HomeMy WebLinkAbout4471 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD RCe:S219.50 Page-1 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PNI Electronically Recorded King County,WA AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Kent 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S COVER SHEET DOCUMENT TITLE(S): 1. City of Kent Ordinance No. 4471 Relating to Condemnation REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: N/A GRANTOR(S): 1. City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation GRANTEE(S): 1. City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation PARCEL NUMBERS: 2895100180 2895110020 2222049018 ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ptn. Lot 19, Green Valley Heights No. 6, Vol 85 of Plats, Pg 59-60; Ptn. Lot 2, Green Valley Heights No. 6, Vol 108 of Plats, Pgs 1-2; Ptn. N 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 22, Twp 22N, Rg 4E. W.M. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Full legal descriptions are located on pages 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 of Ordinance No. 4471 PROJECT NAME: Reith Road Roundabout Project https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 1/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: S219.50 Page-2 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PNI King County,WA I ORDINANCE NO. 4471 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, providing for the acquisition by eminent domain of real property needed for the construction of the Reith Road Roundabout Project. This ordinance provides for the condemnation, appropriation, taking, and damaging of real property necessary for that project and provides for the payment thereof out of the Reith Road Roundabout Project fund (Fund No. R20123). This ordinance also directs the City Attorney to prosecute the appropriate legal condemnation proceedings in King County Superior Court, to retain any legal counsel required, and to enter into settlements, stipulations, or other agreements as may be necessary. RECITALS A. The purpose of the Reith Road Roundabout Project (the "Project") is to convert the existing stop sign controlled intersections at Reith Road & S. 253rd Street and Reith Road & Lake Fenwick to compact roundabouts. This Project will help to reduce vehicle speeds, reduce crash frequency and severity, and improve the pedestrian crossings at these intersections. B. To complete the Project, the City must acquire certain property and/or property rights on several parcels of land. C. City staff will continue their efforts to acquire the property i necessary for this public use by negotiation and settlement agreements; however, timing is critical because of funding deadlines and Project 1 Condemnation Ordinance Reith Road Roundabout Project https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParceIld&quickSearchSelection=# 2/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec:`.S219.50 Page-3 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA construction costs that continue to rise due to an increase in property values and inflation. D. If the necessary property rights cannot be acquired through negotiations, it is essential that the City be prepared to initiate condemnation proceedings so that the Project can be timely constructed. E. Prior to Council's action on this ordinance, the City provided the requisite notice to the affected property owners in the manner provided for in RCW 8,12.005 and RCW 8.25.290. F. The public use and necessity require that the property and property rights identified herein be condemned, appropriated, and talten for public use by the City for such purposes as it may now or hereafter declare in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. - Public Use and Necesst�y Declared. After receiving i the report of City staff, and after- reviewing the planned improvements for the Reith Road Roundabout Project (the "Project"), the City Council finds and declares that the public convenience, use, health, safety, and necessity demand that the City of Kent condemn, appropriate, take, and damage certain real property located in King County, Washington, in order to acquire the necessary real property and/or property rights for the construction of the Project, including all necessary appurtenances. The property to be acquired or which property rights are to be acquired is legally described and depicted in Exhibits A through F (collectively, the "Property"). The precise scope of the taking may change if engineering requires modification of present plans, and such changes are hereby authorized. The purposes for which this condemnation is authorized shall include, without limitation, all I acts necessary to complete the construction, extension, improvement, i j 2 Condemnation Ordinance- Reith Road Roundabout Project i I https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 