HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2023-459 - Original - WA State Dept. of Commerce - Local & Community Projects Application for East Hill North Community Park - 08/30/2023 FOR CITY OF KENT OFFICIAL USE ONLY Sup/Mgr: TJ T1 7 Agreement Routing Form Dir Asst: 0/,/ • For Approvals,Signatures and Records Management Dir/Dep: az KENT This form combines&replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. eL W A S H I N G T O N (Print on pink or cherry colored paper) (optional) Originator: Department: KateLynn Jennings for Bryan Higgins Parks, Recreation &Community Services Date Sent: Date Required: c 8/21/2023 Soonest possible please Q Authorized to Sign: Date of Council Approval: QDirector or Designee Mayor Budqet Account Number: Grant?V]Yes ONO P21067 Budget?V1 Yes E]No Type: State Vend Category WA St. Dept.of Commerc Applicati@R Grant: non-real property Vendor Numbe Sub-Category: Ic 271557 Original (Application) O East Hill North Community Park •a Project Name: E 0 Pre-Contract working papers. A contract will be issued by WA St. Dept of Commerce at a later date. O Project Details: C O Agreement Amount: $970,000 Basis for Selection of Contractor: Other *Memo to Mayor must be attached i Start Dat . 2� 023 Termination Date: 2025 Q Local Business? Yes No* If meets requirements per KCC3.70.100,pleosecomplete"VendorPurchase-Locol Exceptions"form onCityspace. Business License Verification: Yes In-Process Exempt(KCC 5.01.045) Notice required prior to disclosure? Contract Number: E]YesONo CAG2023-459 Comments: p1 C 3 •, pOC Date Received by City Attorney: 08/24/23 C1 Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: 8/28/23 V1 Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office: 08/31/2023 aaccW22373_1_20 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements rev.200821 Washington State Department of Coynmeree Washington State Capital Budget 2024 Local and Community Projects Working Papers Grantee: City of Kent Project Title: East Hill North Community Park Phase 1 (Kent) Net Grant Amount: $970,000.00 Instructions: Before you can receive funds, a contract will need to be executed between your organization and the state. Contract development generally takes four to six weeks once you have met all pre-contracting requirements. Please follow these steps to get the process started: 1. Completely fill out the survey questions by typing your responses in the electronic version of this form; 2. Have the Grantee Certification (last page) signed by the person authorized to sign contracts for your organization; 3. Attach documentation for committed funds (copies of award letters, council appropriations, etc.), if applicable; 4. Fill out and have the LEED Certification Declaration form (attached) signed; 5. Compile and email these documents to your Grant Manager, Katrina Perez at katrina.perez@commerce.wa.gov. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at: (360) 688-6127 or katrina.perez@commerce.wa.gov. All grantees are required to set up an SWV number so funds may be sent electronically. Please find detailed instructions here: Office of Financial Management. It may take up to three weeks after you submit this information for an electronic transfer account to be set up. You may immediately submit your working papers survey to us; we will automatically receive your SWV number from the office that sets them up. Thank you for your assistance in making this contract-writing process as quick and easy as possible! SECTION 1 . GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Grantee (Complete Legal Name) City of Kent 1.2 Type of Organization X Publicly-Owned ❑ Private Non-Profit ❑ Tribal 1.3 Statewide Vendor Number(if available) SWV0000552-00 1.4 UBI#(if available) 173 000 002 1.5 Federal Tax ID Number 91-6001254 1.6 Project Street Address 13525 SE 216t" ST Kent WA 98042 1.7 Project Mailing Address 220 4th AVE S Kent WA 98032 1.8 County King 1.9 Project GPS Coordinates (approximate Latitude (e.g., 45.3530 Longitude (e.g., 120.4510 center of where you will be working) 47.407469 122.161605 1.10 Project Jurisdiction (county, city, town) King, Kent 1.11 Legislative District 47 1.12 Congressional District 8 1.13 Which legislator(s)took the lead in introducing your appropriation? Chris Stearns 1.14 Authorized Person to Sign Contract Dana Ralph Title Mayor Mailing Address (if different from project mailing address above) Telephone 253 856 5700 Email dralph@kentwa.gov 1.15 Person Administering the Grant (once Bryan Higgins contract is signed) Mailing Address (if different from project mailin address above Telephone 253 856 5113 Email bhiggins@kentwa.gov SECTION 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Please