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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 09/25/2023 Pending Approval
� Land Use and Planning Board
�KENT Land Use Regular Meeting
Wp ° °T°° Minutes
September 25, 2023
Date: September 25, 2023
Time: 6:02 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Members: Dione Dittmar, Chair
Sandra Pereira, Co-Chair
Shane Amodei,
Bryan Kesterson,
Sally McDonough,
Justus Phelps,
Benjamin Reid
1. Call to Order 6:02 p.m.
Attendee Name Title Status _ Arrived
Dione Dittmar Chair Excused
Sandra Pereira Co-Chair Present
Shane Amodei Present
Bryan Kesterson Present
Sally McDonough Present
Justus Phelps Present
Benjamin Reid t Excused
3. Approval of Minutes dated June 26, 2023
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated June 26, 2023
AYES: Pereira, Amodei, Kesterson, McDonough, Phelps
EXCUSED: Dittmar, Reid
4. Changes to the Agenda
5. Comprehensive Plan Update- Phase I Community Engagement
Kristen Holdsworth gave a presentation which provided a summary of Phase I
Community Engagement and EIS Scoping and discussed next steps for the
Comprehensive Plan Update. Information included an overview of outreach
activities and provided a preliminary summary of what we learned.
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Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular September 25, 2023
Meeting Kent, Washington
There were various questions from Board Members during the presentation
particularly around the Assets and Values Map in the Power Point
presentation. This is a map with self-reported locations for the participants
homes; work; where they purchase fresh fruits or vegetables; where they or
someone in their household learns; where they or their family gather, hang
out or play; what places are they most proud of; where they access
healthcare; and where they feel unsafe due to lack of amenities or
infrastructure, or people.
Common themes that were brought up in the discussion of these slides
where the safety concern or the perceived sense of safety and how those
locations coincided with locations where amenities are offered. The
infrastructure support of new development and how to accommodate new
growth. This topic is especially significant for the 132nd corridor as it is
limited as is. Kent can utilize the Industrial Valley for entertainment with
cider and beer breweries that can be located there.
ECD staff asked LUPB Members these 3 questions and received the following
1. Did anything from our Phase I engagement summary findings surprise you?
Is there anything you think there should be clarifying/follow up questions on?
The further development of the 132nd corridor came up again as
surprising considering the congestion and lack of safety amenities
The lack of post-secondary education in the City limits. This is
somewhat alleviated by the Green River Satellite Campus at Kent
Station and Highline Community College located on the boarder
between Kent and Des Moines. It was also mentioned that focus
should be put on developing internships and trade school
2. On November 13 we will be meeting with LUPB and Council in a joint
workshop to discuss future growth scenarios. Are there any areas for future
jobs or housing growth you are particularly interested exploring?
Public transportation, particularly on the East Hill is disjointed and
unorganized. There is a clear lack of East/West connectivity.
Adding more commercial and mixed use at the intersections of Kent-
Kangley and 152nd as well as 132nd at existing development near
The development around the new light rail stations should be very
The need to add density around public transportation as cost continue
to rise for car ownership.
The possible incentivization of using unoccupied buildings.
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Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular September 25, 2023
Meeting Kent, Washington
3. Are there additional community groups/organizations you recommend we
reach out to during Phase II and Phase III of engagement?
The Bicycle Committee
Faith Baptist on East Hill
Interfaith groups
Kent School District
6. 02 ECD Update
Kristen Holdsworth gave the Q2 Update for Economic and Community
Development. It included staffing updates, recent land use applications,
status updates for long range planning projects, economic development
division news, and progress for the online/electronic permitting system
7. Adjournment 7:45 p.m.
Committee Secretary
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