3/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec:S219.50 Page-4 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA widening, alteration, maintenance, and reconstruction of the Project, and any other municipal purpose that may be necessary from time to time on the Property. I SECTION 2. - Condemnation Authorized. The City Council authorizes the acquisition by condemnation of all or a portion of the Property as may be necessary for the construction, extension, improvement, widening, alteration, maintenance, and reconstruction of the Project, together with all necessary appurtenances and related work to make a complete improvement according to City standards. SECTION 3. - Condemnation Procedures and Proceedings. The City shall condemn the Property only upon completion of all steps and procedures required by applicable federal or state law or regulations, and only after just compensation has first been made or paid into court for the owner or owners in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 4. - ProLt Fund. The City shall pay for the entire cost of the acquisition of the Property by condemnation through the City's Project fund or from any of the City's general funds, if necessary, as may be provided by law. SECTION S. - City Attorney Authorized. The City Attorney or directed to commence condemnation designee is authorized and proceedings as provided by law that are necessary to acquire the Property as the Project requires. The City Attorney is specifically authorized to retain I i i any legal counsel or other expert as may be needed, and to sign any retainer or other agreement that may be required. In commencing these condemnation proceedings, the City Council authorizes the City Attorney to enter into settlements, stipulations, or agreements in order to minimize i damages. These settlements, stipulations, or agreements may include, but I, are not limited to, the amount of just compensation to be paid, the size and i 3 Condemnation Ordinance - Reith Road Roundabout Project I https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 4/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: $219.50 Page-5 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA dimensions of the Property condemned, and the acquisition of temporary construction easements and other property interests as the City Attorney may determine are required. SECTION 6a - Ratification. Any acts consistent with the authority of this ordinance and prior to its effective date are ratified and affirmed. SECTION 7. - Severabilit . If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 8> - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. � a )ul ry 18, 2023 DANA RALPH, MA R d Date Approved j ATTEST: ;I I " July 8,. 2023 KIMBERLEY . KOMOTO, CITY CLERK Date Adopted )ulv.2'1, 2023 Date Published APP ED AS TO FORM: TA ITE, CITY ATTORNEY I r c, �,°horbf'a°� + V 4 Condemnation Ordinance - Reith Road Roundabout Project Jk r I �`• fr�`tl�>p e < J, j https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/Land markWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcel Id&quickSearchSelection=# 5/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec:$219.50 Page-6 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT—A TAX LOT 2895100180 THAT PORTION OF LOT 19, GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS NO.6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 85 OF PLATS, PAGES 59 THROUGH 60, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF S78°48'18"E 0.74 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF ROAD"B" RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN AFN 7808090866, SAID POINT BEING ON A 120.00 FOOT RADIUS, CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15°36'06", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 32.68 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION; THENCE S25°22'23"E 5.40 FEET; THENCE S12°43'14"W 14.10 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION; SAID TERMINUS BEING ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF AFN 8710200049. CONTAINING 101 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. ••°°°°aeeunajpO°° 5/17/2023 I I `Tan https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 6/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: x219.50 Page-7 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA l�'^G S®UTN 253R,ST \� — R="120' \ A=15'36'06" \ L=32.68' P.O.B. P.O.C. 5.40' PARCEL n # 2895100170 PARCEL (LOT 18) // 2895100180 101 SO.FT / (LOT 19) / `AO / // AS' i L / Project#22-3005 / IMPORTANT. THIS IS N A SURVEY.N I RIGHT WAY FURNISHEDED AS A CONVENIENCE TO PORTION OF AQUISISITION LOCATE THE IAND INDICATED HEREON THE SW V4 OF THE SE 1/4 WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OF SEC 22.TOWNSHIP 22 N. K E N T DRAWN BY: GM OTHER LAND.NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED