HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT18-308 - Supplement - Rimini Street, Inc. - SOW #4:Consulting Services - 10/21/2019 STATEMENT OF WORK NO.4 This Statement of Work No.4("SOW")dated as of the date of the last signature of the Parties below("SOW Effective Date")is issued pursuant to that certain Master Services Agreement dated August 3, 2018 (the "Agreement") between Rimini Street, Inc. ("Rimini Street") and the City of Kent, Washington("Client"). This SOW is governed by the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Unless otherwise indicated herein,capitalized terms used in this SOW without definition shall have the respective meanings specified in the Agreement and SOW No. 1 for J.D. Edwards Support Services dated August 3,2018("Corresponding Applications SOW' . The terms and conditions set forth in this SOW and Schedules attached hereto will prevail over any conflicting terms, including those in the Agreement or Corresponding Applications SOW. 1. Services to be Performed_IServices"). Rimini Street will provide the Client the labor and expertise to load and configure a new JD Edwards Development Fat Client onto two (2) custorrer provided licensed Windows 2016 operating system Virtual Machines (VMs) with all up to date Windows patches and updates preloaded. Client shall provide,copy,and stage all JD Edwards,Oracle software, BI Publisher Client,and 3rd party software from the internal repository for Rimi-ii Street to provide Services under this SOW. 2. Deliverables. Any related setup documentation. 3. Term and Total Estimated Hours. (a) Term Unless earlier terminated pursuant tc the Agreement,the term of this SOW shall commence on the SOW Effective Date and terminate on December 31, 2019. Notwithstanding the foregoing,this SOW shall only remain in effect if the Corresponding Applications SOW is active. In the event the Corresponding Applications SOW is terminated for any reason, this SOW shall terminate automatically with termination of the Corresponding Applications SOW. (b) Total Estimated Hours: The total number of estimated hours of work (in the aggregate)that Rimini Street will perform under this SOW is between ten(10)and twelve(12)hours. (c) If any additional services or deliverables are required by Client, such Services and/or deliverables shall be provided for in a Project Change Request Form(in the form attached hereto as Attachment 1-A)signed by both of the parties. 4. Compensation. (a) Time Basis. (i) Cost Estimate: $2,000.00 USD, not including taxes or reimbursable expenses such as travel, provided, that the foregoing is only an estimate,and therefore the actual cost may be more or less than such amount. (ii) Hourly Rate: The hourly rate is$173.00 USD. (b) Invoicing. Rimini Street will invoice Client monthly and Client will pay Rimini Street, for the total number of hours actually worked for the Services provided under this SOW. Payment shall be due on the date of Rimini Street's invoice and payable within thirty(30)days following the date of i'lvoice. Rimini Street will invoice Client in quarter-hour(15-minute)increments with time segments less than 15 minutes rounded up to the next quarter-hour. (c) Estimated Reimbursable Expenses: Cliert will reimburse Rimini Street's out-of-pocket and other expenses(including any reasonable travel and iving expenses,as mutually agreed to ty the parties)at actual cost,which expenses will be documented and submitted to Client, payable thirty;30)days following the date of invoice Rimini Street is only required to provide copies of receipts for reimbursable items equal to or in excess of$50.00 USD. 5. SOW Managers. The SOW Managers are: (a) For Rimini Street: Michael Geraci,(980:505-3701;mgeraci@riministreet.com (b) For Client:Somen Palit; (253)856-4608 SF'ali1(y7KentWA.gov 6. Executive Sponsors. The Executive Sponsors are: (a) For Rimini Street: Sebastian Grady;(925)640-1542;sgrady@riministreet.com (b) For Client:Somen Palit; (253)856-4608 SPalitnKentWA.cov 7. Assumptions. Rmini Street resources will provide Services remotely at locations of its choice, Monday through Friday, during normal business hours in the coun_ry where the services are provided. 