HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Kent City Council - 10/17/2023 Approved Kent City Council - Committee • of the Whole KENT Committee of the Whole - WAS M IN G 7 0 N Regular Meeting Minutes October 17, 2023 Date: October 17, 2023 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Councilmember Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Council President Excused Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL I move to approve the agenda as presented. ER SULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Approval of Minutes YES Committee of the Whole - Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - Oct 3, 2023 4:00 PM Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole October 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner B. Payment of the Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 9/30/23 and paid on 9/30/23 and approve the checks issued for payroll 9/16/23 - 9/30/23 and paid on 10/5/23, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 10/16/23. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/7/2023 5:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner C. 2024 Legislative Agenda Briahna Murray, State Lobbyist Partner with Gordon Thomas Honeywell Government Relations presented an update on preparation of the 2024 Legislative Session and the City's Legislative Agenda. Murray reviewed 2024 expectations for the upcoming 60-day session - this will be the second year of the two-year biennium. Murray talked about the upcoming campaign season and how it may affect the session. Murray reviewed tasks before the 2024 Legislature, challenges the Legislature will face, and reviewed the successes of the first year of the legislative biennium and recommended the City's 2024 top legislative priority should be: "The City of Kent urges the Legislature to approve councilmanic taxing authority to fund public safety now - in 2024 - so that the City Council can effectively lead the community to help residents feel safe at home, work, parks, restaurants and throughout their daily lives." The purpose of the 2024 policy document is to educate/be a resource to legislators on the Kent Community and provide direction to lobbyist on issues of interest and general policy positions. During the session, staff will review proposals and feedback will be provided to legislators, AWC, and others. Murray will provide the City with weekly reports and the focus will remain on the City's top priority. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 7 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole October 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Murray walked the Council through the sections of the policy document for each City department. Murray responded to councilmember's questions and concerns and provided details on how potential funds could be utilized for public safety purposes. Murray indicated the recommendation to focus on one top priority came from her. The decision was strategic as public safety is important to community, this is a short legislative session, and the City is asking legislators to dedicate all of their resources on this one piece of legislation. Thomas moved to approve 2023 legislative agenda, seconded by Kaur. Kaur moved to amend the motion from "2023" to 112024," seconded by Larimer. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 5-0. Kaur spoke in support of the motion and advised this will provide a tool for the Council to utilize in the future. Thomas spoke in opposition of the motion and indicated he does not wish to vote on legislative that will give the Council the authority to increase taxes. Fincher spoke in support of the motion. MOTION: I move to adopt the City's 2024 state legislative agenda. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [5 TO 1] Next: 11/21/2023 7:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner NAYS: Thomas D. Write-offs of Uncollectable Accounts - Authorize Customer Services Manager, Molly Bartlemay provided an overview of the requested write-offs of uncollectable accounts. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to write off uncollectable accounts owed to the City in the amount of $62,619.98, subject to final approval of the Finance Director. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 7 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole October 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/7/2023 5:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner E. Ordinance Amending Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code related to the City's Water Utility Billing Services - Adopt Bartlemay provided details on the Amendments to Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code relating to water utility billing. Bartlemay responded to councilmembers' questions about charging for emergency shut-off requests and advised the City provides residents with resources in the event they need financial assistance. MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4473, amending Chapter 7.02 of the Kent City Code relating to the City's water utility services. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/7/2023 5:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner F. INFO ONLY: August 2023 Financial Report Financial Planning Manager, Michelle Ferguson presented the August 2023, Financial Report. General tax revenues are coming in higher than budgeted, but are starting to decrease from the prior months. Other taxes (B&O, admissions and gambling) - July, 2023 revenues were lower than 2022, but August has increased. Fines and forfeitures are coming in over budget and Misc. Revenues are coming in almost $2.5M over budget due to higher interest income. Criminal Justice revenues increased due to increased interest and federal seized funds. Ferguson responded to councilmembers' questions. G. INFO ONLY: Grant Applications Long Range Planning Manager, Kristen Holdsworth provided an overview of two upcoming grant applications. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 7 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole October 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... The first is for a federal Environmental Protection Agency grant for up to $500,000 available for a community assessment brownfield grants. The project will focus on two "target areas" (Midway and Downtown) to provide opportunities for implementation of existing planning efforts, including Comprehensive Plan, Envision Midway Subarea Plan, and Downtown Subarea Plan. If the grant is received, work is anticipated to start in late 2024/early 2025. The second is for a Puget Sound Regional Council grant to identify and evaluate improvements for addressing equity in the distribution of PSRC funding. Together, the Economic and Community Development and Public Works departments are applying for a $750,000 grant to support the creation of a plan for the Benson Corridor. The Benson Corridor plan will provide visioning, policy and specific actions to continue to evolve the corridor into a 20-minute neighborhood. Phase I Comprehensive Plan outreach has identified strengths and opportunities for this corridor - Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service starts in 2026, diverse populations, amenities and greenspace nearby, as well as the opportunity to accommodate more residents and activities along the corridor. If awarded, the work will start in early 2025 and will provide the necessary analysis and implementation plan to support a mixed-use, vibrant BRT-adjacent community to create a successful corridor similar to the work of "Meet Me on Meeker" project. Any grant funds received will supplement anticipated 2025 work plans. H. Grant Agreement with the Washington Department of Commerce for the Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program - Accept Assistant Chief Grove provided an overview of a Grant Agreement with the Washington Department of Commerce for funding the Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program. MOTION: I move to accept $110,000 in grant funds from the Washington Department of Commerce for the Community Immersion Law Enforcement Program, amend the budget, authorize expenditure of the grant funds, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents subject to terms acceptable to the Police Chief and City Attorney. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/7/2023 5:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember SECONDER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner I. Contract Amendment with Republic Services of Kent - Authorize ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 7 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole October 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Environmental Engineering Manager, Mike Mactutis provided details on the Contract Amendment with Republic Services. The Amendment addresses the King County Rate Restructure and schedule revisions. In March 2022, the King County Council approved a 2023 rate restructure for garbage disposal which affects the 37 cities utilizing King County's solid waste system. The King County Council later decided to delay implementation of the rate restructure until January 1, 2024. The restructure moves from a single per-ton tipping fee ($168.68/ton in 2023) to a fixed annual charge (FAC) and a per-ton tipping fee. Kent's share of the FAC in 2024 is approximately $2.7 million. In future years, the County will use the same methodology to adjust the FAC for each city on an annual basis. In addition to the rate restructure language, this amendment proposes a schedule revision to move all annual rate adjustments related to the contract to January 1 of each year. These date changes will mean all rate adjustments will occur at the same time rather than two rate adjustments per year. Finally, Amendment No. 1 of the contract requires City Council approval of the Sustainability Adjustment if the recalculated adjustment is greater than or equal to 5% of the original Adjustment which took effect September 1, 2019. Due to continuing changes in commodity values and increasing processing costs, the 2024 rates will be approximately 15% higher than they were originally set in 2019. Fincher moved to authorized the Mayor to sign Agreement #2 to the contract between the City and Republic Services of Kent, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney, seconded by Kaur. Fincher moved to amend the motion to "I move to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 2 to the contract between the City and Republic Services of Kent, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney; and to approve the Sustainability Adjustment for 2024 in accordance with Amendment No. 2," seconded by Kaur. The motion to amend passed unanimously 5-0. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 6 of 7 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole October 17, 2023 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ._............................................................................................................................................................................................................ MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 2 to the contract between the City and Republic Services of Kent, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Public Works Director and City Attorney; and to approve the Sustainability Adjustment for 2024 in accordance with Amendment No. 2. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/7/2023 5:00 PM MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas, Troutner 5. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Troutner adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 5:09 p.m. Y,6mbsrley A. Kcm otv- City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 7 of 7 City of Kent p i { Preparing for the 2024 Legislative - - M�..� J _-- �tr Session rt. - w.iin.'. •'4 Briahna Murray - State Lobbyist, Partner OEM ; Gordon Thomas Honeywell _ - -- - --_ Government Relations Overview 2024 Session Draft 2024 Expectations Agenda Questions 2024 Session Expectations Second year of the two-year biennium, 60-day session Politics November 2024 "campaign season " to follow session All members of the House and roughly half the members of the Senate will be up for re-election 2024 Session Expectations , Cont . Tasks before the 2024 Legislature: Develop mid-biennium supplemental operating, capital, and transportation budgets Consider and adopt policy bills; bills that did not pass in 2023. Challenges the Legislature faces Transportation costs rising; next package on