HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 1/4/2022 Approved Kent City Council • City Council Regular Meeting KENT Minutes WAS M IN G 7 0 N January 4, 2022 Date: January 4, 2022 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ralph called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name —LTitie Status Arrived Dana Ralph Mayor Present Bill Boyce Council President Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Remote Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Toni Troutner Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson advised there are no changes to the agenda and advised the updated agenda included an item 4.A.6 with a corresponding Consent item 8.D. relating to an appointment to the Human Services Commission. 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Ralph opened the meeting by reading the following statement: While we are confident the City followed best practices by promptly investigating the conduct of Derek Kammerzell and imposing discipline, it is clear that the process did not produce the results acceptable to our community or quite honestly me. Earlier this afternoon, in consultation with the Chief, I instructed our City Attorney to reach out to the union's attorney to ask for Derek Kammerzell's resignation. While there will be a cost associated with this, I believe that this is a necessary step to continue to build trust with our City and across the region. I want to say a heartfelt, deep thank you for all of you that have reached out and taken the time to share your personal stories with me and the impact Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington this has had on you and your families. The City and I have worked extremely hard in our anti-racist efforts and I don't want to undue the great work that has been done. I believe that today's actions reflect the values that we hold collectively as a City, as a Police Department and as a community, and they show our commitment to making Kent a place where everyone feels welcome and heard. Councilmember Boyce read the following statement: The Kent City Council condemns racism in all its forms. While the council is extremely disappointed in Assistant Chief Kammerzell's conduct, we don't believe his conduct reflects the culture of the Kent Police Department. This council has been -- and continues to be -- a strong leader on equity issues in the City of Kent and Kent Police Department. Councilmembers have created two equity leader positions, are working on an ambitious equity strategic plan, and have provided funding for equity training for all city employees, including police employees. My colleagues and I will continue to condemn racism in all its forms and continue to insist that all city employees, including police employees, abide by the city's anti-racist values and policies. While personnel matters are not within the council's purview, I want to thank the mayor for her leadership and for keeping the council informed throughout the process. A. Public Recognition i. Oaths of Office for Mayor Ralph and Councilmembers Fincher, Kaur and Troutner City Clerk Kim Komoto conducted the official swearing in of Mayor Dana Ralph and Councilmembers Brenda Fincher, Satwinder Kaur and Toni Troutner. ii. Recognition of Outgoing Council President Troutner Mayor Ralph, Council President Boyce, Councilmembers Zandria Michaud and Les Thomas expressed words of appreciation of the work outgoing Council President Trounter accomplished over the past two years. Troutner provided comments on her work with councilmembers, the Mayor and City staff over the past two years as the President. iii. Announcement of Councilmembers' Assignments to Committees Council President Boyce announced that Councilmember Troutner will replace him as the chair of the Economic and Community Development Committee. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington iv. Employee of the Month Mayor Ralph recognized the City's Public Disclosure Administrator, Tiffany Alcorn as the January, 2022 Employee of the Month. Kim Komoto, City Clerk expressed words of appreciation for Alcorn and read a statement prepared by Alcorn. v. Appointments to the Land Use and Planning Board Mayor Ralph requested the Council confirm her recommendations of Sandra Pereira and Chris McClain to the Land Use and Planning Board. vi. Appointment to the Human Services Commission Mayor Ralph requested the Council confirm her recommendation of Nicholas Yu to the Human Services Commission. B. Community Events Council President Boyce provided details on upcoming events at the accesso ShoWare Center. C. Economic and Community Development Report Chief Economic Development Officer, Bill Ellis presented the quarterly Economic and Community Development update. Ellis share statistics relating to real estate activity. • Kent is about 90% of new construction activity • Projections are continued industrial demand growth; safe' investment • Limiting factors is land availability despite pinch points for timber, steel, and labor • Sale pricing per square foot incredible - clear tie to REITS and institutional buyers • Rents still about 2/3rds of Seattle; infrastructure and location paramount Consumer Spending Updates • Last data before Thanksgiving -November 14t" • Consumer spending in Seattle metro up 28.2% overall • Restaurants and hotel spending was substantially recovered, but still running behind consumer spending overall • Entertainment and recreation spending still significantly down from pre-Covid pea ks Ellis reviewed employment rates as of August of 2021 and reviewed job postings in Seattle by educational requirements. Ellis reviewed statistics of space jobs open. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington Ellis discussed two new companies in the Kent Valley: Starfish Space has raised $7 million to develop space tugs that aim to extend the lives of satellites, move them to different orbits and remove debris. Early-stage investors NFX and MaC Venture Capital led the funding round, with participation from PSL Ventures, Boost VC, Liquid2 Ventures and Hypothesis. Venture capital firm Boost VC had led an earlier investment round for Starfish Space. The Kent, Washington-based startup said Sept. 28 it will use proceeds to accelerate the development of its all-electric Otter spacecraft, targeting an initial launch in 2023 or 2024. Stoke Space raised $65 million in a Series A round announced Dec. 15, funding development and testing of the upper stage of a reusable launch vehicle. The company, based in the Seattle suburb of Kent, Washington, said Breakthrough Energy Ventures led the round. Several other new investors also joined the round, including Spark Capital, Point72 Ventures, Toyota Ventures, Alameda Research and Global Founders Capital. Stoke announced earlier this year its intent to create a fully reusable launch vehicle, starting with the second stage. This round, the company said, will allow it to complete development of a prototype of that stage and conduct a series of flight tests starting at the end of 2022. "New Space" Emerging opportunity: • Featured speakers on workforce development panel: Museum of Flight, Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee; Green River College • Consensus of panelists to find non-traditional paths to promoting STEAM to youth • Local non-profits like Space United are looking at growth strategies Ellis closed by talking about support for an Industrial Cluster: • 1/4th of all food processing in King County in Kent Valley • Fastest growth in food business licenses in Kent • Many years trend of Seattle food and beverage companies moving into Kent (welcome Seattle Gourmet Foods and Passport Foods!) 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL AND STAFF A. Mayor Ralph's Report Mayor Ralph expressed appreciation of the City's Public Works staff for keeping the roads clear during the recent snow events. She also thanked the Parks Department staff for staffing the warming centers and also expressed appreciation for all staff that showed up to work during the recent snow ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington event. Mayor Ralph will serve as the chair on the Puget Sound Regional Council and will also serve on the Transportation Policy Board the Operations and Executive committees. Mayor Ralph will serve on the Regional Policy Council addressing regional policies. Mayor Ralph will continue serving on the King County Flood Control District and South County Area Transportation Board. Mayor Ralph expressed appreciation for Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson for keeping everyone moving in the right direction all of the time. B. Chief Administrative Officer's Report Matheson expressed his appreciation of Mayor Ralph's kind words and also congratulated outgoing Council President Toni Troutner, incoming President Bill Boyce, and the re-elected