8. Resources and Responsibilities of the Parties. The Parties will provide the following resources and have the following responsibilities in supporting Rimini Street's performance of the Services: (a) Serv•i--es or Support(Personnel Requirements): The Parties will be available as reasonably required for process, integrated testing and apprrvals.Client will ensure its system administration teams will be available for package builds and migrations as needed. (b) Facilities and Equipment(Business Requirements): The Client will arrange all necessary and reasonable access to the JDE applications, systems, environment, and all other software, as appropriate, to enable the Rimini Street resource to perform the Services. Rimini Street will prov ce the Rimini Street resources with a personal computer and appropriate software to perform his/her activities, unless the Client prefers to provide the Rimini Street resources wish Client-issued personal computers. (c) Environments: Remote access (as has been previously established by Rimini Street under the Agreement and Corresponding Applications SOYI i will be used for the duration of the term of this SOW. 9. Additional Requirements. The Client will ensure that the appropriate Client staff and other decision makers will be available to the Rimini Street resource r a timely manner so that the Rimini Street resource can perform the Services without undue delays. 10. Other Provisions.All deliverables under this SOW are considered Rimini Street Work Product pursuant to the Agreement. Client understands and acknowledges that the scope of this SOW expressly excludes any copying, reproducing or moving of Oracle Database software or copying of JD Edwards software source code.Moreover,Client will not request,and Rimini Street will not provide,any services that are outside of Client's license agreement terms for Covered Products in the Corresponding Applications SOW. 11. Aaarovals. Rimini Street will submit weekly time sheets documenting the hours worked and Services performed with reasonable specificity. Rimini Street time-sheets for billable hours and/or expenses submitted to Client shall be deemed final,approved and billable,if not approved or rejected by the Client within five business days after each submittal date.Approval or rejection shall be performed by the Executive Sponsor for the Client per Section 6 of this SOW. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties by their duly authorized representatives have executed this SOW as of the SOW Effective Date. By RIMINI STREET 09 Signature 1141 Name Title Date . 20 By CLIENT Si nature Name Title Date 0 Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 PROJECT PROCEDURES Escalation Prcoedure The following prccedure provides a detailed process to follow if a conflict is not resolved during the implementation of Services described in the SOW.Whenever a conflict arises between Client and Rimini Street,the project team member(s)will strive to work out the problem internally. Level 1: If the project team cannot resolve the conflict within two (2)working days, the Client and Rimini Street program managers will meet to resolve the issue Level 2: f the conflict is not resolved within five 15)working days after being escalated to Level 1,the Client and Rimini Street executive sponsors will meet to resolve the issue. During any conflict resolution, if possible, Rimini Street agrees to continue providing Services related to the items in dispute, provided Client has agreed tc continue paying for such Services. Subsequent Fee lmpa � The success of this project is not only contingent on the resources provided by Rimini Street, but also the resources provided by Client. The dates for each milestone included in this SOW are dependent on receiving input from Client resources in a timely manner. As part of our program management process, Rimini Street will assign resources and dates to each critical task. If these dates are not met,it may result in changes to the schedule and fees. Changes to scope or resource requirements from Client will be managed through the Project Change Control Procedure set forth belovr. Prolecf Chang Confrol Procedure The following provides a detailed process to follow if a change to SOW is required. A Project Change Request("PCR")in the form attached as Attachment 1-A will be the vehicle for amending the SOW.The PCR must describe the change,the rationale for the change and the effect the change will have on the SOW. The PCR must be signed by both Parties to authorize the changes set forth therein. Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1-A PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST FORM Project Change Request Form PCR No. Project Change Request Subject: Submitted By: Date: This Project Change Request No.[ ]('PCR")to that certain Statement of Work No.[ ]("SOW")dated[ ]is entered into by and between Rimini Street, Inc.("Rimini Street')and the City of Kent,Washington("Client').This PCR shall become part of and subject to the terms and conditions of the SOW(as amended),which except as modified herein,remains unchanged and in full force and effect. Description of Change:(Add attachments if necessary) ( )Accept for Implementation Rimini Street Signature: Date: Reject for Implementation ( )Accept for Implementation Client Signature: Date: Reject for Implementation Page 4 of 4