HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Safety Committee - 11/12/2014 Public Safety Committee Minutes November 12, 2014 CALL TO ORDER Councilmember Jim Berrios called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmember Jim Berrios, Council President Dana Ralph and Councilmember Les Thomas were present. Changes to the Agenda: Chief Thomas indicated the Item #2 would be information only. Item 1 - Approval of meeting minutes dated October 14, 2014 Councilmember Thomas MOVED to approve the minutes of October 14, 2014. The motion was SECONDED by Council President Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 2 - Consultant Services Agreement - TrueBearing, LLC - Information Only Sara Wood, Research and Development Analyst, presented information regarding the contract with True Bearing, LLC. True Bearing, LLC, will evaluate the work done by the Kent Drug Free Coalition, including the Kent Police Youth Boards and Youth Board Conference to ensure compliance with grant requirements. This contract will expire in June of 2015. Item 3 - Consultant Services Agreement - New Connections - Information Only Sara Wood, Research and Development Analyst, presented information regarding the contract with New Connections. New Connections provides re-entry and life skills training and pre-employment training for inmates set to be released from the Kent correctional facility. Item 4 Emergency Management Performance Grant - 2014 - Recommend Dominic Marzano, Emergency Management and Division Chief, presented information regarding the emergency management performance grant received from the Washington Military Department/Emergency Management Division and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Pass through grant from the state to local jurisdictions. City is required to monitor the Regional Fire Authority as a subrecipient of the grant funds. Grant funds distributed to cities are being reduced over the next few years. Dominic indicated that the reduction in grant funds will not detrimentally affect the emergency management program. Council President Ralph MOVED to recommend Council authorize the Mayor to accept and sign the Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Washington Military Department/Emergency Management Division and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in the amount of $93,525.00, sign all necessary grant documents, amend the budget, and authorize Page I 1 expenditure of the funds in accordance with final grant terms and conditions acceptable to the city attorney. The motion was SECONDED by Councilmember Thomas and PASSED 3-0. Item S. Ordinance Amending KCC 9.02 entitled "'Criminal Code" - Recommend Assistant City Attorney, Tammy White, presented information regarding the Ordinance amending chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code that adopts by reference into the Kent City Code, new laws that are enacted by the Legislature during its prior legislative session. Tammy explained coercion of involuntary servitude, the new civil infraction related to the illegal sales of products containing the drug dextromethorphan to individuals under 18 years of age, updates to new crimes related to aquatic animal species, in addition to making other housekeeping changes. Councilmember requested Tammy to research and let the committee know how the legislature intends to enforce the new law regarding dextromethorphan and the enforcement of the new law. Councilmember Thomas MOVED to recommend Council adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 9.03 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Criminal Code," to adopt by reference infractions and misdemeanor crimes established within the Revised Code of Washington by the state Legislature during its 2014 session for application and enforcement in the City of Kent, to make other housekeeping amendments, and to adopt Class C felony crimes that may be used as a basis to support the crime of criminal attempt or criminal conspiracy, subject to final approval of the Police Chief and City Attorney. The motion was SECONDED by Council President Ralph and PASSED 3-0. Item 7. Police Chief's Update Chief Ken Thomas advised the committee that he has three updates: Fireworks, School Zone Traffic Safety Camera Program and the Community Task Force on the use of force. A. Fireworks Assistant Chief Kammerzell provided documentation regarding fireworks and the school zone traffic safety camera program. Assistant Chief Kammerzell reviewed and provided updates on questions regarding fireworks that were asked at the October meeting including providing information regarding whether a surrounding jurisdiction enacted legislation regarding fireworks regulations by a vote of the people. Chief Thomas provided information regarding the cost to put the issue of fireworks to a vote of the people. Further discussion regarding whether to move forward with a vote of the people or if council wishes to adopt regulations was tabled and may be presented at a Council workshop. Councilmember Berrios provided a recap of why the committee has been researching and analyzing firework regulations in Kent and surrounding jurisdictions. Councilmember tabled Page 12 this issue for a future City Council workshop. Chief Thomas recognized the good work that Assistant Chief Kammerzell did in researching the issue of fireworks. Chief Thomas discussed his concerns over the unrealistic expectations that may be imposed on the police department. B. School Zone Traffic Safety Camera Program Chief Thomas reviewed the information Assistant Chief Kammerzell provided to the committee regarding the update on the School Zone Traffic Safety Camera program detailing the number of tickets issued from January, 2014 through October, 2014. The increase from September to October concerned the committee members. Chief Thomas explained that new students and parents need to be educated regarding the speed zones. Chief Thomas provided information detailing the funds received and the costs to administer the school zone traffic safety program. Chief Thomas provided the recommendation to expend school zone traffic safety camera funds on one-time expenditures, i.e., patrol vehicles, forensic investigation hardware in addition to maintaining reserve school zone traffic safety camera funds. Chief Thomas provided additional details regarding the plan to use school zone traffic safety funds rather than general funds in an effort to free up general funds for additional staffing needs. Councilmember Berrios requested parameters in spending school zone traffic safety camera funds. Chief Thomas read the Kent City Code provision regarding the use of funds. Councilmember Berrios and Chief Thomas discussed whether or not funds could be used for a capital facility. Chief Thomas indicated that he will be speaking with American Traffic Solutions, the vendor for the school zone traffic safety camera program regarding acquiring and reviewing data on the speed of vehicles in all school zones for use to determine whether or not to expand the program into additional schools. C. Community Task Force — Use of Force Chief Thomas provided information on the completion of the police department's first series of community meetings regarding the department's community task force meetings. Chief Thomas indicated his pleasure with the task force meetings and with the feedback received from community members. Councilmember Berrios expressed his appreciation of the information presented during the committee meetings and the professionalism that the police department showed during the meetings. Chief Thomas indicated that the department will be having the Department of Justice conduct classes on fair and impartial policing in the Spring of 2015, to help with police and community relations. Page 13 The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. by Councilmember Berrios. Respectfully s bmitte , Kim Komoto _ Public Safety Committee Secretary S:\PUBLIC\POLICE\Public Safety Committee\2014\November 2014\November 12,2014 Minutes.doc Page 14