RANGE 4 E,�fJ.M EXHIBIT BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON- CITY()r,KEY]' SCALE: 1'=20' t�-l LAND SURVEY SIC"LION DATE:05/12i2023 I i I I i https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 7/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: S219.50 Page-8 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT B TAX LOT 2895100180 THAT PORTION OF LOT 19, GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS NO.6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 85 OF PLATS, PAGES 59 THROUGH 60, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 19; THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE THEREOF S78048'18"E 0.74 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF ROAD"B" RIGHT OF WAY AS DESCRIBED IN AFN 7808090866, SAID POINT BEING ON A 120.00 FOOT RADIUS, CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06°26'22",AN ARC DISTANCE OF 13.49 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION; THENCE S14°12'40"E 34.07 FEET TO THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION; SAID TERMINUS BEING ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF AFN 8710200049. CONTAINING 368 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. ye° ,q,_2100tlIOf7�fr a°�� e111i11e�i—ev1�6J'�S O'•'� e°eje/rAeeeeeeeee6`e 5/17/2023 i i Tan i https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 8/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number:20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: $219.50 Page-9 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA So rH 253nD Sr R=120 8=06-26-22" `\ "— 0.74' _ P.O.B. ` r P.O.C. 368 PARCEL SQ.FT j # 2895100170 (LOT 18) / PARCEL / 2895100I80 F� (LOT 19) j c o aP' / wok I / Project#22-3005 IMPORTANT. THIS IS NOT SURVEY.IT IS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FURNISHED ASA CONVENIENCE TO PORTION OF EASEMENT LOCATE THE LAND INDICATFD HEREON THE SW 114 OF THE SE U4 WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OF SEC 22,TOWNSHIP 22 N. KENT DRAWN BY: TLM OTHER LAND.NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED RANGE 4 E.W.M. EXHIBIT' BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON. Cl`I'Y OF ltl+:N'f SCALE: 1"=20' t3-1 LAND SURVGY iSCT[C)N PATE:0511"l/2023 I i II I i I https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParceIld&quickSearchSelection=# 9/17 8n/23. 10:36mw Landmark Web Official Records Search Iomtr"monr Number: 202307l9000n67 Docvmc^t:ORD0co:$219.58Pugc10v[17 Rxco,dDum:TN9/20233:I6PM King County,W@^ EXH|B|T_C, TAX LOT 28A511O02O THATPORT|0NOF LOT 2 REPLATOFA PORTION OF {�REEN VALLEY HEIGHTS NO.O. ACCORD|N{� TOTHEPL— THEREOF. RECORDED IN VOLUME 1O8 OF PLATS. PAGES 1 THROUGH 2 RECORDS � FK|N(� COUNTY, VVASH|NGT0N. LOCATED |NTHE SOUTHWEST QUARTER- F THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4EAST, . .k4 . LY|NGSOUTHEASTERLYOFTHEFOLLOVV|NG DESCR|BEDL|NEi COMMENCING ATTHE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF S78^48`i8^EQ,44 FEET TOA18O.00 FOOT RADIUS, CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT- THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1' "37'44''. ANARC DISTANCE OF 45.98 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID L| EOESCR|PT|ON; THENCES85^50'18^E3O.72FEET; THENCE N8O°1Q'17^EO5OFEET '--- A1A.00FOOTRAD|US. C|RCULARCURVETOTHELEFT� 'THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, THR(}UQHA CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30~16'30^ AN RCD|ST �C'EOF1O,O4FEETTOA205.O0FD{)T RADIUS, CD��POUND CURVET'` THE LEFT� ' 'THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, ALDN{� SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ^ANGLE '- '4Q''.ANARCD|STANCE {}FS3.48FEETTOAPQ|NTONTHE EASTERLY^^ OF8A|D .OT2. SA}OP0|NTBE|NGTHETERK8|NU3OFSA|DL|NE DESCRIPTION. CONTAINING 332 SQUARE FEET, MORE ORLESS PXN / _ /_'_ ` � Eqgi{u � ' / � . m&qv 1««/ � '-----_----_—�--_.�~_____���_ � 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: $219.50 Page-11 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA I 1 / PARCEL. / # 2895110010 (LOT 1) A cj� PARCEL ECi�P �P pG # 2895110020 (LOi 2) i p Q �S 96. 10.04'� P.O.C. 0.56'- �� 30.72' / `SO�/TH 2.3Rp S.r 3325a F� NP.O.B. � Project#22-3005 \ �_ IMPORTANT THIS IS NO F A SURVEY.IT IS RIGHT OF WAY FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO PORFION OF AQUISITION LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON TFIE SW IM OF I HE SE IM WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OF SEC 22,TOWNSHIP 22 N. �KENT DRAWN BY: TLNI EXHIBIT OTHER LAND.NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED RANGE A E,W.M. C 11'Y��I�,•KI,'N•l' SCALE: I"=20' l3Y REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON, C-1 LAND SURVEY SECTION DATE:05/1212023 I I I i i n https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 11117 