council members. Matheson advised the upcoming City Council retreat for 2022 will be held all day February 41" and half a day on February 5t" with the location to be determined. The facilitator has met with Mayor Ralph, outgoing and incoming council presidents and has interviewed some council members. The interview process will be complete this week and a rough draft agenda will be prepared. Matheson's report is in today's agenda packet. There is no executive session tonight. C. Councilmembers' Reports Council President Boyce conveyed his appreciation of Matheson's leadership. Boyce expressed appreciation of the work of the Public Works Department during the recent snow event. Boyce provided a recap of today's Operations and Public Safety Committee agenda items and workshop. Boyce will serve as the Chair of the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee. Councilmember Michaud will serve as the chair of the City's Parks and Human Services Committee, and will also serve on the Sound Cities Association Regional Law, Safety and Justice Committee and the City's Human Services Commission. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington Councilmember Kaur will serve as the Chair of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Advisory Council, and will also serve on the Sound Cities Association Domestic Violence Initiative Regional Task Force, the Growth Management Planning Council and on the Association of Washington Cities Nominating Committee. Councilmember Larimer will serve on the King County Affordable Housing Committee and the King County Ageing and Disability Advisory Board. Councilmember Troutner will serve as the chair of the Regional Transportation Committee. Troutner expressed words of appreciation for everyone that volunteered for the severe weather shelter that was open December 27, 2021- January 1, 2022. Councilmember Thomas serves on the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Governing Board that will meet on January 5th, via Zoom. Call 253-856-4300 for information. Councilmember Fincher will serve on the King Conservation District. Visit Kingcd.org 1/18-2/8 to cast your vote. Fincher provided details on the latest Kent Creates contest and Spotlight Series. Fincher will serve on the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Council. Fincher met with Monica Alexander, Representative Tina Orwall and Kumar, the latest candidate that participated in the Community Immersion Program through the Police Department. 6. PUBLIC HEARING None. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Tiffany Janibagian, a Kent resident, provided public comment remotely. Janibagian thanked the Mayor for her comments during the beginning of today's meeting and also provided comments relating to the Police Department. Monica Mendoza-Castrejon, a Kent resident provided public comment regarding Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell and recommended the City create an independent police accountability division. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 6 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington Zenovia Harris, CEO of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, read a statement regarding the Kent Police Assistant Chief suspended for displaying Nazi signia. Harris thanked the Mayor and Police Chief for their swift action in addressing this issue. Gwen Allen-Carston, a Kent business owner, provided public comment relating to Assistant Chief Kammerzell and suggested Kent needs to do better with accountability and transparency. Allen-Carson expressed appreciation for Mayor Ralph taking the time to discuss issues with her. Tye Whitfield, a Kent resident, provided public comment relating to police and thanked the Mayor for having a discussion with her regarding this issue. Whitfield asked the community leaders to come together and take a stand and asked for "unity within the community." Cliff Cawthorn, a Kent resident, provided comment regarding Assistant Chief Kammerzell and the Police Department. Cawthorn thanked the Mayor for asking for Kammerzell's resignation. Cawthorn asked for transparency, accountability and a commitment to BIPOC, Jewish and LGBTQ and marginalized neighbors. Cawthorn asked for an independent community police accountability community and requested the Mayor stop efforts to curb reform at the state level. Charmaine Boston, a Kent resident and community liaison for Kent Black Action