HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 10/19/2021 Approved Operations and Public Safety KENT Committee WA9H... CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting Minutes October 19, 2021 Date: October 19, 2021 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: Chambers Attending: Toni Troutner, Chair Bill Boyce, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Zandria Michaud, Councilmember Les Thomas Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m. Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Chair Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Remote Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Absent 3. Agenda Approval No changes. 1. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud 4. Approval of Minutes A. Approval of Minutes dated October 5, 2021 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated October 5, 2021 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 2 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops October 19, 2021 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud S. Business A. Payment of Bills - Approve MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through 10/15/2021 and paid on 10/15/21 and authorize the checks issued for payroll 10/1/21-10/15/21 and paid on 10/20/21, all audited by the Operations and Public Safety Committee on October 19, 2021. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/2/2021 5:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud B. Write-offs of Uncollectable Accounts - Authorize Finance Director Paula Painter provided a detailed review of the write-off off $110,682.69 of uncollectable receivables. The requested write-off represents 7.8% of the receivables balance and $1,127.41 in interest/finance charges. MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to write-off uncollectable accounts owed to the City in the amount of $110,682.69, subject to final approval of the Finance Director. RESULT: MOTION PASSES [UNANIMOUS] Next: 11/2/2021 5:00 PM MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud C. INFO ONLY: August Financial Report Financial Planning Manager Michelle Ferguson reported out the August 2021 financial report. Ferguson pointed out the general fund revenues and expenses and projected year-end balance estimates. 6. Adjournment 4:17 p.m. Council President Troutner declared the meeting adjourned. Ki,4�ley Ko-V�Wto- Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 2 City of K Operations and Public Safety August Committee October 19, 2021 Monthly Financial Prepared by: Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager Shane Sorenson,Senior Financial Analyst G e n e ra I F u n d Reve n u es ($ in Thousands) (page 3) All Revenues Sources Prior Year Budgeted AGWal s120 000 January 6,877 6,204 518,38 $100,000 February 5,736 5,479 4,174 March 6,774 7,876 6,127 $90,000 April 161925 17,717 21,521 $60,0WPrior Year Budgeted Actual $20,000 September 5r328 6r597 U S0 October 19,963 1B,735 O Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Now Dec Wovem her 8,211 7,620 0 December 11,267 10,50D 0 21 and -*--20 Acr -4--21 A[t Total 108,732 108,496 67,197 Property Prior Year Budgeted Adbual S35,000 $10,00o January 0 12 0 February 147 248 217 $25.000 March 1,461 1,034 1,438 $2o,o0a April 9,328 12,359 13,218 May 3,199 2,390 1,945 S15,o0a June 2,242 618 198 $10 000 July 196 146 80 August 152 117 190 Ss,o00 September 538 624 0 $o October 10,673 11,814 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Hav Der November 3,109 2,073 O Derernber 232 242 O 21 Bud - 24Art -4-21Art Total 31,375 31,665 17,2A7 Prior Year Budgeted Acibuial S25,000 stavarkuag RqNvorlu" _ - January 2,158 1,50D 1,802 $20,000 February 2,425 1,803 2,264 March 2,143 1,49S 1,786 515,0D0 April 1,929 1,388 1,753 May 1,959 1,620 2,270 $10,006 - June 2,127 1,436 2,005 July 639 1,360 2,061 $5,000 August 11906 1,703 2,172 September 1,9G9 1,574 O 50 October 1,829 1,626 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct uov Dec November 2,053 1,737 0 December 2,552 11893 0 111111111111111215ud -46-20Art -41�---21Art Total 23,930 19,133 16,114 OPERATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY 10/19/2021 G e n e ra I F u n d Reve