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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks and Human Services Committee - 10/06/2022 (2) 4^* Parks and Human Services • Committee KEN T Thursday, October 6, 2022 WASHINGTON 4:0 0 PM Chambers To listen to this meeting, call 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 838 1479 4289, Passcode 929221 Chair Zandria Michaud Councilmember Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Toni Troutner ************************************************************** Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 2. Roll Call Chair 3. Agenda Approval Chair 4. Business Chair A. Approval of Munutes YES Chair 01 MIN. 1. Approval of June 2, 2022 YES Chair 01 MIN. Minutes 2. East Hill North Community NO Kerry O'Connor 10 MIN. Park Engagement Update 3. Purchase of Play Equipment YES Bryan Higgins 05 MIN. and Amenities for Morrill Meadows Park 5. Adjournment Chair The public may submit written public comments that relate to a committee agenda item by emailing: by 3:30 p.m. on the day of this committee meeting. After 3:30 p.m., written public comments may only be submitted in person by presenting them to the committee secretary at the public meeting. Written public comments that do not relate to a committee agenda item are not permitted. Written public comments are not read into the record. Unless otherwise noted, the Parks and Human Services Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the First Thursday of each month in City Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent WA 98032. For additional information, contact Ronald Lashley via email at or call 253-856- 5101. Parks and Human Services Committee CC Parks October 6, 2022 Regular Meeting Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856- 5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 4.A.1 Pending Approval Parks and Human Services KENT Committee Wp ...... CC Parks Regular Meeting Minutes June 2, 2022 Date: June 2, 2022 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Zandria Michaud, Chair Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Toni Troutner, Councilmember r Agenda: 4- 0 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. 0 2. Roll Call a a Q Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Zandria Michaud Chair Present a 0 Satwinder Kaur Councilmember _Present _ Toni Troutner Councilmember Present N 0 N 3. Agenda Approval N _ 4. Business 4- 0 A. Approval of Minutes Approval of Minutes dated April 7, 2022 Friendly change to minutes. All Committee members were present and in person at the meeting. MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated April 7, 2022 RESULT: APPROVED AS AMENDED [UNANIMOUS] Q MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember =_ AYES: Michaud, Kaur, Troutner B. 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update C. Kherson Park Redevelopment D. Amendment to T-Mobile Lease Agreement for 400 West Gowe - Authorize MOTION: : I move to authorize the Mayor to execute a reinstatement and fifth addendum to the Lease Agreement with T-Mobile at 400 W. Gowe, extending the lease five years with options for two additional five-year extension, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page I of 2 Packet Pg. 3 4.A.1 Parks and Human Services Committee CC Parks June 2, 2022 Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/21/2022 7:00 PM MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember AYES: Michaud, Kaur, Troutner E. Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with The HON Company. LLC - Authorize Friendly correction of the word "yeah" removed from the end of the first a paragraph of the Summary statement. _ MOTION: I move to authorize staff to purchase office furniture, equipment and installation services through The HON Company, LLC, ° subject to the terms of a cooperative purchasing agreement entered c into between The HON Company, LLC and Region 4 Education Service a Center through "Omnia Partners, Public Agencies," if those a purchases are made within established budgets and during the term 2 of cooperative agreement. o 0 v RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/21/2022 N 7:00 PM o N MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember C SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Michaud, Kaur, Troutner c 5. Adjournment p.m. 2avLat&Laaaey Committee Secretary c r a a� Q a� c ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 2 Packet Pg. 4 4.A.2 PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Julie Parascondola, CPRE Parks Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5100 DATE: October 6, 2022 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: East Hill North Community Park Engagement Update SUMMARY: Presenting the analysis of the concluded round 1 engagement for East Hill North Community Park. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. Packet Pg. 5 4.A.3 PARKS AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Julie Parascondola, CPRE Parks Director 220 Fourth Avenue South KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON 253-856-5100 DATE: October 6, 2022 TO: Parks and Human Services Committee SUBJECT: Purchase of Play Equipment and Amenities for Morrill Meadows Park MOTION: I move to Authorize the Parks Director to purchase playground equipment, matting, and site amenities from Landscape Structures Inc. through the King County Director's Association (KCDA) cooperative purchasing agreement, provided those purchases are within the City's established budgets and made during the term of the KCDA contract in effect through April 30, 2023, or any later contract extension KCDA may authorize. SUMMARY: King County Director's Association (KCDA) is a public agency owned by Washington's public-school districts. KCDA's mission is to provide centralized procurement services to member school districts and public agencies that will save them time and money and comply with all legal procurement requirements. The KCDA purchasing cooperative agreement allows the parks department to utilize the Landscape Structures agreement with KCDA to purchase playground equipment directly from Landscape Structures. This purchase will provide playground equipment for the future Morrill Meadows Phase II park renovation project, which will take place during the summer of 2023. Due to extremely long lead times, pre-purchase of this equipment is necessary to keep this project on schedule. A copy of the complete contract document is already on file with the City Clerk's Office, and a copy is attached for Council's review. BUDGET IMPACT: Expense impact to the Morrill Meadows Phase 2 Improvements budget SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Packet Pg. 6 4.A.3 Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Morrill Mdws Play Eqmt Purchase KCDA EXHIBIT (PDF) Packet Pg. 7 4.A.3.a -modah.-. KCDPURCHASING COOPER.4 T/VE L McOW- 18639-80TH Ave S.•P.O.Box 5550•Kent,WA 98064-5550•Phone 425-251-8115•Fax 253-395-5402• a 3 0 CU April 22, 2022 L L Landscape Structures Inc. Attn: Elaine Harkess L0 601 7th Street S W Delano, MN 55328 a The KCDA Board of Directors, at their April 21, 2022 meeting, awarded the following to Landscape Structures Inc. based upon the response to KCDA Bid#22-315, Playground c° Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities. E a Landscape Structures, RB Rubber, Zeager, Surface America, Forever Lawn. w KCDA also awards Landscape Structures Inc. the installation and site work services 2 included in this solicitation. Manufacturer catalog discounts have been awarded as listed in - Attachment B. Freight charges will be FOB shipping point on all deliveries. M Please note the bid submitted by Landscape Structures Inc., the award by the KCDA Board L of Directors, and the signed award letter, forms a contract based upon the terms and a' conditions set forth in KCDA Bid#22-315, Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site ti Amenities. N M This contract is in effect starting May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023 with options to renew ~ m for three one-year periods at the mutual discretion of KCDA and Landscape Structures Inc. _ X w Please acknowledge receipt of this contract by signing below and returning to: c Karri Wyman at Y a� M Company Name Landscape Structures Inc. i 0 g G�Nu, � Signature E W a Name (printed) Elaine Harkess a Title Contract Administrator 3 Date 4/25/22 •L L 0 Phone 763-972-5243 c Email E 0 a Packet Pg. 8 4.A.3.a KCA4PURCMSING COOPERATIVE 18639-8P Ave s.•P.O.Box 5550• •Phone 425-25MI15•Fax 2533-395-5402•www-kakag Kent,WA 98064r5550 � a 3 0 ca COMPANY PROFILE Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities o Bid #22-315 L 0 d COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION E Q Company Name: Landscape Structures Inc. Website: hips:// Company Address: 601 7th Street 5 +° a� City: Delano State: MN Zip: 55328 E a Contact Person: Elaine Harkess Title: Contract Administrator 3 Contact Phone: 763-972-5243 Contact Email: LU, c� a State of WA Department of — Licensing Contractor's Registration No. LANDSS1973NQ y 0 z State of WA UBI Number 601 227 543 L State of WA Department of a- Employment Security No. NA-Landscape Structures has no employees working in WA State ti rn N M Washington State Excise Tax Registration No. 601 227 543 m Federal Tax ID Number 41-0971842 = DUNS Number 06-478-9787_ X - W Q BACKGROUND Y a� Note: Generally,in high level contracts, KCDA will not accept an offer from a business that is less than cc five(5)years old, or which fails to demonstrate and/or establish a proven record of business. If the i bidder has recently purchased an established business or has proof of prior success in either this business a or a closely related business,provide written documentation and verification in response to the questions below. KCDA reserves the right to accept or reject newly formed companies based on information w provided in this response and from its own investigation of the company. >, 0 a. This business is a ❑ public company ® privately owned company. y 3 In what year was this business started under its present name? 1971 Under what other or former name(s)has your business operated? NA-no name change L 0 r c m E co Q Packet Pg. 9 4.A.3.a Y L Is this business a corporation? ❑ No ®Yes. If yes, please complete the following: a Date of incorporation: 4/1/1971 _ State of incorporation: Minnesota o Name of President: Pat Faust of°i Name(s)of Vice President(s): Karlye Emerson, Exec.VP; David Smith, VP of Sales = •L L Name of Secretary: Steve King 0 Name of Tom: CFO: Fred Caslavka ,o Is this business a partnership?IN No ❑Yes. If yes, please complete the following: Date of organization: State founded: Type of partnership, if applicable: a Name(s)of general partner(s): Is this organization individually owned? ® No ❑Yes. If yes, please complete the following: Date of organization: State founded: Name of owner: w This organization is a form other than those identified above. ® No ❑Yes. a 4- IF THEANSWER IS YES, describe the company's format,year and state of origin,and names and 0 a� titles of the principals. z U L a rn N COMPANY HEADQUARTER LOCATION H Company Address: 601 7th Street S x City: Delano State: MN Zip: 55328 w Main Phone Number: Landscape Structures Inc. How long at this address? 55328 0 U Y COMPANY BRANCH LOCATIONS N Branch Address: 1101 McKinley Parkway o_ City: Delano _ State: MN Zip: 55328 Branch Address: 8131 Forney Road a' w City: Dallas State: TX Zip: 75227 2 a Branch Address: 3 City: State: Zip: Branch Address: L 0 City: State: Zip: r If more branch locations,insert information here or add another sheet with above information. c� a Packet Pg. 10 4.A.3.a Y L SALES HISTORY a 3 Provide your company's annual sales for 2018,2019 and 2020 in the United States by the various public -00 ca segments: 2018 2019 2020 — L L K-12(public&private),Educational Service a Agencies $ 49.6 M $ 52.7 M $ 46.6 M `o 0 Higher Education Institutions Landscape Structure does not track sAes by this category$These sales _would be included with"Other Public Sector&Non-Profits. m Counties,Cities,Townships,Villages $ 87.9 M $ 92.6 M $ 74.5 M a States Landscape Structure does not track sAes by this category$These sales coo would be included with"Other Public Sector&Non-Profits. Other Public Sector&Non-profits $ 7,5 M $ 9 M $ 7.5 M E _a Private Sector $ 25M $ 27.9M $ 29.5M w TOTAL $ 170.0 M $ 182.2 M $ 158.1 M a 4- 0 a� WORK FORCE cyv z U L 1. Key Contacts and Providers: Provide a list of the individuals, titles, and contact information for the a- individuals who will provide the following services: rn N Function Name Title Phone Email Contract Manager ~ g Elaine Harkess, Contract Administrator 763-972-5243 op Sales Manager Tim Barrett, Regional Sales Manger 763-972-5349 X w Customer& John Mullan, President/PlayCreation Inc.;206.932.6366; Q Support Manager v Distributors, Distributor: PlayCreation, Inc.;John Mullan, President;206.932.6366; 0 Installers: R&R Construction, Inc.;Mike Rogers,Owner/Manager;360-829-2300; Dealers,Installers, CME,Play;Shelly Haynie,Owner/Manager;360-556-3552; Sales Reps LW Sundstrom;Len Sundstrom,Owner/Manager;206-730-8901; 3 Consultants& a Trainers NA w Technical, Frankie Escalante,Tech Support/PlayCreation, Inc.;206.932.6366; 2 Maintenance& a. Support Services y 3 Quotes,Invoicing& Quotes:John Mullan,President/PlayCreation Inc.;206.932.6366; Payments Invoicing/Payments:Misty Link,Credit&Collections Representative(763)972-5591 MistyLink@playlsi.comi _ L L Warrant &After y @ y Y John Mullan, President/Pla Creation Inc.; 206.932.6366; John Pla 2 the Sale r c m E c� Q Packet Pg. 11 4.A.3.a Y L Function Name Title Phone Email a- Financial Manager Brant Dennis, Controller (763)972-5437 o ca a� 2. Sales Force: Provide total number and location of salespersons employed by your company in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho,Montana and Alaska by completing the following: (To insert more rows,hit the tab key from the last field in the State column.) 