HomeMy WebLinkAboutPK14-289 - Application - Arbor Day Foundation - Application ONLY for Tree City USA - 12/14/2023 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: Agreement Routing Form DirAsst: • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: , KEN T This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover (Optional) W A s H I N G T o N Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) Originator: Department: Shayla Ott Parks, Recreation & Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: 0 12/05/2023 Asap fl. Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: Q ❑✓ Mayor or Designee N/A Budget Account Number: Grant? Yes NoF Budget? Yes No Type: N/A Vendor Name: Catego Tree City USA Application Vendor Number: Sub-Category: N/A Other 2023 Tree City USA Recertification done earl Project Name: y � yearly) oProject Details: Recertification of tree city usa. This is Year 21 for the recertification. First = year was 2003. c Basis for Selection of Contractor: � Agreement Amount: 00.00 Other E *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Date: NA Termination Date: NA Q Local Business? Yes FNo*If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,please complete"Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions'form on Cityspace. Business License Verification: Yes In-ProcessW&/Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Authorized Signer Verified Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Numb YesW]No NA PK14-289 Comments: �M Need the Mayor Signature for the recertification on the Arbor Day Foundation "2023 iTree City USA" Application for Certification Document. All pictures and documentation for the recertification are provided with this request. If any question please let me know M CA c at the following number 206-471-9768. v� }, Gillian Dreier-Lawrence �. p Parks Operations- City Arborist i a, •� a, Date Received:City Attorney: 12/12/23 Date Routed:Mayor's Office12/12/23 City Clerk's Office 12/14/23 adccW22373_7_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.20221201 Mayor r or Equivalent Contact Information Dana Ralph F st Name Dana _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Last Name Ralph ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Phone Number 10, +1253 856 5700 Email dra€ph a kentwa_gov ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Scree:Address 0 fourth ave s ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Street Address _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... City State County 220 fourth ave s DNA - King Counter .................................................................................................................................. .................................................. _................................................................................................... Posts! Fade 9803 ...................................................................................................................................................... City Forestry Contact Information * This is the person from your comrnunity we will be reaching out to if we have any questions about the application_ Gillian Dreier-Lawrence + '-Jame Gillian ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Last game Dreier-Lawrence ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Phone Number IN, +1 06 471 768 Email gd refer-law rence(Mkeritwa.gov ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Title MWI ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ PR/Co muni cations Contact Information Haieigh Elliott �► F=rSI Name Heleigh _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Last Name Elliott _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Phone Number ®.� 41253 856 5023 I Email HElliotl@kentwa.gov _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Community Information What category rest describes your ' city Community Name Kent Community's forestry depaftrnent webstte ® https:flkentwa.treekeepersoftware.com/ Communty Facebook 91 https:Jlwww_facebook_com/CityofKentl CoMmur10 tristag-am hitps:iiwww.i nstagrarn.cam;cityofkentl Cominuaty Twitter 1V https:fltwitter_comfcity❑fkent Genaric Email Address for❑kty Govsmmerit" o MyKentParks a@KentVVA_gov Popwatmn x 1347835 Shipping Address for Recognition Materials Shippng Address ft 5821 S 240th St Shipping Address 2 1ft Shipping City Shipping State x Shipping Co:in;y' & Kent DNA king County Shipping Postal Cade fS 98032 Select which best describes your community" Gommunity has a Department Chair or City Manager Wr Department Chair or City Manager Contact Information � Julie Parascondola F.--s!Nai Ile ,Julie _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Last Name Parascendola _............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Prone Number ® #y 253 856 5100 Email jparascendela a[7kenh,va_gov ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................._.._.._.._................................................................................. rtle PaFks Open Spaces and Recreation Director ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ St eer-1d6rese 220 4TH Avenue SOUth _............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Street Address 2 _........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... City 5€aw cbunly 220 4TH Avenue South- WA King Counter .................................................................................................................................. .................................................. _................................................................................................... Pastz! Code 9803 ...................................................................................................................................................... Our Attached Ordinance 0 Is in effect 24/71365 ❑ Addresses,at the very least,all public trees in our community ❑ Delegates authority overall public trees in our community 0 Has clear guidance on the protecting,planting,maintaining,and/or removing of public trees Copy and paste relevant language from your community's uploaded ordinance addressing clear guidance ever public trees in the box below. 