describe the roject's anticipated use and public benefit. East Hill North Community Park is located within the Panther Lake Annexation Area, which is one of the city's most underserved park regions under both the traditional Level of Service (LOS) and the new performance-based LOS as defined in both the 2016 and 2022 Parks and Open Space Plan. There are fewer existing parks in this region than in the rest of Kent, and because of this, it is necessary to add Recreational Value in this region both by redeveloping existing parks and building new ones. To fully meet the need of this growing area of the city, this site will serve as a new top tier park location for this community. This project will substantially improve park access for this area of our community while providing strategic amenities as expressed by residents in the 2022 Parks and Open Space plan. This new park will provide new trails for all ages and abilities, immersive nature-based experiences, a nature-based playground, a community gathering area and flexible space for a variety of events. 2.2 Is this project part of a larger, phased project? If YES, explain how this phase fits in the X YES ❑ NO overall project. This project intends to be completed in two phases. The first phase will develop the core of the park and any required infrastructure to support the project. This will include most of the featured amenities within budget including but not limited to playground features, parking, some trails, restroom, partial vegetative restoration and flexible lawn space. The remainder of the project will be phased in future years pending funding availability. SITE CONTROL 2.3 Do you have control of the project site either through ownership or through a long-term lease (at least 10 years)? If NO, please explain and include the date you expect to X YES ❑ NO meet this condition. IMPORTANT: Site control is required before we can begin writing the contract. The City of Kent purchased the project site property from the Huse Trust in 2010 to develop the park GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE ORDER 21-02 (EO 21-02)CULTURAL&HISTORICAL RESOURCES REVIEW(OR SECTION 106) 2.4 All projects with state and local funds will need to go through the EO 21-02 review process for archaeological and cultural resources. 2.4a Does your project include federal funds? X YES ❑ NO If YES, you will need to go through the Section 106 review process. IMPORTANT: If EO 21-02 (or Section 106) applies to your project,you will need to complete this review before we can execute the contract.' Park improvements will be funded, in part, by the Washington State Department of Commerce, America Rescue Plan Act ARPA , and Parks Capital from local revenue. ' The EO 21-02 requires recipients of state funds to consult with interested parties, i.e., Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, and Indian Tribes, prior to starting project construction. If your project funding includes federal funds, Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act)will be required,which supersedes the EO 21-02 review.These consultations should take place as early as possible in order to avoid delays in starting your project. If you have questions regarding the cultural and historic resources process, please contact your project manager. LEED(LEADERSHIP IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN)CERTIFICATION 2.5 Does your project include new construction or renovation of a building or facility? YES X NO If YES, indicate if you entered the LEED certification process with the goal of your facility obtaining the Silver standard. IMPORTANT: As part of your contracting process, you are required to complete a LEED Certification Declaration form.2 PREVAILING WAGE ^ If your project includes new construction or renovation, do you understand and acknowledge that you are required to pay state prevailing wages for all construction- X YES related work as of May 16, 2023. SCOPE OF WORK 2.7 Describe all the activities and deliverables needed to accomplish this project. IMPORTANT: Provide a description of the project along with the estimated start and end date. Your Scope of Work must correspond with your application or member request and will become part of your contract. This project will construct improvements for the first phase of park development. Specific program elements were determined by an inclusive public outreach design process. The project will include an on-site parking lot, a restroom, loop trail, informal play lawn, picnic shelter, access to Soos Creek Trail, and a nature-based playground. Water service will be required for a restroom. Geo technical investigations and