0 Number of Sales Reps City State ,o 4 Burien_ WA f 2 Tacoma WA 2 Portland OR E Q a 3. Service/Support and Distribution Centers: Provide the type(service/support or distribution)and location of centers that support the states of Washington,Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska w completing the following:(To insert more rows,hit the tab key from the last field in the State ca column.) a 4- 0 Center Type City State y SanricelSapp_ort/Qis_tributon. Delano MN, Distribution, Dallas TX Servjge/Local Sales_ Burien WA a Service/Local Sales Portland OR rn N H 4. In-House Resources: Describe the business's current in-house workforce,equipment and facilities m_ available to perform under this solicitation. _ X Landscape Structures is the nark and playground manufacturer for this offering. Our manufacturing facilities are w ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified. With nearly 500 employees covering manufacturing and support Q 0 roles,we have a full team of CPSI certified playground designers, as well as experienced customer support and Y installationiteChnical support team to provide um- ey solutions and before and after sae suppport. 0 0 S. Sales Training: Explain how your company will educate your sales staff on the KCDA contract including timing, methods,etc. a If awarded, Landscape Structures will rovide web based training to our sales team to communicate E the details and requirements for quoting to customers under a KCDA contract. w 2 a. N ENVIRONMENTAL INITIATIVES 1. Describe how your products and/or services support environmental goals. L See attached "Environmental Initiatives" o r c m E c� Q Packet Pg. 12 4.A.3.a Y L 2. Describe the company's"green"objectives(i.e. LEED, reducing footprint,etc.). a See attached"Environmental Initiatives" o ca a� L COOPERATIVE CONTRACTS L0 L 1. Does your company currently have contracts with other cooperatives(local,regional,state,national)? 0 X YES NO ai r .E m If YES, identify which cooperatives and the respective expiration date(s). E Sourcewell 2/17/25; HGAC 10/31/22; NASPO ValuePoint 12/1/22; NCPA 5/31/22; National IPA/Omnia Partners 4/30/22; TIPS 9/30/24; New York State Contract 12/1/22; Ohio State Contract 2/28/23; Minnesota a e on ract 1/31/zz; California Multiple Award Schedule a� If YES and your company is awarded a KCDA Contract,which contract will you lead with in marketing and E sales representative presentations(sales calls)? 3 Landscape Structures will lead with KCDA w c� -- — a 4- 0 INDEPENDENT SUBCONTRACTORS DISTRIBUTORS INSTALLERS ETC. 0 N R t If the Bidder is not the sole manufacturer/provider of all goods and services provided under this contract, 2 the following must be answered: a 1. Selection Criteria for Independent Providers: Describe the criteria and process by which the rn business selects,certifies and approves subcontractors, distributors,installers and other M independent services. 2. Current Subcontractors, Distributors,Installers,Etc.:Provide a list of current subcontractors, distributors, installers and other independent service providers who are contracted to perform the w type of work outlined in this bid in the in the states of Washington,Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Q Alaska. Include, if applicable,contractor license information and the state(s)wherein they are eligible to provide services on behalf of this business. Y a� DISCLOSURES U L 1. Letter of Line of Credit or Annual Financial Report(REQUIRED): Attach a letter from the business's a chief financial institution indicating the current line of credit available in its name and evidence of E financial stability for the past three calendar years(2018,2019 and 2020). This letter should state w the line of credit as a range(ie.,"credit in the low six figures"or"a credit line exceeding five 2 figures"). If company is a publicly traded company a complete Annual Financial Report is required in . place of Line of Credit Letter. 2. Legal: Does this business have actions currently filed against it? ® No ❑Yes. L IF YES,AN ATTACHMENT IS REQUIRED:List and explain current actions such as Federal Debarment(on c US General Services Administration's"Excluded Parties List"),appearance on any state or federal delinquent taxpayer list,or claims filed against the retainage and/or payment bond for projects. E c� a Packet Pg. 13 4.A.3.a References shown below are Landscape Structures' largest customers in the area served by L REFERENCES KCDA. Attached is the list of the top 5 customers nationally over the past 3 years. a 3 Provide contact information of your company's five largest public agency customers: -°a ca Agency Name Title Phone Number Email 1. Seattle Public Schools, Brian Fabella ,Department of Capital Projects, 206.252.0702, bfabella@seattleschools.or. c 2• Auburn School District,Zach Thomas, Project Coordinator, Capital Projects(253)931-4826 zthomas@auburn.wednet.e o I Bethel School District, Shawn Sandvig, Maintenance Lead 253.800.4460 4• City of Kent Parks and Recreation, Jake Call, Playground Specialist 360.837.3168 c m 5• Everett School District, Chuck Booth, Facilities& Planning 253.385.4198 a c E Signature Must be the same signature that appears on the bid response forms a' W c� IL 4- 0 a� N R t V L IL ti rn N M H m X W Q U Y a� t v L E a' W a. N 3 L L C0 G E V Q Packet Pg. 14 4.A.3.a Y L J144 landscape 3 structurer ° ° Environmental Initiatives 0 ° L 0 Landscape Structures has a long-standing history of environmental awareness. Through our more than 75,000 playgrounds worldwide, we've helped create healthy kids and a sustainable world. Long before it was fashionable, Landscape Structures built a culture of sustainability, designing products that keep kids active, while going far beyond what was required to protect a the environment during manufacturing processes. a� In fact, we began putting formal environmental processes in place more than 20 years ago, and E Landscape Structures received its certification to the ISO 14001 environmental standard more a' than a decade ago. We are the first playground manufacturer in North America to receive that w certification of environmental responsibility. a 4- 0 Landscape Structures has been recognized as a Minnesota Waste Wise Leader for its y outstanding waste reduction and recycling efforts. U L We partner with American Forests to plant trees to offset the carbon produced during the a manufacturing of every play structure we sell, supporting the planting of more than 350,000 N trees since 2010. m In 2008, we received the Tekne Green Award for our commitment to sustainability. _ x w Landscape Structures believes in and practices building environmentally preferable playground o products through one-playground flow manufacturing. Y as "The foremost environmental protection is to design and produce products that last and perform for a very long time." -Steve King, Cofounder and Chairman, Landscape Structures a r E Design w • Each person involved in the design and production of our play structures is an owner of the company, and quality and environmental stewardship are integral parts of our a N culture • Evos° playsystem: No PVC and provides a 30 percent smaller carbon footprint than traditional play structures L • Weevos° playsystem: Offers a 17 percent smaller carbon footprint and is 100 percent 2 recyclable at the end of its life. c • Recycled Permalene° panels offer post-consumer recycled content of 73 percent. E 0 a 601 7th St South. vefano. MN 55328,Tel 763.1a72.3391 888.4 FUN L51. Fax 755-912.3165.t5EayIsi_com Packet Pg. 15 4.A.3.a 1/7- cc R landscape3 structures Manufacturing L • Green Boards track the environmental aspects and impacts of each stage of production �° and document improvements made to reduce these impacts ° • Steel and aluminum arrive cut to length to eliminate waste a • High-efficiency light fixtures reduce energy use • Recapture and use heat energy from curing oven E • Industry-leading recycling rates for all manufacturing waste c Packaging • Individualized, custom installation documents — no wasted pages a • Automated wrapping to reduce waste • Most packaging materials are recyclable and are provided with recycling instructions >, a Transportation o • Whenever possible, playground equipment shipments are pooled to conserve the use of fossil fuels and limit the production of greenhouse gases 2 a- ti rn N M H m X W Q U Y a� cc t v L E a' Lu a. N 3 L L CO G C a) E V Q 601 7th St South. 0efano, MN 55328,Tel 763.1a72.3391 888.4 FUN L51. Fax 755-912.3165.Play Isi_com Packet Pg. 16 4.A.3.a Y L J144 landscape 3 structurer ° ° Independent Subcontractors, Distributors, Installers L ° L ° U) Selection Criteria for Independent Providers m r Landscape Structures' distributors are independent sales organizations. When looking for distributors, Landscape Structures looks for companies and individuals who match our core a values—relationships, integrity, commitment, innovation, team and passion —as well as being financially responsible with sound business ethics. Our sales organizations have been with Landscape Structures for an average of 25 years with several of our largest currently being led E by the 2nd generation. Our shared values and commitment to serving our customers are the •2 foundation of our relationship. The long tenure has resulted in strong synergies and shared w quality, service and delivery values. We consider our sales channel true partners, and an integral part of the Landscape Structures family. a 0 a� Landscape Structures requires all playground equipment installers, with which we subcontract, to be manufacturer trained. Once trained, these installers are issued a Certified Installers Certificate. Many of our installers are also NPSI trained and Certified Playground Safety a Inspectors. Installers are expected to maintain required permits and licenses applicable in their state to perform their work in a legal and professional manner. If required by local regulations, ,`VM, installers may also be required to be OSHA certified. m_ x Current Subcontractors, Distributors, Installers X w Distributors for the KCDA contract include: Q 0 PlayCreation, Inc. —Washington State and Northern Idaho Y Ross Recreation Equipment Co., Inc. —Oregon N Installers include: R and R Construction, Inc. (Lic. # RRCONI*077QO) a L.W, Sundstrom, Inc. (Lic. # LWSUNI*011PF) Cascade Mini Excavating, Inc. (Lic. #CASCAME942K6) a All our Playground and Playground Safety Surfacing Installers are certified by our respective 3 manufactures' and approved to install and maintain the equipment installed. The installers listed above all hold Washington State contractor's licenses. Furthermore; each crew has, at L least, one CPSI (certified playground safety inspector) on site during the entire installation 0 process. All our installation crews are locally based in Washington in order to have the ability to respond and service customers in Washington and Northern Idaho. a 601 7th St South. vefano. MN 55328,Tel 763.1a72.3391 888.4 FUN L51. Fax 755-912.3165.t5EayIsi_com Packet Pg. 17 4.A.3.a _t�. i'�•: — — :�a'i•:— s'�S iDS �AS� s'�S .��. s'�S AS —i�iti +'�S —••S� s'�S i'i`:� s•A AS s'�S +'�S —... ••/•. :��•:— ••i.:.•iii•5.... ♦♦w :.i•♦i...i••••...i•♦i...i••L...i••i...i•♦L...i••i...•i••i...i••i...•i..i...i..4...i..i...i..L...i••i...i••i...i••i...•i•.i.: . ♦.^....i••i� 'II�r+.�.1�i'i�..�rr rr�..•+ v...�� r 1.1+•.v 1.�re.r V.�r.rr V..•r rV1�rr.r�.�r v�.�rr.r•1.�+..v...�re sr 1.�r.ry V.�r..r V1�rr.r V1�rr.r V.�rr.r V.�+r.v...1 rr.r 1.��+.rr V..•tl �1++•i�I S•♦ H! 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Ifii�i � `� ♦11 fC ,III•P++� ���a{�Ir� fA Calendar Years 2018-2020 11�M ++� T►�a�lrl Date Official Validation , 'L 1 ,I�ly +•...+.yam �y i%.���I Landscape Structures Inc., 601 7th Street South, Delano, MN 55328 USA ==��-'•-'r� �P4�r41. \li� 1 !1}}�Ri 1t111R1 ttl}4'it ttl�llt t11}11R t111}`11t 111}1iRt it}}�Rt 1t111R1 1tl}�tl tt�1�111 t111�1�1R tt}1�11t t111�11Rt t1}}IiRt ltll1tRl it}}1�R1 1t11�1iRt 1tl}1�tt tt}1�111t �`�,•�/C � +��tt�i� �t t {t�i4 ••�/�7t1tt} �h1H} �1t11 1i1} /111} 1N} 1N} �1it} }tt} 1H} }H} 1H1 lit} 1N} 1H} 1t1} 11t} 1H} 1i11�1tt} 41tiN1 141} • f}J40•T'1/}N 4/}N 4NN 411 f+ 4/}f} 11}N H1f1 11if! 4/}N H}f} 4/}N 11}f} 41}f1 I►1f} 11}f1 4►}N H}f} }N 4/}f} 41}N} }!!N Hlf1 .•J,{ Q ,{`,S,J,��, II!!!! I!!l11,�,�♦�1!!!!1�\�,�♦�I!!1!! 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MN 55326 USA o a� t m r r a Packet Pg. 19 /-r..._....r..: 'r... _ .rrs: -.s: c rs: .-.'♦S: -.♦S._ r.♦`.�. .♦S: .-.•♦S: .-.+♦S: .-.•♦S: .-.+♦S: .-.•♦S: .-.•♦R:" ..5: .-.•♦S .-.•♦S: .-s'♦S :.•♦S: - 4.A.3.a I r....�. .....�: ..♦.y.. ...i...�r.♦♦.y...�♦♦.p...�..i...��...�... ..♦..y...•,r...:'.r...r.♦i...x♦♦S...�.♦*...�..5...r.♦S...x.♦.+�.. ...5...r.♦i...t.♦i...t..i...r.♦i....t !4�}����I♦•i'���4�f�i♦����Q 4`/f�i�•�•♦i�41f�i���•�i�R{f�i�•�•♦i�4{f�i�•�'♦O 41f�i�•�•♦i�R�1�i�•�•♦O 41f�i�•�•♦i�411�i�Q•♦d 4�f�i♦•�•�O 4�f�i�•�•♦��R{f�i♦•�'♦�s Rif�i�•�•♦O 4�1�i♦•�•♦O 4�f�i♦p•♦O 4�f��♦O'♦O Rif 4�•�'♦O 4���f���'�'♦O 4����♦'�'♦��4�f O♦p•���4��Q��� {{;.����I+�.ttQiaifj I�f tfi�{�{ff �..tfi�{�{ff t}i�i�►ff t}i+stiff tfi�it/ff t}i+it{+f tfi�i�/ff �tfi�i�/ff t}i+i�lff tfi+i�{ff fii+i�{ff t}i+i�lff tfi+i�lff tfi+i�/+f f}i+i�lff off}+i�lff tfi+i�/+f tfiANA tfi+i�/if tfi+i�/ff t1}/t ♦L.}i 1�,+;•,•�.R,..��i�riwc.::..;tftti ��tri , itti�. �ft� „��tl� ,, itli ftli ittf ifl� ,; �tl� ,,,, �fl� , ftl+! �tti Mtti itri itti �t+rt �t1� �t+rt� �flt� irltly�,.,r,+� �A:''-�_—lttf4�, f44411 44411 ,;��44t41 ,y 44111 >;� 144}II , 44tt1 44411 44t11 44t11 44tt1 44tt1 ;, 14tt1 44tt1 44t14 44tt4 44tt1 , 44tt4 , ttttl 44tt4 44t14 44ft}L� •,;p/ �,� ,��ift 'ttf f ft ttf f ft� �!ttf f ft� �!ttf f ft� ttf f 1t^'� ttf f It ttf f ft ttf f it ttf f ft��''�!ttf f ft°�''"»ttf f ft I�`1�ttf f ft + 1 ttf f ft ttf f ft ttf f ft ttf f ft r�!ttf f ft r�!ttf f ft !1 ttf f ft'r`''i ttf f ft ttk��'` P+� (4{..,., Off* 1 lot landscape W =f structures° === 4+02. 4.�.=�. Cbis Certificate Approves 4 == Lto } � 3 I}+'.'. cm '000 T+ R & R Construction Inc . �!J� rl iLL1 i'� y f `Yip}� I��G 01 ° =F+= Certlllc� Installer L d,►.•. W t Zfr�: cv 31 400, Calendar Years 2020-2023 v I1 �"== Date Official Validation �= ��.— C ,I}'�'�• Landscape Structures Inc., 601 7th Street South, Delano, MN 55328 USAF r Ih��f 1+ - �11y�.'� gut t4t�l11I t4 +1 t�t }i t; t� }t t{1}4 l 1 1 1 11� iili�,ifs}►{►�{�+ifs}E{i�"!0-1, }E{►+��ifi}►{i . ;ilii11.1 i �i:{:D••4:{:O••O:{;0• i:{:D..�i:►:aa..s�:{:D..ij:�.0..�i:{:0..�i:{:aa..�i:{:0..�i:{:D..�j:{:0..�i:.+p..�i:{:0..�i:.+aa..�i:{:as.•�i:►:0..�j•+.I/ \II�'r.�.'i:*:.w��,��5�...��,♦iA�...:�♦♦i♦4:..�A♦♦iS�...:�.♦i♦.r:..��,♦♦A�...��♦•♦A�...::.♦i...:..-�,♦iA+�..