6.10.030 Street tree planting plans and standards. A.The planting of street trees in the city shall be governed by general and specific tree planting plans approved by the director.The plans shall be based upon the policies indicated in this chapter and upon the following standards: 1.The director shall evaluate types and varieties of trees on the tree planting list and nature of the particular area to be planted and shall determine in his opinion the best tree planting for the area 2.The director shall approve the general or specific plan.The director, in evaluating the plan prior to approval,may call upon the resources of the department of public works to furnish it with facts concerning the matter- B.The director shall be guided by and apply the following standards in formulating and approving a street tree plan. 1.Trees listed on the official tree planting list are to be used;except that other trees may be planted on an experimental basis in selected areas with specific approval of the director. 2.The prime purpose of beauty shall always be observed. 3.The location of specific trees shall be at suitable intervals with consideration given to avoiding or minimizing interference by the trees with existing or planned utilities,driveway approaches,street intersections and building exposures 4. Selection of a particular species of tree for a specific block,street or section of the city shall be based upon the nature of the species and the width of the planting strip;soil conditions;zoning regulations,street patterns,building setbacks,utilities,future underground wiring proposals and availability of the particular species. (Ord. Nc. 1703,§3;Ord.No.2567,§2.Formerly Cade 1986; §4.12.030) 6.10.060 Protection of street trees. A No person shall plant,install or maintain shrubs,low growing trees;vines;fences,signs or stakes or any other object,except temporary protection for newly planted lawns;or cause or create conditions or uneven ground,holes or hazards in planting strips along the streets of the city_When determined by the director that any such plantings or installations are a hazard to the public or detrimental to the approved tree planting plan;the director shall have full authority to cause such hazard or detriment to be removed or eliminated B No person shall,without a written permit from the director,plant,remove,trim,prune or cut any tree between the property line and the curb. Upon permission being granted to any person,the work shall be done under the supervision of the director. C. No person without lawful authority shall interfere or cause or permit any person to interfere with employees of the city who are engaged in the planting or maintaining;treating or removing of any tree or plant in the planting strips or in the removing of any stone, cement or any substance in any such street;sidewalk,planting strip,alley or other public place- D. No person shall wilfully injure or destroy any tree on the street or public planting areas of the city by any means. (Ord. No. 1703,§6;Ord.No.2567,§2.Formerly Code 1986,§4.12.060) Date current tree ordinance was estab[is had 12 101 l 1985 Attach your community's current public tree care ordinance Ker�t_City Coc�e.pd# � Ordinance Changes My community ordinance has not changed this past calendar year Commonly Popul36on' 134,835 Tree Pdmng and Initial Care $ 91,497 Maude cost of In podial labor and equipment for planned, planfing materials snakes wwppin9 walenn9, roulette composition mnlml. etc (whole number only) Tree Malnlenance' $ 107,660 boards owning, insetl and disease determined. larW¢anion walenng, etc. (whole number or Tree PEmmet S 118 943 Moral S 22,498 Ie Education. professional training, membership. salaries,street and paM robe- nummeze hi LAI Line Clearance S %,unreaz Tim- ,come V 12 Total Expenditures: S330.979M Total Expenditures per capita: S2AS Community Tree Management Statistics Number of Trees Rixnbed" 206 Number of Trees Pruned 462 Number of Trees Removed 86 Optional Attachments Annual work plan (if required by your state) ufwp2023.x1sx f� Supporting Budget Documents 2023 Budget Totals TCUSA.xlsx �f When did your community celebrate Arbor day? 11 1 04 1 2023 Attach Proof of the Arbor Day Observance This can be a picture from your event,article_social media post,etc.Please only provide links to public webpages and not a document sharing platform(far example, Goggle does or aropbox)_ 399852247 735419435296910_6131348627005699109_rl.1pg ■ https//www.facebook.cam/My-KentParks_par,tslpf bid02eKM#CNCvFfNZsYf k a 1 Attach your signed Arbor Day proclamation The prodamation must he signed off within the calendar year you are applying for recognition. Arbor Day_Proclamation_2023.pdf Mayor Signature To finalize your application,you will need to obtain the signature of your mayor or city official.Your application requires the appropriate signature to be submitted. Mayor or Equivalent Si nature Method' By submitting your application,you are granting the Arbor Day Foundation and its assigns,Licensees,successors, representatives.employees.program partners,and agents{collectively,the"Arbor Day Foundation'},the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use uploaded images from this application.You grant the Arbor Day Foundation the irrevocable right to use,copy,prepare derivative works from,distribute,and publish the provided photographs in any medium or means of distribution,including