natural area delineations assist with park design and determine where park features like parking lots, shelters, playgrounds, and trails can be built. Storm water treatment and frontage improvements are all linked to the construction of a parking lot. Estimated state date: June 2024 End date : June 2025 2 LEED is a certification program run by the U.S. Green Building Council. In 2005 the Washington State Legislature passed a law requiring all capital projects grant recipients to comply with the LEED standards (RCW 39.35D).The goal is for major construction or renovation projects receiving state funds to be built to the LEED silver standard where"practicable." Projects that fall under certain facility types and projects demonstrating that it would not"be practicable"to meet the LEED silver standard may qualify for a LEED exemption. Please refer to the attached LEED Certification Declaration form for more details. If you have questions regarding the LEED process, please contact your project manager. PROJECT COSTS 2.8 Only complete the Project Costs table below if your budget is finalized. A list of eligible and ineligible costs is attached at the end of this survey. IMPORTANT: Your Total Project Costs must equal your Total Funding in Question 2.9. The cost categories must correspond with the activities listed on your Scope of Work. The Project Cost table will become part of your contract. Please note that this is a reimbursement grant; only costs incurred after July 1, 2020 will be reimbursed. IMPORTANT: A finalized budget is required before we can begin writing the contract. IMPORTANT: Internal project management is NOT an eligible cost for reimbursement. Cost Category Site Acquisition Architecture and Engineering Construction 4,680,000 Construction Management Capitalized Equipment Other: permitting, land survey, testing 250,000 TOTAL • COSTS $4 ' 1 111 PROJECT FUNDING 2.9 Complete the table below listing the amounts and funding sources for this project. State the status of your funding sources as follows: ■ Committed: funds are considered committed if a formal notice of approval for the funds is in place from the funding source. Local Revenue must be in an approved budget or be appropriated by your council or commission to be considered committed. Attach documentation such as copies of award letters, council appropriations, etc. ■ In-Hand: funds are considered in-hand if you have already received the funds. IMPORTANT: Your Total Project Funding must equal your Total Project Costs in Question 2.8. The Project Funding table will become part of your contract. You are required to have full funding for your project by either having the funds in-hand or by showing that the funds are committed. IMPORTANT: All project funding is required before we can begin writing the contract. I" � Status . (CommittedW State Grant Department of Commerce $970,000.00 Committed Other Funds (e.g. State, Federal, Local, Grants, Private, Loans) Local Revenue — City Funding Parks Capital 1,000,000 In hand Federal ARPA 1,000,000 In-Hand State Grant Department of Commerce 1,960,000 Committed Total Other: r— WrOTAL PROJECT ' 1 I I I CONTINGENCIES 2.10 Are there contingencies that could change your answers to any of the questions above? If so, please briefly explain. For example: Project description, site control, scope of work, financing, etc. The project location currently has no frontage improvements and lacks some utility connections. Access to the site could come from either 132nd, or 216th and neither have pedestrian infrastructure. The main vehicular access is from 216th. The project site is located on a semi-rural road and lacks the level of service required by a community park. PROJECTIONS 3.0 Please estimate how much of your award you plan to request during the upcoming quarters. Fiscal Year 2024 Q1 Jul 1 - September 30, 2023 Q2 October 1 - December 31, 2023 Q3 January 1 - March 31, 2024 Q4 April 1 —June 30, 2024 Total Fiscal Year 2025 Q5 Jul 1 - September 30, 2024 Q6 October 1 - December 31, 2024 Q7 January 1 - March 31, 2025 Q8 April 1 —June 30, 2025 Total Fiscal Year 2026 Q1 Jul 1 - September 30, 2025 Q2 October 1 - December 31, 2025 970,000 Q3 January 1 - March 31, 2026 Q4 April 1 —June 30, 2026 Total GRANTEE CERTIFICATION The Grantee certifies that: ■ The information and financial data provided in this document are true and correct to the best of their belief and knowledge and it is understood that Commerce staff may independently verify information, and that the discovery of incomplete, false, and/or misleading information is grounds for withholding awarded funds or termination of grant contract; ■ Records supporting the information provided in