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number:20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec:$219.50 Page-12 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT—I-) TAX LOT 2895110020 THAT PORTION OF LOT 2, REPLAT OF A PORTION OF GREEN VALLEY HEIGHTS NO.6, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 108 OF PLATS, PAGES 1 THROUGH 2, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., LYING SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF S78°48'18"E 9.44 FEET TO A 180.00 FOOT RADIUS, CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ALONG SAID CURVE,THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03°25'27",AN ARC DISTANCE OF 10.76 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION; THENCE N45°48'06"E 41.83 FEET; THENCE S57012'09"E 32.39 FEET; THENCE N32°24'58"E 26.47 FEET; THENCE N17"27'01"E 34.63 FEET; THENCE N11054'36"E 19.52 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2, SAID POINT BEING N78°45'16"W 20.08 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF AND THE TERMINUS OF SAID LINE DESCRIPTION. CONTAINING 3,381 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. ' tHONY ''••. °Nn�.Low 7/14/2023 i i i i I Kogita i i https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelld&quickSearchSelection=# 12/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number:20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec:$219.50 Page-13 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King Count-,WA - TERMINUS / ��- - 20.08, / a a; (a)._.Z) 7 M 0 10.76' 3,381 SO.FT N P.O.C. / P.O.B. �\ �, / ®UrH 253 �\RD sr Project a 22•3005 IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY.IT IS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO PORTION OF EASEMENT LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON I HE SW 1/4 OF-IHE SE 1/4 WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OF SEC 22,TOWNSHIP 22 N, KENT DRAWN BY:�JF EXHIBIT OTHER LAND.NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED RANGE 4 E,W.M. CITY OF�KENT SCALE: 1"=30' BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON. LAND SURVEY SECTION DATE:07/14/2023 I I i I i https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 13/17 8/7/23 10:36*m Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number:%O%307)9800867 mvcvmon,:ORBRoc: $219.50Puuc /4of17 Record Dum:7N9/202J3:1»PBJ King County,WA EXHI8lT_f 'TAX LOT 2Z2204gU18 THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A DESCRIBED BELOW, LYING NORTHWESTERLY OFTHE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF, S5»44'06"E 20.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N35"05'32"VV 28.70 FEETT0 A 406-74 FOOT RADIUS, NON- TANGENT CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT, FROM WHICH THE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS S14»1 VV O'28" ; THEN[EALONGSAIO [URVE, THROUGHACENTRAL ANGLE 0F ^0602'42^ AN ARC LENGTH OF42.91 FEET; THENCE NO8v0747"E 1.00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A AND THE TERMINUS UFTHE HEREIN DESCRIBED LINE. PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF 0FTHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22 TOWNSHIP NORTH, RANGE EAST, VVILLAMETTE �4ERIDlAN, CITY OF KENT, lN'KING '`^UNTY VVASHINGTON, LYIN[SEA6TERLYANDSOUTHERLYOFTHERDAD "A" RIGH~``F-VV 'YASCONVEYEDTO THE CITY OFKENTBY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING ' '- WAY .G NUMBER 7110060365, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, ��= ~~DVVESTERLY ()FTHEVVESTERLYMARGlNOFLAKEFENVVICK VVA�HINGT0N AND� ''--� -- - DVVEST�RLYOFROA� "8, RI�HT-OF'VVAY ROAD (].L. RElTH ROAD NO. 2266), AN A5 CONVEYED 'TO THE CITY DFKENT8Y SAID DEED. CONTAINING 197 SQUARE FEET, MORE 0RLESS. 5/17/2023 / � | CF1PXWest Ull. [l/C / � . �&q 14Mr � '-,__-_--_-__�~__,~��� 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number: 20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: S219.50 Page-15 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA REITH ROAD ----- 197 SQ.FT — �� P.O.C. 1.00'� �'Q"� o. o PARCEL m # 2222049018 'rl I Z N i P.Q.B. 0 Io I Q Profecf#22-3005 IMPORTANT' BIGHT OF WAY THIS IS NOT A SURVEY.IT IS FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO PORTION OF AQUISITION LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON THE N 1,2 OF THE SE 1/4 WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OF SEC 22.TOWNSHIP 22 N. KEN"C DRAWN BY: TLM EXHIBIT OTHER LAND.NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED RANGE 4 E.W.M. Cj'ry(.F KIW' SCALE: 1"=20' BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON. LAND of IRVFX HF,C't'ION GATE:05/12!20Z3 F-1 I I I I i i https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelId&quickSearchSelection=# 15/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number:20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: S219.50 Page-16 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA EXHIBIT h TAX LOT 2222049018 THAT PORTION OF PARCEL A DESCRIBED BELOW, LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL A; THENCE ALONG -THE EASTERLY LINE THEREOF, S05°44'06"E 78.