print,social media sites such as Facell and Twitter and Arbor Day Foundation publications or on its website,for any lawful commercial or other purpose,and to register the copyright of such photographs throughout the world. By granting rights to the photos.you are representing that you own the rights to the uploaded pictures in this application and that Arbor Day Foundation has permission to use said photos. By submittingyouur applicahon,youu agree to the Tree City USA terms and conditions_ PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Arbor Day was established in 1872; and WHEREAS, the city of Kent recognizes the value of trees in making the city environmentally sound and aesthetically pleasing, which promotes good business and a sense of community; and WHEREAS, the city of Kent established a "Tree Ordinance" and a tree maintenance crew for the purpose of maintaining, protecting, and regulating street trees for beautification of the city; and WHEREAS, in recognition of its commitment to trees and the environment, the city of Kent has been named Tree City USA by the National Arbor Foundation every year since 2003, making this our 21st anniversary; and WHEREAS, the city of Kent continues to engage the community through annual volunteer events that beautify and conserve valuable trees and natural areas in parks; and WHEREAS, 2023 marks Kent's 133^d year as an incorporated city; NOW, THEREFORE, I, DANA RALPH, MAYOR OF KENT, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM November 7, 2023, TO BE Arbor Day in Kent, Washington, and I encourage all residents to consider planting or caring for a tree on their property, to take a moment to enjoy the trees in our local parks, and to appreciate the beautiful green open spaces and forests that we enjoy here in the Northwest. I thank everyone who joined the Arbor Day planting and environmental restoration efforts at Morrill Meadows Park on Saturday, November 4th. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of November, 2023. lJ KENT Ma or D a Ralph W A S H I N O T O N 11/20/23,9:35 AM Chapter 6.10 STREET TREES" Chapter 6.10 STREET TREES* Sections: 6.10.010 Definitions. 6.10.020 Street tree and planting list. 6.10.030 Street tree planting plans and standards. 6.10.040 Property owner requests. 6.10.050 Street tree maintenance, inspection and removal. 6.10.060 Protection of street trees. 6.10.070 Nonliability of city. 6.10.080 Violations and penalties. *Cross reference(s)—Department of public works, ch. 2.28; landscaping, ch. 15.07; preservation of trees, § 15.08.240; planting of certain trees prohibited, §7.04.200. State law reference(s)—Authority to require landscaping, RCW 35.43.040. 6.10.010 Definitions. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The following words and phrases when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context: Director shall mean the director of the parks and recreation department of the city. Maintain or maintenance shall mean the entire care of trees in planting strips, as well as the preparation of ground, fertilizing, mulching, planting, spraying, trimming, pruning, topping and root control, but not watering, unless specifically so stated. Planting shall mean planting and replacement in planting strips. Planting strip shall mean the area available for planting between the street curb, the edge of the traveled portion of roadway and the property line. (Ord. No. 1703, § 1; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.010) Cross reference(s)—Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1.01.030. 6.10.020 Street tree and planting list. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A.The director shall have full advisory authority as to the selection, planting and maintenance of all trees, plants and shrubs planted and growing upon any and all of the public streets and public planting areas of the city. B.The director shall approve the official tree planting list and street tree planting plans.The director in evaluating such plans prior to approval shall call upon the resources of the department of public works to furnish him with facts concerning trees and planting strips in the city. C.The director shall approve or disapprove the adding or removal of trees to the official tree planting list.The list as approved shall be submitted to the city council for its adoption, by resolution, as the official tree planting list of the city which is on file in the city clerk's office. https://www.codepubIishing.comNVA/Kent/?KentO6/KentO610.html&?f 1/4 11/20/23,9:35 AM Chapter 6.10 STREET TREES" D.All new plantings on the streets of the city shall be confined to trees from the latest adopted official tree planting list. Replacement planting may conform to existing trees in the planting strip by approval of the director. (Ord. No. 1703, §2; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.020) 6.10.030 Street tree planting plans and standards. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A.The planting of street trees in the city shall be governed by general and specific tree planting plans approved by the director. The plans shall be based upon the policies indicated in this chapter and upon the following standards: 1.The director shall evaluate types and varieties of trees on the tree planting list and nature of the particular area to be planted and shall determine in his opinion the best tree planting for the area. 2.The director shall approve the general or specific plan. The director, in evaluating the plan prior to approval, may call upon the resources of the department of public works to furnish it with facts concerning the matter. B.The director shall be guided by and apply the following standards in formulating and approving a street tree plan. 1.Trees listed on the official tree planting list are to be used, except that other trees may be planted on an experimental basis in selected areas with specific approval of the director. 