-�,♦♦5+�..-�,♦♦A�...��,♦,5+�...��,♦♦A;...��,♦iA+�...:r:.'iSr:..��,•iA�...��,•,S�...��,•ice:...��..,q�...��.'iS�...:a♦i.♦.�...:�.♦i♦i'..*ill \`_ _ �.r_ s...r_ sue.,_ s..s_ �••�_ _�.s_ s�.,,r s.. - _�••g_ -s.. �sgr_. ss.,_ g- - - ..+ /,��+�.- �i1 +r1 +�� ♦+- ter- ♦+- ��� +r- �- � +ram ♦+- \L.��+� � /-.= + �\� + /\L ++�/\ !�=%\ irZ=/ - J� \��s�.:.��= ��i \��/� �xi � �xi�`��� �s� \�`�✓ �x� ��-"_��_�� ��i � � _`J�, ���", ���, ���" •`� Packet Pg. 20 4.A.3.a Y bank. L CU U) -0 CU •L L March 1st, 2022 L O U) d To Whom It May Concern: E a Landscape Structures Inc holds an active and good standing commercial banking relationship with a U.S. Bank, dating back to 1986. As of today, Landscape Structures Inc has funds on deposit in the E .3 low-mid seven figures, and line of credit availability that exceeds seven figures. While this is a w snapshot of today's liquidity, it is a conservative representation of availability over the past three a years (2019, 2020, 2021). o N R t V L a Please reach out if any questions; my cell #320-237-4541 . N M H Sincerely, m x v w ar/ Q 0 U Y a Dan Edelbrock N Vice President I Commercial Banking Minnesota Community Banking P: 320.259.8416 1 C: 320.237.4541 1 a r E U.S. Bank w 1015 West Saint Germain Street, St. Cloud, MN 56301 a 3 •L L CO G Q� E V Y r a Packet Pg. 21 4.A.3.a 1/7- cc R landscape3 trutry Top Five Government or Education Customers L 0 a Landscape Structures top five customers are identified as those with the highest cumulative revenue. `o That revenue is comprised of multiple projects with varying scope. Large projects can range anywhere N from $100k to several hundred thousand or even $1 million+. The typical scope of any size project m r includes equipment, installation, related site work(i.e. concrete walkways, shelters, site furnishings), m surfacing, and other sourced products.The majority of the Landscape Structures sales organizations E Q invoice their customers directly,therefore Landscape Structures does not have total sales volume data or project scope by customer. Based on available and collective information, our top (5)government or 0 education agencies are: E a ENTITY NAME 3 New York City Parks w New York, NY ca City of Toronto Parks and Recreation o Toronto, Ontario, Canada City of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Albuquerque Public Schools a Albuquerque, NM ti rn Chicago Public Schools �N,, Chicago, IL .. H m_ For additional sales information please contact David Smith, Vice President of Sales at = X or by phone at 763-972-5205 w Q 0 U Y W 0 CU t v L E a' LU a. N 3 L L C0 G E V Q 601 7th St South. 0efano. MN 55328,Tel 763.1a72.3391 888.4 FUN L51. Fax 755-912.3165.Play Isi_com Packet Pg. 22 4.A.3.a KC DA L R 0 R 0 Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes L L O The bidder hereby certifies that, within the three-year period immediately preceding the bid a L solicitation date (1/19/2022), the bidder is not a "willful" violator, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, ,0 of any provision of chapters 49.46, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW, as determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a c d civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction. Q I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. d E a Landscape Structures Inc. Bidder's Business Name w Signature of Authorized Official* C m M Fred Caslavka Printed Name a Chief Financial Officer m Title N H 3/1/22 Delano _ Minnesota m Date City State w a c Check One.- Sole Proprietorship ❑ Partnership ❑ Joint Venture ❑ Corporation ® w M z L State of Incorporation, or if not a corporation, State where business entity was formed: a E tr Minnesota w a If a co-partnership, give firm name under which business is transacted: 3 —NA •L L CO G *If a corporation,proposal must be executed in the corporate name by the president or vice-president (or any other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). If a co-partnership, °' E proposal must be executed by a partner. .r Q Packet Pg. 23 4.A.3.a KCDAPURCHA SING COOPERATIVE 18639-80TH Ave S.•P.O.Box 5550•Kent,WA 98064-5550•Phone 425-251-8115•Fax 253-395-5402• L R a 3 Uniform • . • • -00 R 00 When a purchasing agency seeks to procure goods and services using funds under a federal grant or contract,specific federal laws, regulations,and requirements may apply in addition to those under 0 state law. This includes, but is not limited to,the procurement standards of the Uniform Administrative � Requirements,Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,2 CFR 200, referred to as '0 N the"Uniform Guidance"or new"EDGAR". All Respondents submitting proposals must complete this EDGAR Certification form regarding the Respondent's willingness and ability to comply with certain c d requirements,which may apply to specific agency purchases using federal grant funds. E Q For each of the items below,the Respondent will certify its agreement and ability to comply,where c� applicable, by having the Respondent's authorized representative check, initial the applicable boxes, and sign the acknowledgment at the end of this form. If a Respondent fails to complete any item of E this form,KCDA will consider and may list the response,as the Respondents are unable to comply. A Q- "No" response to any of the items below may influence the ability of a purchasing agency to purchase w from the Respondent using federal funds. LJ a 0 Violation of Contract Terms and Conditions m Provisions regarding Respondent default are included in KCDA's terms and conditions. Any contract M z award will be subject to such terms and conditions,as well as any additional terms and conditions in any purchase order,ancillary agency contract,or construction contract agreed upon by the a' Respondent and the purchasing agency,which must be consistent with and protect the purchasing ti agency at least to the same extent as KCDA's terms and conditions. The remedies under the contract N are in addition to any other remedies that may be available under law or in equity. m_ x Termination for Cause of Convenience w For a participating agency purchase or contract in excess of$10,000 made using federal funds,you o agree that the following term and condition shall apply: v Y d The participating agency may terminate or cancel any purchase order under this contract at any time, with or without cause, by providing seven (7) business days in advance written notice to the Respondent. If this agreement is terminated in accordance with this paragraph,the participating agency shall only be required to pay Respondent for goods and services delivered to the participating E agency prior to the termination and not otherwise returned in accordance with the Respondent's a w return policy. If the participating agency has paid the Respondent for goods and services provided as >, the date of termination, Respondent shall immediately refund such payment(s). a If an alternate provision for termination of a participating agency's purchase for cause and convenience, including how it will be affected and the basis for settlement, is in the participating agency's purchase order,ancillary agreement or construction contract agreed to by the Respondent, L the participating agency's provision shall control. 0 c m E s 1 � .r Q Packet Pg. 24 4.A.3.a Y L Equal • • Opportunity a Except as otherwise provided under 41 CFR Part 60,all participating agency purchases or contract that 3 meet the definition of"federally assisted construction contract" in 41 CFR Part 60-1.3 shall be -°a deemed to include the equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b), in accordance with M Executive Order 11246,"Equal Employment Opportunity"(30 FR 12319, 12935,3 CFR Part, 1964-1965 Comp., p.339),as amended by Executive Order 11375,"Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to L Equal Employment Opportunity,"and implementing regulations at 41 CFR Part 60, "Office of Federal �° Contract Compliance Programs,Equal Employment Opportunity,Department of Labor." `o 4- The equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b) is hereby incorporated by reference. Respondent agrees that such provision applies to any participating agency purchase or contract that m meets the definition of"federally assisted construction contract"in 41 CFR Part 60-1.3 and E Respondent agrees that it shall comply with such provision. Q c a� DavisAct E When required by Federal program legislation, Respondent agrees that,for all participating agency contracts for the construction,alteration,or repair(including painting and decorating)of public w buildings or public works, in excess of$2,000, Respondent shall comply with the Davis-Bacon Act(40 U.S.C. 3141-3144,and 3146-3148)as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations(29 CFR Part a 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted o Construction"). In accordance with the statute, Respondent is required to pay wages to laborers and v°', mechanics at a rate not less than the prevailing wages specific in a wage determinate made by the Secretary of Labor. Also, Respondent shall pay wages not less than once a week. a- Current prevailing wage determinations issued by the Department of Labor are available at rn Respondent agrees that,for any purchase to which this requirement applies,the M award of the purchase to the Respondent is conditioned upon Respondent's acceptance of wage determination. op x X Respondent further agrees that it shall also comply with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback"Act(40 U.S.C. w 3145),as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations(29 CFR Part 3, "Contractors and p Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants v Y from the United States"). The Act provides that each construction completion,or repair of public N work,to give up any part of the compensation to which he is otherwise entitled under his contract of employment,shall be defined under this titled or imprisoned not more than five (5)years,or both. U a r E StandardsContract Work Hours and Safety w Where applicable,for all participating agency purchases in excess of$100,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers, Respondent agrees to comply with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704,as a supplemented by Department of Labor regulations(29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C.3702 of the Act, 3 Respondent is required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer based on a standard workweek of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard workweek is permissible provided that the — worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all c hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the workweek. The requirements of the 40 U.S.C.3704 applies 2 to construction work and provides that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in c surroundings or under working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous,or dangerous. These 0 E 2 Q Packet Pg. 25 4.A.3.a Y L requirements do not apply to the purchase of supplies, materials or articles ordinarily available on the o_ open market,or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. 3 0 ca Right to Inventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement a� If the participating agency's federal award meets the definition of"funding agreement" under 37 CFR L 401.2(a)and the recipient or sub-recipient wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm ° or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties,assignment or performance or `o experiments,developmental or research work under the"funding agreement,"the recipient or sub- N recipient must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 401, "Rights to Inventions Made by °' Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants,Contracts and Cooperative Agreements,"and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. E Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act c 0 Clean Air Act 42 U.S.C.7401-7671 °( q.)and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act(33 U.S.C. 1251- a 1387),as amended,contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of$150,000 must contain a 3 provision that requires the non-Federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards, w orders,or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act(42 U.S.C.7401-7671q.)and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,as amended(33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). Violations must be reported to the a Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). o When required,Respondent agrees to comply with all applicable standards,orders,or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. L a- Debarment and Suspensionti rn Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689),a contract award (see 2 CFR N M 180.222) must not be made to parties listed on the government-wide exclusions in the System for Award Management(SAM), in accordance with OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement m_ Executive Orders 12549(3 CFR Part 1966 Comp. p. 189)and 12689(3 CFR Part 1989 Comp. p.235), _ X "Debarment and Suspension." SAM exclusions contain the names of parties debarred,suspended,or w otherwise excluded by agencies,as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory p authority other than Executive Order 12549. Respondent certifies that the Respondent is not v Y currently listed and further agrees to immediately notify KCDA and all participating agencies with N pending purchases or seeking to purchase from the Respondent if Respondent is later listed on the government-wide exclusions in SAM,or is debarred,suspended,or otherwise excluded by agencies or U declared ineligible under state statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. a- r E a' w Anti-LobbyingByrd >, 0 Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment(31 U.S.C. 1352), Respondents that apply or bid for an award a exceeding$100,000 must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will 3 not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a member of Congress,officer or — employee of Congress,or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any c Federal contract,grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier must also disclose 