n u es ($ in Thousands) (page 4) $25,090 January 2,433 11955 2,141 $20.000 February 1,779 1,766 1,2L5 March 1,627 1,688 1,583 $15.000 April 1,845 1,771 1,700 May 1,581 1,58U 1,542 $10.000 June 11494 1,469 1,312 July 11334 1,579 2,420 55,000 - August 1,473 1,407 1,632 September 1,519 1,71-0 0 $0 omber 1,561 1,461 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 11n Oec November 1,597 1,559 0 December 1,222 1,384 0 iiiiiiiii2itiud t211 Art t21Act Total 18,971 19r406 13,545 Other $15,000 $1.4sO0O January 2 3 283 February 1 3 2 March 33 23-0 (L56) $20.000 April 2,765 2,649 2,912 58,000 May 890 11221 1,008 55 W0 June 117 2-05 203 $4,000 July 2,937 3,337 2,966 - August 772 815 1,219 - September 92 144 0 $0 Drcober 2,979 3,647 0 ,an Feh Maf Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct N6Y oec November 924 740 0 December 3,683 4,072 0 215ud t20Act -41-21A.t TaFsl 15,203 17,866 111t4317 Other (Intergovernmental,Licenses&Permits,ChaWs for SetviCer Fimes&ForrMftgr and Mise Revenues) Prior Year Bulftew Actual $25,000 January 2,684 1,075 1,672 $20,000 Prior Year Budgebed AcWill $15,000 2r113 $10.000 1r474 55,000 1r 122 September 1,272 1,959 0 $o AOrtober 2,921 118U6 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov OeC November 610 1,276 0 December 3,579 31U86 0 21 bud -*--20 A[t -4-21 A[t Total 19,554 30,394 11,5141 OPERATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY 10/19/2021 General Fund (page6) 2019 020 Actual Actival Adj Budget Revenues Taxes: Property 30,731,786 31,374,827 31,684,600 17,286,592 32,150,280 Sales-1 Use 27,121,400 23,629,972 19,132,660 16,113,907 24,179,950 2019 zozo 20zi 2021t Budget intergovernmental Revenue 6,64.5,962 3,196,7O1 2,74.5,560 2,U58,063 3108619O0 Changes For Services 7,996,B415 3r658,232 5,69.5,140 3,071,401 4,974,170 Fines and ForFeitu res 1,2 B5,334 776,948 1,158,5OU 639,398 939,950 Miscellaneaus Revenue 3:586,979 1,954,937 2,634,590 1,276,044 2,049r780 Transfers In 934:411 2r743r!5B1 1.377,700 - 1,377,7O0 Total Revenues 119,404,1M 108,732,D65 108,486,160 67,197,170 113,371,120 Expenditures City Council 392,115 384r062 279,960 185,165 275,450 Administration 2,768,Z73 1,774r8D& 2,786,270 1,685,166 2,531,300 Economic&Community Dev 7,044,Z17 6,711,489 8,228,380 4,819,007 7,894,160 Finance 3,236,960 2,323,636 2,781,780 1,688,322 2,604,240 Fire Contracted Services 3,927,088 3,674,401 3,795,900 2,435,256 3,680,630 Human Resources 2,047,102 1,405,219 1,613,730 991,856 1,529,690 Information Technology 513,448 172,,932 Law 1,801,507 1,452,088 1,503,350 920,884 1,411,860 Municipal Court 3,646,Z75 3,402,314 3,793,420 2,241,173 3,550,950 Parks, Recreation &Comm Svcs 18,396,678 16,631,899 19,687,930 10,907,599 17,688,970 Police 43,849,2D9 43,464,679 45,548,790 29,405r466 45,318,760 Public Work, 1,208,335 629,037 Non-Departmental 20,332,204 i0,802,826 24,504,470 6,275r465 24,504,470 Total Expenditures 109,16.3,991 102,829,44.0 1144,523,980 61,555,357 110,990,480 OPERATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY 10/19/2021 Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page9) 2019 2020 Z021 { Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital prnjerts are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized. 2029 2020 2021 2021 i LEOFF 1 Retiree 8eaefrts Reverues 1r401,786 1,232,575 1,272.430 671,586 1,270r840 Expenditures 1,352,624 1,571,585 1,54L,980 964.384 L,449,770 Met Revenues Less ExpendKiwes 49,162 339r010 269,550 292,798 178r970 Lvdgmg Tax Revenues 314.588 15B,3B4 239rL10 112.805 192,500 Expenditures 465.527 270,532 179rL90 108.307 179,090 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (150.940) (112,148} 59,920 4,49E 13,410 ro..t8/Taen F ograms Revenues 941,240 897,527 924r390 664.067 971,910 Expenditures 957,730 691,260 924r390 5,200 924,390 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (16,490) 206,267 658.867 47,520 Capital Resources Revenues 22r567,130 22,685,707 16,449r070 16r676,831 25,856,140 Expenditures 19r339,046 27,520,426 18,457r850 3,297,74E 1E,457,850 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3r226,084 (4f634,719} (2,008,780) 13r379,083 7,396,290 Cr;minal Justice 2019 2020 Y IH I ACtUal Adi Bu-digiat YTD ESt ACWM ShD Ware Operatmg P.3verues 1r456,311 