2.The prime purpose of beauty shall always be observed. 3.The location of specific trees shall be at suitable intervals with consideration given to avoiding or minimizing interference by the trees with existing or planned utilities, driveway approaches, street intersections and building exposures. 4. Selection of a particular species of tree for a specific block, street or section of the city shall be based upon the nature of the species and the width of the planting strip, soil conditions, zoning regulations, street patterns, building setbacks, utilities, future underground wiring proposals and availability of the particular species. (Ord. No. 1703, §3; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.030) 6.10.040 Property owner requests. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A.A majority of the abutting property owners in a given block, street or area of the city where tree planting is required may petition for the uniform planting of a tree variety of their own choice. Such petition shall be approved by the director, provided the tree selection is made from the official street tree list and the selection does not conflict with the standards in this chapter. B.A petition to the director bearing the signatures of not less than ninety(90) percent of the property owners of any block may be filed with the director requesting a change in the variety of trees in the planting strip adjacent to their properties. Such petition shall be approved by the director, provided the tree selection is made from the official street tree list and the selection does not conflict with the standards of KCC 6.10.030.All expenses of such change will be borne by the property owners requesting the change, the work to be done under the supervision of the director. (Ord. No. 1703, §4; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.040) 6.10.050 Street tree maintenance, inspection and removal. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... https://www.codepubIishing.comNVA/Kent/?KentO6/KentO610.html&?f 2/4 11/20/23,9:35 AM Chapter 6.10 STREET TREES" A. It shall be the consistent purpose of the city to provide proper maintenance according to good municipal forestry practices for all trees growing along the city arterials, and in business and industrial districts. B. It shall be the responsibility of the city to provide preparation of ground, planting, trimming, pruning, topping, root control, and removal of dead or dying trees in residential districts. C.The director shall conduct a continual inspection program of the trees along the streets of the city.All trees found by the director to be dead, dying or in a dangerous condition likely to cause damage shall be removed.The city at its own cost and expense, and in accordance with the provision of this chapter, will replace all trees so removed. (Ord. No. 1703, §5; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.050) 6.10.060 Protection of street trees. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A. No person shall plant, install or maintain shrubs, low growing trees, vines, fences, signs or stakes or any other object, except temporary protection for newly planted lawns, or cause or create conditions or uneven ground, holes or hazards in planting strips along the streets of the city. When determined by the director that any such plantings or installations are a hazard to the public or detrimental to the approved tree planting plan, the director shall have full authority to cause such hazard or detriment to be removed or eliminated. B. No person shall, without a written permit from the director, plant, remove, trim, prune or cut any tree between the property line and the curb. Upon permission being granted to any person, the work shall be done under the supervision of the director. C. No person without lawful authority shall interfere or cause or permit any person to interfere with employees of the city who are engaged in the planting or maintaining, treating or removing of any tree or plant in the planting strips or in the removing of any stone, cement or any substance in any such street, sidewalk, planting strip, alley or other public place. D. No person shall wilfully injure or destroy any tree on the street or public planting areas of the city by any means. (Ord. No. 1703, §6; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.060) 6.10.070 Nonliability of city. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to impose any liability upon the city, or upon any of its officers or employees.The owner and occupant of any private property shall have the duty to maintain sidewalks, trees and shrubs upon private property, or property under his control including sidewalks and planting strips in front of such private property. (Ord. No. 1703, §7; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.070) 6.10.080 Violations and penalties. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000)or by imprisonment for a period of not more than one (1)year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. No. 1703, §8; Ord. No.2567, §2. Formerly Code 1986, §4.12.080) https://www.codepubIishing.comNVA/Kent/?KentO6/KentO610.html&?f 3/4 11/20/23,9:35 AM Chapter 6.10 STREET TREES' The Kent City Code is current through Ordinance 4472, passed September 5,2023. Disclaimer:The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the Kent City Code. Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. https://www.codepublishing.comNVA/Kent/?Kent06/Kent0610.html&?f 4/4 Signature: Garin Lee ec5,202313:10PST) Signature: Email: glee@kentwa.gov Email: phuynh@kentwa.gov Signature: Juli arascondola(Dec 12,202313:22 PST) Email: jparascondola@kentwa.gov