Committee, provided personal public statements. Boston asked everyone to be better about doing the right thing. S. CONSENT CALENDAR I move to approve consent items A - D RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Council President SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Thomas A. Approval of Minutes 1. Council Workshop - Workshop Regular Meeting - Dec 14, 2021 5:00 PM 2. City Council Meeting - City Council Regular Meeting - Dec 14, 2021 7:00 PM B. Accept the James Street and Second Avenue Pedestrian Crossing Project as Complete - Authorize ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 7 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to accept the James Street and Second Avenue Pedestrian Crossing Project as complete and release retainage to Northwest Cascade, Inc. upon receipt of standard releases from the State and the release of any liens. C. Appointments to the Kent Land Use and Planning Board - Confirm MOTION: I move to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Sandra Pereira and Chris McClain to three year terms on the Land Use and Planning Board that will begin on January 4, 2022 and end on January 3, 2025. D. Appointment to the Human Services Commission - Confirm MOTION: I move to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Nicholas Yu to a three-year term on the Human Services Commission that will begin on January 1, 2022 and end on December 31, 2024. 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. Parking Ordinance for the Green River Road - Adopt Public Works Director, Chad Bieren provided an overview of the parking ordinance for the Green River Road and indicated the Public Works Committee unanimously approved this ordinance during the January 3, 2022 meeting. MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4424, amending Chapter 9.38 of the Kent City Code to add no parking zones and prohibit overnight parking at locations along the Green River Road. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Thomas, Michaud 10. BIDS A. Six Million Gallon #1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement Project Bid - Award Chad Bieren provided an overview of the Six Million Gallon #1 Recoating and Vent Replacement bid and recommend the Council award the bid to the Long Painting Company. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 8 of 9 Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting January 4, 2022 Minutes Kent, Washington MOTION: I move to award the six million gallon #1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replacement Project to Long Painting Company in the amount of $3,022,229.32 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. R SE ULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner, Thomas, Michaud 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION None. 12. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 8:35 p.m. Ki ley A. Ko-wwto- City Clerk ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 9 of 9 - - n�+o- �_fi• _ _�;�� •�•---�` may—_ .� KENT VALLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT KentValleyWA.com I info@KentValleyWA.com 1253-846-5454 KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Industrial Real Estate — Demand Unabated PricingInvestment Activity Analysis BUYER COMPOSITION(%I Aver.0.S.I.PH-P-Sq.—Fool I$ISF) Kent is about 90% of new construction 75.0% $240 activity sD_D% $21 D 45.0% $180 30.0% $150 • Projections are continued industrial $120 15.0% $90 demand growth; safe' investment 0.0% $60 2014 2015 2016 2D17 2018 2019 2020 2021 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 .REIT&Institutional YTD -Price Per Square F- n° . Limiting factors is land availability despite DevelopmentSales Volume Rate of ANNUAL SALES VOLUME($) CONSTRUCTION AS% BUILDING INVENTORY pinch points for timber, steel, and labor $3,000,000,000 � E 0% 4.0% • Sale pricing per square foot incredible — FP,500,000,000,D00,OD0 30% $1,500 clear tie to REITS and institutional buyers e`e 0 20% $1,000,000,000 $500,000,000 10% Rents still about 2/3rds of Seattle; $0 3 60% 2014 2015 2016 2°" 2016 2019 2020 2021 2014 2015 2016 20" 2018 2019 2020 2021 f I [$1■V infrastructure and location paramount olume YfD �Share Inventory YTO NEWMARK 03 2021 _ ��KENT KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Consumer Spending Updates - MSA Percent Change in All Consumer Spending* Last data before Thanksgiving - • In Seattle,as of November 142021,total spending by all consumers increased by 28.2%compared to January 2020. WO kendin N,�. 