horizon Behavioral Health/Trueblood fines Climate Commitment Act Funding Legislative Agenda Structure Top Policy Priorities Document Biennial Perspective The legislative agenda should recognize the successes of the first year of the legislative biennium : $ 1 million for East Hill North Community Park Legislation increasing penalties on street racing RapidRide re-appropriation, timely allocation of * funding for Meet Me on Meeker, 224th Corridor, and Interurban Trail Significant engagement on land use/housing policies and possession of controlled substances 2024 Top Legislative Priority The City of Kent urges the Legislature to approve councilmanic taxing authority to fund public safety now - in 2024 - so that the City Council can effectively lead the community and help residents feel safe at home, work, parks, restaurants and throughout their daily lives. 2024 Policy Document Issues Purpose Educate/be a resource to legislators on the Kent Community Provide direction to lobbyist on issues of interest and general policy positions Utilization Staff review proposals and feedback will be provided to legislators, AWC, and others Issues will be reported on in weekly reports Focus will remain on the City's top priority Questions ? Briahna Murray State Lobbyist, Partner bmurray@gth-gov.com (253) 310-5477 City WA Committee of the of Ke Whole August October 17, 2023 ' Monthly Report Prepared by: Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager Shane Sorenson, Senior Financial Analyst All Revenues Sources Prior Year Budgeted Actual $166,000Revenues Revenues Revenues $140,000 January 6,113 6,140 6,450 February 5,033 5,523 6,204 $120,000 March 7,099 7,600 9,524 $100,000 April 21,928 19,548 16,944 580000 May 10,934 9,079 10,441 $60000 June 6,013 6,429 7,157 July 9,739 8,509 11,107 � August 7,994 6,240 9,206 $20,000gel September 6,622 6,327 0 $0 October 21,272 20,657 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 11,145 8,784 0 December 20,582 12,537 0 �23 Bud-r--22 Prelim +23 Act Total 134,376 117,373 77,032 Property Prior Year Budgeted Actual $3500 Revenues RevenuesRevenues $34floo January - 0 0 February 57 99 125 $25flOO March 1,289 578 648 $24,OOo April 12,3132 6,037 6,254 May 3,048 1,276 1,378 $15flGO June 101 279 80 S10,Ooo July 59 69 74 August 214 74 56 S,5'000 September 415 251 0 So October 11,127 5,726 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep On Nov Dec November 3,487 1,182 0 December- 147 99 0 �23 Bud f22 Prelim-6--23 Act Total 32,835 15,671 8,614 $35 00[I S30X0 Rew*nu - $25X0 M3yr 2r411 2.592 3,097 $20XI) June 2r167 2,.264 2,883 515,WO July 2r2M 2,i92 �,874 $10aao August -2r5CJ5 2,688 3 J I9 Ss,oao sepbmnbw -2r334 21.528 D $o October 2,379 2,558 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep On Nov Dec November 2,445 2,719 0 December 2,806 3,098 0 11111111236ud --A-22Prelim 1 23Act Total 27,944 30,324 22,322 Prior Year Budgeted Actual 530,000 Revenues Revenues - January 1,980 2,415 2,517 S25'000 Februady 1,839 2,039 2,233 $,20000 March 1,S05 2,066 2,272 April 1,S59 2,172 2,452 S15,000 May 1,745 1,975 2,209 June 1,690 1,S16 1,943 $1D,000 July 1,713 2,149 2,309 55006 August 1,581 1,877 2,014 September 1,672 2,078 0 $0 October 1,656 1,874 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 1,575 1,934 0 Deoem ber 1,878 1,955 0 1111111111111230ud --22Prelim+23Act Total 21,044 24,350 17,948 Other Taxes 510,000 Priew Ymiir nudgeted ACNIVIA 58,000 1,549 1,579 1,777 S6,0W )urMe 97 aoo 1010 $4.(M �III,1IY MOM 3,907 3,339 $2000 Aimust 1r493 1,74fi 1,704 September 141 154 0 $0 October 3,591 4,074 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 1,234 1,113 0 Deoem ber 5,670 6,025 0 1111111111111236ud -t22Prelim t23Act Total 20,448 21,599 10,326 Other Revenues (Intergovernmental,Licenses&Permits,Charges for Service,Fines&Forfeits,and Misc Revenues) Prior Year Budgeted Actual S35,0110 Revenues RevenuesRevenues Januaiy 2,068 2,595 1,729 February 755 926 1,236 ` .