1r512,589 1:150.000 B55 900r000 Ex::3ndi.ures 1,039.763 1451,752 1:646.050 1,058,147 1,646r050 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 366,548 60,637 496,050 1,057,292 746,050 Kevenues 1ti3,LF21 i1 nj= Im'.S-U 1U7,.5rU Expenditures 178,55E 106,003 109r320 53,484 109,220 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 7,263 (848} (53,484) 100 r ► i a 2021 SpeciaO Assessment Debt Ser Wes R-2 ernes 1,339,332 784,469 728,560 472.962 710,530 Es�3ndi:ti e= 1,119,393 ir386,712 858,420 4,073 858,320 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 219,939 (602r243) (129.360) 468,889 (147,790) OPERATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY 10/19/2021 Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page10) 2019 3020 Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized. Entarpris*Funds Watar Utility Revenues 28,578,903 29,573,424 29,573,290 20,098,396 30,990,220 Expenditures 30,237,156 26,464,133 29,850,570 13,349,47E 2E,457,320 Net Revenues Less Expenditures (ir65E,253) 3,109,291 (277,280) 6r748,91E 2,532r900 Sewer Utility Revenues 33,063,738 33,513,294 33,234,650 23,106,207 35,575,530 Expenditures 31r664,339 32,252,706 33,124r900 20,315,994 33,722r9B0 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1r399,45E 1,260,588 109r750 2r790,213 1,1352r550 Nate: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainane Utility in 2018. 4 1 i Sofid Waste Iltflrty Revenues 8 74,164 837,309 1:119.75w 557,905 B74r470 Expenditures 809,006 876,871 1:---04.2Sv 653,213 1,022r700 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 65,158 (31%562) (184,530) (95,308) {148r230) Gaff Complex Revenues 2r698,609 5,9313,1133 2:561.65w 1,763,741 2,861r660 Expenditures 2,635,110 3r07O,899 4:653.490 31566,598 4,653r490 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 62,499 21867r283 (1,791,830) (1r802,1357) (1,791r830) FYeet servfces Revenues 8,514,159 5,47E,589 5,51fi,100 3,832,631 5,760,590 Expenditures 6r413,500 6,559,539 6,202r820 3,127,815 5,376r870 Net Revenuers Less Expenditures 4100,659 (1,080,950) (686,720) 704,816 383r720 Central Service-s Revenues 367,717 309,535 428,030 250.244 381,700 Expenditures 326,927 277,640 404r190 216,896 354r030 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 40,790 31,895 23r840 33,349 27rfi70 11r2formZ66a Techooksy, Revenues 9,063,603 9,062,099 10,600,230 6,8E1,411 10,7fi5,920 Expenditures 8r702,490 10,531,892 10,784r990 6,894,049 10,720r130 Net Revenues Less Expenoditures 36L,113 1,4fi9,793 1E4,760 12,63E 45,790 201.0 2020 2021i2021 i ll Actual UnumplavMent F3•:erLies 178,465 166,229 148,630 104j098 156r15D E<v3n�i_u es 2-20,B50 151,350 238.140 137,628 206r910 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 42,384 14 M 89,510 33,530 50,760 OPERATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY 10/19/2021 Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page11) { , Actual 4 2020 2021 2021 2021 i Workers Comperrsatioo Revenues 1,269,364 1,551,522 1,159.680 747,531 1,101r910 Expenditures 1,928,101 21106,616 1,545.240 1,114.769 1.653,650 Net Revefmies Less Expenditures (636,737) (555,093) (3B5,560) (367,239) {551,740) Revenues 15r629,649 15,929,224 16,205r060 14,773,735 15,983r400 Expenditures 13r786,348 14,097,298 15,771r030 9,440,1532 14,761r050 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,843,342 1,831,926 434,030 11333,103 11221,950 41-9 2020 2021 2021 i Fraperty Insura FTC$ Revenues 1,328,717 576,755 588,620 409,558 613,920 Expenditures 1,213,255 587,011 583,920 998,749 687,550 Net Revenues Less Expenditures 115,462 Or257 4,700 589,190 73,530 Other Fund Revenues Other Fund Expenditures 70,00yPW 70,000,o0a 60 mpm _ ■special 60,004,D66 �5pecial Revenue 5p 000�0M _ Revenue 50,000,ppp a Funds �,�G Funds ��}Ll Entefp f6e 00 V� '�30,0"pm Funds30,",DEnterprise 200MAM 20000046 Funds 10,000AM 9Internal 10,000,046 B Servile 0 ■Internal Service 2919 2020 Mi Funds 2019Aetuats 7=Prelim 2021Budget Funds Artuals Prelim Budget 2021 Estimated Fund Balances �o-Ao0,000 aarOo0,a00 ■Beginning 30r000,0Oa Balance 241060,004 1 . d — 101060,000 O Estimated Ending Balance 4 General Fund 5peeial Rrrenue Enterprise Funds Intemal Servile Funds Funds OPERATIONS AND PUBLIC SAFETY 10/19/2021