gov MA FA tL Viewed: 12/13/2023 4:07:59 PM Mayor 93F99067Fo24442 Signed: 12/13/2023 4:10:30 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Accepted:8/30/2021 8:46:06 AM ID:7b663943-2c38-4dd2-a37c-8da3bd6f4fd9 Addeline Craig D .Sg dby: Sent: 12/14/2023 10:35:34 AM addeline.craig@commerce.wa.gov E �p.tLVx CyAio Viewed: 12/14/2023 10:36:48 AM Mana in Director o616141OF7AO44g Signed: 12/14/2023 10:36:58 AM Managing 9 Washington State Department of Commerce Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Signature Adoption: Pre selected Style (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Signer Events Signature Timestamp S" d by:Tony Hanson ED hSent: 12/14/2023 10:37:00 AM tony.hanson@commerce.wa.gov olnl RaanSbin Viewed: 12/14/2023 10:57:55 AM Washington State Department of Commerce 65C599C401AD40A Signed: 12/14/2023 10:58:11 AM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Mark Barkley D Sg Eby: Sent: 12/14/2023 10:58:13 AM mark.barkley@commerce.wa.gov E80312BO4865C458A1°7ot u, Viewed: 12/14/2023 11:58:52 AM Assistant Director Signed: 12/14/2023 11:59:02 AM Washington State Department of Commerce Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style (None) Using IP Address: Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp Katrina Perez I EVIV E D Sent: 12/13/2023 4:10:35 PM katrina.perez@commerce.wa.gov Viewed: 12/14/2023 10:35:33 AM Washington State Department of Commerce Security Level:Email,Account Authentication Using IP Address: (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp Katrina Perez I E Sent: 12/14/2023 11:59:03 AM katrina.perez@commerce.wa.gov COPResent: 12/14/2023 11:59:04 AM Washington State Department of Commerce Viewed: 12/14/2023 12:19:13 PM Security Level:Email,Account Authentication (None) Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure: Not Offered via DocuSign Witness Events Signature Timestamp Notary Events Signature Timestamp Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 12/13/2023 5:38:42 AM Certified Delivered Security Checked 12/14/2023 11:58:52 AM Signing Complete Security Checked 12/14/2023 11:59:02 AM Completed Security Checked 12/14/2023 11:59:03 AM Payment Events Status Timestamps Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on:8/11/2020 4:44:12 PM Parties agreed to: Dana Ralph ELECTRONIC RECORD AND SIGNATURE DISCLOSURE From time to time, Washington State Department of Commerce (we,us or Company) may be required by law to provide to you certain written notices or disclosures. 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Acknowledging your access and consent to receive and sign documents electronically To confirm to us that you can access this information electronically, which will be similar to other electronic notices and disclosures that we will provide to you, please confirm that you have read this ERSD, and(i)that you are able to print on paper or electronically save this ERSD for your future reference and access; or(ii) that you are able to email this ERSD to an email address where you will be able to print on paper or save it for your future reference and access. Further, if you consent to receiving notices and disclosures exclusively in electronic format as described herein, then select the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures' before clicking `CONTINUE' within the DocuSign system. By selecting the check-box next to `I agree to use electronic records and signatures', you confirm that: • You can access and read this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure; and • You can print on paper this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, or save or send this Electronic Record and Disclosure to a location where you can print it, for future reference and access; and • Until or unless you notify Washington State Department of Commerce as described above, you consent to receive exclusively through electronic means all notices, disclosures, authorizations, acknowledgements, and other documents that are required to be provided or made available to you by Washington State Department of Commerce during the course of your relationship with Washington State Department of Commerce. 8.G • KENT *A S M IN G T O N DATE: November 21, 2023 TO: Kent City Council SUBJECT: Washington State Department of Commerce East Hill North Community Park Grant 2023 - Authorize MOTION: I move to accept grant funds in the amount of $970,000 from the Washington Department of Commerce for East Hill North Community Park, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary agreements and other documents, subject to terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. SUMMARY: This Department of Commerce grant for $970,000 through the 2024 Local and Community Projects Program will assist with funding construction of the first phase of development for East Hill North Community Park. BUDGET IMPACT: Unanticipated revenue to the Parks Capital Budget. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. PPD-WASTDeptofCommerceGrant-EHNP-Exhibit (PDF) 11/07/23 Committee of the Whole MOTION PASSES RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS]Next: 11/21/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Michaud, Troutner Packet Pg. 68