2 any lobbying with non-Federal funds that take place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. c Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-Federal award. E 3 0 Q Packet Pg. 26 4.A.3.a Y L Procurement ofRecovered For participating agency purchases utilizing Federal funds, Respondent agrees to comply with Section 3 6002 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act -°a where applicable and provide such information and certifications as a participating agency may require to confirm estimates and otherwise comply. The requirements of Section 6002 include procuring only items designated in guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA)at 40 CFR L Part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable,consistent with �° maintaining a satisfactory level of competition,where the purchase price of the item exceeds$10,000 0 or the value of the quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded$10,000;procuring N solid waste management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery,and °' establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA guidelines. Q Profit as a Separate Element of Price For purchases using federal funds in excess of$150,000,a participating agency may be required to a negotiate profit as a separate element of the price. See 2 CFRR 200.323(b). When required by a 3 participating agency, Respondent agrees to provide information and negotiate with the participating w agency regarding profit as a separate element of the price for a particular purchase. However, c� Respondent agrees that the total price, including profit, charged by the Respondent to the a participating agency shall not exceed the awarded pricing, including any applicable discount,under o the Respondent's contract with KCDA. y z U L General Compliance with Participating Agencies a In addition to the foregoing specific requirements, Respondent agrees, in accepting any purchase rn order from a participating agency, it shall make a good faith effort to work with a participating agency pN,, to provide such information and to satisfy requirements as may apply to a particular purchase or purchases including, but not limited to,applicable record keeping and record retention requirements m_ as noted in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, FAR 4.703(a). _ X w Q 0 U Y a� t v L E a' W a. N 3 L L CO G E V 4 Q Packet Pg. 27 4.A.3.a L R complete and accurate and that I am authorized by my business to make this certification and all By initialing the table(1-12) and signing below,I certify that the information in this form is true, consents • agreements contained herein. -a R Respondent Q� Respondent CertificationCertification: YES, I agree or •• NOT agree 0 L 1. Violation of Contract Terms and Conditions Yes '0 N 2. Termination for Cause of Convenience Yes d 3. Equal Employment Opportunity Yes c 4. Davis-Bacon Act Yes c° c d 5. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act Yes E 6. Right to Inventions Made Under a Contract or w Agreement Yes a 7. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act Yes 8. Debarment and Suspension Yes L 9. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment Yes ( a ti 10. Procurement of Recovered Materials Yes 11. Profit as a Separate Element of Price Yes ~_ m x 12. General Compliance with Participating Agencies Yes X w a c Y d N Landscarae Structures Inc. Name of Business IL Signature of Authorized Representative w c� Fred Caslavka a Printed Name 3 3/1/22 = L Date Lo c m E s 5 .r Q Packet Pg. 28 4.A.3.a Installation Rates for KCDA 2022 Standard Equipment Install Rates Standard&Prevailing Wage Davis Bacon Wages play equipment installation 43.5%of equipment cost(list price) 47.5%of equipment cost(list price) Hillside Slide installation 70%of equipment cast 77.5%of equipment cost(list price) including composite structues&independents unless otherwise noted/listed below Y specific component installation O Installation of Crab Trap $19,277 $26,024 IL Installation of We-Go-Round $10,390 $14,027 N Installation of the Pinnacle#156065A $6,175 $8,336 Installation of the Pointe#156067A $4,685 $6,325 'a Mobius 3-Panel#150634A $3,085 $4,165 M Mobius 6-Panel#150636A $6,057 $8,177 Mobius 7-Panel#150637A $6,627 $8,946 Mobius 12-Panel#150638A $10,515 $14,195 Global Motion#218915 $6,085 $8,215 L O TopsyTurny#205800 $2,885 $3,895 2 OmniSpin Spinner#173591A $1,815 $2,450 i WeSaw#186490A $4,190 $5,657 4- ZipKrooz(per 34'length/per bay) $4,571 $6,171 N ZipKrooz(per 50'length/per bay) $5,485 $7,405 ZipKrooz(per 66'length/per bay) $6,398 $8,637 !_ SmartPlay:Cube $9,173 $12,384 d SmartPlay:Motion $11,125 $15,019 SmartPlay:Nook $12,817 $17,303 4 SmartPlay:Loft $8,532 $11,518 a SmartPlay:Venti $19,321 $26,083 O Cozy Dome $1,385 $1,870 Eclipse Net $9,210 $12,434 N Swings(bay) $2,350 $3,173 E Swings(each additional bay) $1,190 $1,607 Install Saddle Spinner/Spring Rider(single spring) $545 $736 a' Health Beat Components 35%of equipment cost 40%of equipemnt cost LL1 Rhapsody Music Collection 35%of equipment cost 40%of equipment cost > AdventureScape Collection System 40%of equipment cost 54%of equipment cast M Other Costs Standard&Prevailing Wage Davis Bacon Wages %_ Removal and Disposal of existing Equipment $410 per post+$335 per footing $533 per post+$435 per footing O Digging through Asphalt $98.00 per hole $135.25 per hole a N Receive and off-load equipment 3%of equipment cost(list price) 4.5%of equipment cost(list price) M Haul away dirt from digging holes 6%of equipment costs(list price) 8.1%of equipment cost(list price) C� digging through wood chips/surfacing $103.50 per hole $145 per hole Receive and off-load equipment 3%of equipment cost(list price) 4.5%of equipment cost(list price) d Haul away dirt from digging holes 6%of equipment costs(list price) 8.1%of equipment cost(list price) Disposal of packaging material 3%of equipment cost(list price) 4.5%of equipment cost(list price) ti Accept delivery&off-load equipment at site 0.40 per pound 0.47 per pound N Layout equipment,mark holes $38.85 per hole $52.45 per hole Dig footing holes $93.60 per hole $126.35 per hole Set Upright Post(PlayBooster only) $205 per post $276.75 per post m Set Deck(PlayBooster only) $245 per deck $330.75 per deck 3:Set 7 Post NetPlex Post&Braces $3,270 $4,415 Set Venti Prep(posts and bridge brace) $10,989 $14,835 W Site Work-Hourly Rate Laborer $99 $135.00 Q Site Work-Hourly Rate Operator/Lead $185 $250 Installation Supervision(Community Build) 8%of equipment costs(list price) 11.5%of equipment cost(list price) V REPAIR,SERVICE,AND RETURN TRIP $785 plus$135 per hour $1060 plus$180 per hour Y Excavate Site(scape and haul away dirt,grass&debris) $165 per cubic yard $225 per cubic yard N Form and Pour Concrete ADA Ramp(12"long+/-x 6'wide+/-) $2,730 $3,685.00 a t Form-Pour Straight Concrete Curb(12"-16"h x 6"w)w/reBar $145.per lineal foot $195.75 per lineal foot t„1 L Farm-Pour Curved Concrete Curb(12"-16"In x 6"w)w/reBar 188.5 per lineal foot $255.per lineal foot a Form-Pour Concrete Pad/Sidewalk($2000 minimum) $15.85 per square foot $21.40 per square foot IL Dig Dry Well/French Drain(with drain rock,no pipe) $15.35 per lineal foot(up to 3'wide x 3'deep) $20.72 per lineal foot(up to 3'wide x 3'deep) 4' Dig Dry Well/French Drain(with drain rock,with pipe) $37.50 per lineal foot(up to 3'wide x 3'deep) $50.65 per lineal foot(up to 3'wide x 3'deep) a W O Surfacing Related Install Costs Standard&Prevailing Wage Davis Bacon Wages d Cost of rubber matting installation $7.65 per square foot $10.35 per square foot N Cost of rubber matting cuts(per lineal foot) $13.95 per lineal foot $18.80 per lineal foot Cost of rubber matting removal&disposal $7.35 per square foot $9.95 per square foot Cost of Poured-In-Place installation (for standard 2 color speckled mix. Patterns and designs are extra and custom rates apply) 1.75"-3.0"$14.65 per square foot $19.78 per square foot L 3.3"-5.0"$17.00 per square foot $22.95 per square foot L Engineered Wood Fiber REMOVE&DISPOSE $97.00 per cubic yard $130.95 per cubic yard Engineered Wood Fiber INSTALL $31.50 per cubic yard $42.55 per cubic yard .. Compact Engineered Wood Fiber in'Lifts'(blown in or push) add$31.50 per cubic yard $42.55 per cubic yard C Lay Filter Fabric $1.15 per square foot $1.55 per square foot a Supply&Install Drain Rock(pea gravel)* $5.76 per square foot(3"depth) $7.77 per square foot(3"depth) t Supply and Install Crushed Rock(for unitary surface)* $7.90 per square foot(4"compacted depth) $10.65 per square foot(4"compacted depth) Supply/Install Crushed Rock(each 2"over above line item)* $3.15 per square foot(2"compacted depth) $4.77 per square foot(2"compacted depth) ram+ Install Black Platic Border with Spikes $10.65 per lineal foot $14.38 per lineal foot Q add for any site work without machine access* .50 per lineal feet away from site .76 per lineal foot away from site Pricing valid until 4/28/2023 1 Issued 3/1/2022 *prcing based on access to site by heavy equipment for Landscape Structures,inc Packet Pg. 29 4.A.3.a L KCAAPURCHASING COOPERATIVE a � -J 18639-80TH Ave S.•P.O.Box 5550•Kent,WA 98064-5550•Phone 425-251-8115•Fax 253-395-5402•www.kcda.ora rn 0 ca a� L INVITATION FOR BID L0 Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities o Bid #22-315 N ATTACHMENT A E Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion a� E a In submitting the proposal to provide products and/or services as outlined in the bid specifications,we w hereby certify that we have not been suspended or in any way excluded from Federal procurement actions by any Federal agency. We fully understand that, if information contrary to this certification a 4- subsequently becomes available,such evidence may be grounds for non-award or nullification of a bid 0 contract. a� z U This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and a Suspension, Participant's Responsibilities. ti rn N Signed: m_ Title: Chief Financial Officer = X w Firm: Landscape Structures Inc. p U Y Address: 601 7th Street S. N 0 City,State,Zip: Delano, MN 55328 a r Date: 3/1/22 E - a' w Email: fredcaslavka la a N 3 Note: Electronic acceptance of these terms and conditions signifies compliance with above statement. (Line item Whse bids) _ L L C0 G E V King County Directors'Association A School Purchasing Cooperative for Supplies and Equipment a Packet Pg. 30 4.A.3.a c ATTACHMENT B Terms by Manufacturer KCn&PURCHASING COOPERATIVE Playground Equip,Surfacing,&Site Amenities#22-315 E 18639-BOTH Ave S.•P.O.Box 5550•Kent,WA 98064-5550•Phone 425-251-8115•Fax 253-395-5402• Bid Due Date:March 3,2022 Q' at or before 2:00 pm,PST W Bidder Name: Landscape Structures Inc. Address: 601 7th Street S ra Phone: 763-972-3391 Fax: 763-972-3185 City,State,Zip: Delano,MN 55328 a STANDARD BIDDER LEAD TIME FOB DESTINATION: 35-60 days ARO O at to M TERMS BY MANUFACTURER:Please provide the minimum order required per manufacturer and lead times. SPECIFIC DISCOUNTS:Please provide quoted discounts from the manufacturer's current list prices.It is the bidders v responsibility to submit updated price lists during the contract year,when the contract allows,otherwise discounts will be ` 3 taken from the most current on file.The manufacturer must already be present in this bid to be considered.Discounts must d include shipping/freight charges.A current price list and catalog must be provided at the time of bidding.NOTE: DISCOUNTS MAY BE USED IN DETERMINING AWARDS. ~ Os N FOB-Freight FACTORY-Cost will be extra F- Manufacturer Minimum Order Lead Time Discount Amount Discount Detail DESTINATION-Cost is included in discount pp 2 X Ex:ABC Company Inc $1,000 4-6 Weeks 25% 2016 List Price Sheet Destination W Q Landscape Structures Inc. No Minimum 4-6 Weeks(standard) 6% 2022 Price List FOB Delano,MN Y RB Rubber No Minimum 14 to 16 Weeks(standard) 6% 2022 Price List FOB McMinnville,OR s v Zeager Bros.,Inc. No Minimum 2 to 4 weeks(seasonal) 6% 2022 Price List FOB Longview,WA 3 a 4.1 Surface America No Minimum 7 to 14 Days(standard) 6% 2022 Price List FOB Corona,CA E a Foreverl-awn 100 Square Feet 21 to 28 Days(standard) 6% 2022 Price List FOB Dalton,GA WL, ra !I a 1 'L L O 1 E 3/1/2022 22-315 Landscape Structures Inc. Q Authorized Agents Signature Date Bid Number Name of Firm Packet Pg. 31 4.A.3.a Y L cc KCDA PURCHASING COOPERATIVE 3 18639-80m Ave.S. P.O.Box 5550 k Kent,WA 98064-5550• Phone 425-251-8115•Fax 253-395-5402• �0 R a� INVITATION FOR BID L 0 Playground Equipment,Surfacing,&Site Amenities o Bid#22-315 N as r ATTACHMENT C-Special Provisions E THESE INSTRUCTIONS SUPERCEDE AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY OPPOSING LANGUAGE IN THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS c aD E A. SOLICITATION OBJECTIVES a 3 KCDA is seeking manufacturers,providers or dealers/distributors to provide current and emerging w Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities to its members. a Total approximate value of spend for this contract is between $13,000,000 and$14,000,000. However, 0 KCDA does not guarantee any minimum or maximum value or number of orders. It is KCDA's intent to establish an annual multi-state contract with the potential of up to three (3) one-year a extensions if mutually agreed between KCDA and the awarded vendor(s). Bidders must be a manufacturer or a manufacturer's sales representative authorized to provide KCDA Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & N Site Amenities in Washington,with the preferred ability to service surrounding member states(ex: Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska). m_ x Contracts established by KCDA are available for use by all public schools, colleges, universities, cities, x w counties and other government agencies throughout the nation. Participation in KCDA is not required of Q any governmental agency; however,participation does provide the legally required competition for v contracts for commonly purchased products and services, thereby saving the entity the time and expense of Y a required competitive process. As allowed by specific state statutes, members can issue purchase orders for any amount without the necessity to prepare their own IFS or gather necessary quotations. L 3 d Bidders must be an authorized manufacturer, sales representative or service dealer having a local sales, service and install presence