HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 10/30/2023 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting October 30, 2023 Minutes Held In-Person APPROVED - November 27, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Erik Jacobs, Prem Subedi, Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin (remote), Connie Stolpp, Maria Castro (remote), Julie Dunn (remote), Allison Hopstad (remote). BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Smith (excused). CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: None. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston 9 of 10 members present. Staff Erik Preston and Rob Brown are present. 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves No changes. 4. September 2023 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik J. motion, Maria seconds, Board approved 9-0. S. Set 2024 Calendar — Preston Erik Preston laid out the normal meeting dates for the year 2024. Dates around holidays were discussed, including Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. The standard meeting date of May 27, which conflicted with the observed Memorial Day holiday, was cancelled and a Special Meeting scheduled for May 20, 2024 instead. • Erik J. made a motion for the following meeting dates be scheduled for 2024. o January 28 o February 27 o March 25 o April29 o May 20 (Special Meeting) o June 24 o July 29 o August 26 o September 30 o October 28 o November 25 o December 30 • Wendy seconded the motion, Motion passed 9-0 in favor. 6. Set date of 2024 Bike Rodeo - Graves • Have not been able to confirm a date with YMCA. Ron has delegated to Jenna. Jenna has not responded. • Two proposed dates are May 4t" and May 18t" • Board discussed dates. Slight preference for May 18t" but May 41" is fine. • Connie will keep trying to contact Jenna. Page 1 of 3 7. Reith Rd Bike Lane Sianaae — Preston • Erik P describes the Reith Rd project to the Board. • Discussion about how bicycles navigate the roundabout. Ramp up to sidewalk. Or bike lane to lane, lane through roundabout, back to bike lane after exit. • Gordon: Is the sidewalk at or above roadway? 6" above roadway. Suggests shared sidewalk sign at top of ramp. • Julie: Is there a speed limit sign at the entry? No. 15 mph advisory speed approaching roundabout. Covington by Costco. 15 mph speed limit tells bicyclist they can take lane. Sign: bikes may merge with traffic. Erik P has not seen that. People crossing will slow down traffic • Tim: Like option of bicycles may merge with traffic. Opposed to anything that prohibits bicycles from using traffic lane. Especially downhill. Speed of bikes merging into sidewalk. How much space between end of buffer to sidewalk ramp? About 50'-60'. Can that gap be larger? • Gordon: Using the sidewalk is a nice option. If not turning right, being in the lane is much simpler • Prem: Which street? Reith Rd • Erik J: Yield to bicycle sign? Traffic in roundabout has right-of-way • Gordon: maybe have painted barrier but not the curb in the buffer space so bicycles have more time to merge. Curbs are 3' with a post, spaced every 40'. May be able to omit the last one. • Connie: sign - Bike may use sidewalk? • Gordon: Is two signs too much? No. Share roadway and share walkway signs? • Julie: Bicycle may use full lane sign. Board liked that one. • Allison: Are we more concerned with bicyclists or cars? Erik P: both. • Gordon: custom yield sign with circular intersection in center with bike symbol underneath • Connie: Speed limit? 35 mph. • Prem: Paint the ramp yellow or bright green? Cannot. Pavement color, friction, maintenance • Gordon: Can we use DWS? No. 8. Transportation Safety Discussion — Preston • Erik P. - Same presentation as given to Council a few months ago. Safe Systems Approach. Local Road Safety Plan. 2020 and 2022 plans were successful. Grant for SS4A. Develop plan then apply for implementation plan. Seattle got $20M to implement their Vision Zero plan. • Crash data slides. Safe Systems Approach. Manage kinetic energy. Successful around the world. Europe and Australia. • SSA slides. • Gordon: Some conflict with reducing speeds. Some push-back on that. May increase mode share to non-motorized. Road diets should slow speeds. • Connie: Are there specific indicators as to why fatalities are going up? Erik P: A lot of theories but not a lot of data. Latest theory is upswing after push for police reforms. May be tied to less policing. Connie: fatal? Higher than last year. • Gordon: Is fatal decrease related to increase in road usage? Erik P: rate is going up • Erik J: Any rates of numbers of tickets? Maybe. We do not have it. • Wendy: How is this different? Used to look at hotspots now systemic. Now fatal and serious injury. • Wendy: Grants? • Prem: Vehicles are getting bigger. More ped and bike damage. Page 2 of 3 • Connie: Kent is promoting bikes. Doesn't that complicate things a little? More people out on bikes. • Erik J: More cyclists make it safer because more people see it • Allison: Along with awareness, need to market consequences. Need more awareness of bicycles. • Tim: Controlling speeds, on solution is smaller roads. No on-street parking. Seattle residential streets are basically one lane roads. Still have two lanes in Kent residential streets. • Prem: Agree with Tim. • Wendy: KBAB would be interested to keep hearing about this. 9. Festival & Events Subcommittee Report — Graves • Wendy: Discussed Winterfest. Julie, Connie, Connie's guest. • Wendy and Erik P talked. Bought more credits on PeachJar. Erik P will talk to person in Parks. Can PeachJar add items to personal calendars? Don't Know. • Need date for Rodeo. Then start advertising it. Parks guide. • Next Subcommittee email in November. 10.113icvcle Infrastructure Subcommittee Report — Jacobs • Haven't been doing much lately. 11.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs • Nothing new 12.Communications — Preston • Erik P: Bike giveaway. City Law Dept said yes. • Erik P: Would like to have someone from KBAB on the SS4A public advisory committee. Tim is interested. Erik P will connect Tim with the committee. 13.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston Next meetings are November 27 and December 18, 2023 (Special), and January 28, 2024. 14.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves • None iS.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:00 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3