14,20211 November 1 4t no% . 1 +28.2% Total Spending • Consumer spending in Seattle 0% , _� Rrt09nts& metro up 28.2% overall -20%1 1 1 Hotels • Ent Restaurants and hotel spending e artainment in 40%1 &Rec. was substantially recovered, -60% but still running behind Jan0 1 lApr1: Jun1 Aug1 Oct, '��Oec, Feb,i Apr, Jun, Aug, O�t, ' Jan, consumer spending overall 201t0 1 1, ® 1 ® O 6 2021. ® 2022 CJ Entertainment and recreation Jan 20 First U.S.COVID-19 case spending still significantly down Apr 1S First Stimulus Payments from pre-Covid peaks 1 Start data source:Amity 'Change w average consumer credit and debit card spendwg,ind.d to January431,202n and seasonally adju-d. The dashed segment of the line is provisional data,which may be subject to non-negligible revisions as newerdata is posted.This series is based on data from Affinity Solutions. Iastupdared:Move-24,2a2J nert update exper[etl:January ply— _ / _•' KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Employment rates (August 2021 In Seattle,as of August 10 2021,employment rates among workers with below median wages decreased by 34.1%compared to January 2020(not seasonally +lo% adjusted). : Aug10,2021 +5% n +8.1% +10% Aug i0,2.1 USA n 1 l - -11.6% 0%� -3.7% 0`m USA se-le -34.1% Seattle 10% -zo% -15% -20% -30% Jan 15 Apr li Jun Aug Oct iDecl Feb lli Wprl Junl Aug1 Oct Jan1 2020 A 2021� 2022 Jan 15 iAprli Junl Augl Oct Dlc1 Febli Wpr1 Jun1 A,I Oct1 Janl p� ®® ® Qx 2020 �� 2021! 2022 x x Jan 20 Jan 10 First U.S.COVID-19�ase First U.S.COVID-19t— Apr 15 Apr15 First Stimulus Payments First Stimulus Payments Start Stan data source:Earnin,Intuit,Kronos,Paychex data source:Earnin,Intuit,Kronos,Paychex Below median wage recession Above median wage employment almost persisting into last quarter of 2021 caught up to Jan 2020 levels : . KENT KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Job Postings in Seattle by Educational Requirements E Weekending i Weekending Dec 24,202.1 Dec 24,2021 +12.9°/0 -4.1% Moderate All.fob i Postings ' +2.1% Minimal -4.7% Extensive -4.1% All Job -18.6% ; ; i � Postings Considerable i � Ppr 1 Jun 1 Aug 1 Oct 1 Jan 1 Feb l Apr l Jun l Aug l Jan 1 2022 1 2021, 2022 i Percentage increase-or-decrease as compared to January 2020 KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 11111 Job Postings in Seattle Metro by Sector Weekending ` Weekending Dec 24,2021 i Dec 24,2021 +12.9% +8.90/10 i USA i USA i -2% 0 +3'5% Seattle i Seattle i ' Apr Aln1 Aug Jan Apr 1 an 1 Manufacturing postings up 3.5% over Jan Leisure and hospitality job postings are down from a 2020 going into holiday week year ago—much less than national postings as a whole KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Washington's Space Ecosystem Seattle Area Space lobs Open Seattle Space Jobs Index created by @stanshull-Alliance Velocity, LLC Broad, entrepreneurial 1,400 Major satellite hub 1,200 Total Blue Origin 1,000 Cloud computing 800 600 Key anchor companies 400 Strong supporting orgs 200 0 ,yo ,yo ,yo ,yo ,yti ,yti ,yti ,yti ,yti Rapidly growing P:i'do 10 PJao &*1 ell 10 CPI ©2021,Alliance Velocity,LLC ; KentValleyWkcom I info@KentValleyWA.com 1 253-846-5454 elm _�� KENT VALLEY � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Growing Space Economy — Startup Headlines T K � STARFISH SPACE KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PromotingOpportunities to Chain SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITIES CONFERENCE - PUGET THANK YOU SPONSORS! SOUND WHEN.,Thursday,December 9,2021 9:30AM-1:30PM(PT) •REYSAM r WHERE:Sho Ware Center I Kent,WA mo�smar servmes KEN T COST:Members$85/Regular Price$130 SIGMADESIGN G ROV' EC SPONSOR A DISPLAY TABLE&MAXIMIZE YOUR TIME&EXPOSURE! `. v DUO DEMGN,ENWNEERinc SERACES M A C H I N I N B.C 0 M Te laron ix business REGISTER NOW ore n LEARN TO DO BUSINESS WITH: iL BL IGIN XPLORE® FMS r✓ PTAC inTach ihe Carrier Pricing Experts Keep I.T.SimplEa CARGO COMPONENTS INC. h`I STARFISH SPACEFLIGHT PN * DC SPACE PACIFIC NORTHWEST 0 E F E N S E C 0 A L I^T I G N —^� KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Emergent "" New Space"; Emerging Opportunity? Featured speakers on workforce development panel : Museum of Flight, Aerospace Joint Apprenticeship Committee; Green P q SYMPOSUM River College 41 V POWERING SPACE Consensus of panelists to find NOVEMBERs STH 00e non-traditional paths