in Washington State. The Bidder must also include a list identifying the states w within which they are authorized to sell, service and install. If a portion of a state is serviced,bidder must >, specifically list the portion which is serviced. Bidder can list by county,region or territory. Bidder must a provide the list as a separate document when submitting a response. The bidder may propose different pricing and rates for different installation areas as necessary to accommodate applicable wage rates and costs. Bidders must have a local sales presence that either reside or can be contacted within the additional states named to enable KCDA members to have onsite consultation, needs assessment, installation,integration and training. o 0 r c a� E 0 r a Packet Pg. 32 4.A.3.a The types of services and products may include, but are not limited to: • Playground equipment—Complete playgrounds for all ages, stand-alone activities, outdoor fitness _ systems, etc. a • Playground equipment components—Replacement parts, system components, accessories, etc. o • Surfacing—Engineered wood fiber,tiles, matting,turf,poured-in-place, etc. 0 • Site amenities -Picnic tables, benches,trash receptacles, sanitizing stations, etc. • Large tent/canopy structures -Event/party/cafeteria tents. Sturdy with a weatherproof covering and L optional walls. Surface mounted, etc. o • Shelter/shade structures - Constructed with wood,metal, stone, fabric, etc. • Sitework installation, design, �° engineering, etc. N • NOTE: Bleachers will not be awarded under this contract. r All products provided must comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) laws, Consumer E Product Safety Commission (CPSC) guidelines, and current ASTM standards as certified by the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association(IPEMA). Include any certifications to this respect with your bid. a� E By conducting this solicitation, KCDA intends to provide savings and to offer its members a choice of 3 Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities at discounted pricing. w KCDA's purpose is to: a • Cooperatively serve our members and associate members through a continuous effort to explore and o solve present and future purchasing needs. • Provide government agencies opportunities for greater efficiency and economy in acquiring goods and services. a • Equalize purchasing power for smaller agencies that are unable to command the best contracts for themselves. N • Maintain credibility and confidence in business procedures by maintaining open competition for purchases and complying with purchasing laws and ethical business practices. m • Provide competitive price solicitations which meet the procurement laws of our members. _ • Secure multi-state volume purchasing contracts which are measurable, cost effective and w continuously exceed our members' expectations. o • Provide quick and efficient delivery of goods and services by contracting with"high performance v and quality"vendors who understand our members' needs. B. TIMELINE L January 19, 2022&January 26, 2022 Advertised as Bid#22-315 in DJC Seattle, Oregon a March 3, 2022 Bids due no later than 2:00 P.M.PST E April 14, 2022 Award recommendation w April 21, 2022 Board Approval May 1, 2022 Contract Start Date a. 3 C. SUBMISSION OF BIDS Bidders are requested to submit pricing for Washington State per the drawings and specifications provided = in this solicitation. KCDA requests pricing for its members in Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska as well. o Bidder is requested to submit either 1) separate price pages for each state being bid or 2)provide a pricing matrix that shows a price factor to be applied to the Washington state pricing in order to calculate the c pricing for other states. Pricing must be provided in hard copy and must be available in Excel on flash drive E or CD. Online submission of bid through Public Purchase is NOT accepted. .2 Packet Pg. 33 4.A.3.a • Submit sealed bids in 3-ring binder with an inside pocket and a set of dividers. Submit one(1) bound and signed copy of the bid plus one(1)electronic copy on CD or flash drive. a • KCDA reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept any proposal deemed most a advantageous to KCDA members and to waive any informality in the bid process. o • Bids shall be submitted as stated in this solicitation. Deviations to any terms, conditions and/or 0 specifications shall be conspicuously noted in writing by the bidder and shall be included with the bid. No cross outs or delineations shall be made to the existing document. Exceptions and = deviations will be considered in award evaluation. KCDA reserves the right to reject any deviations o or exceptions stipulated in a bidder response and may subsequently disqualify such bid if such terms L are unacceptable to KCDA. Language to the effect that the bidder does not consider this solicitation 4° to be part of a contractual obligation may result in the bid being disqualified. • Withdrawals of bids will not be allowed for a period of 60 days following the opening. Withdrawal c of bids prior to the opening date will be permitted. E • Addendums if required, will be issued by KCDA through Public Purchase. Addendums will also be Q posted on the KCDA website(www.kcda.orgJ under Contracts& Bids—Vendor Bids. Addendums will not be mailed or e-mailed. It is bidder's responsibility to check for issuance of any Addendums prior to submitting a bid. All Addendums must be signed and returned with the bid document, E or the bid will be considered non-responsive. All documents with signatures shall have original ink signatures. Electronic copies shall be scanned with original signatures. w D. BID FORMAT a 1. Preparation of the Bid Response o a. The IFB #22-315 is published in one PDF document on the KCDA website, it is also y published on the Public Purchase website with all required documents and forms posted separately. • Cover Page indicates the Due Date and where to send Bid documents to a • Terms and Conditions • Attachment A contains the Debarment Statement(signature required) • Attachment B Terms by Manufacturer includes catalog discounts(signature required) • Attachment C Special Provisions that take precedence (signature required) 00 x • Attachment D Signature Page and Miscellaneous Fees (signature required) w • Attachment E Services Price Schedule (complete as necessary) Q • Attachment F Deviations (signature required) v • Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes(signature required) Y a� • Company Profile(signature required) • EDGAR Certification Form (signature required) L b. Bid Forms requiring signatures shall be submitted with original ink signatures,by the person a authorized to sign the bid.Failure to properly sign the bid documents or to make other E notations as indicated will result in the response being deemed non-responsive. w c. Corrections and/or modifications received after the opening time will not be accepted, except as authorized by applicable rule,regulation or statute and KCDA. a d. In case of an error in extension of prices in the bid, unit prices shall govern. e. Periods of time, stated as a number of days, shall be in calendar days,not business days. f. It is the responsibility of all Bidders to examine the entire 11713 package, to seek clarification = of any item or requirement that may not be clear, and to check all responses for accuracy o before submitting a bid.Negligence in preparing a bid confers no right of withdrawal after due date and time. c g. The Bidders' ability to follow the bid preparation instructions set forth in this solicitation will E also be considered to be an indicator of the Bidders' ability to follow instructions should they receive an award as a result of this solicitation. Any contract between KCDA and a Bidder a requires the delivery of information and data. The quality of organization and writing Packet Pg. 34 4.A.3.a reflected in the bid will be considered to be an indication of the quality of organization and writing which would be prevalent if a contract was awarded. As a result,the bid will be a evaluated as a sample of data submission. a 3 2. Format of Bid Response -0 CU Bidders shall provide bids in a three ring binder using standard size paper, clearly identified with the company name and the name of the IFB being responded to on the outside front — cover and vertical spine. Clearly identified tabs must be used to separate the bid into 0 sections, as identified below. Responses should be direct, concise, complete and unambiguous. Bidders failing to organize bids in the manner requested risk being considered ,o non-responsive if bids are not easily read and understood. Awards will be made more a efficiently and timely by following the required format. aD Tab 1 - Company Profile/Information Q • Company Profile form c • Responses should include a brief introduction informing KCDA of the qualifications and experience of the Bidder, along with a brief company history. • Reference requirements: Projects should be of similar size and complexity,preference given for government contracts. s Tab 2- Response Forms w • Debarment Statement-Attachment A a • Terms by Manufacturer-Attachment B (option: bidder may include this information in o their own format as part of the pricing pages) y • Special Provisions-Attachment C • Deviations-Attachment F • Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes a • EDGAR Certification Form Tab 3 -Pricing Pages • Manufacturer Price Lists. Any additional costs are to be priced by methods designated under Installation Rates or by RS Means, as provided in the Bidder's response to this solicitation. x w • Installation Rates: A listing of products or services (including, but not limited to: site o prep, sitework, installation, disposal, etc.)which are not listed in the Manufacturer Price v Lists which Bidder can provide and may be considered as a value add for KCDA member Y agencies. Bidder to provide in their own format, if applicable. • Miscellaneous Fees-Attachment D • Services Price Schedule-Attachment E, or bidder's own format. a Tab 4 -Product Line Brochures and Literature Tab 5 -Marketing Plan w • List shows, conferences, show examples of flyers or describe how bidder will market the KCDA Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities contract. Tab 6—Authorized Dealers/Vendor Partners • Provide letters from each manufacturer stating authorization to deal. • List all dealers/vendor partners authorized to utilize this contract through the vendor. _ Tab 7-Addendums o E. VENDOR RESPONSIBILITIES c • Designate and assign a dedicated senior-level contract manager(one authorized to make decisions) E to the KCDA contract. This employee will have a complete copy and must have working knowledge of the contract. a Packet Pg. 35 4.A.3.a • Train and educate sales staff on what the KCDA contract is including pricing,who can order from the contract,terms/conditions of the contract and the respective ordering procedures for each state. a It is expected that the awarded vendor will lead with the KCDA contract. a • Develop a marketing plan to support the KCDA contract in collaboration with respective KCDA o member agencies. Plan should include, but not be limited to, a website presence, electronic mailings, 0 sales flyers, brochures,mailings, catalogs,etc. • Create a KCDA-specific sell sheet with a space to add a KCDA logo and contact information for use = by KCDA and the awarded vendors local sales representatives to market within each state. o • Have ongoing communication with the Contract and Procurement Specialist at KCDA and the L KCDA member agencies. ,0 • Attend two (2) "touch base"meetings at KCDA per year. One of those meetings may be participating in the KCDA Vendor Fair. • Participate in national and local conference trade shows to promote the KCDA contract. E • Increase sales over the term of the KCDA contract. Q c F. EQUIPMENT & RELATED PRODUCTS 1. New Products E .2- All Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities provided under this contract must be new, Cr not previously used, and are being actively marketed by the manufacturers' authorized dealers. W CU aAll branded playground equipment components, spare parts, application software, and ancillary equipment supplied under this contract must conform to manufacturer specifications and shall be of a°, new manufacture and in current standard production. The awarded vendor is responsible for ensuring that these items are operable and installed in accordance with manufacturer's L specifications. a 2. Installation/Removal N a. The installation and/or removal of contract Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities shall be performed in a professional manner. The member's premises and m equipment shall be left in a clean condition. The awarded vendor may be required to repair = all damage and/or provide full compensation for damage to the member agencies premises w and equipment that occurred during installation/removal. o b. Personnel in charge of the installation must be available to coordinate installation with c� member agency's internal staff. Qualified service support and technical personnel will be required to provide all necessary maintenance and repair. Installation dates and installation schedule must be approved by member agency. L c. Installation crews may be working around students, teachers and general staff. Installation a may require off hour and weekend work in order to accommodate and complete the project in E the timeline required by the member agency. The member agency will try to accommodate w access for installation during school/business hours; however, any plan that displaces staff, students or personnel will most likely create disruption to the ordinary daily schedule.After a hours and weekend installations are preferred and will be so identified in the proposal to the member agency. d. Project Manager for the awarded vendor shall verify proper installation at multiple and = various times throughout the duration of the installation. o e. Upon successful completion of installation,test system functionality for all possible scenarios and document all outcomes. f. Installment requirements (electrical certifications,plumbing certifications, licenses, permits E etc. . � r a Packet Pg. 36 4.A.3.a 3. Newly Installed Equipment or Related Product Problems Member agency will evaluate the performance of newly installed Playground Equipment, Surfacing, Ca & Site Amenities for a 15-day period after installation. If the performance is unsatisfactory,the a member agency will immediately contact the awarded vendor to pursue corrective action and o resolution of the problem. Resolution of performance problems may result in: 0 • Repair or other action to correct the problem including training or modifications made to member's satisfaction. — • The replacement of the Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities with another c of the same brand and model, at no additional cost(including delivery and installation)to the member agency. ,o • Return of the Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities with cancellation of the order at no charge to the member agency. c W 4. Inspection/Testing/Acceptance a a. Inspections,tests, measurements, or other acts or functions performed by the member agency C shall in no manner be construed as relieving the awarded vendor from full compliance with contract requirements. At a minimum, an installed piece must demonstrate the capability of E providing the functions and services specified in the manufacturer's published literature. Q- M w 5. Maintenance, Repair and Service a. Maintenance, repair and service related to the operation of Playground Equipment, Surfacing, a & Site Amenities must be provided to member agency. o b. Excessive Service and Downtime: Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities N including all components, spare parts, application software, and ancillary equipment supplied z through this contract shall be capable of continuous operation. Therefore, awarded vendor shall guarantee that all Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities will be a operational at least 98%of normal business hours. Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities that develop a trend of requiring an excessive number of service calls shall be M reported by the member agency to the awarded vendor or by the awarded vendor to the member agency as the situation warrants and a corrective action and resolution will be made m_ in a manner that is best for the member agency. _ X c. In the event that the performance of maintenance services under the contract results in a need w to replace defective parts, such items may only be replaced by new parts. In no instance shall c the awarded vendor be permitted to replace defective items with refurbished, Y remanufactured, or surplus items without prior written authorization of the member agency. N d. Awarded vendor must guarantee the availability of repair parts for a minimum of five(5) z years subsequent to member agencies acceptance of the contracted Playground Equipment, i Surfacing, & Site Amenities. a' E CT 6. Relocation/Transfer w a. Member agencies shall be afforded the option to relocate/transfer contract Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities from one member location to another member a. location as deemed necessary with no change to agreement or maintenance plans. If self- moves are an option, the awarded vendor must be notified prior to relocating or transferring. 2 The member agency will be responsible for repairs required for damage that occurred during L self-moves. o b. Alternately member agencies may elect to have the awarded vendor relocate/transfer the Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities. The awarded vendor is responsible for 0) repairs required following such relocation/transfer. Relocation/transfer of Playground E Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities must be coordinated with member agency contact personnel responsible for the contract. a Packet Pg. 37 4.A.3.a 7. Adding New Products and/or Services Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities must meet the scope of work to be added to the ca contract. Pricing shall be equivalent to the percentage discount for other products. Awarded vendor a may replace or add product lines to an existing contract if the line is replacing or supplementing o products on contract, is equal or superior to the original products offered, is discounted in a similar 0 or to a greater degree, if it is within the same awarded manufacturer and if the products meet the requirements of the solicitation.No products may be added to avoid competitive procurement — requirements. KCDA may require additions to be submitted with documentation from KCDA c members demonstrating an interest in, or a potential requirement for, the new product or service. a KCDA may reject any additions without cause. ,o N 8. Discontinued Products If a product or model is discontinued by the manufacturer, awarded vendor may substitute a new product or model if the replacement product meets or exceeds the specifications and performance of a the discontinued model, it is within the awarded manufacturer and if the discount is the same or greater than the discontinued model. c° c as NOTE. Listing the above specifications shall in no way relieve the awarded vendor from the E responsibility to follow proper code and regulations w G. TRAINING& SUPPORT a If applicable,please state specifically the amount of training which will be provided at no charge. Then list o the charge per hour of additional training if applicable (see Attachment E). N a. If specified by the member agency, staff in-service shall be offered following the installation. M Training needs must be quantified and specified by the member agency. Awarded vendors shall provide appropriate pricing(if applicable) based upon each member agencies training M need. It is understood that some training may be provided free of charge, and some may incur charges. Please outline your training philosophy and related pricing structure. M b. If desired, follow up training may also be scheduled to further support usage and to identify Any individual training needs. Please include follow up training pricing as well. m x H. PUBLIC WORKS LANGUAGE X w Vendor agrees that, in performance of the services required under this agreement,Vendor shall abide by all a c federal, state, local and Washington law and regulations that may apply to construction and public works. It v is the responsibility of the Vendor to determine applicability and requirements of any such laws and to abide N by them. M z L a. Public Works: a' State of Washington statute requires workers be paid prevailing wages when employed on E public works projects and on public building service maintenance contracts. (RCW w 39.04.010, RCW 39.12.010 and 020)It is the contractor's responsibility to be acquainted with and comply with State regulations regarding payment of prevailing wages on public a works projects. Prevailing Wages are established by the Washington State Department of 3 Labor and Industries and can be obtained on the web at h ://www.Ini.wa. ov/TradesLicensin,/PrevW@ e/Wa eRates/ or by contacting = Labor and Industries at 360-902-5335. A copy may also be requested from KCDA. KCDA c serves all counties in Washington State. The County in which the project is located will be 2 identified once a member initiates a request for the service, and the effective wage rate to be applied to a specific project is to be based on the date of this bid during the original contract E term, and if contract extensions are granted,the prevailing wage rate in affect at the time of the latest extension. a Packet Pg. 38 4.A.3.a Application: The Public Works Act regulates wages paid to workers, laborers and mechanics performing public work. It does not apply to work that is clerical, executive administrative or 3- professional in nature. It does not apply to work of a secretary, engineer or administrator, a unless they are performing construction work, alteration work,repair work, etc. Prevailing o wage application depends on the work that is performed, regardless of the worker's job title. 0 (RCW 39.12.020 and WAC 296-128-510 through 530) Definition: Public Works is all work, construction, alteration,repair or improvement that is c executed at the cost of the state or any other local public agency. This includes,but is not limited to, demolition,remodeling,renovation, road construction, building construction, ferry ,o construction and utilities construction. (RCW 39.04.010) LO A) Public Building Service Maintenance Contracts: Prevailing wages are also required on all public building service maintenance(janitorial)contracts. (RCW 39.12.020) a c Contractors bidding a Public Works project exceeding$1,000,000.00 must declare who their HVAC,Mechanical and Electrical subcontractors will be within one hour of bid submission and the listing of structural installation and rebar installation Q. subcontractors within 48 hours of bid submission, and submit this information with bid documents in order for the bid to be responsive(RCW 39.30.060). Such projects also w have special considerations pertaining to use of apprentices(RCW 39.04.310, RCW a 39.04.320, and RCW 39.04.350). c as Reciprocity: In accordance with RCW 39.04.380 any bidding process for public works in M which a bid is received from a nonresident contractor from a state that provides a percentage bidding preference, a comparable percentage disadvantage must be applied to the bid of that a' nonresident contractor. This does not apply to public works procured pursuant to RCW 39.04.155, 39.04.280 or other procurement exempt from competitive bidding. M b. Prevailing Wage: m Definition: Prevailing Wage is the hourly wage, usual benefits and overtime,paid in the X largest city in each county,to the majority of workers, laborers and mechanics. The rate is w established by the Department of Labor and Industries for each trade and occupation c employed in the performance of public work. If Federal funds are used. bidders must comply Y with provisions of Davis-Bacon Act. M Basic procedures:A Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages and Affidavit of Wages 2- Paid must be filed and approved for the contractor and all subcontractors. No payments can a' be made until all contractors/subs have submitted an approved intent form. KCDA cannot E release retainage until all Contractors have an approved Affidavit of Wages Paid form w certified by the Industrial Statistician. (RCW 39.12.030, 040, 042) Once the work is successfully completed, KCDA will release 95% of the project cost and withhold 5% a. retainage for 45 days as dictated by law. The final 5%will be paid when the following is 3 completed: Receipt of approved Affidavit of Wages Paid Forms,Releases from Washington State Department of Labor&Industries, Employment Security Department and the - Department of Revenue, and acceptance of project completion to the satisfaction of the o KCDA ordering member. The cost of filing required Intents and Affidavits is the 2 responsibility of the Contractor and may not be added as a line item charged to the c member agency. All Intents and Affidavits must name the a1zency for whom work is E being erformed as the contract award agency,not KCDA. Q Packet Pg. 39 4.A.3.a Federally Funded Projects: In addition to the Federal Requirements of Section 111, Housing and Urban Development(HUD)Terms and Conditions, Davis-Bacon prevailing wage 35 requirements apply to public works construction contracts of$2000 or more when a project a includes any federal funding of any amount. When there is a difference between applicable o state and federal prevailing wages for a particular classification of labor, contractors and 0 subcontractors are required to pay the higher of the two prevailing wages. Applicable federal prevailing wage determinations can be found at — Contractors/Subcontractors must be knowledgeable and adhere to all federal prevailing wage c requirements, including but not limited to paying workers weekly and providing certified weekly payrolls for the contractor and subcontractors of any tier as required in the Davis- ,o Bacon Act and applicable U.S. Department of Labor regulations. Falsification of any M prevailing wage payroll records may subject the contractor or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution under section 1001 of Title 18 and section 231 of Title 31 of the United M States Code. Contractor shall inform all subcontractors of the Davis-Bacon requirements and a the prime contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by any subcontractor or lower c tier subcontractor with all the contract clauses. Contractor must coordinate all requirements related to federal funded projects with the KCDA member Agency. a c. Responsible Bidder: Before award, the bidder must meet the following state responsibility criteria and, if w applicable, supplemental responsibility criteria to be considered a responsible bidder. The a bidder is required to submit documentation demonstrating compliance with the criteria. c as Low Responsible Bidder M A. State Responsibility Criteria. The Bidder must meet the following state responsibility criteria: a' 1. At the time of bid submittal,have a current certification of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW. M 2. Have a current Washington State Unified Business Identifier(UBI)number. 3. Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW m 39.06.010 or 39.12.065(3). X 4. If applicable: w a. Have Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the Bidder's a employees working in Washington State, as required in Title 51 RCW; Y b. Have a Washington State Employment Security Department number, as required N in Title 50 RCW; and z c. Have a Washington State Department of Revenue state excise tax registration 2- number, as required in Title 82 RCW. a' 5. New bidder requirement. Certif that within the three-year period immediate) E precedingthe bid solicitation date: U w a. The bidder is not a"willful"violator, as defined in RCW 49.48.082 or an >% M provision of chapter 49-46, 49.48 or 49.52 RCW. a b. As determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued 3 _by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a civil judgement entered g by a court of limited or general 'urisdiction. _ c. As of July 1, 2019, WA Labor and Industries has required all businesses to have c public works training before bidding and/or performing work on public works projects. This training requirement has been added to the responsible bidder criteria in RCW 39.04.350 and RCW 39.06.020. Awarding agencies are E required to verify all contractors submitting bids meet this requirement before awarding the contract. .2 Packet Pg. 40 4.A.3.a 6. At the time of bid submittal, provide signed sworn statement in accordance with RCW 9A.72.085 verifying under penaLty of perj that the bidder is in compliance 3- with the new responsible bidder criteria requirement. a 7. Supplemental Bidder Responsibility Criteria.If supplemental criteria apply to this 3 project,the criteria are included as "Exhibit A."The Bidder may make a written 0 request to modify any or all of the supplemental criteria. Modification of supplemental criteria shall be at KCDA's discretion. Any modifications to the — supplemental criteria shall be made by addenda prior to bid opening. c Subcontractor Responsibility ,o The contractor shall include the language of this section in each of its first tier subcontracts and shall require each of its subcontractors to include the same language of this section in each of their subcontracts, adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the contracting a) parties. The requirements of this section apply to all subcontractors regardless of tier.At the a time of subcontract execution,the Contractor shall verify that each of its first tier c subcontractors meets the following bidder responsibility criteria: 1. At the time of bid submittal, have a current certification of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27 RCW. Q. 2. Have a current Washington State Unified Business Identifier(UBI) number. 3. Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW w 39.06.010 or 39.12.065(3). a 4. If applicable: c a. Have Industrial Insurance (workers' compensation) coverage for the Bidder's N employees working in Washington State, as required in Title 51 RCW; M b. Have a Washington State Employment Security Department number, as required in Title 50 RCW; and a c. Have a Washington State Department of Revenue state excise tax registration number, as required in Title 82 RCW M 5. Have an electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW; 6. Have an elevator contractor license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW; m x d. Bonds-Payment&Performance: w The prime Contractor shall provide a Performance and Payment Bond at 100%of the c contract price to the KCDA member with a copy to KCDA before work begins. The only v exception is for contracts of one hundred fifty thousand 150 000 dollars or less. In this aY, instance, at the option of the Contractor, the member may in lieu of the bond retain ten z percent of the contract amount for a period of thirty days after date of final acceptance, or 2- until receipt of all necessary releases from the Department of Revenue and the Department of 0. Labor and Industries and settlement of any liens filed under Chapter 60.28 RCW, whichever E is later. The bond shall be issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the State a' of Washington and shall be on standard forms used for public projects (RCW 39.08.010)and as directed by the KCDA member. a. 3 Performance and Payment bonds for KCDA members outside Washington must be provided by companies licensed to provide bonds for public entities in the member's state. _ •L L O e. Licenses: The prime contractor shall possess and maintain in current status all federal, state, and local licenses, bonds, and permits required for the performance and delivery of any and all E products and services offered in its response to the bid solicitation. Before submitting a bid, Bidders must hold a current,valid contractor's license as required in Washington. The a contractor's license must be in the name of the legal entity submitting and signing the bid. A Packet Pg. 41 4.A.3.a Bidder may not substitute a contractor's license held by a subcontractor or joint venture. Bidders submitting bids in Washington State without a valid contractor's license in the name 3- of the Bidder are in violation of RCW 18.27.020. a 3 It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to ensure any subcontractors performing under 0 this contract hold and maintain appropriate licenses. KCDA reserves the right to request copies of licenses at any time during the contract. Copies c of licenses, upon request,must be submitted to the member prior to performing the work. a The Contractor agrees to keep and ensure subcontractors keep any required license, permit or ,o bond current and in compliance with Washington rules, regulations and statutes, as well as in states outside Washington in which contractor performs work under this contract. For work performed for any Washington State school district,public agency or municipality, the Contractor must comply with the bidder responsibility requirements of RCW 39.04.350 prior a to the KCDA member awarding a contract. The contractor must verify the responsibility of all subcontractors used in accordance with RCW 39.06.020. c° c as f. Permits: Ea The acquisition of all permits as well as any drawings needed to obtain those permits is the responsibility of the successful Contractor/Bidder. w g. Certificate of Insurance: c A certificate of insurance demonstrating current coverage of the types and amounts of N insurance required by KCDA and the KCDA member must be provided to the KCDA M member prior to performance of any work. In addition, the Commercial General Liability policies must be endorsed to name KCDA and the KCDA member as additional insureds. a' Such policies must be further endorsed to provide that the insurance is primary as respects KCDA and the KCDA member, and that any other insurance maintained by KCDA and the M KCDA member shall be excess and not contributing insurance with the Contractor's insurance. These endorsements must be provided along with the certificate of insurance. The m KCDA member must both approve the certificate of insurance and endorsements. X w h. Acceptable Pricing Method: a c KCDA is unable to accept Alternative Costing Method quotations except in certain limited v instances, (i.e., sole source) in which KCDA and Vendor may mutually determine the N Alternative Costing Method is acceptable. This will be the exception rather than the rule. z RS Means or line item bid pricing is acceptable. 2- a i. Progress Payments: E tr The Contractor shall be paid, upon submission of a proper Payment Request, the prices w stipulated herein for work performed (less deductions, if any), in accordance with all payment and retainage instructions herein. Submitted Payment Requests must contain the a. following minimum information: 3 a. Contract Number b. Bid item ID, bid quantity,unit, unit price and description as appropriate = c. Sales Tax as applicable o The Payment Request will be reviewed by the Member before payment is made. If the Member is in disagreement with the Payment Request, KCDA will issue a notice requesting a revised Payment Request. E KCDA, at its discretion,reserves the right to withhold payment on a given project, pending a receipt of payment from the customer. Packet Pg. 42 4.A.3.a In accordance with RCW 51.12.050,KCDA reserves the right to deduct from the payment ca any outstanding industrial insurance premiums owed by the Contractor or Subcontractors. a 3 j. Payment Retainage: 0 In accordance with RCW 60.28 contract retainage [not to exceed five percent of the moneys earned by the contractor toward completion of a public improvement contract] shall be - withheld and reserved in one of two ways: c a. As a trust fund for the protection and payment of 1)the claims of any person arising under the contract, and 2)the state with respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Titles ,0 50, 51 and 82 RCW which may be due from such contractor. Upon completion of a contract,the member agency shall notify the Department of Revenue,the Employment Security Department, and the Department of Labor and Industries of W the completion of contracts over one hundred fifty thousand dollars. KCDA will a issue payment on the retainage amount forty-five days after notice from the KCDA r_ Member Agency that the contract has been accepted as complete or upon receipt of all necessary releases, whichever is later. b. O tion of providing retainage bond for the full amount of the retainage 5% of the Q. contract amount with a erformance bond . This bond is s arate from the performance bond under RCW 39.08.10.Providing a retainage bond means no w retaingge is withheld. If you choose to provide a retainage bond a copy of the bond a must be submitted. 4- 0 m k. Force Majeure z Except for payments of sums due, neither party shall be liable to the other,nor be deemed in default under this contract, if and to the extent that such parry's performance of this contract a is prevented by reason of force majeure. The term"force majeure"means an occurrence that is beyond the control or responsibility of the party affected and occurs without its fault or M negligence, including, but not limited to the following: acts of God; acts of the public enemy; war; riots; strikes; industry-wide labor disputes; civil disorders; fire;flood; snow; m earthquakes;tornadoes or violent winds; hail storms; lockouts; injunctions-intervention-acts, X or failures or refusals to act by government authority; and other similar occurrences beyond w the control or responsibility of the party declaring force majeure,which such party is unable c to prevent by exercising reasonable diligence. The force majeure shall be deemed to v commence when the party declaring it notifies the other party of the existence of the force N majeure and shall be deemed to continue as long as the results or effects of the force majeure z prevent the party from resuming performance in accordance with the contract. The party 2- receiving the notice of force majeure may contest the declaration of a force majeure. Force a majeure shall not include late deliveries of equipment or materials caused by congestion at a E manufacturer's plant or elsewhere, an oversold condition of the market, inefficiencies, w internal labor disputes, or similar occurrences. If either party is delayed at any time by force majeure,the delayed party shall notify the other party in writing of such delay within forty- a. eight(48)hours. 3 I. PRICING The bidder shall submit pricing using Manufacturer Price Lists,Attachment B-Discounts, Installation o Rates, and Attachment E—Services Price Schedule, as necessary. Vendor bid pricing shall include a 2% administrative fee on all line items and charges. The administrative fee must be part of the bid price. If you are bidding a catalog price less a discount, make sure the administrative fee is included in the net price E to the member agency. Pricing must include the 2%KCDA service fee so the service fee is invisible to KCDA members. a Packet Pg. 43 4.A.3.a For all Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities,pricing may be by line item or discount off manufacturer price list(Attachment B).Accessories and materials may be from other manufacturers or sources but must be identified and priced in the IFB response either by item or via catalog discount. On the a pricing sheet, list and group accessories and materials by manufacturer for ease of identification. o Respondents will choose only one pricing method to be used per manufacturer. Alternative pricing methods 0 shall be addressed in Attachment B. Proposals received that provide both methods for a single manufacturer will be found non-responsive. _ L L Fixed prices shall be firm until each anniversary date of contract, unless there is an occurrence of one or more economic price adjustment contingencies outlined in the bid. If price adjustment contingencies occur, ,o or not less than ninety (90) days prior to each contract anniversary date, awarded vendor may submit a fully documented request for price adjustment to KCDA. The documentation must substantiate that any requested price increase was clearly unpredictable at the time of bid submittal and results from an increased cost to a) awarded vendor that was out of awarded vendor's control. a c KCDA will review requests for fixed price adjustments to determine if the new prices or another option is in `�° member agencies' best interests. If accepted, new fixed prices shall apply to the contract upon approval from KCDA. Price changes shall be a factor in contract renewal. E The awarded vendor agrees that the cost for any item bid on this contract may vary by state due to specific w requirements or other jurisdictional impacts. If the overall cost is discounted or lowered for any member a agency, however, the cost will be similarly lowered or discounted at the same time for all member agencies c for the same scope, size and value. (If a KCDA member agency proposes to purchase a large volume of one N product at one time and the awarded vendor agrees to provide an additional discount,that same volume M discount would be available to any KCDA member agency.) a It is understood and agreed upon between Bidder and KCDA that the Bidder's pricing does not include the cost for any site specific conditions or requirements. Site specific requirements shall be addressed on a case M by case basis at the time the order is placed. Any additional cost(s)are to be priced by methods designated under Installation Rates, or by RS Means, as indicated in bidder's response to this solicitation. m x Warranty: Describe the warranties that apply to the products offered in the IFB response and when warranty w date will commence. Identify any website links that cover warranty information. The manufacturer has the a c primary responsibility to honor a manufacturer' warranty. Awarded vendor agrees to assist the member Y agency reach a solution in a dispute with the manufacturer over a warranty's terms. Any extended N manufacturer's warranty will be passed on to the member agencies. List any pricing applicable to warranties in Attachment E of the IFB response. a Risk of Loss or Damaue: Awarded vendor shall retain title and control of all goods until they are delivered w and received. All risk of transportation and all related charges shall be the responsibility of the awarded >, vendor. The awarded vendor shall file all claims for visible or concealed damage. The member agency will a. notify the awarded vendor and/or freight company promptly of any damaged goods and shall assist the 3 freight company/awarded vendor in arranging for inspection.No F.O.B. vessel, car or other vehicle terms will be accepted. — •L L 0 Taxes: Member agencies,who have obtained Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities under the terms of this contract, will be responsible for payment of all taxes related to acquisition of the C Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities, such as sales tax,property tax, etc.Awarded vendor E must separately list all such taxes on member proposal and subsequent invoice. a Packet Pg. 44 4.A.3.a J. FUNDING OUT CLAUSE Any acquisition agreement with a KCDA member agency that exceeds one(1)year shall include a standard cc "funding out"clause. Such an acquisition is a commitment of the entity's current revenue only,provided the a agreement contains either or both of the following provisions: 1. Retains to the entity the continuing right to terminate the contract at the expiration of each budget 0- CU period during the term of the agreement. 