HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 07/31/2023 (2) Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting July 31, 2023 Minutes Held Remotely APPROVED August 28, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Julie Dunn, Erik Jacobs, Prem Subedi, Gordon Dona, Tim Irwin, Connie Stolpp, Wendy Graves, Maria Castro, Allison Hopstad, Brian Smith. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Culver (resigned). CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: Ryan Packer (The Urbanist). 1. Call-to-Order - Graves The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call - Preston 10 members present, 1 member absent (resigned). 3. Changes to the Agenda - Graves No changes. 4. June 2023 Meeting - Minutes Approval - Graves Wendy - Correct typo "boar" to "board" in first line under item 6. Gordon motion to accept with correction, Tim seconds. Board approved 10-0. S. Improving Existing Bike Lanes - Subedi • Prem shared a PowerPoint summarizing the bike network in the City including ideas for making bike infrastructure better, generational and climate trends, industry trends in forms of physical separation, and recent trends in design guidance. • Erik P: Some of the ideas in the PPT are being considered by City for design standards. The City has a road diet project that will be constructed later this year or early next year. • Gordon: Some gaps were shown in the PPT. Are those locations in the gap inventory? Erik J: several of the locations are in the gap inventory. Would be nice to add current LTS and planned future LTS. • Allison: SE 256th St is a route that needs attention. • Tim I: Went to Comp Plan meeting last week. Told City we have bike lanes on high- speed routes that don't go anywhere. 6. How other Boards Communicate - Preston • Talked to other Boards. They use email. Some limit the number of members on emails so they do not have a quorum. Email preserves data for a public record. • Wendy: Tend to limit the communication to everyone 7. Neighborhood Cut-Through Routes - Jacobs • Erik J. talked about creating a cut-through map. Created a layer in the gap map. Started adding shortcuts to map. Erik J talks about some of the cut-throughs that have been added to the map. Map should be editable by anyone on KBAB. Ask Erik J to enable your write privileges. • Wendy: Not sure the Board should be recommending using some of the less well defined cut-throughs. Page 1 of 3 • Erik P:North end of 54t" Ave S (n/o 226t" St) is right of way from end of street to Puget Power Trail. • Gap map link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1 2QDFWTRpOyuBZNgCgJRdJ6sS3TI1cw&us p=sharing S. 2024 Budget — Graves • Wendy: Not sure if KBAB will be able to give away a bike at the Rodeo. Waiting for response from Law. Move bike from 2023 to 2024. Want to move forward with purchasing items identified at Rodeo. • Erik J: Maybe REI can donate a bike? Wendy: Need to look at those legalities too • Gordon: Have seen locations that are a permanent bike repair station. If we have funds, maybe can build one. • Connie: KBAB branding — will be get KBAB-branded items for giveaways. Wendy: Meeting coming soon. Erik J: KBAB or CoK logo? Connie: Use Kent Bikes logo. • Allison: Went to Auburn Street Fair. They were giving away temporary bike helmet tattoos and handout about bike safety. Maybe we can have QR codes for bike tips. Wendy: Email chain about bike rules of the road. Would make sense for KBAB to find one they like and get copies to share with people. • Julie: people have a lot of water bottles so maybe water bottle holders. Don't want to buy more. Wendy: Have many bottles in inventory. Not ordering any in the near future. Maybe apply Ride Kent stickers. • Prem: Hold a bike street fair with a street closed to motor traffic, only open to bikes. Wendy: Like Lake Washington Blvd in Seattle. Where do we have a street we could do this? Erik J: Meeker in the future when more of it is designed. Wendy: would take a lot of coordination. Need city to close streets. • Wendy: would like to have one final meeting with the Events Subcommittee to determine the final purchases. Do we want to discuss purchases at next meeting? Wendy will make final purchase decisions with Erik P. 9. Festival & Events Subcommittee Report — Graves • Wendy needs to talk to Parks about Winter Fest • Wendy will talk to Parks about forming a partnership for events. Tables at Bike Rodeo, KBAB table at Parks events 10.Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report — Jacobs • The gap map has the TMP projects. 24-29 TIP projects will be added later. • Erik J attended the LeafLine Coalition meeting last week. Interesting to see how the regions trails will be connected. • Committee meeting will be setup soon. 11.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Jacobs • We were accepted into the RideWithGPS Ambassador program. Have 4 routes posted. • Ambassador level allows more editing and adding things like local businesses. • City Comm asked Erik J to remove the month and year so they could keep using them. • Links to the rides will be broken when Erik J takes them off of his personal account. Will need to remove rides and add new ones in the RideWithGPS. May make these changes in the winter 12.Communications — Preston • Jeff Culver resigned. He is moving. Please remove his email from any lists or replies. • Some construction near Green River Trail. Washington Ave pump station. Where Green River Trail goes under Washington Ave Page 2 of 3 • Wendy: Would like to add someone attended the grand opening of the new Van Doren's Landing Park. Connie attended. Connie: There was a lot of information and history. How they made it flood storage and adults get to use the zip line. Wendy: Everyone should check out the park. • Wendy: The Comp Plan meeting. Tim attended. Tim: There are growth goals for County and City for population and jobs. There were three groups where people showed where they wanted high, median, low density housing. Mainly an exercise in getting different ideas from different groups of people. Similar but some difference. Tim's group focused on hubs around transit centers. Focused mid-density housing (like townhouses) around transportation options. Kent is a suburban city. Kids today do not like to drive but they need to live somewhere that is possible. Erik J: Anything about the middle housing law that limits single family housing? Tim: New law does not require multi-family. Could take out a single-family and put in multi-family. Now possible to add accessory dwelling units. 13.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston • Next meeting is August 28t". Then September 25. Rest of year is normal hybrid meetings. 14.Items for the Next Meeting - Graves • Erik J - Long Range Planning presentation on Middle Housing from City staff. • Julie - SRTS will be having a webinar on new grant money. Julie will attend webinar. • Allison: Summit in October by Safe Routes to Seattle. $25 for community group members https://events.zoom.us/ev/AvRJbrelxcMHTnAeg9 g7Oxygl4vP9ewTGDwibl 3v6F895hlu ke—AggLXsr32QYF-g8BIYLZ5I06Dg 15.Adiournment - Graves Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3