to promoting STEAM to youth Local non-profits like Space United are looking at growth strategies KENTVALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Evaluating Supports for an Industrial Cluster • 1/41" of all food processing in Kin Count/ in Kent Valle KENT VALLEY g `� Y FOOD ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Fastest growth in food CENTER business licenses in Kent FEASIBILITY STUDY FINAL REPORT • Many years trend of Seattle r . LQ food and beverage y IGngCounty k companies moving into Kent (welcome Seattle Gourmet � � Port' A of Seattle Foods and Passport Foods! .r m , KentValleyWkcom I info@KentvalleyWA.com -- - - - - _^� KENT VALLE' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Questions '! W i I I i a m E I I i s, Chief Economic De velopment Officer Economic and Community Development Phone : 253-856-5707 E-mail : wellis@kentwa .gov KENT VALLEY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In Washington,as of August 10 2021,employment rates among workers in the Dow NLOAD CHART 0 bottom wage quartile decreased by 39.4%compared to January 2020(not seasonally adjusted). +10°i 1 Aug 10,2021 1 1 � +6.6% 1 High Wage 1 1 1 i -9.2/o 0 I I III I i I I I 1 Middle Wage II ($27K-$60K) -20% j II i I i 1 I! I I I I —39.4% I I I I I I I i Low Wage (427K) I I II i I II i 40% l 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .tan 15 I Apr 1 I I Jun 1 I Aug 1 Oct 1 ,Dec 1 I Feb I I Apr 1 Jun 1 Aug 1 Oct 1 Jan 1 2020 III I I I 20211 2022 1 3 II I I � I I ❑X I I I i Jan 20 , First U.S.COVID-19 Ease i I Aprls First Stimulus Payments Start data source:Earnin,Intuit,Kronos,Paychex —^� VALLEYKENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Investment Opportunity: Treasury Guidance Becoming Clearer EVERGREEN BUSINESS CAPITAL Business 1 SMALL BUSINESS 1a le�l FUND NNDF A public-private partnership to businesses in under-banked communities across Washington -'� 4scend 7• CRAFT KentValleyWA.com I info@KentValleyWA.com 1253-846-5454 Public Comment - Sign Up Sheet For the Kent City Council Meeting of: January 4, 2022 Please PRINT your contact information below and when called upon, come to the podium and state your Name and Address for the record You will be given THREE minutes to speak NAME Telephone Email Address Topic Print Leaibiv Number (F) Guj . CCV 2. &AOvi���r;f 3. 4. 5. 6. S:\PUBLIC\City Clerk's Office\City Council\City Council Meetings\TEMPLATES\Sign In Sheet Public Comments.doc Public Comment - Sign Up Sheet For the Kent City Council Meeting of: January 4, 2022 Please PRINT your contact information below and when called upon, come to the podium and state your Name and Address for the record You will be given THREE minutes to speak NAME Telephone Address Email Address Topic Print� Legibly_ Number I Cx 7. 90� ` TO-S(—' Cry Z4-7 8. �C �-/V// V 9. � 1�aS O-C.—SCL 10. 11. r 12. S:\PUBLIC\City Clerk's Office\City Council\City Council Meetings\TEMPLATES\Sign In Sheet Public Comments.doc Proposed Parking Code Amendments for Green River Road City Council Meeting January 4, 2022 Green River Road i n Kent Or 9F I A,ng le L.k.. % -1 J. S ql, S tooth St --------- -05 JI The Doeing Lake Youngs C—pny d SE 206th St 3 212th Si Des Moines S 216th Si Green Ri— < Natural Resources Area w w 16 SE 2241J9 St T] DW5 5 22Pth St IL S 240th StSt E James St S 2401h S' > 'nE 240t1 St SE 240d % W Smith S, Kent:' r-- reen R G iver Road SE 256th St I SE z56i,St w S 260 L Ln L e- 6 r.1-ri-h. % Qn S2 ---.6 Vgr-------- 16-SE2T2ndSt b 41, t------ 26671i St --------I Image Source: City of Kent Proposed N Parking Restrictions SLl110hSt O L Y w O T a-+ U O v 0) (a icy k - :1�e., '�rv-,�x,.. ...w __ •++•,��4 00 Proposed Modifications to KCC 9 . 389045 9. 38.045 - Parking prohibited from 10:00 p. m. to 6:00 a. m. Subsection (A)(2): On both sides of SE 274th ` SE 273rd PI ti'4ti Street between 128th Place SE and the end of the street, adjacent to Springwood Park. - w w A W e• a a ,Kd fi aln St u ;E a a ry Springwor--I r4 r Park This location is within the King County Housing Y� Authority Birch Creek property and does not LU exist. N SE 275th VI �� 275th St d t Propose to remove this location from the code. s� R75t�ti PI w w m U, a y 3Q 4 Q h L W r r � SL fi 1 SE 277th PI f `l1 r ■ CR xjojosm z4M 1 tRy.p ..E�.�,���'t. `{RY,^{d'.�'�^q Y �"'F q�+�'�,``°�l^r~'. '' g����•p� '�-,�; .� -: ..�,-��r .". - .:.� .9�'vv'4%� . f ,4 .•r.�lT. �h �` �i:S��.e s.if $?�'����"r�Y�-,�� 2 � c � y • a tie 1 a 9 � r r� r :'