� March 1,515 2,352 3,855 r$20000 April 2,D28 1,968 2,154 May 2,681 1,725 1,996 $15'000 June 1,957 2,418 2,231 $10,000 July 2,227 2,124 2,310 August 2,110 1,512 2,312 ' September 2,059 2,172 0 SO October 2,520 2,666 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 2,404 1,891 0 236ud -A-22Prelim+23Act Deoem ber 10,082 4,753 0 Total 32,106 27,IG2 17,822 2021 2D22i I2023 Actual Actual Adj Budget Beginning Fund Balance 41,969,901 47,660,526 51,504,084 51,504,084 51,504,084 Revenues Taxes: Property 32,052,967 32,835,026 15,670,870 8,614,099 15,855,800 Sales&Use 24,826,972 27,943,579 30,323,830 22,322,344 33,524,900 Utility 20,262,726 21,048,283 24,349,760 17,947,98a 26,087,030 Business&Occupation 17,060,649 19,517,633 19,120,500 9,733,309 19,647,400 2021 2022I I Actual Actual Adj Budget R Est Actual Fines and Forfeitures B09r36 1 59(1,339 738,080 5 9 5,.672 754,868 Miscellaneous Revenue 11192043 .375r462) 2r816,600 .3,884,•B52 �4r477,4U8 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,162,043 375,462) 2,F]16,600 3,004,852 4,477,400 Transfers In 1,442,364 11,445,001 7,30.3,3S3 1,950,000 7,000,380 Total Revenues 114,031,100 134,401,684 117,372,750 77,030,448 126,179,270 Expenditures City Council 272,914 288,639 440,600 284,012 424,800 Administration 2,847,633 3,031,347 3,310,760 1,235,494 3,035,080 Economic&Communrty Dev 7,469,721 7,791,962 10,672,430 6,599,042 10,393,100 Finance 2,574,151 2,810,207 3,467,640 2,166,564 3,422,200 Fire Contracted Services 3,357,891 3,900,542 4,109,990 2,659,450 3,668,700 Human Resources 1,529,193 1,795,361 2,323,130 1,304,724 2,096,300 Law 1,444,860 1,383,659 1,647,990 876,857 1,485,100 Municipal Court 3,386,007 3,433,U32 4,254,230 2,525,575 4,008,300 2021 2022I 1 Actual Actual Adj Budgetw Totaj Expenditures 1I}8r 39�,41}7 1 3�r��$r 126 1�1,�9�,41� 70,13()r981 119,298,260 Net Revenues less Expenditures 5,640,693 3,843,558 (3,722,660) 6,899,467 7,881,010 Ending Fund Balance 47,610,594 51,504,084 47,781,424 58,403,551 59,385,094 2021 20221 12023 Actual Actual Adj Budget 1 Est ActuaP Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized. Special Revenue Funds Street Fund Revenues 20,419,435 21,474,426 20,550,910 9,944,639 20,732,470 Expenditures 16,768,746 18,646,932 21,067,060 9,595,448 19,760,160 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,650,689 2,827,493 (516,150) 1,349,191 1,972,310 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues 1,199,965 1,119,751 1,289,890 582,057 1,178,690 Expenditures 1,519,460 1,375,512 1,581,160 642,243 1,169,310 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (319,495) (255,761) (291,270) (60,186) 9,380 Lodging Tax Revenues 221,252 565,735 280,260 179,414 272,840 Expenditures 165,720 244,710 268,880 247,553 268,880 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 55,532 321,025 11,380 (68,139) 3,960 YouthJTeen Programs Revenues 977,243 1,021,842 1,049,920 765,182 1,115,160 Expenditures 822,354 925,650 1,049,920 4,413 1,049,920 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 155,189 96,192 760,769 65,240 Capital Resources Revenues 28,353,626 27,054,816 27,422,170 15,657,522 27,820,520 Expenditures 18,092,140 20,632,883 35,001,710 4,181,153 34,487,830 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 10,261,487 6,421,934 (7,579,540) 11,476,370 (6,667,310) 2021 20221 1 BudgetActual Actual Adj M Est Actual �'rimina�Jrasti�� Revenues 9r774r 373 10,036,211 10,298r340 8r673r 384 12,342 r0 70 Expenditures 7r54O,042 9,102,237 14r 708r436 6r3 27,B82- 13r412r620 Net Rewen ues Less Expenditure 2r2-34r331 933,974 (4,416r090) 1 r745r 502 (1r089r950) RGY CIIUG� J,Vf 7,JJ0 1,f 7Y,L G.] 1,1JL1,UULI 1,J7J 1y1J1,YVV Expenditures 2,091,661 4,130,620 3,429,620 2,663,759 3,429,620 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 987,897 (2,336,397) (2,279,620) (2,662,364) (2,279,220) Impact Fee Fund Revenues 3,957,718 3,152,179 4,150,840 627,208 4,150,840 Expenditures 3,958,033 3,152,179 4,150,840 568,490 4,150,840 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (316) 58,713 Other Operating Revenues 128,175 136,681 112,700 112,700 Expenditures 104,945 130,685 112,700 27,840 112,700 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 23,230 5,996 (27,340) 2021 2022r r Actual Actual Adj Budget r Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,Fund balance is being utilized. Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues 7,988,547 7,907,603 7,558,440 2,103,745 7,456,260 Expenditures 8,348,722 8,563,855 8,259,280 2,132,666 8,259,280 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (360,174) (656,252) (700,840) (28,921) (803,020) Special Assessment Debt Service Revenues 1,035,745 720,252 238,000 283,696 269,660 Expenditures 858,473 682,020 201,900 201,900 Net Revenues Less Expendi..ires 177,272 38,232 36,100 283,696 67,760 Enterprise Funds 2021 2022i i Actual Actual Adj Budget t Est Actual Water UtHity Revenues 29r810r341 27,1553,347 31,520r530 20r760r405 32,076,570 Expenditures ?Sr 183,254 25,713,818 321767r620 14r269r 718 32,165r490 Net Rewen ues Less Expenditures 1,627,087 1 r93 9,529 1,246r990 6r490r 687 88r320 Revenues 25,408,140 24,634,562 26,762,690 17,845,280 26,606,450 Expenditures 23,609,481 27,537,869 31,591,100 11,266,283 29,733,400 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,798,659 (2,903,307) (4,328,420) 6,578,997 (3,126,950) Solid Waste!Utility Revenues 655,492 1,419,785 788,860 734,110 1,074,560 Expenditures 995,385 1,151,021 932,240 753,638 997,750 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (139,893) 268,764 (143,390) (19,577) 76,810 Goff Complex Revenues 2,526,316 3,468,448 3,372,200 2,541,119 3,665,180 Expenditures 4,513,837 2,963,754 3,063,080 2,194,054 3,063,080 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,987,522) 504,694 309,120 347,064 602,100 Internal Service Funds Fleet Services Revenues 5,674,322 8,180,653 8,206,270 5,487,741 8,561,350 Expenditures 4,894,499 5,176,283 11,939,000 5,886,933 9,330,400 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 780,323 3,004,370 (3,732,730) (399,192) (769,050) Central Services Revenues 355,397 315,714 370,960 206,125 329,780 Expenditures 320,247 286,653 375,610 161,871 271,170 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 35,650 29,061 (4,650) 44,255 58,610 2021 2022 2023 2023 2023 Actual Actual Adj Budget YTD Est Actual Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,Fund balance is being utilized. Information Technology Revenues 10,506,136 11,412,426 12,894,310 8,297,995 12,950,520 Expenditures 10,411,640 11,386,844 13,192,950 8,607,913 13,172,850 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 94,496 25,582 (298,640) (309,918) (222,330) Facilities Revenues 6,704,998 6,271,666 6,630,970 4,155,307 6,761,990 Expenditures 6,222,434 7,693,874 8,401,690 4,214,907 8,118,880 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 482,564 (1,422,209) (1,770,920) (59,600) (1,356,890) Unemployment Revenues 134,862 117,126 168,370 133,892 193,620 Expenditures 161,765 119,475 206,990 159,906 221,680 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (26,902) (2,349) (38,620) (26,014) (28,060) Workers Compensation Revenues 1,019,589 3,172,019 1,761,030 1,285,635 1,882,470 Expenditures 1,788,435 2,852,220 2,387,570 1,662,590 2,565,090 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (768,845) 319,800 (626,540) (376,955) (682,620) Employee Health&Wellness Revenues 15,795,365 15,793,817 16,286,430 11,196,641 16,502,710 Expenditures 14,736,998 14,796,643 15,893,390 9,951,982 15,293,630 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,058,367 997,174 393,050 1,244,659 1,209,080 Liability Insurance Revenues 8,119,358 9,677,522 4,007,230 3,073,615 4,454,000 Expenditures 4,307,222 5,626,577 4,617,120 3,823,279 4,617,120 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,812,136 3,050,944 (609,890) (749,664) (163,120) Property insurance Revenues 605,819 1,171,973 940,320 637,840 954,880 Expenditures 677,950 814,057 915,920 1,497,451 1,009,560 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (72,131) 357,915 24,500 (859,611) (54,680) Other Fund Revenues Other Fund Expenditures 80,000,000 0 S pe vial 80,000,000 70,000,000 Revenue 70,000,000 ■special 60,000,000 Funds 60,000,000 Revenue 50,000,004 - 50,000,000 _ Funds y Enterp rise 40,000,000 Funds 4D,000,000 rr Enterprise 30,000,000 30,000,000 Funds 20,000,000 - Internal 20,000,000 - 50,000,000 - 10,000,000 - service 0 ■Internal 0 Funds Service Funds 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Actuals Prelim Budget Actuals Prelim Budget � 1 ^ J � J I 'd �V -f-I J Dli- i lli -r JJl fl r �Dff)ffll rree Dr th -p Wh JI P OrrJb-r 171 J J 2 -D o � � fl r1\JG r� -r_rRJ (-,-r U R R r F- w r� vi � r D 1v1 rTY �ADJ U �S—)Tfil 1\1T J`J1 JD 4 o Q Ur- J-rr 0 1\1 