this document are on file and will be made available by the Grantee upon request; ■ There are no outstanding liens against this project; ■ There is currently no litigation in existence seeking to enjoin the commencement or completion of the above-described project; and ■ The Grantee intends to enter into a grant contract with the Department of Commerce, provided that the terms and conditions for a Department of Commerce grant are satisfactory to both parties. Signed: 4 Name: Dana Ralph Title: Mayor Phone Number: 253 856 5700 Date: 08/30/2023 Eligible Costs Ineligible Costs Capital Budget funds may generally The following costs are not eligible be used to pay for the following for reimbursement under this project expenses incurred as far program: back as July 1, 2020: ■ internal administrative activities ■ design, architectural, and and staffing costs; engineering work; ■ mortgage or loan payments; ■ building permits/fees; ■ project management (from • archeological/historical review; any source)****; ■ construction labor and materials; ■ fundraising activities; ■ demolition/site preparation; ■ feasibility studies; ■ capitalized equipment; ■ computers or office equipment; ■ information technology ■ rolling stock (such as vehicles); infrastructure (cables and wiring); ■ lease payments for rental of ■ construction management and equipment or facilities; observation (from external ■ any maintenance or operating sources only)*; costs; ■ initial furnishings**; ■ property leases (including long- ■ landscaping; term leases) ■ real property when purchased ■ the moving of equipment, specifically for the project, and furniture, etc., between associated costs.*** facilities. Construction management and observation is on-site management and/or supervision of the work site and workers thereon.This is an eligible project cost. Construction management does not include work typically performed by off-site consultants or consultant organizations,grant writers, project managers, or employees of the grantee, unless the employee is hired solely and specifically to perform on-site construction management as defined above and in accordance with the Office of Financial Management's Ten Year Capital Plan. Furnishings and equipment are considered eligible project costs as long as the average useful life of the item purchased is 13 years or more. * Costs directly associated with property acquisition include appraisal fees,title opinions, surveying fees, real estate fees, title transfer taxes, easements of record, and legal expenses. **** In no way shall funds be used to supplant or subsidize operating costs such as ordinary maintenance or administrative staff expenses Note: Please do not include operating costs in your project scope and budget. Signature: Ten-o ,j�awy Signature: Terry JungnYan(Aug 21, 02313:33 PDT) OWIAV—c Email: tjungman@kentwa.gov Email: phuynh@kentwa.gov Signature: Brian Levenhagen(Aug 23,20 17:12 PDT) Email: bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov PPD_082123_WASTDeptofCommerceGrant-EH N Park Final Audit Report 2023-08-24 Created: 2023-08-21 By: KateLynn Jennings(kjennings@kentwa.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAUjj9vGVaCg1SM0i9PcsSTp4xcWyJZfGS "PPD_082123_WASTDeptofCommerceGrant-EHNPark" History Document created by KateLynn Jennings (kjennings@kentwa.gov) 2023-08-21 -8:27:51 PM GMT-IP address: Document emailed to Terry Jungman (tjungman@kentwa.gov)for signature 2023-08-21 -8:29:31 PM GMT Email viewed by Terry Jungman (tjungman@kentwa.gov) 2023-08-21 -8:32:25 PM GMT-IP address: Document e-signed by Terry Jungman (tjungman@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2023-08-21 -8:33:57 PM GMT-Time Source:server-IP address: El-, Document emailed to Phung Huynh (phuynh@kentwa.gov)for signature 2023-08-21 -8:33:59 PM GMT Email viewed by Phung Huynh (phuynh@kentwa.gov) 2023-08-21 -8:40:28 PM GMT-IP address: o Document e-signed by Phung Huynh (phuynh@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2023-08-21 -8:43:12 PM GMT-Time Source:server-IP address: '► Document emailed to bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov for signature 2023-08-21 -8:43:13 PM GMT Email viewed by bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov 2023-08-24-0:12:07 AM GMT-IP address: dv Signer bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov entered name at signing as Brian Levenhagen 2023-08-24-0:12:30 AM GMT-IP address: Powered by r � Adobe T Acrobat Sign Document e-signed by Brian Levenhagen (bjlevenhagen@kentwa.gov) Signature Date:2023-08-24-0:12:32 AM GMT-Time Source:server-IP address: Agreement completed. 2023-08-24-0:12:32 AM GMT POWL-md by Adobe r , Adobe [CENT Acrobat Sign