2. Conditioned on a best effort attempt by the entity to obtain appropriate funds for payment of the — acquisition. L 0 K. AUTHORIZED DEALERSIVENDOR PARTNERS o The bidder must secure from the manufacturer, if the bidder is not the manufacturer, a written guarantee executed by the manufacturer that the bidder is an authorized dealer of that manufacturer. This can be submitted as a Manufacturers Guarantee/Manufacturers Certificate, or a statement on the manufacturer's letterhead with corporate acknowledgement. Failure to provide will result in award disqualification for that Q manufacturer. Bidder may propose a network of authorized dealers/vendor partners through whom the bidder intends to perform the contract. Member agencies may be directed to bidders' network of authorized dealers/vendor a partners for Playground Equipment, Surfacing, &Site Amenities, however the awarded vendor shall be s responsible for the actual job performance of each and every authorized dealer/vendor partner. This w includes, but is not limited to,proper ordering process and reporting, or submittal of 2% service fee. Unresolved problems with the authorized dealer/vendor partner may be referred to the awarded vendor for o resolution. Bidders are to identify and list each of the authorized dealers/vendor partners they intend to a, involve in contract performance. L Awarded vendor must be capable of replacing authorized dealers/vendor partners found unsuitable to a participate in performance on the KCDA contract and establish new authorized dealers/vendor partners in a ti timely manner. M During the contract period, the awarded vendor or purchasing agent may remove an authorized ~ m dealer/vendor partner from the list of those designated to this contract at any time without further = explanation or process. The awarded vendor may propose authorized dealer/vendor partner additions for w consideration at any time throughout the contract provided; o • The request is in writing on awarded vendors letterhead. U • It is filed with the Purchasing Agent a minimum of 30 calendar days before the effective date of the N proposed change. • It clearly identifies the authorized dealers/vendor partners involved in the change. • It is accompanied by documentation acceptable to the Purchasing Agent sufficient to warrant the a change. E w L. AWARD 1. Evaluation a It is the intent of KCDA to award a manufacturer's complete line of products based on the specifications provided when possible and advantageous. KCDA expects to award to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder per unique manufacturer specifications that meet IFB terms, L conditions, and criteria specified. An award is at the sole discretion of KCDA. KCDA reserves the 0 right to reject any or all proposals, accept the proposal(s)that are deemed most advantageous for r KCDA member agencies, and waive any irregularities in the solicitation process. Awarded vendors will be required to turn in updated specifications for the manufacturers awarded. r a Packet Pg. 45 4.A.3.a The following criteria will be used in evaluating responses to this IFB. An award is anticipated to be made to a bidder with the highest rating per manufacturer product line. Subsequently, multiple awards may be made. a 3 Evaluation Criteria and Weight -°a �a as Proper submission of proposal 10 = •L Comprehensiveness of product and services 0 10 provided L 0 Related Experience 15 a Pricing 50 Presentation of full and complete product E offering that can meet variety of member 15 a agencies requirements/timeline. TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS 100 a� E a Clarification and/or Discussions LU Clarification of a response may be necessary. KCDA will communicate with the bidder(s)for the purpose of eliminating minor errors, clerical errors, and/or irregularities. Clarification is accomplished by explanation a or substantiation, either in response to an inquiry from KCDA or an inquiry initiated by a bidder. o Clarification does not give a bidder the opportunity to revise, change or modify their response in any way. y Discussion takes place after the initial receipt of proposals. KCDA reserves the right to conduct discussions with bidders whose responses are determined to be reasonably inclined toward receiving a contract award. Discussion may occur when oral or written communications between KCDA and the bidder are conducted a for the purpose of clarifying information to determine the acceptability of a response. KCDA will not assist the bidder in bringing the bidder's response to the same level of other responses received by KCDA. Further,KCDA will make no indication of pricing or other information received from other bidders. m Competitive Range: KCDA reserves the right to establish a competitive range of acceptable responses as x part of the evaluation process as defined herein. Responses below the competitive range will be determined to be unacceptable and will not receive further consideration. o U Y M. ORDER PROCESS & REPORTING N 1. The awarded vendor must verify that a customer is a KCDA member.A current list of member agencies is posted on the KCDA website under"Membership". If the awarded vendor's customer is not posted on the KCDA website,the awarded vendor must verify membership with the a r KCDA Contract Specialist. If the customer is not a member agency,but is eligible to become a E member agency, the Contract Specialist will give the awarded vendor's customer instructions w regarding the membership process. 2. Awarded vendor will submit a signed and dated proposal or quote to a KCDA member agency in a. accordance with the pricing awarded under this IFB. All Playground Equipment,Surfacing, && Site Amenities purchased must include the KCDA 2%service fee as a part of the price to the member a ene . Do not list the 2%as a se crate line item. The awarded vendor must L specifically state the KCDA contract number#22-315 on the proposal to the KCDA member 0 agency. The proposal must identify the member agency contact name, e-mail address and phone r number for the person responsible for approving the purchase. This information is critical and if not provided may be grounds for delaying the processing of the order as well as eventual E payment to vendor. � 3. Members should send a copy of their PO made out to KCDA and a copy of the Vendor quote to a the KCDA Contract Specialist designated on the Awarded Contracts page. Upon KCDA's Packet Pg. 46 4.A.3.a verification of membership and pricing,KCDA will create and forward a KCDA purchase order to the designated point of contact at the Vendor. The Contract Specialist will request additional information, such as scope of work and item/part number along with pricing for each line item as a needed. Failure to provide adequate evaluation information may result in delay of approval by o Contract Specialist 4. A copy of the order will be kept on file at KCDA. 5. Vendor must not commence delivery, services or installation using the KCDA contract without — receiving a purchase order from KCDA. o 6. Orders processed against this contract by customers who are not KCDA members or without a emailed approval from KCDA are in violation of the contract. Vendors not following proper ,o procedures may be removed from consideration for future awards. a 7. KCDA reserves the right to revise the ordering process above at their sole discretion, if deemed necessary for contract management or audit purposes. An implementation for change will be E coordinated with the Vendor as needed. Q c N. CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE Any federal, state and local governing authority's/jurisdiction's statutes, codes, rules and regulations referenced and/or govern the products, services and activities relating to and are part of this solicitation, a whether or not physically noted or included, shall be complied with and adhered to as required.It is the sole responsibility of the Bidder to perform and complete any necessary research and investigation required to w make themselves aware of and comply with this item. a 4- � O N Signature Must be the same signature that appears on the bid response forms 2 a ti rn N M H m X W Q U Y a� t v L Q. E a' W a. N 3 L L CO G c� C V Q Packet Pg. 47 4.A.3.a KCDAPURCHA SING COOPERATIVE 18639-80TH Ave S.•P.O.Box 5550+Kent,WA 98064-5550+Phone 425-251-8115•Fax 253-395-5402• www.kcda.oro ca d INVITATION FOR BIDS o #22-315 Playground Equipment, Surfacing, & Site Amenities BID DUE DATE: March 3,2022 on or before 2:00 PM PST L L Attachment D SIGNATURE PAGE AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES ,o m The undersigned offers and agrees, if this bid is accepted,to furnish any or all of the items upon which prices were quoted,at the prices set opposite each item, point specified in the Invitation for Bids,and agrees to make delivery within the delivery dates specified,or as otherwise amended by attachment. Q Contract Prices Offered coo 1. Firm for annual contract M 2. Firm for initial order only ( ) E 3. Variable by item/group ( ) (Identify under separate cover) •2 w MISCELLANEOUS FEES In some cases additional charges may be necessary. These costs are for items delivered direct to Members.Attach a additional pages as may be necessary for each manufacturer. "TBD", "Job by Job", etc. is not acceptable and may 0 disqualify your response. Bidders should list out any other pricing for services on additional pages as needed within this section. 2 L Delivery Fee: $ Freight cost is p�aV?Wtrm�o�ePL0d9crST8te a Installation Fee: $ See fees listed ooJ?s�laS[ 6Vfi�0y/Prevailing Wane-RCW 39.04.010, 39.12.010&0201 Performance Bond: 3%of total am&/mt bonded !`- Demolition Fee: $ See fees listed on Installation Price List F- Restock Fees: $ 20%-see attached Return Policy for complete details m x Lift Gate Fee when required $ 687.00 X OTHER $ w Q NOTE :If services are not documented in pricing pages,fees must be justified by using RS Means. Y a� FUTURE DELIVERIES t On occasion, KCDA Members will place orders near the end of the contract period for delivery after the contract period U has expired.Will your company honor orders placed during the contract period for future delivery? a- r No Yes X Yes, but only if delivered before_90 des after contract expiration a' w Signed: _ a. N Firm Name: Landscape Structures Inc. 3 Name and Title: Fred Caslavka, Chief Financial Officer L Telephone No. 763-972-3391 Email: m E "Note: All lines of information must be provided with submittal. Electronic acceptance of these terms and conditions 0 signifies compliance with all terms and conditions. a Packet Pg. 48 4.A.3.a Attachment E-Services Price Schedule Bid#22-315 Playground Equipment,Surfacing,&Site Amenities c NOTE: If your company provides any of the services listed below,please complete the price schedule. **BIDDER MAY INCLUDE THIS INFORMATION IN THEIR OWN FORMAT AS PART OF THE PRICING PAGES.** If services are not documented in pricing pages,fees must be justified by using IRS Means. E CL w Discounted Price or Mileage Charges(if *Additional Discount on Large Projects: •5 (V Description Regular Price or Rates Per Diem Charges (if any) CT Rates any) Y/N Lu •L � a t�Q C S V L Discounted Price or Mileage Charges(if *Additional Discount on Large Projects: IL Description Regular Price or Rates Per Diem Charges(if any) Rates any) Y/N ti 4-1N r M M .V L V1 m x Lu a 0 Discounted Price or Per Diem Charges(if any) Mileage Charges(if *Additional Discount on Large Projects: (� Description Regular Price or Rates Rates an Y/N Y Y) N ex:Initial(must price) ex:Follow up training(must price) v i ,i GJ 3 H N IL E tr W Discounted Price or Mileage Charges(if *Additional Discount on Large Projects: Description Regular Price or Rates Per Diem Charges(if any) IL Rates any) Y/N y i H O cO.i CL IZ L N Vf 0 *Please detail additional discounts on large projects. s c� tv W See Installation Rates and Miscellaneous Fees - Attachment D for available services and pricing. Packet Pg. 49 4.A.3.a L R Playground Equipment,Surfacing,& Site Amenities a Bid#22-315 3 0 CU ATTACHMENT F—Deviations L L 0 INSTRUCTIONS: 1. If"NO" is checked below, complete this form by signing it at the bottom. ,o 2. If"YES" is checked below, either insert answers into this form or create a Microsoft Word table format to provide narrative explanations of exceptions. If adding pages,the bidder's name and identifying information as to which item the response refers must appear on each page. Q 3. Scan this form plus any attachments into a single PDF document. c 4. Title the file"Attachment F -Deviations". 5. Exceptions to local, state or federal laws cannot be accepted under this bid. a ® NO, this bidder does not have deviations (exceptions or alternates)to any terms, conditions and/or specifications listed in the bid documents. U 0 ❑ YES,this bidder has the following deviations to the terms,conditions and/or - specifications listed in the bid documents. N M z L Section/Item Specification describe Details of Deviation a' ti N M H m 2 X W a c Y d N M z v IL E a w a. 3 zs /J 0 Signature . r/Z--- 2 Must be the same signature that appears on the bid response forms. m E Q Packet Pg. 50