HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 09/25/2023 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting September 25, 2023 Minutes Held In-Person Approved October 30, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Erik Jacobs, Prem Subedi (remote), Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin (remote), Connie Stolpp, Maria Castro (remote), Julie Dunn, Brian Smith (remote), Allison Hopstad (remote). BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: None. 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston All 10 members present. Erik Preston and Rob Brown are staff present. 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves No changes. 4. August 2023 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Erik J. motion, Connie seconds, Board approved 10-0. 5. Safe Routes to School - Brown Rob Brown discussed the state's competitive grant process every 2 years (the city is allowed to submit up to 3 projects) and answered questions. • We will involve Kent School District more in the next project selection process and better utilize the Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP). • The city has had mild success recently; o Awarded funding for 14 school zone flashers. o Applied for an RRFB, state said no, apply for a roundabout. • Costs for signals, roundabouts, and flashers limit # of installations • Supplemental work on the LRSP will include a sidewalk prioritization and perhaps lead to a new sidewalk policy. • Brian asked about shoulder walkways, are they more cost effective, could they be added to 132 Ave SE? • While more cost effective, still no budget for such improvements, drainage hurdles. • Erik J - budget for short, half-block missing links? • Rob - It depends on what fits in the Mayor's budget. • Prem - Make a hybrid sidewalk/bike path? Yes, some on 212th. • Brian - Is it feasible to get a bond on the ballot? Yes, it's legal to bond for improvements or levy's. Transportation Benefit Districts also possible. • Erik J - Kent is one of few city's without a TBD. • Wendy - Safety discussion next months meeting (Erik/Rob SS4A preview) 6. Outreach - Graves Reaching out to different groups to let them know about bicycle events If you are aware of any groups that consist of underserved populations, let the event subcommittee know. Page 1 of 2 7. Festival & Events Subcommittee Report - Graves • Have list of what would like to spend the remainder of the 2023 agenda on. List of items from the last meeting. • Connie: reflective leg bands. Talked to REI. Can probably get up to 20% off. Have flashing lights to clothing. REI is on-board for next year. Told them we may want to give away a bike. REI will help with advertising. Have about $500 to spend. • PeachJar: do credits expire? Erik: I don't think so. I think they are there until used. May want to buy more credits • Wendy talked to Mark Hendrickson. He will put the Rodeo in the quarterly magazine. Wendy talked to Someone in Parks that said the fishing experience is May 18th. Need to set date with YMCA. • When does Parks need the date of the Rodeo for the magazine? (Rob will find out) • Board may want to invite other departments to get more exposure • Winterfest - last year worked with Patti Belle and Tracy Taylor S. Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report - Jacobs • Still haven't scheduled meeting for cross sections • Still working on project numbering from 24-29 TIP projects 9. Monthly Rides and Promotion - Jacobs • Lake Meridian to Lake Youngs ride has the most hits in Ride with GPS, over 500 hits • Frog Valley has about 250 • Does Communications track the hits on web pages? • Erik P will ask Communications what they need to link to the ride routes. • Allison: is there a way to make the rides show up higher in the search results? Erik J: Thinks they have their own algorithm that's flaky. • Tim: All Trails is more for hiking and off road. Can't really influence the results of search results. • Prem: Can we include if it's near a bus route? Erik J: good idea. Thought about the Sounder but it only runs during commute hours. Route 160 will become RapidRide I. 10.Communications - Preston Week without driving is a good idea, but need more time to prepare. 11.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston Next meetings are October 30, November 27, and December 18 (Special). 12.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves • Transportation Safety • Next year's meeting calendar • Set date for bike rodeo next year 13.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 6:49 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 2 of 2