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S84115'54 W 15.00 FEET; THENCE N05044'06"W 28.67 FEET TO A 55.01 FOOT RADIUS, CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75°09'23", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 72.16 FEET TO A 392.74 FOOT RADIUS, COMPOUND CURVE TO THE LEFT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 27°22'45", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 187.67 FEET; THENCE N18157'40"W 15,00 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL A AND THE TERMINUS OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LINE. PARCEL A: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF KENT, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY OF THE ROAD "A" RIGHT-OF-WAY AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF KENT BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 7110060365, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHING-TON, AND WESTERLY OF THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF LAKE FENWICK ROAD (J.L. REITH ROAD NO. 2266), AND WESTERLY OF ROAD "B" RIGHT-OF-WAY AS CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF KENT BY SAID DEED. CONTAINING 4840 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. +*+aas.ecuRrRrRRRRs s�+++eM1 �� R 9•��ra r rrcf s ®mRRRRR RR....+6+i+++ 5/17/2023 I i f i GEP X West Hill, LLC I https://recordsearch,kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelld&quickSearchSelection=# 16/17 8/7/23, 10:36 AM Landmark Web Official Records Search Instrument Number:20230719000867 Document:ORD Rec: S219.50 Page-17 of 17 Record Date:7/19/2023 3:16 PM King County,WA 7 REirH ROAD / P.O.C. 4840 SQ.FT _ I j 87.67' I r' M A PARCEL C7 2222049018 � X '0 N15.00'' I I P.O.B. Z I Project k 223005 IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY.IT IS TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FURNISHED AS A CONVENIENCE TO PORTION OF EASEMENT LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON THE N'112 OF THE SE 1/4 WITH REFERENCE TO STREETS AND OF SEC 22,TOWNSHIP 22 N, KETTT DRAWN BY: TLPA C11 HER LAND.NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED RANGE 4 E.W.AI '' EXHIBIT BY REASON OF RELIANCE HEREON. JD SURVEY VE'ISF,il I SCALE: 112/20 t'' t LAND.`iI�KV BY SP;('11OV DATE:OS/122025 i https://recordsearch.kingcounty.gov/LandmarkWeb/search/index?theme=.blue&section=searchCriteriaParcelld&quickSearchSelection=# 17/17 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general. circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement form)which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KEN980721 was published on July 21, 2023 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$130.69 Rudi 4c Vice President,Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 21" day of July, 2023 . Je nifer Tribbet , otary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Orting, Washington �3 DBARY � : n P>JBl-tip z A Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF ORDINANCES PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The folio:trig are sum- maries of ordinances passed by the Kent City Council on July 18. 2023. ORDINANCE NO. 4470 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the Crty of Kent Washington. amending Chapter 2.56 of the Kent CiV; Code. entitled Gultval Gorr.- rnumties.Bow,! n order to reaifr the mission and goats of the Board, This ordinance shalt take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage as provided by law. ORDINANCE NO. 4471 -AN ORDINANCE of the City Council cf the City of Kent. Washington. providuli for the acnifisl- tior. by eminem c!otrain of real property needed for the coratruction of the Reilh Road Roundabprit Proiec!. This, ordinance provides for the condemnation. appropriation. taking. and damaging of real property necessary for that project and provides for the payment thereof out of 'he Relih Road Roundahnut Prnje:iund (Fund No.R20123).This ordinance rilso directs the Cili Atforncy to prosecute the appropri- ate legal condemnation proceedings in King County Superior Cc)url. to retam anv legal cour- ser required and to en- ter into setllernenis. stipulations, or other agreements as may be necessay. This ordi- nance shall lake effect Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,07/14/2023 03:15:44 pm Page:2 Classified Proof and be it force 30 drays from and a?er :ts Pas sage. as provided by lavr. A r-.opy of the :;omp;ete text of arr,ord.0 na>grill be mailed uper t`quest of the ctv Clerk. Kirnberiei A. K�itnoto, CiD;Clerk Kkon�oto^�r�K=;r t VdA.:gov 253-85E-57=5— I'980721 7;2V23 Page:3 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett,07/14/2023 03:15:44 pm